
derekvI need to pick out a car.00:32
derekvI want the perfect car with low miles or new and for not much money...00:34
snap-lI need a new car too02:26
snap-l. :)02:26
snap-lFinishing up my SB article.18:49
Blazeixwill someone who knows js take a look at this and let me know if it's too weird for a google maps api hello world? http://files.fuqua.io/upload/index2.html20:59
Blazeixi have some 'revealing module' program structure in there21:00
Blazeixwhich makes it a lot easier in later demos to show more advanced stuff21:00
Blazeixbut i don't want to scare people with the first version21:00
rick_h_Blazeix: loading up, just got in21:52
derekvI'm going to try out octopress21:53
rick_h_did I miss anything over the weekend?21:53
rick_h_lack of cell coverage fml21:53
Blazeixnope, nothing interesting. just really hot.21:54
derekvoctopress has 950 forks, its based on jekyll which has like 1050 forks ... these are one of dozens of diy blog frameworks ... plus its not hard to roll you own, or use hosted wordpress or blogger or whatever21:54
rick_h_yea, you're telling me...tent and heat don't work well together21:54
derekvso I wonder how many blogs there are21:54
rick_h_derekv: check out blogofile, python and seems kind of cool21:55
derekvAC ftw21:55
rick_h_little slow dev lately though I guess21:55
rick_h_pelican is the new 'hot' one these days21:55
rick_h_Blazeix: so it's not hard or anything, but the self running func for Map and then the .initialize() method just strike me as unusual21:56
rick_h_don't run into much JS in the wild like that21:56
derekvrick_h_: looks like the same concept as jykyl / octopress21:57
rick_h_derekv: yea, but less ruby :PO21:57
rick_h_Blazeix: is that just to avoid new Map() ?21:57
derekvrick_h_: I'm hoping to rig whatever it is I use, so that the blog posts are in some markup in their own repo21:57
Blazeixas i progress through the maps api, i add more stuff to the Map module21:57
derekvthen I can switch what i'm using from underneith it21:57
rick_h_Blazeix: k, that's my only impression.21:58
Blazeixso right now there's some boilerplate, it's a bit overkill for just initializing the map21:58
rick_h_in my sun stoked exhaustion state21:58
Blazeixok, thanks. maybe i'll start out more simple, and modularize it when we get more complex21:58
Blazeixi just want to focus on the Google Maps API, i don't want to touch too much on JS patterns21:59
rick_h_yea, I see where you're headed21:59
Blazeixrick_h_: thanks21:59
rick_h_right, so I'd almost just do stupid function return object to keep it absoulte simple21:59
rick_h_memory ineffecient, but you're not putting 100 of these on a page21:59
Blazeixyeah, but once i get into geocoding / adding map markers etc it get's complex22:00
Blazeixand i really don't want to drop down to using global state, even though it's probably simpler for demo purposes22:00
rick_h_yea, I'm with you there22:00
rick_h_man I hate not being able to keep up on email22:02
snap-lrick_h_: Good trip?22:11
rick_h_snap-l: ugh, I guess22:11
rick_h_it's the kind of vacation that's more work than you want to call for a vacation22:11
rick_h_and head didn't help22:11
snap-lYeah, the heat was pretty ugh22:11
rick_h_yea, and we were tenting it22:11
snap-lYeah, I thought of you a few times22:11
rick_h_and the boy didn't sleep well the first night so I had to drive him up through alpena one morning for 3 hrs of sleep22:12
snap-lwe had my nieces birthday party to go to, and it was pretty hot out22:12
rick_h_5am-8am were just got on 23 adn drove with the ac on22:12
rick_h_yea, thankfully 8ish cooler up there22:12
snap-lPoor little guy22:12
rick_h_but he had a blast, they had a 4th of july parade nad he slept through 80% of the fireworks last night lol22:13
derekvgod dammit... instructions for octopress "install rvm, then install rbenv", instructions for rbenv "do not install rbenv if you have rvm"22:16
derekvwhat a pile of crap22:18
derekvrvm ... "you can't use rvm until blah blah change your terminal blah blah"22:18
derekvgit clone git://github.com/EnigmaCurry/blogofile.git22:19
Blazeixit looks like readme for octopress says 'install rvm _or_ rbenv'22:20
rick_h_derekv: so...did I mention python? :P22:20
snap-lWelcome to Ruby22:21
derekvBlazeix: good eye22:22
derekvI don't actually know how to read I just wing it22:22
derekvi copy paste text into the terminal until something works22:22
* snap-l whistles22:25
derekvis it me or is there an unspoken initiative to replicate everything that has been done in ruby, in python22:38
derekvI know even less ruby than I know python22:38
derekvwhich isn't much22:38
derekvmeh, sorry, frustrated.22:53
derekvjekyll craps out with ruby dependancy errors, blogofile I got up and running faster, but it chokes on its own sample data23:16

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