
abimaelhello world :-)01:30
abimaelHello world!!!!!!!!02:41
jthanZOMG IF YOU GUYS DIDN'T SEE SPIDERMAN YOU REALLY GOTTA DO IT. That's all I got for you. Good night, east coast.06:36
waltmanI think they should forget about sequels and just keep remaking Spidey's origin story over and over again.12:12
waltmanNext time should be anime. Or maybe an interpretive dance.12:13
waltmanAlso, morning.12:13
rmg51waltman: they probably will12:56
rmg51why add new characters when you can just get new actors to play the same ones over and over again12:58
abimaelPA, wake up!!! :-)13:19
rmg51it would be nice if people would stick round long enough for some one to respond :-/13:48
MutantTurkeythis paper i am working on - the code is written in like 6 languages15:58
MutantTurkeywell let me count15:58
MutantTurkeyC, Objective-C, C++, Java, Matlab15:59
MutantTurkeythen bash scripting and excel wtf15:59
waltmanMutantTurkey: impressive!16:36
MutantTurkeyits terrible...16:37
waltmangotta toss in some perl or python!16:37
MutantTurkeythough I've eliminated all of the ObjC16:37
MutantTurkeydid i mention it depended on quicktime as wellL16:37
MutantTurkeyhopefully i can get rid of the MatLab stuff and java stuff16:40
MutantTurkeyi just dont understand why someone would use that many different languages when everything could be computed with one16:41
MutantTurkeythe only exception being matlab which does have a special purpose16:41
MutantTurkeyI want to remap ALT j,k,l,; to up down left right for X11 but i cant figure it out16:43
MutantTurkeyI wish more people used vim bindings rather than emacs16:44

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