
viesturaquarius do you have a minute?11:41
viesturcan someone halp me with this code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1076964/13:18
viesturit is ment to upload files to ubuntu-one and share the13:18
viesturand it is working just fine13:18
viesturbut, I don't understand how do i get the uploading progress information, to display in unity's launcer13:19
aquariusviestur, hey15:29
viesturi got everything working15:29
viesturit turned out that there was some mistake when i copied id15:29
viesturi rewrote it with hand and then it worked perfectly fine15:29
viesturbut i didn't understand, how do i get the progress of uploading15:30
viesturas far as i understood it is something with lambd15:31
viesturaquarius, i misunderstood something?15:53
aquariusah, sorry, I was afk15:53
aquariusto get upload *progress* you'll need to watch for another signal15:54
viesturwhat signal?15:54
aquariusI'm not sure; I'm looking in d-feet now to work it out :)15:55
aquariusaha, UploadFileProgress15:55
aquariususe syncdaemontool.connect_signal("UploadFileProgress", some_function)15:56
viesturbut how do i use it?15:56
aquariusand then some_function will get passed progress details15:56
viesturthanks :)15:56
aquariusyou'll have to experiment with it yourself; I've not actually used that signal15:56
viesturis there som info about in online?15:56
aquariuslet me have a play with it.15:58
viesturOK, thanks :)15:59
aquariusOK, we don't seem to fire that signal.16:12
viesturyou have any idea how to get it?16:13
aquariusviestur, So, I don't know how you get upload progress, right now, I'm afraid. I recommend that you ask dobey or ralsina or verterok, who may know. I've tried dbus-monitor'ing /status and we fire UploadStarted and UploadFinished but no UploadFileProgress signals. It is possible that you need to turn it on somehow (so that we don't spend time firing a zillion signals that nobody is listening to), but you'll need one16:14
aquariusof the core syncdaemon engineers for that16:14
aquariusI believe that the Ubuntu One control panel can do it, so it must *be* doable, but I don't know how, myself, I'm afraid.16:14
aquariusdobey may do, as may alecu or ralsina -- however, today's Sunday, so there might not be anyone around...16:14
viesturdo you know in what language is written the ubuntu one client in ubuntu?16:15
dobeythe control panel doesn't16:22
dobeythere is no signal for progress of files16:22
dobeythere are internal events in ubuntuone-syncdaemon, which it uses to set the progress on the u1 launcher16:23
viesturbut can i use them?16:28
dobeythey are internal events; they are not exposed on dbus16:28
dobeywell, i *think* there is a way to have sd send all events out as signals on dbus, but it will basically completely flood dbus with signals16:29
dobeyor we might do it anyway16:29
dobeythere is the /events object path16:30
aquariusdobey, ooh, so it just can't be done, then?16:30
dobeyand there is an Event signal16:30
viesturbut if it fluds all the dbus, will my app will slow the computer down16:30
dobeyso maybe you can listen to that and filter16:30
aquariusdobey, I didn't try /events. I tried /status, which fires UploadStarted and UPloadFinished, and there is an UploadFileProgress signal in there named by d-feet, but that signal doesn't seem to fire16:30
dobeyoh, so there are progress signals16:31
dobeyif there are signals for it, then they should be the things one listens to16:31
viesturyes but aquarius said that it didn't work16:33
viesturdidn't work for me too16:33
dobeythen file a bug16:34
dobeybut i am going back to my weekend now :)16:34
aquariusdobey, ya, that's what I tried -- I did "dbus-monitor path=/status" and then put a big file in ~/Ubuntu One. I got an UploadStarted and an UploadFinished (and a bunch of ContentMetaQueueChanged and StatusCHanged etc), but no UploadFileProgress16:34
aquariusdobey, I merely wondered whether you knew something I don't -- do the progress signals need turning on or something? The ones that the unity launcher button uses are internal signals, huh?16:35
dobeyno, there is no turning on; yes the launcher progress bar is actually *in* syncdaemon16:35
viesturso no progressbar for me ten :D16:36
aquariusviestur, ya. Sorry, then; we do not expose progress updates to external applications16:37
viesturaquarius, but isn't there some signal that could return aproximet progress16:38
aquariusviestur, it'd be worth filing a bug against ubuntuone-client explaining why you want this, and then the syncdaemon team can decide how best or whether to do it16:38
dobeyviestur: you can implement it using the appropriate signals which don't currently work, and file a bug, and when it gets fixed, your progress bar will just magically start working16:38
viesturlike half done, or something?16:38
aquariusviestur, there isn't, I'm afraid; we have Started and Finished for uploads and that's it, based on what dobey's saying16:38
dobeywell there's also the Progress signals16:39
dobeywhich are apparently the thing you want that's "like half done" :)16:39
viesturit'd be close enough16:39
dobeyso please file a bug about them not working16:39
viesturyeah but it'll be too late for the app showdown16:40
dobeyanyway, really going back to the weekend now16:40
viesturthanks :)16:40
viesturthank you too aquarius16:41
viesturyou where a great help :)16:41
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