
sankey_in ubuntu i can change the master output speaker,00:03
sankey_but in kubuntu i have to manually move each stream manually00:03
sankey_(in kmix)00:04
sankey_how can i make kmix behave more like the gnome sound settings?00:04
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genii-aroundHello casey .. if you have some question about your Kubuntu, just to ask the channel in general  and wait for a reply... for more informal chat, to visit #kubuntu-offtopic02:06
c2tarunHi all, I found this image while reading post from stackoverflow http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/5948/ubuntufonts.png can anyone please tell me how is the guy able to configure kde like unity?02:16
ussher_xvidcap records the screen but no sound, recordmydesktop records sound but not the screen, kazam crashes with segment fault.  Anyone know a stable setup for screencasting that just works?02:23
ussher_on kubuntu 12.0402:24
c2tarunanyone know how to make KDE look like Unity?02:37
amasonc2tarun: i think someone did make an implementation of unity using plasma a while back but no idea if that is maintained or not02:45
amasonor even what it was called, probably quickest to do a websearch02:45
c2tarunamason: I googled and found this page http://dasublogbyprashanth.blogspot.in/2012/01/how-to-make-kde-like-unity.html but I am not able to understand what is he trying to say about kubuntu02:57
amasonc2tarun: well he's saying if you are using kubuntu you can just install Unity if you want unity :)02:59
c2tarunamason: really :P03:07
c2tarundid anybody try installing Unity on Kubuntu03:07
c2tarunamason: do you have any idea about creating HTTP request by script?03:11
c2tarunI was talking on this topic to BluesKaj and gennii-around and I got disconnected :(03:11
amasonsure i can help with that. which language are you using ?03:12
amasonjust pastebin your code and let me know what isn't working and i should be able to point you in the right direction03:12
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c2tarunamason: actually I haven't started yet. I posted this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2019402 and till now I have httpfox installed and looking at various sites  http headers.03:13
genii-aroundamason: His isp redirects his browser to a webpage which needs username/password, then it fiddles with dns and lets him access internet03:13
c2tarungenii-around: ohh.. you there :)03:14
genii-aroundc2tarun:  Looks like you might need some method like http://linux-journal.blogspot.ca/2005/04/curl-examples.html where it says "Sometimes your HTTP access is only available through the use of a HTTP proxy. This seems to be especially common at various companies. A HTTP proxy may require its own user and password to allow the client to get through to the Internet."03:14
amasongenii-around: sounds pretty bleh. ...03:14
c2tarunhere is the chat I was having yesterday, http://paste.kde.org/514802/ it was still in my Quassel03:16
c2tarungenii-around: you link look good, reading it.03:16
* c2tarun seems like knowing more about curl will help me in this, reading more on Curl03:20
genii-aroundc2tarun: Anyhow... when you find the right curl command.. you can make a cronjob which runs it every so often ( like if your isp seems to disconnect every 10 minutes run it every 9 minutes or sos on)03:22
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c2tarungenii-around: great :) I was looking for curl tutorials but only found the basic documentation, do you know any good tutorial on curl?03:25
amasonc2tarun: i take it you can't just find a better isp ?03:26
c2tarunamason: I really want to :( but in Pune most of the ISP's suck and dont give their service everywhere. I am trying for an ISP with more bandwidth but not getting :(03:26
genii-aroundc2tarun: Sorry, no.. I have not used it much03:26
amasonc2tarun: sorry to hear that.03:27
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nandhuhi i am using gnome fall back session after update of libre office and few other updats from update manager my gnome panel crashed and deleted04:54
nandhuso now i am not able to view my account in top right corner and also the mail and ethernet options04:54
nandhubut every thing works fine in ubuntu session04:54
nandhuonly in gnome fall back session it made problem04:54
nandhuany idea why this happen any way to restore it back04:55
amasonnandhu: you might be better off asking in #ubuntu. There are mostly KDE users here05:14
hellslingerdolphin's windows resize extremely slow, yet other applicaitons' windows resize with no trouble... does anyone know why this could be?07:27
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eagles0513875_hey guys is there a ppa with gimp 2.8? for some reason the psd file and gimp 2.6 is mangling the layout07:55
eagles0513875_ignore that i found it :)07:57
hateballeagles0513875_: afaik, Krita has some level of PSD support as well07:58
eagles0513875_hateball: i managed08:04
eagles0513875_i have the images which i opened in gimp and im able to use that instead08:05
eagles0513875_i just need to use the color picker to get hex values08:05
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sh4deimihi at all09:05
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Guest33943everybody here?09:18
reliabilityfor some reason, the hibernate and sleep options disappeared after the last update (i guess)...09:29
reliabilitymeaning, when i close my laptop, it will not enter sleep mode and I can't choose the sleep mode from the kubunutu-menu.09:30
reliabilitybefore, this worked seemlessly...09:31
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BluesKajHowdy all10:49
BluesKaj'morning, cool this morning , 50F here10:50
BluesKajclear tho10:50
mydogsnameisrudyyep looks like a nice day coming10:55
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VectorXis multiseat supported in kubuntu ?12:44
VectorXcoz doesnt look like its in gnome/ubuntu12:44
AvihayVectorX: there's a package that helps you set it up. it's Desktop Environment independent12:55
VectorXwhats it called12:56
Avihayumm, forgot. the description contains the words keyboard mouse xserver helps you set up12:56
VectorXis it http://code.google.com/p/kubuntu-multi-seat/ ?12:58
Avihayatleast I don't think so13:01
VectorXdo you know if MS works well with kubuntu ?13:02
VectorXcoz i wasted a lot of time trying to figure it out in gnome which doesnt work at all13:02
VectorXand then ended up with fedora which is ok but lacks LTSP support13:03
hateballHow many users do you plan to serve?13:03
VectorX+ about 20 via ltsp13:04
hateballThere's a commercial product I use at work that works, and I think you can run 10 users or so for free13:04
VectorX5/6 on multiseat13:04
VectorXwhats it called13:04
Avihaywell, wikipedia suggests some options http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiseat_configuration#GNU.2FLinux13:04
hateballVectorX: I'll pm you13:05
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hyoyeonEarlier I used ddrescue to try and get an image, but does anyone kow how I can restore it?14:37
BluesKajhyoyeon, what kind of image ?14:38
dzieglerHi, is it possible to write some data into the swpa space?14:38
BluesKajdziegler, no it's reserved for RAM writing14:38
genii-arounddziegler: Swap space doesn't really have a useable filesystem14:38
hyoyeonbluesKaj A memory stick or a harddrive. I used it on my memory stick after it gave a me a can't read error this morning14:39
dzieglerBluesKaj genii-around i know, i only need it to test ma ne Graph that monitors the RAM and Swap-Space, but my PC wont swap on the normal way^^14:39
dzieglerBluesKaj genii-around: i think i try it with a ramdrive and dd from /dev/zero14:41
BluesKajhyoyeon, expalin what you ae trying to do please14:42
genii-aroundhyoyeon: If it made some file after running, this is usually the raw contents ( or as close as it could get if there were a lot of read errors ). You can use like sudo dd if=/path/input-file-ddrescue-made of=/dev/sdX(#)    where X is the drive you want to make the duplicate of the old one to, and (#) is optionally the partition number if you specifically used it on a partition and not the entire drive14:42
hyoyeonBluesKaj,genii-around,I want to be able to use the files on the image again, it was saved to a .img file using ddrescue,  I'm trying to restore it  to /dev/sda3 but it's telling me there is no such file or directory even though it's there when i type fdisk -lu14:50
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genii-aroundhyoyeon: Was it originally some sub-partition like this you ran ddrescue on, or the entire disk device ( like, was it /dev/sdd   or was it more like /dev/sdd3 )14:53
hyoyeongenii-around, it was the whole usb. guessing I should make a new partition called /dev/sdx then?14:55
genii-aroundhyoyeon: No14:55
genii-aroundhyoyeon: Did the drive have different partitions or only 1 big partition?14:56
nnnhow i can install kubuntu on my ubuntu? sudo apt-get install........14:57
hyoyeongenii-around: it was a memory stick, 1 big partition14:57
genii-aroundnnn: kubuntu-desktop14:58
nnncan i use 2 desktop beside like unity and kde?14:58
genii-aroundhyoyeon: So then to try first something like: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/ddrescue-file /mnt           and see if it lets you list the old contents under the directory called /mnt14:59
genii-aroundnnn: Not usually at the same time without special stuff to support that. But you can have both installed then choose at login screen which you want15:00
nnnwhat is the kde plasma?15:01
genii-aroundnnn: I answered you already in #ubuntu15:02
genii-aroundAlso.. please do not post the same question in a bunch of channels, it becomes very annoying for the helpers!15:03
nnnhow to install plasma ?15:03
nnngenii-around: how i can install plasma?15:06
genii-aroundnnn: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:07
genii-aroundnnn: You may first want to do: sudo apt-get update15:07
nnnupdate for what?15:08
genii-aroundnnn: That gets the most current list of what is available in the repositories at the moment15:09
genii-aroundnnn: If you install something first before getting the latest list, you may get an out-of-date version installed15:09
nnnthank you , most i install all my program es like kde system setting isted of system setting(default)?15:12
genii-aroundnnn: I'm sorry, I did not understand your last question15:13
mr0wldoes anyone have a link to an article that explains the whole Canonical cutting Kubuntu funding fiasco?15:13
mr0wlseems that there are still a lot of users who are ill-informed and they are considering leaving the Kubuntu.15:14
Riddellmr0wl: it has new sponsors, no change as far as users are concerned15:15
nnnfor example we have 2 system setting on software center one of them is for kde most i install that for kde and can i use another on kde?15:15
hyoyeongenii-around: relative path ok? it just gives me a help message when i type that15:16
Riddellnnn: the kde one will set various kde bits in places15:16
genii-aroundhyoyeon: relative path should be fine. If it doesn't let you mount directly, may need to either specify filesystem type, or specify offset to the partition start which is a pain but do-able15:18
genii-aroundhyoyeon: ( I will assist in helping you find the offset if that is the case )15:18
mr0wlRiddell: okay, thanks for the tldr version! :]15:18
nnnexcuse me i am installing kde and here is a one question  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1084640/15:19
nnnone of them i most choose what is the different between them?15:20
genii-aroundnnn: That is the login screen. If you had regular ubuntu already, just choose lightdm and it will not change15:21
hyoyeongenii-around: Cheers!, would you be able to recommend any sites that would have examples on how to do stuff like this? I'm not too sure what an offset is let alone find it, and it may be a slow pace for you to guide me15:21
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genii-aroundhyoyeon: Give me some time and I can find something if you like. ( I am at work so also there may be fair bit of lag from me occasionally 015:23
genii-aroundhyoyeon: http://wiki.edseek.com/guide:mount_loopback#accessing_specific_partitions_in_the_image  looks pretty useful15:25
hyoyeongenii-around: Just heading home myself, thanks for the link! Hopefully it'll do the job :)15:27
genii-aroundhyoyeon: You can also run fdisk on the image file itself if the original is no longer available15:28
BluesKajhyoyeon, here's a rather dry tutorial , but it has some good info , http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/manual/ddrescue_manual.html15:29
hyoyeongenii-around : I'll give them a try:) thanks for all the help15:30
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Ah, nice find15:30
BluesKajgenii-around, thank google :)15:30
BluesKajit follows me where ever i go15:31
nnnexcuse me my windows button (super button) is not working on kde15:38
genii-aroundnnn: What were you expecting it to do?15:40
nnni want to it open main menu bar [left and down]15:41
nnncan you help me?15:43
nnnI want to open kickoff app luncher by super button15:44
genii-aroundnnn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/88414115:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 884141 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "kubuntu does not open kickoff menu with super / "windows" key" [Undecided,Won't fix]15:46
jussiyou can make it do that...15:46
nnnjussi: How?15:47
jussiit just takes a little bit of "hacking"15:47
genii-aroundjussi: Ah, nice15:47
nnnjussi: can you get me another link because this link is filtered in iran :(15:47
jussinnn: google plus better? https://plus.google.com/101839830409692150605/posts/DErnSJbNy5b15:48
nnnjussi: very very very thank you :D :D15:49
jussinnn: you are most welcome15:49
nnnwhere is f13 key ? I have F1215:55
OerHeksF13 = F1 + shift15:56
jussinnn: f13 doesnt exist really, hence they say "phantom key"15:56
OerHeksF13-F24 do exist.15:57
jussiOerHeks: not physically ;)15:57
OerHeksjussi agreed, not all keyboards are printed fully15:57
jussiOerHeks: he is following a tutorial to map super to F13, so he can then use f13 to open his kickoff15:57
nnnthis mean I type xev in terminal then press super what then i most to do? https://plus.google.com/101839830409692150605/posts/DErnSJbNy5b16:00
jussinnn: just means you check which code your key is from there16:11
jussinnn: KeyPress event, serial 35, synthetic NO, window 0x5c00001, root 0x15a, subw 0x0, time 4879518, (-419,1176), root:(256,1199), state 0x0, keycode 133 (keysym 0xffeb, Super_L), same_screen YES,16:12
jussimine is 133 - see that ?16:12
jussithe bit that says "keycode 133"16:12
nnnjussi:press superkey for 1 sec or  10 sec?16:15
jussinnn: just one sec, then it will pop up with several events16:15
jussiKeyPress Event, KeyReleaseEvent etc16:16
nnnthen most I close terminal?16:17
jussinnn: once you know what the keycode for your key is, you can close the terminal. just remeber that number, youll need it in a moment16:17
nnnmine is 13316:18
nnnthen what?16:18
jussiread the instructions16:18
nnnonly a ques:  xmodmap -e "keycode 133=F13"  what I most type  inst ed of F13 I want to enable my super key16:21
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone16:22
Riddellhi phoenix_firebrd16:22
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: hi16:22
nnnjussi: only a ques:  xmodmap -e "keycode 133=F13"  what I most type  inst ed of F13 I want to enable my super key16:23
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: how was akademy16:23
jussinnn: nothing, use f1316:23
jussitype that exactly16:23
nnnjussi:where is Launcher Settings?16:26
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: pleasinly positive16:26
jussinnn: right click the kickoff button16:27
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: good16:28
nnnvery very special thanks jussi16:31
jussinnn: it works?16:32
nnnguys do you know how i can back to the desktop mode of kde  ? I think I am on tablet mode.16:32
grumboldcould someone help me setting up a 5.1 soundcard with lowpass filter for the subwoofer under kubuntu ?16:41
genii-aroundThat's pretty specialized help!16:42
nnncan i  customize my mouse speed ? from where?16:43
Smurphynnn: yes. Mouse settings. Acceleration etc.16:45
nnnwhere is speed option?16:45
Smurphynnn: System Settings -> Input Devices -> Mouse16:45
SmurphyCgheck advanced and mouse navigation16:46
phoenix_firebrdgrumbold: creative soundblaster?16:46
grumboldno an extern usb from logilink16:46
nnnthanks I found that :D16:47
grumboldit already works that I have the same sound on all channels16:47
phoenix_firebrdgrumbold: use ladspa plugins with alsa16:47
nnnis there a programme like HUD on KDE?16:49
genii-aroundnnn: Not yet that I know of, but one is apparently in the works, called AppMenu Runner16:51
SmurphyHUD ? Dunno. Never needed one.16:51
nnnI want searcher between menues16:51
nnnhow to search between menu es via krunner ?16:53
grumboldwhat package do I need for ladspa ?16:53
phoenix_firebrdgrumbold: in muon search for ladspa17:01
nnnHow i can sign in my gmail account in kopete?17:02
nnnis there gmail support?17:03
grumbolddo I need the equalizer plugin for alsa ?17:04
grumboldand after installing I havte to modify my .asoundrc to set up the filter right ?17:05
TheOneRinghi is there a dev build of wubi or a way to make it work with kubuntu active17:08
gem_guten abend:)17:08
TheOneRingbecause grub has no touch support i need wubi^^17:14
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nnnhow to move menu bar to the top like unity?17:50
nnncan i do that?17:52
legolashow to move menu bar to the top like unity?17:58
legolascan you answer me?18:01
gem_menu bar settings?18:04
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qw_hi, everybody18:18
qw_help please I want to change to itself a desktop18:18
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genii-aroundqw[UA]: Your question is confusing. Can you re-ask in a better way?18:24
legolascan any body answer me?18:24
legolasgeni-aound:how to move menu bar to the top like unity?18:24
qw[UA]nothing i am understand18:24
legolashow i can add a language keyboard?18:25
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: hi18:26
legolascan you answer me?18:26
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: yes18:26
qw[UA]i would like install widget "radio"18:27
qw[UA]help me18:27
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: you want the application menu or the desktop panel on top?18:27
legolas application menu18:27
genii-aroundI think to move it to the top, you choose Panel Options..Panel Settings...then drag where it says Screen Edge to the top18:28
genii-around( I have not actually tried this )18:28
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: create a new panel on top and add the window menubar widget18:28
legolasI want to move all menu bar to the top18:29
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: ya thats what it does18:30
qw[UA]help me please18:30
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: the menu bar  in application will disappear18:30
legolasHow? this is not working for me18:31
legolasI want to move menu bars like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Unity_2D_with_KDE.png18:35
legolascan you answer me?18:37
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BluesKajlegolas, not many here use unity18:38
BluesKajthis kubuntu (KDE), ask in #ubuntu for unity support18:40
legolasno I want to add this to my kde :D18:40
legolasI want to move my menu s to top18:41
BluesKajlegolas, ok , try to drag it to the top18:43
legolasdo you want to say maximize it?18:44
BluesKajno ,left click hold the mouse button down and drag the panel18:44
genii-aroundlegolas: The way I told earlier works, I just tried. right-click on bar. Choose Panel Options...then Panel Settings ...Grab where it says Screen Edge and pull it wherever you want18:45
genii-aroundBluesKaj: That doesn't work, I tried18:45
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: you want to align the panel on some side of the screen?18:46
genii-aroundphoenix_firebrd: legolas wants to put the panel on top and not bottom18:47
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: he want the ubuntu like global menu on top18:47
legolasyes I want like global menu18:48
BluesKajok genii-around thanks18:49
* BluesKaj prefers the panel at the bottom18:49
legolaswhere is panel option?18:49
BluesKajI can't seem grab it with the options open anyway18:50
BluesKajside panels are annoying to me as well18:51
legolaswhere is grab?18:51
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: right click the bottom panel18:51
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: wait18:52
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: you want just the global menus on top right?18:52
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: create a new panel18:54
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: right click on the desktop18:54
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phoenix_firebrdlegolas: select unlock in the context menu if locked18:55
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: select add panel , and in that select empty panel18:55
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: done?18:56
legolaswhat is 'bottom panel'?18:56
legolascan you number them? only make a new empty panel?18:58
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: only empty panel18:59
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: done?19:00
legolasI have only a empty panel19:01
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: right click the panel and select add widgets19:01
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: in that select window menu bar19:01
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: in that select window menu bar widget19:02
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: thats all19:02
legolasI don't have19:03
BluesKajlegolas, like this , http://imagebin.org/220219 ..use ctrl - to make the image smaller , since I use a large screen monitor19:04
legolasbut where is global menu? BlueKaj?19:05
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: did you search for menu in the add widgets?19:06
BluesKajon the left ebd of the panel19:06
BluesKajoops ..end19:06
legolasphonix_firebrd yes19:07
BluesKajmine doesn't use the kmenu , I'm using the takeoff version19:07
legolasaha application menu launcher19:07
legolasone moment19:07
phoenix_firebrdlegolas: try after installing the kdeplasma-addons package19:09
BluesKajmy sytem tray got moved to the pager area by mistake during my fiddling around , normally it's beside the clock , but that's immaterial19:10
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phoenix_firebrdlegolas: done?19:13
BluesKajlegolas, have you installed kubuntu-desktop or have you just installed kde in ubuntu19:14
gem_anyone know where i can find teh "mic-boost" switch?19:18
gem_an the other "switches" on the soundcard?19:19
BluesKajgem_,open alsamixer in the terminal , check the controls there19:23
arian--guys , when I restart my computer my display setting go to default :( what can i do ?(i have 2 monitors.19:28
gem_@BluesKaj thank U, but... there ist a mix-boost entra but i cant switch it(on/of) an ist only this button(where are the others?19:29
gem_maybee this is the wron channel, sorry...but i use mint 13 with KDE(i dont know why there are no switches 4 the sondcard(before i use kubuntu 8.04 and i only have to configure kmix...)19:31
BluesKajgem , kmix , the little speaker icon in the panel19:31
gem_but no switches19:31
arian--can you answer?19:32
arian--guys , when I restart my computer my display setting go to default :( what can i do ?(i have 2 monitors.)19:32
genii-aroundarian--: I would suggest Settings...System Settings... Startup and Shutdown ... Session Management... And either have Restore Previous Session, or else Restore Manually Saved Session ( and then later when things are how you like, Kmenu button..Leave..Save Sesssion )19:32
BluesKajgem in alsamixer F5, that's all I know about ...what do you mean by switches?19:35
gem_@BluesKaj sorry 4 my bad englisch, my german is better...19:35
arian--thank you. geini-around19:35
gem_switches i know: mic-boost, 3D, digital?,... i habe these switches on kmix in kubuntu 8.04 but i cant find thme  now in mint13 with kde19:36
gem_maybee a mint problem?19:36
phoenix_firebrdgem_: its a soundcard specific option19:37
gem_i cann see, in alsa-mixer a mic-boost "entry?" but its red and i cant toggel it19:37
phoenix_firebrdgem_: can you paste a snapshot?19:37
BluesKajgem sorry we don't support mint here , it may be different19:38
gem_from alsamixer?19:38
phoenix_firebrdgem_: ya19:38
phoenix_firebrdgem_: come to kde channel19:38
gem_ok B, maybe its mintluesKaj19:38
gem_i will join kde channel19:38
BluesKajor mint channel19:39
BluesKajgem ask here , ##linuxmint19:40
BluesKajgem_, ^19:40
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: can i pm you?19:42
BluesKajabout ?19:43
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: irc19:43
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arian--excuse me , I restarted and my displays re defaulted.19:44
arian--what can i do19:44
genii-aroundarian--: How are you setting the screen size to what you like after you are booted?19:46
arian--what , my english is not advance can you say this easily19:47
genii-aroundarian--: How you make screen as you like?19:48
BluesKaj!cloak > phoenix_firebrd19:48
ubottuphoenix_firebrd, please see my private message19:48
arian--from the display    (setting)19:49
[Relic]Any idea if the task manager panel that shows open app will actually ever work properly w/o stacking things up that shouldn't be in the same space?19:52
genii-aroundarian--: When screen is how you like, please in Konsole: xrandr        And result to http://pastebin.com/19:53
arian--genii-around: this is that : http://pastebin.com/fjJ7XpTy19:56
genii-aroundarian--: Yes. Please to be patient, i am not just here but at my work also19:57
BluesKajarian--, he's at his job and , is busy at times , so please have patience20:00
nikos_hey, I'm quite stupid.20:00
nikos_I downloaded a tar.gz archive20:00
nikos_I unpacked it to a folder I made.20:00
nikos_I tried to click on the icon to run the program but nothing happens.20:01
nikos_Is it not possible to run a program clicking icon ???20:01
phoenix_firebrdnikos_: if it is a pure source, you cant20:01
DarthFrognikos_:  Two possibilities occur to me.  One, you don't have permission to run that program.  Two, it might not be marked as executable.20:02
nikos_phoenix_firebrd: ok, thx. No it is not source code.20:02
phoenix_firebrdnikos_:  did you set the executable flag?20:02
nikos_DarthFrog: yes, it is exe file.20:02
DarthFrogexe files are Windows, not Linux.20:02
nikos_phoenix_firebrd: about premission I have no idea.20:02
phoenix_firebrdDarthFrog: wrong20:02
nikos_But I don't get any message about it.20:02
nikos_phoenix_firebrd: executable flag ?20:03
nikos_phoenix_firebrd: Sorry but what is that ?20:03
phoenix_firebrdDarthFrog: executable file is a general name20:03
phoenix_firebrdnikos_: right click the file and select properties20:04
genii-aroundarian--: You need to do this way: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution/#Setting_xrandr_commands_in_.xprofile    but with this in the file:  xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1280x800 &  xrandr --output VGA1 --mode  1024x768  &20:05
artaohai. fresh install of the drivers for my newly installed GeForce GTX560 Ti PCI-e card .... ... previously had an ATI x600 in here ... .... um ... for some reason, the display settings won't let me choose a monitor refresh rate above 51hz ... i know for a FACT this monitor can do 75hz @ 1280x1024 ... what gives?20:05
phoenix_firebrdnikos_: in the permissions tab, tick the executable option20:05
artaoi "think" i installed the correct drivers .. i installed nvidia current20:05
nikos_sorry, back now. had to do something.20:06
genii-aroundartao: That's usually the one, yes. So long as you have kernel headers it should install OK20:06
artaonever mind. ... i found the nividia settings manager .. that let me fix it20:07
artao... i'd mistyped nvidia at first <oops>20:07
artaoin the app search thingy that  is20:07
nikos_phoenix_firebrd: is executable is marked.20:07
nikos_phoenix_firebrd: or selected.20:07
phoenix_firebrdnikos_: i cant understand you20:08
nikos_phoenix_firebrd: in permissions20:08
nikos_phoenix_firebrd: is executable is marked so that should be all good.20:08
phoenix_firebrdnikos_: it should be marked20:09
nikos_phoenix_firebrd: maybe it is just not working with kubuntu.20:09
nikos_phoenix_firebrd: from the sites it says its been tested and working with ubuntu.ø20:09
nikos_phoenix_firebrd: I thought it would work with kubuntu too, but maybe not.20:09
phoenix_firebrdDarthFrog: can you help nikos_?20:10
nikos_by the way, kubuntu is way nice. I love it .20:10
Daskreechnikos_: New to linux?20:10
nikos_Daskreech: kind of.20:10
Daskreechnikos_: ok well in Linux all files are the same for the most part20:10
nikos_I been using ubuntu before, but started to hate it when they changed interface20:10
Daskreech you can make any file an executable20:10
Daskreechanytime you copy a file esp from an archive or something it loses it's executable marking20:11
DaskreechAs a safety precaution20:11
arian--genii-around: can you say what most i do step by step?20:11
nikos_if someone has time, this is the game I'm trying to run.20:12
BluesKajDaskreech, he extracted the file into a folder that he created20:13
artaook. perhaps i didn't fix it ... the "resize and rotate" taskbar thingy is STILL only seeing 51hz as the max refresh rate20:13
nikos_I downloaded the Linux version.20:13
nikos_It is both 32 and 64 bit versions. I ran 32bit since that is what I'm using.20:13
DaskreechBluesKaj: I know I was just explaining what's happening20:13
artaoi guess i have no idea what refresh I'm actually running at here then .... do i hafta leave the nvidia settings thingy open? ... should i NOT be running the "resize and rotate" taskbar thingy?20:14
nikos_but nothing happen clicking the executable20:14
genii-aroundarian--: echo "xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1280x800 &  xrandr --output VGA1 --mode  1024x768  &" > /home/$(whoami)/.xprofile        then: chmod +x /home/$(whoami)/.xprofile20:14
BluesKajok , Daskreech20:14
nikos_Daskreech: The archive is quite small20:14
Daskreechnikos_: ok so when you extract it you can make it executable again by looking at the properties and marking executable on the permissions20:14
nikos_Daskreech: executable again ?20:15
artaoyeah ... xrandr isn't seeing 75hz as a possible option for 1280x1024 ... the nvidia settings thingy says i can tho, as does my monitor20:15
nikos_Daskreech: It is 2 executable files in the archive.20:15
phoenix_firebrdDarthFrog: is he missing wine>20:15
artaoi'm confused.20:15
nikos_Daskreech: 32- bit version and 64-bit.20:15
Daskreechnikos_: I'm just explaining :) do you have a README in the archive? I'm getting it now so I'll tell you in a moment20:15
nikos_Daskreech: ah, thx :D20:15
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: is he missing wine?20:15
nikos_Daskreech: yes it is readme.20:15
nikos_Daskreech: I opened that one.20:16
nikos_Daskreech: no problem.20:16
nikos_Daskreech: it is the exe file that is not responding.20:16
artaoverdammt this is freakin frustrating!!! hello???20:16
Daskreechnikos_: are you in dolphin?20:17
nikos_Daskreech: sorry20:17
nikos_Daskreech: what is taht.20:17
artaoi would expect a modern vid card such as this GTX560 Ti to just work. ... apparently not tho ... not under linux <sigh>20:17
Daskreechnikos_: the File manager20:17
nikos_Daskreech: ah, ok20:17
nikos_Daskreech: I started it now.20:17
Daskreechnikos_: Alright :) browse to the directory and press F420:18
Daskreecha terminal will open at the bottom20:18
Daskreechin that type ./sqrxz3_ubuntu3220:18
artaoi am aware that there's ... "issues" ... between linux and nvidia ... is THIS what they're talking about?20:18
DaskreechLet me know what happens20:18
nikos_Daskreech: ah cool.20:19
nikos_Daskreech: that opens the console.20:19
arian--OK i did that20:19
nikos_Daskreech: ./sqrxz3_ubuntu32: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:19
nikos_Daskreech: I don't have SDL installed or what.20:19
artaogenii-around: any tips on getting this setup to work as expected?20:19
nikos_Daskreech: SDL.libs20:19
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Daskreechnikos_: yeah that's what I figured20:20
artaothe nvidia panel is saying I'm running at 75hz ... the "resize and rotate' KDE taskbar app is saying i'm running at 50hz ... um, WHAT????20:20
artaoO.o <grrrr>20:20
artaoxrandr says 75hz @ 1280x1024 isn't even an option20:21
genii-aroundarian--: You can manually add modes with xrandr20:21
genii-aroundartao:  You can manually add modes with xrandr20:21
artaoi seriously hope i don't have to manually add 1280x1024@75hz20:21
Daskreechnikos_: install libsdl1.2debian20:21
artaothat. is. lame.20:21
artao<sigh> fine <grumble>20:21
nikos_Daskreech: how do I do that. sorry for being so lame20:21
artaolet me see if i can remember how to do that20:22
artaoxrandr --addmode 1280 1024 75 ... yes?20:22
genii-aroundartao: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html shows some tools and syntax20:22
genii-aroundWork, afk20:22
nikos_Daskreech: I'20:23
nikos_Daskreech: I'm in Muon now.20:23
nikos_Daskreech: Lots of SDL stuff.20:23
nikos_Daskreech: ah, found it :)20:24
nikos_Daskreech: Thx man.20:24
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Daskreechnikos_: If you would like to find out which package works with which file you can use apt-file or youcan go to http://packages.ubuntu.com and put the name of the file in the second seach box20:25
nikos_libSDL_mixer I need too.20:25
Daskreechnikos_: That one is easier. it'scalled libsdl-mixer :)20:26
BluesKajmight need ia32-libs , if he's running a 65bit system20:27
nikos_Daskreech: hehe, yes found it.20:27
nikos_Daskreech: yeah works now :D20:27
artaogenii-around: but why is the nvidia panel seeing 75hz as an option? this is very confusing. ... the nvidia settings says i AM running 75hz20:27
nikos_Daskreech: thx, a lot :D20:27
BluesKajerrn 64 bit :)20:28
Daskreechnikos_: Sure. do you know how to run a file from teh command line?20:28
nikos_Daskreech: nope ?20:29
artaoam i perhaps having this issue because i'm using a DVI>VGA adaptor ... I'm guessing it's not reading the EIDE data from the monitor correctly20:29
Daskreechnikos_: ok if you are in the same directory as a file that you want to run you can put ./ infront of it to run it20:30
nikos_Daskreech: ah nice thx.20:31
artaogenii-around: xrandr --output default --refresh 7520:31
artaogives me "xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default20:31
artaowhat the HECK does that mean?20:31
DaskreechNormally the command line will give you a lot more errors so you can figure out what's going on20:31
genii-aroundartao: I don't know offhand what that error means, although I've seen it before20:32
artaoBOY this is irritating20:32
genii-aroundartao: Why not try specifying the device like VGA0 or whatever it's actually using20:32
artaoxrandr is only seeing the display as "default" if i'm understanding it correctly20:33
genii-aroundartao: What is the result of just: xrandr        byt itself?20:33
artaoi'll pastebinit20:34
artaohold on20:34
genii-aroundartao: OK20:34
artaogotta install pastebinit quick20:34
genii-aroundCoffee, back 2-3 minute20:35
BluesKajor add pastebin plugin to firefox :)20:35
artaommmm cofffeeeeee .... ... i just drained my cold-steeped coffee today ... steeped for 2 days20:35
artaocan't use a firefox plugin from the CLI BluesKaj =]20:36
artaook genii-around, here's what just "xrandr" gives me :: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1085140/20:36
artaointerestingly, that error "xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default20:37
artao" also showed up, but didn't get piped to pastebinit for some reason20:37
artaofighting with linux is certainly NOT what i wanted to do as first order of business today <sigh>20:38
genii-aroundYes, odd it just says "default" as device20:38
artaoi haven't even done my wake-up internetting yet >.>20:38
genii-aroundartao: Do you have something like a dvi to vga converter between the computer and the monitor?20:38
Daskreechnikos_: Enjoy20:38
BluesKajcopy and paste20:39
genii-aroundartao: Then that's why20:39
artaonone of my monitors is DVI capable20:39
artaoum. WHAT???20:39
artaotell me i can fix it ... O.O20:39
artaowithout buying a new monitor20:39
* artao shakes his head20:39
* artao sighs20:39
genii-aroundartao: The capabilities of the monitor cannot be queried, so system does not know what it is, what it can display, etc20:40
artaowin 7 has no problem with it20:40
genii-aroundartao: I think if you just manually add the modes, see if they become usable20:40
artaonor did my previous vid card, an ati x600 .. also using DVI>VGA adapter20:40
artaoi'll try20:40
artaoi think i'm going to pause this for now tho and get on with my wake-up20:41
artaothis is already upping my irritation level today20:41
BluesKajartao, which graphics card/20:41
artaogeforce GTX560 Ti20:41
artaoi'm going to do this later ... too early in my day to start screaming20:42
BluesKajartao, did you install the recommeded driver in jockey/additional drivers20:43
artaoi ... have no idea20:43
artaowhat's jockey?20:43
artaoi went into Muon package manager and installed nvidia current, the nvidia settings panel ...20:44
BluesKajartao, kmenu apps>system>addtitional drivers20:44
artaoremoved all my ATI drivers ..20:44
genii-aroundartao: You can also look up the specs for your particular monitor(s) at http://www.monitorworld.com/monitors_home.html and then double check all the xrandr modes between what the card can do and what the monitor can do20:44
artaooh. it's seeing what the monitor model is just fine20:44
artaoi know the monitor's specs20:44
artaoit just thinks the max refresh reate is 51hz20:45
artaoaltho the nvidia settings panel lets me set it to 75hz20:45
artaolooking in jockey now20:45
artaook. i see there IS a newer driver. post release updates. installing.20:47
artaothx BluesKaj =] and genii-around =]20:47
artaoi DO love linux, but sometimes i just wanna punch it :P20:48
artaoi only installed win 7 for gaming20:48
BluesKajartao, thank me when it works for you :)20:49
L3topartao: When you say you removed all your ATI drivers... what does this mean? Had you installed fglrx?20:50
L3topartao: If so, there are additional steps you need to take.20:50
BluesKajL3top, probly ati onboard20:50
artaopretty sure i did, ya .... just searched muon package manage for ati and uninstalled everything ... i'll double check quick20:50
artaoum ... what "additional steps" :S20:51
artaoyeah. fglrx is gone20:51
artaook. jockey wants me to reboot. brb.20:52
L3topartao: the fglrx driver makes changes which cause conflicts that simply removing the driver does not solve. This is the best way to change chipsets from fglrx. http://pastebin.com/0JndHFPK20:55
artaooh cripes :\20:56
artaoL3top, am I going to hafta remove my nvidia drivers first for that?20:57
artaok ... this is way more of a PITA than i expected20:58
artaowait, what am i saying. .... fighting with linux is FUN!!!! =}21:01
genii-aroundartao: That's the spirit!21:02
artaook. i ran all those commands21:02
artaorebooting .... again again.21:02
Lymphocytewill kubuntu get calligra suite 2.4.3?21:07
genii-around!info calligra quantal21:09
ubottucalligra (source: calligra): integrated work applications suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.0-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 8 kB, installed size 66 kB21:09
genii-aroundLymphocyte: Seems like not right away at least21:09
Lymphocyteso i have to compile it then?21:10
DaskreechLymphocyte: It's probably in a PPA21:10
genii-aroundDaskreech: Looks like, yes21:11
Lymphocyteare ppas created by kubuntu developers?21:11
genii-aroundNot necessarily21:11
DaskreechLymphocyte: the one we are speaking about it21:11
Daskreechbut not always (in fact most likely not) true21:11
genii-aroundDaskreech: Although I see "failed to build" on one of them right now for it21:11
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* genii-around sips coffee and stares at Riddell21:12
DaskreechLymphocyte: I'd go with may not ship with it. It will be available. Expect it as standard by the time 13.04 is in beta21:12
Riddellgenii-around: what's up?21:13
DaskreechRiddell: calligra will ship with at least version 2.4.3 in 12.10 ?21:13
Lymphocytemay i ask why something that is released now wont make it into 13.04?21:13
artaowell, i'm gonna stop fighting with this for now ... it's affecting my outlook for the day negatively21:14
RiddellDaskreech: it's on 2.5 beta currently21:14
Lymphocytealso i want to disable backup files in caligra words, but i cant find how to confiure caligra21:14
RiddellLymphocyte: 2.4.3 is in kubuntu-ppa updates21:14
genii-aroundRiddell: We had a Q about Calligra 2.4.3, looks like you're the guy with the PPA, etc ( although currently shows FTB )21:14
L3topartao: Your choice to be sure, and I understand your frustration... but when you want to pick up again, ping me. I deal with these little things rather a lot.21:15
LymphocyteRiddell: does that mean i have to enable testing?21:15
Lymphocytetesting repo21:15
artaocool thx L3top .. i'll remember that and do so =D thx21:15
artaoparting channel for now. bbl.21:15
RiddellLymphocyte:  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa21:15
Riddellsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install calligra21:15
RiddellLymphocyte: and let me know if it works21:16
DaskreechLymphocyte: No one packages it?21:16
LymphocyteRiddell: i would test it no but, i have class in 10 mins, i will just pm you later and let you know if it works21:16
genii-aroundRiddell: Thank you sir for responding, I know your time is much in demand21:17
DaskreechRiddell: while you are here do you have any issues in Kmail 4.8.90 not recognizing nepomuk ?21:18
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Daskreech is what I have21:20
RiddellDaskreech: hmm I don't much use kmail I have to say21:21
RiddellDaskreech: does nepomuk work in other places?21:21
DaskreechLet me pull up dolphin21:21
DaskreechHmm no stars21:22
DaskreechGuess not21:22
DaskreechThought that was working before I rebooted21:23
DaskreechOk let me try get that sorted21:23
DaskreechGues that broke at some point21:23
BluesKajDaskreech, yeah , it's unfortunate about kmail ...had it working fine then after an upgrade to 4.8 something it started segfaulting on every click21:34
DaskreechBluesKaj: I really need to get the kontact folks to sit with you. You've hit like every bug in Kmail I'm sure they would have a faster cycle of testing if you just started sitting with them and cursing everytime Kmail breaks21:35
DaskreechOooooooh he did it again. What happened this time?21:35
BluesKajDaskreech, well, i hate to admit , I've just run out of patience .,..waas getting bugreport emails 5-6 /day with the bug being listed as a dupe everytime ..like nobody could be bothered to work on the bugs ...as if they sumarily are dismissed21:45
DaskreechBluesKaj: as a sort of backup to that I can't get the Kontact people to sit with you they don't seem interested21:45
BluesKajDaskreech, I'm not either ..besides Idon't really need an email client with a database attached and serch options etc ..thunderbird fills the bill ...scuse the pun :)21:48
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DaskreechBluesKaj: :-) You heard that Mozilla stopped active development on that?21:50
BluesKajDaskreech, no I didn't hear that , that's unfortunate21:51
BluesKajDaskreech, don't tell me I'm going to have to start searching for another email client , just after I've gotten rid of my gmail addiction21:55
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DaskreechBluesKaj: Well It's still going to be available22:01
BluesKajDaskreech, ok , good to hear22:02
Daskreechthey will do security updates just no new features22:02
genii-aroundThere are some projects that were abandoned for pretty much years before they dropped them from repos22:02
BluesKajok , BBL , gotta switch to the local news22:05
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: pip?22:06
c_smithHi, Amarok isn't playing my music, every time I double click it to play it, nothing happens, and everytime I press play, nothing happens. is there something I can do to fix this? it had been crashing a quite a bit (it would crash at the end of the song 4 out of 5 times.) so I cleared all the configuration.22:18
c_smithupdate: I got an SQL error in Amarok. >.<22:19
phoenix_firebrdc_smith: that happens when some song file in the collections folder is moved and the amarok scanner gives that message22:29
phoenix_firebrdi having a problem generating gpg fingerprint23:03
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: rule of thumb. Use your thumb for fingerprints23:07
phoenix_firebrdha ha ha23:08
phoenix_firebrdi thought of using ffmpegthumbs23:09
DaskreechWhat's the problem?23:13
hellslingerhas anyone else noticed that the spacing between letters isn't exactly right in kde 4.8?23:31
hellslingerin the titlebar that is23:31
hellslingerit's as if font rendering for the window decorations is different from the rest of the controls...23:32
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