
mmc_i have a question about installing lubuntu... what is the minimum hard drive space needed?00:04
kanliotif you use the alternate installer its 2 or 3 G i forget00:06
kanliotif you use the minimal it's lower than that00:06
mmc_i have a dell  netbook and i am trying to find a distro that will run on it00:06
mmc_it has a 2.5g hd00:06
mmc_i used to run ubuntu NBR but....00:07
wxlyikes dude that is rough00:07
wxlyou might want to put it on a stick00:07
kanliotnot a stick00:07
wxlwhy for not?00:07
* wxl shrugs00:07
mmc_i have an 8g sd card in the card reader... but i don00:07
wxli'm pretty sure you need more than 2.5g00:07
mmc_t think i want to run off of that00:07
wxlso nothing < slow00:07
wxlthe number i had in mind was 4g but i could be wrong00:08
mmc_im using a knoppix stick right now... im just trying to avoid having the usb stick poking out the side of the netbook all the time00:08
wxlcheck this: a 2.7g rarity https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/11.04MinimalDiskSpace00:08
wxlthat being said, 2.5 is unlikely00:09
mmc_yeah.... the wife keeps suggesting going back to XP00:09
wxli'd sooner use no gui00:10
mmc_think i could boot from the hd but run off the sd card?00:10
Unit193If you know what you're doing well enough, could just use a 12.04 mini and just install a base system with openbox or something.00:10
wxlfor that matter you could make your own linux ;)00:10
wxlyou can put partitions wherever you want mmc_00:11
mmc_i have 3 kids, two under 2... i don00:11
mmc_t have time to make my own00:11
mmc_hrm.... might try installing 11.04 server and then openbox on top...00:12
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:12
kanlioti just checked the lubuntu-core package uses 664 MB on top of a server install00:13
kanliotso it should fit00:13
mmc_so... that00:13
mmc_might work00:13
mmc_*grrr at this small keyboard00:13
kanliotplug in a usb keyboard?00:13
mmc_(the enter key is where the apostrophe should be..'.'00:14
mmc_good idea00:14
mmc_well... thanks for the thoughts everyone... cheers00:14
kanliothmm i wonder if it will fit00:15
kanlioti bet it wont00:15
wxlone way to find out00:15
wxlit's not like it will wipe the existing os given it's on a usb ;)00:15
ttyandroidHi all00:29
lubuntuHDDcan fsck be run on an entire disk?02:05
hpuser89479I installed ubuntu with LXDE desktop.  When I reboot it says "lubuntu".02:06
hpuser89479When I installed "gpointing-device-settings" from apt-get, it doesn't show up in the menu because it's .desktop file needs fixing the category line.02:07
hpuser89479gpointing-device-settings is used to configure touch pads.   It's .desktop file in /usr/share/applications needs to be fixed.  just saying..02:08
snikkerin which file "fce4-power-manager-settings" save settings?08:33
=== CTtechguy_ is now known as CTtechguy
smilehi :)15:36
Hexeonhello peep15:47
semitonesHello -- I was on here earlier as lubuntuHDD15:51
semitonesI think I found a problem with the live cd15:51
semitonesI don't mean livecd I mean alternate cd16:00
semitones1. I tried installing with a CD, and the drive would eject randomly during file copies, so I made a USB version16:01
holsteinsemitones: the iso is the same? did you comfirm it?16:01
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:01
semitones2. That would also fail at random points (red screen indicating a package could not be installed), so i eventually checked the USB for errors -- it had an error here: ./install/netboot/non-pae/ubuntu-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default file16:03
semitonesholstein: that's where it gets interesting -- once I found that, I checked my iso with md5sum - it matched the text file perfectly16:03
semitonesholstein: so I recreated the bootable USB, checked for errors, and it found the same problem16:04
* semitones tries checking cd-rom integrity of the first cd rom to see if the corrupt file is the same there16:09
semitonesDo I need to start a forum thread or a bug report16:09
semitonesIt just finished checking the CD -- this time /.dists/precise/RElease.gpg failed at the same time as the cd rom ejected... is that normal behavior?16:32
semitonesI'm going to try testing them in a different computer, to see if it might be the computer that is checksumming wrong16:33
semitonesor more likely reding the media badly16:33
holsteinsemitones: if you downloaded the iso, and its passing the test, then id say the error is in the method by which you are creating the media16:37
holsteintrying a different box is a good test i think... hope its not bad memory16:38
semitonesholstein: memtest was clean -- I don't know what it could be, but I'll see if the other box confirms the errors16:39
semitonesit seems unlikely that the cd and the usb both made from a clean iso would have two separate errors16:39
holsteinsemitones: thats true...17:07
superkuhSpeaking of errors with install isos...17:11
superkuhThe .torrent for the alternate install actually downloads the iso for the desktop install.17:11
Unit193holstein: I think I've seen the above statement a couple times, would they contact rt@ubuntu then?17:12
superkuhhttp://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/precise/release/lubuntu-12.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent actually downloads "lubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso"17:15
superkuhNot just a renaming issue; it really is the desktop install iso.17:15
Unit193info hash.....: 5891f43cc9409bacad2cb656b3fe238e09eb8cf8   and the infohash I have in deluge is 5891f43cc9409bacad2cb656b3fe238e09eb8cf8 for the alt 32bit.17:18
Unit193superkuh: What's the md5 of that file?17:21
superkuh0fc9564b8fde8ff56100c3d7814fa884  lubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso17:22
superkuh688MB, not 681, etc.17:22
superkuhHm. This does seem unrealistic.17:23
superkuhSurely an error on my part somewhere.17:23
semitonessuperkuh: that's funny -- the one I got is the alternate cd -- i used the torrent17:24
Unit193I have both files, but I already had the daily, so zsynced the rest to complete and start seeding.  I have the correct file with that infohash.17:24
Unit193Someone got the desktop CD with the alt 64bit as well though.17:25
superkuhOkay. I must be confused then.17:25
superkuhI eventually ended up using the netboot with pxe instead of the isos anyway. The disc drive on the machine was borked.17:25
semitonesOk, so the CD I tested on the other box was ok, but the USB failed the same place -- "Startup Creator" must have a bug since it is corrupting a file17:26
semitonesi'm going to try the CD one more time (sometimes it ejects randomly during installation)17:26
Unit193Meh, I always use unetbootin.17:26
semitonesi might have to also17:26
holsteinUnit193: im with you on where you think semitones should contact17:48
HexeonI installed Lubuntu but there's no browser!!22:14
Hexeonoh there's chrome22:15
holsteinHexeon: the ubuntu repos are there for you to install what you like22:15
Unit193Chromium is actually a browser, though not my favorite.  If you need more lightweight, you can try xxxterm, but it isn't as easy for newer people.22:16
HexeonLubuntu looks a lot like windows XP. It starts with a blue background, and has clock on the lower right hand corner22:17
holsteinwell, they are similar in layout and look/feel.. you can theme it however you like22:18
Hexeonbut the color is like, a dull blue. not bright blue. it looks used. they should use bright blue *sigh*22:23
Unit193You can change the background/color to whatever you want, don't have to use defaults.22:26
Hexeonhow do I get into root? su asks me for a password but it never prompted me for a root password during installation22:38
Unit193You don't, you use sudo https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:40
Hexeon!! why's it locked? I can't change the password then. does ubuntu hold all of our root password??22:42
ubottuHexeon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:42
Unit193I see you didn't read that.22:42
wxlHexeon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#root_account22:42
wxlread that. it's only a couple paragraphs. you can do it.22:43
Hexeonoh cool22:43
wxlhoepfully the warnings are evident22:43
* wxl has NEVER had to use root.22:44
Hexeonoh I am root now22:44
wxlnow all you need to do is a rm -rf / and you'll be set22:45
* wxl IS KIDDING in case that's not obvious22:45
Hexeonoh okay. almost did it22:45
wxlif you're serious, you should not be root.22:46
HexeonI was kidding22:46

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