[15:08] 8pm EST, yes? [16:24] web:~$ [18:09] genii-around: Yup, 8:00pm https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2012-07-10 [18:09] That reminds me, there should be coffee somewhere... [18:15] Heh [19:04] Does anyone have any idea what Ubuntu is planning to do about Mozilla pulling the plug on Thunderbird? [19:08] I imagine go to Evolution, but that is purely a guess [19:11] hello [19:11] * genii-around hands macbook-dualboot a coffee [19:11] ty. i need it. :/ [19:12] anyone ever been sorta locked out of their ubuntu side of a dualboot? [19:12] sorta, as in, i can see some files/folders, but the rest "i" don't have permission to view? [19:45] Mozilla isn't exactly pulling the plug on Thunderbird. [19:46] They're just going back to the sort of half-hearted support they've given it throughout it's lifetime. [19:51] http://thecommandline.net/2012/07/07/mozilla-scaling-back-thunserbird-development-shouldnt-mean-not-innovating-in-messaging/ [23:07] Meeting in about an hour... [23:09] Yup [23:30] I'll be here. [23:54] Meeting in 5. [23:57] * BobJonkman wipes his feet on the doormat [23:59] IIs this g20 anniversary? Went for a smoke before meeting, 20-30 people in black ninja outfits blowing plastic horns yelling "police brutality has to go" etc [23:59] * genii-around googles