
jokerdinoballoons: around?00:05
mhall119jono: getting the final list together00:30
pleia2bkerensa: hah, i spent the last few days on the east coast - HOT!00:32
jonothanks mhall11900:32
pleia2but about to take ofd for nice cool sf :)00:32
jonopleia2, it is nice this way :-)00:37
jonomhall119, heading to cook dinner, just leave the number in my email for the count00:41
mhall119jono: sure thing00:42
jokerdinoeh people, how does this QA site works?00:44
jokerdinoi am not sure if I submited my result already or if it is failing on me.00:44
jokerdinooops, never mind. It looks fine from another list.00:45
bkerensajono: any tips for speaking at OSCON? :P03:23
IdleOnebkerensa: Start off with a joke. My personal favourite is the one about the two muffins.05:06
bkerensaIdleOne: I do not know that joke... Is it like wat? :P05:06
IdleOnethere were two muffins in an oven. First muffin says to the second muffin, Is it hot in here? The second muffin answers, Holy crap a talking muffin!05:07
jonobkerensa, just be confident, make sure your content is interesting, and don't try to sound too clever :-)05:43
dpmmorning all06:43
philipballew_morning dpm06:44
dpmhi philipballew_06:46
jokerdinohi dpm philipballew_ and sense06:53
sensegood morning, jokerdino06:54
jokerdinoi invariably upgraded to QQ and now wondering whether it was a smart move after all =)06:54
dholbachgood morning06:56
dpmhi jokerdino06:59
dpmhey dholbach06:59
jokerdinohey dholbach07:00
dholbachhey dpm, hi jokerdino07:02
jokerdinoheya popey as wel07:02
jokerdinojust upgraded to qq. so yeah07:02
philipballew_howdy jokerdino07:04
philipballew_its like everyone is waking up!07:05
jokerdinoyes totally haha07:05
philipballew_here in ca everyone wants to sleep now. Odd since its the coolest part of the day.07:07
jokerdinoit's like 3 pm here and i feel so sleepy07:08
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
philipballew_12.pm here,07:36
jokerdinophilipballew_: 12am you mean?07:50
philipballew_its like 1am here jokerdino :)07:57
jokerdino4 pm here.07:58
philipballew_where you live again>07:58
jokerdinooops. one hour late08:47
jokerdinophilipballew_: --^08:47
philipballew_ive never been there jokerdino08:54
jokerdinoi live here for some 4 years08:54
philipballew_nice, whered you move from?08:56
dholbachjokerdino, and where in India do you live?09:32
jokerdinoMy family is based in Chennai09:32
dholbachah nice :)09:33
jokerdinonot sure if you have heard of that one. it is in the south :)09:33
dholbachyes, I've heard of it, but have never been to the South of India09:34
dholbachone day :)09:34
jokerdinohaha. i hope you don't mind the city09:35
jokerdinoi meant the city's weather. oops.09:36
dholbachah ok :)09:36
dholbachI already thought: that's a bit less local patriotism than I expected :-P09:36
jokerdinohaha; sometimes it doesn't hurt to be truthful :-p09:37
dholbacha friend of mine is going to South of India in a few weeks (although I'm not quite sure yet where he'll go) - so I'm full of envy :)09:38
jokerdinomaybe he can tell me what he liked about the place09:39
dholbachas I said, I'm not even sure he'll go to Chennai - but I'll let you know in case he does ;-)09:39
jokerdinothanks ;)09:40
daker_Take it or leave it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWxD5E-zzIU11:55
jokerdinoballoons: on today?13:18
dpmhi mhall119, good morning, if you're online already, would you mind posting this to the ubuntuappshowdown subreddit? https://davidplanella.wordpress.com/2012/07/10/heads-up-to-all-ubuntu-app-showdown-participants/13:22
mhall119dpm: was Klout submitted in time?13:32
dpmmhall119, thanks! Klout was a few hours late, but I thought we could be flexible considering they've put 3 weeks of work on it. But I simply added anything I saw this morning on my app-review-board folder, not adding anything else after that13:35
dpmmhall119, how's the PPA packages installation script coming along, can we give it to judges already?13:35
mhall119dpm: I have individual install snippets for each app we have a package for13:37
mhall119but dholbach has been working in branches to fix some for the ARB13:37
mhall119so I don't know which the judges should be using13:37
dpmmhall119, hm, we already have that. I was thinking of a script that you can run once and installs all apps13:37
dpmmhall119, could you create such a script?13:39
mhall119yeah, should only take a few minutes13:39
dpmmhall119, cool. The survey for voting is ready to hand over to judges. If you could finish your script in the next few hours, then we can sync up with the judges and start the voting.13:40
s-foxdpm,  nice blog post. really helpful and informative. thank you13:57
dpms-fox, glad you found it useful, thanks :)13:58
jcastrowow that trello board is epic13:58
s-fox150 applicants, that is a great turnout13:58
jcastroman, 15013:58
jcastrothat is so huge13:58
s-foxi wonder how many people this is their first stab at development on ubuntu13:58
jcastroyeah maybe at the end there should be a survey to find out all that kind of stuff13:58
s-foxor even with python etc13:59
jokerdinosurely that is not a typo?13:59
dpmjcastro, yes, I think we'll do that13:59
dpmjokerdino, nope, not a typo, we've got a spreadsheet with 148 submissions, of which about 135 are valid14:00
jokerdinogood luck judges >_>14:00
dpmdon't take the numbers as set in stone, though14:01
jokerdinoare there any packages for QQ?14:01
dpmwhat's qq?14:01
s-foxhow long do you expect it to be until all have been reviewed and voted on?14:01
mhall119s-fox: many of them mentioned being new to Ubuntu development14:01
mhall119(or development at all, for that matter)14:01
jokerdinodpm: Quantal. :/14:01
s-foxmhall119,  excellent14:01
dpmjokerdino, all entries had to be for 12.0414:01
s-foxfresh faces, new ideas. can't be a bad thing14:01
mhall119s-fox: nope, got some really cool apps made too14:02
jokerdinodpm: i know. i was just checking if there are any nice developers planning ahead.. :)14:02
dpms-fox, the initial idea was to have a winner by the end of the week. Despite the exceeded expectations on number of submissions, I think we can still make it by the end of the week14:02
s-foxcool, that is great :)14:02
* dpm takes a break14:22
jcastrodholbach: we're on IRC in 15 right?14:46
dholbachjcastro, not sure, but that's what's in the calendar14:47
jcastrojono: are we meeting in ~10?14:49
jonojcastro, we are doing an app dev catch-up then14:51
jonowe will be back to normal meetings next week14:51
jcastro\m/ no IRC status.14:51
jonodholbach, dpm, mhall119 lets hop on G+ in 9m14:51
* jcastro goes off to party/work.14:51
dpmPictag is a quite a neat little app too, I wished Shotwell did that http://toabctl.wordpress.com/2012/07/08/pictag-released14:56
dholbachdpm, it has +3 :)14:57
s-foxNice application, sort of reminds me of iphoto :)14:57
jonodholbach, dpm, mhall119 all set?15:00
jonodholbach, dpm, mhall119 https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/c08dbee1d813b5a2ea3862fa839ca0925f71c6c2?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:01
s-foxback later16:01
jcastrojono: wow that was fast, I'm back up.16:06
jonojcastro, cool :-)16:06
jcastro"tell them it takes 3 hours, that way when you do it in 10 minutes you look awesome."16:06
jcastrodpm: I have an open bounty if there's another question you want16:09
dpmthanks a lot jcastro, I think it's fine for now, I think most of the questions have got an answer now, I think now the tricky part is either get the poster to accept the answer or get more upvotes. But if I spot a good one that could need an answer, I'll definitely come to you16:10
dpmand I've started building up rep, so I should start giving out some bounties too!16:11
jcastroyeah so I think at some point we need to go through the tag and vote/edit the ones we think we will be useful for future generations16:11
jcastro3 or 4 people voting in the tag should be enough to separate the wheat from the chaff16:11
jcastro290 questions on app-dev this month if you're looking for a metric16:12
dpmcool, yeah, I want to do a 'metrics' blog post at the end of the contest, this is really useful too (290, wow!)16:22
dpmthere are also 4 or 5 that need a few votes for closing too16:22
dpmsee you all tomorrow!16:55
IdleOnejcastro: you're the resident metal fanatic right?17:13
IdleOneyou probably seen this already but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzk_K2yXeWo&feature=related Enjoy.17:14
IdleOneactually really like this version17:20
balloonswow.. all voice with drums17:24
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:59
jonomhall119, can you send me the PPA script?18:31
mhall119jono: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/appshowdowninstall.sh18:35
jonothanks mhall11918:35
mhall119jono: note that the script installs the submitted package, not anything we've been changing to ready them for the ARB18:35
jonomhall119, fine with me, so long as it runs18:35
mhall119let me know if it has problems, I haven't tried it yet18:36
jonomhall119, cool, spinning up a VM now18:36
jcastrobkerensa: there's an entire thread on hp cloud account stuff, can you check your ubuntu account?19:19
bkerensajcastro: yeah looking through the thread... I see I mentioned it was not enabled but I dont see any response19:21
bkerensalet me grab the mailing list archive19:21
jcastrowell, either way whichever account you gave me is enabled19:24
jcastroyou should see the counter for price go up and then an adjustment19:24
jcastroimbrandon: right? Is this what happened to you?19:24
* jcastro checks his19:24
bkerensajcastro: hmm ok well I have a invoice and HP Support says I definitely do not have free services =/19:26
jcastroon the account you gave me?19:26
jcastrothen email me all your info19:26
jcastroI'll get on it asap19:26
jcastrohey so like they also only turned it on last week or so19:26
jcastroso this isn't for any usage prior to that is it?19:26
balloonsjcastro, I was wondering as well..I got an email today from my account rep talking about the freemium services I could signup for19:27
bkerensaideally the HP Sales person said if an account has free service that on their billing end they would just see a flag that nulls the invoices19:29
imbrandonjcastro: reading backscroll19:32
jonomhall119, script works19:32
jonoinstalling now19:32
jonoalthough I have to press Enter for each PPA19:32
imbrandonjcastro: yea, i had $67 charge then it said right below -$67 adjustment19:33
jonomhall119, is there a way to do this without having to press enter? maybe just provide a list of PPAs that people can cut and paste into their sources.liust?19:35
mhall119jono: I can put a -y flag on, that looks like it would stop it from prompting19:37
jonook cool, mhall119 :-)19:38
doctormonhello jono19:39
mhall119jono: done, download the latest version of the script19:40
jonothanks mhall119, I just hacked it here19:41
jonotesting now19:41
jonohey doctormon19:41
jonomhall119, adding the -y seems to work19:41
jonomuch nicer :-)19:41
doctormonCongrats on the running of the opt app competition, looks like a nice response.19:43
jonomhall119, looks like there was an issue with https://launchpad.net/~michaeleekk/+archive/ppa19:48
jonodoctormon, thanks!19:48
jonoyeah we have been delighted with the response :-)19:48
doctormonjono: No expenses app though.19:48
jonodoctormon, :-)19:48
bkerensajono: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1085056/19:49
bkerensadamn unity crashed19:49
jonobkerensa, eh?19:49
bkerensajono: its with -y flags for repository and install19:49
jonobkerensa, yeah, I know, I have it working here19:49
jonothanks though, bkerensa19:49
jcastrobkerensa: ok following up, gimme a day or so turn around with them, etc.19:50
bkerensajcastro: no worries :) I just wanna get work done for mhall119 on SUMO before end of cycle :)19:50
jcastroI want to say "go ahead and go and we'll sort it" but that would be unwise19:51
jcastroI do have a $20 aws credit I got from amazon I can send you if you wanna rock that though19:51
jonomhall119, the package installation line doesnt work19:53
jonomhall119, lots of Unable to locate package errors19:53
jonoand some version errors19:53
jonomhall119, can you take a look at the script and test it on your system to ensure it works?19:54
mhall119jono: does it give you an error?19:59
mhall119hmmm, I wonder if some packages aren't published in their PPA20:00
mhall119version errors mean they uploaded a new version after the deadline20:01
mhall119I think20:01
mhall119jono: maybe it would be better to put each package on it's own apt-get install line?20:02
jonomhall119, whatever you think is best20:35
jonocan you look into getting this completed today so we can go live with it tomorrow?20:35
mhall119jono: yeah, downloading an ISO so I can create a VM20:43
jonothanks mhall11920:43
s-foxping mhall119  :)21:19
mhall119s-fox: pong21:22
mhall119congrats, by the way21:22
doctormonmhall119: He won?21:22
mhall119but his app passed review21:22
mhall119in the ARB queue21:23
mhall119so it's half way to being in the software center21:23
s-foxmhall119:  i have sketchy connection.  i got an email that looks like i need to do something to my app21:23
mhall119s-fox: yeah, see my revisions here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/ubuntu-app-reviews/myshortcuts/21:23
s-foxlooks like you made a branch and did a couple fixes21:23
mhall119s-fox: you should apply the same changes to your branch21:23
s-foxthat could be done with a merge proposal right?21:24
mhall119daniel's apps-brancher would try and get the code a few different ways, and stuff it into a bzr branch21:25
mhall119so if it got yours from your PPA, then my branch won't share a version history with yours21:25
mhall119but you can just copy/paste the files into your branch21:26
mhall119gah I'm spoiled21:26
mhall119installing Ubuntu in a VM to test these submission apps21:26
mhall119and I caught myself things "I can't believe it takes nearly 10 minutes to install this"21:26
doctormonmhall119: Ah so not he won, but we won ;-)21:28
mhall119doctormon: indeed21:29
s-foxwas it only the file in the po directory you changed?21:29
doctormons-fox: Have you ever used meld?21:29
doctormons-fox: useful graphical diffing tool. can work over entire dir21:30
s-foxlooks like all the changes were to that single file: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mhall119/ubuntu-app-reviews/myshortcuts/revision/221:33
jonobkerensa, hey21:34
jonoyou there?21:34
s-foxoh, maybe not...21:35
s-foxthis is impossible21:35
jonojcastro, hey21:40
jonojcastro, you are in Portland Mon/Tues, right?21:40
jcastroyeah, I get in sunday night21:40
jcastroshould be in ~9pm on sunday night21:41
jonojcastro, ok, I want to put a sync up in the calendar21:41
jcastrosimilar to robbie21:41
jonowhen are you free?21:41
jcastrolet me check the schedule21:41
jcastrojono: ok, anytime monday is fine21:43
jcastroour thing is tuesday @ 1:30 to EOD21:43
jcastroso other than those ~4 hours I can go whenevs21:43
jonojcastro, ok, let me check21:43
greg-gjcastro: how long are you in Portland? I want to put a sync up/drink up in the calendar with you :)21:44
jcastrogreg-g: Mon/Tue/Wed21:44
jonojcastro, Monday at 2pm?21:44
jcastrothat rocks21:44
jcastrogreg-g: actually Mon/Tue21:44
greg-geek, I get in around 4:30 Tuesday21:44
jonojcastro, cool, invite sent21:45
jcastroMy year has been mega travel, I can't spare an entire week every conference21:45
jonogreg-g, cool, you are going to be there?21:45
jcastrojono: cool, I was assuming we'd be hanging out anyway21:45
jcastroit's like us, mims, jim baker is coming21:45
jcastrowe'll have ninja kerensa21:45
greg-gjono: yep, speaking at OSCON, on Wed21:45
jonojcastro, yeah, just that shit gets real for me at CLS/OSCON so I wanted to get it in the calendar21:45
jonogreg-g, sweet21:45
jcastrojono: /me nods21:45
jonogreg-g, what topic?21:45
jcastroit's that important oreilly author vibe21:45
jcastro"OMG YOU WROTE THAT BOOK."21:45
greg-gOpen Education track.. I'm talking on the work I'm doing at CC: LRMI21:46
jcastroI wonder if Bill and Kyle are coming, that would complete the bag of you-remember gang21:46
jcastromy tripit says Ilan is close too21:46
jonojcastro, haha, that would be fun21:47
greg-gjcastro: what time do you leave?21:47
jcastrogreg-g: oh cool, you come in just in time for the puppet party that night21:47
jcastroI leave like 8am on wed21:47
greg-gahh, well then, I shall see you tuesday night somewhere, puppet party?21:47
greg-gput me on the list or whatever ;)21:47
jonojcastro, there is no author vibe :-)21:47
jcastrojono: omfg, what animal did they put on the cover of _your book_21:48
jcastro"oh really? mine is a camel."21:48
jcastroI wonder if there's a rule for oreilly that the animal must be extant, I envision a juju book with like a velociraptor ....21:49
* jcastro rubs chin21:49
greg-gO'Reilly authoers are a dime a dozen     ;)21:49
greg-gand apparently I'll never be one since I typo too much21:49
jcastroback in the day they were invaluable to me21:50
jcastrothese days I am finding a hard time finding value in tech books though21:50
jcastrofor me personally21:50
jonojcastro, haha21:50
jonoI don't have the kudos to have an animal21:51
jonoI find tech books handy for planes21:51
jonoand I use planes as a means to learn new skills21:51
jonobut rarely reference them when working21:51
jcastro"well, we find you don't deserve an animal, we can give you an inanimate object though"21:52
jcastro"well what do you have?" "a ball of rubber bands" "SOLD."21:52
greg-ghow about... a ball of rubberbands?! That's like totally Americana, and you're newly American, so it works!"21:52
jcastroit would have been too obvious if it was a herd of cats21:53
jonothe cover I asked for they told me was too expensive to produce21:53
jonoI had this cool idea of a jigsaw puzzle of different faces21:54
jonoa really diverse looking cover21:54
jonoand I got a rubberband ball and a few other options21:54
jonothe other options were not cool21:54
greg-g...and the rubberband ball was?21:54
greg-g(kidding, I kind of like it)21:54
jcastroit makes sense for the book21:55
mhall119so it turns out adding over 100 ppa is sloooooow21:55
jonogreg-g, lol21:55
jonoI would have preferred to have another cover21:55
jonobut hey, at least it is vaguely memorable :-)21:55
s-foxwell that was fun lol21:57
jonomhall119, how is it coming along?21:58
s-foxmhall119,  i downloaded your branch, made the changes to my app, repackaged with quickly and then released back to the ppa. within launchpad i just did the mp and then accepted it.21:59
s-foxi *think* the only thing left to do is update the thing for the software centre now21:59
czajkowskimhall119: parts of LP were down earlier on22:00
mhall119s-fox: I sent my branch for voting on to get it into the software center22:03
mhall119czajkowski: I noticed :(22:03
czajkowskiwasn;t down for long and the channel was updated with the notice22:03
czajkowskibeen off sick for last 2 days, but I suspect keeping an eye on the channel in case there are updates22:04
s-foxupdated with new tar.gz file :)22:04
s-foxokay mhall119 , thank you :-)22:04
s-foxum i know it isn't need now but I am not so hot on launchpad. did i do the update rebuild thing correctly? https://launchpad.net/~silver-fox/+archive/myshortcuts22:06
s-foxlatest version should be 12.0722:07
jonomhall119, how is the script coming along?22:18
jcastrojono: are you guys watching The Newsroom?22:21
jcastroit's by West wing-guy22:22
jonojcastro, not yet22:22
jonoI heard it god pretty awful reviews22:22
jcastropeople seem to be loving it22:22
jcastroI think it's good22:22
jcastroit's basically the same show though, heh, just with a news anchor instead of the president.22:22
jcastrobut the cool thing is the show is set X months behind current events, so it's like a hypothetical thing on how they would have reported a recent event vs. news outlets22:23
jcastroit's kinda neat22:23
mhall119jono: it's running on my VM22:28
mhall119seems to be working now, with the newest version on people.u.c22:29
mhall119jono: it'll print a warning if it can't install one, but it'll move on to the next22:30
jonomhall119, and it pulls in the packages?22:36
mhall119jono: most of them22:37
jonomhall119, are you still fixing it?22:37
mhall119no, the ones it doesn't pull it probably don't have a binary package in the PPA22:38
mhall119as far as I can tell, the script works now22:38
mhall119though dpkg is throwing erros on my VM22:39
jonomhall119, ok gotcha22:39
jonoI am testing again now22:40
mhall119jono: I redirected most of the output to /dev/null, so don't be surprised if it's not printing anything22:40
jonomhall119, gotcha22:41
mhall119you know, I've been impressed with the quality of the icons people made for their apps too22:43
mhall119only a few seem to have used the stock circle-of-friends icon22:43
mhall119bah, dpkg isn't printing useful errors :(22:44

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