
roaksoaxDaviey: stil around?00:07
* roaksoax dinner00:11
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robbiewRoAkSoAx: bingo!...put in the hostname for "User ID" and worked like magic ;)03:12
Davieyroaksoax: hey08:24
javorHi. I trying to install MAAS onto Virtualbox. I did everything what i should (i guess) but doing juju bootstrap just show me error 409. Anybody has it installed and its works good (onto virtualbox)?10:44
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roaksoaxDaviey: checking13:10
roaksoaxrvba: howdy!! I have the power stuff I just haven't proposed a branch yet as I wanna test it first with real ipmi cards, even though, robbiew confirmed it worked13:39
rvbaroaksoax: that's great news!13:40
roaksoaxrvba: what's the democeleryconfig.py for?13:42
rvbaroaksoax: the celery config used in dev mode.13:42
rvbai.e., when running MAAS directly from the tree.13:43
roaksoaxrvba: and is services/celeryd/run also par of dev mode?13:43
roaksoaxok, just checking before I package something up :)13:43
rvbaThat's how we start the services in dev mode, that uses 'supervise'.13:43
roaksoaxrvba: oh btw.. I wanted to ask you, how can I effectively determine/check/test that the templates are being rendered correctly. Where can I see a similar output of passing -x to shell13:44
rvbaroaksoax: it's only interesting for you (as far as packaging is concerned) as an example about how we start the services in a dev environment.13:44
rvbaroaksoax: I assume you want to test the new power templates... then I think you should add tests in there ./src/provisioningserver/power/tests/test_poweraction.py13:48
roaksoaxrvba: yes want to test them, but want to see the output of the rendering13:49
rvbaroaksoax: have a look at the last tests in this file.13:49
rvbaroaksoax: test_virsh_checks_vm_state13:49
roaksoaxrvba: right, but is there no way to actually see how it is being rendered?13:50
roaksoaxrvba: becuase the error messages received are not helpful at all13:51
rvbaroaksoax: action = PowerAction(POWER_TYPE.VIRSH) / script = action.render_template(...)13:51
rvbaroaksoax: ^ isn't what you're looking for?13:51
roaksoaxrvba:that's the same output being placed on the logs, isn't it?13:51
roaksoaxon celery.log when something fails13:52
rvbaI /think/ you see the full stacktrace in celery.log when something fails.13:52
roaksoaxrvba: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1086195/13:53
roaksoaxrvba: you see a stack strace but you don't see rendered output or failure13:54
roaksoaxrvba: what I want to see is if the variables have been rendered correctly and things like that13:54
roaksoaxrvba: similar to placing -x on a shell script13:54
roaksoaxeither way, the template is shell and we should eb able to see how it gets rendered right?13:55
rvbaroaksoax: that error means we had an error running the generated script.  Thee rendering went fine, otherwise you would have gotten a perfectly clear error about the missing variable.13:56
roaksoaxrvba: yes, but while the rendering might not have had any errors, I don't know whether the variables ended up with a value, and then passed empty values to the command, which made it fail13:57
roaksoaxrvba: so the command might have failed because it had empty arguments13:57
roaksoaxrvba: thta's what I wanna test13:57
rvbaroaksoax: fair enough.13:57
rvbaroaksoax: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1086199/13:57
rvbaroaksoax: that's the code that generate this error... there is a TODO there :)13:57
rvbaroaksoax: I could add the generated script in the error log.13:58
roaksoaxrvba: but anyways, regardless of that being in place in tehe code, isn't there a manual way to test it?13:58
rvbaroaksoax: you can manually do this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1086200/ to see the rendered script in the error log14:00
roaksoaxrvba: more than just the rendered script, isn't it possible to see the output of it as if it was passed the "-x" (cause it is a shell script at the end of the day_14:00
roaksoaxrvba: cool, Ill try that14:01
rvbaroaksoax: what does "-x" do exactly?14:01
rvba(I think I asked that question before but I don't remember the answer...)14:02
rvbaroaksoax: maybe I forgot to mention that this is a change to run_shell in ./src/provisioningserver/power/poweraction.py.14:04
rvbaroaksoax: also, in that method, 'subprocess.Popen' is what calls the script, you could probably add "-x" in there.14:04
roaksoaxrvba: ok cool. I'lll look into that14:07
roaksoaxrvba: btw.. does this make sense to you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1086214/14:10
roaksoaxrvba: since those are UI changes mostly, I just wanna make sure it makes sense14:12
rvbaroaksoax: you're also changing the parameters for ipmi_lan.14:12
roaksoaxrvba: yeah14:13
roaksoaxthat's why I said mostly :)14:13
rvbaroaksoax: but yeah, the UI changes make sense.14:13
rvbaroaksoax: I'm trying to find where I took the list of the parameters from.14:13
roaksoaxrvba: from cobbler: /usr/bin/ipmitool -H "$power_address" -U "$power_user" -P "$power_pass" power "$power_mode"14:14
rvbaroaksoax: right, so, did I got it wrong for ipmi_lan ?14:14
roaksoaxrvba: for for ipmilan you simply add -I lan14:14
rvbaroaksoax: anyway, I'll trust you on this one :).14:16
roaksoaxrvba: hehe :)14:22
czajkowskiDaviey: I have 2  server questions that need to be answered, can you recommend someone on the server team who could help out please?14:35
roaksoaxczajkowski: what are the questions14:35
czajkowskiroaksoax: http://askubuntu.com/questions/160198/openstack-dashboard-access-after-installing-w-maas  and http://askubuntu.com/questions/157717/can-i-provision-a-maas-node-with-an-arbitrary-install-image14:36
roaksoaxczajkowski: so 1. goes for adam_g14:37
roaksoaxadam_g: http://askubuntu.com/questions/160198/openstack-dashboard-access-after-installing-w-maas14:37
roaksoaxrvba: support for quantal in MAAS is not yet ready right?14:38
rvbaroaksoax: no, right now, precise is hardcoded.14:38
roaksoaxrvba: ok14:38
roaksoaxallenap: I tested the ssh keys with one of the latest maas revs and everything works as expected14:44
roaksoaxallenap: 1. after enlist before commissioning. 2. after clicking on commissioning but before it actually commissions. 3. afgter commissioning, before deploying (After having it allocated to admin)14:45
roaksoaxallenap: so the issue might be related to the fact that a machine was never allocated to the admin or a user before it was deployed?14:45
allenaproaksoax: I'm not sure that's possible... or I think it should not be. rvba?14:50
roaksoaxallenap: maybe they started the machine when in "Ready" state, without clicking manually on MAAS to start a node maybe?14:51
allenaproaksoax: Possibly. Cobbler could well be in the right state to just install the machine.14:52
roaksoaxthat's what I'm thinking14:53
rvbaallenap: the 'acquire' step makes the node the property of the user requesting a node for deployment.14:53
rvbaSo it's not possible for a node to be deployed without having an owner.14:54
czajkowskiroaksoax: THANKS14:57
czajkowskidamn caps sorry.14:57
roaksoaxrvba: right, but after the node is ready, it has no owner, however if you click on "Start Node" it allocates it to the user14:58
roaksoaxrvba: so maybe users were manually turning on nodes before they were manually allocated with "Start Node" on the WebUI15:03
roaksoaxending with no keys15:03
rvbaroaksoax: that seems possible indeed.  But the node were definitely powered up outside of MAAS control.15:04
allenapWe might be able to address that by ensuring that netboot_enabled is off when the node is in the ready pool.15:04
allenapHowever, even that's not 100%. A node that was once allocated and returned to the pool is not wiped, so turning netboot off just means it'll boot into the previous OS.15:05
* allenap thinks we *really* ought to wipe machines that are deallocated.15:05
roaksoaxallenap: that might not be a good idea15:07
roaksoaxyou might one to deallocate a machine from the pool15:07
roaksoaxallenap: but keep everything installed for some reason15:07
roaksoaxallenap: either way, from deallocation back to ready, shouldn;t be a problem, cause once is allocated again, you would wipe the intsllation15:08
roaksoaxallenap: rvba btw.. there's no way to get an allocated node back to the pool from the WebUI right?15:08
allenaproaksoax: I'm thinking also about data security. It may be a requirement that the disks are wiped, though I guess that's another story.15:09
roaksoaxallenap: so if in the WEbUI i click on "Start Node", I'm only presented with a  "Delete" button, right? SO that means there's no way to bring it back to the pool15:11
roaksoaxsuch as "Stop Node"15:11
roaksoaxthat powers it off and allocates it back to the pool15:11
allenaproaksoax: Really? Gulp.15:12
roaksoaxallenap: last I check it was like that15:17
roaksoaxanyway, I'll finish up with releasing a new maas and recheck15:17
allenaprvba: Do you know if we did any work on node deallocation?15:22
rvbaallenap: I don't think we did.15:23
roaksoaxallenap: there's no config for python-txtftp yet right?15:52
roaksoaxbtw there's a broken symlink on trunk, in etc/ named -> ../run/named15:55
rvbaroaksoax: that's normal, ../run/named gets populated when the conf is created.15:56
roaksoaxrvba: ok, but that means shipping a broken link15:57
roaksoaxrvba: that should be clean IMHO15:57
rvbaroaksoax: 'make services/dns/@run' will populate it for instance.15:57
roaksoaxrvba: right, but that should be created on make rather than shipping a broken link on trunk... you shouldn't be shipping a link on trunk15:57
allenaproaksoax: Yes, etc/pserv.yaml. It should Just Work for now, though not on the right port I think.15:57
rvbaroaksoax: why do you want to ship it?  I thought you'd ship only so selected files from etc/ ?15:58
roaksoaxallenap: right but that's started by pserv, not by twistd tftp :)15:58
roaksoaxrvba: it still in the source15:58
roaksoaxrvba: i ship selected files from binary while it is still in the source15:58
allenaproaksoax: Yes, don't run twistd tftp :)15:59
roaksoaxallenap: ok then :)15:59
allenaproaksoax: It's okay for it to be there, just don't arrange for it to start by default or anything.15:59
roaksoaxallenap: so I'll just install it then in PYTHONPATH15:59
allenaproaksoax: Yeah, that's all we need.16:00
roaksoaxallenap: was wondering to see whether I ship add an upstart job or not16:00
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
allenaproaksoax: No, sorry about that. I can sense you were excited at the prospect ;)16:01
rvbaroaksoax: I can create that link when running make indeed.  But why exactly do you think a broken link is that bad?16:01
roaksoaxallenap: hehe i just wanna get it over with :)16:01
roaksoaxrvba: AFAIK it is a bad idea to ship broken links on source tarballs16:02
roaksoaxrvba: i'm fine shipping it, I just think it would be better to have it generated and cleaned on make16:03
rvbaroaksoax: I definitely can do that (but I'd be happy to learn why it's so bad to ship broken links ;) ).16:06
rvbaApart from the fact that the word 'broken' sounds bad in itself :).16:06
roaksoaxrvba: IMHO becuase it is prone to failure when it comes to builds. On the other hand, It creates a few issues wth tar I think16:12
roaksoaxwhen setting mtime or mode16:12
rvbaroaksoax: fair enough, I'll do it ;).16:12
rvbaroaksoax: fwiw that link is only there because we wanted to make clear that the config was generated.16:13
rvbaWe could have generated the config directly in /etc/named but that would have been confusing.16:14
rvbaerr etc/named16:14
roaksoaxrvba: right but you could add a message header saying its generated :)16:14
roaksoaxcause either way, that doesn't show on bzr, does it?16:14
rvbaroaksoax: run/* is ignored by bzr.  The link was committed in bzr.16:15
roaksoaxrvba: right, so you could also ignore etc/named and not commit it16:16
rvbaroaksoax: sure, but that would be a little bit weird.16:16
roaksoaxrvba: might be indeed...  but that file gets created and removed on distclean16:18
roaksoaxso it doesn't really belong to the branch16:18
rvbaTrue, it's just a bit confusing to have it in etc/named.  But I'll consider that.16:18
rvbaI mean I'll consider generating the config in etc/named directly.16:18
roaksoaxrvba: alright! I'm happy with whichever makes your life easier, though shipping the symlink is also weird for me!16:19
roaksoaxrvba: and I'm sure the MIR team would be "WTH is there a broken symlink in the code"16:19
rvbaroaksoax: all right :)16:20
roaksoaxrvba: thanks though!16:20
roaksoaxallenap: there seems to be an error in pserv17:00
roaksoaxafter adding the config option for tftp17:00
roaksoaxallenap: yep, pserv doesn't start17:02
allenapOh rats.17:03
allenaproaksoax: Can you grab the logs?17:05
roaksoaxallenap: there's no pserv log17:05
allenap<surprised smiley>17:06
allenaproaksoax: Ah, is this with the new python-tx-tftp package?17:06
roaksoaxallenap: yes17:07
roaksoaxallenap: no longer showed in: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1086510/17:07
roaksoaxallenap: but the file is installed as twisted pluging17:08
allenaproaksoax: Okay, I forgot about this. The upstream, shylent, has reviewed most of my recent changes (favourably) but has not pulled them into his branch. I'll prod him about it.17:08
roaksoaxallenap: can you give me a patch17:08
allenaproaksoax: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1086512/17:09
roaksoaxallenap: /usr/bin/twistd: Unknown command: maas-pserv17:13
roaksoaxallenap: is twisted not recognizing maas-pserv installed/present/available when it is installed in the right place17:16
allenaproaksoax: I changed the pserv plugin code so that it wouldn't spew errors when it failed to initialise. It probably can't import something from python-tx-tftp and is breaking. When that patch is in place it /ought/ to work again.17:18
roaksoaxallenap: is not17:18
roaksoaxallenap: i patched it in /usr/share/pyshared/tftp/17:19
allenaproaksoax: Okay, you could try adding a `raise` to the maas-pserv twisted plugin, so that the error is not suppressed.17:19
allenaproaksoax: Unfortunately I have to go now :-/ Good luck in the meantime. Email the list if this is still not working at your EOD and we'll (red squad) take a look.17:20
roaksoaxrvba: does provisioning server and stuff add /usr/share/maas as part of the path?17:48
roaksoaxrvba: i'm having a pserv error due to apparently not being able to import17:48
roaksoaxrvba: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1086581/17:50

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