
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
jonomhall119, ok so your script most of the apps for me00:33
cjohnstonmhall119: still on for Thursday?01:27
mhall119cjohnston: yup01:35
mhall119jono: which ones didn't it get?01:36
mhall119cjohnston: 6:30 and you're a dead man01:36
cjohnstonI don't get off till 7:30, so I think your safe01:36
mhall119call me when you're in Lakeland, make sure I'm awake01:36
mhall119otherwise you can make the kids breakfast01:37
cjohnstondog food it is01:45
cjohnstontell Michelle to please not go to any trouble to make me anything01:45
* mhall119 will double-check the lods01:45
cjohnstonI don't know if she was planning on it, but I've had her breakfast before ;-)01:46
mhall119she wasn't :P01:46
mhall119I might make eggs and toast, if you're lucky01:46
cjohnstonI'll make eggs before I leave work01:46
mhall119bring some with you then :)01:47
cjohnstonthen I might as well just come there and cook eggs01:47
cjohnstonotherwise they would be cold01:47
mhall119yeah, but then they're *my* eggs01:50
dholbachgood morning06:49
bkerensadholbach: Guten Morgen06:51
dholbachhi bkerensa06:52
czajkowskibkerensa: jcastro you may be able to help here. Weekly Goal Progress in the yellow squad. http://bit.ly/NpF1QP  If you know Juju we want to talk to you!08:09
jokerdinodholbach: around?10:43
jokerdinois there any MOTU work that I can do / learn in 12.10?10:43
dholbachjokerdino, yes, of course10:44
dholbachI'd suggest to read the first few articles in http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/10:44
jokerdinoI read them for 12.04  cycle. but I'll reread =)10:44
dholbachand at 15 UTC Bhavani will give a session about getting started with Ubuntu development in #ubuntu-classroom10:44
dholbachwe also mentioned a couple of things you can work on at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/BugFixingInitiative10:45
jokerdinonot sure if that is too late for that session. i'll check that out.10:45
dholbachand you can always ask in #ubuntu-motu if you have any questions10:45
jokerdinohmm nice. i just don't know what things i can busy myself with.10:46
dholbachmaybe ask in #ubuntu-motu10:46
dholbachmaybe somebody has something they know you could have a look at10:46
jokerdinoalright. i'll join the channel.10:46
dholbachI'm unfortunately a bit busy with some other stuff right now or I'd help you find something10:47
jokerdinoheh i can wait. sorry for disturbing.10:47
dholbachdon't worry10:47
dholbachno need to wait10:47
dholbachthere's a lot of superhelpful guys in the the channel10:47
dholbachand you can always just ask10:47
jokerdinooh hmm okay then.10:48
jokerdinoi am in that channel now. you can proceed with your work then.. :))10:48
dholbachkeep up the good work!10:49
dholbachI hope you can find something on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/BugFixingInitiative10:49
jokerdinohmm yeah looking through :)10:51
jokerdinobrb dinner.10:53
jcastroI can't really understand most of pitti's work12:35
jcastrobut it looks like he's making a bunch of progress12:35
jonomhall119, dholbach, jcastro, balloons, dpm all set?15:00
balloonssi senor!15:00
jonomhall119, dholbach, jcastro, balloons, dpm https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/48f831cc2c14cb81c393831aae84e183c2ce4b26?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:02
* balloons reinstalling plugin15:02
czajkowskibkerensa_: alive yet?15:04
jonomhall119, are you joining us?15:04
dpmanyway, calling it a day...16:23
dpmsee you all tomorrow!16:24
bkerensa_czajkowski: I'm just now awake... I'm going to grab breakfast real quick but then I'm all ears17:38
czajkowskibkerensa_: if you get a chance join #lp-dev and poke gary re the juju mp17:38
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bkerensa_czajkowski: channel seems to be empty18:01
czajkowskibkerensa_: #launchpad-dev18:02
czajkowskisorry I use the short18:02
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balloonsok, so who's used pulseaudio to direct sound to different outputs? Last night I had the awesome first time experience doing this. I played two videos at once and put in two different headsets. My wife watched one, I watched the other ;-)18:06
nothingspecialThat sounds like being married18:09
dholbachalright, time to call it a day - see you all tomorrow18:21
dholbachashams, ليلة سعيدة :)18:23
ashamsgtranslate works ;)18:27
bkerensaashams: Merhaba18:30
ashamsbkerensa, you guys fabulous :)18:40
jonomhall119, you there?18:52
doctormonashams: Yes18:52
nigelbballoons: wow, that's awesome.18:56
balloonsnigelb, I was pretty impressed :-)18:57
nigelbballoons: I saw one-up of that.18:57
nigelbRunning pulseaudio on android18:57
nigelband having your android's sound redirected to the computer.18:57
balloonsyes, I believe jcastro did such a thing18:58
balloonsit's really really cool when it works18:58
nigelbYeah, I saw a demo from one of the pulseaudio devs (who happens to be a friend)18:58
doctormonReminds me of the xbmc firefox plugin.18:59
doctormonYou go to a youtube video, press the little xbmc button and it gets forwarded to the TV like magic.19:00
doctormonVERY useful.19:00
=== fenris is now known as Guest42115
jcastroI just redirected over bluetooth19:02
jcastronot at the pulse level19:02
jcastrothat would be perfect19:02
nigelbjcastro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5-phFVfZnQ19:03
nigelbBut of course this needs people to actually install pulse on android.19:03
jcastrothat is totally fine19:04
* jcastro will check when he gets off the phone19:04
jcastrothanks for the tip!19:04
nigelbIt's a video that makes me go wow every time :)19:05
mhall119jono: yeah19:08
jonohey mhall11919:08
akgranerjono, jcastro (or someone else) - what bot is used in the IRC channels at UDS?  And who maintains it?19:13
jonoakgraner, no idea19:13
jonomhall119, did you see my other msg in -accomplishments?19:14
jcastroakgraner:  AlanBell or jussi knows19:14
akgranerjono - ok....back to the drawing board then...hmmm....19:14
akgranerjcastro, thanks19:14
jcastroI think it's tsimpson? *guess*19:14
akgranerjcastro,  - that would make sense ....thanks19:16
AlanBellit is19:22
bodhi_zazenHas there been any discussion on the wiki search function ?21:45
jonomhall119, did you see my last email re. survey?22:39

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