
rick_h_greg-g: welcome to the club. Soon you'll have to stop and think when someone asks you your age00:14
rick_h_I think 33 was the first time I got it wrong. I said 32 and my wife shouted "you are not!"00:14
snap-lWorse is when you forget how long it's been since a particular event.00:20
snap-l"Oh, that was 5 years ago." "No, it was 10"00:20
gamerchick02oh no. so the forgetfulness comes along before you're 40?00:22
gamerchick02everything goes to hell after 30?00:22
gamerchick02i'm going to be the ripe old age of 31 this year.00:22
gamerchick02where's my cane?00:22
jrwrengreg-g: you are only 30? holy shit, I thought you were 40! :p00:37
derekvI forgot about mug.01:25
derekvI had a really stupid day.01:26
rick_h_ugh, sucky01:26
derekvbasically missed work, was going to take care of getting the insurance check but it turned into an all day fiasco01:26
rick_h_ah, so at least it wasn't that bad a work day01:42
rick_h_kind of scary http://goo.gl/OOa7B01:55
rick_h_yea, you spend years putting all this code into github, and then github turns it around and turns it into a recruiter info haven02:02
rick_h_github -> dice.com02:03
brousch1Well, that's betterthan just letting it rot02:03
derekvare recruiters really a problem?02:03
derekvseems like a good kind of problem.02:03
derekvlike its a problem when your a rockstar ppl want you to sign things02:04
derekvI mean, its just spam.02:04
derekvAnd I don't seem to have a big problem with it, somehow =/02:05
greg-gjrwren: :P02:13
jrwreni think githubs plans are quite a bit different than that.02:41
jrwrentheir current management structure means that none of the current employees would actually execute that icky vision.02:41
jrwrengreg-g: having a baby at age 29 was fabulous for me. I think it shall be wonderful for you.02:41
snap-lThis is why I closed my linkedin account02:42
snap-lI think my future opportunities are all via github and connections02:42
snap-lIf I never have to hit dice.com ever again, it'll be too soon02:42
derekvwell linked-in just sucks02:43
derekvdoes it make me look bad that i'm shopping around for a new job?02:45
snap-lNot unless you want to fee bad about it02:45
derekvor maybe just if I phrase it that way.02:46
snap-lHonestly, I don't think jobs are the cradle-to-grave endeavors they used to be02:46
snap-lmy dad worked with the same company for so long, they were like family02:47
snap-lI don't think I'll ever get that feeling02:47
derekvsnap-l: yea clearly most companies don't want that and many employees don't expect that either02:48
jrwreni did at srt.02:48
jrwreni left anyway.02:48
jrwrenjust who i am.02:48
derekvI don't want to be doing busness related software/ consulting... I've learned a lot, there's potentially a good career out of it, if I kept with it, I would continue to learn.02:49
derekvIts just not what I picture myself doing.02:54
snap-lBusiness anything means dealing with dysfunction02:58
derekvsnap-l: thank you for saying it so succinctly02:59
derekvI had something more like "Business is people and processes attached parasitically to something which makes money, the whole functional strategy of  which is to appear complex for the sake of justifying its own existence."03:00
derekvOn the one hand, I'm really interested in agile, kanban, tdd, etc, whatever, dependancy injection, user stories, facade pattern ... all these ideas, I want to experiment with them and see, at the end of a project, what really helped?03:24
derekvbut to that end I risk making code too complex, unintentionally, because I needed to try something03:25
derekvand so on the other shoulder I have a little guy saying that all that is BS and its getting in the way of programming03:26
derekvhow many tests should I write like testThatAppDelegateCanBeInstantiated instantiate03:31
snap-lGood morning11:38
rick_h_is it friday yet?11:41
snap-lNot yet11:41
snap-lMy alarm woke me funny this morning. Have been a bit out of sorts because of it.11:42
shakes808+1 to rick_h11:42
rick_h_crap, just had my first "why?" 20 times in a row with the boy11:51
rick_h_"don't touch daddy's book please" "why?"11:51
rick_h_"because you tend to destroy things, and daddy wants to keep that book" "why?"11:52
rick_h_"because you're a toddler..." "why?"11:52
snap-l"because at this age, you're a precocious little youngster who is more interested in engaging in converation to try to get his way of touching the book than in actually discussing the issue at hand, which is 'Daddy doesn't want you touching that book'"11:54
brouschrick_h_: Sometimes it's fun11:59
brouschGood educational opportunity11:59
rick_h_yea, well just try to answer each honestly and see where it goes12:00
brouschThough it can be annoying if you're trying to do something else12:01
brouschI got to cut an apple in half last week to demonstrate the shape of the earth and its interior12:04
snap-lHm, hoping I can figure out these modem troubles.12:12
snap-lseem to be getting disconnected at least once a day when the modem resets.12:13
snap-ljust reset the modem after a call to WOWWay12:13
snap-lbut it did get a ful power-down when we had the power outage12:14
brouschI found your problem. You are using a modem.12:18
snap-lbrousch: Well, I can't find the telegraph.12:22
brouschThat's what you get for throwing away old tech.12:26
brousch"Good news! You now have 109GB of space in your Dropbox!"12:27
rick_h_usic in there now12:29
rick_h_I might have to drop my music in there now12:30
brouschI just moved mine out 3 months ago12:30
snap-lYeah, I have 104.25GB of space12:40
snap-land I'm using 4.5GB of it12:41
nullspacesnap-l: how did you manage that?12:55
snap-lI pay for the extra storage? :)12:56
nullspaceI though you ment you got it for free, I was like holy crap you manged to get a bunch of people to join12:56
nullspacewait that's limited at 18GB12:57
nullspacehmm ubuntu one never really took off12:58
brouschYou also get some free when you activate auto-uploads of photos from your phone12:58
brouschAnd they have occasional quests12:58
rick_h_bwuhahaha my evil is complete http://pypi.python.org/pypi/launchpad_yui13:02
rick_h_and auto push/popd ftw13:07
jrwrensnap-l, derekv i would like to correct you on your definition of business last night and suggest that you are overly cynical13:13
rick_h_I must have missed this13:14
snap-ljrwren: Perhaps it is the size of the company that brings about the cynical nature.13:15
jrwrenmy girl never went through the endless why phase. I'm jealous of you guys.13:15
snap-lrick_h_: Congratulations!13:15
jrwrensnap-l: agreed, in general big means bad.13:16
snap-lbig == complicated13:20
snap-lIt's like steering a battleship13:20
brouschHm, pyjamas could really use some better documentation13:28
brouschThis is gonna be a challenge to get it working13:28
rick_h_what are you doing with pyjamas?13:29
jrwrenyet complexity does not have to mean dysfunction.13:32
brouschrick_h_: Part of my Python on/for Android decent into madness13:33
snap-ljrwren: It's a great company that can manage complexity without becoming dysfunctional13:33
snap-ljrwren: I have yet to see this.13:33
jrwrenme too.13:37
jrwreni'd point to companies, but none are "big"13:37
jrwrensome are no longer tiny.13:37
jrwrengithub is on the verge of something either very great, or their time is about come and the will become too large for awesome.13:37
jrwreni really hope they continue with their greatness.13:37
snap-ljrwren: The problems start creeping in when the cash flow doesn't exceed the expenses13:39
snap-lThat's usually when "the adults" come into a company and start making sweeping changes in the name of keeping things afloat.13:39
jrwrenat that point, it is too late.13:40
snap-lThe problems come in whenever the company defines themselves so radically different from their current customer base.13:41
jrwrenbut SRT handled that extremely well, so it does not always happen badly13:41
jrwrenoh yes, that is a huge problem.13:41
snap-lSRT still has the founders on-board13:41
jrwrenthe founders still run the company13:41
jrwrenno outside funds.13:41
snap-lonce you start getting outside funds, that's when things start to fester.13:42
jrwrenoutside funding is a first huge warning sign, which is why I worry a bit about github13:42
snap-land why I worry about facebook, even though I can't stand them.13:42
snap-lThe first earnings call they have where they miss their target is when it'll all go to shit13:42
jrwrenfor certain products its difficult if not impossible to build a company around without some up front capital13:42
snap-l(or at least trend that way)13:43
jrwrensoftware and services have the luxury of being easily bootstrapable13:43
snap-lNote how many folks are still with Geeknet13:43
jrwrenpublic companies are different.13:43
jrwreni have no idea how many geeknet folks there are.13:43
jrwrenall /. founders are gone AFAIK, but I don't know about the other original companies which were aquired13:44
snap-lThey're gone too13:44
jrwrenand they are public13:48
jrwrenso they answer to shareholders, although I can't imagine they have a vocal shareholder13:48
snap-lThey do.13:48
snap-lCheck their stock.13:49
jrwrenoh 33% insider held.13:49
jrwrenby whom I wonder.13:49
jrwrengotta be an early investor.13:49
jrwrenwow, they are bleeding.13:50
jrwrennot an early investor?13:50
jrwrendid someone just come in and buy?13:50
jrwrenhaha, SUCKER!13:50
jrwrenoh, the board is the 33% holders?13:51
brouschgreg-g: I am unable to parse your tweet. I think one of us is not awake yet.14:11
greg-gprobably me14:15
greg-guntappd is an app, it appears in my twitter timeline when my contacts are drinking beer, I assume it also lets you rate the beers you are drinking14:15
* greg-g has not used it14:16
greg-git is like a foursquare of beer drinking, it appears14:16
greg-gbrousch: ^14:16
brouschheh, thanks14:17
brouschDarn 140 characters14:17
greg-galso, I feel hungover from drinking one beer last night14:19
greg-gthough, I mostly blame sleeping in this hotel room14:19
brouschI've had that from strong beers like Dragon's Milk or Dirty Bastard14:22
greg-git wasn't too bad, it was an IPA, uh, something local (DC)14:23
brouschI don't like IPAs. Too hoppy14:25
snap-lYeah, I'm not a fan of IPas either14:25
jrwreni love ipa, more hops please, and pass the hops and can i have a side of hops with that.14:27
brouschYour comment made me make the bitter beer face14:28
* greg-g looooves hops14:31
greg-gI even got my mom into hops, she loooves the dogfish head 90 minute :)14:34
greg-gthe one they sell in 4 packs because it is like 10 or so percent :)14:35
jrwrengreg-g: same here with my dad. I handed him a huma lumpa licious and it was like he rediscovered beer.14:36
jrwreni watched his face light up like a child. it was awesome.14:36
jrwrenthen he mentioned that he bought some for himself weeks later.14:36
jrwren... question for linux folks: this is a weird sudoers entry, right? ALL     ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL14:37
jrwrenadn by weird, i mean, all can sudo as root14:37
greg-gjrwren: mmmmm huma lumpa licious14:37
jrwrenmy wife is taking me west mi beer touring this weekend :)14:38
greg-gI need a pre noon beer now :)14:38
rick_h_jrwren: so...they've just said "if you have an account on here with a password you can sudo" ?14:38
rick_h_not even that, nopasswd ...hmm yea strange I guess14:39
snap-lIf the end game is passwordless sudo... ;)14:40
snap-lWeird is a relative term, though. But yeah, it's a pretty loose entry14:41
brouschjrwren: Where are you going? We went to Saugatuck Brewing Company last weekend. It was a really nice pub/restaurant with a large variety of their own beers14:43
jrwrenbrousch: i'm not sure. she is planning it.14:47
jrwrenbrousch: I think we will probably hit founders and that other GR brewery.14:47
jrwrenmaybe we will stop in marshall and battlecreek on our way? I really don't know.14:47
brouschHopcat or Brewery Vivant?14:48
brouschI think you would like Vivant14:49
jrwrenafter some thought, I've decided that the sudoers is *really bad* because if any account is breeched, it has access to root. *BAD*14:49
jrwrenbrousch: maybe both, I dunno.14:49
jrwrenwhich is an old church?14:49
rick_h_jrwren: that's why it should be limited to the duty of that login, specific commands/etc14:49
brouschjrwren: Yeah, and old church. They have great atmosphere and interesting beers14:50
snap-ljrwren: Yeah, root should be given sparingly14:51
snap-lif it's a dev box, and it doesn't matter if the machine goes to hell, that would be fine14:51
snap-lbut if it impacts other people, or has access to machines that do, it's generally considered bad form.14:51
jrwrenthis is production14:57
jrwrenonly 1 user account on the system, but its teh system accounts i am more concerned with.14:58
jrwrena www-data code execution would be bad14:58
rick_h_jrwren: but can you sudo if you don't have a shell?14:58
rick_h_I've never tried it, but would imagine that would be false14:58
jrwrenyes, you can.14:59
jrwrenthere is good use case for it too.14:59
jrwrene.g. cron job as regular user which calls sudo for a command. the sudoers permits only that command for that user, not ALL.15:00
snap-ljrwren: You might want to chroot that command15:20
snap-lor move it to another box15:20
brouschsnap-l: http://i.imgur.com/aJGy6.jpg15:23
jrwrensnap-l: huh? why?15:38
snap-lbrousch: I've wanted to make WWHRD stuff for years.15:42
snap-ljrwren: Keeps cron honest.15:42
snap-lif cron needs to sudo, there's abuse potential15:42
derekvi can't set repeating appointments with google calander that I could specify with cron I've figured out.15:43
derekvlike "last friday before 15th and 1st every month""15:43
snap-lI know how to do the latter, but not sure how to do the former15:44
waldo323_or for the same event15:44
jrwrensnap-l: not the cron user, a different user, and of course the single command would need to be audited. I'm not advocating sudo vi or cat :)15:55
rick_h_snap-l: http://cjohansen.no/talks/2011/xp-meetup/#2515:55
derekvoh man, good things come to those who slack15:55
derekvcontrolallrobots.com is open again15:56
snap-lrick_h_: cute15:57
rick_h_snap-l: thought you'd like that slide15:57
greg-gjcastro: dude, you have 3 user accounts on the oscon website :)15:59
waldo323_are they using sched.org for there scheduling?15:59
jcastrogreg-g: yeah I duno what's up with that16:01
greg-gwell, I marked them all as contacts :)16:01
jcastroI don't like the oreilly thing16:06
jcastroit's like, let's make our own dumber social network16:06
jcastrolike "so and so sent you a message!"16:06
jcastroso I have to go to their site, etc. to find it16:06
greg-gyeah, probably dumb that I just added people as contacts, Danese Cooper added me so I was like "hmm, why not?16:08
jcastrowell it's like17:02
jcastrooreilly makes me tell them everything anyway17:02
jcastrolike my twitter and email17:02
jcastrowhy not just give that to greg instead of making something up17:02
nullspacewait o'rielly has a social media service?17:44
jrwrenpylint doesn't check anything wrt pep257. bummer.17:47
rick_h_jrwren: yea, but there's a module for it17:48
jrwrenlistening to Kraftwerk discog chronologically, and amazed at how much music there is before their first singing.17:50
snap-ljrwren: The Man Machine is their first singing album irrc18:26
jrwrenradioactivity ?18:29
jrwrenwell, I counted radioactivity, just given teh song radioactivity.18:30
snap-lwell, autobahn has vocoder18:33
jrwrenyeah, i wasn't counting it.18:36
jrwreni know, i should.18:36
jrwrenfun fun fun18:37
snap-lhttp://profbanks.com/?p=585 <- per earlier convo18:56
brouschUg, crazy day.19:00
brouschSomeone take over for 20mins so I can nap19:00
Blazeixi've got it, you can go nap now.19:04
brouschBlazeix: You let 3 guys get past you. They asked me more questions.19:12
jrwrenapport doesn't use http_proxy? LAME19:20
jrwrenhow many bugs does a guy have to file? :)19:21
rick_h_greg-g: best things ever fyi: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001HN6CX8/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i0119:32
snap-lThis may be the greatest invention since sliced bread. I'm a knot expert and usually adjust guylines myself, but when it's pouring rain and the wind is blowing 40 mph sideways, these are the cat's ass. And, I guess what really makes me love them is the relatively low price for a great idea that works as advertised.19:36
rick_h_yea, I got two for this last camping trip. I bought four more and a new tarp after how well it worked out. The caribiner to clip on one end just works awesome19:37
rick_h_quick to adjust, etc19:37
rick_h_I am not a knot expert, I should learn some of those sometime for sure19:37
rick_h_and reflective lines ftw19:37
jrwrenno surprise: when the Killing Joke album ended and kidneythieves started, it was pretty obvious19:41
snap-ljrwren: I had a similar experience19:41
snap-lwhen Ivan Ilic's album of piano stopped, it was pretty clear that Dead Kennedys was on.19:41
derekvmight not be able to make chc tonight.20:01
derekvwe'll see20:02
* rick_h_ releases the hounds20:02
* derekv chases the hounds20:03
snap-lI program m home computer20:07
snap-lbeam myself into the future20:07
jrwrenhaha, finally have a kvm guest with a kvm kernel - /dev/vda for my virtio disk. rawk!20:49
waldo323_Blazeix, was that a plugin or config you have for your line numbers in vim?21:29
greg-grick_h_: yeah, I've seen those in the stores and always really tempted, but since I didn't have anything that at the time needed to be tied down/whatever, I didn't get them. I should just get them for the car.21:29
rick_h_greg-g: yea, I used them on a tarp and they worked so well I just stocked up21:30
snap-lwaldo323_: It's built in21:33
snap-lset relnum21:33
snap-lset relativenumber21:33
snap-lBlazeix: Also, do you have "set paste" running?21:34
snap-lwell, not running, but acive?21:34
Blazeixsnap-l: no, i don't use 'set paste'. I do have "set clipboard=unnamed" which seems to make copying/pasting in vim mostly work with the linux clipboards22:06
snap-lRIght, but I was wondering if that was causing your indenting issues.22:17
rick_h_woot http://yuilibrary.com/gallery/show/anim-morph22:22

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