
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
kedarNeed to know if anyone is using Ubuntu 12.04 on AMD X2 26005:11
kedarhaving speed issues05:11
kedarFirst time I click on a browser icon in Unity, it takes about 20 secs to open05:12
* Kilos greets all of you05:15
KilosMaaz, coffee on05:19
* Maaz starts grinding coffee05:19
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!05:23
KilosMaaz, thanks man05:23
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)05:23
Kilosno bunch man me only05:23
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
=== hodgecola is now known as Hodgestar
Kiloshey SmilyBorg 06:34
SmilyBorgHey there06:34
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kilosyo Trixar_za 06:58
Trixar_zaHey Kilos06:58
Kiloslol times change hey? used to be if you said hey to someone they answered yes or wondered what they did wrong06:59
Trixar_zaOnly in Cape Town. They spontaneously greet you in Pretoria07:02
Trixar_zaWhich is a little unsettling at first07:02
Kilosweve become too americanised07:02
Trixar_zaProbably. In the cape, anybody that does that you automatically assume is 1.) a Begger, 2.) a Mugger or 3.) Both07:04
Kilosrofl where are you?07:04
Trixar_zaBrackenfell in the Western Cape07:05
Kiloshi smile 07:14
smilegood morning, Kilos :)07:15
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosmorning superfly 07:27
smilei'm doing vandalismebestrijding :p how is that called in english? :p07:38
Kilosanti vandalism07:39
Kilosvandalism prevention07:54
Kiloseasily done, kill the vandals07:54
superflyMorning Kilos07:55
superflyKilos: booked the hospital for #2, we're having *another* july birthday07:55
Kilosyay superfly thats wonderful news07:57
Kilosthanks for sharing07:57
superflyKilos: I knew you'd want to know07:58
charlgood morning al07:58
Kilosyo charl 07:58
superflycharl: is this the time you get up?! Lazy! :-P07:59
Kiloshe will say he studied till late07:59
superflyKilos: of course... "studied" :-P08:00
Kilosi go move sheep and repair fences bbl08:00
* superfly will be back later, Cape Town station approaches08:00
charlsuperfly: nope i have been in the office for more than an hour, just busy08:01
smileKilos: no, not prevention :p08:08
smileafter they done something :p08:08
sflrgood mornings!08:36
superflyhiya sflr08:41
sflrhey superfly!08:44
not_foundmorning all08:47
charlhi sflr 09:07
charlSquirm: hi09:24
Kiloshi notsf09:35
Kilosyo Squirm 09:35
* Squirm eyes Kilos09:36
Kilosnlsthzn, you back09:36
Kiloshi sflr 09:37
KilosMaaz, coffee on09:42
* Maaz puts the kettle on09:42
* Kilos greets inetpro 09:42
charlMaaz: coffee please09:45
Maazcharl: Okay09:45
charlhi inetpro, Kilos 09:46
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and charl!09:46
charlMaaz: thanks09:47
Maazcharl: Sure09:47
KilosMaaz, ty09:47
MaazYou are welcome Kilos09:47
nlsthznalo uncle Kilos ...09:47
smilehi :)10:28
charlhi smile 11:38
charlphew busy busy today11:38
KilosSquirm, just saw a macro add for tomtom gps11:43
Kilosgoogle tomtom gps in za11:46
KilosMaaz, google tomtom gps in za11:46
MaazKilos: "South Africa - TomTom, portable GPS car navigation systems" http://www.tomtom.com/?Lid=28 :: "Dónde comprarlo - TomTom, portable GPS car navigation systems" http://www.tomtom.com/stores/ :: "TomTom Go 750 Live - Review - Gps Devices | TechSmart.co.za" http://www.techsmart.co.za/gadgets/gps_devices/TomTom_Go_750_Live_review.html :: "TomTom GO 1000 LIVE - Review - Gps Devices | TechSmart.co.za" http://www.techsmart.co.za/gadgets/gps_11:46
Kiloscharl, you busy? or mocking us11:48
charlKilos: nah i'm seriously busy12:04
charlno kidding12:04
charlhence spending so little time on irc12:04
smilehi charl :)12:06
smiletoday, I'm working on a custom build of chatzilla :)12:06
smileit has to be really small :D12:06
smileit's for windows :| (because some users don't have the skill to use linux)12:07
* nlsthzn doesn't have the skill :(12:08
Banlamyou don't need skill to use linux12:09
Kilosyou need brains to dump windows12:10
sflrbrowsing the internet? even my 2 year old can do that12:10
smilenlsthzn: :(12:10
smileBanlam: but if you can only click on a button you can't use linux ;)12:10
sflrsmile make a small ubuntu build and label it chatzilla mini for windows12:11
Banlamsmile, depends on your definition of use12:11
nlsthznfunny... ubuntu is on a mission to make it so you only have to click on a button...12:14
smileBanlam: wel a small ubuntu build would be at least 200MB - I need something like 10MB ;)12:18
smileBanlam: well yeah. Being able to install software can be tricky sometimes on linux :p12:19
smileI'm working with the source code of chatzilla now :)12:19
smileremoving all comments first. I don't need those :p12:19
smileanyone who knows if there is a plugin for notepad++ for removing comment lines? :p12:20
Banlamgenerally people complain when there aren't enough comments12:20
smilethere are too much xD12:20
smilewe're still running smoothly :)12:30
smile(removed all comments in a 6000-line file) :p12:30
Kilosgood thing i didnt only discover ubuntu now12:47
Kilosno one has time anymore12:47
zerefherro peeps, time for what?12:52
Kilostime to help noobs12:56
Kiloshi zeref 12:57
Kilosi was bad when i first came here12:57
Kilosnow still bad but not as12:57
Kiloshiya maiatoday 12:57
zerefi think peeps should just be patient, but generally iemand does reply when a questioned is asked, just takes a bit long :P12:58
Kilosyeah but im sure they will all agree that they seem to have all acquired more work that has to be done than 3 years ago13:00
maiatodayhi Kilos13:00
Kilosthats how you keep peeps outa trouble. work them to death before the can plan any13:00
Kilosall good maiatoday ?13:01
maiatodayyip more or less13:01
zerefi'm lost, who has acquired more work?13:01
Kilosmore is good13:01
Kilosless im not so sure about13:01
Kiloszeref, ask the old hands here13:02
Kilostumbles crash kid fly pro etc13:02
Kilosthe bee13:02
Kilosconfluency doesnt even comment anymore13:03
Kilosdrussell, even changed nicks so no one would ask him for help13:04
Kilosohi deegee13:04
Kilosnuvolari, had time to fall off bicycles, no more13:05
Kilosevn Squirm y busy all the time13:05
zerefahh, i see13:06
Kiloshe used to swim now he walks everywhere13:06
Kilosyou only been here 51 weeks and 6 days13:08
Kiloshehe i love that info toy13:10
zerefStalker :whistle:13:12
* superfly is getting even busier soon, with #2 arriving soon13:15
Kilosha ha ha13:16
Kilosneed to get a second wife then superfly 13:16
superflyKilos: no! that's even MORE work!13:17
Kilosthen tween them they look after the kids and fight each other and you have peace13:17
superflyKilos: I sincerely doubt that13:18
Kiloshaha ask the mormons13:18
Kerberobe warned13:18
Kilosouch what is it Kerbero 13:19
* Kerbero is bragging with Banlam's Pi13:19
Kerberoraspberry Pi13:19
Kerberoon my TV13:19
sflr2 mice?13:20
Squirmmy Pi should be here in a few days13:20
SquirmDHL confirmed that it was being delivered yesterday13:21
Kerberoi actually have a micro itx behind my TV13:21
Kerberowith a ps2 mouse13:21
Kerberobut the pi neede usb13:21
Kiloswhats a pi13:22
KerberoMaaz, google raspberry pi13:22
MaazKerbero: "Raspberry Pi | An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25. Take a byte!" http://www.raspberrypi.org/ :: "FAQs | Raspberry Pi" http://www.raspberrypi.org/faqs :: "Raspberry Pi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi :: "Raspberry Pi's $35 Linux PC Hits the Streets at Last - PC World" http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/253857/raspberry_pis_35_linux_pc_hits_the_streets_at_last.html :: "Latest Raspbe13:22
Kerberoie, very cheap arm based linux pc13:22
Kerberosize of a credit card13:23
Squirmhad to wait months to get it though :/13:23
Kiloswhats cheap?13:23
Kerbero^ size13:23
SquirmKilos: cost R34013:23
Kilosfor a pc?13:24
Kerberomine will be here in about 9 weeks i think13:24
Kiloswhat all can it do13:24
Kerberorun linux :P13:24
Squirmit has an ARM processor13:24
Kerberoand play full hd video13:24
Squirmso it can't do EVERYTHING13:24
Kiloswith usb ports etc?13:24
Kerbero2 usb13:24
Kerbero1 lan13:24
Kerbero1 hdmi13:24
Squirmbut there's always room for a usb hub13:25
Kerbero1 audio + 1 rca (video)13:25
SquirmKilos: http://www.raspberrypi.org/faqs13:26
Squirm2 images at the top of the page13:26
SquirmKerbero: I'm thinking of making an RC car out of mine13:27
Squirmor a quad copter. just need to work out how to programatically do it13:27
Kerberothat's a waste of it13:29
Kerberoyou can do that with an arduino13:29
sflrmake an Optimus Prime! ;)13:31
Kerberosounds better13:31
SquirmKerbero: yes13:31
Kerberoi'm likely going to use it for my M project13:31
Squirmbut I wouldn't know where to start with an Arduino13:31
Kerberolow powered computers for in the field use13:31
Squirmand it's better than it landing up as a local file/web server13:31
KerberoSquirm, it will be easier to implement the controll systems for a quadcopter on an arduino13:32
Kerberoas our timing will be more acurate13:32
SquirmI was going to test by attaching one of these to my Pi13:33
Squirmand you use the Pi to send the commands to the servo controller13:33
Squirmproblem is, I know nothing about micro controllers and what not13:35
Kerberoit might work13:36
Squirmwas thinking of going RC car/bot first :p13:37
Squirmand load it with certain sensors13:37
Squirmso I can experiment13:37
Squirmalong with receiving the commands via a little usb wifi dongle13:37
Squirmbecause with that servo controller, the pins do I/O13:39
Squirmso test distance sensors, temerature sensors, accelerometes, etc13:39
Kilosnearly hometime guys. hou moed14:18
inetproKilos: goeie more14:19
Kilosinetpro, only starts work now14:19
Kiloshaha talk of the devil14:19
Kilosand he knocks on your door14:20
inetproKilos: I just landed here now :-)14:20
Kilosals goed inetpro ?14:20
inetprogoed en daar?14:20
Kilosfrom where?14:20
inetpronet baie besig14:20
inetproKilos: from space14:20
inetproKilos: from outer space14:21
Kilosjy beter n gap maak vanaand vir die agenda ne14:21
* inetpro shall try to make some time but can not make promises14:21
Kilospeeps need some time to add agenda items etc 14:21
inetproalready tired as it is14:21
inetproKilos: BTW, my hen is brooding since about Monday14:21
Kilosmooi man14:22
inetprois mos brooding?14:22
Kilos19 dae of so n hele klomp van die goed14:22
Banlamcheers guys14:22
inetprokan nie wag nie14:22
BanlamI'm off for the next 2 weeks14:22
Banlamchat when I'm back14:22
inetproBanlam: bye14:22
Kiloscheers Banlam 14:22
=== Banlam is now known as Banlam|away
Kilossigh inetpro im not sure anymore, she is broody and sitting on eggs14:24
Kilosdan blerry ding14:25
inetproKilos: brooding = sitting on eggs so as to hatch them by the warmth of the body [syn: {incubation}]14:26
inetpronot morbid meditation14:26
Kiloswell done you were right. amper n engelsman14:26
inetproMaaz: define brooding14:27
Maazinetpro: Brood \Brood\ (br[=o]ch), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Brooded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Brooding}.] 1. To sit on and cover eggs, as a fowl, for the purpose of warming them and hatching the young; or to sit over and cover young, as a hen her chickens, in order to warm and protect them; hence, to sit quietly, as if brooding. [1913 Webster]  Birds of calm sir brooding on the charmed wave. --Milton. [1913 Webster]  2. To have the mind dwell continuo14:27
Kiloswerk nou gou klaar 14:27
inetproanyways my hen is sitting on the eggs for the first time14:27
* inetpro can't wait to see them chicks coming outta there14:28
Kilosyeah farming has its ups14:28
inetproeish, work... /me bbl14:29
Kiloseven growing veggies14:29
smileChatZilla is running :) now writing an installer.. :p14:42
Kiloswell done14:42
smilethanks, Kilos :)14:42
smileKilos: do you have a windows pc? :p14:43
smilebeside the linux one14:43
Kilosyeah P3 with win me on and sister with xp14:44
smileok cool :)14:44
Kilosfor gaming though14:45
smilesince my chatzilla will only run on windows (for now)14:46
Kiloslol i use xchat14:46
Kilosand ian on win7 does too14:47
smileI'm curious to see how big my install file would be :)14:51
Kilostry it14:54
smilewell I'm not able yet - first must write a NSIS installer file14:55
smilei'm working on it :)14:55
smileit will be between 5 and 20 megabyte :)14:55
smilemost likely between 5 and 10 :)14:55
Kilosyou gonna write 20m of code?14:55
Kilosor even 10m14:56
smileno :D the installer script is only a megabyte ;)14:56
smileor less. :)14:56
Kiloseven thats lots of code14:56
Kilosthats like a book14:56
Kilossome books are 250kBs14:57
smilelol! :p14:57
smileKilos: I generated a list of file names to include and now I'm transforming that list to code :p14:58
Kilosoh not manually14:58
smilewell the transformation I do manual - the whole file list not (with the dir command on windows) :)14:59
Kilosyou have a program to do the work?15:00
smileI do have a program, but I have to type by myself ;) the program isn't doing that :p15:01
smileonly 50 lines to go ;)15:10
KilosMaaz, seen gc17:42
MaazKilos: gc was last seen 2 days, 22 hours, 55 minutes and 39 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-07-08 20:46:56 SAST], and has been offline on freenode since 2012-07-09 03:09:14 SAST17:42
Kilosmage is getting slack in his old age17:43
Kilosnuvolari, ping17:43
Kiloshmm hy is bang ons maak hom werk18:06
magespawnevening all18:13
Kiloswb magespawn 18:13
Kiloswassup gc18:13
magespawnpower failures18:13
Kiloswhew 18:13
Kilosis your external an LG18:13
magespawnno western digital18:14
Kiloscheck out esquire18:14
Kilosian said they had 1TB drives for 70018:15
Kilosbut you dont need one anymore hey18:15
magespawnthat is where I usually buy my hardware.18:15
Kilosdo you know anyone that does upgrading of pcs18:16
Kilosim looking for a lga 775 cpu18:16
magespawnbesides myself you mean?18:16
Kilosbut not new18:16
Kilos775 takes an intel and a core 218:17
Kilosjust the old intel will do me so i can get my spare mb going18:17
magespawni can have a look through my second hand stuff.18:18
Kilosplease do18:18
Kiloseveryone here is very quiet tonight18:21
magespawnmaybe they are all chatted out18:21
Kilosi think they scared they get put to work18:22
Kiloswe need an agenda page and agenda items for mondays meeting18:22
Kilosthey all waiting for me to go sleep then theyll come on18:24
magespawni don't think they are that scared of you18:25
Kilostheynot scared of me they scared of more work18:28
Kilosoh ya whats news with the recovery18:28
magespawni can understand that.18:28
magespawnfinished it but it does not look like we got much usable stuff of18:29
Kilosno man must be18:30
Kilosjust it all comes in numbered files18:30
magespawnwell a lot of music, but it looks like most of the avi movie files are just parts.18:30
Kilosbut too understand what they were is the big job18:30
Kilosaw all the movies18:31
Kilosand saved videos18:31
Kilostry another tool18:31
smilebye :)18:32
magespawnit was, there was also a lot of other files recovered like word documents, presentation and pdf files.18:32
smileKilos: it's 6,2 megabyte :)18:32
Kilosbye smile 18:32
magespawncheers smile18:32
smilesee ya tomorrow :)18:32
Kiloswell done smile 18:32
Kilossleep tight18:33
smilestill small issue at uninstalling. I will resolve it tomorrow ;)18:33
smilegood night :)18:33
Kilosyouve used testdisk and photorec hey magespawn 18:34
magespawnyes i am busy at the moment with to see it i can redo the master file table.18:35
Kiloswith ubcd?18:35
magespawnboth of those tools are available for ms too, big surprise there.18:35
magespawnno i ran both my ubuntu machine18:36
Kilosno man i mean you trying to fix file table with what18:36
Kilosif you could just get windows to see it you cd use chkdsk from a windows drive18:39
magespawnyup thats the thing. chkdsk most of the time can repair the file system18:41
magespawnbut no18:41
magespawnbut now that we have recovered some info, i feel that is worth the risk to try and repair the file system18:41
magespawnfish time18:41
Kilosmagespawn, read this18:49
inetproguten abend18:50
inetprois kilos gone yet18:50
Kiloshi inetpro you so cheeky18:51
magespawnhi inetpro18:51
* inetpro goes hiding somewhere18:51
Kilostold you magespawn 18:51
inetproKilos: wher's that nuvolari character of yours?18:51
Kilosinetpro, pleeeeeese make a new agenda page and give me the link18:51
Kilosi dunno i pinged him18:52
inetproif he wants to run the meeting on Monday he will have to get involved in setting the Agenda18:52
Kilosor tell me how to make new agenda pages18:52
inetpronuvolari: no excuses are acceptable 18:52
inetproKilos: the agenda is there, isn't it18:53
inetproKilos: check the topic 18:53
inetproChanServ: topic18:53
Kilosi been in and out of ubuntuwiki thing but cant find nothing 18:53
inetproChanServ: topic #ubuntu-za18:53
Kilosive lost the link to the meetings 18:54
Kiloshad a hard day18:54
inetproKilos: honestly, can you not see the topic of the channel?18:55
inetproit's always there18:55
Kilosi try again18:55
KilosChanServ, topic18:56
inetproKilos: grrr18:56
KilosChanServ, topic #ubuntu-za18:57
* inetpro goes to find a screenshot of xchat18:57
magespawnChanserv: topic18:57
Kiloschanserv says nothing18:57
magespawnTopic for #ubuntu-za is “Ubuntu South Africa http://ubuntu-za.org || MMList: http://bit.ly/MCOujZ || PBin: http://paste.ubuntu.com || Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com || Next Meeting: Mon, 16 July @ 19:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/KgdIo7 || Announcements: https://twitter.com/ubuntuza”18:57
Kilosoh that thing at the top18:58
magespawnthats the one18:58
inetproKilos: yeah, that stuff at the top is called the topic18:59
inetprolotsa information there18:59
inetproKilos: and I put all the agenda items there so far, what more do you want to see?19:00
Kilosoh my goodness19:01
Kiloswhy wait for me to ask when you have done it already 19:01
Kiloswell done i will tweet it more19:02
inetproKilos: seriously, I thought you knew it and just wanted to add more stuffs19:02
Kilosno i didnt sorry19:02
magespawnahh well, all well that ends well.19:03
inetproKilos: can you see the date when I added those items?19:03
Kilosanyone can go add etc if they login there hey?19:03
inetproKilos: sure thing19:04
Kilosno when did you do it?19:04
inetproMon, 18 June 2012 20:43 UTC - 21:13 UTC19:05
magespawnjust after the last meeting, ne?19:05
Kiloswhew shoot me19:06
magespawninetpro do you use emacs?19:06
inetproKilos: now please go announce that meeting again tomorrow and add the link to the agenda19:06
inetpromagespawn: nope19:06
Kiloslol will do19:07
inetpromagespawn: I tried once long ago and gave up19:07
Kiloswill email list too if time allows19:07
charlgood evening19:07
Kiloshi charl 19:07
inetpromagespawn: but I do vi and vim19:07
inetprocharl: good evenin19:07
charlhi Kilos, inetpro 19:08
Kilosinetpro, not kate19:08
inetproKilos: oh and kate19:08
* inetpro loves kate19:08
inetprobut Kilos, don't tell my wife19:08
inetproeh, at least she also know kate :-)19:09
Kiloslucky you or you would be sleeping with the broody bantom19:10
KilosMaaz, define bantom19:11
MaazKilos: I don't know about bantom. Maybe you meant Fantom, Bantam or bantam?19:11
Kilosya bantam19:11
Kilosoh my i typed inna topic when it was suppsed to be here19:13
magespawnwhy did you stop inetpro? supposed to be very poweful, thas what i here19:14
Kilosmagespawn, does that recover link give you more hope19:16
Kilosmake an image of it19:16
inetpromagespawn: why did I stop what?19:16
magespawnis does but need more room to store data again.19:16
magespawnemacs inetpro19:17
inetpromagespawn: ahh19:17
inetproto much to remember19:17
magespawni see.19:17
Kiloseish you shoulda gone for a 2tb19:17
magespawni was trying to learn vi and that seemed like a lot of work.19:18
magespawnbut got the hang of it quite soon19:18
Kilosvim is easier19:18
magespawni like to find tools that i can use regardless of the os of the pc19:19
magespawnthere is emacs for the other os too19:19
inetproKilos: here's my chickens https://plus.google.com/114254397525521567468/posts/SUAtxYjTMcF19:20
Kilosno man g+ eats data19:20
Kilosmail me the pic19:20
magespawnthey look cold19:21
Kilosinetpro, do you know any pc upgrade peeps19:21
inetproKilos: a  87,94 KB file https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-wetfmXoeL_g/T_3RBehEtvI/AAAAAAAABH8/ca0YWWntMtU/s457/2012+-+1 19:21
inetproKilos: hmm... 19:22
inetproKilos: why?19:22
Kilosare they mini australorps19:22
Kilosi need a cpu19:22
Kiloslga 775 socket19:23
inetproKilos: TBH I don't know what they are19:23
magespawnare serious?19:23
inetproKilos: post on the ubuntu-za mailing list19:23
magespawnare you serious?19:23
Kilosthose arent chickens they are full grown bantams magespawn 19:23
magespawnthey sill look cold.19:24
Kilosoh cold ya they in the tvl in winter19:24
inetproKilos: I'm sure there will be peeps who know their hardware on the mailing list19:26
inetproKilos: what's wrong with your cpu?19:27
Kilosthats an idea i will try them ty19:27
Kilosits another mb ian gave me without cpu or ram19:27
magespawnis the mobo is okay?19:28
Kilosram he will help me get but only cpus still available are core219:28
Kilosits still inna box magespawn 19:28
inetproKilos: http://www.pricecheck.co.za/search/?search=lga+775+socket19:28
magespawnwhich socket 1155 or 1115 i think19:28
Kiloslga 77519:29
Kilosthey used to use an older intell then brought out a core to to upgrade19:29
Kilosso someone thats upgraded must still have the old cpu19:29
magespawnmm what i was saying is that the new chips are socket 1155 or 1115 i think19:30
Kiloslook at the mb19:30
magespawnso you want any chip that will fit a lga 775 socket19:30
magespawnwhat mb is it?19:30
Kilosonboard graphics and can do sata drives19:31
Kilosso maybe i can go unity19:32
Kilosalso be much quicker if i start data recoveries19:32
Kilosyes what?19:42
Kilosya any chip that will fit inna 775 socket19:43
Kilosmost peeps today have sata drives so i think maybe it will be doff to offer a recovery service  that doesnt include satas19:45
Kilosright or wrong?19:45
Kilosnight guys. sleep tight. see you all tomorrow20:09
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za

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