
kristenbbhello world00:03
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anadonCan someone tell me the web location of the GIMP plugin to save images as ascii art?  I need to download it.00:03
FoolsRunJordan_U: the sysrq does not do anything when it's frozen00:04
kyle__anadon: Um.  What?00:04
x1kanadon: http://goo.gl/pEuxk00:05
x1kanadon: is that what you're looking for?00:05
kyle__anadon: It should just be in there.  Nothing to download.  If it's not, apt-get-install gimp-plugin-registry.00:05
FoolsRunJordan_U: So it's locked hard00:05
FoolsRunJordan_U: but I rebooted again and it came up fine00:06
FoolsRunIt's literally every second boot00:06
anadonx1k: I'm on arch, but loved to use that plugin.00:06
anadonx1k: Thanks!00:06
SBonomiI have had a loading issue on 11.04 and need a bit of help  I let the system upgrade the Nvidia graphics driver which then gave me a flashins screen, and it will not unload, nor can I reload a new copy of 11.0400:07
schnoodlesHello i think i have an error in my /etc/networks/interfaces and my machine will not boot now complaining about my networks. Is there a way i can get into a mode where i can edit this file ?00:09
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Dr_willisschnoodles,  recovery or rescue mode from the grub menu shhould.. seems weird that file would keep sstem from booting00:10
SBonomischnoodles, have you tried the safe boot?00:10
schnoodlesDr_willis and SBonomi i am running this on a VM and it seems to hit this screen at the very start before any menus :\00:11
schnoodlesLooking at launchpad it seems like this is an old bug.00:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512253 in ifupdown (Ubuntu Karmic) "Mistake in /etc/network/interfaces keeps the system from booting" [Medium,Fix released]00:11
kristenbbhow can I set ubuntu not to write a nbsp (but a normal space instead) when I type altgr+space ?00:11
Dr_willisboot a live cd image in the VM. :)00:11
MorrowWHi everyone, I'm encountering an issue with running .iso files. I have them properly mounted and everything, but all it does is show me what's inside the folders instead of executing the file.00:12
SBonomiperhaps booting from a CD will give you access to that mount volume00:12
Dr_willisMorrowW,  wghat are you expecting it to execute?00:12
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MorrowWDr_willis I'm trying to get the .iso file to be recognized by a program.00:13
philmeisterHello. I've got ubuntu 12.04 running with two monitors. My problem is that when i try to watch a youtube video fullscreen the windows stretches towards the right edge of the left screen, so I only can see half the video. Hope anybody understand what i mean.00:13
Dr_willisMorrowW,  what program? You dont 'execute' iso files.. that that wasent what your first question was asking..00:14
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MorrowWDr_willis It's rosetta stone, and I'm trying to get the program to recognize the disc00:14
schnoodlesDr_willis: ok i will try that now. In the live cd should i just mount the old file system and edit the /etc/networks/interfaces or is there something easier??00:14
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MorrowWDr_willis I have the program rosetta stone running and when I insert the cd with the iso file the CD mounts fine, but the program fails to recognize that the disc is there00:15
Dr_willisMorrowW,  this is a windows/wine app yopu are referign to? ive had luck with copying EVERYTHING off of the cd to some directory and running the apps from within that dir. You may want to checkt he wine app database for that specific app.00:15
Dr_willisMorrowW,  you may need to run the wine configure tool to make a virtual cd for the app to look at with the contents of the cd.00:15
Jordan_UFoolsRun: Try creating a file /boot/grub/custom.cfg with the contents "timout=5" (which will make the grub menu have exactly a 5 second timeout every time) and let it timeout (don't press any keys) and see if it then always fails, always succeeds, or does something else.00:15
MorrowWDr_willis Okay. How would I go about configuring that in Wine?00:15
Dr_willisschnoodles,  thats about as easy as it gets. ;)00:15
philmeisterHere's a screen shot of my problem. The left one is a full screened youtube video: http://i.imgur.com/rhrxZ.jpg00:16
Dr_willisMorrowW,  you may want to check in #winehq  i tend to only use wine for very simple cases.00:16
FoolsRunJordan_U: just those contents? And no need to run update-grub?00:16
schnoodlesHeh luckily ive done this before so i kind of know what i am doing :). Just depends if it will boot from CD which at the moment it looks like it does not :S00:16
kristenbbhow to automatically mount an internal drive wiht 12.04 ?00:16
Jordan_UFoolsRun: Yes to both, just those contents (whithout the quotes) and no need to run update-grub as /boot/grub/custom.cfg is read at boot.00:17
Dr_williskristenbb,  add a proper entry for it in /etc/fstab00:17
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:17
SBonominot booting from CD is a Bios setting I believe00:17
FoolsRunJordan_U: done and rebooting00:17
MorrowWDr_willis Okay. I once tried to mount the file directly from on the computer and this didn't seem to work much better. I'll go check Winehq, though.00:17
kristenbbis it expected that ubuntu doesn't automatically mount internal drives?00:17
Jordan_Ukristenbb: Yes.00:18
Jordan_U!fstab | kristenbb00:18
ubottukristenbb: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:18
philmeisterCan somebody please try to help me?00:18
Dr_williskristenbb,  totally depens on the filesystem of the partition.00:18
kristenbbif it's ext4, it should mount it automatically, right?00:18
Dr_williskristenbb,  no.. in fact it should NOT...00:18
escottkristenbb, is your user in plugdev00:18
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TeknoJucejthan, had the -dm and -S backwards00:18
Dr_willisunless you make a entry for it in fstab. or when you installed.00:18
kristenbbescott: what is plugdev?00:18
Jordan_UDr_willis: kristenbb: Internal partitions are not mounted automatically unless explicitly configured in the /etc/fstab. They should show up in nautilus though, and mount with a single click.00:19
kristenbbescott: a group?00:19
escottkristenbb, yes00:19
Areckx!seen Areckx00:19
ubottuI have no seen command00:19
kristenbbescott: how to check that00:19
Dr_williskristenbb,  a BIG issue with ext2/3/4 can be - that depending on where the partiuons/drives came from. your users/owneship may be  set where your user cant access them00:19
escottkristenbb, "groups"00:20
kristenbbJordan_U: yes but I don't want to have to click. other programs depend on it, and they say the files can't be reached00:20
kristenbbescott: yes i am in plugdev00:20
Dr_williskristenbb,  so make a fstab entry for it - to mount it where you want.00:20
Jordan_Ukristenbb: Then you need to create an fstab entry, as explained in the message from ubottu.00:20
FoolsRunJordan_U: the timeout worked (the menu appeared) but the boot still didn't work00:20
Dr_williskristenbb,  then it will mount at boot time.00:20
FoolsRunJordan_U: it locked up in the same spot00:20
kristenbbok, what would the entry look like ?00:21
Jordan_UFoolsRun: OK, Do you still get alternating good and bad boots?00:21
Jordan_UFoolsRun: And if you don't get any good boots any more, and I guess I should have asked you this when we started, do you have a LiveCD/USB you can use to revert the change?00:21
FoolsRunJordan_U: I can make one. I have to hard-power-off the machine and try again. Hang on.00:22
kristenbbby the way would it not be wise to just set ubuntu to mount everything it finds?00:22
kristenbb(and why not)00:22
kristenbbubottu: thanks00:23
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:23
kristenbbI love when it says that :)00:23
FoolsRunJordan_U: so far it showed the boot menu for the 5 seconds and now it's showing the non-graphical splash like it has on "good" boots before.00:23
kyle__kristenbb: You mean at boot time?  You don't want to do that, slow mounts broken mounts, etc.  It can massively inflate your boot/login time.00:23
kristenbbkyle__: I see00:24
FoolsRunJordan_U: worked fine on the second boot00:24
kristenbbso what am I supposed to write in /etc/fstab ?00:24
kyle__kristenbb: For some mount types you can put a bg flag in the option portion of fstab.  That will background the mount, thus letting you continue booting even if it's slow/missing.00:25
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kristenbbkyle__: that seems like a nice option.00:25
kristenbbkyle__: so what would the whole line look like00:26
Alexxxxapeople, please help! My PC won't detect my external hard disc storage, but it works fine with my Lap top. It used to work with PC too. However, any other stick flash memory works on PC. What should I do now?00:26
kyle__kristenbb: pertwee:/home /home nfs rw,tcp,bg 0 000:27
kristenbbpertee, what is that ?00:27
kyle__kristenbb: That would be to mount the NFS shared home directory off of pertwee to local home, read-write, tcp, background.00:27
Jordan_UAlexxxxa: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" from the working and non-working machines (with the drive plugged into said machines at the time)?00:27
kyle__kristenbb: It's a hostname, that's for an NFS mount.00:28
kristenbbI just want a normal mount, no networking access00:28
kristenbbit can be accessed locally, it's /dev/sdc100:28
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kyle__kristenbb: You don't background localmounts.  But if it's removable (external usb hdd etc), you can put in a noauto flag.00:30
kyle__/dev/sdc1 /mnt/stuff ext4 defaults,noauto,user=kristenbb 0 000:30
kyle__Something like that.00:30
kristenbbkyle__: what does 0 0 mean ?00:30
kristenbbkyle__: when clicked on with nautilus, ubuntu by default mounts it to /media. can I not mount it there too ?00:31
Alexxxxapeople, still waiting00:31
kristenbbkyle__: also, what does 'stuff' refer to ?00:31
ceegeAlexxxa: Does fdisk -l show the drive?00:32
kristenbbkyle__: also, what does 'stuff' refer to ?  What would nautilus have put in place of 'stuff', should I have clicked on it ?00:32
jrdnnkristenbb: The 0 0, first 0 is how many days between dumps, second is for order of filesystem/quota checks on reboot00:32
kyle__kristenbb: In fstab the last two columns are for an old backup utility and check order, that nobody (or not many) people use anymore.00:32
kyle__kristenbb: /mnt/stuff (second col in fstab) in this case is what directory it's going to be mounted under.00:32
gr33n7007hAlexxxxa, Jordan_U already told you to pastebin the output sudo parted -l00:33
kristenbbkyle__: so could it not be /media/ as nautilus would have done?00:33
kyle__kristenbb: Just go ahead and let the desktop automount the stuff for you then.  You can always go back and change to fstab later.00:33
Jordan_UFoolsRun: Try adding GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text to /etc/default/grub then run "sudo update-grub".00:33
kyle__kristenbb: A mount can be almost anywhere.  /home/george/movies, /var/www/gifs, etc.00:33
kristenbbkyle__: well that's what I want in the end maybe, to let the desktop mount it, but in an automated way00:33
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kristenbbkristenbb: how about the name. What name is chosen by nautilus ? Is it chosen to match the label of the partition ?00:34
kristenbbkristenbb: and how could I do that in /etc/fstab, assuming it's possible?00:34
Alexxxxahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1085453/ But it detects only my pen drive, not external hard disc00:34
Alexxxxathe same external hard disc worked week ago just fine00:35
Alexxxxaand it works on lap top00:36
Jordan_UAlexxxxa: I asked for two "sudo parted -l results". I'll repost my request.00:36
Jordan_UAlexxxxa: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" from the working and non-working machines (with the drive plugged into said machines at the time)?00:36
ceegeis the drive SATA3? and maybe that computer can't do that?00:36
Alexxxxabut I will not plug in pen drive in working machine00:37
Alexxxxaonly external hard00:37
FoolsRunJordan_U: line added, rebooting. Successfully showing the text splash so at least the change worked...00:38
jrdnnceege: Isn't SATA 3 backwards compatible? Just runs at SATA2 speeds on old computers?00:39
FoolsRunJordan_U: Holy crap it worked! Rebooting again to be sure!00:39
Chad__Now that we're on the topic of fstab, what flags do I need to set to allow normal users to mount and unmount the device? "user" doesn't work.00:39
ceegeI got a few enclosures from Frys lately that only work on systems that can do SATA300:39
Jordan_UFoolsRun: Great. You can remove /boot/grub/custom.cfg then, and *please* file a bug report about this.00:40
Alexxxxafrom working-machine http://paste.ubuntu.com/1085459/00:41
FoolsRunJordan_U: My machine has been upgraded for many, many versions of Ubuntu and is anything but clean. Is it still worth the bug report?00:41
Alexxxxasorry, it took a while cause I'm lookin' for new wireless router and can't get them both connected at the moment00:41
Jordan_UFoolsRun: Yes. Make sure to mention that in the bug report though.00:42
FoolsRunJordan_U: sure thing. Thanks for your help, this has been killing me!00:42
Jordan_UFoolsRun: You're welcome :)00:44
simplewin im gnome settings but i cant change the windows style, what should i run in cli to get the proper window to change windows style?00:46
AlexxxxaThere's one thing I can't understand about computers: Why do things that worked fine, tend not to work right? I mean, how is it possible? It worked a week ago, and now it doesn't. Not that I've changed anything...00:46
ceegeI would blame solar flares00:47
Jordan_UAlexxxxa: Can you unplug the external drive from the non-working machine, run "sudo dmesg -c" and pastebin the output, then plug the drive in and run "dmesg" and pastebin that output?00:48
OerHeksceege solar flares and particles from fukushima would be offtopic, and laughed about ...00:50
kristenbbcan you please give me more guidance regarding the modification of /etc/fstab ? I tried to do it on my own but failed00:50
jrdnnkristenbb: Just experiment with it and type mount -a after editting, as long as you don't install until that works should be no problems00:51
kristenbbso what am I supposed to write in /etc/fstab exactly ?00:51
Bert_2Hi, my 12.04 won't mount unionfs, is this because Ubuntu 12.04 uses aufs ?00:51
kristenbbdo spaces matter?00:52
jrdnnkristenbb: What /dev/ entry has the drive, what filesystem type, where do you want it mounted, and with what permissions?00:52
psusikriskropd, yes... but why are you messing with fstab?00:52
Alexxxxajust a little problem. I can't export what I get from terminal. I type "sudo dmesg -c > firstone.txt", but into it there's nothing, just number 100:52
FishsceneSo like, Ubuntu saved us about $20,000. We are re-using our 5yo macbook laptops and turning them into VMware View terminals. It was insanely easy to strip unnecessary software and customize it to my needs. It's not much, but it took me about 5 years to get Ubuntu's foot in the door where I work. :)00:53
kristenbbjrdnn: there are more than one. But the first one is sdc1. it's ntfs. I want it mounted in /media/[its label name, literally - like, idealy, if I change the label name, the place where it is mounted should change, too]. no peculiar permissions, I think.00:53
psusiFishscene, nice... what's a "vmware view terminal"?00:54
kristenbbin other words I just want what the desktop does when I click on it, but in an automated way00:54
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kristenbbI don't exactly know what it does, but I think my description is accurate. If there's something else that it does that I'm not aware of, I'd like this too.00:55
jrdnnkristenbb: /dev/sdc1 /media/sdc1 ntfs-fuse rw 0 0        If sdc1 changing is a problem use glabel00:55
kristenbbjrdnn: can I add extra spaces and tabs to make it look aligned?00:55
Fishscenepsusi: Simply, Ubuntu boots, autologs on and runs "VMware View". This taps into Windows 7 virtual machines running on a server.00:55
psusiuse the UUID to identify the drive00:55
psusikriskropd, where there are already spaces, you can add extras yes...00:56
kristenbbwas that my nickname? :)00:56
Alexxxxafirst time i typed "dmesg" it displayed something, but now it doesn't anymore00:56
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Alexxxxahow is it possible? good, this is frustrating00:57
psusiFishscene, how is that different than windows terminal services?  what's it got to do with vmware?00:57
kristenbband is it not possible to mount it in /media/[label] instead ?00:57
ceegeAlexxxxa: check the dmesg logs in /var/log00:58
psusiFishscene, you have to pay a good deal to license vmware server don't you?  might save more money with xen00:58
psusikristenbb, you can mount it wherever you want00:58
kristenbbpsusi: but I mean in an automated way00:58
Fishscenepsusi: It's similar to terminal services. But we are using the software "VMware View" for linux which allows us to use the PCoIP protocol (Instead of RDP). And yes, it might be cheaper with Xen, but we decided to go with VMware as it is easier to train other admins.00:58
psusikriskropd, it gets mounted wherever you specify in fstab ( but the directory already has to exist )00:59
kristenbbpsusi: I mean, look for the label name, and mount it there. I just want what the desktop does, nothing more, nothing less00:59
FishsceneAnyway, I have to go. Just wanted to thank the community for all their hard work which makes my job easier. :D00:59
psusikriskropd, no00:59
kristenbbwhy is it so complicated to do what the desktop does? Is there no way to just automate the mounting that the desktop does?00:59
kristenbbthat's silly01:00
psusiFishscene, and this protocol is better than rdp?01:00
Chad__In fstab, how do I allow normal users to unmount the device? Currently, only root can do this.01:00
LuiXhi! my boot up in 12.04 is extremely slow, i need some help i have bootchart data. how's the best way to present it?01:00
psusiChad__, add the user option01:00
Chad__psusi: I already did that01:00
Jordan_Ukristenbb: You can use the command udisk --mount.01:00
kristenbbJordan_U: okay, that seems interesting01:01
kristenbbJordan_U: what's the whole command01:01
psusiLuiX, upload it to some image sharing site and post the link01:01
kristenbbJordan_U: I mean, how to tell udisk what disk to mount01:01
psusiChad__, ohh, I think only the user that mounted it can unmount it01:01
Jordan_Ukristenbb: udisk --mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID_GOES_HERE01:01
OptimizedCoderI beliee I added a ppa repository to install subversion 1.701:01
kristenbbJordan_U: okay, where to put that command so that it's executed at boot time?01:02
OptimizedCodernow if I want to unistall 1.7 and go back to 1.6 - I should remove that ppa repo. How do I do this ?01:02
psusikriskropd, can't execute at boot time... best you can do that route is at login time01:02
Alexxxxahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1085480/ (unplugged) and http://paste.ubuntu.com/1085485/ (plugged01:02
kristenbbor login time01:02
OptimizedCoderthis was how I added the ppa repo for svn 1.7 : http://askubuntu.com/questions/65468/where-can-i-find-a-subversion-1-7-binary01:03
kristenbband my nickname is not kriskropd01:03
kristenbbpsusi: and my nickname is not kriskropd01:03
Chad__psusi: It's mounted at boot time with the "auto" option. So I don't know who it's being mounted as. Root?01:03
psusiChad__, yep... think you need to noauto it01:03
Alexxxxathe both logs are coppied from /var/log/dmesg file, same one (but there's also dmesg.0)01:03
ceegekristenbb: are you wanting to automount a usb drive when plugged in?01:04
psusiChad__, ahh, according to the man page for mount, you can use "users" with an "s" instead to allow anyone to unmount01:04
kristenbbceege: no, it's a internal drive01:04
kristenbbceege: I want the internal drive to be automatically mounted.01:04
LuiXhere's my bootchart http://tinypic.com/r/kdnb6p/6, psusi01:04
ceegeand you want it mounted always at boot time?01:04
psusiceege, he wants the mount point to automatically rename if he changes the volume label01:05
kristenbbceege: I want the internal drive to be automatically mounted (in the same way it would have been if I had clicked on it with nautilus). That doesn't seem complicated but i've been struggling with this for the past hour01:05
Chad__psusi: Okay, I'll try that. But I really only wanted me, one user, to be able to do this.01:05
XenochiAnyone know where I can get some generic drivers for stuff like webcams? Kinda would like to use the one built into my laptop01:05
psusiLuiX, that site butchered the image01:05
ceegeso then adding noauto to the fstab entry should do it01:05
kristenbbceege: I want the internal drives* to be automatically mounted (in the same way they* would have been if I had clicked on them* with nautilus). That doesn't seem complicated but i've been struggling with this for the past hour01:06
LuiXXenochi, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91383201:06
psusiChad__, use sudo?01:06
Alexxxxahope that I pasted right logs :D01:06
kristenbbceege: noauto?01:06
Need2Growwht kinda logs01:06
Need2Growcuz if its the kaka kind01:06
Need2Growi aint down01:06
kristenbbceege: what is that?01:06
Xenochithanks, LuiX01:06
ceegenoauto is how floppy drives and cdroms are listed in fstab, so that you must manually mount them01:07
PiciNeed2Grow: Leave the toilet humor at the door please.01:07
OptimizedCoderAnyone knows on removing ppa repo key?01:07
kristenbbbut I do want them to be automatically mounted01:07
kristenbbI'm lost01:07
IdleOneOptimizedCoder: install ppa-purge01:07
ceegethen what is with the "click on them" part?01:07
ceegeclick to mount?01:08
OptimizedCoderIdleOne, ppa-purge? And how exactly do I remove certain ppa repos from there?01:08
psusiceege, he wants the mount point to be automatically deteremined and created from the volume label, *like* what happens when you click on the drive in nautilus and it auto mounts01:08
IdleOneOptimizedCoder: it is a CLI tool so you would use: sudo ppa-purge ppa:ppa-name/whatever01:09
kristenbbceege: sorry for the confusion. Let me restate my issue. I want to automatically mount a drive, but with the result that would have occurred if I had clicked on it with nautilus.01:09
LuiXhere it is psusi, My BootChart https://picasaweb.google.com/104669217162593292192/10DeJulioDe2012?authuser=0&feat=directlink01:09
IdleOneOptimizedCoder: you could also just delete it from /etc/apt/sources.list.d and then run sudo apt-get update01:09
ceegewhat is that result? a window opens showing files?01:09
OptimizedCoderIdleOne, Thanks for thos comments- let me give 'em a shot01:10
kristenbbceege: no, the result is just that it gets mounted in /media/[labelname]01:10
ceegeif you google "fstab uuid" without the quotes, click the second link01:10
psusiLuiX, butchered even worse01:11
LuiXhaha, psusi but i've checked this time. try to zoom with the + sign on the lower right corner. if you still can't, any suggestions?01:13
kristenbbso where to put a command so that it's executed when the user logs in?01:14
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psusiLuiX, there is no plus01:15
OptimizedCoderIdleOne, I removed svn.list from /etc/apt/sources.list.d - and it workd01:15
ryannathansi'm on my netbook and use screen. in one 'screen' i have lynx and in another i have my irc (irssi). I'm using ^U and ^Y to copy/paste. How can i copy from lynx and paste into irssi01:15
ceegekristenbb: if your shell is bash (default), then ~/.bashrc01:15
kristenbbceege: is that not when the terminal is opened?01:16
IdleOneOptimizedCoder: you're welcome.01:16
AlexxxxaI'm still waiting :)01:16
kristenbbceege: i have a desktop edition.01:16
jrdnnryannathans: If you have moused, select text with left click, middle click into irssi? Other than that I don't think the processes can communicate01:16
kristenbbso where to put a command so that it's executed when the user logs in?01:16
kristenbbin ubuntu 12.0401:17
ryannathansjrdnn: thanks, i'll look into it01:17
jrdnnkristenbb: Type ls -a ~/ | grep .*rc and add to those files?01:17
jrdnnryannathans: You're welcome.01:17
kristenbbjrdnn: what?01:18
ryannathansjrdnn: would i install moused locally or on my server i'm ssh'd to01:18
kristenbbjrdnn: I just want a program to be launched when the user logs in, is that so difficult?01:18
ryannathanskristenbb: desktop?01:18
ceegeI think that may very between different desktop environments. try system->preferences->startup applications01:18
ghostchickkristenbb,  if you want to add it at the start of a gnome-session just use gnome-session-properties01:18
LuiXhttps://docs.google.com/open?id=0B48U0GqBfmDiclRjVU83bHRKTGs last attemt psusi01:18
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ryannathansceege: that's been moved to the top right of the desktop -> startup applications01:19
kristenbbryannathans: yes, desktop, as opposed to server, with no gui.01:19
ryannathanskristenbb: oh, no gui01:19
kristenbbryannathans: yes, gui01:19
kristenbbryannathans: I said I do have the desktop edition.01:20
ryannathanskristenbb: oh, top right of your desktop, click that. Then go startup applications01:20
kristenbbryannathans: yes, desktop (as opposed to server, which has no gui)01:20
ryannathanskristenbb: you'll need to do it on the account you want it on though01:20
kristenbbI see.01:20
kristenbbwhat file is internally modified when I do this with my mouse01:21
alusionHey ubuntu I am having problems updating01:21
mizifihHi there! I need some help... I was wondering if I can setup a domain on my network using Ubuntu Desktop x8601:21
alusionMy repository configuration might be messed up..01:22
JoseeAntonioRGuys: I've got a couple folders in a server I'd like to sync with another server, and I've got the exact path for the origin and final destinations. Is there any way to set this up? (I've got FTP configured in the destination server)01:22
mizifihLots of ppl having problem tonight...01:22
jrdnnJoseeAntonioR: rsync > FTP01:23
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ceegekristen: I think it's ~/.config/autostart01:23
JoseeAntonioRjrdnn: Do you have the sample command for it?01:24
LuiXOMG, finally, here's the link. to anyone who can help me with slow boot, heres the bootchart https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B48U0GqBfmDiclRjVU83bHRKTGs01:24
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JoseeAntonioRI've also got SSH set up, if it's easier.01:25
jrdnnJoseeAntonioR: man scp? SSH should be the most secure way01:25
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ceege"rysnc -e ssh ..." will sync through ssh01:26
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AlexxxxaAnyone knows where's Jordan_U gone?01:28
moes!pastebin | LuiX01:28
ubottuLuiX: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:28
alazyworkaholicVNC isn't working right. Is there any reasonable way for me to make text appear on an X user's desktop from a ssh terminal?01:29
mizifihHi there! I need some help... I was wondering if I can setup a domain on my network using Ubuntu Desktop x86, if there is a uptodate tutorial01:29
ghostchickalazyworkaholic,  write and echo to notify osd maybe01:30
ceegealazy.. you can check into exporting your display. just google 'export display' and you'll get the answer01:30
Chad__psusi: Sorry I left. Yeah, I suppose sudo would work. I guess I'll just have to do that after all.01:31
alazyworkaholicceege: thanks, will do01:31
alazyworkaholicghostchick: what's notify osd01:32
ghostchickalazyworkaholic,  well on ubuntu the default notification program01:32
alazyworkaholicghostchick: ah, got it. Can you write a simple example though?01:33
LuiXmoes, i don't understand why the warning, it was just a link, not a multi-line text01:33
ghostchickalazyworkaholic,  sorry i m not a programmer , i could i guess you can set it up with an echo , its actually pretty easy01:34
alazyworkaholicghostchick: echo DisplayThis | notify-osd              Would that be it? I have no clue.01:35
LuiXmoes, now i got it01:35
ghostchickalazyworkaholic,  notify-send DisplayThis does work01:36
LuiXso, for the last time, and to epithomize my embarassement on this subject, here's the imagebin. i sincerely appologize http://imagebin.org/22027201:36
Erealzhi eveyone quick question how rm a bunch of file in my home dir that end with the same name in my stroke01:38
newb2I've installed the GDM3 testing package from https://launchpad.net/~tista/+archive/gdm-testing , but my GDM still in loop at start. somebody here have success with this package?01:38
ceegerm *asdf*01:39
Erealzin one command i mean....01:39
sudocashrm *.ext*01:39
Erealzk thanks ceege01:39
newb2The best log I found was "gnome-shell: unknown --mode=gdm option"01:39
Alexxxxareally have to go no01:39
tyler_dhow do I allow myself to run an app that connects to a port... ?01:41
psusiLuiX, that's better... what filesystem type are you using?01:41
psusiLuiX, and how much ram do you have?01:43
FloodBot1ggolarge: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:43
LuiXpsusi ext3, and because i dual boot with windows i have two other ntfs partitions. got 3 Gb of RAM01:45
tyler_dI am trying to run vidalia(tor) as my user, but don't have the ability to start/stop the services as they are tied to ports01:45
mizifihHi there! I need some help... I was wondering if I can setup a domain on my network using Ubuntu Desktop x86, if there is a uptodate tutorial explaining that01:46
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psusiLuiX, it looks like ureadahead is not working and you're spending a lot of time mounting those ntfs partitions and running something called "avguard.bin"01:47
LuiXi see psusi. but how can this happen now? i've had this partitions in auto mount since the first version i've installed (11.04)? avguard was an anti-virus, but i think i've uninstalled it01:49
psusiLuiX, you might try sudo rm /var/lib/ureadahead/pack and rebooting... waiting a minute or two for ureadahead to rebuild the pack file... then rebooting again01:50
psusiLuiX, according to your bootchart it's running for quite a while01:50
LuiX"rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/ureadahead/pack': No such file or directory" psusi01:51
xiangjianfengexcuse me, which instead of the alt+tab switch task in the gnome classic mode please..01:53
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xj54y__Hey do I check to see which packages I have installed?02:02
xj54y__(and their dependencies)02:02
psusihrm... does anyone else not have any pack files in /var/lib/ureadahead?  it looks like it may be broken on precise02:04
* deepspeed does a little dance02:14
* deepspeed makes a little love02:14
histo!hi | oranabi02:25
Phibsanyone using ubuntu 12.0.4 and dell OMSA and managed to get th bios upgraded ?02:28
Chipzzzam trying to get cube cube rotate working on ubuntu 12.04 desktop... alt+ctrl+mouse mouse does not work... any help?02:30
Chipzzz(sorry... "cube rotate")02:30
=== Chipzzz is now known as Test123
=== Test123 is now known as Chipzzz
fishbaiti have 1 question how do i turn off the f-key shortcuts? like f1 f2 f3 f4 etc02:38
drag0niusthe only way would be if you have separate key to do so on your keyboard02:39
drag0niuson mine it's called "F mode"02:39
drag0niusto toggle between F1-F12 and media keys02:39
fishbaitwell this is a regular desktop keyborad02:40
fishbaitand i use vmware to play online games and yesterday i mashed the f1 key so much that i had to reboot due to severe lag from help windows02:41
drag0niusyou could try remapping those keys02:42
fishbaithmm just add Ctrl to the f-keys but how?02:43
drag0niusi think you could achieve sth like that with autohotkey02:43
fishbaitmmk i'll lok into that02:43
drag0niusthink it should disable F102:44
drag0niusthen make same lines up to F1202:44
drag0niussave file with .ahk and run it02:44
drag0niusoh wait02:44
drag0niusthink its for windows ;d02:45
drag0niusgo to settings02:46
ryannathanshow can i change my tty resolution independant of grub2?02:46
drag0niusKeyboard Layout02:46
drag0niusselect your layout and there will be little keyboard at the bottom02:46
drag0niusthere you can remap keys02:46
drag0niusits just display ;/02:46
=== DeviantSOP is now known as Killeroid
jthanTeknoJuce: Did it work once you fixed the flags?02:49
n1ckn4me09876543I went to Startup Applications Preferences and add thunderbird on the Command field and it worked, but now I would like it to wait 20 seconds before it starts so I input sleep 20 && thunderbird   but then thunderbird wont launch at all after 20 seconds, what am I doing wrong?02:50
DgenHello , i am in amazon linux server when i try to use  patch command , i am getting -bash: patch: command not found , how  can i install package to run patch02:50
reza_hi, im newbie, someone can tell me what is difference between apache and xampp? thank's before02:52
trismDgen: sudo apt-get install patch02:52
Dgentrism:  actually I am in amazon server so apt-get doesn't work02:53
trismDgen: the it is offtopic here02:53
trismDgen: then02:53
ryannathanswhat framebuffer comes with ubuntu02:54
jthanreza_: XAMPP is just a big collection of packages that are put together for you.02:54
Dgen reza_: xampp is collection of php, mysql and apache....apache resides inside xampp, apache is web server02:55
jaakelooking for a keybinding to lock screen? is one present ootb? or shall I have to make one?02:55
trismjaake: ctrl+alt+L02:56
jaakety trism02:56
Dgenyum install patch , i would say this to someone who got confused02:57
reza_oh ya, i know now, thanks Dgen and jthan, im still study :)03:00
reza_oh ya, i know now, thanks /Dgen and /jthan, im still study :)03:01
tr3ntonWhen does one use wiki.ubuntu.com vs help.ubuntu.com? As far as contributing goes.03:01
sham-hackdoes any one know what is meaning this while updating in terminal:-03:03
jthantr3nton: The wiki tends to be arranged more by specific "guides" and "howtos" whereas the help site is people asking questions.03:03
Super_DogWhen is the 12.04_1 going to be out?03:03
tr3ntonjthan: oh right, thanks.03:03
sham-hackD    documentation/users_guide.pdf03:03
sham-hackany one know03:04
Super_DogI was told to wait on upgrading my 10.04 desktop until it went to 12.04_103:04
Super_DogIf it ain't broke don't fix it right?  :-)03:04
Logan_August 23rd03:04
Logan_oh, he quit03:04
Logan_oh well03:04
Logan_wait, no03:05
Logan_Super_Dog: ^03:05
jthanHe didn't quit. You misread03:05
Logan_Super_Dog: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule as well03:05
Logan_jthan: it's late, give me a break ;P03:05
Super_DogCool... Will the download file be marked with 12.04_1 or something on the file name when I download?03:05
fusaWelcome mynotes! You have achieved a new peak of 1542 users for #ubuntu!03:05
jthanLogan_: It happens. I kept trying to have someone install something the other night with "apt-get <packagename>" without the actual install option.03:06
FriarTechor https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-12.04.103:06
Super_DogRoger that...  Has anybody here jumped right from 10.04 to 12.04 LTS?  I'm hoping it's safe...03:07
trismtr3nton: may be interested in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/ (and #ubuntu-doc)03:07
jthanI don't see why it isn't.03:07
jthanOr wouldn't be03:07
FriarTechSuper Dog: I just did on two servers today03:07
reza_i using ubuntu desktop, can i use tools ubuntu server on my ubuntu desktop?03:07
FriarTechNo problems03:07
Super_DogGood news...03:07
FriarTechOf course I made backups before I started :)03:07
jthanreza_: they both share the same repositories, so you're good to go03:08
Super_DogAny problems you noticed... Although I'll be doing two desktop upgrades...03:08
FriarTechThe only thing I did really after making sure my configurations stayed was remove the /etc/resolv.conf symlink03:08
Logan_Super_Dog: you might get some package issues if they're not coded well, but you should be fine otherwise03:08
FriarTechI like controlling that myself03:08
lopezjoin #firefox-es03:09
Super_DogThey are pretty basic installs.  No big deals although one desktop has the LAMP server package installed...03:09
tr3ntonSeems confusing having so many. help.ubuntu.com;help.ubuntu.com/community and wiki.ubuntu.com.. was never really sure of the difference between the 303:09
lopezyes sorry :)03:09
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reza_jthan : really? i just add repository ubuntu server in sources list?03:10
Logan_tr3nton: help.ubuntu.com is the official doc; help.ubuntu.com/community is the community doc, and wiki.ubuntu.com is the general community-maintained wiki03:10
Logan_help.ubuntu.com/community and wiki.ubuntu.com definitely have some overlap03:10
jthanreza_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq#Are_there_different_repositories_for_desktop_and_server.3F03:10
reza_oke, thanks again jthan :)03:11
jthanreza_: Not a problem. ;-)03:12
gr33n7007hI can only get a resolution of 1042x768 virtual box running ubuntu 12.04 how can i change to higher reolution?03:15
MissionControlI had the same problem when I ran ubuntu under vertual box03:17
MissionControl*virtual box03:17
gr33n7007hMissionControl, did you manage to fix it?03:18
MissionControlbut I would like to know how to solve the problem03:18
gr33n7007hsame here03:19
MissionControlmy guess is that it's virtual box and not the operating system itself03:19
MissionControlthere might be a setting somewhere that allowes it at a higher resolution03:19
MissionControlyou could also try getting into xorg.conf and edit the resolution there to a higher standard03:20
boshcoesta maestrolinux?03:20
ryannathanshwinfo --framebuffer only goes up to 1440x900 but my monitor is 1920x1080, how can i get my native res in tty?03:20
gr33n7007hwill try03:20
MissionControlfigure out how to edit xorg.conf03:21
MissionControlor maybe installing some graphics drivers03:21
MissionControlbut your best bet is probably to find a setting somewhere for the resolution03:21
MissionControlgood luck03:21
MissionControlryannathans do you have graphics drivers installed03:23
ryannathansMissionControl: I don't have a gui installed03:23
MissionControlif you did have a gui as well as graphics drivers installed then I would recommend uninstalling them if it was that important to you03:24
MissionControlthere's no very good way of solving the problem if it were me03:24
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MissionControlyou could access it using ssh from a different computer so the text looks nice and everything03:25
MissionControlI don't know where I'm going03:26
ryannathansMissionControl: what?03:26
ryannathansMissionControl: i don't understand anything you said.03:26
MissionControlnevermind me ask somebody else03:26
MissionControlI think I'm being more a problem than helpful03:27
=== Daiton is now known as Dai|MegaMan
ryannathans if you did have a gui as well as graphics drivers installed then I would recommend uninstalling them if it was that important to you03:27
MissionControlthat shouldn't be importaint to you03:28
MissionControljust forget about the whole thing03:28
ryannathansI can't forget the whole thing because i built this machine for linux. It will run linux and linux only.03:29
MissionControlno forget what I said03:29
ryannathansand it can't even output to my whole monitor03:29
MissionControlif you have a monitor of that resolution you should probably have gotten a gui03:30
ryannathansMissionControl: I don't want a gui on a server03:30
MissionControlthen why do you have a monitor hooked up to it?03:30
MissionControla 1920 by 1080 monitor?03:31
MissionControlif I was you I'd just access it via ssh03:31
ryannathansbecause it's on my desk03:31
ryannathansssh from what?03:31
ryannathansmy windows?03:31
FloodBot1ryannathans: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:32
MissionControlwell I'm a little confused03:32
MissionControlwhat are you trying to use the server for?03:32
MissionControlplaying minecraft?03:32
ryannathansRAID array03:32
MissionControlfor fileserver?03:32
ryannathansinfiniband 30gb/s to my desktop03:32
ryannathansno, just for my desktop03:32
MissionControlwell I'm affraid I cannot help you03:33
Tm_Tjp_: no need to yell03:38
ryannathansjp_: opposite as to how you installed the,03:41
ryannathansls -lR / > irssi03:42
ryannathanswong window03:42
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=== hybrid is now known as greenkobold
roastedQuestion - where is trash located? I see if I highlight it and hit CTRL L it's listed as trash:///, but does it have an actual path? I want to exclude it from an rsync script....03:51
trismroasted: ~/.local/share/Trash03:52
roastedtrism, bingo, thanks!03:53
ryannathanshwinfo --framebuffer only goes up to 1440 x xxxx  and not 1920x1080 like my monitor is. How can i get my tty to be 1920x108003:53
ryannathansamd cypress chip03:53
ryannathansamd 585003:53
=== michael is now known as Guest70357
BlackFlagGreetings, sirs! I tried to install Ubuntu 12.04 in a foxconn g31mv PC and a boot error occurs like this: http://images.orkut.com/orkut/photos/RAAAAL6N_EG4TSviVRH2jlCw82txxMwiECM6B8NXnBT6oqPJba9sUd7LIJoSV6zYYywNK9_AauHiwVeQnUdzboJzns1vgVARx4-kIAJJTozBdCE_AJtU9VBfHAbgaF0Q07qS8qyQ_6ET2IpSdg.jpg03:56
=== jagginess is now known as baby
BlackFlagDoes anyone knows how to install Ubuntu in my computer?03:58
MetzeeI wnat to deface a website....can help me?03:59
Metzeehello all03:59
chuNot the sort of advice you're going to get here.03:59
Logan_!rootirc | Metzee04:00
ubottuMetzee: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.04:00
roastedwell, that didn't work04:06
rahulhow to install nividia driver in ubuntu?04:07
roastedanybody know the exact path of trash? I know it's in ~/.local/share/Trash, but I can't figure out how to exlcude it from rsync. It doesn't work if I do --exclude=/home/jason/.local/share/Trash....04:07
tr3ntonstill included?04:08
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=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest20862
wollwI'm running Fluxbox on an Ubuntu install and am trying to figure out how to start what used to be the gnome-power-manager applet.  I would use the xfce4 power manager but for some reason it's slow to update it's state and freezes sometimes.04:22
wollwAnyone know how to start the new gnome power manager without running gnome?04:23
luftikusswollw: Isn't that a contradiction in itself?04:25
wollwluftikuss: No, I used to be able to run it without starting a gnome session by running "gnome-power-manager"04:26
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blueberry91Wow so many people here!04:35
ml1000quick question for anyone here... how can i maximize gnome-terminal via keyboard shortcut?04:36
ml1000i know if i map a keyboard shortcut to "gnome-terminal --maximize" it will launch a new maximized window, but how do i maximize my current window04:36
wollwtry F1104:37
ml1000: D04:37
ml1000that is all :004:38
jerry_lhello room.04:38
jerry_lhow do i allow only certian users to  samba folders? they would also be windowz users.04:39
kanupatarhow can I take remote desktop of the linux machine(ubuntu) from a windows machine?04:39
jerry_lhave you tried VNC?04:39
hitteroh sorry, that's backwards04:40
hitterlisten to jerry_l04:40
jerry_li have heard good things about VNC04:40
luftikusswollw: You can try to issue the command »gnome-power-statistics«.04:41
jagginessrdesktop is for seeing a windows desktop on linux, kandinski wants the opposite04:41
jagginess(btw freerdp is better than rdesktop)04:41
hitterjagginess, excellent observation...04:41
wollwluftikuss: gnome-power-statistics doesn't give an indicator in the system tray unfortunately.04:42
=== megabitdragon is now known as zz_megabitdragon
jerry_lhow do i write copy sda1/file001.avi to sda2/file001.avi , and then04:45
jerry_lrepeat and +1 to the file name and verify file is correct.04:46
jerry_l2 TB hard drive that i want to test04:46
hitterjerry_l, sudo mount /dev/sda1 <<some_place>>04:46
jerry_lpuppy linux automount04:46
hittersee #puppy04:47
jerry_li was refering to scripting.04:47
hitterjerry_l, oh04:47
hitterjerry_l, so can you not then just use nautilus04:47
rage0duno if this is right place to ask but how much space should swap drive have04:48
anandologywhere do I report broken package dependencies in ubuntu? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu ?04:48
jerry_l2.5xRAM ?04:48
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
rage0so 2x04:49
hitterjerry_l, the default gui file explorer04:49
jerry_li was wanting to bash?04:50
hitterjerry_l, where is it mounted then04:50
jerry_li was going to set up a TV server04:50
hitterjerry_l, I'm not familiar with "puppy"04:50
hitterjerry_l, type mount and let me know04:50
jerry_lsda1 = 2gig, sda2= 2TB04:51
hitterjerry_l, sda1 is the device/partition04:51
hitterjerry_l, what did mount tell you about those devices?04:52
jerry_l..booting.. pleaes wait 9 secs.04:52
hitterk k04:52
jagginess8 7 6 5 4 3 2 104:52
jagginess0 -1 -2 -304:52
* jagginess starts counting negative from now on04:52
jerry_l??rootfson / type rootfs (rw,relatime)04:53
jerry_l rootfs on04:53
sarsaeolusing 10.04 and compiz, how may i change the alt tab behaviour to not move the focuus to the window until i select it?04:54
hitterjerry_l, so its not mounted04:54
roastedQuestion - I thought there was a way to install the .deb's contained in a PPA without actually installeng the PPA itself. Can anybody comment or correct me with where I'm wrong?04:54
hitterjerry_l, you need to, from a terminal, mount it somewhere04:54
hitterroasted, you can install without ppa verification by downloading and installing yes04:55
roastedhitter: how's that done? how do I get the debs out of the PPA without installing the PPA?04:55
hitterroasted, defeats the purpose of the ppa however as they are typically in development04:55
roastedhitter: the idea is to get the application installed thats in the PPA while avoiding use of a PPA. Just curious if it's possible.04:56
hitterroasted, view package details04:56
roastedhitter: I guess that's the same idea as adding the PPA, installing the package, but then removing the PPA. The app is still installed....04:56
jerry_l/dev/da1 on /mnt/mnt/sda1 type fuseblk ....04:57
roastedor at the very least unchecking them in software sources04:57
roastedwhich allows each re-checking to get updates if you see fit04:57
jerry_l& properties= /root/.pup_event/drive_sda104:57
hitterroasted, if you dig through the ppa's page you can find the raw build for all versions04:57
roastedhitter: ounds good04:57
roastedthanks for your time!04:57
hitterjerry_l, ok, so you simply need to do a cp /mnt/mnt/sda1/<<file>> to the second one04:58
jerry_lcp kool but what about rename file to file002.avi04:59
hittercp /some/path/filename /some/other/path/differentfilename05:00
jerry_lsounds good.05:01
jerry_lbut how about making a executable out of it? click on it to run..05:01
jerry_lon windoz i just write a script and change the extension to cmd05:02
jerry_land double click.05:03
sarsaeolanyone know how to set thecompiz static application switcher to not move focus? and to sow all workspaces?05:05
sarsaeolthe compiz*05:05
rage0i am having problem with apt-get install05:05
anonymousis anonymous os full of malware?05:05
=== anonymous is now known as Guest30354
rage0it seems to hang on getting headers05:05
rage0and the apt-get install update also hangs on "geting headers"05:05
sarsaeolrage0: have you apt-get updated?05:05
rage0^^ how else to update -cant find it on USC05:06
Guest30354is the anonymous os full of malware???05:06
rage0what is anon os?05:07
Guest30354the anonymous operating system.05:08
Guest30354u havent heard of it?05:08
rage0i have05:09
rage0but dont kno the details05:09
Guest30354do you know if its full of malware?05:09
Guest30354oh ok05:09
rage0waht do u think of tor?---tor os called tails05:09
Guest83670can anyone tell me how I can change the display of ubuntu in a virtual machine by chance? I cant get the menu to show at the top left05:11
hitterI'm looking for an alternative to keepassx or a fix to get it working in the taskbar05:14
Deep6anyone happen to know if there's an MS office support chan on freenode?05:14
hitterDeep6, ^ you just made my week. thank-you05:15
Deep6hitter: I know super lame05:15
Deep6but I am trying to do some bollocky status bar type stuff to render a bunch of obtuse things into something management can understand05:15
Deep6i.e. pretty status bars05:15
Deep6and I don't know how to do that, and figure I'd throw it out here05:16
hitterderrr. what is the c compiler package called please... build-....05:17
studiocan somebody tell me how can i program the terminal for this:when i open it i want to show some random messages that i have written05:20
hitterbuild-essensials I want to say but that's not right05:20
studioi want to see*05:20
jagginessstudio, google "programming bash in linux"05:20
hittertype `PS1="yourmessagehere"05:21
SoftAuroraecho in .bashrc05:21
=== Daiton is now known as Le_Pirate
hitterI'm looking for an alternative to keepassx or a fix to get it working in the taskbar05:35
zykotick9!info build-essential | hitter05:35
ubottuhitter: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu2 (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 37 kB05:35
FloodBot1johnny5isalive: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:37
hitterlove it05:37
mi3Isn't 1 "Hi" enough ?05:37
johnny5isaliveneed input05:37
mi3hitter: lol05:38
johnny5isaliveneed input05:38
Hyperbytejohnny5isalive, hi hi hi hi. :-)05:38
hitman3r44_hello...can any one tell me how to uninstall a program like tryton in ubuntu05:38
mi3see ! again'05:38
johnny5isaliveneed input05:38
mi3!ask johnny5isalive05:38
mi3!patience  johnny5isalive05:38
Hyperbytehitman3r44_, apt-get remove tryton?05:38
mi3kidding me ?05:38
Hyperbytemi3, |05:38
HyperbyteOr >05:38
icerootmi3: !foo | user05:39
mi3ohh yeah05:39
mi3!patience  | johnny5isalive05:39
ubottujohnny5isalive: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:39
hitman3r44_hyperbytr...i install this software via "pip install command" this is a python command...05:39
dwakarpip uninstall it hitman05:40
hitman3r44_thanks dwakar05:40
HyperbyteIt's interesting how johnny5isalive gets a huge amount of attention, and still leaves....05:41
jerry_lis ultra vnc good for both ways linux>windows and windows>linux and is recomended?05:41
dwakari think he got confused hyperbyte05:41
Hyperbytedwakar, it's not like IRC is rocket science though. :)05:42
icerootjerry_l: i would suggest to use teamviewer instead, its faster05:42
icerootjerry_l: but if you want vnc, yes its a good way05:42
hitterjerry_l, what? teamviewer is faster than what?05:42
hittersorry ^ meant for iceroot05:42
dwakaryeah everything seems like a rocket science in the beggining hyperbyte05:42
iceroothitter: vnc05:42
jerry_li have alot of laptops and computers and want to be able to do stuff on which ever way ..05:43
hittericeroot, I don't think so, and your forwarding traffic through servers that aren't yours with teamviewer05:43
hitman3r44_dwaker can you tell me what is this problem "MD5 hash of the package http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/t/trytond_health_profile/trytond_health_profile-1.6.2.tar.gz#md5=a70c3c58a007bd44324c00965f0ce29b (from http://pypi.python.org/simple/trytond_health_profile/) (13eda63f1fe14732f71112f1d8e12af6) doesn't match the expected hash a70c3c58a007bd44324c00965f0ce29b!"...every time i try to install with "pip install --user tryton_health_profile"...th05:43
hitman3r44_is messages shows....05:43
hittericeroot, certainly not a suggestion I would recommend to anyone05:43
hittersolution rather05:43
iceroothitter: no port-forwarding needed, no root-access needed to install like vnc05:44
iceroothitter: the port forwarding is a very important issue, you dont want to support someone here to enable ports in there router, always a pain05:44
hitterjerry_l, why not use something like synergy with file sharing using samba and call it a day05:44
dwakaruse paste hitman05:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:44
hitman3r44_dwaker sry i don't get is "!paste"..??05:45
jerry_l:( i would like to use my laptop mouse (pup linux) to control the TV cpu winxp05:45
hittericeroot, I agree it's a pain, but simply saying x third party software that opens up security holes is not something I would ever say because it's "easy"05:46
icerootjerry_l: and puppy linux or win xp are related to ubuntu in what way?05:46
gr33n7007hHow would I check the integrity of a iso file using the md5 hash?05:46
iceroothitter: there are much bigger security holes on your system then teamviewer05:46
iceroothitter: java, flash05:46
hittergr33n7007h, you would have to have the orig md5 hash then compare it with one from the generated one on your machine05:47
jerry_lthe ver of pup wasz  built from a striped ubuntu. puppy520 128mb05:47
icerootjerry_l: not supported here05:47
hittericeroot, I somehow doubt you are going to find me let alone get in... no offence05:47
gr33n7007hhitter, ok ;)05:47
hittergr33n7007h, ie. md5sum <<filename>>05:48
gr33n7007hhitter, if it matches orig md5 hash it's integrity is in check?05:49
hittergr33n7007h, you betcha05:49
jerry_lsoftware KVM.... sounds magical...05:49
gr33n7007hhitter, cheers05:49
MikeS11This is a Nagios & Ubuntu question (But #nagios is quiet). The nagios-nrpe-plugin wants to install the mysql-common package. I know I can choose to not install this suggested package... but I want to why NRPE wants the mysql-common package?05:49
hitterMikeS11, what do the developers say about this? isn't nagios utilizing mysql somehow?05:50
MikeS11hitter: I have been 'googling' for why they say about it but no luck so far - hence the IRC. I'm still poking around though...05:52
kanupatarwhile connecting to a linux machine from a windows machine by vnc i am getting this error log "no connection couldnot be made because the target machine actively refused it"05:53
=== erry_ is now known as erry
Ger_I need your help guys how can make unhide my computer networkicon is hide now05:57
Ger_how can make unhide my computer networ kicon is hide now  pls need ur help06:02
=== gnmk is now known as deepak
=== deepak is now known as deepak_
NewLinuxerSomeone know a good streaming app?06:13
TheDruidsKeeperi love vlc06:13
NewLinuxerOr Distribution06:14
NewLinuxerI am looking for good dDistribution for streaming06:14
NewLinuxerI had just connected the PC to the TV using HDMI06:14
NewLinuxerand I want to make it a streamer06:15
NewLinuxerAny Ideas?06:15
TheDruidsKeeperdoing a media center pc?06:15
TheDruidsKeeperdo you use a tv capture card?06:16
NewLinuxerI have cable TV to06:16
TheDruidsKeeperwhat are you trying to stream?06:17
TheDruidsKeeperjust media that you have on the pc?06:17
Super_DogUsing HD Homerun Prime...06:17
blackshirthello matanya06:18
matanyahi blackshirt06:18
NewLinuxerThis is a good streaming app06:18
Super_DogXBMC on Raspberry pi...06:19
NewLinuxerI have no Raspberry Pi :(06:19
NewLinuxerI want one06:19
Super_DogI've got an extra one...06:19
blackshirtmatanya, in my place that's mean for "her eyes" :d06:19
TheDruidsKeeperSuper_Dog: good choice.. i've been wanting a pi to stream to06:19
Super_DogI wouldn't recommend it...06:20
Super_DogGood for mp3's...06:20
matanyablackshirt:  what means her eyes?06:20
TheDruidsKeeperSuper_Dog: not fast enough?06:20
Super_DogNot for Hi-Def...06:20
TheDruidsKeeper:-/ maybe someday06:20
=== ecthiender_ is now known as ecthiender
NewLinuxerWhere you from?06:20
Super_DogPerhaps Raspbmc needs to get tweaked...06:20
UbubeginIs there a script to print pdf files/txt files (duplex mode) to a printer from just command shell ?06:20
blackshirtmatanya = her eyes :d06:21
Super_DogRealize it's still super-beta stuff still.06:21
chepecarloswhere I can find information such as free software developer06:21
matanyablackshirt:  what language ?06:21
NewLinuxerWhat is the best distribution in your opinion?06:21
=== DeviantSOP is now known as Killeroid
blackshirtmatanya, indonesian language :d06:22
TheDruidsKeeperNewLinuxer: you're asking that in an ubuntu chat room..06:22
blackshirtnewlinuxer, i think,that was old debate06:22
NewLinuxerI know :P06:22
Super_DogVegas...  Only putzed around with my pi a little so far...  No ubuntu for pi's Arm processor it seems...06:22
Slart!best | NewLinuxer06:22
ubottuNewLinuxer: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:22
UbubeginIs there a script to print pdf files/txt files (duplex mode) to a printer from just command shell ?06:23
SlartNewLinuxer: the logic is the same for distributions as applications.. depends on what you're looking for/need06:23
chepecarlosqueremos ser desarrollador y no se donde encontrar informacion, talvez pyton o06:23
Super_DogI think Raspbmc working pretty good for local files right now... Blu-Ray hi-def Matroska running locally off SD Card or USB pretty impressive...06:24
NewLinuxerHow kubuntu is?06:24
NewLinuxerI don't like the unity06:24
SlartUbubegin: "lpr", perhaps ?06:24
chepecarlossoy el encargado de una pequeño grupo y empezamos con una pequeñas clases de desarrollo de linux06:24
dumnut_hi, i want to network my two ubuntu computers by making them able to access the other computer's files, do i go to "edit connections" and choose "shared computers"?06:24
blackshirtnewlinuxer, if you don't like one,you could choose another one06:25
TheDruidsKeeperSuper_Dog: it can do hd off the sd card, just not streamed?06:25
=== chrisl_away is now known as chrisl
Super_Dogdumnut... Usually your "home" directory will be shared by default...06:25
SlartNewLinuxer: create a live cd/live usb and try it.. both ubuntu and kubuntu (and the other variants, for that matter) are popular amongst different people06:25
NewLinuxerI love ubuntu but it made me problems06:25
UbubeginSlart: Knew that... But just wondering whether someone has a unified script which will print according to the file extensions06:25
SlartNewLinuxer: none of the official ubuntu versions is awful =)06:25
NewLinuxerI had to erase it from the partition06:25
TheDruidsKeeperNewLinuxer: you might also try mythbuntu for a media center, i liked it06:26
NewLinuxerOK :)06:26
NewLinuxerI love the gnome306:26
Super_DogTheDruidsKeeper> Basically that's what I'd say right now...  It can stream hi-def.  Don't get me wrong.  Just buffers and stutters...06:26
blackshirtnewlinuxer, what do you think about yourself?? Newbie,intermediete or experienced linux user?06:27
dumnut_hi Super_Dog, in my home directory, i see "browsed network" but i just see print$ and not files on other computer06:27
Super_DogAnd I've tried it on Zentyal server that runs 10.04 LTS as a base...06:27
NewLinuxerSo so newbie06:27
SlartUbubegin: hmm.. I'm not sure I understand the entire question... you just want to print things from the command line? both regular text files and pdfs should work?06:27
Super_DogThat sucker does 20mbps on the worst machine in the network easy...  So I have to presume pi just isn't quite up to snuff...06:27
blackshirtnewlinuxer, use something distro was easy to use06:27
Super_DogHowever, can stream SD video pretty well.06:28
NewLinuxerI had used gnome3 then half of the screen became black -_-06:28
NewLinuxerWith cairo dock06:29
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Guest70473nick Mike06:29
Super_Dogdumnut_ > You browsing towards a Windows box or are you browsing to an Ubuntu box...?06:30
NewLinuxerWhat do you say about openELEC?06:30
Super_DogHaven't run OpenElec yet on my pi...  Anybody else?06:30
NewLinuxerOn a regular PC06:31
jeeves_mossI've just installed BackTrack5 on a spare partition on my system (/dev/sda7), and I'd like to add it to GRUB.  How do I do that?06:31
blackshirtjeeves_mos, run update -grub, that would detect your backtrack06:32
=== Guest70473 is now known as Mikek123
NewLinuxerFriends I am trying openELEC06:33
jeeves_mossblackshirt, one sec.06:33
jeeves_mossblackshirt, what is the exact command?06:33
NewLinuxermaybe I will use windows 7 with a XMBC?06:33
blackshirtjeeves-mos, sudo update-grub06:34
blackshirtRun it on your ubuntu06:34
jeeves_mossblackshirt, I've tried that.06:34
NewLinuxerUbuntu TV?06:34
NewLinuxerIs it works?06:34
blackshirtjeeves-mos, or you can add it to grub manually06:35
jeeves_mossblackshirt, I'm running ubuntu right now (not the the live version), and when I run grub-update, it won't see the other partition06:35
dumnutSuper_Dog: i click on home folder, then under "network" click on "browse network" then i get "windows network" then click on that to gete "workgroup" then it only shows name of ocmputer then print$06:35
jeeves_mossblackshirt, what is the file now that we're running on GRUB2 that I edit?06:35
sirriffsalotHey! How do I make my home folder open in nautilus instead of thunar in xfce?06:36
blackshirtjeeves-mos, not grub-update, but update-grub06:36
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
in_hello everyone. Can anyone help me with a conky problem. I can not seem to set the cpu temperature correct. I have an amd cpu and am using kde06:36
jeeves_mossblackshirt, it still dosen't see it.  :-(06:37
sirriffsalotin_, have you installed cpufreq-utils?:P06:37
TheDruidsKeeperjeeves_moss: try sudo update-grub206:37
blackshirtjeeves-mos, try os-prober06:37
NewLinuxerDo you think that I need to delete windows 7 from my PC?06:37
TheDruidsKeeperNewLinuxer: ^ always a good idea06:37
jeeves_mossTheDruidsKeeper, still the same result06:37
NewLinuxerI hate windows06:38
in_no i installed conky-all. i suppose all the required soft's are in it06:38
blackshirtnewlinuxer, maybe better :d06:38
NewLinuxerFuck the backups06:38
NewLinuxerI am going to backup my windows06:38
NewLinuxerThen I will format the partition and install ubuntu06:39
IdleOne!language | NewLinuxer06:39
ubottuNewLinuxer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:39
jeeves_mossblackshirt, any other ideas?06:39
jeeves_mossTheDruidsKeeper, any other idea?06:39
blackshirtjeeves-moss, try to add manually...06:39
goddardNewLinuxer: ubuntu is the family friendly linux distro06:39
NewLinuxerI like the application store06:39
NewLinuxerDo you know how to fix the RTL flash problem maybe?06:40
sirriffsalotHey! How do I make my home folder open in nautilus instead of thunar in xfce?06:40
KartagisI'm using 12.04 and cairo, and I sometimes find my computer non-responsive (frozen). any ideas=06:40
blackshirtjeeves-moss, if you will to learn, read it in /etc/grub.d/ directory06:41
NewLinuxerCairo is the worst dock06:41
jeeves_mossblackshirt, thanks.06:41
NewLinuxerIt had made my ubuntu's screen half black06:41
blackshirtnewlinuxer, i think something goes trouble with your vga06:42
NewLinuxerNo it's fine06:42
NewLinuxerI can see the dock06:43
NewLinuxerbut just the dock and the background was black06:43
NewLinuxerFedora/ Ubuntu?06:43
gr33n7007hNewLinuxer, try this in terminal: gconftool-2 -s '/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager' --type bool true06:50
in__conky sucks ass. No temp for CPU06:51
jvm_hi. i have an ubuntu 10.04 system one which random windows freeze ("turn gray") extremely often, preferably multiple at the same time. during these events, is there a typical cause?06:52
magpiejvm_ what exactly are you doing when these freezes occure?06:52
blackshirtjvm_, try to use vesa driver first06:53
jvm_during these events `top` shows low cpu usage.06:53
Super_DogAnybody here good at fstab editing for network shares?06:53
magpiein__ : add ppa for jupitor and install it06:54
jvm_i suspected a hard disk trouble, and indeed the disk utility shows a hard disk with very low minimum read speed (33 mb/s)06:54
jvm_does this qualify as a possible cause?06:55
magpiein__   sorry mate, its jupiter and the webup8 team has the ppa and installation files06:55
blackshirtsuper_dog, what you need?06:55
blackshirtsamba or nfs06:55
Super_DogRamming my head against a wall... Gotta be bad syntax but can't figure it out... Can mount in Nautilus so I know the connectivity is there...06:56
Super_DogWant to mount the sucker at boot in fstab...06:56
blackshirtare you sure to do that?06:57
jvm_magpie, nothing of significance. surfing, listening to music, úsing thunderbird.06:57
jvm_blackshirt, how do i change to the vesa driver?06:57
Super_DogYep... Want to make it easy to do Rsync...06:59
Super_DogI guess I could rsync temporarily from mount on .gvfs folder but that is accident waiting to happen...06:59
blackshirtsuper_dog, read fstab manual06:59
blackshirtMount it with cifs type06:59
Super_DogI rftm'd like a mutha... :-)07:00
=== VoX is now known as vox
magpiejvm_ let me see what i can get07:00
Super_DogTried this:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab07:01
Super_DogTried cifs type...07:02
Super_DogHere's my command in fstab:  "//ZentyalCJ/lvm%20root /mnt/zentyalcj cifs username=charlie,password=XXXXXX  0  0"07:02
Super_DogI know I should do credentials file but one thing at a time - so I passed user and pw through in my fstab...07:03
KartagisSuper_Dog: have you installed smbfs package?07:04
=== ubuntu is now known as Nathan_S
magpieits damn hot around here07:06
Super_DogAnybody try this psyDM stuff?07:06
Super_DogYep... smbfs is in there... Tried both cifs and smbfs...07:07
alazare619anyone got any ideas for a good qt file manager07:07
totesmuhgoatshi friends07:07
Super_DogAccording to the guides, cifs is more up to date - smbfs is deprecated...07:07
totesmuhgoatsanyone have any issues with mysterious muting in precise?07:07
totesmuhgoatsmy system that has been working fine for months just won't produce sound anymore07:07
totesmuhgoatsdrivers are loaded, devices show up in aplay -L07:08
totesmuhgoatsmplayer shows it playing a file succesfully, so does vlc07:08
totesmuhgoatsbut no sound07:08
totesmuhgoatsalsamixer shows nothing muted07:08
totesmuhgoatsits a spdif device, iec95807:08
SecretFireis it possible to send a message to a computer that is connected via the same router in ubuntu07:08
SecretFirelike a system message07:09
totesmuhgoatsSecretFire: what do you mean by message?07:09
ghostchickSecretFire,  notify-send and a write command?07:09
SecretFirelike the net send in windows07:09
magpietotesmuhgoats try this link it helped me    http://www.unixmen.com/2012003-howto-resolve-nosound-problem-on-ubuntu/07:09
totesmuhgoatsmagpie: thanks, i am just concerned because it was working fine the other day07:10
magpietotesmuhgoats no worries mate, hope it helps07:10
SecretFireok, got the notify-send down, now how can i see the computers that are connected to the same connection07:11
totesmuhgoatsmagpie: thanks, i'll try it out, i've tried the first 2 steps, so i guess all that is left is to do the development driver07:11
totesmuhgoatswhich i'm not too keen on :(07:11
ghostchickSecretFire,  via ssh maybe07:11
magpiewhats the greek ubuntu channel ???07:12
DJones!gr | magpie07:12
ubottumagpie: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes07:12
magpiecheers mate07:12
=== LecheSammich is now known as Chupavergas
jillsmittwhere can i edit import folder list in rhythmbox?07:14
alazare619!best qt based file manager07:16
ubottualazare619: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:16
fmoohey all, my /etc/resolv.conf file is a symlink to a file that doesn't exist (/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf).  it gets nuked every once in a while... not sure why.07:20
magpiegetting hotter by the minut07:25
magpieubuntu and kubuntu are sitting on a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g07:26
muikaeHey guys. I have a problem with gnome fallback, there's too much space between icons. Please take a look here: http://i.imgur.com/lVldy.png07:27
fidelmuikae: how is that ...a problem? or what space-gaps wouldnt be a problem?07:28
muikaefidel: could you look at the screenshot?07:28
fideli did07:29
fideland i am sitting in front of a fallback session right now which has similar gaps - at least between some elements07:29
muikaeok, fidel. Isn't there too much space between them?07:29
fidelmuikae: compared to what?07:29
magpiefidel is it a prob or perhaps a subjective issue?07:30
muikaefidel: Well, xchat for example, which has a tray icon is not so distant.07:30
magpiemuikae have you tried to move the icons?07:30
muikaemagpie, they can't be moved since they are a part of the notifications applet07:31
fidelmuikae: here something to compare: https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/223435/public_trash/20120711_093018_ss.jpg07:31
fideli still dont see a problem there - its design - not functional ;)07:32
muikaefidel. There's way more space between mine. Look at the bluetooth one, lol07:32
fidelmuikae: does it appear recently?07:32
magpiefidel. he's right too much space07:32
muikaefidel: what do you mean?07:32
magpiemuikae how long have you been seeing this?07:33
totesmuhgoatsi have messages like this in my dmesg07:33
fidelcan you see any pattern when that first happend on your box?07:33
muikaemagpie: Since installing ubuntu?07:33
fideli.e. havbing installed some updates or similar07:33
totesmuhgoatsbut i uninstalled mediatomb a long time ago07:33
jmad980totesmuhgoats: you noob07:33
magpiemuikae since day one? shit07:33
jmad980I mean hi07:33
fidelright now you are wild guessing - so search the pattern07:33
totesmuhgoatsjmad980: what are you doing in these parts?07:33
luftikuss[GNOME ] What is the proper English name of the following device? '~$ gnome-control-center sound' > Audio > Output > Select a device for sound output »Built-in Audio Analog Stereo«07:33
jmad980totesmuhgoats: trolling you, erm, helping :P07:33
muikaehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/69576/how-to-customize-the-gnome-classic-panel   . Found that, but the settings don't stick after logout/reboot. So it's useless07:34
jmad980That looks rather weird O_o07:34
totesmuhgoatshow can i make sure mediatomb isn't starting with my pc? i don't see a script in /etc/init.d or /etc/rc*.d07:34
jmad980totesmuhgoats: checked /etc/rc.local07:34
jmad980or whatever that is07:34
magpietotesmuhgoats. Install BUM, then take root access and disable it07:34
jmad980because it looks like it's starting in a weird way07:34
jmad980Don't see why init would be complaining about a daemon07:35
totesmuhgoatsjmad980: it just says exit 0;07:35
totesmuhgoatsi'll try bum07:35
muikaedoes anybody know how to fix that? :)07:37
muikaeIt's annoying07:37
totesmuhgoatsmagpie: nothing related to mediatomb in bum07:37
totesmuhgoatsalso, not sure why it would show up in dmesg07:37
jmad980totesmuhgoats: sure it's not in rc.local or something weird like that? Only reason I could imagine init caring about it07:38
jmad980but I'm not even sure about that07:38
LinuxephusAnybody here familiar with Dnsmasq for Ubuntu (infer LM in my case) and whether it's actually needed versus the Dnsmasq-base that comes installed by default?07:38
totesmuhgoatsjmad980: are there any other files to check, rc.local is mostly empty07:38
LinuxephusP.S.-Installed the entire package and I've noticed a serious increase in speed when connecting to websites via webbrowsing (infer that as good).07:38
auronandace!mint | Linuxephus07:38
ubottuLinuxephus: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:38
arianhello all can I install HUD on gnome shell?07:38
jmad980totesmuhgoats: not that I can think of off the top of my head07:38
magpietotesmuhgoats have you change the fonts size via appearance? someguy fixed it trying out sizes07:39
=== arian is now known as Guest72048
totesmuhgoatsmagpie: ?07:39
magpietotesmuhgoats im talking about the space issue, some guy fixed it through appearance and fonts-size-icons etc etc07:39
totesmuhgoatsmagpie: might have the wrong person, not experiencing a space issue07:40
magpiedamn it you have the sound issue right?07:40
magpiesorry mate :)07:40
magpiedid the link work?07:40
totesmuhgoatsmagpie: 2 issues, sound issue, but also this weird startup thing07:40
Linuxephusauronandace: Then I'll rephrase the question as such since it still applies to Ubuntu nonetheless...07:41
magpiegoats: did the link worked out?07:41
totesmuhgoatsmagpie: i had already done the first 2 things, i'm reluctant to install the development drivers since it was working just a week ago07:41
LinuxephusAnybody here familiar with Dnsmasq for Ubuntu and whether it's actually needed versus the Dnsmasq-base that comes installed by default?07:41
magpiegoats: you can always remove them07:41
totesmuhgoatsmagpie: this is true. i'll give it a try tomorrow, thanks for looking out07:42
magpiegoats: what about issue 2 ? give me some info, whats seems to startup?07:42
totesmuhgoatsmagpie: http://pastebin.com/wjQGFarn07:43
totesmuhgoatsi have that in my dmesg07:43
totesmuhgoatsi don't have that software installed anymore07:43
totesmuhgoatsno script for it in /etc/init.d or /etc/rc*d07:44
totesmuhgoatsand its showing up in dmesg for some reason which is weird07:44
jmad980totesmuhgoats: I reconn it has to be starting somewhere abnormal for init to be complaining about it, can't imagine where though07:44
totesmuhgoatsjmad980: neither can i07:44
totesmuhgoatsbrb, gonna reboot07:44
magpiehas anyone been experiencing problems with a screen-freeze when trying to lower the brightness?07:45
bekksmagpie: How do you try to lower brightness exactly?07:45
magpiebekks with the classic hotkey07:45
bekksmagpie: With which classic hotkey?07:46
LinuxephusThe problem lays with-in Unity itself in reference to "screen brightness".07:46
magpiebekks; the key that the laptop has, brightness up and down, F4 + F507:46
magpieLinuxephus i dont use unity, im on xubuntu07:46
Super_Dogfstab wizards....  remember "\040"= a directory space in fstab...07:46
totesmuhgoatson a different pc now so i won't have to keep disconnecting if i need to reboot07:47
magpiegoats: try and autoremove stuff from the terminal07:47
Super_DogThat kicked my butt for a good hour...07:47
bekksmagpie: They're hardware keys. Unfortunately, I never heard of screen freezes when using them.07:47
jmad980totesmuhgoats: still getting the errors?07:47
totesmuhgoatsmagpie, you mean apt-get autoremove07:47
totesmuhgoatsjmad980, i am waiting for it to finish rebooing, i'll check once i can ssh in07:47
magpiebekks: i had this problem prior to my installation of the proprietary drivers, once i installed them it was fine, two days ago it started again07:47
magpiegoats: yes that's the command07:48
jmad980bekks: could be the overlay causing the issues perhaps07:48
jmad980totesmuhgoats: k07:48
totesmuhgoatsyea, i am still getting the errors07:48
totesmuhgoatswhat the pee dawg07:48
jmad980totesmuhgoats: outside of rc.local I don't know where to look, maybe you could grep through the files in /etc looking for any traces of mediatomb07:48
totesmuhgoatsi did07:49
totesmuhgoatswell i grepped an ls07:49
totesmuhgoatsunless i need to be more comprehensive than that07:49
magpiebekks: im not talking about a classic freeze, im talking about the screen launching weird colors like its broke and then i have to restart by holding down the on/off button not through the panel07:49
jmad980totesmuhgoats: ls doesn't look inside files07:49
jmad980totesmuhgoats: I imagine it'd be a command in some file making it attempt to run or something07:50
totesmuhgoatsjmad980, cat /etc/init.d/* | grep mediatomb ?07:50
jmad980That'd probably work too07:50
jmad980think grep can do it by itself, but I'm too rusty :P07:50
jmad980totesmuhgoats: maybe grep mediatomb *07:51
jmad980in /etc07:51
magpieits 30 degrees out there07:51
totesmuhgoatsjmad980, some user and group stuff left behind07:52
totesmuhgoatsin the passwd file07:52
=== lynx is now known as mistgabel
usc911Hey guys, having a weird issue. I have 8 machines connected to an ubuntu box with a samba share. I have a static ip and am able to ssh in (using the static ip address) but I can ssh on the local network. Also none of the PC's can connect to the samba share. The ubuntu box can also access the internet fine, im really baffled, anyone seen this before?07:52
mistgabel i really need help to setup https in apache07:52
mistgabel ssl.key and ssl.crt are in position07:52
mistgabelhere is my error message07:52
mistgabelAn error occurred during a connection to
mistgabelSSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.07:53
mistgabel(Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)07:53
mistgabelit's a 1024 bit alg07:53
mistgabeltoo long?07:53
usc911Im am super stumped07:54
magpiehgoats are you trying to remove/purge mediatomb? im sorry mate, i wasnt paying attention to issue 2, is that what you are trying to do?07:54
totesmuhgoatsmagpie, i had the package installed a long time a go, i removed it but for some reason i get those errors in dmesg07:54
magpieok copy paste this in terminal for starters:   sudo apt-get --purge remove mediatomb07:55
magpiegoats: then this    sudo apt-get autoremove07:55
totesmuhgoatsokie dokie07:56
magpieokily dokily07:56
=== Senix is now known as look
totesmuhgoatsmagpie, okay, i did that.i am gonna try a reboot and see if it still shows up in dmesg07:57
totesmuhgoatsalso i am gonna try these development drivers07:57
magpiegoats: also, when reboot hold shift down, enter grub and choose fix broken files, then reboot again07:57
totesmuhgoatsmagpie, i don't have a monitor connected at the moment, i'll try that on next boot if this didn't work07:58
magpiethe simpsons on skyone07:58
mistgabeljemand aus deutschland da?07:59
magpiemistgabel english07:59
mistgabelis that an order?07:59
magpieno man07:59
mistgabeli asked for a german guy08:00
muikaeCould somebody help me solve this? : http://i.imgur.com/lVldy.png08:00
auronandace!de | mistgabel08:00
magpiemistgabel try ubuntu-de08:00
ubottumistgabel: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!08:00
mistgabelaah thank you  magpie   kisses*08:00
magpiei am a dude!08:00
totesmuhgoatsnope, neither issue has been resolved08:01
totesmuhgoatsbut it is getting late and i have to be up early08:01
magpiejmad980 wanna share the huggings?08:01
totesmuhgoatsso im going to bed08:01
usc911anyone got any kind of idea? I am stuck as08:01
totesmuhgoatsthanks for the help magpie, jmad98008:01
jmad980magpie: :p08:01
jmad980totesmuhgoats: pz08:01
magpiecheers mate08:02
histousc911: are you saying you can't ssh in or you can?08:02
usc911I cann ssh in if I use the static ip, if I use the local ip it wont08:02
usc911just times out08:03
histousc911: you mean static ip as in your Internet providers ip?08:03
usc911yep thats the one08:03
usc911which then forwards to my ubuntu box08:03
histousc911: how are the machine networked?08:03
usc911all through a swith08:04
usc911all the other machines can access the internet, as can the server08:04
histousc911: Other the other machines windows boxes or linux?08:04
usc911so everything works bar being able to connect to the server on the local network08:05
histousc911: In windows try windowskey+R then type in //internal.ip.of.ubuntu.machine08:05
histousc911: substituting for you 192.168.xxx or whatever08:06
uni4dfxhisto \\08:06
histousc911: sorry \\ not //08:06
histousc911: so it would be \\192.168.1.xxx08:07
histousc911: also can you pastebin the results of sudo smbtree -L   on the ubuntu machine?08:08
histousc911: and results of ifconfig08:08
freerouteso basically I want to install ubuntu on a PC without disk drive, but when I made the multiboot usb stick with YUMI and tried booting it from his PC it gave me this error - http://i.imgur.com/kodVy.jpg08:08
histofreeroute: yumi screwwed up somehow. Use unetbootin or another method to make the usb stick08:09
usc911doesnt seem to do anything at all08:09
freeroutenow, from what I've understood the remedies could include moving the USB drive to top priority or renaming syslinux.cfg to isolinux.bin08:09
freeroutebut the remedy that seems to work always seems to be reformatting the drive with FAT16 instead of FAT3208:10
histofreeroute: I would just format the thumbdrive and use methods listed on ubuntu.com08:10
usc911Im baffeled as to why I can ssh in externally, but I cannt ssh in or connect to samba internally on windows/mac/linux08:10
freeroutehisto: but ubuntu.com mentions that you have to have a disk drive in order to boot from the usb drive08:10
freerouteI know, it's weird08:10
histofreeroute: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows08:11
freerouteso I guess my main concern would be to find out wether unetbootin is capable of formatting with FAT1608:11
freeroutehisto: but I'm on linux :(08:11
histofreeroute: fat16 doesn't matter08:11
histofreeroute: then why are you using yumi?08:12
histofreeroute: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu08:12
histousc911: can you open a terminal and pastebin the output of ifconfig please08:12
=== 17SABMD7O is now known as jhesketh_
freeroutehisto: I used YUMI because I had access to a windows PC before, but now I only have access to a Lubuntu machine08:12
histofreeroute: then follow the secton links instructions and use unetbootin08:13
histofreeroute: s/second/secton/08:13
freeroutehisto: the second link uses startup disk creator, is it similar to unetbootin?08:14
histofreeroute: I believe it is unetbootin08:15
jhesketh_Howdy.. So if I have two IP's on one NIC (eg: eth0 and eth0:1 and the route table has nothing in it, I should still be able to ping both and from their respective subnet IP's right? Both IP's are have masks (and assume the addresses they are pinging exists)08:15
histousc911: what is eth0 and eth1 plugged into?08:15
usc911eth0 isnt plugged in, eth1 is a network card plugged in to the switch08:16
AdvoWorkHi there, A while ago I installed /ubuntu-10.04.3-server-amd64.iso on a VM, I can't remember how long ago this was now. Is that a LTS version or?08:16
usc911as I say the server can access the internet but nothing locally seems to want to connect08:16
freeroutehisto: cool, in that case I'll download unetbootin and see how that goes (because afaik there's no startup disk creator in lubuntu)08:16
zsolthello.should i buy a commercial license for mysql if i use it with opensource software?the license is a bit confusing08:17
KrupteinAdvoWork: yes 10.04 is lts08:17
KrupteinAdvoWork: there is a 10.04.4 in the meanwhile though08:18
zsolti plan to use it for business,but not going to modify it08:18
Krupteinzsolt: which license does it use again?08:18
histoAdvoWork: yes 10.04LTS and 12.04LTS08:20
histousc911: then how is eth0 getting an ip?08:21
usc911she lives!08:21
histousc911: sudo ifconfgig eth0 down08:21
usc911disabled the onboard network card08:21
usc911cheers dude08:21
histousc911: np ssh and samba were probably trying to listen on eth0 or something goofy08:22
usc911yeah for sure08:23
usc911appreciated dude08:23
AdvoWorkcan i update 10.04 to 12.04 (server) from the CLI? I have no gui access08:25
histoAdvoWork: yes08:25
histo!upgrade | AdvoWork08:25
ubottuAdvoWork: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:25
SwedeMikeAdvoWork: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/do-release-upgrade.8.html08:25
histozsolt: http://www.mysql.com/about/legal/licensing/index.html08:25
Krupteinthe mysql licensing policy is very vague08:26
=== anonymous is now known as Guest88982
Guest88982does anybody know if the anonymous os is full of malware?08:26
ikonianothing to do with ubuntu08:27
ikoniawe only support ubuntu in this channel08:27
Guest88982its based on ubuntu08:27
ikoniait's not ubuntu08:27
ikoniait's nothing to do with this channel08:27
histoKruptein: http://www.xaprb.com/blog/2009/02/17/when-are-you-required-to-have-a-commercial-mysql-license/08:27
histozsolt: http://www.xaprb.com/blog/2009/02/17/when-are-you-required-to-have-a-commercial-mysql-license/08:28
Krupteinhisto yh read that as well xD   but I didn't get wiser of it,08:28
histoKruptein: I wouldn't buy a license and it depends on what he wants to do with it.08:29
magpieanyone from newcastle?08:29
ikoniamagpie: why ?08:29
Krupteinhisto: true  wouldn't buy one either08:29
magpieikonia im bored i dont know08:30
histo!ot | magpie08:30
ubottumagpie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:30
Krupteinand Guest88982 what's up with your eyes?08:30
ikoniamagpie: ok, well this channel is for support only, so you may want to try #ubuntu-offtopic, or #defocus for general chit chat08:30
Guest88982my eyes?08:30
magpiecheers mate08:30
=== akSeya is now known as Guest86030
Krupteini would become ikonian's next target :308:31
ubuntuhow to root user in ubuntu live cd?08:33
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest98964
Krupteinsudo as always08:34
Krupteinsudo root without a password I think08:34
histo!root | ubuntu08:34
ubottuubuntu: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:34
histoKruptein: you could sudo su08:34
Krupteinhisto true08:34
ikoniaor not08:34
Krupteinbut i never do it :p08:35
ikoniayou could use the correct method of "sudo -i"08:35
AdvoWorkmay be a silly question, but if ive installed ubuntu 10.04 server and only have CLI access, can i somehow get GUI access to it?08:37
magpieikonia last time you havent explained why i cant type in terminal the command sudo  su -08:37
ikoniamagpie: you can if you want08:38
magpieis there a conflict?08:38
ikoniaa conflict ?08:38
magpieyou told me not to08:39
ikoniayeah, it's up to you if you follow my advice or not08:39
magpiesome other guy said i shouldnt use sudo and su tomgether08:39
histomagpie: it jsut wether you want to load root's .profile08:39
ikoniamagpie: yeah, it's up to you if you follow the other guys advice08:39
histomagpie: and some other things08:39
AdvoWorki've just seen this: According to Ubuntu 12.04 release notes, "It is generally recommended that users of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS wait until the first point release, due in July, before upgrading."   has that passed yet or?08:39
magpieso basically sudo su - will not  grant me root access?08:39
ikoniaAdvoWork: not yes08:39
ikoniamagpie: yes it will08:39
DJonesAdvoWork: From memory, I think its the end of July for that release08:39
histomagpie: for instance if you sudo -s you will have root but home will be set as your users home and your path is screwed up etc...08:40
magpiei still dont see the difference with the two commands  sudo su -     and su -i08:40
histomagpie: let me find the post that describes it hold on there are slight differences. sudo -i is the "proper" way08:40
ikoniamagpie: one cheats the security system and drops you into the root users shell which is worthless to you08:40
AdvoWorkahh ok, what exactly is this first point release? i'm basically doing a new install(well upgrading 10.04 possibly) to then create a new server for something, so is it worth holding on?08:40
histomagpie: less chance of issues.08:40
ikoniamagpie: the other grants you root privileges to your current user08:40
ikoniaAdvoWork: 12.04.108:40
histomagpie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6188826&postcount=408:40
magpieso accorrding to histo i ought to try su -i   the proper way08:41
Kruptein"sudo -i"08:42
Krupteinnot "su -i"08:42
ikoniasudo -i08:44
AdvoWorkikonia, but why is it recommended to wait for that, just because a lot of fixes etc will have been comissioned for point 1?08:44
histomagpie: just use sudo -i and always use it08:44
magpieikonia & histo thanks08:44
histomagpie: if you want to elevate to a root terminal atleast.08:44
ikoniaAdvoWork: pretty much08:44
histomagpie: if you just want to run a command with root priveledges you sudo commandname08:44
AdvoWorkikonia, my issue is, i either take this base install of 10.04 and work with that, get everything setup and then have to migrate, or migrate to 12.04 now, don't really know which route to take08:44
ikoniaAdvoWork: up to you08:44
helpcryptocan i ask here about bash, or should i go somwehre else, like #bash?08:44
ikoniahelpcrypto: #bash is the best place for bash scripting08:44
magpieikonia i have another question, in xubuntu currently 12.04, prior to the installment of proprietary drivers for the graphics card, the screen loads weird colors every time i would lower the brightness with F4 and would freeze like hell. Once i installed the drivers it was ok, two days ago it started again08:44
helpcryptook, thx08:44
=== Senix_ is now known as Senix
ikoniamagpie: you need the propritary drivers to make your card work, it's that simple08:44
magpieikonia i did, i installed the recommended one from additional drivers08:44
histomagpie: what type of video card do you have?08:44
=== Senix is now known as look
magpiehisto ati something08:44
magpie5000 series08:44
ikoniamagpie: right, so what's the problem ?08:44
magpieikonia: once i lower the nrightness with F4 it freezes again, goes into weird colors like its broken and i have to hard reset08:45
histoKruptein: correct08:45
ikoniamagpie: sounds like a bug08:45
magpieapparently yes but i havent found a solution yet08:46
ikoniamagpie: you probably won't as they are propitary modules, no-one can see the source code to fix issues08:46
magpieikonia: also, xubuntu 12.04 has a lot of crashes, is this normal? nothing important though, it reloads the crashed app but just for the heck of it08:47
ikoniaI don't think it's "normal" most people find it quite stable08:47
magpieikonia: like i said, no big deal, some standard apps crash and reload again, nothing to interfere with my work but its quite irritating08:48
ikoniaI can appreciate that08:48
Krupteini like your way of answering ikonia08:49
magpieikonia: im also experiencing problems with video-freezing in smplayer, apparently i had that in mint and ubuntu as well, never found a solution to it, though i changed the video output and audio  as well08:51
ikoniamagpie: it sounds (without digging deeper) like you have hardware compatability issues, and maybe hardware stability issues08:51
magpiebut nothing happened, i dont have that problem when using vlc or mplayer, just smplayer08:51
=== nobody- is now known as Guest20513
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:04
TheBadger412how do I set up a static ip to use incase my dhcp one isnt working... i have dhcp setup for work but when I take my laptop home I want it to use another static one when the dhcp one fails09:05
Metzeehello all09:06
MetzeeI want deface a website09:06
Metzeecan help me?09:06
DJonesMetzee: No, thats not a subject for this channel, or the freenode network09:06
arian-can i install HUD on gnome shell?09:06
Metzeewhat`s subject of this channel???09:07
rocki34Metzee: Ubuntu support.09:07
Metzeeow.....How I can Play Pes2012 on BT5?09:08
DJones!backtrack | Metzee09:08
ubottuMetzee: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition09:08
MetzeeOw.......Sorry my bad english09:09
rocki34Metzee: PES 2012 isn't compatible with linux09:09
LjLMetzee: i'm tempted to just remove you, instead i won't, but rest assured i will next time you say anything that's not a relevant support question or answer for Ubuntu.09:09
kanupatarhow can i add a user to the sudoers?09:09
Metzeewhy Pes 2012 isn`t compatible with linux?09:09
Krupteinrocki34: there is always wine09:10
rocki34Kruptein: I don't know, haven't had much luck with it. It only works with some games09:10
Metzeewhat games is support on ubuntu???09:11
LjL!games > Metzee09:11
ubottuMetzee, please see my private message09:11
DJonesMetzee: You're using Backtrack, not Ubuntu, see the link I gave earlier, that tells you which channel to ask about backtrack support in09:11
KrupteinMetzee   the majority of commercial games are build for windows,  trough some  programs like wine some might work09:11
=== ubuntu is now known as Nathan_S
MetzeeKruptein: what OS you Using?09:12
fresh-nesDuring the boot of my pandaboard, I have : "Starting load fallback graphics devices[OK]" ... then "Starting load fallback graphics devices[fail]" And so, my HDMI output doesn't display anything. Any idea ?09:12
KrupteinMetzee that is not relevant at all   but as I'm in this channel one could assume that i use ubuntu09:12
fresh-nesI boot Linaro distro with kernel 3.409:12
KrupteinMetzee I would quickly change channels or change attitude if I were you09:13
MetzeeKruptein: Please give me a channel for backtrack09:13
LjLMetzee: already given. #backtrack-linux09:13
Metzee#backtrack-linux :Cannot send to channel.............What this error?09:14
KrupteinMetzee LjL was so friendly to give it to you twice09:14
LjLMetzee: you need to register to freenode09:14
LjL!register > Metzee09:15
ubottuMetzee, please see my private message09:15
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
Krupteinand Metzee the channel does exist09:15
Metzeethere people at indonesia here?09:15
JumpAndroidWhere is android channel09:15
LjL!id | Metzee09:15
ubottuMetzee: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia09:15
JumpAndroidon freenode09:15
LjLJumpAndroid: #android09:15
anthony__I'm trying to diagnose my low usb write speeds.  dstat says around 3800k for the duration, whereas dd says 6.3 Mb/s.  also, dstat continues to display the same write speeds for around 15 seconds after exiting dd.  what's going on?09:15
_rubenanthony__: that's caching and buffering going on09:16
anthony___ruben, thanks09:16
makk@kanupatar you got an anwser?09:16
anthony___ruben, which is more accurate for the purposes of writing the old 700MB file at a sensible speed?09:17
_rubenanthony__: not sure what you're asking09:18
fresh-nesDoes anyone use the pandaboard with the kernel 3.4 ?09:19
Krupteinwhat is that lol, googling it right away09:19
rocki34Question: I'm experiencing problems with my touchpad. Sometimes it works well, but other times it just starts lagging and not responding to my touch accurately. Anyone know what's going on?09:20
anthony___ruben, my bad.  I'm trying to sort out low usb write speeds.  write speeds reported by nautilus are around 3.5MB/s, which is rather slow.  my question is which reading is more accurate?  dstat or dd?09:21
_rubenanthony__: quite likely the lowest number of all, the higher number quite likely show how fast it got written to the cache/buffers09:22
anthony___ruben, thanks09:23
=== chrisl is now known as chrisl_away
luftikuss[GNOME ] What is the proper English name of the following device? '~$ gnome-control-center sound' > Audio > Output > Select a device for sound output »Built-in Audio Analog Stereo«09:24
erdoshow can i recursively search for a file in the shell? i need to find httpd.conf09:26
gudjonrequesting help with dnsmasq ubuntu 11.0409:27
Monotokoerdos: http://content.hccfl.edu/pollock/unix/findcmd.htm09:28
arian-hello guys09:28
arian-is there any09:28
FloodBot1arian-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:28
histoerdos: locate httpd.conf09:28
Monotokoerdos, namely: find / -name httpd.conf09:28
erdosoh that's easy!09:28
erdosthank you :)09:28
histoerdos: or if you want to recursively search your commands hit ctrl+r in a shell to invoke a reverse history search. Then start typing httpd09:28
histoMonotoko: locate is much faster it keeps a db09:30
histoMonotoko: it's part of mlocate09:30
Monotokohisto, sorry... ol' timer here :P09:30
histoMonotoko: nah hear that.09:31
histoMonotoko: people should know about find also09:31
histoand apropos etc...09:31
MonotokoI had to tell someone to man their grep once... you can imagine the reaction :)09:32
gudjonHi, i had a setup sharing my internet with two eth interfaces.. using iptables/dnsmasq..  i formatted and this is not working now. DNSMASQ dont start up port 53 in use09:32
Monotokosorry, grep their man, haven't had my first coffee yet!09:33
sergeantcupcakeHey all! What do I need to do to enable javascript to run on my machine?09:34
arian--how i can unistall kde workspace plasma09:34
Krupteinman their grep still sounded awesome :p09:34
Krupteinbut grep their man makes more sense yh09:34
sergeantcupcakeHey how does one enable javascript in ubuntu 12.04?09:36
dooglussergeantcupcake: it's enabled by default09:36
sergeantcupcakeI think I accidentally uninstalled it...09:36
sergeantcupcakedooglus: how do i get it back?09:37
dooglussergeantcupcake: it's built into your browser09:37
dooglusyou're using firefox?09:37
sergeantcupcakedooglus: yup09:37
erdosthat would just be in ff settings09:37
gudjonAnyone here that can help me with DNS server09:37
dooglussergeantcupcake: edit > preferences > content > enable javascript09:37
sergeantcupcakedooglus: what i was trying to say was that I don't have javascript. I need to know how to get it back.09:38
Zyclopshi.. my server just got hacked09:38
Zyclopsbuilding a new one09:38
sergeantcupcakedooglus: i accidentally removed my entire jre09:38
Zyclopsi'd love some tips09:38
dooglussergeantcupcake: run firefox, click 'edit', then 'preferences', then 'content' and check 'enable havascript'09:38
dooglusseyou don't need a jre to run javascript09:38
fidelZyclops: do you know how the old one was hackeD?09:38
dooglussergthat's only for java09:38
Zyclopsi'm not sure, lots of segfaults, could be ssh buffer overflow09:39
dooglussergeantcupcake: why am I having a hard time completing your name?09:39
Papa-SmurfHi! How i can get back my tty's when pressing ctrl+alt+F2....F3?? I've got some problems after installing NVIDIA drivers09:39
sergeantcupcakebecause its long an has a lot of vowels. hey thanks for your help. i gotta go! :)09:39
dooglusPapa-Smurf: back to the graphical interface you mean?  alt-f709:40
dooglusPapa-Smurf: or alt-rightarrow repeatedly09:40
gudjonneed help with dns server09:40
fidelZyclops: tips what for?09:40
Zyclopsbuilding a new server09:40
Zyclopsand locking it down09:41
AdvoWorkDoes anyone know if /etc/apache2/httpd.conf should be empty in 12.04? not sure if an upgrade has removed it or?09:41
Zyclopsit's a webserver09:41
fidelZyclops: and what is the issue there in detail?09:41
fidelZyclops: or what kind of tips are you looking for?09:41
fidel!details > Zyclops09:41
ubottuZyclops, please see my private message09:41
Papa-Smurfdooglus, no i want the terminal tty i mean pressing ctrl+alt+F209:41
Zyclopsok i'm doing up a pastie09:41
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
dooglusPapa-Smurf: can you ask the question more clearly please?  what is "get back my tty's"?09:43
Papa-Smurfdooglus, Sure09:43
gudjoni really need some help with my dns/dhcp server setup no internet at home09:43
Papa-Smurfdooglus,  my problem is that when i press ctrl + alt + F3.....4... the screen is just black :(09:44
Papa-Smurfthere should be a tty asking for login and password09:45
gudjonare me messages not shown ? or isint anyone who can help me ?09:45
_rubengudjon: try asking more specific questions09:46
fresh-nesgudjon : I see... but I can't help :(09:46
__Hayes__Hello, L3top, geirha :)09:46
gudjonokey that nice to know you see the message :P09:46
gudjonI can't start my dnsmasq port in use09:46
__Hayes__I am unable to install java6? Can somebody help :)09:47
_rubengudjon: then you probably already have dhcpd and/or named already running09:47
_rubengudjon: or even another instance of dnsmasq09:47
=== ninjak_ is now known as ninjak
dooglusPapaSmurf007: oh, I see.  I don't know, sorry.09:49
gudjonhow can i find if and where/what dhcpd im using09:49
dooglusgudjon: ps -ef | grep dhc09:50
_rubengudjon: one way would be to inspect the output of sudo netstat -lntup and look for the ports 53, 67 and 6809:50
zzzhello can any body answer09:50
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
rudivsI am trying to get my android 1.6. phone to share its connection through usb tether to 12.04. It used to Just Work. Not so much anymore. Ubuntu sees it - if I click on the network indicator it says `Wired Network (HTC Android Phone); disconnected`. Android thinks it's sharing the connection. Any ideas for troubleshooting?09:51
_rubenandroid 1.6 .. wow09:51
rudivs_ruben, if it aint broke...09:51
_rubenit it aint broke doesnt mean it cant be improved either :)09:52
ZyclopsI've posted the account above.. i'd like to get some tips on harderning the security against hackers..  i have policies for passwords (minimum random 20 chars).  Locking the server SSH to three ip addresses09:52
Zyclopsrunning an incoming and an outgoing firewall.. running all the applications as separate users09:52
Zyclopschanging all the filepermissions so it's the minimum each application needs09:53
Zyclopsany other ideas?09:53
fresh-nesHow can I defer initcalls during the boot with the kernel 3.3 ? please09:55
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
L3topmorning __Hayes__. Are youtrying to install sun java or free java?09:57
gudjoni had two intances of dnsmasq running. where can i adjust witch one starts up09:58
__Hayes__Hey, L3top, actually, I am trying to install one application, and it giving up error, "Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java-jre", nad I have no clue, what to do.09:59
rogstI have an issue with Skype 4 on Linux, it won't remember my settings and the config.xml file inside .Skype is zero bytes which makes eCryptfs spam messages in kern/syslog, anyone else experiencing this ?09:59
numbertoHi guys, how do I find out what wifi chipset I have?10:01
jpdsnumberto: $ lspci10:01
=== Pupeno_W_ is now known as Pupeno_W
L3topYou need sun java, which was purchased by oracle, who went all jerky with the license so it is no longer available in repos. If this package is trying to install it, I am assuming it is something from a ppa __Hayes__. You can download and install it from oracles website, or you can take the much easier route and install the package from a PPA.10:01
__Hayes__I have downloaded the sun java registered it and and installed, but still I am getting the same error!!10:02
jpdsL3top: PPAs distributing Oracle Java are forbidden.10:02
L3topI am not sure that is accurate. It works like the flashplugin-installer. It still gets the package from oracle jpds. One moment.10:03
Pkjhow can i make ubuntu wait for all remote shares (nfs) while booting10:04
jpdsL3top: Ah, that should be fine.10:04
bekksPkj: By adding the _netdev option in the fstab.10:04
Pkjthat option is already there10:04
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
fresh-nesDoes anyone know how to defer initcalls from the boot, for kernel 3.4 ? please10:05
L3topjpds __Hayes__ see http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2012/01/sun-java-6-now-can-be-installed-on.html10:05
Pkjit's not that it's not working, the problem is, that the homefolders aren't mounted, the instant after the boot, which means if somebody logs in, it fails10:05
TanvirHello, I want to change DNS server address to Google Public DNS. Does anybody can help me to do that in Ubuntu? I found a guide here: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using but I don't really understand the sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf part. Thank you.10:05
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
jpdsTanvir: That opens the text editor?10:06
TanvirJpds, no, it opens in command line.10:07
jpdsTanvir: Try: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf -- if you've never used vi before.10:07
TanvirAh okay, doin.10:07
candreaTanvir: I'm sure there's a way to change DNS information without using the terminal, let me check10:08
TanvirCandrea, okay, thanks!10:08
TanvirJpds, I did it, I see "nameserver" there. That's my ISP's one.10:08
TanvirNow how to add others?10:08
bekksTanvir: No.10:08
bekks127.0.0.1 is you localhost.10:09
TanvirBeeks, excuse me?10:09
TanvirOh right.10:09
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
luftikuss[GNOME ] What is the proper English name of the following device? Is it '~$ gnome-control-center sound' > Audio > Output > Select a device for sound output >  »Built-in Audio Analog Stereo« ?10:09
SpacePoethi. if i had a fat32 partition mounted what will be the files' permissions?10:10
__Hayes__L3top: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net precise Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EA8F35793D8809A10:10
TanvirI saved the Google ones there.. gotta restart, BRB.10:11
jpdsTanvir: You don't need to restart for a DNS change.10:11
TanvirJpds, oh? Google says so on that page though.10:11
sergeantcupcakeHey all! I have the OpenJDK Java 7 Runtime, but Javascript won't run in my Firefox. What's the problem?10:12
TanvirOkay, how can I check the change?10:12
geirhaSpacePoet: You have to specify that when mounting. Otherwise some default is used (which I don't remember what is)10:12
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saitekjavascript isn't the same of java10:14
geirhasergeantcupcake: javascript is completely unrelated to java10:14
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sergeantcupcakegeirha: my browser cant run javascript. it says it is missing. how do i fix it?10:15
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geirhasergeantcupcake: Are you sure it's complaining about javascript and not java? what's the exact error message? perhaps a screenshot?10:15
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sergeantcupcakegeirha: I get an error message when I come across a javascript object that says that I ned javascript to display it10:17
magpiecupcake do you have java installed?10:18
saiteksergeantcupcake: paste the code10:18
geirhasergeantcupcake: Does this page work? http://javatester.org/javascript.html10:18
TanvirJpds, I did the change, how can I found out that it is working?10:18
sergeantcupcakemagpie: I don't think so. Where do I get it?10:18
gudjoni have two interfaces eth0 : connected to internet,  eth1 : connected to rounter(for inhouse wireless) can i confirm my eth1 has access to internet via terminal in my server computer?10:18
jpdsTanvir: Do some DNS queries with a tool like 'dig'.10:19
magpieubuntu-restricted-extras if you have ubuntu,10:19
L3top__Hayes__: sudo -i   then gpg="93D8809A"; gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys $gpg; gpg --export --armor $gpg | apt-key add -;10:19
sergeantcupcakegeirha: it said javascript is not working in my browser10:19
geirhasergeantcupcake: Then you have to enable it in the browser settings10:19
sergeantcupcakegeirha: i did, but it still doesnt work. i think im missing javascript alltogether10:20
nag_hi all, is there any tool for recovering the password for rar10:20
geirhasergeantcupcake: Test it with a clean firefox profile. E.g. switch to the guest account and try firefox from there.10:20
sergeantcupcakegeirha: ill do that. hang on a sec.10:21
jpdsL3top: One can do: apt-key adv --recv-keys $KEYID -- directly.10:21
geirhasergeantcupcake: If that works, there's something in your current firefox profile that's wrong. (Hard to say what exactly). I'd consider just creating a new, fresh profile.10:21
magpiemaybe cupcake didnt install it10:22
__Hayes__L3top: same error after apt-get update10:22
LjLnag_: http://rarcrack.sourceforge.net/10:22
magpiei thought one should install it trough ubuntu/xubuntu/kubuntu-restricted-extras10:22
L3topcan you please pastebin the key add  from terminal?10:22
ranjanhi all , how can i disable usb-storage devices in ubuntu?10:23
sergeantcupcakegeirha: yeah it worked perfectly10:23
gudjonis there any tool to make a virtual device that connect's to one of my interfaces to test10:24
L3topty jpds.10:24
sergeantcupcakegeirha: you mean to create a new user profile, or uninstall and then reinstall firefox?10:24
geirhasergeantcupcake: Right, do you have a lot of bookmarks or other stuff you want to keep?10:24
sergeantcupcakegeirha: no10:24
geirhasergeantcupcake: Create a new user profile. Reinstalling firefox will have absolutely no effect10:24
magpiegeirha isnt java in the package restricted-extras?10:25
geirhasergeantcupcake: Close firefox, NOT by clicking the X in the corner, do File -> Quit on the menu.10:25
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geirhamagpie: javascript != java10:25
sergeantcupcakegeirha: will I lose all my saved files and stuff if i do this?10:25
nag_thnx LJL10:25
magpiegeirha i thought he said he didnt have java installed10:25
geirhasergeantcupcake: open a terminal and run   mv .mozilla .mozilla.backup10:25
L3topok __Hayes__... remove that ppa. evidently I misunderstood what was going on and jpds was correct. Read here http://blog.flexion.org/2012/01/16/install-sun-java-6-jre-jdk-from-deb-packages/10:26
sergeantcupcakegeirha: I dont think i need that unless im going to create a new user account. i dont have any bookmarks im worried about10:26
geirhasergeantcupcake: No, the downloaded files will not be affected, though they'll disappear from the browser's list of files you've downloaded. But again, the files themselves will still be there10:26
sergeantcupcakegeirha: ok, walk me through how to do this10:27
AdvoWorkYou know in Unity, if i've got say 5 x a program open, so 5 different terminals, if i click the terminal, it only takes me to one terminal, how do I get a list of them all(open ones)? i have to alt-tab/guess to get to my others :S10:27
L3topthsi does the same thing only backwards, building the deb locally out of the packages it downloads jpds and __Hayes__10:27
geirhasergeantcupcake: open a terminal and run   mv .mozilla .mozilla.backup   that renames the .mozilla dir to .mozilla.backup. Next time you run firefox, it won't find any settings, so it'll create some fresh new ones.10:27
catphishis it possible to programatically check that a given list of packages are all installed?10:27
XiRoNHi, I was wondering how I could give the user account "www-data" root privileges.10:27
sergeantcupcakegeirha: what exactly do I type. I have only a newbie's understanding of the terminal10:28
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geirhasergeantcupcake: The part after this colon : mv -v .mozilla .mozilla.backup10:29
sergeantcupcakegeirha: ok hang on10:30
sergeantcupcakegeirha: it said: `.mozilla' -> `.mozilla.backup'10:31
AdvoWorkI've got something installed on my system (Zynatel), is this a default bit of ubuntu software or something i have installed in the past?10:31
geirhasergeantcupcake: Good, the directory has been renamed. Now start firefox as normal10:31
sergeantcupcakegeirha: drumroll please...10:32
MonkeyDustAdvoWork  use byobu/screen, many terminals in 1 screen, f2 to create one, f3 and f4 to switch10:32
MonkeyDustin 1 screen = in 1 window10:32
sergeantcupcakegeirha: Success! Thanks so much for your time!10:33
geirhasergeantcupcake: great :)10:33
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sergeantcupcakegeirha: Thanks again! God bless! :)10:33
XiRoNHi, I was wondering how I could give the user account "www-data" root privileges.10:33
AdvoWorkMonkeyDust, i'm using terminator which is a similar thing I think, i like being able to have them on different workspaces etc though10:35
KartagisI did something to cairo-dock (I don't remember what) and now I can't see a program's additional windows. any ideas how to revert that?10:35
geirhaXiRoN: If you did that, your system would be owned within minutes10:35
zatanhey, how to set by default for user to use "bash" ?10:36
MonkeyDustzatan  bash is the default, what goes wrong?10:36
geirhazatan: Did you create this user with the useradd command?10:36
zatangeirha, yes10:36
geirhazatan: If so, don't use useradd. Use adduser instead. It sets sane defaults10:36
Kartagiszatan: /etc/default/useradd10:36
geirhazatan: Anyway, chsh can be used to change login shell on existing users10:37
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ubottu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash10:39
XiRoNgeirha: How so? :O10:39
zatangeirha, so with "chsh" what do i need to change in to it? at the momemt default is /bin/sh  ??10:40
Papa-Smurfwassup man10:41
Papa-Smurfi want to mount a partition10:41
auronandace!mount | Papa-Smurf10:41
ubottuPapa-Smurf: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount10:41
Papa-Smurfwith writable permits10:41
Papa-Smurfauronandace, thanks10:42
geirhazatan: sudo chsh -s /bin/bash theusername10:42
Papa-Smurfhow can in mount this partition always with writable permits10:42
auronandace!fstab | Papa-Smurf10:42
ubottuPapa-Smurf: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:42
zatangeirha, cheers all working fine , need to make notes for this ;)10:42
geirhaXiRoN: How so what?10:42
XiRoN<geirha> XiRoN: If you did that, your system would be owned within minutes10:43
geirhaXiRoN: Oh that one. Well, any tiny hole in the webserver or its appllications would give an attacker instant root access10:43
XiRoNSo my system would only be vulnerable if I were a bad PHP programmer?10:45
BotaniCarCan you recomend me a helpdesk software able to handle ~1000 users , and be hostable on Ubuntu. Ty10:45
jpdsBotaniCar: Helpdesk software?10:45
bekksBotaniCar: OTRS10:45
geirhaXiRoN: Or if there's a security hole in php or the webserver10:46
KartagisI did something to cairo-dock (I don't remember what) and now I can't see a program's additional windows. any ideas how to revert that?10:47
catphishBotaniCar: http://sirportly.com10:47
AxsuulHow do I go about changing the swappiness value? `sudo echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness` gives me permission denied10:48
XiRoNHow do I run a bash as root without giving "www-data" root privileges, I tried sudo but am struggling, I used to use windows so it's a big change for me.10:49
catphishAxsuul: you need to do that as root10:49
catphishAxsuul: sudo echo > somewhere only runs echo as root10:49
bekksXiRoN: "sudo -i"10:50
Axsuulcatphish: thanks10:50
nag_hi how can i install C-compiler in ubuntu10:51
gudjonneed to test my second interface (witch has dhcp/dns) to confirm its working.. any tools to do that ?10:51
magpiedoes anyone know why ktorrent has higher speeds and transmission doesnt? i havent enabled firewall so it should be the same for both apps10:51
geirhaXiRoN: you give www-data permission to run that one script as root without requiring a password. You do that in sudoers. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:51
catphishnag_: install build-essential, that includes gcc10:52
XiRoNgeirha: You're a legend10:52
catphishand associated tools10:52
auronandacemagpie: using the same connection and torrents?10:52
geirhaXiRoN: Of course, you better make sure that script doesn't have any bugs. I.e. make sure it's not using eval, no unquoted parameter expansions etc10:52
magpieauronandance yes mate, and sorry but my firewall is enabled and both ktorrent and transmission are allowed in/out10:53
* zone-death hallo :)10:53
auronandacemagpie: any throttling enabled on either?10:54
magpieauronandace: how do i check that?10:54
nag_catphish: could you give me exact cmd. I tride to use "sudo apt-get install gcc"10:55
XiRoNgeirha: Can you help me to understand that article a little more, I'm very new to linux and this is crucial for my open source project :)10:55
auronandacemagpie: check the preferences, by default there should be any in transmission, not sure of ktorrent (i don't use it)10:55
catphishnag_: sudo apt-get install build-essential10:55
magpieauronandace: as i said, i allow both apps in and out (rules)10:55
catphishthat installs gcc and some other tools that are normally needed for building software10:55
auronandacemagpie: sorry, shouldn't be by default10:55
nag_catphish: thnx10:56
geirhaXiRoN: Ah, I seem to remember it explaining how to edit the sudoers file. There's the man-page of sudoers at the bottom at least10:56
magpieauronandace: i know they werent there by default, should i remove the rules for both apps from firewall?10:56
rudivsis there some system setting to allow or deny temporary group membership? If I try to run 'sudo -g internet -s' I get "user rudivs is not allowed to execute '/bin/bash' as rudivs:internet"10:56
auronandacemagpie: i mean the apps themselves, not the firewall10:56
geirhaXiRoN: Ah, there we go, it was a separate page. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers10:56
XiRoNgeirha: Yeah i got it thanks :)10:57
auronandace!pm | magpie10:58
ubottumagpie: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:58
magpietransmission preferences are default i havent tweaked them10:59
auronandacemagpie: then i don't know why the speed difference10:59
=== dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
auronandacemagpie: the torrents are using different peers maybe? (i'm grasping at straws here)11:00
magpienever mind mate11:01
gudjonneed to test my second interface (witch has dhcp/dns) to confirm its working.. any tools to do that ?11:01
XiRoNgeirha: sudo <command> `openssl passwd blahblah`    shouldn't that work?11:01
XiRoNgeirha: sudo <command> -p `openssl passwd blahblah`    shouldn't that work? [correction]11:01
geirhaXiRoN: no11:02
xgl___hi all11:02
XiRoNMeh I'm hopeless11:02
nag_hi , i have a rar file with password. i was unable to open that. Can any body tell me how to open that. Any recovery s/w11:02
auronandace!rar | nag_11:03
ubottunag_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:03
geirhaXiRoN: It merely changes the password prompt from "[sudo] password for yourusername:" to a passwordhash11:03
nag_ubottu: i already install rar & tried to unrar. it is asking passwd. i want to break it. So for that any tool11:04
ubottunag_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:04
nag_even i too... thats y we r here for getting help / help others11:05
fidelnag_: cant recommend one - but search for 'brute-force rar'11:05
fidelwill be the time-consuming method11:06
fidelespecially if do you dont know some core-facts about the pw's length etc11:06
XiRoNgeirha: So correct me if I'm wrong I just put "sudo -i root" at the start of the script I want to give root privileges.11:07
AdvoWorkI need to install a specific version of postgresql, any ideas please? sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.4.7 but it doesn't find it. Any idea please?11:07
geirhaXiRoN: wrong. You run the script with   sudo scriptname   or   sudo /path/to/scriptname  if it's not in PATH11:07
fidelAdvoWork: apt-cache policy PACKAGENAME will show you the available versions via your sources11:07
bekksAdvoWork: Check packages.ubuntu.com wether that version ins available at all.11:08
AdvoWorkfidel, that lists 9.1 but thats too current for what I need11:08
XiRoNJust "sudo scriptname.sh" and that will work?11:09
bekksAdvoWork: Then you have to manually install the version you want. It isnt in the official repos.11:09
nag_fidel: brute-force rar means any package like that11:09
geirhaXiRoN: If scriptname.sh is in a directory in that process' PATH variable, yes. On a side note, you should put extensions on script files.11:10
geirhaXiRoN: sorry, you *shouldn't* put extensions on script files.11:10
XiRoNgeirha: Okay thanks :)11:11
nag_auronandace: what is this !rar11:12
fidelnag_: what?11:12
chugeirha: Why shouldn't you put extensions on script files?11:12
fidelnag_: 'brute force rar' are your keywords for a search ;)11:12
nag_fidel: u said some thing like brute-froce rar right11:12
SpacePoetwhat does rm -rf /* do?11:12
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!11:12
fidelSpacePoet: do you know the man page function?11:12
SpacePoethow does that make my computer faster?11:12
Monotokodeletes everything11:13
Monotokoon your hard drive11:13
geirhachu: Scripts define new commands to run, and commands normally doesn't have extensions. E.g. the ls command is called ls, not ls.elf. You'll also get dependancy headaches if you rewrite it in another language.11:13
Monotokoand any USB drives plugged in11:13
fidelSpacePoet: its an easy method to show a local description for single commands - basically in your terminal: man COMMAND-you-dont-know11:13
Kacoit won'd do anything without sudo or su11:13
auronandacenag_: it calls the bot11:13
fidelSpacePoet: the cmd itself will delete - so it wont speed up your box - but remove your data ;)11:14
auronandace!bot | nag_11:14
ubottunag_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:14
MonotokoKaco, it'll still wipe his home11:14
KacoMonotoko, i'm not sure how rm -r works, but since /home is not removable, it would stop there?11:14
KacoMonotoko, or it will continue recursively and find his home folder and delete it first?11:15
SwedeMikeKaco: it's recursively delete every file on anything mounted.11:15
SwedeMikefile and directory11:15
MonotokoKaco, the -f forces the deletion of anything... your /home/username folder would no longer exist11:15
Monotokoand -r is recurrsive11:15
gudjonis there any tool i can use to test my interface?11:15
falstafI am having real problems with my broadcom 4306 wireless card ... cant seem to get it installed.11:16
geirhaKaco: It'll recurse through and delete all files in directories it has write access in11:16
MonkeyDustgudjon  for what interface to do what?11:16
gudjoni have two interfaces i want some virtal device to connect to one of it and test if dhcp is working11:16
Monotokopretty sure he was a troll anyway11:16
Kacogeirha, ok, i wasn't sure about that... good to know11:17
MonkeyDustFYI: ubuntu one is down11:22
jpdsMonkeyDust: Howso?11:23
MonkeyDustjpds  noticed it during sync11:23
jpdsMonkeyDust: Works for me.11:23
jpdsMonkeyDust: Please go to #ubuntuone to talk to them.11:24
arian_hello all11:24
FloodBot1arian_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:24
arian_can you answer me11:24
=== arian_ is now known as Guest30526
XiRoNgeirha: When I do "sudo scriptname.sh" it says: "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified"11:25
nag_hi guys plz help me out. i am trying to install rarcrack-0.2.tar.bz2. I untar it and use "make" commad. I am getting compilation error.11:25
geirhaXiRoN: Then you haven't given that user permission to run that script, or the script is not in PATH11:25
Kaconag_: did you run ./configure first?11:25
Guest30526how i can full unistall kde and gnome shell from my ubuntu I tried to unistall kde but I have yet that11:25
Guest30526can any  boddy answer me???11:26
nag_kaco: i didnt find configure file in that directory11:26
auronandaceGuest30526: what desktop do you want?11:26
sham-hackdoes any one know how to install mechanize python module11:26
sham-hackplease i need help11:26
Guest30526only unity11:26
Kaconag_: then read the docs for that program, especially how to compile it :)11:26
XiRoNgeirha: How can I put that script in PATH? (sorry for the persistent asking of questions)11:26
=== diegovieiraeti is now known as DiegoVieira
sham-hackdoes any one know how to install mechanize python module11:27
nag_Kaco: Can you plz look this "http://www.mydigitallife.info/how-to-recover-rar-7z-and-zip-password-with-rarcrack-in-linux/"11:27
Kaconag_: i quickly googled and found out you need also libxml2-dev package11:27
nag_Kaco: i followed exactly what he said11:27
Kaconag_, http://developercoach.com/2011/using-rarcrack-on-ubuntu/11:27
sham-hackdoes any one know how to install mechanize python module11:27
geirhaXiRoN: Difficult to say without more context. You're running it from php? then check how to alter environment variables in php. The easy way out is to provide the absolute path to the script in this case though.11:28
MonkeyDustsham-hack  type !patience11:28
arian__I am Guest3052611:28
auronandace!puregnome | arian__11:28
ubottuarian__: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome11:28
geirhaXiRoN: sudo /path/to/script11:28
arian__<aurondace> : can i have my softwares i installed on unity?11:29
sham-hackPLease help me to how to install mechanize python module11:29
auronandacearian__: kde packages will work on unity yes11:29
MonkeyDust!patience | sham-hack11:30
ubottusham-hack: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:30
XiRoNgeirha: I'm already doing that, this is my actual script: echo shell_exec("sudo /home/XiRoN/Scripts/createServer.sh Dog Dog 256 25567 2>&1");          the bash script has 4 parameteres11:30
nag_Kaco: superb its working :D11:30
sham-hackok. MonkeyDust11:30
gudjoncan i telnet to router only knowing its macaddress ?11:30
geirhaXiRoN: And what does the sudoers line look like?11:30
KartagisI did something to cairo-dock (I don't remember what) and now I can't see a program's additional windows. any ideas how to revert that?11:31
Kartagisgudjon: no11:31
geirhaXiRoN: Oh and does the user have access to that directory in your homedir?11:31
sham-hack<ubottu> ko11:31
arian__excuse me, I do not wnat to unistall kde gnome shell and unity and re install unity can i do only remove completly kde and gnome shell?11:31
XiRoNgeirha: I chowned the files to www-data11:31
XiRoNAhh the sudoers, where is that file located?11:32
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auronandacearian__: completely? i doubt it, it would be quicker to just reinstall ubuntu11:32
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Guest89045jfs f11:32
auronandace!pm | arian__11:34
ubottuarian__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:34
arian__on this : sudo apt-get remove akonadi-backend-mysql akonadi-server akregator amarok amarok-common amarok-utils apport-kde apturl-kde ark bluedevil cdparanoia cdrdao docbook-xsl dolphin dragonplayer freespacenotifier gnupg-agent gnupg2 gpgsm gstreamer0.10-qapt gtk2-engines-oxygen gwenview ibus-qt4 icoutils jockey-kde k3b k3b-data kaccessible kaddressbook kamera kate kate-data katepart kcalc kde-baseapps-bin kde-baseapps-data kde-config-gtk kde-config-touchpad11:35
arian__ kde-runtime kde-runtime-data kde-wallpapers-default kde-window-manager kde-workspace kde-workspace-bin kde-workspace-data kde-workspace-kgreet-plugins kde-zeroconf kdebase-runtime kdegames-card-data kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-data kdelibs5-plugins kdemultimedia-kio-plugins kdenetwork-filesharing kdepasswd kdepim-groupware kdepim-kresources kdepim-runtime kdepim-strigi-plugins kdepim-wizards kdepimlibs-kio-plugins kdesudo kdm kdoctools11:35
arian__kfind khelpcenter4 kinfocenter klipper kmag kmail kmix kmousetool knotes konsole kontact kopete kopete-message-indicator korganizer kpat kppp ksnapshot ksysguard ksysguardd ksystemlog ktimetracker ktorrent ktorrent-data kubuntu-debug-installer kubuntu-default-settings kubuntu-desktop kubuntu-docs kubuntu-firefox-installer kubuntu-netbook-default-settings kubuntu-notification-helper kubuntu-web-shortcuts kvkbd kwalletmanager language-selector-kde libakonadi-11:35
arian__calendar4 libakonadi-contact4 libakonadi-kabc4 libakonadi-kcal4 libakonadi-kde4 libakonadi-kmime4 libakonadiprotocolinternals1 libassuan0 libattica0 libbluedevil1 libboost-program-options1.46.1 libcalendarsupport4 libcln6 libclucene0ldbl libdebconf-kde0 libdiscid0 libdlrestrictions1 libdmtx0a libencode-locale-perl libepub0 libeventviews4 libfile-listing-perl libflac++6 libfont-afm-perl libgadu3 libgpgme++2 libgps19 libgrantlee-core0 libhtml-form-perl libhtml11:35
arian__-format-perl libhtml-parser-perl libhtml-tagset-perl libhtml-tree-perl libhttp-cookies-perl libhttp-daemon-perl libhttp-date-perl libhttp-message-perl libhttp-negotiate-perl libibus-qt1 libilmbase6 libincidenceeditorsng4 libindicate-qt1 libio-socket-ssl-perl libiodbc2 libk3b6 libkabc4 libkateinterfaces4 libkatepartinterfaces4 libkblog4 libkcal4 libkcalcore4 libkcalutils4 libkcddb4 libkcmutils4 libkde3support4 libkdecorations4 libkdecore5 libkdegames5a11:35
FloodBot1arian__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:35
auronandace!pastebin | arian__11:35
ubottuarian__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:35
arian__http://paste.ubuntu.com/1086037/ how many do i need to download on this?11:36
compdocarian__, not sure what that program is, but you might want to use the --purge option11:37
arian__can you get me the code I most to paste in terminal?11:37
compdocsudo apt-get remove --purge akonadi-backend-mysql blah blah11:39
minaswhen I run "glxinfo" I get, among others, this message: OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 8.0.2      Does it mean that the driver uses opengl 2.1? (I'm using the open-source one)11:40
sham-hackwhat is the meaning of this when i try to attempt update in terminal11:40
sham-hackA asdf/asdfasf11:40
sham-hackD stt/dsf11:40
geirhasham-hack: What do you mean by "attempt update"?11:41
compdocsham-hack, could you pastebin the command and the result?11:42
sham-hackok... i will give you..11:42
arian__what can i do??????????????????????????????????11:42
e11bitsI have this linux device driver for Realtek Ethernet controllers that I placed in /usr/src and added to dkms. If I use dkms manually the module gets built and installed and everything is fine. But if I download a new kernel image installation hangs when dkms kicks in. Where can I see what's happening? I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with my dkms.conf file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/108604111:48
arian__یکی می تونه جواب منو بده؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟11:50
FloodBot1arian__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:50
sham-hackcompdoc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1086047/11:50
sham-hackplease explain me?11:50
FloodBot1arian__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:51
dfai my webcam is not working on my ubuntu lucid lynx, it's doesn't work neither in cheese or skype. I've tied gstream-properties and it's not detected. I check le gspca module is load, anyone can help?11:51
geirhasham-hack: That looks like output from some version control system. Hard to answer without knowing which one.11:51
compdocsham-hack, could you pastebin the command and the result?11:53
compdocthere is no command11:53
compdocdont know what youre doing11:53
sham-hackgeirha:.. ok but when i try update msf then it show me like this .. i think A means to add that on folder11:54
sham-hacki am right11:54
tgahello, anyone here who uses cherokee?11:55
* tga can't get cherokee to serve php from a virtual dir11:55
k1lsham-hack: man, why dont you just tell exactly which command you are typing in? we cant know what you are doing there11:55
arian__hello guys how do i know how many desktop s do i have (gnome shell ,unity ,kde) via    terminal11:55
sham-hackno..  i am updating my MSF11:56
sham-hackthen while it update it show me like that command11:56
geirhasham-hack: ... and what is MSF?11:56
prafullaAny one Can about Android development11:57
raidghostFor some reason the ubuntu installer doesnt see my sda1 harddrive, and it makes me confused.11:57
SKullB0xhi, i added a new ppa repo to install a new software but i can't use it, it says 'disabled on upgrade to precise' .. please help11:57
sham-hackMSF is a metasploit tool in PENTEST11:57
SKullB0xi have ubuntu 12.0411:58
geirhaprafulla: I'm sure the guys and gals in #android-dev do11:58
raidghostGot 1 80GB as sda and one 250GB as sdb1. with both connected, Sdb1 is the only one viewable. When disconnecting the sdb harddrive and re trying the installer. sda shows with no space to install things11:58
sham-hackgeirha : WHen you become hacker then you have knowledge about MSF.. it's a great tool...11:58
geirhasham-hack: Ok, never heard of that, so I have no idea what you're updating, and thus I cannot help you.11:58
raidghostfdisk and cfdisk does see my harddrives. so i wonder WHY doesnt it show up propperly in the installer.,11:58
SKullB0xguys what does 'disabled on upgrade to precise' mean. some ppa repos are disabled and i can't install softwares.. please help me thnxxx11:59
prafullai have installed eclipse indigo and want to creat a project on Android Development what i do12:00
sham-hackgeirha : OK.. but thank's for care about me! :D12:00
syn-ackprafulla, Perhaps read. This is not an Android development channel.12:00
geirhaprafulla: I'd look for a tutorial on developing android applications using eclipse. #android-dev probably knows some.12:00
syn-acksham-hack, Take your hacking tools elsewhere.12:00
SKullB0xwhat does 'disabled on upgrade to precise'  mean... some ppa repos are disable with this comment on my distro12:01
SKullB0xplease help12:01
sham-hacksyn-ack :>> ohhh.. i understand!12:01
geirhaSKullB0x: All ppas are disabled when you upgrade. It's your job to re-enable them again.12:01
geirhaSKullB0x: The reason they get disabled, is because the ppas might not have packages for the new release12:02
SKullB0xgeirha: how i do that... i checked them in 'software sources' wizard but still i can't use em.!12:02
SKullB0xthis was the case even before the upgrade ... and the software i want to use is usable on ubuntu 11.10 12.0412:03
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SKullB0xokay one more question how do i uninstall software which i installed using a commerical ppa12:04
geirhaSKullB0x: That should be it. If it doesn't work, perhaps the PPAs don't have packages for this Ubuntu release.12:05
geirha!ppapurge | SKullB0x12:05
geirha!ppa-purge | SKullB0x12:06
ubottuSKullB0x: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html12:06
raidghostgeirha: any ideah to the install problem?12:06
rudivsuh oh. how can I recover a corrupted etc/sudoers file?12:06
geirharaidghost: Not sure. Do you know what type of partition table the harddrive has?12:07
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geirharudivs: Unless you happen to have a root shell open, boot in recovery mode and undo your changes. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers12:08
geirharudivs: Whenever I use visudo, I always keep a terminal open where I've run sudo -i, so I can fix it again if I mess up.12:09
saitekon Ubuntu 12 (not server) where is the configuration file for adding a virtual network adapter?12:09
rudivsthanks geirha... good advice12:10
raidghostgeirha: it has ext412:10
greasegumI can't seem to find a working fix for the ALSA+PulseAudio mute button bug. Anyone in here have luck fixing this problem?12:10
syn-acksaitek, Using Network Manager or no?12:10
raidghostwas running debian on it until i figured out i wanted to try ubuntu *Where everything works12:10
raidghostCause the weirt thingy is that both drives show up with cfdisk and fdisk -l12:11
madmax211.10, screen brightness. The key combination for brightness is fine, Fn+F1 and Fn+F2 are recognised. The notification windo shows the brightness. But it has no effect.12:11
rudivswill also change default editor... I think that's where it went wrong in the first place12:11
madmax2echo 150 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/panasonic/brightness is fine too.12:12
geirharaidghost: Yeah, that is odd. Must be some weird bug in the installer. All I can think of.12:14
raidghostcause the sdb1 does show up when both harddrives is connected12:14
raidghostand ive checked with fdisk and cfdisk12:14
raidghostand both drives are listed.12:14
saiteksyn-ack, no12:15
geirharaidghost: No errors in dmesg either?12:15
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raidghostgeirha: everything is fine12:19
raidghostno error messages in dmesg12:19
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madmax211.10, screen brightness. The key combination for brightness is fine, Fn+F1 and Fn+F2 are recognised. The notification windo shows the brightness. But it has no effect.12:21
madmax2echo 150 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/panasonic/brightness is fine too.12:21
greasegumin fact I'd like to just reset my audio configuration back to its orig state12:24
greasegumwhat do we think is the best way to do that?12:24
freeroutehisto: I tried unetbootin but I was getting the same error, so then I reformatted it to FAT16 and it worked like a charm12:27
freeroutebut it sucks because I was using a 16gb stick and now I have to use only 4gb of it -_-12:28
geirhafreeroute: Can't you just format the rest of it with a different filesystem?12:29
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geirharaidghost: Sorry, I'm out of ideas. It should just ... work(tm)12:29
freeroutegeirha: I had a multiboot stick made with YUMI which gave me this error - http://i.imgur.com/kodVy.jpg12:30
cmrWhen running fc-cache -fv, I get "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/gohufont: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs", yet in that directory there is GohuFont-Bold.ttf and GohuFont-Medium.ttf. These fonts work fine on FreeBSD, what could prevent them from working? gnome-font-viewer even displays them fine.12:31
geirhafreeroute: Hm. Odd.12:31
freerouteafter research I tried several things (setting the USB disk priority to #1, renaming syslinux.cfg to isolinux.bin etc.), but the remedy that worked for most people seemed to just format the stick to FAT1612:31
freeroutebut this only seems to happen to older mobo's12:32
geirhafreeroute: So most likely a BIOS issue, then12:32
freerouteI guess so12:32
MahavirIs anyone online? I want to know about tweaking Ubuntu Precise.12:33
Siobhan000Problem here, Im on 12.04, a fresh install, I then installed gnome-panel and logout and back in using the "ubuntu classic desktop"12:33
Krupteinthe 1650people in here are all bots12:33
Siobhan000I was hoping to get everything the way it was before unity, but a number of things are missing: the "system" menu at the top to configure everything and the abiltiy to right click the top menu to add widgets12:34
Siobhan000any idea? I have google extensively but I cannot find anything :( thank you12:34
Mahavirhello anyone can tell me about tweaking ubuntu12.0412:34
MonkeyDustSiobhan000  gnome3 is different from gnome2 -- classic just looks a bit like gnome2, but it's gnome312:35
KrupteinMahavir: what exactly do you want to tweak12:35
ozpyHey... is there a detector/solution for the new cross platform trojan that infects Linux? http://www.zdnet.com/cross-platform-trojan-checks-your-os-attacks-windows-mac-linux-7000000656/12:35
Mahavirwhat a mess up & atleast tell  me about this mess up12:36
Krupteinozpy you would first need to chmod and run it before it would affect in you in the first place12:36
MahavirUbuntu 12.04 outer core12:36
Siobhan000MonkeyDust: thank you, Im just trying to make things look like before, my main desktop computer is stuck on 10.10 because Im afraid to upgrade.12:36
KrupteinMahavir what is messed up O_o12:36
ozpykruptein: I see. so it's not that easy for it to infect the ubuntu OS installed on my laptos12:37
greasegumSiobhan000:: dude, you're living in the past.12:37
Siobhan000I have tried setting a laptop in 12.04 and make it look like before but I just cant12:37
Mahavirubuntu login & startup12:37
MonkeyDustSiobhan000  10.10 is dead and you want something that no longer exists or cannot be used in ubuntu12:37
Siobhan000greasegum: I know, Im trying to update but if it means using the new layout then it's not worth it. (btw Im not a dude, siobhan is an irish name)12:38
Krupteinozpy it depends how reckless you are in executing things :p12:38
kurtwp_Siobhan000: I was used to gnome also but I just jump in and did a fresh install of 12.04 and using unity 2d12:38
kurtwp_Siobhan000: to it is fine and don't really care about all the different customization you can do to desktops12:38
greasegumSiobhan000:: I realized that a moment after I hit enter. Damn my gender-stereotyping right pinkie.12:40
kurtwp_Siobhan000: Just one suggestion - do a fresh install of 12.04 - I upgraded from 11.10 and it hosed up my whole system12:40
MonkeyDustSiobhan000  first backup, before you fresh install12:41
KrupteinI always do fresh installs12:41
Siobhan000yes thats what I have done, this is 12.04 from fresh on a laptop, just trying to learn how this can be configured to look like before12:41
KrupteinI mess to much with the system my own to make upgrades work like they should :312:41
Siobhan000I dont want to touch my working desktop until I learn how this can be done12:41
nl0sthello, I need some help with my laptop's audio drivers. The sound quality is bad. I have alsaudio drivers installed. If someone can help me, pm me please.12:41
Siobhan000I am asuming it *can* be done somehow, I just cannot find anythign on google... Im surprised really12:42
cmrSiobhan000, it can't, without lots of work.12:42
Siobhan000cmr: you are breaking my heart, seriously12:43
cmrSiobhan000, sorry, truth hurts.12:43
MonkeyDustSiobhan000  by the time you managed to make gnome3 look like gnome2, it will be quantal-time ;)12:43
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Siobhan000I thought I would wait a few mounth for guides and pages to show up on blogs with detailed instructions, but nothing has come up12:43
cmrThat's the hint that it's either impossible or hard.12:44
Krupteincame late to the party,  but Siobhan000 wants gnome2 on ubuntu precise or what ?12:44
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Siobhan000Kruptein: I want the same look as 10.10 on the new 12.04, the new looks it's called unity, I dont know how the old looks is called, maybe it is is gnome2 Im not sure12:45
=== Guest42028 is now known as zoomit
zoomitHello guys i can not acces to vpn on ubuntu12:45
MonkeyDustSiobhan000  type !classic12:46
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity12:46
zoomitcan you help?12:46
KrupteinMonkeyDust you can send a message to a specific user by adding | username after the command12:46
zoomithey any body12:46
zoomitcan you help12:46
FloodBot1zoomit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:46
Pici!ask | zoomit12:46
ubottuzoomit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:46
MonkeyDustKruptein  I know that, but I don't do that12:47
=== zoomit is now known as vcxzvzcx
gemini123i am absolute begginer today i created mkdir aaa && cd aaa && touch aa.txt bb.txt12:47
gemini123command to make folder and files at once :D12:47
KrupteinSiobhan000: ow 10.10 also used unity but an older version12:47
Siobhan000Yes, I have loged using the "classic" interface, but a number of things are missing, the "system" menu at the top where you used to admin/configure everything on the system is no longer there. Also, rigth clicking the top menu doesnt do anything.12:47
vcxzvzcxvpn error.12:47
vcxzvzcxwhat can i do12:47
gemini123what else i can try12:47
KrupteinMonkeyDust: ok fine :p12:47
vcxzvzcxwhen i want to add the v*p *n it says it can not add that12:47
MonkeyDustSiobhan000  System is now under Applications (I use classic myself)12:47
vcxzvzcxwhat can i do?12:48
catphishSiobhan000: i've found the classic interface very buggy12:48
KrupteinSiobhan000: why do you want that version of unity specific?12:48
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catphishSiobhan000: i had better results using the mate / cinnamon forks from mint for the classic feel12:48
Siobhan000Kruptein: I just want it to look as close as 10.10 as possible as that is what I have been using for a long time and Im used to it12:48
vcxzvzcxcan u asnwer me12:48
FloodBot1vcxzvzcx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:49
x1kdear #ubuntu, if I have helped you in the past, or if you have seen me help someone with an issue, please join #ubuntu-meeting to support me in gaining Ubuntu Membership! THANK YOU!12:49
vcxzvzcxplease answer me12:49
DJones!patience | vcxzvzcx12:49
ubottuvcxzvzcx: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:49
KrupteinSiobhan000: i'm fine with that it can happen :) but i'm afraid that that is not gonna be easy12:49
Siobhan000but it keeps sayign that it is no longer supported and I get no updates, I figure thats bad and I should try to upgrade the whole system, but the new look and menus throw me away12:49
catphishSiobhan000: you may want to consider mint with mate or cinnamon, i was sad to move away from ubuntu mainline but i find it much better provides the interface i'm familiar with12:50
nl0stgemini123: try "ls -lR /12:50
nl0stgemini123: try "ls -lR /"12:50
Siobhan000I keep hearing about this Mint, never tried before.12:51
MonkeyDustcatphish  Siobhan000 you *could* get familiar with the new interface12:51
KrupteinSiobhan000: it's pretty popular12:51
madmax2Siobhan: There's a Gnome Session Manager, Gnome fallback that you can install post installation.12:51
catphishpersonally i don't like the new interfaces12:52
FloodBot1vcxzvzcx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:52
Siobhan000sorry I like old looks, in my work computer I have windows xp set to look like the old 98 with grey bars and no bells and whisels12:52
KrupteinSiobhan000: here are some screenshots http://www.linuxmint.com/screenshots.php12:52
vcxzvzcxwhat is the best ide for python12:52
vcxzvzcxha ha12:52
vcxzvzcxyou can not12:52
catphishvcxzvzcx: flooding won't help you get support here, ask a clear question and hope someone can help12:53
Krupteinvcxzvzcx: please stop flooding12:53
nl0stdunno, i just use kate for editing and run the python scripts through terminal12:53
Krupteinvcxzvzcx: and check #python12:53
Krupteinvcxzvzcx: that question has been asked like 15mins ago though12:53
catphishgedit is good for most languages12:53
catphishnot really an IDE though12:53
Krupteinvcxzvzcx: someone said pycharm then,  I would say my own12:54
nl0styeah, but gedit is a bit too colorful for me12:54
catphishgedit has a lot of colour themes :)12:54
Siobhan000Kruptein: looks pretty, but again very different from the Ubuntu classic12:54
vcxzvzcxcan i install  ubuntu packages on linux mint?12:54
madmax2Siobhan000: You can install the 'Gnome Session Manager - Gnome fallback'.12:54
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catphishvcxzvzcx: yes12:54
KrupteinSiobhan000: yup software changes so one day you might have to change as well :/12:55
madmax211.10, screen brightness. The key combination for brightness is fine, Fn+F1 and Fn+F2 are recognised. The notification windo shows the brightness. But it has no effect.12:55
catphishKruptein: software doesn't need to change for the sake of it, hence the forks to keep the look and feel people like12:55
ramezHi guys12:55
madmax2echo 150 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/panasonic/brightness works fine too.12:55
siva4080One week back I had setup proxy.. Now when I try to install package with apt-get install , It is trying to fetch the package from the proxy.. How to remove the proxy settings from apt-get ??? Please help12:55
Krupteinmadmax2: you'll probably need some drivers / software package from your laptop manufacturer12:55
Siobhan000madmax2: searchign for "gnome session manager" in the ubuntu software center doesnt fidn anything12:56
ramezI have dell vostro A860 and i can't install ubuntu 12.0412:56
Krupteinmadmax2: I had to install some samsung specific packages in order to be able to use those keys12:56
Krupteinramez: with "I can't" do you mean the installation failed or something else?12:56
ramezwhen i boot from the cd ,, black screen freeze12:56
madmax2Kruptein: Thanks, I will have a look into it.12:56
ramezyes kruptein12:57
Siobhan000Kruptein: whats the worst that can happen if I dont move from 10.10 ?12:57
madmax2Kruptein: That said, my drivers are the correct ones but the key bindings are a goof up.12:57
ramezi can't boot from the CD after i downloaded the 32 and 8612:57
madmax2Siobhan000: Could you check ot this one... http://deviceguru.com/ubuntu-11-10-without-shell-shock/  ? Will it suit you?12:58
Siobhan000madmax2: I cannot find "gnome session manager" in the ubuntu software center, could you tell me how to install that please?12:58
Siobhan000madmax2: let me see....12:58
madmax2Siobhan000: OK.12:58
KrupteinSiobhan000: you're not gonna be hurt so much the only thing that might happen is that support for problems can be a pain  and maybe some programs won't work12:59
ramezany one to help me??12:59
ramezim working on linux mint12:59
ramezand its running fine12:59
Krupteinramez sorry, are your boot options correct?12:59
ramezyes sure ,12:59
Krupteinwith that I mean: does it first check whether there is a bootable cd12:59
BluesKaj'morning all12:59
ramezyes it check and start the process of booting13:00
ramezbut the screen keep black13:00
madmax2ramez: You probably have a non-pae system?13:00
ramezand nothing after that13:00
KaiSforzaramez: how long are you waiting?13:00
ramezu mean online??13:00
KaiSforzano, i mean for the live cd to boot.13:00
Siobhan000madmax2: thank you very much, thats a long read Im got to get to it13:01
Siobhan000Kruptein: I see13:01
ramezi've been waiting for 4 min and nothing happened13:01
ramezi tried 64X and 3213:01
KaiSforzaramez: how old is this computer?13:01
madmax2Mind that it refers to 11.10, current is 12.04.13:01
ramezmm its dual core processor 2 GB Ram13:01
KrupteinSiobhan000: you should be fine for a long time but maybe in the future you'll have to change once if you want something specific but for now  I wouldn't upgrade if you don't find something that really suits you13:01
madmax2Siobhan000: Mind that it refers to 11.10, current is 12.04.13:01
jinxardCan I install Windows besides my already existing Ubuntu installation?13:02
Siobhan000Thank you everyone, Im off to try Mint / do more research about how I can sort this, it seems more complicated than I thought. **THANK YOU ALL**13:02
KaiSforzaramez: give it a few more minutes. (and hit an arrow key and tell me if you see anything)13:02
Siobhan000Kruptein: noted, thanks for the advice13:02
Siobhan000madmax2: yes I noticed13:02
Siobhan000thank all, bye now13:02
fresh-nesCan somebody help me to defer initcalls of the boot, as explained here : http://elinux.org/Deferred_Initcalls . But for the kernel 3.3 please13:02
madmax2ramez: you probably have a non-pae system, download the non-pae iso13:03
ramezwhat is the meaning of non-pae madmax2??13:03
jinxardCan I install Windows besides my already existing Ubuntu installation, or do I have to install Windows first then Ubuntu?13:03
MonkeyDustjinxard  first ubuntu, or you will have to repair grub13:03
Krupteinfresh-nes: if nobody answers you hear try #ubuntu-kernel13:04
MonkeyDustjinxard  first windows, or you will have to repair grub13:04
jinxardMonkeyDust, ok :) so first windows then Ubuntu?13:04
madmax2The standard download location for 12.04. Your PC/Laptop has probably no PAE support. Loading the PAE support will fail and vice versa.13:04
KrupteinI think you can install whatever you want first but if you install windows after ubuntu you'll have to need a live cd to reset the grub13:04
Krupteinso easier is to first do windows jinxard13:05
MonkeyDustjinxard  first windows, most probably on /dev/sda113:05
Krupteinoh sorry misread you, MonkeyDust was tottaly right :p13:05
jinxardOk, thanks guys :D13:05
madmax2ramez: The standard download location for 12.04. Your PC/Laptop has probably no PAE support. It is used to address memory beyond the 32-bit barrier.13:05
LaOdeAliFarisisinyal ubuntu indonesia?13:06
Krupteinbut wouldn't the 32bit work in that case13:06
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia13:06
madmax2ramez: how old is your system?13:06
Krupteinor is 32bit now PAE default13:06
ramezmadmax2 ,, i'm talking to you now from that laptop with linux mint installed13:06
fresh-nesKruptein : thanks, I'll try13:07
madmax2OK, so you have a 64-bit system then?13:07
gemini123nl0st what wassssssss thatttttttttttttttttttttttt13:07
ramezyes i have13:07
madmax2OK, then you can rule out the PAE issue.13:07
Krupteinramez did you try to see if it boots on another pc/laptop ?13:08
Krupteinmaybe the cd is not good13:08
DarsVaedais there any gui tool for recovering deleted files in a folder?13:08
ramezyes it was running on lenovo desktop13:08
ramezi was working fine with ubuntu since ubuntu 913:08
ramezand till 11.0413:09
ramezand when i tried to install 12.0413:09
ramezit was blocked13:09
ramezthe boot stops at black screen13:09
ramezand nothing happen13:09
MonkeyDustramez  type !nomodeset for instructions13:11
Krupteinramez check this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromCD13:11
Krupteinand ramez did you try a flash drive?13:12
ramezno i didn't try flash drive13:12
ramezi will download the iso again13:13
ramezand i will change the desktop and burning software13:13
ramezto be sure that nothing wrong13:13
KaiSforzaramez: when you download it, check the md5sum13:13
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ramezis it a file md5sum?13:13
MonkeyDust!nomodeset| ramez13:13
ubotturamez: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:13
escottDarsVaeda, almost certainly not. see !undelete13:14
KaiSforzaramez: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM13:14
ramezthanks alot guys i will check all ur suggestions and i will return back to tell u13:14
Krupteinlet's hope some option works :)13:15
ramezthanks alot for help kaisforza and madmax2 and monkeydust and ubottu13:15
madmax2ramez: Good luck with the new CD.13:16
KaiSforza(and this is why i prefer rolling releases.)13:16
brett__anyone able to tell me why my VPN connection to work is 100% fine at home, but i'm at a conference somewhere now and i VPN, it connects OK, i get some semi-applicable looking routes, but i can't connect to my resources? then my VPN drops 5 minutes later?13:17
KrupteinKaiSforza: same13:18
ubottuGuest33424: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:18
=== Mo3|ZNC is now known as Mo3
=== arian_ is now known as Guest77944
=== Guest77944 is now known as arian------
arian------hello all can i install softwares by ubuntu ppa s on linux mint?13:23
somethinginteresany equivilant of WinRAR's "keep broken files" in fileroller? or a way to repair a "CRC check failed"?13:24
arian------can you answer13:25
FloodBot1arian------: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:26
Krupteinarian first of don't spam13:26
Krupteinarian why don't you just try13:26
Krupteinarian I think it should work13:26
MonkeyDustsomethinginteres  start from the beginning, what doe you want to do, what have you done and tried before you came here13:26
KaiSforzaarian------: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:<the/ppa/you/want> && sudo apt-get update13:26
arian------because i want to know is it good to install linux mint or no :D13:26
DJonesarian------: You're better asking in the linux mint irc channel, they'll have a better idea whether it will work or whether it will corrupt your system13:26
ubottuarian------,: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org13:26
MonkeyDustarian------  try and find out, it's free :p13:26
fidelarian------: why would you ask in an ubuntu channel if using mint is a good ideA?13:27
fideldo you ask a mercedes benz dealer if its clever to buy BMW?13:27
arian------aha thanks I didn't know the linux mint irc?13:27
KaiSforzaarian------: also: use google. it's your friend.13:27
fidelarian------: hehe np - found the channel?13:27
Krupteinarian------: google gave it immediately13:27
syn-ackKruptein, Google isn't fast enough for some people.13:28
somethinginteresMonkeyDust: I am wanting to extract a split .rar file. I am getting a "CRC check failed error" when trying to extract in Ubuntu's default archive manager. Before coming here I google'd for a solution and the only suggestions is to re-download the "broken" part of the file13:28
syn-acksomethinginteres, install unrar and rar13:28
arian------Google is the badest company it deleted the persian gulf I hate you google.13:28
compdocI had no idea the persian gulf was missing13:29
KaiSforzanor did I.13:29
Krupteinnor did i13:29
* Kruptein is confused13:29
somethinginteresMonkeyDust: but Archive Manager says the CRC check failed on part 1 of 3 and 2 of 3. Looks like the download completed correctly but the file sizes don't seem right. Seem bigger than it should be e.g. 209MB for a 200MB .rar13:29
KaiSforzait's definitely still there...13:29
=== Mo3 is now known as Mo3|ZNC
somethinginteressyn-ack: unrar was installed, rar wasn't. It's installed now13:30
Guest20213I want to start hosting video tutorials for my coworkers to be able to access. Is there a simple video server (open source/free) that would allow me to setup a local youtube style site on my private lan13:30
tarzeaudoes ubuntu 1204 work for anyone with more than one screen?13:31
ikoniaGuest20213: drupal has video site plugins13:31
tarzeauwith the nvidia driver? i either get mirrored displays or logins don't work at all13:31
ikoniaGuest20213: I'd look at web content setups with video plugins13:31
tarzeauusing gnome, gnome classic, unity, unity 2d etc...13:31
Krupteintarzeau: i'm using it with a second monitor13:31
tarzeauamiwm or window maker work though13:31
tarzeauKruptein: and it works for you? using gdm or lightdm?13:32
tarzeauKruptein: is that amd64 or 32-bit linux?13:32
KaiSforzathe nvidia drivers suppor xrandr, yes?13:32
Krupteintarzeau: lightdm 64bit  nvidia graphics driver13:32
tarzeauwe have like 150 workstations and they're still on 1104 because of this and some other problems with 1204lts13:32
Krupteintarzeau: you need to set it up trough the nvidia config thingy though13:33
tarzeauKruptein: what did you do? i have 5 test installations with test users and it fails everywhere13:33
KaiSforzatarzeau: get gentoo, it might fix your problem haha13:33
tarzeauKruptein: i did so of course!13:33
Krupteintarzeau: and what did you do ? :)13:33
tarzeauKaiSforza: we had debian before and i just tried debian wheezy and that's even worse13:33
KaiSforzayou do realize what you're saying...13:33
tarzeauKruptein: nothing, default automatic network installation, setup nvidia-settings and then logins fail13:34
rudivsI need to copy a file from a remote computer's /etc directory. Is there some way to scp with sudo permissions on the remote box?13:34
tarzeauKaiSforza: there's no way we're gonna use gentoo13:34
lux164Um hello :)13:34
tarzeauKruptein: i guess you don't have nfs home directories automounted?13:34
Krupteintarzeau: what did you select for your second screen13:34
KaiSforzarudivs: use an account with root, or ssh to the box and scp to your box with sudo.13:34
Krupteinin the nvidia-settings13:34
lux164I'm trying to install an external device driver. via xorg.conf. What do?13:34
KaiSforzatarzeau: i know13:34
tarzeauKruptein: separate x screen13:35
lux164ubuntu 10.0413:35
Krupteintarzeau: hmz strange it works for me :/13:35
tarzeauKaiSforza: funny thing is it works also with mate and e1713:35
primefalconrudivs, you could do a reverse scp, first login into the remote machine using ssh, su to root, and then scp the file back to your machine13:35
somethinginteressyn-ack: sorry, had to restart13:35
Krupteintarzeau: and it worked on 3 different monitors so far13:35
tarzeauKruptein: could you post me your xorg.conf and maybe a screenshot?13:35
balwhen i type some words using ibus inputmethod in libreoffice write it exits  how to fix this ?13:35
KaiSforzatarzeau: then get mate on there. (tbh, i've been heavily disappointed with Unity)13:35
rudivsprimefalcon, KaiSforza thanks, looks like the remote option is a good way to go13:36
Krupteintarzeau: I'm on windows atm13:36
KaiSforzatarzeau: using mate would lower the shock of a change as well.13:36
tarzeaui prefer not to package MORE software packages on my own in our own repository, we already have around 75 of those13:36
tarzeauoh people here never liked unity that much13:36
KaiSforzai'd be surprised if they did.13:36
fideltarzeau: some do - others dont ...as always13:36
fidelchange is never welcome by everyone13:37
primefalconI love unity, just sayin13:37
KaiSforzacoming from gnome2, it's a bit of a shock.13:37
tarzeaufidel: some lost the icon bar completely, and on more than one screen it's really heavily slow if working at all13:37
fidelapart from that -> ot ;)13:37
tarzeaufidel: there's like a thing of sympathy and then there's stuff that's obviously broken13:37
balhow to fix this ?13:37
fideltarzeau: i dont know & dont care - as i dont use it13:37
KaiSforzatarzeau: move your entire office to i3wm.13:37
tarzeauprimefalcon: you love unity? the 3d one or the 2d one?13:38
tarzeauKaiSforza: some people just don't want to switch away from gnome 2 or kde13:38
lux164Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid. Trying to install Aiptek 4000U. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man4/aiptek.4.html How do I add it to xorg.conf? :) Not in hurrying up, I just put it all up in one line.13:38
KrupteinI like unity as well13:38
primefalconTargen, I've liked unity in all 3 releases tbh13:38
tarzeaupersonally i prefer window maker, and then amiwm13:38
Krupteinto say that I love it is probably an exageration13:38
tarzeauKruptein: it's not like i hate it. i just dislike it's not working on more than one screen13:38
tarzeauand people keep asking me how to configure it13:39
tarzeauand nautilus is slow when you want to browse /usr/bin when it has 3000+ files in there13:39
Krupteintarzeau: it's really strange I'll see if I can find something13:39
tarzeauunity just misses the "launch application" menu entry13:39
KaiSforzatarzeau: also, how hard is it to package more on a local repo?13:39
tarzeauKaiSforza: not so, but to keep it updated is13:39
fideltarzeau: dualscreen works basically if you set it up correct - but yeah its way more messy then it was before13:40
tarzeauKaiSforza: and then there's 32+64bit and all the distros that you have during the migration13:40
Krupteintarzeau: it's definitely strange because the nvidia settings do find the monitor13:40
fidelworks here with gnome313:40
Krupteindo you get any error when applying your changes13:40
primefalcontarzeau, the thing is though. a lot of people think unity is Ubuntu... thats kinda 1 reason I hate the ifferent names such as Lubuntu, xubuntu, since it's all the same OS with just a diffrent desktop, and those can easily be switched and changed, I currently have 8 desktops installed right now13:40
fidelprimefalcon: full ack13:40
tarzeauKruptein: yes the nvidia settings xorg.conf is perfect it works with very basic window managers just not with the gnome/kde and unity stuff13:40
balwhat i can do with this ?13:41
tarzeauprimefalcon: we have installed them all, there's like 3000 users :)13:41
fidelbal: could you define "this"? ;)13:41
Krupteintarzeau: is it a specific monitor or any monitor?13:41
tarzeauKruptein: any monitor13:41
somethinginteressyn-ack: thanks mate, found the command: it's unrar -kb <filename> kb meaning "keep broken"13:41
balfidel:  when it try to type some words in libreoffice wirter with ibus in my mother language it exits.  it is only for some words13:42
ballike home13:42
KaiSforzaI just remember using unity not too long ago on two screens. Really wasn't that enjoyable.13:42
cfhowletthey all: I'm behind the great firewall.  I can't get the vanilla skype 4.0 as the browser keeps redirecting to the backdoor enabled chinese version.  Would anyone be willing to put the .deb in a dropbox and share the link with me?13:42
lux164ubottu, could you tell me about xorg.conf ?13:42
ubottulux164: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:42
lux164ubottu: what is xorg.conf?13:42
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:42
KaiSforzabal: I'm failing to see the problem...13:43
Krupteincfhowlett: did you try the ppa?13:43
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution13:43
saitekshi to all13:43
balfidel:  my language is malayalam13:43
cfhowlettKruptein, no - have you a link?13:43
fidelbal: i dont uderstand your problem. try to rephrase and focus on the entire channel not just me ;)13:43
Krupteincfhowlett: wait a minute13:43
lux164Any guides to installing xorg.conf driver?13:43
lux164on 10.04?13:43
balKaiSforza: fidel  ok13:44
primefalconcfhowlett, I will just give me a sec13:44
bali try this with libre office channel13:44
primefalconcfhowlett, 32 or 64bit?13:44
cfhowlettprimefalcon, 64 bit13:44
KaiSforzabal: it's not that we can't help, it's just that you are pharsing the question like a statement, and it honestly doesn't seem like anything is wrong...13:44
balKaiSforza:  when i type home in ibus the applciation  libre office quits13:45
primefalconcfhowlett, here you go http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1212637/dropbox_1.4.0_amd64.deb13:45
=== Jacob_ is now known as Guest78612
balor crashes13:45
cfhowlettprimefalcon, my thanks, kind sir.13:46
Krupteincfhowlett: just remember that you first need to delete any older version of skype13:46
cfhowlettKruptein, new re-install and no skype.13:46
KaiSforzatarzeau: another questions, why would you not just use the public repositories?13:46
primefalconcfhowlett, your welcome and yea what Kruptein  sad, I have had issues with that.. specificially it asking for a pass and user each boot13:47
tarzeauKaiSforza: public repos of what?13:47
Krupteinprimefalcon: I had a lot of issues with it as well :/13:47
Krupteintarzeau: ubuntu maybe? :D13:48
KaiSforzafor MATE...which i think has a ppa somewhere.13:48
tarzeauKruptein: they don't have the software we need?13:48
* Kruptein failed hard13:48
tarzeauwhat do you think why we maintain our own repositories for like 75 software packages?13:48
tarzeaucertainly not for fun13:48
KaiSforzatarzeau: why not use the public repos /and/ your own repos for the software you can't get?13:48
tarzeauand ubuntu 1204 throwed out a few packages they had in 110413:49
balKaiSforza: ok see you13:49
tarzeauKaiSforza: that's what we do? but that doesn't fix the unity/gnome/kde problems on multimonitor setups?13:49
YFLHello People!! Ubuntu is awesome you know13:49
balKaiSforza: thank you13:49
tarzeauand basically i would just wish ubuntu did securityupdates for 1104 for 5 more years13:49
Krupteintarzeau: did you reboot after you changed the nivida-settings options ?13:50
tarzeauthe last lts was a disaster this one is still one, i'll probably just try 121013:50
KaiSforzatarzeau: use LXDE/XFCE? or in that case, get RHEL.13:50
tarzeauKruptein: i tried everything13:50
tarzeauKaiSforza: look it's not ME having problems, since I use amiwm/windowmaker which just work, perfect. it's the 2999 other people that can't use anything else but unity, gnome and kde13:50
primefalcontarzeau, I am not even sure thenext lts will be a 5 year deal or whether its just 12.04 specific13:50
dydguys how can i install elegant gnome?13:51
KaiSforzatarzeau: dress up LXDE to look like gnome 2.13:51
=== bobbyaldolAFK is now known as bobbyaldol
dydi have ubuntu 11.0413:51
tarzeauthere's no such thing like gnome AND elegant, is there?13:51
tarzeauyou mean elephant gnome, right?13:51
dydtarzeau, http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Elegant+Gnome+Pack?content=12782613:51
dydtarzeau, i tried in many ways but seems that it's no more available :(13:52
dydtarzeau, can't even download the binaries13:52
dyddead link13:52
zhuyingwumake love13:53
tarzeaumake: *** No rule to make target `love'.  Stop.13:53
gudjonhow can i forward my dns from the isp to my internal network (2 interfaces - 11.04)13:56
YFLHey keno!!13:57
YFLHey amber!13:57
arian__hello I want to download 1 GB for a distro what distro is the best for the places that internet not medium (IRAN) ?13:58
Amber_Hey there quinn13:58
chimneyarian__: what do want to do exactly?13:59
arian__I want to know what is the best distro13:59
fidelarian__: there is no BEST distri13:59
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:59
KaiSforzaarian__: that depends on what you want to do.13:59
fidelasking for best usualy fails and you should most likely even ignore replies on such questions ;)13:59
=== greenkobold is now known as hybrid
chimneyarian__: depends on what you want to do14:00
=== hybrid is now known as greenkobold
arian__for IRAN is linuxmint better than ubuntu?14:00
Krupteinwhy would it matter14:00
fidelarian__: for iran isnt a reason14:00
fidelare you looking for privacy topics?14:00
arian__for the low internet14:00
satyanash_You mean slow?14:00
k1l!linuxmint | arian__14:00
KaiSforzaarian__: they're all going to deal with slow internet the same way.14:01
fidelarian__: there will be no relevant diff in terms how they access and use the net14:01
Amber_Hey Keno14:01
YFLKeno is having trouble with ubuntu14:01
YFLI can see you Keno14:01
KenoNo I'm not14:01
arian__can i install all ubuntu softwares on linux mint??14:01
Kenoi CAN SEE YOU as well14:02
ikoniaarian__: mixing repos with distro's isn't a good idea14:02
cfhowlett!mint arian__,14:02
fidelarian__: why would you even try that? where do you see a sense in that?14:02
k1l!mint | arian__14:02
ubottuarian__: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:02
BluesKajarian__, just use ubuntu , mint isn't any faster , internet or otherwisew14:02
chimneyok my cpu tells me "pae cx8 cmov not found" want to install ubuntu server 12.0414:03
arian__what about craches which one is better?14:03
KaiSforzaarian__: they're both quite stable. this is debian we're talking about here.14:03
k1larian__: that would be a topic for #ubuntu-discuss14:03
chimneyarian__: I usually use ubuntu. rel. stable14:04
fidelarian__: how about just trying both as live cd?14:04
Brockstedthey Everyone, we have installed an Ubuntu 11.10 server which we are having an issue with it not allowing connections after idle for approximately 2 minutes. We have to log on to the box and ping a network address for other network host to be able to connect to it again.Has anyone a suggestion as to the cause of this? Thanks14:04
fidelthere are almost no relevant diffs and dont expect neutral views in an ubuntu channel14:04
gudjonneed help with DNS... my internal network dont work?14:04
KaiSforzafidel: if his internet sucks, he's not going to want to methinks.14:05
fidelKaiSforza: i am just trying to point out that he is asking questions we tried to answer in the same way hours ago14:05
arian__fidel, I said my internet is very slow .......... :)14:05
chimneyarian__: depends on what are you doing with youre system. If you use it normally it will run forever, if you start playing around changing to many conf filer, it will explode someday14:05
chimneyhey why does 12.04 server flavor wants cmov cx8 and pae?14:06
Krupteinpae because that is the standard now14:06
compdocgudjon, what do you see if you run the command:   cat /etc/resolv.conf14:06
fidelKaiSforza: true - but asking the same questions over and over and ignoring answers will not help either ;)14:07
KaiSforzafidel: true.14:07
fidelthats why i came up with a different way - testing itself14:07
=== mike is now known as Guest4716
fideli dont even think it is clever to ask in room A if A is better then distri B14:07
chimneyKruptein: how do I get it running without pae cmov and cx8?14:07
KaiSforzaarian__: If I were you, I would go with ubuntu. The base system is smaller than mint by quite a bit.14:07
fidelas ppl in room A usualy use A as the like it14:07
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chimneyfidel: I would say debian is better on small embedded devices, gentoo on very special devices. openwrt on linksys wlan routers, openbsd on firewalls ...14:08
auronandacefidel: while it is rare some people can be objective, but yes, you can expect heavy bias14:08
=== Ed209 is now known as EdShumpert
fidelchimney: might be true for you - not for others thats my point ;)14:09
fidelbut those best questions will most likely never stop ;)14:09
chimneywould you install ubuntu destop on an 200mhz arm, 20mb ram embedded thing?14:09
tomek_join #ubuntu-bugs14:09
fidelchimney: no - i do run debian on my one14:09
chimneyfidel: seee ;)14:10
fidelfor sure - but that makes only see if you can handle it ;)14:10
chimneyfidel: ;)14:10
=== 16WAAR6WK is now known as jkeiper
chimneyso now any way to get ubuntu server running without pae cx8 and cmov?14:12
fidelarian__: to sum it up - if you choose distri a,b,or c - as long as they are all based on debian (which is true for mint,ubuntu etC) there are only small changes ...so in details14:12
fideldont expect that one of those is doing a totaly other magic to get somewthing working14:12
fidelnor will one of those distris be heavily supperior - at least not as long as you are looking for something really specific14:13
armaani have some code which starts a web server and then execute some tests on it. but i have to do in two terminals. Like first start server in one terminal and then execute tests on other terminal , Is it possible to achieve this in a single terminal.14:13
fidelarmaan: you could either use 'screen' or the & option14:13
chimneyyes with tmux or screen.14:13
chimneyarmaan: you can also start the wevserver as backgroud service14:14
armaanfidel: could not find suitable tutorial on screen14:14
cfhowlettarian__, not to be presume but have you looked at Ubuntu Muslim edition aka sabily: www.sabily.org14:14
chimneywith ni outout14:14
chimneyfidel: tmux not screen14:14
fidelarmaan: i dont beliebe that ;)14:14
Chuckb73join #ubuntu - bugs14:14
Chuckb73join #ubuntu-bugs14:15
fidelChuckb73: are you advertising or trying to do so?14:15
DJonesChuckb73: you need a "/" before so /join #ubuntu-bugs14:15
KaiSforzaarmaan: there are so many tutorials on screen it's a bit mind boggling.14:16
chimneyarmaan: use tmux. its way better14:16
chimney!tmux | armaan14:17
chimneynot working *sighÜ*14:17
ra4kingI'm running Ubuntu Server 12.04 and outgoing connections seem to be blocked14:17
ra4kingI have the Shorewall firewall installed, if that helps14:17
ra4kinghowever, the only rules setup is to allow incoming HTTP and SSH connections14:18
fidelra4king: does it work if you disable shorewell for a testing issues?14:18
chimneyra4king: deactivate it and see if it works14:18
fidelany other FW in use?14:18
ra4kingdoes that still block all outgoing connections?14:18
ra4kingfidel:  chimney: interestingly enough, disabling shorewall disables the internet entirely14:18
compdocchimney, did you d/l the 64bit version?14:18
fidelra4king: either show us your rules in details ..otherwise its wild guessing14:18
chimneycompdoc: nope. x8614:18
fideland consider checking if there runs something else in addition fw-wise14:18
compdocthats way it wants PAE14:19
armaanfidel: thanks :)14:19
chimneycompdoc: so its an via c314:19
compdochow much ram?14:19
m477_do you know what CondDBMySQL is?14:20
chimneycompdoc: 25614:20
chimneycompdoc: mb14:20
compdocthen I dont know why it would need pae - thats only for over 4G of ram14:20
chimneyi'm helpless14:21
compdocthats a really tiny amount. too small for most versions14:21
fidelm477_: conditions database mysql?14:21
m477_fidel: yes14:21
chimneyalso cmov and cx8 are missing, but debian runs on these machines properly14:21
m477_fidel: do you know what is it, I cant find anything specific in google14:22
compdocchimney, Ubuntu might not be the best choice, then14:22
compdocchimney, by the way, you might find better answers on the mailing list14:23
ra4kingfidel: ah sorry, I was playing around with it14:23
ra4kingfidel: give me two seconds to paste14:23
chimneycompdoc: ok thanks14:24
chimneycompdoc: on debian libssl-dev is properly working14:24
ra4kingfidel: http://pastebin.com/wsGB0mc114:24
chimneycompdoc: thanks14:24
KaiSforzacompdoc: that's really not that small. all of my systems run ~100-150mb when idle, and only web browsing and java really makes that go anywhere.14:26
ra4kingfidel: is there anything wrong with the rules?14:26
compdocKaiSforza, thats hom much ram those systems have?14:27
ra4kingdoing "sudo shorewall stop" somehow stops all connections to port 80. however the SSH connection still works, interestingly enough14:27
KaiSforzacompdoc: no. I have 4. i just never use a whole lot more than 300.14:28
madmax2armaan: you can put the first process in backgrount and start your secend (test) process. To switch between use fg. This can all be done from the command line.14:28
arian__I installed the kde on ubuntu but it have some bugs  if i install kubuntu  from cd  i have these bugs again?14:29
x1kdoes anyone have an issue that has not been addressed or resolved yet?14:29
x1karian__: what kind of bugs are you running into? the best practice would be to install kubuntu, but depending on the issue, it could be driver related and a new installation may not help you.14:30
ra4kingcan anyone help?14:30
x1kra4king: what do you need?14:31
cfhowlettarian__, given you internet situation, make sure you hash check your iso14:31
ra4kingx1k: outbound connections are blocked for some reason14:31
ra4kingx1k: I installed shorewall with Ubuntu Server 12.04 and in the rules, I allowed incoming HTTP and SSH connections14:31
Tm_Tx1k: arian__: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, so there's no need to reinstall14:31
arian__it has 2 bugs first  my super key does not work and by the terminal and help of the #kubuntu it solved but another was if i restart my monitor setting goes to default14:32
arian__and it has this bug now (I have 2 monitors )14:32
ra4kinghowever, outbound connections don't seem to work because one of my PHP scripts tries to connect to a remote server and fails14:32
Tm_Tarian__: ah, which KDE version you have installed?14:32
x1kTm_T: i understand14:32
DeltaHeavyHow do I redirect STDERR to /dev/null but pipe STDOUT of the same command?14:32
arian__Tm_T , KDE 4.814:33
lux12ssHello, will distribution upgrader take me from 10.04 to 12.04? If so, how can I stop it?14:33
x1kra4king: let me do my homework on this quick14:33
ra4kingx1k: ok thanks14:33
DeltaHeavySorry wrong channel, although if anybody could awnser that would be great lol14:33
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x1kra4king: do you have a firewall?14:34
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ra4kingx1k: shorewall14:34
Tm_Tarian__: could you be more specific? you can see that from any kde app by going to menu -> help -> about14:34
DeltaHeavylux12ss: It will take you to the next version. It won't jump from 10.04 to 12.0414:34
compdoclux12ss, you booted from the install cd and want to upgrade?14:34
ra4kingAlso, does Ubuntu Server come with a built in firewall enabled?14:34
Guest9675I don't want to upgrade ._.14:34
arian__I am not on that now14:35
cfhowlettra4king, IIRC the firewall is present but not enabled14:35
Guest9675compdoc: Distribution upgrader started up itself14:35
=== Guest9675 is now known as luce
ra4kingcfhowlett: hmm ok14:35
BluesKajlux , only if you have LTS upgrade enabled in the package manager14:35
arian__is chakra debian based?14:35
ra4kingWhy in the world when I disable the shorewall firewall, all connections are blocked?!14:35
DeltaHeavyra4king: The Linux kernel itself has a firewall (netfilter AKA iptables) so any modern Linux distro has a firewall by default. To check how it's configured check the output of 'iptables -L'14:35
daveoDeltaHeavy: will it take from 10.04 to 10.12? or 11.04?14:36
ra4kingDeltaHeavy: is it enabled by default?14:36
DeltaHeavydaveo: 10.1014:36
x1kra4king: have you looked through the shorewall FAQ?14:36
IdleOnearian__: This is the Ubuntu support channel, if you have questions about others distros please ask them about it.14:36
daveoDeltaHeavy: right, wrong numbers, sorry14:36
ra4kingx1k: i have, and it says all outbound connections are open by default14:36
MonkeyDustlux 10.04 willl be supported until april 2013, after that, it is highly recommended to update to a version that is not EOL14:36
ra4kingyet all outbound connections seem to be dropped for me14:36
arian__what is the channel of chakra?14:37
arian__can any body answer me?14:37
IdleOne!alis | arian__14:37
ubottuarian__: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:37
mneptokMonkeyDust: 10.04-server is supported until 2015.14:37
DeltaHeavyra4king: I don't know but I'm almost certain it is. It runs as a daemon so you can check if it's running with the 'service' command14:37
BluesKajluce, stop asking a questions then changing your nick , stick with one pls14:37
ra4kingDeltaHeavy: ok thanks14:37
DeltaHeavyra4king: np14:37
arian__can you say 4 best distros "ubuntnu based"?14:37
ubottuarian__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:38
lucesorry >.<14:38
lucewill anything happen if I cancel distribution upgrader though?14:38
Tm_Tdaveo: DeltaHeavy: 10.04 will upgrade to 12.04 by default14:38
mneptokarian__: this channel is strictly for Ubuntu support. try ##linux.14:38
MonkeyDustmneptok  correct, i guess i missed the server part in the question14:38
Tm_Tdaveo: actually, 12.04.1 but still14:38
luceTm_T why?14:38
ra4kingDeltaHeavy: ok well I decided to completely uninstall shorewall14:38
ra4kingand I'll look into the firewall you mentioned14:39
luceoldfags gonna hate precise. Tm_T14:39
Tm_Tluce: LTS to LTS14:39
Tm_Tluce: and you can stop it offering the upgrade if you want, it doesn't upgrade automatically anyway14:39
DeltaHeavyra4king: Personally I reccommend nothing but netfilter. It's built right into the kernel so that ensures an extra degree of security.14:39
luceTm_T It should tell you that it's an actual distribution upgrade14:39
arian__can any body tell 4 better distors   ""ubuntu based""?14:40
mneptokTm_T: is the -i flag still necessary for 10.04 users using "do-release-upgrade?"14:40
MonkeyDustluce simply don't run the distribution update14:40
k1larian__: stop it14:40
ra4kingDeltaHeavy: alright then, I'll look into it14:40
luceWe're not psychics... >.<14:40
MonkeyDustarian__  wrong channel14:40
Tm_Tluce: it does tell, it won't do it unless you explicitly do release upgrade14:40
luceAnd I arleady did MonkeyDus14:40
arian__what channel I send this to?14:40
luceSo I have to reinstall now ._.14:40
DeltaHeavyra4king: If you google 'iptables tutorial' that would probably lead to some good reasources on how to learn it. And of course there's always the man pages14:40
Tm_Tluce: huh?14:40
ra4kingDeltaHeavy: ill read the man pages14:40
luceThanks guys :(14:41
k1lthe LTS wont upgrade to 12.04 untill 12.04.1 is opend. so there is no accidently upgrade14:41
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mneptokk1l: see my previous question to Tm_T :)14:41
arian__MonkeyDust, can you say the right cahnnel for this work?14:42
DeltaHeavyra4king: Also just FYI some knowlege of networking goes a long way. netfilter isn't easy for people unknowlegable about networking, and even for those who are there's a fairly steep learning curve.14:42
IdleOnearian__: ##linux14:42
Tm_Tmneptok: you mean -d ?14:42
ra4kingDeltaHeavy: I am very knowledgeable about networking14:42
mneptokTm_T: was it -d? right you are if you say so. :)14:42
luceany way I could stop distribution upgrader? can't find it on system monitor.14:43
luceI want to rollback >.<14:43
Tm_Tluce: if you haven't explicitly said to your system "yes yes yes do release upgrade" it hasn't done it14:43
k1lmneptok: it was -d, but -d is for dev mode. it was just to climb over the LTS blocking. LTS only upgrades to the .1 release14:43
DeltaHeavyra4king: Then it shouldn't be too hard for you. Good luck.14:44
luceTm_T it prompted me >.<14:44
sivapvarmahi all14:44
Tm_Tmneptok: and yes, unless you change file that defines the upgrade path14:44
luceI'm the average linux user >.>14:44
luceclicking yes on anything >.<14:44
Tm_Tluce: you see dpkg running? if yes, don't kill it, you most likely end up with broken system14:45
mneptokluce: >.< <----- not puncutation. so please ...14:45
lucethanks Tm_T14:45
Tm_Tluce: if not, I wonder if anything has happened anyway14:45
sivapvarmacan any one help me fix this http://askubuntu.com/questions/160718/unable-to-boot-after-uninstalling-jupiter-applet-and-removing-entries-related-to14:45
lucecan't kill it >.<14:46
mneptokk1l: AFAIK, the necessity of -d was a mistake. not a planned thing.14:46
h3nrisIRC chat is better than yahoo ?14:46
luceh3nris lol wut?14:46
k1lmneptok: the spirit of the LTS to LTS upgrade is, that you wait untill the .1 release.14:46
h3nrisis it ?14:47
mneptokk1l: that has never been the case in the past.14:47
IdleOne!ot | h3nris14:47
ubottuh3nris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:47
=== nethier is now known as nickethier
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:47
summentier@sivpvarma: did you try "sudo apt-get remove jupiter; sudo apt-get autoremove"?14:48
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:49
sivapvarmasummentier: yeah I alread tried that, think I did not add sudo apt-get autoremove in askubuntu question14:49
h3nrisI have set up a new Pinguys os, but my res is only 1024x768 , I use Intel onboard ... so what can I do to get 1366x76814:50
bazhangh3nris, pinguy is not supported here14:50
h3nrisoh :(14:50
lovenixhllo, how is it possible to move a big file and see how much time is left with the commend mv ?14:50
sivapvarmah3nris: go to pinguy OS support forum or channel14:50
h3nrisok tks14:51
bazhangLaOdeAliFarisi, dont spam here14:51
DJonesLaOdeAliFarisi: Please don't advertise14:51
LjLlovenix: i don't believe it is, you'd have to use something else like rsync14:51
madmax2lovenix: You can't.14:52
summentier@sivapvarma: hummmm...  did you take a look at the syslogs (/var/log/syslog)  and its "rotated" versions (.1 etc.)?14:52
lovenixi can't copy the file is about 100gb14:52
madmax2lovenix: You can't show the process in mv or cp.14:53
lovenixand in gui form i don't want to close the session and log as admin14:54
sivapvarmasummentier: Ok I will try doing that now14:54
madmax2lovenix: mv moves, cp copies the file. If you can't copy you can't move it. It's also very risky as the file size is high. Did you consider tar?14:54
lovenixno as is a dmg mac iso14:55
jiffe98I'm trying to setup 2 different init scripts to run 2 different instances of mongodb but when I try to kill one it kills both14:57
madmax2lovenix: I suggest not to use mv and use tar or similar. On a sidenote, can you mount .dmg and use the filesystem to cp the content in chunks?14:57
popili'm unable to change my desktop background .Please help me .14:58
haylo_popil, do you get an option for "desktop" when you right click the desktop ?14:59
haylo_if not then i dont know14:59
popilhaylo_  : yes , i have15:00
haylo_that should lead you to an option to set color15:00
TomPamfaceif you are using unity then you can also press the super key and search for it15:00
stepan_yashkinПривет. Вы можете помочь мне с убунту?15:00
ubottustepan_yashkin,: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:00
MaskilPDXAnyone know of an application that I can get a task bar on both screens in Ubuntu?15:01
popilhaylo_ : i clicked but don't do anything . :(15:01
MaskilPDXLike Multimonitor in Windows15:01
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sivapvarmasummentier: before getting into logs, I want ask what does this mean15:02
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sivapvarmasummentier: from tty1 when I try to reboot I am getting a message that says 'acpid: exiting',  will this happen normally15:04
ksbalajimy alacarte goes thus: http://pastebin.com/Yc2yhVhn cannot see apps -help!15:04
maurizi0In Docky, how do I find Radio Stations Zip Codes to add to the NPR player in Docky?15:05
summentier@sivapvarma: I think so, yes. ACPI is the interface to the power management of your computer, which handles events like pressing the power button on your computer etc.15:05
douglas_Hello all! How do we get php working on ubuntu?15:05
summentierdouglas_: Did you try this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP15:06
ksbalajihow to start main-menu-editing from terminal please?15:06
douglas_thank you summentier! I'm going there.15:07
t3r5354tanyone try sysret?15:07
bharathhow can I download yelp-tools?15:07
sivapvarmasummentier: any idea how to fix it15:07
summentierfix what?15:08
bazhangbharath, sudo apt-get install yelp-tools15:08
MonkeyDustbharath  it's in the software center, or use apt-get install15:08
summentiersivapvarma: What is the problem? You are now unable to shut down or to boot?15:10
K1rkWhat is network manager "reason 40"?15:10
bharathMonkeyDust: I can't find in ubuntu software center and using sudo apt-get ... it gives E: Unable to locate package yelp-tools15:11
sivapvarmasummentier: as I explained in my askubuntu question I am now unable to boot into Unity, I am able to access only the tty terminals we get by Ctrl-Alt-F1 etc15:11
maurizi0Hi!, Where do I find ZIp Codes for NPR Radio Stations?15:11
gudjoncan anyone recomend a good dns proxy server to install in ubuntu15:12
ikoniadns proxy ?15:12
summentierOK. So did you check /var/log/syslog?15:12
CarlFKNPR Radio Stations ?15:12
ikoniaa dns proxy is just a caching dns server15:12
summentier(sorry for double-posting)  sivapvarma: Did you check /var/log/syslog?15:12
IdleOnemaurizi0: try searching for USA zip codes15:13
gudjoni need to somthing to handle my home network.. my computers cand resolve the normal "urls"15:13
MonkeyDustbharath  maybe type sudo opt-get update, first15:13
sivapvarmasummentier: doing it now,15:14
popilunable to change desktop in ubuntu 12.04 .Please help me .When i right click on desktop and select change desktop background .It open but when i click on image to change it doesn't change .15:14
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gudjoni use my computer as a router (two ethernet's) my dhcp seem to be working but connected computers can resolve websites only ip's so.. i need some help with the dns15:16
maurizi0IdleOne, :D Yes, I just figured out that is what ZIp Code refers to :D Just Zip Codes for the zones where the radio stations are located :S15:17
maurizi0Thnk you, IdleOne !15:17
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
popilunable to change desktop in ubuntu 12.04 .Please help me .When i right click on desktop and select change desktop background .It open but when i click on image to change it doesn't change .15:18
mneptokmaurizi0: USA: "15:18
mneptokmaurizi0: USA: "zip code" versus Most Of The World: "postal code"15:19
maurizi0mneptok, NPR in docky only works for USA radio stations?15:19
mneptokmaurizi0: by definition NPR only works with US stations, as NPR is "National Public Radio" of the US15:19
maurizi0AH, ok, I see, thank you mneptok15:20
popilunable to change desktop in ubuntu 12.04 .Please help me .When i right click on desktop and select change desktop background .It open but when i click on image to change it doesn't change .15:20
mneptokmaurizi0: you .it?15:20
szalpopil: the space goes after the full stop, not before15:21
bharathMonkeyDust: even though I got the same error?15:21
popilszal : ? .haha , don't get you . : )15:21
=== MartinS is now known as Guest45344
maurizi0mneptok, I do not understand (you .it?)15:22
mneptokmaurizi0: are you an Italian? :)15:22
maurizi0mneptok, I am from Peru.15:22
ra4kinghey guys, what does this error mean: "php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution"15:22
Shizuo16Ubuntu Can't detect My Graphical card in my laptop "no Nvida"15:23
mneptokmaurizi0: claro15:23
ra4kingdoes it mean DNS servers aren't working or are outbound connections blocked?15:23
sivapvarmasummentier: there is something about BIOS-provided physical ram map15:23
nyuszika7hHi, I accidentally installed Ubuntu with Wubi instead of on a separate parition; how can I remove it?15:23
maurizi0gracias mneptok15:24
mneptokmaurizi0: NPR is to radio in the US what Televisión Nacional del Perú is to TV in Peru.15:24
gudjoncant get computers on homenetwork to be able to serf the web. pinging ip's work but not the web15:24
mneptokmaurizi0: y de nada.15:24
joubin@gudjon can you see if your apt-get works?15:24
maurizi0mneptok, where are you from?15:25
gudjon@joubin yeah it works15:25
mneptokmaurizi0: Nuevo Mexico, EU15:25
popilunable to change desktop in ubuntu 12.04 .When i right click on desktop and select "change desktop background"it pop up a box  but when i click on image to change wallpaper ,nothing will happen.15:25
joubin@gudjon, I recomment trying to remove firefox or whatever browser you are using and reinstalling it15:25
ra4kingCan anyone help?15:25
sivapvarmasummentier: and then a bunch of hex numbers saying usable or reserved or etc15:25
bharathMonkeyDust: can you please help on this issue?15:26
gudjon@joubin my computer is setup as an router no issue connecting to the internet on the ubuntu machine.. only problem sharing it15:26
summentiersivapvarma: this thing can be quite huge, try to skip the first couple of pages and look for some error messages.15:26
sivapvarmasummentier: also there is one message that says Could not open output pipe '/dev/xconsole'15:27
ra4kingHOLY CRAP15:27
joubin@gudjon, my appoligies. I didnt read that. I would run TCPDUMP and see is moving. I think it could be a problem with firewol or selinux15:27
FloodBot1ra4king: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:27
* ra4king shoots something15:27
ra4kingFloodBot1: sorry bot15:27
joubin@gudjon has it worked in the past?15:27
ra4kingwhat just happened?15:27
shalmezadIf someone has a minute, I would greatly appreciate if someone could help: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1086300/15:27
DJones!language | ra4king15:27
ubottura4king: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:28
rudivswhat is the difference between the admin group and the sudo group on ubuntu? And how do you add yourself to the sudo group if you're only in the admin group? I ran 'sudo adduser username sudo' but I'm still only in the admin group15:28
ra4kingDJones: sorry15:28
ra4kingI'm pissed15:28
popilMonkeyDust :unable to change desktop in ubuntu 12.04 .Please help me .When i right click on desktop and select change desktop background .It open but when i click on image to change it doesn't change .15:28
=== lub` is now known as lubmil
ra4kingFor days, I thought there was something wrong with my server15:28
ra4kingand it happened to be that it didn't know what DNS servers to use15:28
* ra4king feels dumb15:28
bharathbazhang : I am unable to install yelp-tools using apt-get15:28
summentiersivapvarma: That's interesting. Try to google that message, I unfortunately never had the problem myself.15:28
gudjon@joubin yeah i got it to work. on old computer. i upgraded to 11.04 and then the messed up stuff started.. Im able to run the dhcp service and my computers get internet.. but they just cant reolve the domain names15:29
bazhangbharath, what version of ubuntu, how fresh is this install15:29
sivapvarmasummentier: it also gave a link www.rsyslog.com/e/2039 beside that error message15:29
BluesKajra4king, OpenDNS?15:30
joubin@gudjon. Hmm. When ever I have issues like this, i reinstall the components. Sounds like youre more advanced than I am. Sorry i wasnt able to help.15:30
popilbazhang: unable to change desktop background in ubuntu 12.04 .Please help me .When i right click on desktop and select "change desktop background ".It open but when i click on image to change background ,it  doesn't change .15:30
bharathbazhang: 10.1015:30
ra4kingBluesKaj: no no, the server itself didn't have any DNS servers defined15:31
ra4kingI forgot to include dns-nameservers in /etc/networking/interface15:31
bazhangbharath, that is no longer supported. upgrade to a supported version15:31
bazhang!eolupgrades | bharath read this15:31
ubottubharath read this: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:31
summentierDid you try this:15:32
summentiersivapvarma: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rsyslog/+bug/830046/comments/315:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 459730 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #830046 rsyslog doesn't create /dev/xconsole " [Undecided,Confirmed]15:32
cek2how do I manage the services with upstart? want to disable 1 and enable another15:32
Shizuo16any one can tell me how can i install my Graphic Card i think ubuntu can't autodetected !!15:33
popilunable to change desktop background in ubuntu 12.04 .Please help me .When i right click on desktop and select change desktop background .It open but when i click on image to change background .it doesn't change .15:33
BluesKajra4king , I see , I'm not familiar with hosting a webserver and it's dns srequirements , I'm surprised the name servers are supposed to be listed in the interfaces file .15:34
ra4kingBluesKaj: me too15:34
Shizuo16any one can tell me how can i install my Graphic Card i think ubuntu can't autodetected !!15:35
ra4kingBluesKaj: i thought they would be automatically assigned from whatever the router was using15:35
ra4kingbut apparently not15:35
popilcan anyone help me ?15:35
sivapvarma@summentier: doing that now15:36
mneptokpopil: please do not repeat the question every 2-3 minutes. wait 10 or so. and if someone knows they will probably answer.15:37
shalmezadIf someone has a minute, can I get some help with a dual-screen issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1086300/15:37
BluesKajra4king, it used be required in resolv.conf , but now  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head  is the required file , even though there's warning that the resolv.conf will be overwritten , which it does but with the nameservers listed there ..strange and convoluted indeed .15:38
ra4kingBluesKaj: heh15:38
mneptokra4king: you'll probably also want "dns-search" and "dns-domains" entries in the interfaces file, too.15:38
ra4kingBluesKaj: well things work now, so I'm not touching anything else :D15:38
ra4kingmneptok: ?15:38
sivapvarmasummentier: how to connect to wifi in recovery mode15:38
ra4kingmneptok: what would I put for those?15:38
mneptokra4king: same as the "dns-servers" entry15:38
mneptokra4king: err ... dns-nameservers15:39
ra4kingmneptok: well...things work without it.....so I'm not gonna bother putting them15:39
mneptokra4king: put them in there now, before you forget what they are. just leave them commented out.15:39
BluesKajra4king, giotcha :)15:39
ra4kingmneptok: forget what? i'm simply using the google dns servers15:40
ra4kingI added "dns-nameservers"15:40
ra4kingthat's all15:40
mneptokra4king: forget that it is "dns-search" and "dns-domains" that you are missing.15:40
ra4kingmneptok: what will happen if I don't put those? O_o15:41
BarkingFishGood afternoon all. I wonder if I may get your help on something.  I have a video editing program here which I believe was intended for use with Gnome - it's called Kino, and despite the fact that I have Gnome's base installed, the program does not function properly.  Would someone be kind enough to help me figure out why please?15:41
mneptokra4king: if you end up needing them in the future because of an update or whatever, you prolly won;t remember what i said.15:42
ra4kingmneptok: ah15:42
BarkingFishThe install doesn't say it's missing anything, and nothing pops up as being required when I apt-get it after removing it.15:42
ra4kingmneptok: ok so do I put dns-search
mneptokra4king: so add the lines, but comment them out if you feel you do not need them.15:42
ra4kingmneptok: is that what I do though?15:42
mneptokra4king: if/when DNS goes wonky, go uncomment them, restart networking, and hope your karma is good. :)15:42
ra4kingmneptok: googling around, it seems dns-nameservers is the only thing I need15:43
ra4kingI'll just put in a comment for those two entries you suggested15:43
mneptokra4king: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/  <--- that's from a coredev. :)15:43
mneptokra4king: and apparently i messed up by pluralizing "dns-domains"15:44
mneptokra4king: just "dns-domain"15:44
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ra4kingmneptok: now, it doesn't say what to put for dns-search and dns-domain15:45
rocki34Question: When I try to install aircrack-ng it tells me it's been replaced with iw15:45
rocki34how do I install aircrack?15:45
mneptokra4king: the GOOG servers you're using for nameservers are fine15:45
quixotedonrocki34: aircrack-ng can't be installed on 12.0415:46
BarkingFishrocky34 - we don't supply aircrack-ng or its additional programs anymore, I don't think we have for a long time15:46
rocki34BarkingFish: What? Why not?15:46
rocki34BarkingFish: So I need to install a different distro if I want to use it?15:47
quixotedonrocki34: the development team at aircraft-ng doesn't continue doing so15:47
quixotedonrocki34: kind of15:47
popilRepeat : unable to change desktop background in ubuntu 12.04 .Help me out !15:47
ok_rocki34 http://securit.se/en/2012/03/kompilera-reaver-ubuntu-12-04/15:48
ok_rocki34: i got it going and a bit of testing15:48
BarkingFishrocki34, there are distros which include it, such as backtrack, but we don't support that either.15:48
linvexwho is there?15:48
rocki34ok_: Wow, thanks dude. I'll try it. Hopefully it works.15:48
ok_need to be smart about ur tcdumping tho15:49
ok_get perms issues like a bitch15:49
ok_it is tcdump?15:49
Blues003Being abroad with a sucky computer = greatest excuse ever to intsall Ubuntu on said computer15:49
ok_whichever dump it is15:49
IdleOneok_: Please keep the language clean15:49
ok_anyway you got run the dump as root and dump into a file ur allowed to15:49
maurizi0Docky seems to have Network problems in 12.04 Precise. NPR and Gmail Dockelts do not work at all.15:49
ok_then you can view the dump in wireshark etc as user15:49
maurizi0Docky 2.1.4 Release15:50
ok_idleone: sorry15:50
rocki34ok_: I'm quite new to linux, so I have no idea what you're talking about. Basically, if I run into trouble, I'll ask :)15:51
BarkingFishmaurizi0, other people here have reported issues with the 12.04 version of Docky, such as the weather docklet not working either.  I'm not sure if bugs have been filed concerning this, but I will check -  if there are, you may be able to comment on them or file your own.15:51
ok_rocki34: id recommend doing some reading around about user and file permissions if i were you then15:51
ok_you'll need to know15:51
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rocki34ok_: I don't know. I feel like it would be less of a hassle to just install backtrack.15:52
maurizi0BarkingFish, It seems that every single docklet that uses the network in Docky are failed.15:52
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BarkingFishincluding the networkmanager, it seems :)15:53
ok_rocki34: yea ur right, i would go that route if you just want access to those tools15:53
BarkingFishHave a look through this list, maurizi0 - and if anything looks similar to your issue, login and file against it - if not, you can also file your own bug.15:53
ok_rocki34: i didn't have that option readily available15:53
BarkingFishmaurizi0, > https://bugs.launchpad.net/docky/+bugs?field.searchtext=&search=Search%20Bug%20Reports&field.scope=project&field.scope.target=docky&orderby=id&start=015:54
maurizi0thank you BarkingFish15:54
rocki34ok_: BT has a bunch of its own problems, though. Oh well, I'll try to make a liv CD, shouldn't be too terrible.15:54
BarkingFishno problem15:54
ok_rocki34: also if you're just learning pen testing id recommend the book the backtrack guys have written on it for use on backtrack15:54
ok_as a start point15:54
ok_rocki34: oh yea thats what I'm saying, i wouldn't consider using BT as my regular os, only use it when its needed15:55
rocki34ok_: Maybe when I seriously want to start learning about pen testing. Right now I just want to be able to use reaver.15:55
rocki34ok_: Yeah, definitely not as a primary.15:55
rocki34ok_: Wait, so did you get reaver to work in the end, or not?15:56
ok_I've got an install on a 16gb usb stick that does me15:56
ok_at least then i get some persistence15:56
ok_i didn't play with reaver sorry15:57
ok_ur q was about aircrack15:57
ok_that link just happened to include it15:57
rocki34ok_: Yeah, because you need aircrack to make reaver work.15:57
ra4kinghey guys how do I open port 21 from shorewall15:57
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rocki34ok_: Alright I'll use my 8G stick as a live cd.15:58
rocki34ok_:Thanks for the help15:59
popilunable to change desktop background in ubuntu 12.04 .Help me16:00
quixotedonrocki34: according to the linke provided by ok_, seems that you install reaver first, then build aircrack-ng app, cmiiw  :)16:00
rocki34quixotedon: Yeah, but the thing is, to use reaver you need to put your wireless card into monitor mode. And to do that, you need aircrack-ng.16:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:01
quixotedonrocki34: really? well, no experience on the app first16:01
rocki34quixotedon: Unless there's another app that can do that, I'll need to use backtrack.16:03
rocki34ok_: You used unetbootin for the live CD, right?16:04
craigbass1976I've got samba installed, and I have a wide open directory called /share  If I write to this directory from a windows box, everything is nobody:nobody with 777.  I've mounted it up with fstab as the same user into /home/craig/share   When I create a file, it's owned by nobody:nobody, but the perms are 775.  No good.  Is this a user problem or a samba issue?16:04
ok_rocki34: nah i won't have, think i dd'd it16:04
quixotedonrocki34: you can also install aircrack-ng on windows, if you have one running16:04
ok_rocki34: either that or run the cd in a vm and then install to usb from the vm16:05
ok_rocki34: imo netbootin blows16:05
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rocki34ok_: How come you don't like it?16:05
ra4kingOk new question: how do I setup SFTP on my Ubuntu Server 12.04 install?16:06
ok_rocki34: well basically my primary os is os x and there are better tools that i find more reliable available16:06
craigbass1976ra4king, just run ssh (openssh-server) and programs like Filezilla will play nice with it16:06
ok_in a ubuntu forum that opinion prob wasn't valid16:06
ra4kingcraigbass1976: yeah I have SSH installed16:07
rocki34ok_: Oh ok, yeah that makes sense.16:07
ra4kingcraigbass1976: do I need to open port 21?16:07
craigbass1976ra4king, openssh-server?16:07
craigbass1976ra4king, I think ssh is 2216:07
ra4kingssh is 22, so sftp also uses 22?16:07
craigbass1976ra4king, no idea16:07
Picira4king: yes16:09
rocki34Question: I want to use a USB stick as a Live CD for Ubuntu. Which program can I use to install it on there without much hassle?16:09
ra4kingUh oh, big problem. Wordpress doesn't support SFTP16:09
rocki34I am running linux so I need a linux compatible program.16:10
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ok_rocki34: dude just boot the live cd and install to usb16:11
rocki34ok_: Using virtualbox?16:12
popilunable to change background in ubuntu 12.0416:12
ok_rocki34: unplug all ur hd's if you're worried about messing with stuff16:12
resc_user_3003hey guys16:12
ok_rocki34: either way16:12
lotuspsychjeany solution yet for that corrupt mouse pointer at ubuntu first boot?16:12
ok_rocki34: vm way at least you get to use ur machine for other stuff while its going16:12
resc_user_3003can somebody help me with my grub loader_16:13
resc_user_3003i installed win7 first and then ubuntu 12.04, but i cannot boot my windows via grub loader now16:13
BluesKajresc_user_3003, have you run sudo update-grub , since the install?16:13
ok_rocki34: so yea do you get me, boot vm from disk, mount usb, install OR boot machine from live disc and install to usb16:14
resc_user_3003i downloaded rescatux and updated grub16:14
ok_rocki34: sorry by mount usb i just mean connect it to the vm16:14
resc_user_3003in grub i can choose >windows 7 loader<. is this correct?16:15
lotuspsychjeresc_user_3003: what kinda error u getting after choosing win7?16:15
rocki34ok_: The problem is a don't have a disc, which is why I need to use the USB.16:15
ok_resc_user_3003: if you've got a windows boot disk present then yes it is16:15
ok_ah ok well vm way ur golden16:15
ok_no disc needed16:15
resc_user_3003the screen turns black and then i get back to grub loader16:15
c3lI have an entry in ~/.config/autostart/myautostart.desktop but it does not appear to get executed, do I need to do something more for it to work?16:15
ok_just connect the iso to one of the virtual drives and away you go16:16
rocki34ok_: And I need a program to get the ISO which I download from the BT site to go on my USB...right?16:16
resc_user_3003it is 1hdd with 2x250gb partition, 1 for ubuntu and 1 for linux16:16
ok_nah man16:16
rocki34ok_: Gotcha.16:16
ok_ur guna do a standard install to ur usb drive16:16
ok_the only software ur using is ur vm16:16
resc_user_3003(btw sorry for my bad english)16:16
rocki34ok_: Yeah, I get what you're saying.16:16
douglas_Hi all. So someone know how to get a web server loading php files? Mine is only loading html.16:17
rocki34ok_: So I don't download the ISO, but the VM image?16:17
rocki34ok_: I download the ISO16:17
ok_u can go that way if you want tho16:17
ok_you can just do everything you want in a vm16:17
rocki34ok_: And then what?16:17
gjorgehey douglas_ here is a link: http://ubuntuexperiment.wordpress.com/2008/11/10/installing-apache-php-mysql/16:18
rocki34ok_: So, what am I running in the VM?16:18
douglas_Thank you gjorge. :)16:18
Brockstedthey Everyone, I had to leave earlier so I need to repost: we have installed an Ubuntu 11.10 server which we are having an issue with it not allowing connections after idle for approximately 2 minutes. We have to log on to the box and ping a network address for other network host to be able to connect to it again.Has anyone a suggestion as to the cause of this? Thanks16:18
rocki34ok_: Sorry man, I'm confused.16:18
resc_user_3003well, no ideas?16:19
ok_rocki34: you need to have a little think about how you want to use BT, if its just casual use of a few tools then you should see how you go with a VM INSTALL(not live)16:19
usr13__Brockstedt: Have you looked at the logs to see if there is a clue there?16:19
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ok_rocki34: i wouldn't bother using the live version for much, you want an install, the VM image you can get (i think) is an install, or you can create ur own install by running the live disk either in a vm or natively on ur pc16:20
BrockstedtI looked at the syslog but did not see anything that stood out, but I'm sort of new to linux, but company wants to use linux for this server.16:21
resc_user_3003i want to fix the grub loader now, but i dont know how to do this with rescatux16:21
rocki34ok_: I just want BT installed on my USB with some persistance.16:21
ok_rocki34: sorry NB running live disk on machine and then installing to a disk (any disk, a hd, a virtual hd created by ur vm or usb etc)16:21
ok_just depends how you run it16:22
ok_also NB i can't currently get usb's to boot on a vm16:22
ok_if anyone knows how to do that id appreciate it16:22
ok_played with super grub disk 2 a bit16:22
ok_but yea back on topic16:22
usr13__Brockstedt: Could be an IP conflict as well.  Have you checked the network for a possible conflict?16:23
ok_rocki34: so yea the only way you can run ur usb install is by booting ur com[puter off the usb disk16:23
gjorgehey ok_ here is how to on that usb problem: http://www.howtogeek.com/?post_type=post&p=3172616:23
rocki34ok_: Alright, I'm installing Virtualbox. I'll go from there.16:23
usr13__Brockstedt: Is it on a static IP or set to a static lease?16:23
ok_rocki34: but you can do the install in a vm as vm's will boot off an iso image16:23
Brockstedtyep, that was the first thought I had yesterday and verified ip was good16:24
rocki34ok_: OOOHHhhh. So I can use the ISO in the VM? Didn't know that.16:24
usr13__Brockstedt: When it goes down, can you ping it's own IP?16:24
Brockstedti'll check, brb16:25
ok_rocki34: ok so ur steps are to get the BT live iso, boot the vm off the iso image, connect the usb disk, double click the installer on the desktop and then when you get to the hd bit you want to point it at ur usb, don't work about what its telling you its gina format coz its only the vm that will be affected and its only a live disk on top of that16:25
RelondoHow can I choose to never show mounted drives on the desktop?16:25
usr13__Brockstedt: (Assuming you have a keyboard and monitor hooked to it...)16:25
edmora i just cant seem to figure out how to add that free sapce back to my C: drive16:25
rocki34ok_: Thanks, I'll get to it.16:26
gjorgeRelondo in ubuntu (newer versions) mounted drives are not displayed on the desktop16:26
ok_you'll need to make sure you install grub to the disk as well16:26
gjorgeRelondo which distribution are you using?16:27
Relondogjorge: I'm on 12.04. But they only appear after I access them, from the file manager (Which is called Nautilus on Ubuntu, right?)16:27
gjorgeRelondo yeah.. They are not mounted on startup16:27
gjorgeI do the exact same thing all the time16:27
Relondogjorge: Makes sense. So, how can I make them not appear on the desktop, ever?16:28
gjorgeRelondo: by the desktop you mean in nautilus?16:28
GhstWlfHello, where do I find tap in the filesystem? (12.04)16:28
GhstWlftun/tap tap16:29
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usr13__Brockstedt: Have you been able to do updates on it?  (Would be my next question.)  ( sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade )  If it hasn't been done yet, try it and see if the process gets interrupted after the 2 minutes is up.  (It would also be interesting to know if it happens at the exact time each time, so if you can, time it and see exactly how much time it takes...   Can you correct it by restarting the network?  i.e.  /etc/init.d/networking stop16:30
Relondogjorge: No, I mean, as soon as the drive is mounted, an icon appears on my desktop.16:31
zykotick9GhstWlf: mine shows up as br016:31
Relondogjorge: Happens with my actual hard drive, PSP, Flash drives, everything.16:32
edmorai just cant seem to figure out how to add that free sapce back to my C: drive16:32
gjorgeRelondo: well i don't have that problem - you can try and use MyUnity or Ubuntu Tweak16:32
codingman!patience | edmora16:32
ubottuedmora: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:32
Relondogjorge: I have MyUnity. I'll look through those settings. What's Ubuntu Tweak?16:32
codingmanubuntu tweak is like MyUnity16:33
codingmanonly slightly different16:33
GhstWlfzykotick9, br0 = bridge zero16:33
Relondocodingman: Okay.16:33
RelondoIs there any way to get my launcher bar on the bottom of my screen?16:33
usr13__Brockstedt: Actually, nowadays, we are supposed to use service, (the way RedHat'ers do it).  service networking stop ; service networking start  Or maybe just service networking restart (But I have found that stop and start are usually more reliable when trying to correct some kind of problem like this.)16:34
Relondocodingman: Cool, thanks. What's the package name for Ubuntu Tweak, do you know?16:34
revol0xfRelondo: To disable automount, you need to unset the automount option under org.gnome.desktop.media-handling16:34
codingmanRelondo: saerching16:35
Relondorevol0xf: What's "org.gnome..."?16:35
revol0xfuser dconf editor to edit16:35
codingmanRelondo: the package is ubuntu-tweak16:35
Brockstedtuser13__: Yes I can ping it's own nic and it is did updates. I have not tried restarting the network. it appears to be stopping every 90 seconds of idle time.16:35
Relondocodingman: Thanks :)16:36
edmorai just cant seem to figure out how to add that free sapce back to my C: drive16:36
codingmanRelondo:your welcome :)16:36
Relondocodingman: Hm...can't find the package. I'll just use the software center.16:36
usr13__Brockstedt: Did this happen before the updates were done?  (probably not, right?)16:36
codingmanedmora: have you tried a live disk?16:36
codingmanRelondo: that's odd16:37
Relondorevol0xf: Sorry, I just don't really know what you're talking about :/16:37
usr13__Brockstedt: Yes, it *did* happen before updates were done?16:37
Brockstedtwould it be worth a try to upgrade to 1216:37
edmorano not yet its on a windows 7 that i want to dual boot with ubuntu16:37
Brockstedtyes it did happen before the updates16:38
Relondocodingman: Can't find it in the center, either.16:38
usr13__Brockstedt: Yes, might be a good thing to do.  Especially since 12.04 is LTS16:38
codingmanedmora: insert an ubuntu disk, then it will show a pop up and then you can choose to use wubi16:38
codingmanRelondo: http://ubuntu-tweak.com/16:39
Relondoedmora: I'd recommend not using Wubi if at all possible.16:39
Brockstedtok, I will start the upgrade and post whether the issue has been resolved. Thank you for your help and time usr1316:39
Relondocodingman: Thakn.s16:39
usr13__Brockstedt: What NIC is it?  lspci |grep Ethernet16:39
edmorawhat is wubi sorry i dont know16:39
usr13__Brockstedt: Can you first tell me what Ethernet adapter it is?16:39
Relondorevol0xf: So what was that gnome.org thing you were talking about?16:39
MechanisMhow to solve this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1086461/16:39
revol0xfRelondo: okay, first install dconf editor(sudo apt-get install dconf-tools)16:40
codingmanedmora: wubi is Windows Ubuntu Installer16:40
Relondoedmora: It installs Ubuntu inside windows.16:40
revol0xfit's contains all the settings GNOME applications use.16:40
usr13__Brockstedt: And if it is 10/100 or 100016:40
Brockstedtshows Intel Corporation 82545EM Gigabit16:40
codingmanedmora: try popping in the 'buntu cd16:41
edmoraoh ok and will that also help me make a new partition16:41
Relondoedmora: You can't hibernate with Wubi. It also suffers slightly reduced performance, some bugs, and less stability. But it is good for trying it out.16:41
Relondoedmora: But yes, you can use Gparted from inside it.16:41
Relondorevol0xf: But I'm on  Unity.16:41
edmoraok i will test it out and see how it goes16:42
codingmanedmora: you can also boot into the cd and go through setup, there is a choice to install alongside windows.16:42
edmoraok ill try that first16:42
Relondoedmora: 'Course, you can use Gparted from a LiveCD without installing at all...and you can install Wubi from inside Windows itself.16:42
girffeHi, I want to write a bash script that compares two files and sees which one is older. Right now I'm using ls -l to get the timestamp for the file but this timestamp doesn't include the year. Is there a way to see the entire timestamp in bash?16:42
codingmanedmora: what Relondo said16:42
revol0xfRelondo: yes, you are :). It's a shell that uses Gnome applications(Nautilus)16:43
edmoradoes it matter what live cd16:43
usr13__Brockstedt: Ok, is the rest of your network Gigabit?    (And I know it *shouldn't* matter but...)16:43
Relondoedmora: What exactly is your issue, anyway?16:43
Relondorevol0xf: Oh, so Unity is just like a slightly modified version of GNOME?16:43
usr13__Brockstedt: Particularly, is it connected to a Gagabit switch, (or router)?16:43
jd2i am having an issue with my hostname i have to use .local appended to the hostname or use the IP address how can I use just the host name is this an ubuntu issue or router problem? i type hostname and it feeds me back my hostname without the .local extension i don't know why i have to add this thanks16:44
edmorai want to add a partition that i recently deleted back to my primary C: drive16:44
revol0xfRelondo: I wouldn't say modified, another application layer16:44
nanderssonHi, is preseed the most efficient way to do unattended ubuntu-installations? The installation takes like forever compared to a normal Ubuntu-installation. Wouldn't it be smarter to just take a standard-image and "dd" it to /dev/sda and that's about it?16:44
Relondoedmora: Hm. Didn't know you could restore deleted partitions.16:44
revol0xfon top of Gnome16:44
Relondorevol0xf: Ah.16:44
codingmanedmora: you cannot change you're C: drive while using it.16:45
BrockstedtThe Cisco 3750 it is attached to is Gigabit but we do have some older cisco switches that are 10/100 in the network16:45
usr13__Brockstedt: Also, the cable.  Can you replace the ethernet (cat5) cable?  (Just to eleminate all possible problems).16:45
edmoraim sorry i think im mixing everyone up letme explain16:45
jd2cat 5e or 616:45
codingmanedmora: how about a private chat?16:45
Relondorevol0xf: Okay, I have dconf.16:45
Brockstedtusr13__: I tried that yesterday as well, I should have mentioned that.16:45
BalaskHello. I have to reinstall Ubuntu on a machine that doesn't boot anymore that had a server distro of Ubuntu.  I was wondering what files I need to save so that it will still have all the user account and the folders they are linked to as well as allow SSH16:45
jd2depends on what IRC you're using16:46
Relondoedmora: Invite me, too. Might be able to hely.16:46
Relondoedmora: *Help16:46
codingmanRelondo: we will :D16:46
usr13__Brockstedt: Well, sometimes that can be a problem, (from what I've heard), but I can't give any particulars, because, I've yet to run into it on my own.16:46
revol0xfRelondo: now launch the dconf editor from the dash.16:46
edmorahow do i private chat lol16:46
ok_edmora: http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html16:46
Relondorevol0xf: Okay.16:47
nanderssonBalask, /etc/passwd* /etc/group* /etc/shadow* /home/*16:47
codingmanedmora: i started one with you16:47
usr13__Brockstedt: Something like this requires some detective work. One other thing you could try, (which is what I would try  next), would be to put another NIC in it and see what it does.16:47
GhstWlfWhere is the network devices located in 12.04? I am used to look in /dev for something like /dev/eth016:47
usr13__Brockstedt: Surely you have another NIC somewere you can slap in it.  Right?16:47
nanderssonBalask, works if user-home-directories are not encrypted.16:47
revol0xfRelondo: and then go org->gnome->desktop->media-handling16:47
codingmanedmora: can't see it?16:47
BalaskThere shouldn't be encrypted.  I can access a linux install with a live cd of a linux install right?16:48
usr13__Brockstedt: ... preferable not one identical to the one that is being used now too.16:48
nanderssonBalask, yes16:48
Relondorevol0xf: Alright.16:48
Balaskthank you very much16:48
Brockstedtusr13__: you having mentioned the port speeds reminds me that we had a customer who experienced up/down issues between a firewall and switch till we statically set the speeds on the ports. I will try that and see if it helps. will let you know. The NIC is virtual, this is on a vm16:49
Relondocodingman: What's the command to run .deb packages, again?16:50
usr13__Brockstedt: Well, you could still change it, even if it is on a VM, it's just that more than one system has to be told to use it.16:50
codingmanRelondo: what do you mean?16:50
revol0xfRelondo: you can then unset the automount option.16:50
nanderssonRelondo, dpkg16:50
nosfera2Greetings. Im building a new system  with an i3-2120 1155 cpu and plan to use onboard video.  I just need a good motherbaord recommendation, something that will just work right out of the box.16:51
Relondocodingman: What Nandersson said. Thanks, Nandersson.16:51
francij #ubutu-si16:51
zykotick9Relondo: "sudo dpkg -i foo.deb" should work16:51
lotuspsychjenosfera2: join ##hardware16:51
usr13__Brockstedt: When a network is converted to Gibabit,  it is best to get rid of all 10/100 components.16:51
usr13__Brockstedt: and nics16:51
Relondorevol0xf: I don't think that's what my problem is. I don't care if the drives are mounted, but I don't want them to appear on the desktop, at all, even after they mount.16:51
Relondozykotick9: K.16:52
MonkeyDust Relondo Advanced settings, Desktop16:52
lotuspsychjeany solution yet for that corrupted mouse pointer in ubuntu first time the pc boots?16:53
Relondomonkeydust: In Dconf?16:53
arcaicoHello Everybody! I want to enable wifi (my notebook).. What is the way?16:53
arcaicosearch drivers not found16:53
franciI get this error: Any idea: libhtml-parser-perl: Odvisen od: perl (>= 5.10.0-24ubuntu4) but 5.8.8-12ubuntu0.5 is installed and it is kept back. dependes on od: perlapi-5.10.0 which is a virtual package.16:54
franci  util-linux-locales: Odvisen od: util-linux (>= 2.17.2-0) but 2.13.1-5ubuntu3.1 is installed and it is kept back.16:54
MonkeyDustRelondo  no, the progam Advanced Settings16:54
Relondomonkeydust: Ah. Package?16:54
MonkeyDustRelondo  it's called gnome-tweak-tool16:54
Relondomonkeydust: Thanks.16:54
ubottuarcaico: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:54
DeltaHeavyHey, I'm getting problems with every single kind of application. Occasionally things will just flat out crash. It's happend in every application I use often. These are the errors I get, anybody know how to fix this?16:55
DeltaHeavy[18335.561398] show_signal_msg: 21 callbacks suppressed16:55
DeltaHeavy[18335.561406] filezilla[3762]: segfault at 58 ip 00eedb32 sp bfa666f0 error 4 in libwx_gtk2u_core-2.8.so.0.7.0[dbd000+303000]16:55
Brockstedtsur13__: gonna swap the nic will brb16:55
DeltaHeavyI'm using Ubuntu 11.10 FYI16:56
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revol0xfRelondo: Ahh!, sorry, then it's the gnome-tweak-tool as MonkeyDust has suggested.16:57
Relondorevol0xf: Lol, no problem. Thanks for your help, though. You too, MonkeyDust.16:58
=== franci is now known as kubanc2
kubanc2 I get this error: Any idea: libhtml-parser-perl: Odvisen od: perl (>= 5.10.0-24ubuntu4) but 5.8.8-12ubuntu0.5 is installed and it is kept back. dependes on od: perlapi-5.10.0 which is a virtual package.16:59
kubanc2<franci>   util-linux-locales: Odvisen od: util-linux (>= 2.17.2-0) but 2.13.1-5ubuntu3.1 is installed and it is kept back.16:59
ravendoes anyone know about a simple cart/jingleplayer?16:59
DeltaHeavyDoes Ubuntu have known stabaility issues or something? Never had this problem when this PC was running CentOS but it's only now shown up and Ubuntu is pretty different compared to all other distros =/17:00
zykotick9DeltaHeavy: comparing Ubuntu to CentOS is very much an Apples and Oranged comparison...17:00
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DeltaHeavyzykotick9: I know, just wanted to demonstrate it's most likly not a hardware issue.17:01
DeltaHeavyI'm reading some stuff online saying that anything but LTS releases aren't really "for the faint of heart". Guess I might just stick to those now...17:01
zykotick9DeltaHeavy: you'd be better off - assuming there will be lots of issues with ubuntu...17:02
lotuspsychjeubuntu is very stable17:02
DeltaHeavyzykotick9: Thanks, think I will. Having segfaults every couple hours isn't really acceptable for what I want to do17:02
armaanwhere can i find my google app engine datastore file in ubuntu ??17:02
DeltaHeavylotuspsychje: Non LTS releases? I'm reading otherwise after searching around17:03
lotuspsychjeDeltaHeavy:segfaults is not an ubuntu issue17:03
lotuspsychjeDeltaheavy: you better first search what other issues this cause17:03
arcaicoHow I find my wifi module? using lspci I not found17:04
DeltaHeavylotuspsychje: What else could it be? It's happening to all of my programs: http://askubuntu.com/questions/80752/ubuntu-stability-problems#answer-9605017:04
zykotick9arcaico: is it usb?17:04
armaanwhere can i find my google app engine datastore file in ubuntu ??17:04
arcaicozykotick9, no.. netbook (duex)17:04
lotuspsychjeDeltaHeavy: what Os came default on the machine?17:05
DeltaHeavylotuspsychje: Windows XP17:05
zykotick9arcaico: and you don't see it with "lspci | grep -i network"17:05
lotuspsychjeDeltaheavy: desktop, netbook, notebook?17:05
arcaicozykotick9, no =/17:05
DeltaHeavylotuspsychje: Desktop, ATX formfactor17:06
DeltaHeavyIntel based17:06
zykotick9arcaico: don't know then... good luck.17:06
lotuspsychjeDeltaHeavy: got a wifi card on the desktop?17:06
arcaicozykotick9, thx17:06
DeltaHeavylotuspsychje: Nope, wired17:06
catcherWhat do you guys like best for screen sharing b/n ubuntu & windows?17:06
=== belluzzo is now known as mbelluzzo
DeltaHeavylotuspsychje: Chrome and Nautalis will also crash if I change tabs and closing that tab immedietly. segfault17:07
catcherThe simpler the better, just need to demo basic stuff while on the phone with someone on a windows box.17:07
ok_catcher: teamviewer17:07
ok_catcher: no install required and no fw issues17:08
c3lhow do I list files similar to `ls -l, but showing permissions in octal? I want the output to be colored like with `ls -l --color=auto'17:09
relikHello i get an error message (feature PAE not found for CPU) when trying to install the 12.04 alternate OS for x86 on a fitPC slim with geode CPU. Any idea why?17:09
catcherok_, I'll have a look, thank you17:10
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relikis there an ubuntu version for the lx800 geode CPU that does not support PAE?17:12
ok_catcher: http://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/index.aspx its what i as when I'm working with "the uninitiated"17:12
ok_*i use17:12
catcherok_, looks great - a little pricey, but maybe the company will swing it.17:14
superthebobfredmI was logged into a remote machine via ssh when the internet went down and came back up.  there was a running process in that terminal.  is there any way to regain my view?17:14
superthebobfredmI know the pts number17:15
codingmanrelik: i doubt it17:16
resc_user_3095does someone know how to install grub as dualboot for windows7 and ubuntu?17:20
zykotick9c3l: you might want to try "stat -c '%A %a %n' *" and see if you can get what you want17:20
=== chrisl is now known as chrisl_away
applemattHello! I'm having a problem with 10.04 running as a guest on a XenServer 6.0.2 host. I'm curious if anyone would know why 10.04 will randomly shutdown during boot then boot successfully on the second attempt or why it would lock up when shutting down?17:21
applemattI have linux-virtual kernel package and XenServer tools installed. I thought I might post my question here since the issue appears to be specific to Ubuntu.17:22
=== Whiskey- is now known as Whiskey
ufrgsHello folks!17:24
ufrgsI have a netBook AcerOne and when I boot from live cd in order to install Ubuntu 12.04 on it it doesn't recognize the machine hardDrive. Could someone help me to solve it please?17:24
bharathwhere I can download  itstool?17:24
DeltaHeavyI'm getting segfaults either randomly, or when I switch a tab followed by immidietly closing it quickly. Anybody know what could be causing this?17:25
DeltaHeavy[18335.561398] show_signal_msg: 21 callbacks suppressed17:25
DeltaHeavy[18335.561406] filezilla[3762]: segfault at 58 ip 00eedb32 sp bfa666f0 error 4 in libwx_gtk2u_core-2.8.so.0.7.0[dbd000+303000]17:25
DeltaHeavyI'm using Ubuntu 11.10 btw17:26
bharathhow can I install itstool?17:26
IdleOnebharath: sudo apt-get install itstool17:27
rocki34Question: I'm running Ubuntu in Virtualbox. How do I connect a USB so that it is recognized by the VM and not my actual OS.17:28
bharathIdleOne: E: Unable to locate package itstool17:28
ufrgsI have a netBook AcerOne and when I boot from live cd in order to install Ubuntu 12.04 on it it doesn't recognize the machine hardDrive. Could someone help me to solve it please?17:29
zykotick9bharath: what's the output from "lsb_release -sc"?  try "sudo apt-get update" before the install command17:29
anthologylive cds wont run from boot anymore ubuntu 12 any ideas?17:30
bharathzykotick9: maverick17:30
zykotick9!eol | bharath17:30
ubottubharath: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:30
IdleOnebharath: maverick is no longer supported17:30
IdleOnebharath: you will need to upgrade17:30
MrHacksIs there any reason I cannot use "su" or log in as root?  I'm not some n00b idiot!  I just want to fix this damn http_proxy thing that has prevented me from using apt-get.  And Google and the forums have been of no help because nobody has provided an answer to the question that other people have been having problems with.17:32
anthologystrange also virtual box wont run them either?17:32
zykotick9!noroot | MrHacks17:32
ubottuMrHacks: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.17:32
PiciMrHacks: you can use sudo -i to get a root shell.17:32
MrHacksubottu: Was I offering instruction on how to do that?17:33
ubottuMrHacks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:33
genii-aroundzykotick9: Maybe should have used !sudo instead ;)17:33
IdleOneMrHacks: Read the entire factoid, not just the part you think is insulting your intelligence.17:33
ufrgsIn other words, what can I do if the Ubuntu Desktop CD doesn't recognize the machine HDD it just booted?17:33
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ufrgsAny ideas please?17:34
d1gital_I see that hybserv is no longer available in precise.  Is there an alternative?17:34
Jordan_Uufrgs: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?17:35
MrHacksAt any rate, http_proxy is starting to prove that Privoxy is the TSA of proxy softwares. I could export http_proxy="" or env unset http_proxy all I want as root and it still won't change the fact I can't install git for a software project I've been meaning to share.17:35
DeltaHeavyMrHacks: root is disabled by default on Ubuntu. It's reccommended you use the sudo command.17:37
DeltaHeavyeg: sudo apt-get install chkconfig17:37
Jordan_UMrHacks: You're more likely to get useful support if you describe clearly what you're trying to accomplish, what commands you're running, and the exact output you're seeing.17:37
MrHacksUsed it. Did sudo -i then uset http_proxy. Returned back to my user and I still ge the "Unable to connect to" crap when I run sudo apt-get install get17:38
* kriskropd giggled17:39
ufrgsJordan_U, the list doesn't show the HDD, just the flash drive I am booting from.17:39
DeltaHeavyMrHacks: I'd think it's something else. sudo acts as if the commands are being done from your current user just with root privledges17:39
Jordan_UMrHacks: You're misunderstanding how environment variables work. They are inherited by child processes.17:39
ufrgsJordan_U, do you want I past it anyway?17:39
* MrHacks facepalms17:40
Jordan_Uufrgs: Yes.17:40
troulouliou_devhi where are located the config files for system-> preferences->startup-application17:40
DeltaHeavyMrHacks: ?17:40
=== Dave is now known as Guest75568
Jordan_UMrHacks: Try something like this: sudo http_proxy= apt-get install git17:41
usr13__Brockstedt: Hope you're still here.  Since you have let me know that it is a vm leads me to believe it is a vm setting that needs to be changed.  Check the VM's settings for the network device of the guest.17:42
aleminiohey guys, If i set a file with chmod 777, if i'm not part of the user group\owner then i still won't be able to write to it?17:42
r0thaaleminio: no17:42
Jordan_Ualeminio: Incorrect.17:42
r0thaanyone can do anythign they want w/ it17:42
r0thaincluding someone malicious17:42
Brockstedtusr13__: ok I will check, am on phone with customer, will work on it in a few. Thanks17:43
aleminioI have a file set as 777, but i am still not able to write to it from a php script17:43
aleminiosays file is not writable17:43
Jordan_Uufrgs: Is the drive visible in the BIOS/ another OS?17:43
zykotick9aleminio: is the fine on a fat/ntfs partition?17:43
ufrgsJordan_U, https://gist.github.com/309194617:44
aleminionope, linux server17:44
ufrgsJordan_U, yes, Windows XP see it.17:44
MrHacksIt's a problem that has been posted several times before on the ubuntu forums17:44
DeltaHeavyaleminio: The last '7' stands for 'Others are able to read, write, and execute this file'. Also you may be on GNU/Linux but what filesystem is this file on?17:44
kriskropdufrgs, try 'sudo fdisk -l' see if it shows up there17:45
MrHacksAlso, Jordan_U, using sudo http_proxy= apt-get install git does not do anything!17:45
Jordan_UMrHacks: Then it seems that the environment variable http_proxy is not the problem.17:46
* MrHacks looks up his issue from previous instances. For some reason it doesn't work for me17:46
ufrgskriskropd, no, it doesn't show.17:46
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aleminiowhen i check it, it says simfs and tmpfs17:46
kriskropdufrgs, thats kinda weird, I wonder if something isn17:47
kriskropdi cant spell17:47
MrHacksexporting http_proxy doesn't change http_proxy for ROOT. Sudo uses ROOT'S environment variables.  unset http_proxy will get rid of http_proxy for my user, but NOT ROOT'S. a sudo env | grep "http_proxy" shows that http_proxy is still set17:47
ufrgskriskropd, this machine uses those new SSD drives17:48
DeltaHeavyMrHacks: sudo doesn't use enviromental veriables for root as it never logs into root.17:49
Jordan_UMrHacks: That ois why I had you run "sudo http_proxy= apt-get install git" , that is the proper way to run apt-get as root with the environment variable http_proxy set to an empty string (which is not quite the same as being unset, though should usually have the same result).17:49
DeltaHeavyMrHacks: Enviroment variables are properties of the shell. Unless you actually log into another user they won't be changed. I suggest if you want to use root's enviroment variables you look it up. You could activate your root account but that's not reccommended at all under any circumstances.17:50
Jordan_UDeltaHeavy: sudo does in fact sanatize environment variables, though I agree that's not the same as saying that it uses root's environment.17:51
Jordan_UMrHacks: Please pastebin the complete output of "sudo http_proxy= apt-get install git".17:52
MrHacksI just hate how this line of code you are suggesting looks. It works, but it is the most irresponsible line of code developed under the fact that it looks like you are assigning an apt-get to a variable17:53
DeltaHeavyufrgs: How new is your motherboard?17:53
DeltaHeavyMrHacks: I think you just don't understand enviroment variables. There's nothing wrong with that command.17:54
* MrHacks just saw Arthur Fonzerelli jump the Ubuntu shark17:54
ufrgsDeltaHeavy, mmmm, not sure. is there a way to find it other then open the machine?17:54
Jordan_UMrHacks: It's perfectly clear if you are familiar with *NIX shells. You can ask in #bash if you don't believe me.17:54
DeltaHeavyufrgs: Pastebin the output of 'lshw'17:54
DeltaHeavyufrgs: sudo lshw17:54
MrHacksfine. thanks anyway.17:55
=== d1gital_ is now known as d1gital
DeltaHeavyI'm getting segfaults either randomly, or when I switch a tab followed by immidietly closing it quickly. Anybody know what could be causing this? I'm using Ubuntu 11.1017:56
DeltaHeavy[18335.561398] show_signal_msg: 21 callbacks suppressed17:56
Sa[i]nTAre they working on fixing the ath9k nohwcrypt problem?17:56
DeltaHeavy[18335.561406] filezilla[3762]: segfault at 58 ip 00eedb32 sp bfa666f0 error 4 in libwx_gtk2u_core-2.8.so.0.7.0[dbd000+303000]17:56
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ufrgsDeltaHeavy, https://gist.github.com/309203517:58
DeltaHeavyufrgs: What model is your Aspire One?18:00
ufrgsDeltaHeavy, D25018:00
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DeltaHeavyufrgs: Drives are being picked up in other OSs?18:01
ufrgsDeltaHeavy, very hard but yes.18:02
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DeltaHeavyufrgs: How's it very hard? Is it hard under the OS the laptop came with?18:04
ilmoobyitz_ !18:04
sqrbrkthi all, I'm hoping somebody can help with my messed up MBR. Ubuntu is booting no problem but I can't access Win Vista anymore. When I choose Vista from GRUB the screen resolution switches down and I see another GRUB screen. All the options on this second GRUB screen give the message "error: no such partition". I've tried Boot Repair Disk and Windows repair option but no luck. Any advice on how to proceed?18:05
ufrgsDeltaHeavy, kind of, I was trying to install Windows XP Pack 3 and I couldn't find a chipset drive for it besides it always showed a SM Bus driver, even after visiting Acer website.18:06
ufrgsDeltaHeavy, I bough it used, perhaps the default OS would be Windows XP Pack 1, it that exists.18:06
kriskropdI'm no pro, but this is the first time I18:07
kriskropd've ever seen that happen18:07
DeltaHeavyufrgs: How was it hard to detect your hardrves under XP?18:09
=== Crup is now known as Crupu
=== Crupu is now known as Crup
kriskropdufrgs, not finding much resource for a solution, I'm going to toss in a new direction ~ you could get an Ultimate Boot CD and check at a lower level for the drive and maybe reformat it that way to be seen by ubuntu livecd18:11
biebhave fresh install of 12.04, have the "partners" selected in software.. trying to install centrify to do AD connection.. "can't find centrify, or centrifydc" any ideas?18:12
ufrgsDeltaHeavy, first I had to create a bootable flash driver of XP, then after I had to grab all drives from Acer website which is a pain in the ass because it never works. Finally the chipset driver didn't work, and Acer sells at least 4 models of the same machine build of different manufacturers.18:13
ufrgskriskropd, this is a netBook machine, doesn't have cd driver.18:13
DeltaHeavyufrgs: So without the drivers the hardrive wouldn't work?18:13
Brockstedtusr13__: new nic, no difference. even tried setting speed and duplex statically, still disallows connections after a few minutes18:14
ufrgskriskropd, can I make a bootable flash driver of it?18:14
kriskropdufrgs yes you can put it on a USB, CD generally jsut means .iso18:14
ufrgsDeltaHeavy, it works with XP default, took half hour to open a folder for example.18:14
ufrgsWhere can I find it?18:15
ufrgskriskropd, where can I find it?18:15
Brockstedtusr13__: guess I will proceed to upgrade to 12 to see if issue is resolved18:15
studiohow can i know what os i installed first (windows or ubuntu)if iam on windows ?18:15
kriskropdplethora of hdd tools though, I can't pinpoint which you need quite yet18:15
kriskropdplethora of hdd tools though, I can't pinpoint which you need quite yetufrgs ^18:15
kriskropdbrb, my ssh session is all botched up and making irssi weird18:16
ufrgskriskropd, do you mean I should install this tool from live CD and try install the drive its missing?18:16
genii-aroundIf when the machine booted you saw the grub screen which listed ubuntu, then you installed linux after windows18:16
decciI have a Dell Hardware on which I have no OS installed. I have a remote Linux machine.I have openwsman available on Linux machine. Can I run openwsman utility for Dell hardware remotely. Do I really need openwsman on System Under Test too18:16
studiogennI-around:yeah i can see that but if i delete the ext4 partition from windows manager then can i boot to windows?18:17
genii-aroundstudio: If when the machine booted you saw the grub screen which listed ubuntu, then you installed linux after windows. Because if you install windows after ubuntu, it puts the bootloader to it's own and it only just boots into windows and nothing else again18:17
guestguastHello, is it normal that in 12.04 32 bit Unity 3D I can't find the icon on the tray of Rhythmbox? I can handle it by the volume icon but if I close the main window I can't reopen it, neighter clicking on the "Rhythmbox icon in the volume menu. I have to manually reopen it...even if it's still running in the background...I have a fresh installed OS.18:17
lloirhey guys i have two monitors setup and i can only get them to mirror, need them seperate here's the error's i get http://pastebin.com/WgGi7XJd18:17
lloirgraphics card is x165018:18
genii-aroundstudio: The mbr/boot doesn't usually care about what is on individual partitions as far as the boot process itself goes ( unless one of the boot options now points to some OS that is wiped, then it just won't load that )18:18
ufrgskriskropd, couldn't understand what you meant.18:18
genii-aroundstudio: Are you going to keep dual-boot?18:19
biebhave fresh install of 12.04, have the "partners" selected in software.. trying to install centrify to do AD connection.. "can't find centrify, or centrifydc" any ideas?18:19
studiogenni-around : no18:20
kriskropdufrgs, I'm not sure which exact tool on UBCD will work with SSD (I don't have one to experiment with)18:20
genii-aroundstudio: So then just boot up to your Windows recovery mode and use the fixmbr stuff18:21
studiogenni-around: i have 2 pc so..18:21
MonkeyDustbieb  where did you get the name centrify?18:21
studiogenni-around:how can i boot to windows recovery mode?18:21
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
biebMonkeyDust: http://www.centrify.com/blogs/tomkemp/join_ubuntu_to_active_directory_domain.asp18:22
samzhao_guys, what's the major difference between ubuntu and centOS?18:22
MonkeyDustbieb  ok, it's not in the repos, you have to download it from the site, i guess18:23
_pg_Can anyone help me im very close to getting a poptop VPN server working. Anyone done this successfully?18:23
auronandacesamzhao_: centos = rpm based, ubuntu = apt18:23
genii-aroundstudio: http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2012/03/10/restore-the-windows-bootloader-to-mbr-after-dual-booting-with-linux/   has some pointers on how to do this kind of stuff, there are a few ways18:23
biebMonkeyDust: it's weird, because it was in the partner archives for 10.04 and 11.0418:23
OdraHello, does anybody knows a player that supports matroska ordered chapters?18:24
MonkeyDustbieb  yeah, if so, than it must have been removed, no idea why18:24
DeltaHeavysamzhao: Ubuntu is aimed at beginners, and has a focus on Desktop users. CentOS is just a general purpose Linux that's well-rounded but doesn't have a lot of the safty's set up that Ubuntu has18:24
biebMonkeyDust: thanks18:24
DeltaHeavyauronandace: I wouldn't call that "the main difference" at all. That's just package managment.18:24
Jordan_UOdra: I don't know about ordered chapters specifically but vlc and mplayer both have good matroska support. Have you tried them yet?18:25
auronandaceDeltaHeavy: software management is a pretty big difference18:25
kyle__samzhao_: CentOS is a very traiditional linux/unix, runlevels, init, etc.  Ubuntu generally has newer packages, eschews the idea of traiditonal runlevels, etc.18:26
genii-aroundstudio: Also see http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/bootcons_fixmbr.mspx?mfr=true  for info about recovery console and http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/bootcons_fixmbr.mspx?mfr=true18:26
OdraJordan_U: MPlayer? Yes I'm running it. But it doesnt seem to link the ordered chapters.18:26
DeltaHeavyauronandace: It's not software managment. It's package managment.18:26
samzhao_DeltaHeavy: what does "doesn't have a lot of the safty's set up that Ubuntu has" mean?18:27
DeltaHeavysamzhao: One example would be the root account is disabled in Ubuntu by default.18:27
studiogenni-around:fixed with bootrec18:28
lloirhey guys i have two monitors setup and i can only get them to mirror, need them seperate here's the error's i get http://pastebin.com/WgGi7XJd it's an x1650 graphics card18:28
Jordan_UOdra: I would try VLC. I don't know how likely it is to work, but it's worth a try.18:29
samzhao_DeltaHeavy: I suppose that just gives a beginner the safety net in case he/she screws up the system18:29
harry_why are flahs videos killing my cpu18:29
i7charry_: becuase flash sucks :)18:29
bwat47because the linux version of flash has no hardware acceleration (or poor hardware accel if you have nvidia_18:29
harry_yes it does18:30
DeltaHeavysamzhao_: You can still screw up the system without root access. It's more of a security thing. I'm not a big fan of Ubuntu for servers but it's ok for Desktops for beginners IMO18:30
kyle__bwat47: I don't think that's true.  I thought they added it awhile ago (maybe even a year)18:30
bwat47I said it does if you have nvidia18:30
bwat47and it doesnt work well18:30
bwat47it doesnt if you have any other card18:30
DeltaHeavybwat47: Google Chrome's fixed that18:30
kyle__DeltaHeavy: It's a fantastic laptop linux, that's for sure.18:30
bwat47yeah I'm using chrome's ppapi flash now, apparently it now has some sort of composited rendering, but still no decoding acceleration18:31
_pg_Can someone help me get a poptop server configured on ubuntu? Im dangerously close to success18:31
samzhao_DeltaHeavy: so I should probably choose CentOS for a server18:32
OerHeksbwat47,   linux version of flash does have hardware acceleration for nvidia18:32
studiogenni-arund: thanks18:32
bwat47yeah I've said that twice now, I'm saying if you have ati/intel it doesn't which is a lot of users18:32
DeltaHeavyI'm having applications crash (segfault) at random times. It also happens in Nautalis and Chrome when I close a tab quickly prior to switching to that tab. I'm using Ubuntu 11.10. Anybody know what the issue might be?18:32
DeltaHeavy[18335.561398] show_signal_msg: 21 callbacks suppressed18:32
DeltaHeavy[18335.561406] filezilla[3762]: segfault at 58 ip 00eedb32 sp bfa666f0 error 4 in libwx_gtk2u_core-2.8.so.0.7.0[dbd000+303000]18:32
DeltaHeavysamzhao_: Definitly IMO18:32
kyle__DeltaHeavy: Have you run memtest86?18:33
OerHeksbwat47, ati too.18:33
kyle__DeltaHeavy: Never a happy thought: bad RAM.  But it sure is easy to replace if that's the issue.18:33
samzhao_DeltaHeavy: great, thanks!18:33
DeltaHeavykyle__: Will do now18:34
bwat47flash only supports vdpau for decoding acceleration, ati does not support that18:34
in^is it possible to run multiple vnc sessions and with in those multiple virtualbox sessions running Windows 7?18:34
_pg_Can someone help me get poptop VPN server set up?18:35
DeltaHeavysamzhao_: np18:35
kriskropdin^ yes, the vnc shouldn't affect the virtualbox vms18:37
melkorSo, my printer worked fine yesterday and today I cannot print. I'm not even sure what I can debug.18:37
jrdnnmelkor: Make sure it has paper and ink?18:37
[snake]is there a type of server that can turn computers on or off- on your local network?18:37
melkorjrdnn: both18:38
kriskropdin^ though if you are trying to get individual vms in their own respective vnc connections, you may need to install vnc on each vm or used virtualbox's builtin VRDP18:38
genii-aroundmelkor: There were some updates to CUPS today... did you do updates and not reboot yet?18:38
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DeltaHeavykyle__: Memory appears fine18:38
melkorgenii-around: maybe I suppose I could try a reboot. do you think logging out is sufficient?18:38
genii-aroundmelkor: No, because the cups daemon runs before that18:39
kriskropd[snake], i think nagios can kinda do that if you configure it right, otherwise I'm not sure18:39
kyle__DeltaHeavy: Humm.  Damn.  And the logs aren't telling you much?18:39
melkorthanks Ill give it a shot.18:39
[snake]eh, I need one that doesn't come with a thousand other useless features :P18:40
DeltaHeavykyle__: Only that there's been a segfault18:40
in^@kriskropd so here is the scenario...18:40
kyle__in^: I've run multiple vbox sessions headelss, and connected to each of them using the VNC front-end (available in the OSS version of virtualbox).  Worked fine.18:40
in^would like to have remote users logon to Ubunu using VNC...18:41
kriskropd[snake], you could setup some sort of signal packet service on each machine to tell them to shutdown and just use network-boot magic packets to turn them on18:41
decciin^: You can18:41
kyle__DeltaHeavy: Ohh.  So the system locked up...somereason I was thinking it was continuning to run.  If you have a another *nix box around, you can open up it's syslog to accept remote logging, and point your ubuntu's syslog to it.  Then you'll get the logs even when it crahses18:41
decciin^: vncserver is the commnad18:41
in^once in run virtualbox with a Windows 7 session18:41
[snake]kriskropd, ooh... ok let me do some googling.18:41
decciin^: ?18:41
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in^once they have VNC'd in, open a virtualbox Win 7 session18:42
decciLinux-user: Hi18:42
Linux-userand bye ;(18:42
decciin^: You can18:42
decciin^: Configure your vncserver18:42
in^what how much ram should I be looking at for 5 concurrent users?18:43
babaluwhich packages should i install to be able to run java programs (jar) properly?18:43
DeltaHeavykyle__: The system doesn't lock up. The process is just hitting a segault18:43
[snake]kriskropd, thanks. I found a page about network booting on wikipedia, I didn't even think of wording it like that... :p18:43
kyle__babalu: default-jre18:43
kriskropdin^ thats relative to the workload of the vms18:43
in^mainly quickbooks18:43
kyle__DeltaHeavy: Ok.  But are there messages in /var/log/syslog related to it?  Anything at all pointing to a culprit?18:44
kriskropd[snake] I only wish i knew of an easier way, but I hope that works for you :)18:44
lelouchi neeeed backup plz i instaled ubuntu but can't detect my Craphic card "no nvidia"18:44
kyle__DeltaHeavy: Because if there aren't, A) the software is trying to access memory it shouldn't, B) the binary or a config file has been corrupted, or C) it's swapping and there are bad blocks on your swap partition.18:44
lelouchi neeeed backup plz i instaled ubuntu but can't detect my Graphic card "no nvidia" and it works fin verry well18:45
kriskropdin^, its not just that, are you going to be running a full blown win7 OS with aero graphics and all the services? or are you going to use light weight, stripped versions of win 718:45
in^stripped down18:46
in^nothing fancy18:46
DeltaHeavykyle__: I'm not even using 50% of my RAM so I doubt it's the swap, and it happens to all programs, not just one. That's why I was thinking it might be an Ubuntu bug18:46
babalukyle__: i installed default-jre, but i'm still getting this error when trying to run the program: http://pastebin.com/32aQ0SXR18:46
genii-around[snake]: I think you can just probably use something like http://cameacross.wordpress.com/2009/04/28/how-to-set-up-wake-on-lan-on-ubuntu-home-server/   where you then have the "wakeonlan <MAC-of-what-box-to-wakeup>" execute on a central machine for whichever ones you want, maybe on a cronjob or however it suits18:46
kriskropdin^ well of the top of my head, I wouldn't know, you may need to benchmark and find out for yourself just how much memory each machine will individually need at any given time18:46
in^thanks @kriskropd18:47
endorHi people18:47
kriskropdgenii-around, wake-on-lan is only for starting the machines up iirc, [snake] will still need a method to shut them down easily18:48
in^thanks @decci, @kyle_18:48
klingelbartwith linux shell i can choose all my java-files with *.java. but how do i chose alle java-files except one java-file? i want to compile 19 of my 20 java files18:49
centooosi need a application like adobe flash profesional. i want to make swf files. . what should i use at ubuntu software center?18:49
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genii-aroundkriskropd: You can then do something like ssh keylogin from same box to automatically run a nice shutdown, etc18:52
melkorgenii-around: Thanks I restarted cups via service and it printed.18:52
melkorAll of my options are messed up.18:52
genii-aroundmelkor: Ah, good, no total reboot needed then18:52
semper_paratushello, new to linux here. learning curve not so great so far. nothing but pebcac.18:53
klingelbart*.java choses all my java files. how can i exclude one? i want to chose 19 of my 20 java files18:53
lloirhey guys i have two monitors setup and i can only get them to mirror, need them seperate here's the error's i get http://pastebin.com/WgGi7XJd it's an x1650 graphics card and im using 12.0418:53
semper_paratustrying to install a driver for a lexmark printer. i have it saved to downloads in firefox browser. also trying to learn setups in pidgin as i am total newb.18:54
usr13__lloir: You should see in the display preferences options for the outputs18:56
lloirthey can both go 1280x1024 usr13__18:56
klingelbart*.java choses all my java files. how can i exclude one?18:57
usr13__lloir: If one can the both can, but it depends on what the monitor will accept.18:57
atoiis there a command to see what runlevels a SysV service is slated to run in?18:58
lloirusr13__: i know they both work perfectly fine when not mirrored18:58
atoiRed Hat had a way to do that.18:58
lloirused to work on windows fine18:58
atoiI know you can look in all the directories...18:58
semper_paratuscan anyone read this ?18:58
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semper_paratusok...just making sure...i have no idea what is going on.never used linux.trying to install driver for printer whilst learning pidgin for first time.18:59
willubuntuHello guys. Despite my name I'm running Arch Linux. I would like to know if anyone of you (running Ubuntu) could test if pingtest.net is working on your computer. On Arch Linux we are experiencing such a problem with packet lost calculation.19:00
bwat47are you using chrome?19:00
bwat47for me in arch it didnt work in chrome but worked fine in firefpx19:00
willubuntubwat47: Firefox and Chromium don't work neither19:01
semper_paratushow can i run a driver which is saved in firefox downloads ? this driver will supposedly make my printer work. or give me a headache...success in 1 department is filled.19:01
semper_paratusi am using ubuntu11.1019:02
atoiinit scripts are so annoying. :(19:02
bwat47semper_paratus: what file format did the download come in?19:02
semper_paratushold on ill check.19:02
semper_paratusit is a .zip extension.19:03
bwat47if you extract it what do you get?19:03
bwat47a .ppd?19:03
semper_paratushow do i extract ?19:03
bwat47if its a .zip just right click and extract...19:03
rizzyhow can i see all network traffic coming and going on my machine? my network admin said dropbox is taking up  90% of the resouces and I don't buy it.19:03
willubuntubwat47: You said it's working: can you pass all the tests? What's your configuration? Are you using icedtea-web-java7?19:04
willubuntubwat47: And what's happening with netstat -anopuwt when you are doing the test19:04
bwat47I don't currently have java installed in ubuntu, but when I had it working I was using oracle java 7 (not icedtea) and firefox19:04
treyatoi: Ubuntu uses upstart, you can check the run levels a service will "start on" by checking /etc/init/*19:05
willubuntubwat47: Ok we got the conclusion --> OpenJDK is responsible of that, that's a lot19:05
atoitrey, except half the packages I install, including this one, use SysV init scripts. :P19:05
semper_paratuswhen i try to extract to desktop i get this error.   unzip:  cannot find or open /tmp/lexmark-inkjet-08-driver-1.0-1.i386.deb.sh.zip, /tmp/lexmark-inkjet-08-driver-1.0-1.i386.deb.sh.zip.zip or /tmp/lexmark-inkjet-08-driver-1.0-1.i386.deb.sh.zip.ZIP.19:06
Haugli92Witch is the best webserver for linux ? Is it still apache ?19:07
jrdnnHaugli92: lighttpd19:07
atoisysv-rc-conf! THAT'S the program I'm looking for.19:07
bwat47semper_paratus: when you downloaded it in your browser did you choose "run" instead of sace? it sounds like the file is located in /tmp for some reason, try saving it to your home dir19:07
dezertirдоброго всем времени суток19:07
atoiHaugli92, nginx. :)19:07
treyatoi: Try sysv-rc-conf19:07
bwat47*instead of save19:07
nkibler7Can anyone help me solve the purple screen of death?19:07
atoitrey, yeah, just found it. :)19:07
treyatoi: You got it :-)19:07
Haugli92nginx, hmmm.. Just tried out Cherokee, seem to be great :S19:09
nkibler7Anyone? I'm very new to ubuntu and after using the Windows installer and trying to boot, I come across an impassable purple screen of death.19:09
nkibler7I think it has to do with my new graphics card.19:10
atoiHaugli92, honestly, almost anything is better than Apache but it depends entirely on what you actually want to do.19:10
atoiHaugli92, what are you trying to run?19:10
Haugli92atoi: Nothing special really. PHP... mostly..19:11
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semper_paratusi chose save, but i had tried to run it earlier i think....it does appear to not find it due to it being tmp file in mozilla. i tried extracting to desktop and my user folder...to no avail.19:11
atoiHaugli92, why are you trying to stop using apache?19:11
bwat47i'd try downloading it again and make sure to save it to your home folder, then extract it normally19:12
kyle__atoi: Out of curiosity, why would you say almost anything is better than apache?  I've used various open and closed source webservers, but have never found apache to be particularly lacking.19:12
atoikyle__, performance wise it sucks, comparatively.19:12
atoinginx can serve files many times over as fast as apache can.19:12
atoifor example.19:12
atoialmost everything is faster than Apache.19:12
atoiApache is like the Eclipse of web servers.19:12
kyle__atoi: I've never seen it suck, performance wise.  May need tweaking to preform (the default settings are pretty non-optimal).19:13
atoikyle__, sounds like it's meeting your needs, then.19:13
kyle__atoi: Admittedly my needs usually range from something with a low impact on the server (thttpd), to a handfull of vhosts or a small php site (apache), but I've rarely seen it be the bottleneck.19:14
atoiHaugli92, I ask because PHP is a special case: if you're not running mod_php in apache, you need another solution like fastcgi or php5fpm. Unfortunately, php5fpm sucks horribly, from my experience, so you're almost better proxying a fast web server in front of apache and letting apache serve PHP. However, if you're not serving super high traffic static, what's the point?19:14
kyle__atoi: What sort of stuff are you running off of nginx?19:15
K1rkAnyone ever have a problem like this?  I have a Broadcom NetXtreme BCM57760 interface on numerous machines, having the same issue.  After awhile of being connected, the connection just fails.  It disappears from network manager, and the only way to fix it seems to be rebooting the machine.  See: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202168119:15
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atoikyle__, I run a site which gets millions of unique visitors a day. We serve a Python app powered by gunicorn. MOST of our static stuff is served by CDN, so you don't get much speed up anymore from nginx vs. apache, but the difference is nginx is asynchronous and apache is not which makes it much faster in some (many) circumstances, particularly because Apache is not very light weight. Cherokee is non-asynchronous, but performs better than apac19:17
atoiBut... if apache works for you.. fantastic.19:18
atoiMillions of people use apache, still.19:18
dknighthey, I have a dual boot and the windows partitions are mounted at boot time. They are mounted at /mnt/windows/* directories. However, they are not shown in the left panel of the nautilus. How do I get them to show up there?19:18
kyle__atoi: Neat.  Makes sense.  I use it generally because I'm familiar with it's configuration, and my sites have never reached a hundreth of the loads your talking about :) so the speed was never an issue19:19
kyle__maybe thouthsanth...19:19
erootI want the IRC command to get information on a user. I want to know how much does IRC know about me.19:19
jrdnneroot: /whois name19:20
LjLeroot: best to ask in #freenode, this channel is specifically about Ubuntu support19:20
erootjrdnn, thank you!19:20
jrdnneroot: You're welcome19:20
erootOh cool, I'm connected using IPv6. :-)19:21
schultzahow do i get NetworkManager working again?19:21
atoikyle__, familiarity with configs is a huge reason to stick with a web server until you have to change for whatever reason. Personally I find nginx's config excellent, particularly coming from Apache, but that's no real reason to switch web servers.19:21
atoianyhow, good luck Haugli92, I guess you got your answer.19:22
MikeAHello all - anyone know how why a Canon MP280, that I set up from a linux driver download (seemed to be a script that has run in terminal that set the printer up) does not work when sending a test page?19:22
kyle__atoi: Yea, especially since right now I'm only serving an external blog, two static sites, and an internal wiki.19:22
* atoi nods.19:22
semper_paratusok, i managed to move the download to my home folder. I extracted and ran the file in terminal. now it is saying i need root access to complete setup, but is NOT accepting my system password. is it possible i changed the system password by accident ?19:23
jlkkljhis there a i386 v of ubuntu 12 available19:24
jlkkljhis there a i386 v of ubuntu 12.04 available19:25
kyle__jlkkljh: Yes.  By i386 you mean 32-bit x86 system right?19:25
kyle__jlkkljh: I think it's even the deafult download19:26
xanguajlkkljh: ubuntu.com19:26
jlkkljhok thx19:26
kyle__MikeA: Where did you get a linux driver for it?  I don't see a driver on canon's page, nor any published printing languages.19:26
MikeAI got it from canons website - I got 4 packages. two for 64 bit and two for 32 bit.  installed the two 32 bits using the software centre19:27
jrdnnliminal: Hello19:27
MikeAgot it here19:28
semper_paratuswhere can i find my system password ?19:28
kyle__MikeA: Did it tell you what it was doing: loading a binary, kernel module, plain cups driver?19:28
hsoftIs this the right channel to ask about PPAs? Is it normal that several hours after uploading a package to my PPA, it hasn't started building yet? Is there any way I can know my "Build Score" before the build farm started building it?19:28
kyle__MikeA: Ahh I forgot: canon only gives out linux drivers for europe.  Damn canon.19:28
MikeAit said it was installing the "IJ Printer Driver for Linux"19:28
MikeAwhich made reference to CUPS19:28
marcoupdate-manager in my vm with 12.10 is broken: http://pastebin.com/vG5jJew0. How can I fix it?19:29
trismhsoft: yes it is normal, there is a link on your ppa page which will take you to your build queue19:29
trismhsoft: (assuming you checked your email and the upload was accepted)19:29
liminalcan anyone help me.. I am using Oneiric and want to upgrade to precise19:29
MikeAIf I go to System>Administration>Printing the printer appears there now though when I send a test page it just says "processing" in the jobs list19:29
hsofttrism: that's the problem, I never go any email19:29
liminalbut upgrade manager doesnt show me any upgrade being available?19:29
hsofttrism: and there's no such link on my page. But dput said the upload went alright19:30
xanguamarco: 12.10 is not supported here19:30
schultzaim having problems restarting network manager after setting up a bridge... i want to go back to using network manager19:30
trismhsoft: yeah it doesn't really matter what dput says, launchpad emails you back in 5-30 minutes or so saying whether the upload was accepted or rejected19:30
marcoxangua: is there a channel where I can get help?19:30
kyle__MikeA: Did you reboot after installing?  Could be needed, not sure.  Holdon grabbing it to see what it's about.19:30
xangua!ubuntu+1 | marco19:30
Brockstedtusr13__: upgrade did not fix it as well. However, was sitting here watching it via vcenter console and noticed after 5 min the screen turns off. Had to click and ctrl alt to get the screen back. This makes me think it is hibernating or something. Where can I check this?19:30
ubottumarco: Quantal Quetzal is the codename for Ubuntu 12.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+119:30
bwat47liminal: do-release-upgrade in terminal should do it19:30
MikeAok il restart in the meantime.....19:31
marcoxangua: thanks@19:31
aleminioWhen the server has a few ip numbers, is there such a thing as setting the default ip for the server? i'm trying to understand why i am able to read a file when i access from one ip of the server but can't with another19:31
hsofttrism: It's been several hours and I got nothing. Do you have an idea how I can troubleshoot the problem?19:31
trismhsoft: did you upload your gpg keys to your launchpad page?19:32
hsofttrism: Oh, I had to do that? My packages were signed, I thought it was enough. I'll try that.19:33
trismhsoft: also did you sign the coc? you generally need to do that before creating a ppa (I thought) but I didn't notice it on your page (if your launchpad name matches your irc nick)19:34
kyle__MikeA: Does it work now?19:35
hsofttrism: No I didn't. I'll try to do all that, thanks19:35
jrdnnS0ME1: Hi19:35
S0ME1I facing issue wit PXE installation19:36
eph3meralis there a way to install XFCE properly on Ubuntu without fully "switching" over to "xubuntu"19:36
jrdnneph3meral: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and you can choose which in the DM19:36
S0ME1once the machine install all packages, gave me error, cannot find the right kernel19:37
S0ME1once I did manual install via CD19:37
S0ME1it is working well19:37
S0ME1any advice ?19:37
kyle__S0ME1: are you doing a normal installation just PXE booting, or is there a kickstart/pressed involved?19:38
kyle__MikeA: I dug through it, it's a pretty streightforward driver: it installed a ppd file for cups to use, and a binary filter that converts postscript input into canon's proprietary format.  It's all not bad honestly.19:39
S0ME1using pressed files19:39
kyle__S0ME1: What happens if you use the minimal-server preseed file?19:39
S0ME1the message "The installer cannot find a suitable kernel package to install"19:40
S0ME1kyle__: I just add my local mirror and same issue19:40
kyle__S0ME1: Is that with your custom pressed, or one of the ones supplied with ubuntu?19:41
S0ME1the local mirror is ubuntu CD mounted and copied under /ubuntu on the web server19:41
imachine_I have no sound card device in my sound settings for recording ;(19:41
imachine_but alsamixer shows all devices proper19:41
imachine_also, during audio test, only left channel plays.19:41
ffelixIs it possible to use both core i5's integrated graphics (mboard hdmi output) and the pci graphic cards output?19:41
kyle__S0ME1: chmod -R 0777 <wherever>/ubuntu, right?19:41
imachine_how can I fix this? latest ubuntu version.19:41
imachine_I'm hinting at an issue with pulseaudio19:41
S0ME1the pressed file supplied with ubuntu, I just added my mirro information19:41
S0ME1kyle__: dr-xr-xr-x19:42
kyle__S0ME1: OK that'll do.  Strange.   kickstart file?19:43
kyle__No errors about not being able to read a package?19:43
S0ME1kyle__: no kickstart file19:44
S0ME1I used presses19:44
S0ME1kyle__: preseed.seed which is the min19:44
imachine_any ideas?19:45
imachine_this seems bothersome :-)19:45
semper_paratusok....trying to install this printer driver still.....i managed to get it unzipped in home folder....i ran file in terminal...got GUI for printer setup....began setting up....now it asks for admin password....it says password is wrong....i am using the password i log into system with...not accepting password. PEBCAC19:45
S0ME1kyle__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1086754/19:45
imachine_I can't use skype or google audio chat.19:46
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kyle__S0ME1: Hum.  Dunno.  Check in #ubuntu-server.  They may know better19:50
hsofttrism: It worked, thanks for your help. (my package was rejected, but at least I got an email :) )19:53
semper_paratuswhy would my user password not give me root access...??? it is the right password unles i accidentally changed it when editing pidgin irc client ??? god i suck at this. i know this is a simple task.19:54
trismhsoft: excellent, you're welcome19:55
trismhsoft: well, not the rejected part, but I'm sure you'll work it out19:55
scienteshow do i restart udev?19:56
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andre22ola. podem-me ajudar a resolver um problema no ubuntu 12.0419:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:56
xangua!pt | andre22 scientes ;)19:57
ubottuandre22 scientes ;): Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:57
ubottuGuest56961: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:57
scientesxangua, ah, my bad19:57
ufrgsWhat is an application to see processes list on Ubuntu?19:59
Costeelationin command line20:00
Costeelationtype ps -aux20:00
Costeelationis most easy :)20:00
ufrgsand how about a application with GUI?20:01
jlkkljhi just tried to boot ubuntu and on my windows and it 1st said initalizing link and then it said no boot filename recieved20:01
andre22 no canal #ubuntu-pt, nao está lá ninguem que me responda...20:02
jlkkljhi just tried to boot ubuntu and on my windows and it 1st said initalizing link and then it said no boot filename recieved20:02
Costeelationtry with ultimate boot cd20:03
Costeelationburn in to usb20:03
Costeelationand run20:03
jlkkljhwhats the site for it20:03
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Costeelationyou had install ubuntu with windows host?20:05
Costeelationo in separated partitions20:06
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andre22eu ja fui ao canal pt, mas ninguem me responde...20:07
Costeelationtry speak english20:07
Costeelationand ask here20:07
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Costeelationuse translate.google.com20:07
ufrgsFirefox is burning my processors!!!20:07
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andre22can you help me with ubuntu 12.0420:08
jlkkljhis there a windows version20:08
Costeelationyou have many add-ons?20:08
andre22just updates20:08
Costeelationufrgs you have the last version?20:08
Costeelationis so rally20:09
ufrgsandre22, just ask!!!20:09
Costeelationy then firefox crash20:09
jlkkljhcan i get a ultimate boot cd for windows20:09
andre22when i install java, i can't put the password....20:10
andre22in cmd20:10
Costeelationjlkkljh; yes20:10
BluesKaj!pt > andre2220:11
ubottuandre22, please see my private message20:11
andre22ufrgs - i can't write my password in cmd line20:12
ufrgsCosteelation, maybe its some of the sites I visit, because it happens at all systems I use. Is there a way to check for each tab process what is it using of machine sources?20:12
ufrgsandre22, why not?20:13
nordligulvmaybe it's flash in firefox?20:14
andre22i don't know. i want install java but i can't without password20:14
sleaxexcuse-me for first!20:15
sleaxi re-ask my question20:15
sleaxhi to all! Using openssh, if i set a public key authentication in a way that one client should connect with two different servers. So the servers should have in the "~/.ssh/authorized_keys" file the public key of the client and the client should have the private.20:15
sleaxThen, if i use the same key for both servers, it works! if i use different keys for each server on client-side it reads only ~/.ssh/id_rsa key with can contains only one private key and then i can be able to connect only with a server, not both! You have any suggestions?20:15
jlkkljhi need help  please i cant find a link for download20:15
TheAlliedFleetjlkkljh what are you trying to download?20:15
trismsleax: use ~/.ssh/config20:15
jlkkljhthe ultimate boot cd ubuntu20:16
schultzacan i still use x through a ssh tunnel on precise?20:16
sleaxtrism: i don't have this file20:16
TheAlliedFleetThere you go20:17
TheAlliedFleetThanks bwat20:17
trismsleax: this is what my github section looks like, you can add as many as you want to the file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1086800/20:17
bwat47well at least google autocorrents20:18
bwat47god I can't type today20:18
sleaxtrism: i don't understand, can you explain me better, please?20:19
sleaxtrism: i have to edit config file on client or server?20:19
trismsleax: client20:19
Calinouschultza, no?20:20
sleaxtrism: in /etc/ssh/ssh_config?20:20
trismsleax: no ~/.ssh/config (create it if it isn't there)20:20
TheAlliedFleetDoes anyone know how I can get conky to start on bootup? I have placed the correct script in the startup applications with a 20 second delay but I can't seem to get conky autostarting20:20
bwat47did you make the script executable20:21
sleaxtrism: there's any tutorial that explain the option for this file?20:21
Costeelationufrgs: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download/ubcd511.iso.torrent20:21
TheAlliedFleetAhh That would be it, thanks bwat!20:22
bwat47np :)20:22
TheAlliedFleetShould work now it's executable20:22
Costeelationufrgs: still you need ubcd?20:22
TorbenBetaWhy does Gedit save a  test~.txt for every test.txt I save? Where test can be anything20:22
trismsleax: random googled site: http://nerderati.com/2011/03/simplify-your-life-with-an-ssh-config-file/ (man ssh_config will detail all the possible options)20:22
sleaxtrism: thanks20:22
bwat47TorbenBeta: afiak its a backup file20:22
Gavin__hahaha got the old skool ubuntu gnome classic goin :D20:23
DayofswordsTorbenBeta: gedit creates a backup, you can turn that off in it's settings20:23
andre22how to install java in ubuntu 12.0420:23
ufrgsCosteelation, cool, how do I boot with it from flash driver?20:23
Costeelationufrgs: yes sure20:23
bwat47andre22: you can install openjdk and icedtea from the ubuntu repos20:23
kyle__gnome classic == oldschool?20:23
TheAlliedFleetandre22: Do you need sun (oracle) java? if not you can use openjdk20:23
ufrgsCosteelation, but how?20:23
bwat47andre22: and if you need to use the oracle jre for whatever reason you can install it with a ppa http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html20:24
Costeelationufgrs: waitme im check20:24
kyle__WtF?  fvwm2, twm.  mwm.  Those are oldschool.20:24
andre22any tutorial?20:24
mizifihHi there! I need some help... I was wondering if I can setup a domain on my network using Ubuntu Desktop x86, if there is a uptodate tutorial explaining that20:24
jlkkljhthealliedfleet: what i am trying to do is i am trying to boot ubuntu from usb i have used the universal usb installer and i tried to boot and it said at 1st no boot filename recieved and so i came here and idk what to do20:25
mizifihAll I could find was old tutorials20:25
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.20:25
kyle__andre22: If you just install the oracle packages, no ppa, I can /msg you a for each loop to set it up.20:25
TorbenBetabwat47 and Dayofswords is this advisable?20:25
bwat47generally you should just use openjdk from the repos20:25
TheAlliedFleetjlkkljh: What type of file did you put on the USB? Was it an ISO or an IMG?20:26
bwat47but I've used the above ppa before it works fine20:26
jlkkljhlet me see20:26
jlkkljhhang on20:26
OerHeksbwat47, official ubuntu does not support PPA's, carefull with that.20:26
OerHeksthe !java url gives all java versions, and a howto to select the right java20:27
andre22kyle__>: can we speak via msn20:27
bwat47OerHeks: which is why I recommended openjdk from the repos :)20:28
jlkkljhnone i used the universal usb installer20:28
OerHeksbwat47, openJDK works for me too20:28
kyle__andre22: No.  I have no msn.  I mean /msg in irc.20:28
TheAlliedFleetjlkkljh: What I find is that the best boot USB results come when you burn the Live CD .iso to the USB using a tool in the software centre called unetbootin20:29
andre22ok kyle20:30
jlkkljhTheAlliedFleet: ok how do i use it20:31
MonkeyDustjlkkljh  add the iso to the pendrive, reboot the pc from usb20:32
bwat47jlkkljh: just install unetbootin, open it, check the "disk image" box, browse for the iso you downloaded and hit ok and wait for it to finish20:32
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TheAlliedFleetjlkkljh: Download it from the software centre and launch it. It will take you frome there20:32
UnguidedHello all. I am looking at buying a new laptop. The first one is an amd a8-4500m with radeon graphics and the other is the intel core i5-2450 with intel graphics. I have read that ubuntu works best with intel processors and nvidia graphics. Any suggestions on which I should choose? Thanks in advance20:32
jlkkljhok thx20:33
bwat47amd apu's work fine with ubuntu out of the box too, but personally I recommend intel20:33
MonkeyDustUnguided  wrong channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic20:33
TheAlliedFleetjlkkljh: And if you don't have the ISO it has a built in download for it :)20:33
Costeelationi have the intel core and run perfec!!20:33
UnguidedMonkeyDust: Okay. Thanks20:33
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jerry_lhello room.20:34
rizzymy network admin made me remove dropbox from my ubuntu desktop because he said it is owned by a hacker orginization and every file that is uploaded is read, and they look for bank account info, passwords and network setup info? Any truth to that at all?20:36
TheAlliedFleetrizzy: nope20:36
Darkenedhello :320:36
rizzyTheAlliedFleet: He also said it was using 90% of the networks resources20:36
TheAlliedFleetrizzy: Dropbox may be actively backing up in the background so you might want to check the settings and turn off any auto-options20:37
jlkkljhhow would i open up a grub cmd line and boot from usb that way20:38
bwat47jlkkljh: you are just trying to boot from your usb drive?20:38
MonkeyDustjlkkljh  you don't, just plugin the usb drive, reboot from usb, it doesnt go to grub20:38
TheAlliedFleetOr you use F12 or what the pc says for boot options20:39
jerry_lunless you want more on the usb grub for dos and fat16?20:39
bwat47jlkkljh: to do that open your bios's device menu and select the usb drive to boot from. most bios's have a key to open a simple boot menu, some you might have to go into the bios settings and change the boot loader that way. When you boot the pc the bios should tell you the correct key20:39
jlkkljhyes but every time i try i have no controll over what to boot20:39
jerry_ldisconnect all the devices from the machine excpt for the CD/dvd drive and plug in your 32GB thumb drive20:40
bwat47jlkkljh: when you boot when the bios pops up it usually gives you 1-2 keyboard shortcuts. usually one to enter bios settings and one to show boot menu20:40
Darkenedhey, would you lot be able to help me solve my sound issue iv been picking at it for a month and a half now...20:41
jerry_lthen fight our way through all your istalls and make shure grub is good. and you should be goood to go.20:41
Genesisi have aproblem while installing ubuntu could anyone help me?20:41
jerry_lreconect all other drives,.'20:42
GenesisI'm trying to install it on IBM eServer xSeries 36520:42
GenesisWith 2x SCSI Hot-swap drives20:42
jerry_lare you using a 64bit version of OS20:42
GenesisAnd ubuntu installation doesnt see them20:42
Genesisno im suing x3220:43
theguyhi there, i need to access the grub menu on my 8.04 hardy server, but pressing esc when prompted during boot does nothing, what am i doing wrong?20:43
BluesKajDarkened, describe your issue and info about your soundcard make and model20:43
theguyshould i hold esc down, press is once, or tap it repeatedly20:43
GenesisWhat should i do?20:43
Darkenedmy issue is that I have no sound at all iv looked through all of my sound devices and activated them all still nothing it is a Realtek onbaord sound card20:43
GenesisCan anyone help me?20:44
jerry_lhave you checked to make shure the SCsi controller is functioning in the drivers?20:44
BluesKajtheguy, hold the left shift key down after the bios scrn , until grub appears20:44
GenesisBios does see them20:44
GenesisSo i tihnk it is20:44
jerry_lgood bios.20:44
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jerry_ldo you have a term in front of you?20:45
theguyBluesKaj, I'm running 8.04 which uses grub, not grub2, the key is esc not shift, I've already tried shift too20:45
GenesisThere's no system there atm20:45
Max808Hello...I'm looking to get terminal server software for some enterprise products. I'm currently on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 Bit.20:45
BluesKajok , maybe an upgrade is in order , theguy ...just asuggestion20:45
GenesisAnd please excuse me i'm a real noob :P20:46
stiv2kis there a 'snipping tool' for ubuntu?20:46
GenesisIn ubuntu20:46
stiv2klike windows has20:46
jerry_lyou r probaly missing the drivers if you tried to mount it. did you try to mount?20:46
bwat47stiv2k: shutter20:46
Picistiv2k: what would this 'snipping tool' do?20:46
theguyYeah BluesKaj, I'm just trying to reset my password20:46
GenesisYeah my ubuntu installation says it cant see them and list me the drivers so i ddont know which one to pick20:46
Jordan_Utheguy: Are you able to interact with menus in the BIOS?20:46
GenesisThats the issue :(20:46
stiv2kPici take a screenshot, but i can only grab certain parts of the screen i want20:46
bwat47stiv2k: its in the ubuntu software center, should be what you are looking for20:46
theguyJordan_U: no20:46
stiv2kbwat47 cool i'll check it out20:47
BluesKajDarkened, pulseaudio installed ?20:47
theguybut the keyboard works after boot20:47
Calinoustiv2k, pretty much any screenshot tool lets you do that20:47
theguyworks in the login screen20:47
Picistiv2k: then what bwat47 suggested will work. (thought you wanted some clipboard collection thing)20:47
Calinouadditionally you can edit those using GIMP20:47
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stiv2kCalinou not the gnome default?20:47
jerry_ldo you know the info of the device? the name of the SCsi controller?20:47
Calinou> just press "print screen" on your keyboard :P20:47
stiv2kCalinou it takes a picture of the entire screen20:47
stiv2kwhich is 2x 1440x90020:47
stiv2kand i don't want that20:48
GenesisWhere coudl i find it?20:48
kyle__What's the rational for putting ntpdate as the default on ubuntu server instead of ntpd?20:48
GenesisI do know the dis drives info though20:48
bwat47Calinou: sounds like he's looking for something like windows 7's snipping tool, which lets you easily select specific parts of the screen to screenshot. shutter in the software center does this :)20:48
Jordan_Utheguy: OK, that means that your BIOS doesn't support your keyboard, and grub legacy can only use the BIOS for accessing the keyboard (grub2 can use native drivers, but uses BIOS interfaces by default). That means that you won't be able to interact with the grub menu at all (at least with your current keyboard and BIOS settings).20:48
jerry_libm/support/servers/blagh blach/specs.20:48
GenesisOk a sec20:48
Jordan_Utheguy: You can change your password from a LiveCD/USB though.20:48
jerry_lor open the box and try to read the wrtiting on the chip.20:49
DarkenedBluesKaj, Pule Audio Sound Server is installed first one on Ubuntu software center20:49
theguyJordan_U: that's what I was thinking, will a live CD with Oneiric on it work?20:49
Jordan_Utheguy: Also, if you're using a USB keyboard, and have a PS2 keyboard available, try using the PS2 keyboard.20:49
Jordan_Utheguy: Yes.20:49
theguywill do20:49
mhaasejoin #jinja220:49
xapelI am looking for a good photo book application. Are there any that anyone could recommend?20:49
theguythank you very much20:49
GenesisLSI Ultra320 SCSI controller with RAID level-1 capability20:49
GenesisIs that it?20:49
jerry_lthat sounds wounderfull.20:50
kyle__Oops, wrong chan20:50
Jordan_Utheguy: For the easiest solution though, make sure that if it's a 64 bit server you use a 64 bit LiveCD.20:50
celordhello I am traying to create a bridge, I have ubuntu 11.10 and bridge-utils installed, after entering brctl addbr br0  brctl addif br0 eth1 brctl addif br0 tap0, I getinterface tap0 does not exist!, how do I create tap0 ?20:50
jerry_lnow during the install/ where ou found the options was something that looked like that there?20:50
jerry_lLSI is the abrevation of the company name20:51
laura__hi, i have installed bluefish editor long time ago, manualy, with make, compile... something like that, I found instructions online. So I now want to remove it, but how do I do that?20:51
GenesisOh i found it in the ibm specifications20:51
BluesKajDarkened, your realtek is an onboard card correct ? open a terminal and do , cat /proc/asound/modules20:51
TheAlliedFleetEveryone, I reccomend being a bit careful installing java stuff now. There's a new cross-platform virus for Windows, Mac and Linux. Be on the look out!20:51
auronandacelaura__: manually, have fun20:51
jerry_lshould probably be the right one.20:51
auronandacelaura__: next time you compile stuff use checkinstall20:52
BluesKajDarkened, and tell us what the resulting output is .20:52
laura__auronandace: what to type?20:52
auronandace!checkinstall | laura__20:52
ubottulaura__: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!20:52
Jordan_Ulaura__: Firstly, this is why you should avoid compiling from source. Do you still have the directory where you built the source?20:52
LaykeAfter I create a new alias in my ~/bash_aliases how do I get it to be ran?20:52
Layke(I know I could just type the alias until the next restart)20:52
laura__ubottu: thanks, will read that20:52
ubottulaura__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:52
GenesisWhat one?20:53
laura__Jordan_U: I don't know where is the direcotry?20:53
DarkenedBluesKaj, 0 snd_via82xx is the responce from terminal20:53
laura__ubottu: :)20:53
BluesKajLayke, do you mean ~/.bashrc ?20:53
LaykeNah .bash_aliases, isn't bashrc just called whenever you open a new terminal?20:53
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Laykeand bash_aliases is once per boot up?20:53
GenesisPlease what should i do now?20:54
LaykeBluesKaj, Nevermind. I was being daft.20:55
LaykeI forgot the = in my alias.20:55
BluesKajDarkened, ok that's new to me , looks like a different chip than realtek usuallty uses.run , sudo aplay -l , and pastebin the output pls20:56
Genesis I'm trying to install Ubuntu Server on IBM eServer xSeries 365 With 2x SCSI Hot-swap drives.It cant find any disk drives and printe me a list of aviable drives.What should i do know?20:56
Darkened BluesKaj,**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****20:57
Darkenedcard 0: V8237 [VIA 8237], device 0: VIA 8237 [VIA 8237]20:57
Darkened  Subdevices: 4/420:57
Darkened  Subdevice #0: subdevice #020:57
Darkened  Subdevice #1: subdevice #120:57
FloodBot1Darkened: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:57
Darkened  Subdevice #2: subdevice #220:57
c3lLayke: if you want to reload changes to you .bash_aliases you can do `source ~/.bash_aliases'20:57
jlkkljhwill unetbootin work if installed on a different computer20:57
TheAlliedFleetjlkkljh: Yes20:58
Genesis I'm trying to install Ubuntu Server on IBM eServer xSeries 365 With 2x SCSI Hot-swap drives.It cant find any disk drives and printe me a list of aviable drives.What should i do know?20:59
xapelI am looking for a good photo book application. Are there any that anyone could recommend?20:59
auronandaceGenesis: being impatient won't get you help faster20:59
GenesisBios does see them20:59
GenesisBut my server is stuck there :(20:59
collinjsimpsonmissing / unsupported hardware?20:59
thirdenderI have a weird problem... running 12.04 upgraded since 10.04 (so that might be the cause, dunno)... the mouse occasionally won't let me click where I want. Instead, one window usually retains focus no matter where I click (which means some of my clicks go through the window on top of it). Drives me absolutely batty, and sometimes if I bang enough on the touchpad it stops. Crappy laptop wiring, bad upgrade path, or something people 21:00
BluesKajLayke, if you want make aliases for cli commands , do so in the ~/.bashrc file , I have plenty there for differnt commands,  http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/the_alias_command21:01
Genesisi dont think so.21:01
LaykeTHanks for the link will check out21:01
ufrgsIs there any application able to read 3gp audio files ?21:01
mizifihHi there! I need some help... I was wondering if I can setup a domain on my network using Ubuntu Desktop x86, if there is a uptodate tutorial explaining that? All I could find on Google was old, too much old.21:02
GenesisHow can i know if its unsupported?21:02
bwat47ufrgs: vlc?21:03
sasserhey Mikael21:03
collinjsimpsongenesis: do the devices appear with fdisk -l21:03
m0ssHi. I'm running kubuntu 12.04 LTS and I am running it on a Macbook Pro 8,1 with Broadcom Wireless card BCM4331. I'm unable to get wireless working for some strange reason. There's plenty of information on google but many people have different issues than what I'm experiencing. Any help's appreciated, thanks!21:03
GenesisA sec i will.21:04
collinjsimpsonm0ss, follow one of the tutorials and report back. we dont fix problems you havent tested21:04
auronandacem0ss: i suppose roy has suggested you try turning it off and on again? :)21:04
m0ssHahah Yes :D21:05
m0ssokay well i'll be back later then i guess.21:05
GenesisHow should i do the fdisk -l?21:05
ufrgsbwat47, Banshee read it. Thank you. Just figured. :P21:05
GenesisIt's not a live cd i think21:05
collinjsimpsonGenesis, in the terminal, hah21:05
GenesisWell in "execute a shel" option the command cant be found21:05
bwat47ufrgs: afiak 3gp support is part of gstreamer-plugins-good so pretty much anything should read it :)21:06
hylianhow do i disable the touchpad, when there is no disable key...??21:06
collinjsimpsonGenesis, can you boot into a live cd and check there? without a live environment you cant debug easily21:06
ufrgsbwat47, cool21:06
Genesishylian, i think you can disable touchpad in bios at least i can21:06
jlkkljhit still wouldnt do it21:07
hylianGenesis, i probably can, but I was hoping for a quicker on/off method21:07
jlkkljhit said media check failure21:08
Genesiscollinjsimpson, you cannot but a live cd iwth ubuntu server :( at least i dont know how to. So should i burn a new one with normal ubuntu?21:08
athomHi, I have the same question I had yesterday, but the guy that helped me did not know either. Problem is that grub does not detect the usb drive I installed ubuntu on. When the installation is complete, grub shows its prompt and any command results in stating that it cannot read from hd0. Booting a live usb works fine though... Any clue?21:08
TheAlliedFleetGenesis: Have you tried the netbootme tool for usb devices?21:08
BluesKajDarkened, run sudo modprobe snd-via8237 in the terminal , if there's no output than the driver/module loaded.21:08
jlkkljhsame for me anthom21:08
collinjsimpsonGenesis, a live cd would be my first choice21:09
GenesisTheAlliedFleet, what do you mean? They're not running on usb i think.21:09
athomjlkkljh, what is your problem then?21:09
Genesiscollinjsimpson, okay then i gotta burn a new cd xD will try then21:10
jlkkljhit either dosent detect it or somethings wrong21:10
cipher__using sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport (port number) -j ACCEPT, my ports will not open21:10
cipher__i'm trying to open 680021:10
collinjsimpsoncipher__, how are you testing whether the port is open?21:11
GenesisxOkay my new name xD21:11
DarkenedBluesKaj, says, FATAL: Module snd_via8237 not found.21:11
jlkkljhlike every time it says 1 of 2  things21:11
jlkkljh1 it could say :media check failed21:12
cipher__collinjsimpson, netcat, netstat, nmap, remote port scans21:12
cipher__and i can't connect to the service running on port 680021:12
jlkkljh2 it also could say no boot filename recievd21:12
collinjsimpsoncipher__, is your router configured correctly?21:12
TheAlliedFleetGenesis: I have it on one of my usb sticks and it does have lots of tools. I'm not sure if it has what your looking for but it's worth a look ;) http://www.netboot.me/21:12
cipher__these are being conducted via localhost21:12
cipher__nmap localhost21:12
athomwell for me it does not state anything21:12
BluesKajDarkened, sudo modprobe snd-via82xx , it's probly already loded but we need to make sure21:12
collinjsimpsoncipher__, then remote port scans wont return anything21:12
athomit just displays the grub prompt21:12
cipher__so i would expect..21:13
collinjsimpsoncipher__, are the ports in use, actively or residually21:13
BenxyzzyHow do I find which DNS server DHCP has assigned to me?21:13
stiv2kbwat47 thanks man! shutter works great21:13
bwat47Benxyzzy: click on the network indicator > connection information21:14
bwat47stiv2k: np :_21:14
collinjsimpsoncipher__, also, do other services function correctly on their respective ports?21:14
jlkkljhi am using an older computer21:14
cipher__6800 is vnc, i use it a lot21:14
BluesKajDarkened, have you checked aslamixer ? I'm sure you have ,but I have to ask21:14
Benxyzzybwat47: thansk21:14
DarkenedBluesKaj, yes checked the mixer all unmuted and volume levels set, for the command via82xx it just goes down a line says nothing21:15
athomwell mine is brand new...21:15
athomlike 3 days old or something...21:15
athomI have been trying to get ubuntu running for the last 3 days21:15
andre22i'm using ubuntu 12.04, can i install java for google chrome?21:16
guntbert!enter | athom21:16
BluesKajDarkened, that means the module loaded successfully without errors21:16
ubottuathom: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:16
bwat47andre22: yes, install openjdk and icedtea21:16
cipher__where is the iptables config?21:16
athomoh, I'm sorry guntbert, I am discussing with jlkkljh about it...21:16
andre22i do that, but doesn't worked21:17
bwat47does the plugin show in chrome's chrome:plugins page?21:17
DarkenedBluesKaj, ok I see well it did that and the Alsa Mixes says the onbaord is a Realtek ALC655 rev 0 if that is any help to solve this problem21:17
cipher__i can't find the path to the iptables config file, i've searched around21:17
Costeelationwhat is the command for see the partitions in may hdd???21:18
collinjsimpsoncipher__, /etc/sysconfig?21:18
BluesKajDarkened, can you dewscribe your audio setup , speakers connected to the soundcard analog outs or is it something differnt ?21:18
andre22it says . install java 7 plugin.21:18
jlkkljhi did get an alternate install to bring up a black screen and a mouse but that was about 2 years ago21:18
bwat47and you have the icedtea-6-plugin or icedtea-7-plugin package installed?21:19
jlkkljhit was like one within the booted install menu21:19
cipher__there is no /sysconfig in ubuntu's filesystem?21:19
andre227. with mozila firefox, it works21:19
collinjsimpsoncipher__, /etc/sysconfig, not /sysconfig21:20
DarkenedBluesKaj, they are Philips desktop speakers 2 with mains plug connection is a single 1.5mm jack to the onboard21:20
Costeelationwhat is the command for see the partitions in may hdd???21:20
auronandaceCosteelation: sudo fdisk -l21:20
cipher__under /etc/sys* sysctl.d/ systemd/21:20
Costeelationthanks mate :)21:20
Genesisxcollinjsimpson, okay i will do that tommorow thank you for the help bye :)21:20
auronandaceCosteelation: or you could use gparted for a graphical view21:20
Costeelationauronandace: ajam21:21
bwat47andre22: hmmm seems to work fine here with google chrome 21, openjre-7-headless, and icedtea-7-plugin21:21
Costeelationonly want remember it :)21:21
collinjsimpsoncipher__, /etc/network/ ?21:22
andre22how did you do that. help me21:22
cipher__what about it?21:22
collinjsimpsoncipher__, investigate iptables man21:22
bwat47chrome complains icedtea plugin is out of date when I test it but it lets me "run this time" and works21:22
collinjsimpsoncipher__, iptables config files.21:22
jlkkljhnow i have used wubi and it says uncompression error (nextline) system halted21:22
cipher__why would it be there?21:22
jlkkljhis anyone helping me21:23
BluesKajDarkened, which "chip" is listed on alsamixer ?21:23
cipher__what do you think i'm doing? (investigating)21:23
auronandacejlkkljh: with wubi? not many people like it21:23
collinjsimpsoniphelix, "man", the manual utility21:23
jlkkljhcypher you are??21:23
collinjsimpsoniphelix, * sorry21:24
DarkenedBluesKaj, can you explain how I can do that please21:24
collinjsimpsoncipher__, "man" program21:24
collinjsimpsoncipher__, "man iptables"21:24
cipher__i know, i did :P21:24
cipher__that's how i learned it21:24
BluesKajopen a terminal , and type alsamixer , the chip will be shown in upper left , Darkened21:24
collinjsimpsoncipher__, should be sufficiently configurable without manually modifying files21:24
andre22how to see free space in hard disk?21:25
cipher__collinjsimpson, what?21:25
cipher__it isn't working via normal methods21:25
cipher__remember lol21:25
collinjsimpsonandre22, df21:25
auronandaceandre22: delete what you don't need21:25
DarkenedBluesKaj, Realtek ALC655 rev 021:25
jlkkljhwell that is the only thing that works i need help bad and if i dont get it  im going to stop trying and just reinstall win xp every time i have trouble21:25
auronandaceandre22: sorry, misread you21:25
kurtwp_andre22: df -h21:26
BluesKajDarkened, while you have alsamixer open make sure you have no  "MM" in the volume controls and use the arrow keys to naviagte and turn the controls up21:27
MasterOfDisasterjlkkljh: so? threats won't get you anywhere. stick with windows xp/7 if you know how to use it.21:28
DarkenedBluesKaj, all have been turned to 100 other than "mic boos" which is on MM and cannot be changed21:29
jlkkljhi wasnt threatning21:29
guntbert!patience | jlkkljh21:29
ubottujlkkljh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:29
MasterOfDisasterjlkkljh: "if i dont get it  im going to stop trying and just reinstall win xp" - sounds like a threat to me, a toothless one if I may add.21:30
jlkkljhwell everything is falling through on my end21:30
jlkkljhi lost my job i had to reinstall my phones software and cant get any info back21:31
jlkkljhplease i need help all the installed ubuntu says is uncompression error (next line)-- system halted21:33
BluesKajDarkened, are yo familair with www.pastebin.com, we need to see what the lspci , will output , seems to me you may have 2 soundcards on the machine , from what I've seen so far , laspci in the terminal will confirm. Copy nand paste the text from the terminal to pastebin, and the resulting url can be copied to here21:34
BluesKajdarkened , lspci , rather21:34
lelouchi neeeed backup plz i instaled ubuntu but can't detect my Graphic card "no nvidia" and it works fin verry well21:35
jlkkljhall the installed ubuntu says is uncompression error (next line)-- system halted21:36
jlkkljhi have it booted right now21:36
DarkenedBluesKaj, http://pastebin.com/bfC5rGa721:37
cipher__when i use a depth of 16 on vnc it has proper colour, but it low res for the most part; i then tried 32 bit, and it had more clarity, but all the colors were wrong :/21:37
auronandacecipher__: jack bauer can't help you now21:38
aaasis there a place the ssh server save it's log while running as a daemon that shows the negoiation information from client logins?21:41
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r0thaoh the negotiation's information21:43
r0thaas in the auth.lgo?21:43
BluesKajodd Darkened , do you any audio devices attached like usb device perhaps?21:44
BluesKajdo you have21:45
DarkenedBluesKaj, I only have a graphics card and a USB HUB card in the back because the USBs have problems21:45
DarkenedBluesKaj, and a wireless D-link card too21:46
BluesKajusb internet hub ?21:46
DarkenedBluesKaj, no no a 4 port usg card give extra USBs21:47
BluesKajok Darkened ,,,it's very confusing to me that the  Realtek ALC655 would use a VIA technologies chip for their onboard card , this is an unusual situation, normally Realtek ALC655 uses an intel hda21:49
auronandace!cookie | BluesKaj21:50
ubottuBluesKaj: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:50
BluesKajauronandace, what ?21:50
auronandaceBluesKaj: i thought you deserved commendation for helping people21:51
genii-aroundBluesKaj: It's kudos :)21:51
DarkenedBluesKaj, I too find this very strange the board is a AMD socket set board and I know the onboard sound does work because it had windows XP on before (blue screen of death like always) so I decided to build it as a Ubuntu computer to learn Linux with21:51
auronandaceBluesKaj: keep up the good job21:51
BluesKajheh, I haven't been able figure this problem yet21:51
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ufrgshow do I start screensaver ?21:53
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auronandaceBluesKaj: the intent and process of helping is at times just as important as the resukt21:53
thirdenderufrgs: try Ctrl+Alt+L to lock the screen... if you have a screensaver enabled it should come up (also depends on your window manager and key bindings)21:53
ufrgsthirdender, thank you a lot! ;)21:54
thirdenderufrgs: np :-p21:54
BluesKajDarkened, ok ,let's try this , alt+f2 gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , add this line to the bottom , options snd-via82xx index=0 , then save the file . You probly have to reboot , I would .21:55
andre22can i install gadgets about cpu usage on ubuntu 12.0421:56
BluesKajwell tahnks for you kind remarks , auronandace :)21:56
auronandaceandre22: i find conky useful21:56
delacis it possible to have login without password BUT not automatic login at the same time (so it would still require first selecting the user)?21:57
auronandacedelac: i don't think so21:57
DarkenedBluesKaj, says could not find file21:57
andre22how to install conky21:58
auronandaceandre22: i use synaptic, you could use software centre or just plain apt-get21:59
andre22can you write command line21:59
auronandaceandre22: sudo apt-get install conky22:00
auronandaceandre22: or you may want the conky-all package instead22:00
jd2i am having an issue with my hostname i have to use .local appended to the hostname or use the IP address how can I use just the host name is this an ubuntu issue or router problem? i type hostname and it feeds me back my hostname without the .local extension i don't know why i have to add this thanks22:00
BluesKajDarkened, open a terminal , sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-base alsa-utils22:01
andre22all packaes22:01
andre22*all packages22:01
auronandace!info conky-all | andre2222:01
ubottuandre22: conky-all (source: conky-all): highly configurable system monitor (all features enabled). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1-6 (precise), package size 389 kB, installed size 1273 kB22:01
tgmjd2: domainname22:02
DarkenedBluesKaj, ok thats done22:02
tgmjd2:  see man hostname22:03
andre22how to open?22:04
auronandaceandre22: you need to know how to configure it22:04
auronandaceandre22: there are many tutorials out there22:04
andre22how i run it22:04
auronandaceandre22: to run it just type conky in a terminal22:04
tgmjd2: But some routers will automatically resolve local IP addresses to respective domain names, some also provide the option to set a static IP and domain name of your choice to any of your PCs, (which is a pretty cool feature that not all routers have) ( yours may very well have it.).22:05
auronandaceandre22: the default look and config is rather ugly22:05
jd2when i type hostname i get back the hostname withouth .local22:06
jd2i have used static IP so i can have a static IP just wondering how to get rid of the .local i didn't have this issue before and feel it is a router issue not an ubuntu issue?22:07
PatrickCis there an easy way to upgrade from 32bit to 64?22:07
icerootPatrickC: only reinstall22:07
auronandacePatrickC: no, just reinstall22:07
exutuxdelac: yes you can22:07
BluesKaj_Darkened, ok , had to switch pcs ..wife wants to watch tv ..I use it as a monitor , so may have missed the alsa reinstall result22:08
exutuxdelac: man passwd may help you, I advise you to test ( passwd command ) with a tester user22:08
DarkenedBluesKaj, no worries it has finished reinstalling Alsa22:08
exutuxdelac: btw for make an empty password you can just disable it typing sudo passwd -d username22:09
PatrickCthanks guys22:09
icerootdelac: please dont use empty passwords22:10
exutuxiceroot: good point22:10
delacexutux:, iceroot : yes, empty password is not what I want. That might not fare well with sshd... I only want to be able to login from gdm (or whatever ubuntu is using now).22:11
icerootdelac: lightdm22:11
exutuxdelac: well yoi cannot then22:11
snubbehow do i change the password for the disk-encryption on ubuntu 12.04 server?22:12
BluesKaj_Darkened, ok now try the command with alsa base that I posted above in the run command box with root permissions ..dunno what text editor unity use nowadays (i'm on kde)  /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf22:14
Haugli92php5-mcrypt is that needed to be enable in PHP config ? ;S22:16
Haugli92Forget it, restart solves everything..22:17
icerootHaugli92: we cant answer if you need that module for your php application22:17
Haugli92its related to ubuntu-server ;))22:17
species_4981In LM12 (or 13 I suppose) , where are there a set of "systemn" icons for me to choose from? I want to change a desktop shortcut to a different icon (for VNC) and I can't see in usr/bin any icon files pertaining to VNC ...22:18
species_4981This is Gnome 322:18
nelson777brhello, how I can make a user appear in user-admin tool ? using 10.04. I already set the same groups for it as a user that show correctly. Yet this user I'm trying to add is logged in via ldap. It has created the account ok, but it doesn't show in user-admin22:19
DarkenedBluesKaj, ok it opens correctly now do I re type over where it says options - xxx xx xxx or do I go down a line and write a clean one?22:19
BluesKaj_Darkened, add the line , options snd-via82xx index=0 , this makes the soundcard using that driver/module the default22:20
lhuhi guys do you know any source for learning linux ?22:20
lhui mean learning terminal codes etc22:20
lhukind of tutorial or something like that22:20
delacwould someone happend to remember how to prevent user switcher from locking the desktop when switching users?22:20
DarkenedBluesKaj, ok it saved correctly now22:21
BluesKaj_Darkened, write a new line at the bottom , better still copy and paste it from here22:21
OerHekslhu, this is a good start > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal/22:21
hollisterhi! i'm editing a read-only text file found in /etc/network/... It is preventing me to save even with a :w! How do I override this?22:21
escotthollister, use sudo or gksudo22:21
hollisterescott: as in sudo vi readonlyfile.txt ?22:22
BluesKaj_Darkened, ok , a reboot now is best22:22
OerHekslhu & https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandlineHowto22:22
escotthollister, yes22:22
DarkenedBluesKaj, Thanks for your your help ill be back in 2 mins Fast computer :>22:22
namelezzhollister, why vi? use gedit22:22
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lhu@0erHeks ok i'll start from these 2 sources22:23
lhuafter that what you suggest for wide info ?22:23
species_4981(sorry - wrong channel ..should have been the linux-mint help irc ...sorry)22:23
hollisterescott: ah, ok that worked. thanks!22:23
tgmhollister: wy vi?  use vim22:23
hollisternamelezz: why gedit? I'm kinda used to vi22:23
hollistertgm: i'm using vim actually22:24
namelezzuse libreoffice :)22:24
tgmhollister: amen vi is quick / easy22:24
tgmor vim...22:24
tgmnamelezz: I don't recommend using libreoffice on config files  :)22:25
escotttgm, what makes you think vi isn't vim22:25
delacsorry, I was faster than you:   org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen   :)22:25
namelezzthat was a joke22:25
OerHekslhu there are a lot of wikipages, howto's and forum discussions. these 2 links are a good start.22:25
tgmescott:  vim is the enhanced vi editor22:25
escotttgm, i know what vim is. im asking you what makes you think that vi isn't a symlink to vim22:26
tgmescott: but there *is* a difference22:26
exutuxdelac: good glade to know it, where did you found it?22:26
kriskropdvi is lighter than vim22:26
BluesKaj_what's the default texr editor on ubuntu now , google doesn't seem to know22:26
tgmescott: Well, it's not on mine.22:26
DarkenedBluesKaj, ok im back still no sound yet22:26
escotttgm, on most systems that have vim installed it will be22:26
delacexutux: internet :)   Last answer without points    http://askubuntu.com/questions/80883/disable-password-prompt-on-user-switch22:27
tgmOh ok.22:27
minnesotabroguys I have a problem22:27
minnesotabroand I kinda need it fixed soon22:27
tgmescott: I guess once you install vim, vi is just syet as link to vim.22:28
minnesotabroI can't type in Swedish/Norwegian because I can't enable the keyboards22:28
tgmescott: I see that you are correct.  Thanks oinfo22:28
eosswhat's up with ubuntu threatening me about editing resolv.conf?22:28
eossfuck that22:28
escottBluesKaj_, there was never a "default" many of the cli routines use nano unless you install something like vim or emacs. most standard ubuntu guis should have gedit installed and associated with txt mime types22:28
escott!language | eoss22:29
exutuxdelac: This disables screen lock on user switch and hibernation wakeup.22:29
ubottueoss: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:29
eosswhy would you disable editing of resolv.conf?22:29
minnesotabrohow do I get it to enable both international keyboards, or at least US international?22:29
tgmescott:   ... it's the ubuntu way...22:29
eossyou trying to make things confusing22:29
exutuxdelac: it's disable login password too? on lightdm?22:29
delacexutux: yes? it was not answer for my first, but the second guestion.22:29
BluesKaj_Darkened, i was afraid of that ...out of ideas atm ...it's dinnertime here and then i have yardwork to do , but i'll do some more research to see if can't track this down.22:29
exutuxdelac: oh sorry I lost your second question22:30
BluesKaj_escott, ok thanks , good ol' gedit lives22:30
hollisterHi (again)! I've just installed openvpn. Also, I've got both my .ppk and .psk file. How do i configure openvpn so i can access my workplace?22:30
DarkenedBluesKaj, ok well thank you for your time anyway I guess I will tinker with iit some more see if I can get any responce Have a good rest of your day :>22:31
kriskropd!keyboards | minnesotabro22:33
ubottuminnesotabro: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | XFCE: Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout22:33
lhuhi guys i installed 12.04 lts and i want to use ubuntu with classic view. i installed gnome-classic but its not feeling like original ubuntu22:34
bzi got my head checked22:34
lhuis there a way to change this ?22:34
tgmhollister:  see http://openvpn.net/ and see the howto22:34
andre22hey guys22:34
kriskropdlhu, install new themes?22:34
andre22i can't see videos on youtube, i'm using google chrome....22:35
hollistertgm: i'm reading it atm22:37
tgmandre22: Use firefox22:37
andre22lool i dont like mozila22:37
minnesotabroguys I need help22:37
tgmandre22: It has been my experience that those that install chrome have problems.  I would uninstall it.22:37
minnesotabroand I need a solution soon22:37
Need2Growi installed chrome and couldnt find a manu bar22:38
Need2Growit was UNREAL22:38
minnesotabroI can't enable a Swedish or Norwegian keyboard22:38
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kriskropd!keyboard | minnesotabro22:38
ubottuminnesotabro: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | XFCE: Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout22:38
tgmandre22: chrome may not be the real problem, I'm only speculating but...22:38
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minnesotabrohow do I launch gnome22:38
andre22so can i import fdvourites from chrome to firefox22:38
r3dLunchb0x_is there a IRC for bash scripting? I'm trying to get package information in ubuntu but only want certain information.22:39
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zixxyr3dLunchb0x_, #bash ?22:40
r3dLunchb0x_minnesotabro: you have to log out, look at the little window where you type your password, there is a little ubuntu type icon in the upper right of that window, click it and select gnome, then type your password, waa-laa22:40
kriskropdminnesotabro you can select gnome when you login or any other desktop environment you ahve installed22:40
r3dLunchb0x_zixxy: thanks I'll try that22:41
zixxyr3dLunchb0x_, you're welcome.22:41
=== mrk_ is now known as _derp
andre22can i import fvourites from chrome?22:41
wowjees23Is there a game like 'Spider Solitaire' for Ubuntu?22:42
kriskropdandre22 yes, chrome uses the same html formatted bookmark exporting that firefox is familiar with22:42
Dr_willis!info pysolng22:43
ubottuPackage pysolng does not exist in precise22:43
tgmandre22: I don't know much about chrome, but if chrome has the ability or option to export *bookmarks*  or *favorites* to a html file, you can import it into firefox.22:43
Dr_willis!find pysol22:43
ubottuFound: pysol, pysol-cardsets, pysolfc, pysolfc-cardsets, python-pysolr22:43
Dr_williswowjees23,  chjeckj out PySol ;)22:43
andre22how can i do it22:43
hilarieNot sure if this is the right place, I have a ubuntu server(12.04) with 2 NICs, one WAN(eth0) and one LAN (eth1) is there a way to disable ssh on the WAN?22:43
escotthilarie, why not restrict to a subnet22:44
kriskropdandre22 in settings or somewhere you should be able to see your bookmarks and select to export them (it moves around with every version i ever use in chrome -_-)22:44
Dr_willisi see where chrome can Import bookmarks from FF.. but no export feature.22:45
Dr_willisperhaps a chrome plugin/extension can export them22:45
kriskropdhilarie you might be able to do that with iptables22:45
tr3ntonthere is an export feature in the bookmark manager, no?22:45
hilarieiptables are scary :(22:45
kriskropdDr_willis, shouldn't need a plugin, I know Ive done it before O_o admitingly it was awhile ago22:45
Dr_willistr3nton,  in chrome - i dont see it..22:45
Dr_willisUnless its hideing somewhere22:46
escotthilarie, thats not so bad. you just block traffic to port 22 on eth022:46
tr3ntonDr_willis: chrome -> bookmark manager -> organise menu -> export bookmarks to html file ??22:46
Dr_willisthere it is... under that little pull down menu item in the thingie.. what a weird gui that is.22:46
escott!ufw | hilarie22:46
ubottuhilarie: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.22:46
Need2Growdr willis?  little pull down menu and thingie?  weird gui?22:47
Dr_willislets take menus out of the title bar area.. and put them in the main body of the gui... yea...22:47
Dr_willisYes.. its very weird.22:47
Dr_willisbut its bcause its all in a 'browser' i guess22:47
hilarieescott, will read up on UFW, thank you so much22:47
kriskropdthats why i stopped using chrome -_-22:47
Need2Growdr wilis  were all weird in out own little way22:47
Need2Growadmonishing a menu is way of fbase22:47
tgmDr_willis: as far as I can tell google chrome is just a stripped down remake of firefox.  I see no use it in.  I kinda think that if it were something we needed... well I can nly speculate so...22:47
Need2Growhi abismal22:47
kriskropdtgm, its actually closer to safari than firefox22:48
Dr_willistgm you are confused. ;P22:48
kriskropdthe web engine i mean22:48
tr3ntonchome is nothing like firefox, aside from they both render websites22:48
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Dr_willisBeen using chrome for ages. went back to FF last week because its out for my phone now and can sync with it.22:48
Need2Growchrome is bad ass but you have to be able to handle it all22:48
ShinobiIf I am a directory owner and group member should I be able to read the directory with mode 371?22:49
tgmDr_willis: I'm not confused, you are22:49
escottShinobi, yes, but thats a really weird permission set22:49
maxflaxi wonder how i can from ubuntu bash connect to a samba share - mounting it isn't the problem.. problem is that I only get read and not write22:49
tgm(As I styated, I was speculating)22:49
grafthi, how do i setup ubuntuone on kde?22:50
kriskropdmaxflax permissions are handled by the samba daemon22:50
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kriskropdor server rather, not the client conencting to it22:50
Dr_willisand the shell wouldent matter. :)22:50
Shinobiescott: here's the deal. I'm using unison to sync my indexes. They have user= amanda backup and group = disk. mode = 33122:50
escottShinobi, still 331???? What?22:51
ShinobiI added myself to the disk group and made the permissions 371 so I could sync via unison22:51
ShinobiI don't know why22:51
Shinobivery strange22:51
maxflaxkriskropd: but I add user and password in my mount and that user has write on that machine22:51
Shinobianyways.. when I sync to my local machine I can't read the files even thought the local copy has22:52
Dr_willismaxflax,  whats the exact command you are using to mount the share?22:52
Shinobi371 for a mode and user=me and gruop=me22:52
escottShinobi, why would you hide the files in the directory, but allow modification of the directory22:52
kriskropdmaxflax are you looking at /etc/samba/smb.conf or just the file permissions?22:52
Shinobiescott: not following you22:52
kriskropdmaxflax: you need to allow writing in smb.conf too22:52
Shinobiwhat did I hide?22:52
escottShinobi, 3=write and execute ... so everything but "read"22:53
alusionwhats a good burner22:53
Shinobiescott: that's a question for the amanda folks. That's the way amanda writes the darn files22:53
Dr_willis!burn  alusion22:53
Dr_willis!burn | alusion22:54
ubottualusion: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:54
ShinobiIt's a pain in the butt though22:54
escottShinobi, something must be setup wrong. it doesnt make any sense at all22:54
maxflaxDr_willis:  smbmount //mynas/files01 /mnt/nas -o username=maxflax,password=*******22:54
ShinobiI agree with you escott. * However* I can't read the files on the local machine even though I have group rights to do so22:54
Shinobilet me make sure Ubuntu added me to my  own group22:54
Dr_willismaxflax,  and how did you make the share? edited smb.conf? or the right-click menus?22:54
maxflaxDr_willis: OpenMediaVault gui -- not with smb.conf22:55
kriskropdmaxflax in smb.conf under the share details you will need 'write list = maxflax'22:55
tgmShinobi:  Have you logged out and back in since you added yourself to the group?22:56
maxflaxkriskropd: ok,22:56
Dr_willisid check the smb.conf then for the share definition maxflax     or whever its defined at these days.22:56
escottShinobi, it must be part of the posix standard. i've always thought that you got the union of all permissions that were applicable. perhaps you get the permissions of the most specific directive22:56
tgmShinobi: Yes check and see.   grep <user> /etc/group22:56
kriskropdmaxflax and also 'writable = yes' probably22:56
Shinobigrep wynn /etc/group22:57
maxflaxkriskropd: ill check the smb.conf - brb22:57
Shinobiapparantly I don't belong to a group22:57
escottShinobi, yeah. if you "echo something > file; chmod 007 file; cat file" you get permission denied22:57
ShinobiI thought the same about the union of permissions22:58
escottShinobi, most permissions are sensible so you never run into it22:58
ShinobiYeah, this is outside the norm and sucks because if I actually have to use this (backup indexes) it means a bare metal recovery and this is my failsafe.22:59
ShinobiI don't feel that safe at the moment. :)22:59
tgmShinobi: Yea, could be thyat the file(s) are 600 instead of 744 or64423:00
escottShinobi, The effective permissions are determined based on the user's class. For example, the user who is the owner of the file will have the permissions given to the owner class regardless of the permissions assigned to the group class or others class.23:00
ShinobiI got it. Thanks. I'm going to set it up differently. I'll push them out to a removeable HD or something.23:02
maxflaxkriskropd:  ok, checked the smb.conf and is looked good.. did a pastebin of the share part http://paste.ubuntu.com/1087032/23:03
escottShinobi, not sure what you want from unison. i just do an rsync backup with --link-dest not sure what else one could want23:04
kriskropdmaxflax try adding 'writable = yes' to the end of the list23:04
andre22how can i unninstal some application in cmd?23:06
otaku_coderhi, how can I add a font name alias? I want the font League Gothic to also accept the name league-gothic.23:07
kriskropdandre22 if you know the name of the pacakge 'sudo apt-get purge package_name'23:07
maxflaxkriskropd: funny thing is that when mounting the samba with nautilus works and I get write.. only when mounting it from bash i get problem23:07
Shinobiescott: I just use unison to sync my laptop and workstation. Thought I'd just use it with the indexes as well. unison uses rsync though so it's all the same23:07
escottShinobi, what are these indexes23:08
andre22kriskrpd- conky23:08
Shinobibackup indexes23:08
kriskropdmaxflax well you were using smbmount which im not familiar with, i always mounted by shell  like "sudo mount -t cifs //ip/sharename /mnt/sharename -o user=kriskropd,password='pasword' "23:11
maxflaxkriskropd:  smbmount is the same as u use,, diff name only23:12
kriskropdandre22 I dont have the conky package, you can look for it with 'apt-cache search conky' perhaps23:12
kriskropdandre22 yeah I found it, you should be able to remove it with 'sudo apt-get purge conky'23:13
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kriskropdMr-Bin metamorphosis?23:17
zixxyandre22, kriskropd meant that you need to replace 'package_name' in the command he gave you. So if it's conky, then 'sudo apt-get purge conky'23:17
Mr-Binahaha lol23:17
andre22yes i know23:18
andre22it's says - removing conky...23:18
escottandre22, kriskropd, you should be careful purging packages23:18
andre22since 5min...23:19
zixxyandre22, sorry, I was just confused as to what you were asking. My fault.23:19
escottandre22, purge also removes the configuration files. you may want those23:20
soehestis there any way to see which patches is applied to the ubuntu kernel?23:20
mikesiny89Hi all. I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 for the first time. I've been receiving some messages stating packages aren't signed when trying to install apps via apt-get23:20
mikesiny89is that normal?23:20
synapse_anyone know of a sikuli or web automation channel on freenode?23:21
kriskropdescott, sorry, I presumed andre22 wanted the configs gone as well when they said "uninstall", remove only removes the packages and leaves configs23:21
ClientAlivehi. I have that lousy broadcom wireless card. I've done most of the stuff to get things working but I need help to verify that everything is there and set up correctly before I try to reboot. You see, last night I forgot to install it at all and when I rebooted the system would not start at all. Today I started over with a fresh install. I don't want a repeat of last night so if anyone can help me I would sure appreciate it. Running lxde23:22
ClientAlive on Ubuntu Server 12.04.23:22
thoshoehi all23:22
ClientAlivehi thoshoe23:22
thoshoehi cli alive23:23
ClientAlivewhat up man!23:23
wawoweClientAlive: seem like you're doing well23:23
lanc3rhey guys23:24
ClientAlivewawowe: sort of, kinda - but not sure how to do a couple things I think are important23:24
ClientAliveI so don't want a repeat of last night again23:24
thoshoeusing linux for first time  almost23:24
wawoweClientAlive: what's important?23:24
thoshoeits  a little kinkie23:25
lanc3rcan someone help me?23:25
andre22how can i reduced sensivity of my mouse. like windows23:25
kriskropd!ask | lanc3r23:25
ubottulanc3r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:25
israelandre22, system-preferences-mouse23:25
wawoweClientAlive: your wireless driver somehow screwed up your setup?23:25
ClientAlivewell, I'd like to get nm-applet up in front of me and configure the wireless settings, make sure I can connect with the cat 5 unplugged (through my wireless connection), then reboot23:26
thoshoeme  too23:26
lanc3ris there anyway to get linux to recognize my ACHI netbook hardrive?23:26
ClientAlivewawowe: the o/s would not start because of the missing firmware23:26
escottandre22, should be in the oust properties23:27
wawoweClientAlive: that's not cool23:27
lanc3ris there anyway to get linux to recognize my ACHI netbook hardrive?23:27
ClientAliveno, not so much :(23:27
escottlanc3r, AHCI should be well supported23:27
wawoweClientAlive: did it tell you why it couldn't start?23:27
lanc3rwell, its not23:27
escottlanc3r, you should be more specific about exactly what makes you say that23:27
thoshoebye  for now23:28
lanc3rlinux puppy gould see the hardrive but couldnt mount it23:28
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lanc3rubantu cant even see it23:28
wawowelanc3r: they can both see it..23:28
ClientAlivethere was an error. The gist of which said the firmware for b43 was missing and gave a url to a help page. It never would fire up though.23:28
kriskropdlanc3r 'sudo parted -l' you should see it23:29
andre22my mouse stills very fast23:29
andre22i can't reduce more23:29
ClientAliveandre22: have you looked in system settings yet?23:29
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DeSianhi everybody her, i have iMac intel Alu and installed successfully ubuntu on it, but actually i don't like bling.bling stuff, it's possible on 12.04 to have classic gnome without Unity, 3D,2D?23:30
lanc3rokay i see it, how do i mount it?23:30
wawoweClientAlive: if i were you and i couldn't see and issue beyond that i would compile my own kernel and set up23:30
Guest53240I'm having a problem with logging into a samba share on ubuntu server. I can login with the admin user, but when I try to login with my wife's username and password I get errors.23:30
ClientAliveoh, ok. sorry that's all I know of23:30
lanc3rokay i see it, how do i mount it?23:30
escottlanc3r, sudo mount /dev/sdX# /media/mountpoint23:30
kriskropdGuest53240 check /etc/samba/smb.conf and make sure its configured correctly23:31
wawoweClientAlive: or look for b43 firmware with apt-cache23:31
Ghosthunter007Guest53240, did you add your wife to the smb list with smbpasswd -a23:31
DeSianno idea?23:31
wawoweClientAlive: apt-cache --search b4323:31
kriskropdDesian, when you login, you can select which desktop environment you want23:31
ClientAliveoh, ok23:32
kriskropdDeSian, should be a lil round icon just above the password entry23:32
Guest53240Ghosthunter007, I did not. I'm using webmin to administer things. but I do have an ssh session open to it right now.23:32
wawoweClientAlive: will list stuff related to that,.. then you can apt-get install23:32
DeSiankriskropd no just 3D and 2D actually i don't like unity at all23:32
Ghosthunter007ok webmin doesnt work all the time I recommend from the command line to issue the smbpasswd -a23:33
lanc3rroot@root:~# mount /dev/sdX#/media/mountpoint23:33
lanc3rmount: can't find /dev/sdX#/media/mountpoint in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab23:33
Ghosthunter007example : smbpasswd -a username23:33
kriskropdDeSian did you try 2D? I think thats gnome-classic, not certain but I think it's supposed to be23:33
escottlanc3r, you have to fill in the X# with the correct values23:33
kriskropdGhost53240 webmin can be kind of broken sometimes, just saying23:33
DeSiankriskropd no that is the unity the same thing Almost :-)23:33
eossif my /etc/network/interfaces file doesn not have a wlan configured how is my laptop pulling dhcp wirelessly?23:33
Guest53240Ghosthunter007, when i try that command I just get an explanation of the command. It isn't actually telling me that it is doing anything.23:34
eossits only got a lo23:34
ClientAlivewith dpkg --list | grep b43 I see a b43-fwcutter but is that something I need to run before the firmware gets installed?23:34
ClientAlivethat other command didn't work23:34
Ghosthunter007try this>      sudo smbpasswd -a yourwifesuseraccount23:34
Ghosthunter007it should have you enter in the password23:35
Guest53240Ghosthunter007, I got the sudo part. but I'm getting an error23:35
lanc3rlike /dev/sdb...?23:35
Need2Growcam someone invite me on #windows23:35
Need2Growits invite only23:35
Ghosthunter007can you paste error to me in PM23:35
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wawoweClientAlive: i would look up b43-fwcutter23:35
Jef91I install Ubuntu 12.04 from a minimal CD and then I installed libreoffice - but spell check does work for English/US which is the system wide language. Any help?23:35
reufhello everyone - i was installing ruby using apt-get - the installation process got messed up  - now whenever i try to install something else - it goes well, but at the end each time i get  Errors were encountered while processing: ruby-rvm \n E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)23:36
wawoweClientAlive: i don't know the specifics because i don't have that hardware23:36
reufhow do i clean this?23:36
DeSiankriskropd i found this video, i try that, and thnx for your help23:36
lanc3rlike /dev/sdb...?23:36
lanc3rstill wont work :(23:37
wawowe lanc3r re-explain your issue23:37
lanc3rmount: can't find /dev/sdb/media/mountpoint in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab23:38
lanc3rim haveing trouble mounting my scsi netbook drive23:38
wawowelanc3r: space between /dev/sdb1 /media/mnt23:38
ClientAlivewawowe: I see. I tried to start network manager with a service network-manager restart  because when i tried to run nm-applet a bit ago I got errors talking about network manager. It won't start it and I don't know why. How can I see whether it is running or not?23:39
lanc3rmount /dev/sdb1 /media/mountpont23:39
lanc3rmount: mount point /media/mountpont does not exist23:39
wawoweClientAlive: service networking restar23:40
kriskropdlanc3r the irectory you are mounting to has to exist23:40
kriskropdlanc3r 'mkdir /media/mountpoint'23:40
wawowelanc3r: mkdir /media/mountpont && mount /dev/sdb1 /media/mountpont23:40
ClientAliveit's rejecting it, talking about "matched rules",  and "Unknown instance:"23:42
wawoweClientAlive: what does nm-applet do?23:42
ClientAliveI thought it was the network settings for lxde23:43
lanc3rroot@root:~# mkdir /media/mountpoint23:43
lanc3rroot@root:~# mount /dev/sdb1 /media/mountpont23:43
lanc3rmount: mount point /media/mountpont does not exist23:43
lanc3roh i see, wait23:43
subz3r0mount /dev/sdb1 /media/mountpoint23:44
c3f59and so he learned a basic thing about *ix: check your spelling.23:44
wawoweClientAlive: screw that app, use the terminal rediscribe your destination23:44
lanc3ri must specify the filesyster type23:44
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ClientAlivehow do I do that?23:45
c3f59lanc3r that aint got anithing to do with that directory not existing23:45
wawoweClientAlive: open the menu and look for "run" or something like that23:45
wawoweClientAlive: and have it run xterm23:45
d3v1an71Hey all - anyone with experience with unison?23:46
lanc3rhow do i specify the filesystem23:46
escottlanc3r, usually you dont need to unless there is something weird23:46
escottlanc3r, what kind of fs is it23:46
lanc3ri do not know23:46
c3f59lanc3r, check your spelling first23:46
ClientAliveI have a terminal open. I know how to do that. I don't know how to get this wireless configured and working.23:46
lanc3rtheres a gui for that23:47
c3f59as you typed it here you tried to mount to a directory called mountpont instead of mountpoint23:47
escottlanc3r, open the disk utility it should be able to tell you23:47
lanc3rdisk utility?23:48
escottlanc3r, gparted is fine, but there is also a disk utility23:48
wawoweClientAlive: assuming you install the drivers/firmware it should be fine after reboot23:48
lanc3rhow do i open it?23:48
noirohey guys, care to help a new guy out? I have installed the nvidia driver but ubuntu is not picking up my second display. Why?23:49
escottlanc3r, hit the windows key and type "disk utility" (unless you arent running unity/gnome)23:49
lanc3rim running KDE23:49
israelnoiro, you must configure the second display in the nvidia app23:49
escottlanc3r, i dont know what tools kde provides for this. but it probably has something23:50
kriskropdlanc3r just do 'df -T'23:50
wawoweescott: do you have a machine running unity/gnome?23:50
israelnoiro, X Server Display Configuration23:50
noiroisrael, where is it exactly? Ubuntu's navigation system is...new. All I see is a side bar. I am running GNOME23:50
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escottkriskropd, that wont tell lanc3r anything useful. its not mounted yet23:50
wawoweescott: must suck23:50
wawoweto have to have that23:51
escott!ot | wawowe23:51
ubottuwawowe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:51
c3f59allright i'll say it one last time: lanc3r check your spelling? did you or did you not get the mount command right?23:51
lanc3rno im running KDE, and df -t just shows my already mounted medias filesystem23:51
noiroisrael, command not found23:51
wawoweescott: if you're an op, you'd do me a favor by banning me for a while23:52
israelnoiro,isn't a command just go to the menu23:52
escott!ops | wawowe23:52
ubottuwawowe: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!23:52
lanc3rmount /dev/sdb /media/mountpoint23:52
lanc3rmount: you must specify the filesystem type23:52
escottlanc3r, you can also do "sudo parted -l"23:52
kriskropdlanc3r yeah my bad, I thought wrong about df -T, can you just run 'gparted' and check?23:52
wawowek thx23:52
kriskropdinstall it if you have to with 'sudo apt-get install gparted'23:52
noiroisrael, which menu? All I see is a side bar with icons. No drop-down from what I see23:52
lanc3rdot have it installed.23:52
kriskropdlanc3r install it if you have to with 'sudo apt-get install gparted'23:52
wawoweescott: fun being a robot:P23:53
kriskropdits worth just installing anyways, you can remove it after23:53
=== zz_megabitdragon is now known as megabitdragon
lanc3ri know how to install it.23:53
elkywawowe, that was uncalled for.23:53
israelnoiro, white this in terminal sudo nvidia-settings23:53
wawowesorry :23:53
kriskropdescott haha you are right, parted -l did have the filesystems23:54
* kriskropd facepalms23:54
lanc3rgparted says its all unallocated23:55
noiroisrael, how do I restart x?23:55
escottlanc3r, so you dont have anything on the drive. its blank23:55
lanc3ri know.23:55
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lanc3rcan i not mount a blank drive?23:55
escottlanc3r, no. there is nothing to mount. you have to mkfs a filesystem first23:55
escottlanc3r, you can use a gui, or just run mkfs.type /dev/sdb123:56
kriskropdgood thing you installed gparted ....23:56
noiroisrael, that starts it. It is not restarting. I get data incomplete in file error23:56
israelnoiro,sudo reboot -p23:57
Guest70788hi , all I am wondering if anybody knows about recover software like theses https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery/23:57
lanc3rwhat filesystem would i want to make my drive if i want to install linux?23:57
Guest70788would theses software recover pictures or files if the footer/header info was not there23:57
Guest70788for example if I had a jpeg and part of it was on disk except the header and footer info.23:57
israellanc3r, ext423:57
Jordan_Ulanc3r: Just run the Ubuntu installer and choose automatic partitioning.23:57
lanc3ri dont trust the installers partitioner23:58
Jordan_Ulanc3r: Making partitions ahead of time gains you nothing, and actually makes things slightly more difficult.23:58
Jordan_Ulanc3r: Why not?23:58
wawoweGuest70788: if there's no footer or header then no23:58
Guest70788I don't think there would be away to make since of the data enough to extract it23:58
lanc3rits failed for me alot on difrent distros23:58
wawoweGuest70788: n that case it's up to you23:58
Ghosthunter007yes you can recover pictures and files without a headers and footers23:59
c3f59lanc3r what distro are you installing now?23:59
wawowenot with software that looks at headers23:59
lanc3ris there a way to install whats already on my persistent23:59

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