
frewsxcvastraljava: Do you remember the packager from England who used to be a part of the team?00:21
frewsxcvHe must have been lik 15 at the time00:21
frewsxcv]/buffer #opensourcemusicians 00:23
* frewsxcv fails00:23
astraljavafrewsxcv: Yeah, Toby. Haven't seen him around either.05:43
=== krtaylor is now known as krtaylor_off
len-dtailo, interesting, Scott wanted to try out kdenlive this cycle. Its in the bluprints.21:02
ailolen-dt: Seems like it's a much preferred application21:04
len-dtScott was wanting to switch it with something, but I would install both for seeing which is better. It should be added to our "supported" apps anyway.21:05
=== shnatsel is now known as SergeLion

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