
bluesabreochosi, GridCube: What about gecko-mediaplayer for streams?00:00
GridCubenever heard of it00:01
ochosibluesabre: we don't install mplayer by default00:01
bluesabreBut would mplayer be lighter-weight than gnome dependencies?00:01
bluesabre(as far as parole vs totem that is)00:02
ochosiif option 1) is totem and option 2) is gstreamer+mplayer i'd go for option 3)00:02
ochosiyou know, shipping _two_ media player frameworks is not very sane00:03
ochosieither we switch to mplayer, then we should also kick parole00:03
ochosior we look for a gstreamer based browser-plugin00:03
bluesabreHow difficult is it to embed parole into the browser?  I saw a hack that embedded evince for pdf viewing into firefox a while back00:03
ochosii dunno, parole's code is a bit messed up though00:04
ochosii worked on it a bit today00:04
ochosii mean my skillset is limited00:04
bluesabreLooong ago: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/get-embedded-pdf-files-in-firefox-36-4.html  Uses mplugger00:04
ochosii mainly modified the UI for now00:04
ochosithere was a parole-plugin for firefox00:05
ochosiit's either not packaged anymore because it doesn't work anymore or i dunno00:05
ochosithis is all i could find: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/natty/universe/base/browser-plugin-parole00:07
pleia2I've never had very good luck with embedded players00:07
bluesabreWell, it still installs...00:08
bluesabreI wonder if it still works.00:09
ochosiquoted from the goodies page: "While it is already usuable the plugin is still fresh and needs more effort to make more stable."00:09
ochosiand the parole hasn't been maintained for at least a year or two00:09
ochosibluesabre: sooo, does it still work?00:13
bluesabreNot having much luck in chrome at least00:13
ochosithe plugin is for gecko-based browsers though00:14
ochosi(chrome uses webkit)00:14
ochosior wait, maybe it even uses something else based on webkit, not sure anymore00:14
bluesabreDoesn't look like it's working00:15
bluesabreI might try to compile against all the latest stuff later and try again00:15
ochosithe thing is:00:16
ochosii was always in favor of replacing parole00:16
ochosimainly because it's unmaintained00:16
ochosibut i haven't seen a convincing alternative yet00:16
ochosiit really is lightweight and fast00:16
ochosiand it has a UI (as opposed to mplayer)00:16
bluesabreYou said it was all C, right?00:17
ochosiand it has much potential00:17
ochosithe UI is in a very old glade version though00:17
ochosi(which sucks ass)00:17
ochosii reworked it a bit today00:17
bluesabreYou should create a test repo, maybe there is something that can be done for parole00:18
bluesabreNot a fan of C, but I do like lightweight things.00:18
ochosiwell if you feel like writing a really dead-simple player in vala, i'll totally support you with all i have (which isn't much though)00:19
bluesabreI don't have much vala skill though :(00:20
bluesabreBut that might be something to consider00:20
ochosiok, well anything _but_ python then ;)00:21
bluesabreYeah, I know00:21
ochosior let's say: anything that makes for a really responsive and lightweight player00:21
bluesabreWe might be able to steal something from audience00:21
bluesabreand get rid of the custom interface00:21
ochosii'm wondering where audience is stolen from00:21
bluesabregotta go for now, be back later00:21
ochosiusually elementary guys borrow quite a bit :)00:21
ochosialthough that might not be the case anymore00:21
ochosiyeah, just replace clutter with gtk3 and we can go with audience00:22
ochosik, ttyl00:22
bluesabreochosi: still around?02:12
ochosii'm still tweaking parole's UI :)02:12
ochosii'm actually making good progress on this list: http://wiki.xfce.org/design/parole-ui02:13
ochosiin case you're wondering: i wrote it myself ;)02:13
ochosii have items 2,3,6 and 7 pretty much done02:14
ochosithe others i won't be able to fix i guess02:14
ochosibluesabre: ^02:16
bluesabreI might be able to help with some of the other things on that list02:17
bluesabreIn fact, I don't see any reason why we wouldn't be able to attain the mockup you provided02:20
ochosii pushed things to a repo now btw02:21
ochosiunfortunately there's nothing set up in bzr02:22
ochosiand upstream uses git02:22
ochosiso i decided to use github for now02:22
Unit193Sweet, in shimmer?02:22
ochosino, right now it's here: https://github.com/ochosi/Parole02:23
ochosibluesabre: i made you a "collaborator" in the project, i think that should give you commit/push rights02:23
ochosiif not let me know, then i have to take another look02:23
ochosibtw, after having had a look at the code:02:24
ochosithe statusbar stuff is more tricky than i thought, because it also shows buffer-info02:24
ochosiwe'd have to think of a better way/place to show that if we want to drop the statusbar02:24
ochosibut maybe it's fine and we can keep it02:24
ochosiand only move the playing-position and duration next to the progress-scale02:25
ochosii also updated the wikipage so we can keep a better overview over what's done02:29
ochosinext i'll try to do the gtkvolumebutton02:30
bluesabresounds good02:32
bluesabrewhich, very conveniently has its own widget nowadays :D02:33
ochosijust need to adjust all the callbacks etc.02:37
bluesabrethe parole developers sure did love HBoxes.02:40
bluesabreochosi: Could we put buffering information in the titlebar as well?  It would rarely be used I would imagine, and only show when buffering was happening02:53
bluesabresomestream.wmv (Buffering 27%)02:53
ochosiit was only one developer :)02:53
ochosiwell, that would mean we'd have to update the titlebar every second or so02:53
ochosisounds costly to me02:53
ochosii'd rather put it somewhere else02:54
bluesabreIf you get any creative ideas, let me know :D02:54
ochosiok :)02:55
ochosibtw, the volumebutton works02:55
ochosii tried to set the "icon" property to "Button"02:55
ochosibecause atm it uses menu-icon size02:56
ochosiwhich is particularly bad, because in elementary-xfce that's a white icon (for the dark panel)02:56
ochosiany ideas what i could be doing wrong there?02:56
ochosi<property name="size">Button</property>02:56
ochosioh wait02:56
ochosiok, i got it02:57
ochosibut why is it still using the white icon ... :(02:57
bluesabreAt least in glade3 (gtk3), it looks like all the sizes use the white icon03:02
bluesabreExcept for symbolic icons, which gtk2 lacks :(03:02
ochosioh noes03:03
ochosimissing symlinks in elementary-xfce03:03
bluesabreLooks like its using:03:04
bluesabrewhich I guess it's nabbing from panel..?03:04
ochosiwe have those in 22px03:04
ochosiproblem is, our index.theme sets the 22px icons to "fixed"03:05
ochosiso they won't be scaled03:06
ochosiactually i wonder whether we can drop all the audio-icons from the -dark theme that don't have the "-panel" suffix03:06
ochosibluesabre: could you test what i've done so far?03:11
ochosijust to be sure it doesn't just work here...03:11
bluesabreSure thing03:11
bluesabreLooks like it works for me03:18
ochosisounds promising :)03:18
bluesabreI should be able to get the other things moved around.  Just not tonight.  It's too late to be staring at something non-python.  :-D  Probably work some magic tomorrow.03:19
ochosisure thing03:20
ochosii actually stayed up far too late for this stuff now03:20
ochosishould get up in 5hrs :(03:21
bluesabreWell, I'll be the first to give in.  Have a good night!03:21
ochosiwell otoh i was waiting for so long for someone too change these small annoyances in parole that i'm incredibly happy i did it myself03:21
ochosiyeah, you too!03:21
ochosiknome: i most likely won'09:07
ochosiknome: t be able to make the meeting today09:07
ochosihey astraljava 09:14
ochosihow's it goin?09:16
astraljavaI'm at work, so... you figure it out. *smirk*09:17
ochosiwell at least you obviously have time to irc there09:18
ochosican't be _that_ bad ;)09:18
astraljavaNo it's not _that_ bad.09:18
ochosianyway, i won't be able to make the meeting today :(09:19
astraljavaIt's fine. Do you have anything to report?09:19
ochosiat least i fear i won't be09:19
ochosiyeah, that's why i wanted to talk to someone :)09:20
astraljavaOk, shoot.09:20
ochosigreybird and bluebird have been fixed (in git) for quantal09:20
ochosithere were obvious bugs with unico, now i'm again interested in feedback by testers :)09:20
astraljavaAlright, sweet.09:20
ochosii started to work on UI modifications of parole09:20
ochosiroadmap is here: http://wiki.xfce.org/design/parole-ui09:21
ochosicode is here: https://github.com/ochosi/Parole09:21
ochosithe next meeting will be my last until late august09:22
ochosihope i can make it then, in two weeks09:22
astraljavaI can post these as #infos when it's your slot.09:22
ochosiyes, please do so09:23
astraljavaThanks for the updates!09:23
ochosippl should feel free to test the parole changes09:23
astraljavaWanna mail a call for it on the lists?09:23
ochosiit's as easy as "git clone ... && sudo apt-get build-dep parole && ./autogen.sh && make && ./src/parole"09:24
ochosithat's be too much i think, cause atm it's just UI changes09:24
ochosiit would be ludicrous if i break something with that :p09:24
ochosiotoh who knows...09:24
astraljavaYeah you never know. :)09:24
ochosii think i'll send that call as soon as i'm at the more essential changes that include more code refactoring09:25
astraljavaAt least I'm so capable of introducing new bugs while fixing present ones...09:25
ochosiguess you haven't had time yet for the display dialog?09:25
ochosioh also: i'll be away next week (sun to sat)09:26
ochosiprobably here sometimes, but mostly not09:26
astraljavaNo, I needed to work on jussi's website last night.09:27
astraljavaI'll continue fighting with the desktop when I get home tonight.09:27
ochosido you think you'll get the code push-able or test-able while i'm still around?09:28
astraljavaBefore Sunday?09:28
astraljavaIt's possible, depends on when I get that machine running.09:29
ochosianyway, i'm off now. prolly be back later09:29
astraljavaOk, see ya.09:30
bluesabreochosi: Small update, but the window title now displays the media name.11:02
ochosibluesabre: oh great!11:18
ochosibluesabre: then let's drop the window-title plugin11:21
ochosi(especially because it didn't work anyway)11:23
ochosiknome: we should test light-software-center soon11:28
bluesabreochosi: Now duration is in the right place.  Haven't gotten elapsed time yet.  btw, what is light-software-center?  :)11:40
ochosiit's an alternative software center written in vala11:40
ochosiaimed to be simple and lightweight11:40
ochosihopefully :)11:42
ochosithen we could replace USC _and_ synaptic11:42
hobgoblindifferent than the loobylou one?11:45
ochosihobgoblin: woot?11:45
hobgoblinor is it the same one?11:45
ochosilubuntu software center you mean?11:46
ochosiwell it's a rewrite of that, yeah11:46
ochosibut in vala11:46
ochosii think lsc was in python or something11:46
hobgoblinright - thanks ochosi :)11:46
hobgoblinno idea - too close to voodoo for me :p11:46
ochosialso, light software center uses granite (elementary's widget library)11:46
hobgoblinI'd be happy to test it if it's needed - running 12.10 permanently now11:47
ochosiyou would have to build it11:47
ochosibut if you could, that'd be great11:47
hobgoblinok - I can do that - I am a helpful goblin when I can be :)11:48
hobgoblinwhen it's ready to test let me know 11:48
ochosii think it is11:49
ochosii mean basically i don't know for sure11:49
ochosithat's why testing would be needed11:49
ochosito see how far they've come11:49
hobgoblink - point me at it and let me loose then :)11:49
ochosibluesabre: say, why did you change so much in parole.ui in the last commit?11:50
ochosibluesabre: i mean, what's the reason?11:50
ochosi(also: we should revert the size of the volume-button from large-toolbar to button)11:50
ochosiok, pushed that change11:52
ochosibluesabre: added another mockup for how i imagine streaming/buffering to look: http://wiki.xfce.org/design/parole-ui11:57
ochosi(in this case the scale-widget would also show the buffer-progress)11:58
bluesabreWe could show a progress bar there instead for buffering12:05
bluesabresince the user can't really adjust it12:05
ochosiwe could. but i'm not sure we have to12:05
ochosii mean the scale could work12:05
ochosioh right12:05
bluesabreor hide the adjustment12:06
bluesabrewhich i think is doable12:06
ochosiwhichever is easier12:06
ochosii'd be fine with either option12:06
bluesabrek, I'll tackle that today.  Heading to work now.  What time is the xubuntu-devel meeting?12:07
bluesabreCool.  Thanks.  bbl12:08
hobgoblinochosi: you mean this one? https://launchpad.net/light-software-center13:13
bluesabreochosi: Progress and duration now work with the slider.13:18
bluesabreochosi: And I think I'm close to having the buffering moved as well.13:30
bluesabreat which point, no more statusbar13:30
bluesabreAnybody know of a good stream that I can use to test parole and buffering?13:51
bluesabreochosi: Well, since I didn'14:25
bluesabret have any issues, I commited my changes.14:25
knomeastraljava, going to be available on the meeting?14:35
knomeXubuntu community meeting in 30mins on #xubuntu-devel. Agenda at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings, everybody is welcome14:41
knomethat is, 20mins.14:42
ochosiit looks like i'll actually be here14:44
ochosibluesabre: great, pulling now14:44
knomei'm wondering if we have other attendees too14:44
ochosiastraljava should be there i guess14:44
ochosiat least i told him what do say on my behalf :)14:45
bluesabreochosi: Working on the sidebar show/hide button now14:45
ochosibluesabre: a-ha? what are you doing with that one?14:45
ochosi(i mean i already moved it to the menu)14:45
bluesabreStill going off of this mockup14:46
bluesabreI'll stop :D14:46
ochosino no, that's fine14:47
ochosibut i already moved the button14:47
ochosiif you look at the wiki-page, the item is striked through already14:47
ochosior at least i don't know what else to do with it14:47
ochosiwe could also throw it into the context menu14:47
ochosior make it a checkbutton14:47
ochosiat the moment it's a menu-item that gets updated labels14:47
ochosinot very standard...14:48
ochosibluesabre: looks fantastic!14:52
ochosibluesabre: trying the streams now...14:53
bluesabrein theory, buffering progress _should_ work.14:53
ochosii saw a progressbar pop out below the scale for a split-second14:55
bluesabreWoops, probably have the show and hide in the wrong order14:55
bluesabreeasy fix14:55
bluesabreOther than that, everything still works14:56
ochosithe duration obviously doesn't make any sense there though14:56
ochosioddly enough the theming of the scale seems broken14:56
ochosiduration is of the mp3 i played before14:57
ochosi(it's in the list on the right)14:57
ochosiand the scale-button is bright now, which is odd14:57
ochosiwhy did you add so much new properties to the parole.ui file again?14:58
bluesabreI didn't add too many new properties... mostly just expand/not expand and not show all for one thing14:59
ochosi(i get a lot of scale-related glib/gdk/gdkpixbuf errors, but i think at least most of them were there before)14:59
bluesabreMight be a problem with the gtk version defined by the glade file or something15:00
ochosiwhat does use_action_appearance do?15:00
bluesabreI have no idea.15:00
ochosiso you didn't add it consciously?15:00
pleia2meeting time?15:01
knomei'll visit the gents15:01
knomewe can start after that, or feel free to go ahead already ;)15:01
* pleia2 makes coffee15:01
* ochosi is left all alone in the "meeting-room"15:02
hobgoblinis it lonely?15:03
hobgoblinget a sock puppet15:04
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting15:04
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jul 11 15:04:26 2012 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:04
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:04
knome#chair ochosi astraljava pleia2 15:04
meetingologyCurrent chairs: astraljava knome ochosi pleia215:04
knome#topic Items carried on15:04
knome#subtopic Open action items from previous meeting15:04
knomepleia2, is your "review target audience" done?15:05
knomerelease notes are written, and bluesabre has been in contact with people via ML15:05
pleia2#info started review of target audience for marketing15:05
knomegreat! is there anything visible? ;)15:06
pleia2#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing15:06
pleia2oh wait, it looks like my changes didn't save15:06
pleia2(boo travel and unreliable wifi)15:06
knomewell, i suppose you have it in your head, so we are able to access that data later :P15:07
pleia2#info changing the scope of that "Define the Xubuntu target audience" to be target /marketing/ audience, our actual target audience is defined in our strategy document15:07
pleia2so I'll re-update in a bit :)15:07
knome#subtopic Enable or disable compositor by default?15:08
knomeastraljava, did you have some insight on this?15:08
knomethere was a bug report or so...15:08
knomesince janne has vanished, anybody else?15:09
ochosinot sure15:10
ochosii think ideally we should disable it by default in the live-session15:10
ochosiand enable it in the install15:10
ochosialthough that might seem inconsistent15:11
ochosibut i think it does make some sense15:11
knomei don't know if/how that's possible technically15:11
ochosishould be possible, but i guess it would have to be discussed with our packagers15:11
pleia2I don't love that idea, we tend to tell people to use the livecd to test if it works and they like it15:11
knomeyes, that raises the question "if we don't need the compositor on live, ..."15:11
knomegenerally, i'm not a huge fan of the compositor15:12
ochosibut otoh you don't use the live-cd for a longer period15:12
knomethat's not to say there is something wrong with it, i just personally prefer to disable the compositor, since i'm getting a bit more clean environment that way15:12
knomesure, i can't use translucent panels, but imo those are not obligatory15:13
ochosiyeah, we should ensure everything looks good without the compositor as well15:13
ochosibut in general the shadows help do distinguish windows15:13
knomeis there *any* tests done with and without the compositor on, is there a notable speed difference?15:13
knomeand/or does enabling the compositor mean you should have at least some "power" in your GC?15:14
ochosixfwm4's compositor is really lean15:15
ochosibut of course there are "issues" with proprietary drivers15:15
ochosiin all fairness, all compositors have those issues15:15
knomeand generally, this leads us to the question of how far are we willing to go to pursue lightweightness15:16
ochosiand in fact there is upstream work going on atm to reduce them (mostly video-tearing)15:16
pleia2fwiw, I don't use the compositor either15:16
knomein a way, i feel like that the compositor is a nice feature for those who want that extra bling, and because of that POV, i'm thinking "those who want it can enable it"15:16
ochosipleia2: btw, i was mainly referring to switching the compositor off in the "install xubuntu" option, which only shows ubiquity15:16
pleia2ochosi: oh, gotcha15:17
ochosiand we should strive to improve that anyhow, because there are no panels15:17
ochosibut notifications about joining networks etc15:17
knomehow many of the people around actually use the translucent panels, for example?15:18
knomei think that's the biggest thing, at least the most prominent change, if we decide to disable compositor by default15:18
ochosifor me it's mostly the shadows behind windows15:18
ochosiwe're currently using translucency in a very conservative way, which i think is good15:19
knomebigger window borders would fix "not distinguishing windows" without the shadows ;]15:19
ochosibut really, this seems to be a bit of a different discussion (compositor on in general or not), i'd rather continue with the meeting, i don't have too much time right now15:20
knomeyes, i don't want to push the translucency-button any further15:20
knomei mean :D15:20
knomeat least, let's not get any less conservative as we are now15:20
knomebut we can continue the meeting too.15:20
knome#topic Team updates15:20
knome#subtopic Development15:20
knomemr_pouit, micahg, astraljava 15:20
knomemoving on15:22
knome#subtopic QA15:22
knomeastraljava, GridCube, Unit193, ?15:22
knomepleia2, ? :)15:22
pleia2nothing from me15:22
pleia2oh, we have a meeting coming up, QA-specific15:22
pleia2this Sunday at 16:00 UTC15:23
knomei assume somebody's going to announce it somewhere?15:23
pleia2yeah, astraljava should15:23
knomei mean, apart from this really quiet meeting15:23
knome#action astraljava to announce the QA meeting on sunday, 16utc to mailing list and other 'forums'15:24
meetingologyACTION: astraljava to announce the QA meeting on sunday, 16utc to mailing list and other 'forums'15:24
knome#subtopic Marketing, Promotion, Art15:24
pleia2I have many things :)15:24
knomeochosi, do i really need to highlight you? ;)15:24
knomepleia2, just go ahead, with #info & #action15:25
pleia2#info I contacted the owner of the most-maintained Facebook page about Xubuntu, and he agreed to let us make it the official one15:25
pleia2#link https://www.facebook.com/xubuntuusers15:25
knomei assume you're an admin now too?15:25
knomegood :)15:26
pleia2so we should add it to the site now (I can do that)15:26
knomegreat, thanks15:26
pleia2I also wanted to say that it's been an exceptional experience approaching all these admins, google+, linkedin, facebook15:26
pleia2they've all been happy to add me as admin and excited about having their sites made official15:26
knomenow that we're this far, i suppose it's not a bad idea to cover more social networks15:27
pleia2so I started writing a "thank you" blog post on my personal blog, should I keep this personal or maybe post it on xubuntu.org?15:27
knomeat least if those groups already exist and we can just drop in15:27
ochosii'm for the latter15:27
knomexubuntu.org definitely :)15:27
pleia2#action pleia2 to add Facebook page to website15:27
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to add Facebook page to website15:27
knomeit's a thanks from the whole (dev) community15:27
pleia2#action pleia2 to draft "thank you" blog post to social media admins15:28
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to draft "thank you" blog post to social media admins15:28
knomealso, another way to tell people that they can join/follow/like...15:28
pleia2yeah :)15:28
pleia2also, I'm doing a Xubuntu presentation on Saturday15:28
knome"now that we have done this really exhaustive taking-over..." ;)15:28
pleia2micahg and ochosi already reviewed, I merged their changes in: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/xubuntu/xubuntu-feltonlug.pdf15:28
pleia2in case anyone wants to review today15:29
knomewhat, can i ask questions too about xubuntu?15:29
knomethough i'm not sure if even *200* slides would go in that case..15:29
pleia2no, you know everything15:29
pleia2but if there is anything I am obviously missing, comments welcome :)15:29
knomeok, i'll try to get around to reading it15:29
knomeby when do you need feedbak?15:30
pleia2today would be preferred, I am starting to practice actually giving it15:30
pleia2thank you :)15:30
pleia2and finally...15:30
knomeat least for the slide 16, mention (gtk3) updates for albatross and bluebird too :)15:30
knomeaaand you lack ochosi from the reviwers ;)15:31
pleia2oh hm, I changed that to say "Xubuntu's default themes"15:31
pleia2that's odd, it uploaded but didn't seem to update the download15:31
ochosiyup, i already mentioned that in my review ;)15:31
* pleia2 retries15:31
pleia2ok, try download again15:31
pleia2maybe sftp didn't auto-override the old file or something15:32
knomepleia2, in slide 9, maybe replace "background" with "wallpaper"15:32
pleia2#info I ordered a black t-shirt from zazzle.com with the design from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing/Products#T-shirts (lack the ubuntu font though)15:32
knomepleia2, (and optionally add ", general appearance..."15:32
pleia2#info I'll report back on how it goes, they were having a sale so I figured I'd give it a try :)15:32
knomeso it hasn't arrived yet ;)15:33
* ochosi goes to the loo for a sec15:33
knomepleia2, slide 11, first bullet "Join (#)xubuntu-devel mailing list and IRC channel"15:33
knomepleia2, and in pg 14 too, last bullet; background->wallpaper, and maybe sth like "for example"15:34
ochosi#info Albatross has been fully ported to Gtk3, it also has a metacity theme now and supports Unity15:35
ochosi#action Shimmer-Team to write a blog-post about the Albatross progress15:35
meetingologyACTION: Shimmer-Team to write a blog-post about the Albatross progress15:35
pleia2ok, went with "Attend meetings to voice your opinion on proposed changes to artwork, wallpaper and other visual changes"15:35
knome#info Albatross xfwm-refresh is very much WIP...15:35
pleia2maybe visual elements15:35
ochosi#info ochosi is trying with the help of a new contributor to port Greybird to pure CSS (no more unico engine in Gtk3 hopefully)15:36
knomepleia2, pg17, 3. bull; "panel applets..."15:36
ochosi#info Some small bugs have been squashed in Bluebird and Greybird in Gtk3 for Quantal already, but we need more testing15:36
ochosi#info We also need more testing for missing icons15:37
ochosithat's about it from the artwork-side15:37
knomeochosi, can you follow-up on the icons with astraljava, so we could get a special mention for the rest of our 12.10 milestones? :)15:37
ochosiwhat do you mean exactly?15:38
knomepleia2, pg19, last bullet, please add a slash add the end of the line ;)15:39
knomeochosi, we can tell our testers to look specifically at the icons15:39
ochosii think the long-test already contains something like that15:40
ochosii added it myself15:40
knomeheh, fine...15:40
ochosicheck point 11 here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Long15:40
knomesince we're *kind of* changing our icon theme, maybe that could be a part of the short test for the 12.10 cycle15:40
knomeanyway, i suppose that was it for the artwork15:41
knome#topic New and emerging items15:41
knome#subtopic BP: Add more launchers to Settings Manager 15:41
knome#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-q-xubuntu-settings-manager-launchers15:42
knome#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Quantal/SettingsManagerApps15:42
knomeUnit193, you around?15:42
knomeok, let's carry on15:43
knome#subtopic Encryption required for testing on milestones? 15:43
knomewho added this? astraljava? :)15:44
knomeor me...? :P15:44
ochosilook at the wiki-log?15:45
knomethat's too long15:45
knomei suppose this means if we should have the encryption -testcase on milestones15:45
knomeor, any other ideas what this could mean?15:45
knome(yes, i know i might've added this myself... ;))15:46
knomeoh, no, that's astraljava 15:46
knomesince he doesn't seem to be around, let's carry on :)15:46
knome#subtopic Testcases feedback15:46
knomeastraljava's too, carry on...15:46
knome#subtopic Do we need screensaver by default or would a screenlock suffice?15:47
pleia2no screensaver15:47
knomethe default savers aren't very good looking anyway15:47
knome#agree Drop screensavers by default15:47
bluesabreno screensaver, but monitor power management enabled?15:48
knomebluesabre, sure.15:48
knomebluesabre, screensaver is just the visual thingy.15:48
pleia2yeah, I think we just set it to blank instead15:48
bluesabreYeah, but I think the default settings don't power off the monitor15:48
ochosiwe need a screenlocker though15:49
ochosiit actually is a planned feature of lightdm15:49
ochosino clue what the progress is on that though15:49
knome#nick xubuntu-team15:49
knome#action xubuntu-team to investigate adding a screenlocker15:49
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-team to investigate adding a screenlocker15:49
knome#action xubuntu-team to investigate default settings for monitor power management15:50
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-team to investigate default settings for monitor power management15:50
knome#subtopic Schedule next meeting15:50
knomeis there a milestone that requires us to have a meeting next week?15:50
knomeapparently not15:50
knomeno, wait15:51
knomewe do15:52
pleia2yeah, next milestone in 2 weeks + 1 day15:53
knome#action knome to announce the next meeting, which will be held on 18th of July at #xubuntu-devel15:53
meetingologyACTION: knome to announce the next meeting, which will be held on 18th of July at #xubuntu-devel15:53
knomethat date even made sense!15:53
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jul 11 15:53:46 2012 UTC.  15:53
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2012/xubuntu-devel.2012-07-11-15.04.moin.txt15:53
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2012/xubuntu-devel.2012-07-11-15.04.html15:53
knomei'll set up the minutes later today, unless somebody wants to do that now?15:54
pleia2work time for me now15:55
knomehehe, yeah, i was waiting for the excuses!15:55
knomenp if you can't15:55
knomei'm off to think what to eat, see you later15:55
knomehehe, thanks15:55
knomei'll try to...15:56
genii-aroundInteresting to see the meeting bot in actual action. We are thinking to use it for our LoCo meetings.15:56
knomegenii-around, i can recommend it; even if the output logs are not perfect -yet16:30
genii-aroundknome: I was playing with it a bit in #meetingology yesterday, trying to get the hang of how it works. JoseeAntonioR kind enough to assist some. I like it basically summarizes then you could always look at the full log if you want to see what everyone actually said in the channel, etc.16:35
knomeyes, but of course, you need to use it correctly so it can give you the "minutes" ;)16:36
genii-aroundThat's the tricky part, yeah. So it was good for me to see actual usage here16:40
knomeglad that we could help :)16:40
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube_
Unit193knome: I am now. :P17:47
knomewell, yeah ;)17:50
micahgknome: I should be able to make the meeting in future weeks18:35
knomemicahg, great! :)19:31
pleia2oh right, added next one to calendar19:32
pleia2and facebook link is now on our site19:32

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