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apacheloggerSteveRiley: metaing up01:37
apacheloggerthanks for catching it01:37
apacheloggerjussi: you tested calligra for precise from staging?01:44
apacheloggerRiddell: I think it is git master that exhibits the crashery, might be some change between 0.9.0 and HEAD01:53
* apachelogger thinks changes to authdb are to be blamed01:54
apacheloggeror it simply does not like me...01:56
JontheEchidnabtw, I've been using the KTP in quantal quite a bit for GTalk with no problems03:05
SteveRileyapachelogger: cool, i see it's building in launchpad now.04:30
apacheloggerjust hope it installs :P04:31
SteveRileyanybody wanna add me to their ktp so i don't feel lonely anymore? :)04:31
SteveRileysteveriley @ jabber . org04:31
* apachelogger got side tracked with multimedia stuff and is behind schedule now04:31
* apachelogger has to scroll half an hour 04:32
SteveRileybtw, quassel core + client is really cool. just discovered it the other day. android client, even.04:34
jussiapachelogger: I did07:22
jussiapachelogger: very briefly, but all seemed to work07:22
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davmor2Riddell: the netbook desktop isn't very happy with page 1 whole system locks up if you click on it :)11:00
BluesKajHey all11:18
shadeslayerany ideas who used to develop ff kde support?12:10
shadeslayeraha, novell ... I think12:15
debfxshadeslayer: yes, it's maintained here: https://build.opensuse.org/package/files?package=MozillaFirefox&project=openSUSE%3AFactory12:18
shadeslayerI was looking at http://gitorious.org/firefox-kde-opensuse12:19
shadeslayerwhich looks like a flaming pile of poo12:19
debfxthat's the other part of the kde integration12:20
shadeslayerok, and did I mention it's a flaming pile of poo?12:20
shadeslayerdebfx: what do the patches to firefox do?12:21
shadeslayercall kmozhelper?12:21
debfxyes and some other stuff12:22
debfxlike changing the button order in dialogs12:23
shadeslayerhmm .. that makes sense12:23
jussi"flaming pile of poo" :D :D12:23
shadeslayeryes, if you read the kmozhelper code, that's exactly what it is12:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: we should fix furry fox kde support12:26
BluesKajstrange ,...added the telepathy launchpad ppa , https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/ppa , or do I have to add the kubuntu backports ppa as well to install telepathy12:48
ScottKBluesKaj: I think backports12:49
BluesKajScottK, ok bummer , I'm on 12.1012:50
ScottKOh.  On 12.10 you don't need any PPAs, I don't think12:50
ScottKI think it's all in the archive.12:50
BluesKajmybe next time ...I'm just curious about telepathy , I have no real need for it 12:51
BluesKajok then my first install was ok , but it wouldn't run 12:52
ScottKNo idea.  Apparently I'm the one happy kopete user left.12:53
BluesKajif it's anything like kopete then it won't lasy long on my pc 12:53
ScottKApparently it's not.12:59
BluesKajScottK, installed it from synaptic , but telepathy doesn't appear to be totally installed , a relogin  maybe ?13:01
BluesKajit won't launch either from krunner or the cli13:02
ScottKDid you install kde-telepathy?13:02
ScottKThat's the metapackage.13:02
BluesKajweird still not found 13:09
ScottKNo idea.13:09
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BluesKajso much for telepathy ..what a clunker 13:36
BluesKajwell IMO anyway 13:37
apacheloggerBluesKaj: ktp ppa has for the better part the same packages13:39
BluesKajapachelogger, sorry I don't understand ... I'm talking about the app itself ...tries to do too much ...not configurable visually for a large screen 13:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: do you have time tomorrow?13:41
* apachelogger forgot to go to bed and feels like :@13:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: uh, nope, I have some time right now, then will be available on Monday13:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: what do you want to talk about?13:42
shadeslayer( Maybe tomorrow night, at around 1 AM UTC +0530 )13:43
apacheloggereh, fox13:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: lets do a skype call on Monday13:43
apacheloggermy ktp skype integration is not working13:43
shadeslayerGTalk call?13:43
shadeslayersurely that works13:43
apacheloggerif that works :P13:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: on that note, you were to make message indicator integartion happen?13:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes, Seems like a PITA to handle all usecases though :P13:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: do you have any guess why I get two message notification icon thingies in the tray?13:45
apacheloggerwrite something on gtalk13:45
shadeslayershow screenshot :)13:46
apacheloggerincidentially enough I also get 2 plasma notifications13:46
* shadeslayer is not sure13:46
shadeslayermaybe 2 instances of the notifier running13:47
* shadeslayer is not familiar with the notification code, hence can't comment on it much13:47
apacheloggerbut it appars to be dispatched by a kded13:49
ScottKI just discovered that if you open an mbox file from a web page it opens in kmail as an email and then you can reply/forward/etc just like anything else.  Very nice.13:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/07/13/plasma-desktopRV2290.png13:49
apacheloggerle crap13:49
ScottKagateau is a notification expert and has scar tissue to prove it.13:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: what's crap?13:53
shadeslayer2 notifications?13:53
apacheloggerright click a notification13:53
Riddelldavmor2: mm really, netbook freezes?  that's the alternate page that is pre set up?13:54
apacheloggeralso maybe one of my two notifications is kaput but clicking them takes forever to bring up the window13:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: file le bug13:54
shadeslayerand I get just one notification13:55
davmor2Riddell: it is the search page is fine if I click on page one whole system locks up13:55
ScottKLocks up or gets really, really slow?13:56
Peace-anyone knows why video call wth kde telepathy doesnp't work ?14:11
Peace-org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable: Handler no longer available14:11
Peace-i get this 14:11
ScottKRiddell: We should probably try to get the fix for https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=296490 in to
ubottuKDE bug 296490 in tables "text cursor blinks not in the current cell" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:14
shadeslayerPeace-: do you have ktp call ui installed?14:17
RiddellScottK: mm yes14:17
Peace-shadeslayer: mm sudo apt-get install kde-telepathy isnt enough14:17
ScottKRiddell: If you can upload the SRU, I can accept it.14:18
RiddellPeace-: needs ktp-call-ui I think14:18
Peace-mm ok 14:18
Peace-Riddell: do you mean kde-telepathy-call-ui ?14:20
Peace-or it's a package that is called ktp-call-ui14:20
Peace-because i can't find in the repo 14:21
tsdgeosRiddell: you guys not updating to rc1 or rc2?14:21
shadeslayerPeace-: kde-telepathy-call-ui14:21
Riddellbug 29649014:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296490 in Rhythmbox "Rhythmbox full freeze on pause, unpause of an internet radio station" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29649014:22
Peace-shadeslayer: mmm on 12.04 it sasys there is not14:22
Peace-package not found14:22
shadeslayerPeace-: where did you get the packages?14:22
Peace-ppa ?14:23
shadeslayerRiddell: wrong bug?14:23
shadeslayerPeace-: which PPA?14:23
Peace-let me check 14:23
Riddelltsdgeos: no plans to, it takes ages to package a full release and upstream doesn't seem too interested in encouraging distro packages for release candidates which I think is fine to stop us getting overloaded14:23
tsdgeosRiddell: joking no?14:23
Riddellbug 102440214:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024402 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Quantal) "Text cursor in wrong cell in calligrawords" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102440214:23
tsdgeosRiddell: i didn't see us saying we don't want rc pakcages14:23
tsdgeosRiddell: so stop the fud14:23
Peace-shadeslayer: i guess kubuntu-ppa14:24
Riddelltsdgeos: oh nothing saying it's not wanted, but there's no post to kde-packagers and no time between sources and announce, and as I say that's fine it means we can have some days to get on with other things14:24
shadeslayerPeace-: don't guess ...14:25
tsdgeosRiddell: kde-packagers is for packager only stuff, i don't see why you need a post there when i *clearly* stated that the release-team is where you need to be to learn about releases14:25
shadeslayerRiddell: are you sure that's not a upstream bug / a bug in your touchpad ? :P14:25
tsdgeosRiddell: and the schedule that has no time between sources and announce has been there for years, didn't see you complaining when we proposed it14:26
shadeslayerbecause my cursor jumps all the time14:26
Peace-shadeslayer: i am sure now i have just removed kubuntu-ppa and now i can't see kde-telepathy14:26
tsdgeosRiddell: so you are still making excuses out of thin air, which is fine, but don't say we don't want packages, since that is plainly a lie14:26
shadeslayerRiddell: nvm14:26
Riddellshadeslayer: yes kde bug 29649014:26
ubottuKDE bug 296490 in tables "text cursor blinks not in the current cell" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29649014:26
* Peace- you are an idio Peace-14:26
shadeslayersaw the back log14:26
RiddellScottK: won't be able to do that qt SRU for a few hours14:28
ScottKOK.  Just ping me when you can.14:28
ScottKMaybe apachelogger or someone else can do it.14:28
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apacheloggerI really do not want to touch anything serious today14:33
* apachelogger had no sleep14:33
apoljtechidna: I'm stabilizing the resources branch now, this way we'll be able to merge it back as soon as 1.4 is branched14:38
apoldo you know when the branching is going to happen?14:38
JontheEchidnaapol: either Saturday or Sunday14:41
JontheEchidna(somehow the two nicks got switched :D)14:42
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1024402] Text cursor in wrong cell in calligrawords @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1024402 (by Jonathan Riddell)14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024402 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Quantal) "Text cursor in wrong cell in calligrawords" [Undecided,New]14:51
apacheloggerafiestas: do you know where KSNI lives on bugs.kde.org?15:06
afiestasi don't know what ksni is15:07
afiestaskdelibs I guess15:07
Riddellapachelogger: agateau might know?15:07
Riddellbut it's just part of kdelibs no?15:07
apacheloggeragateau: do you know?15:07
apacheloggeractually I think I need the plasma UI part of the impl15:08
agateauthe application-part of the code is in kdelibs15:09
agateauthe plasma ui is in the plasma "systemtray" applet15:09
agateauapachelogger: ^15:09
agateaujussi: I am bootstrapping my extra mile initiative with existing bugs. Have you filed a bug for the Lancelot hotkey bug you shown me at Akademy?15:21
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kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1024402] Text cursor in wrong cell in calligrawords @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1024402 (by Jonathan Riddell)15:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024402 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Quantal) "Text cursor in wrong cell in calligrawords" [Undecided,New]15:51
shadeslayerthat's weird16:11
shadeslayerhow come digikam doesn't have a needs packaging bug filed?16:11
shadeslayerI'm pretty sure I saw Jonathan file on16:11
shadeslayerkubotu: newversion digikam 2.716:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024456 in digikam (Ubuntu) "Please update digikam to 2.7" [Undecided,New]16:12
shadeslayer*now* I see it :|16:13
shadeslayeryofel: I: Someone else has lock over /var/cache/pbuilder/quantal-amd64-base.tgz.tmp, waiting16:39
shadeslayeris that you?16:39
yofelno, seems like a stale file without a user lock. I delted it16:40
shadeslayer\o/ http://paste.kde.org/517226/16:44
shadeslayerwell ... that's weird 16:51
shadeslayer libsane-dev : Depends: libtiff5-dev but it is not going to be installed16:51
shadeslayerbut both are installable separately16:51
shadeslayerlibtiff5-dev will remove libtiff4-dev which is a build dep16:59
shadeslayernot once, but twice :P17:01
alazare619_who manages the package ubiquity-frontend-kde?17:24
alazare619_and can they change the .desktop file to not have only show in kde17:24
alazare619_as there are qt based de's that could use that installer17:25
shadeslayeralazare619_: while I'm not sure of this, but there are probably KDE specific things the installer uses17:29
shadeslayerwhich is why it uses KDE libraries17:29
alazare619_no the .desktop file17:30
alazare619_it only allows it to show a desktop icon if its in kde mode17:30
alazare619_qt razor for instance is qt based  it could use that icon file17:30
shadeslayeralazare619_: just modify it to your requirements?17:32
alazare619_has a line onlyshowin=kde17:32
alazare619_yea i did17:32
alazare619_but i really think they should omit that line from the installer17:32
* shadeslayer doesn't know why we have that line in there tbh17:33
alazare619_gnome has it too...17:33
alazare619_for frontend-gnome17:33
alazare619_theres has onlyshowin=gnome17:33
shadeslayerRiddell: ^ Know the story behind that?17:33
alazare619_its really pointless and goes against the whole opensource principal if you wana install the dependencies allow it to show by default without having to "port it" for just one damn line17:33
alazare619_the exact location of ubiquity-frontend-kde desktop file is17:34
alazare619_its 4 lines from the bottom of the document17:36
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1024464] rekonq 0.9.2 lost search with google right mouse button option @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1024464 (by Marco Parillo)17:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024464 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "rekonq 0.9.2 lost search with google right mouse button option" [Undecided,New]17:38
alazare619_right now im working on building a razor-qt based distro17:39
shadeslayeralazare619_: best to email the ML about this, I'm not sure why the line is there, but if someone knows they'll answer17:40
alazare619_just was a little noosance atm that i noticed 17:40
alazare619_for now i might just use debconf based ubiquity installer17:40
ScottKshadeslayer: Ubiquity is in bzr, so you can look at the history and see who put that there.18:00
alazare619_i have no knowledge of svn,bzr,git, etc18:00
alazare619_i guess im old school back when people worked together just in 1 big ssh :P18:01
shadeslayera bit busy trying to figure out what's wrong with digikam18:02
ScottKI'll see you in a year or two then.18:02
yofelyou know of the existence of bzr and git, that's already progress over one of our school sysadmins who answered on my question whether they could install SVN on the school computers with: "Hm... is that something like CVS?"18:03
ScottKAnswer: Yes.  Like CVS is something like RCS.18:05
* yofel needs to good that now...18:05
littlegirlDoes somebody have a bzr question?18:06
shadeslayermanaged to narrow it down to this : http://paste.kde.org/517268/18:10
ScottKyofel: All you need to know: http://changelog.complete.org/archives/698-if-version-control-systems-were-airlines18:11
yofelheh :D18:12
littlegirlLOL, very cute!18:20
alazare619_anyone know of a qt based login manager?18:44
alazare619_i was debating slim as its standalone more or less18:44
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