
Joitit actually executes 2 commands in a row00:01
Mandy089Oh that makes since.Well alright. Thanks for all your help Joit and Daskreech. Have a good night.00:03
DemonWitchhey how can i change at grub the video driver ( i want to choose vesa by changing the kernel line)00:25
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DaskreechDemonWitch I think so00:49
pawanwired connection not working01:22
pawanno active01:22
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freedogperformanc reduction with kde-winwowmanger-gles, its paint black splotches in the screen. Regualr Kwin did now. Synaptic will not in-install "gless" so i can go back to just plain "KWin"03:11
freedogperformanc re-gression  with kde-winwowmanger-gles, its paints black splotches in the screen. Regualr Kwin did now. Synaptic will not un-install "gless" so i can go back to just plain "KWin".03:13
Daskreechhi freedog03:19
Daskreechfreedog: kwin --replace03:19
freedogbut i dont want to do that on every start up03:20
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freedogno solutions03:24
Daskreechfreedog: how did you set gles as your default windowmanager?03:25
freedogintstleed iti with synatpic, synaptic set it as so03:26
mr0wlwhat's the meta package for kde telepathy?03:45
freedogkwin --replace will not set kwin to the defalt manger at ever start up will it?03:50
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freedogid really like to remove gle completly03:51
freedogKDE glesd03:51
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Daskreechfreedog: sorry went off for a while04:03
Daskreechfreedog: alt+F2 -> Default applications -> set what you like04:03
DaskreechIf you want to remove gles presuming that you pulled it in from a PPA or so just apt-get remove ---purge it04:03
DaskreechOr leave04:04
tusharthantharatHi Guys05:17
tusharthantharatI have an debain/ubuntu iso... what i did was i unzipped it made some changes and again converted back it into iso05:18
tusharthantharatbut it is not working05:18
tusharthantharatanybody? i am really stuck ..05:20
tusharthantharatany help05:20
tusharthantharatAlso i want to change the login banner.... i know the way to do it after installation but i want to add the static Ascii Art text in the instllation itself05:22
tusharthantharatso that i dont need to make those chnages on clients machine05:22
tusharthantharatguys anybody out der?05:24
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tusharthantharatHi Guys05:28
tusharthantharatinstantp10neer (~instantp1@unaffiliated/instantp10neer) has joined #kubuntu05:28
tusharthantharatinstantp10neer (~instantp1@unaffiliated/instantp10neer) has quit (Excess Flood)05:28
tusharthantharatI have an debain/ubuntu iso... what i did was i unzipped it made some changes and again converted back it into iso05:28
tusharthantharatbut it is not working05:28
FloodBotK1tusharthantharat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:28
tusharthantharatL3top (~quassel@va-67-237-160-181.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined #kubuntu05:28
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msxhey folks! anybode knows how to *fuck1ng* start amarok minimized!?06:23
Tm_T!language | msx06:25
ubottumsx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:25
eagles0513875hey guys im in user management and for some reason im trying to modify a group name and its not letting me type in the name that I want. how can i rectify the situation08:54
ikoniaeagles0513875: can you expand on that,09:00
ikoniaeagles0513875: are you trying to change an existing groups name ?09:00
eagles0513875i have a group that has only 1001 no group name09:00
eagles0513875i have to run really fast be back in about 20 min09:00
ikoniaeagles0513875: ok, so that's a gid not a group name09:00
eagles0513875ikonia: it has a gid but no group name09:01
ikoniacorrect, that's what I've just said09:01
ikoniait's a gid, not a group name09:01
ikoniaso you can't change a gid into a group name09:01
ikoniathe reason it has a gid and not a name, is because the group that WAS 1001 has been removed, the 1001 is a reference pointer to what was there09:01
eagles0513875cuz in the user management there is a colum in groups that is for group name09:01
ikoniathere is no group to rename09:01
eagles0513875i recreated the user with the same id09:01
ikoniayou'd need to add a group using the gid 100109:02
ikoniathe user has nothing to do with the group09:02
eagles0513875humm ok09:02
ikoniaadd a group (any name you want) using a gid of 1001 and the problem will be resolved09:02
eagles0513875ikonia: im a bit confused the user id is going to have the same gid which wont have a name right09:38
ikoniathe userid is nothing to do with the gid,09:38
eagles0513875ikonia: do you mind if i screen shot you09:40
ikoniayeah, if you want09:41
eagles0513875ikonia: http://imagebin.org/22060109:44
eagles0513875shouldnt i be able to change the group name?09:44
ikoniaeagles0513875: grep 1001 /etc/group09:44
ikoniaeagles0513875: right, so there is no group09:45
ikoniahowever you are a member of it09:45
ikoniaI'm not sure how you've done this09:45
ikoniawhat was group 1001 ?09:45
eagles0513875ikonia: automatically was created when i created the other user jaquilina09:45
eagles0513875is 1001 safe to remove?09:45
ikoniahang on09:46
ikoniaa group called 1001 doesn't automatically get created when you create a user09:46
eagles0513875ikonia: so its safe to create a new group and remove 100109:47
ikoniaI would suggest removing jonathan from the group and then removing the line from /etc/group09:47
kimi've read the news about kde telepathy... i'm using it for few months now... for 12.10 i'd suggest 0.5, 0.4 is still missing some stuff (I couldn't make skype working with it, doesn't hide clicking on the icon and others)09:47
ikoniaremoving the 1001 will not cause a problem as it's worthless now09:47
eagles0513875ok i removed the user jonathan from that group since jonathan is my main user09:48
ikoniaI would then remove that group as it is worthless and will cause you confusion going forward09:48
eagles0513875ill create a new group called users09:48
ikoniathat should already exist09:48
ikoniausers is normally a default group on most systems09:48
ikonianormally a low gid reserved, 80 - 10009:49
ikoniasomewhere in that range09:49
eagles0513875well i called it project_users09:49
ikoniacall it what you want, names are not important, the gid's are09:49
eagles0513875ikonia: i have a project in the home directory of /home/jaquilina and i am trying to open the python files in eric and they are opening as read only09:52
eagles0513875what am i missing to make them to where the user jonathan can access them and have rw access09:52
ikoniaeagles0513875: er......that's a basic permissions setup09:52
ikoniaeagles0513875: you can make them read/write/execute depend on the permissions you set on them09:52
eagles0513875ikonia: im a bit lost with the permissions10:09
eagles0513875i have both users in the group project_users10:09
ikoniaeagles0513875: and what is the permissions on the files you want to open10:10
eagles0513875ikonia: directories are drwxrwxr-x files are -rw-rw-r--10:12
eagles0513875user is jaquilina group is project_users which contain both users10:12
ikoniaeagles0513875: please show me "ls -la" on one of the files you are trying to open10:13
eagles0513875ikonia: -rw-rw-r-- 1 jaquilina project_users 3502 Jul 13 12:09 /home/jaquilina/intradev/clients/models.py10:13
ikoniaeagles0513875: please show me the output of the command "id jaquilina"10:14
eagles0513875ikonia: uid=1001(jaquilina) gid=1002(jaquilina) groups=1002(jaquilina),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),27(sudo),46(plugdev),107(scanner),109(lpadmin),1000(jonathan),121(sambashare),1001(project_users)10:14
ikoniaeagles0513875: so if you "vi/nano/whatever /home/jaquilina/intradev/clients/models.py" as jaquilina can you write to the file ?10:15
eagles0513875ikonia: i can write to the file no problem as jaquilina10:15
eagles0513875but i cant as jonathan10:15
eagles0513875i do sudo login jaquilina on command line and then access the file no problems10:15
ikoniaeagles0513875: please show me the output of the command "id jonathan"10:15
eagles0513875ikonia: uid=1000(jonathan) gid=1000(jonathan) groups=1000(jonathan),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),109(lpadmin),121(sambashare),1001(project_users)10:16
ikoniaeagles0513875: exit the shell as jonathan and start a new one10:16
ikoniaeagles0513875: if the shell was running before you change the permissions to add jonathan it won't work10:16
ikoniaeagles0513875: try now10:16
eagles0513875lets say im using an ide would i need to log out and back in10:17
eagles0513875command line is working10:17
ikoniaeagles0513875: yes, as that ide would have been launched as the shell before you changed the permissions10:17
eagles0513875ok well let me try it out and apologies for such a trivial question :( i dont mess about with permissions that often10:17
ikoniaeagles0513875: not a problem to help, no need to apologies, just keep in mind, you are advertising yourself as a professional Linux systems administrator, this is basic stuff you should be able to deal with10:18
eagles0513875ikonia: agreed and that did the trick btw :)10:25
eagles0513875ikonia: what i forgot was that one needs to either log out and back in to have the permissions re sourced by apps or restart the terminal10:26
ikoniait's nothing to do with logging out/back in10:26
ikoniait's to do with what was active when you made the change10:26
eagles0513875ikonia: i have another issue that with certain apps im using the standard kde desktop layout, but apps arent fitting to the screen when maximized :-/ so in this one app i have a partial menus and a very small canvas to view the files code :(10:27
ikoniaeagles0513875: ok, so is this one appliation or many10:27
eagles0513875so far only one that i have seen10:27
eagles0513875another one with the netbook layout but that is a know bug upstream is aware of10:28
ikoniaeagles0513875: ok so it's "one app" not "certain apps"10:28
eagles0513875ikonia: right now just the one10:28
ikoniaeagles0513875: which application is it ?10:29
eagles0513875eric python ide10:29
eagles0513875one thing that does pop up is about an updated version10:29
ikoniais that from the ubuntu repos ? or an external one10:29
eagles0513875ubuntu repos10:29
ikonia!info eric10:29
ikonia(what's the package name)10:29
ubottueric (source: eric): full featured Python IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.4.18-1 (precise), package size 5600 kB, installed size 22709 kB10:29
ikoniaahhh that it is10:29
ikoniaeagles0513875: is that the version you're using ?10:29
ikoniaeagles0513875: I would log a bug on that (remember what we said about how to log a bug, the details, not pesting individuals etc)10:30
ikoniathe resizing thing won't be (probably) a config issue, it will be a problem with the actual application10:31
ikonia(especially if it's just on maximise)10:31
eagles0513875ok but there is a dialogue that popped up the first time i ran it saying there is a new version and if i want to download it which i didnt. is that something that should be allowed to pop up10:32
ikoniaeagles0513875: I guess (and it is just a guess) it depends on how it downloads/what it downloads10:32
ikoniaeagles0513875: I suspect it will just take you to the projects home page rather than actually download a package10:33
ikoniaI'd certainly include that in the bug report10:33
eagles0513875ya quite a few newer versions of eric out10:36
eagles05138754.5.4 is the latest stable10:36
ikoniaeagles0513875: that doesn't mean it's compatible/usable with the current kde setup though10:37
ikoniaso upgrading is not always the best option, that's why I'd include that in the bug fix10:38
eagles0513875was also going to file a request to have the version bumped for 12.1010:38
ikoniawhy file that request ?10:38
ikoniawhy ?10:38
eagles0513875ikonia: why not? im sure latest version has lots of bug fixes etc10:44
ikoniawhy don't you let the people who build/maintain the packages decide.10:44
ikoniaare you suggesting that they are not considering the best package available ?10:45
ikoniaeagles0513875: you are blindly requesting an update to a package without any understanding or reason beyond "it's newer"10:45
ikoniait may require later dependencies, it may need config changes to work as things change, why don't you let the guys who build the release each time make educated decisions based on experience10:45
ikoniarather than "it's later"10:46
* eagles0513875 goes back to debugging python unit tests10:46
* ikonia has asked eagles to stop with the /me commands of what you are doing all the time10:47
* Smurphy asks ikonia why he;she asked eagles0513875 to stop using the /me command ?10:52
ikoniaSmurphy: because it's constant and no relevence to the channel10:53
* Smurphy disagrees with ikonia10:53
* Smurphy .oO(this is freedom of speech)10:53
Smurphysorry - couldn't resist.10:54
ikoniait's fine10:55
ikoniaand this channel isn't "freedom of speach"10:55
Smurphyah. Ok. so you are a person wanting to abuse the small powers given to you ? Fine by me10:56
Tm_Tallright, let's get back to the channel topic10:56
SmurphyFYI - I belong to the old school, having started with KDE pre-1 and having done also the entire french translation at that time.10:57
Tm_Tif someone wants to continue offtopic discussion, the channel topic contains the direction10:57
SmurphyAnother one ... wanting to control...10:57
BluesKajHey all11:18
=== Sigma is now known as Guest28912
mydogsnameisrudymorning BluesKaj11:37
BluesKaj'morning mydogsnameisrudy11:47
basokeHello does anyone have any experience setting up a multi-seat Kubuntu?12:13
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Daskreechbasoke: Just checking that's one install with multiple terminals?15:08
Daskreechhi mydogsnameisrudy and BluesKaj15:08
basokeYes, one install, with multiple terminals.15:08
basokeDaskreech: yes, I've presently got 4 monitors going and want to have one pair controlled by separate inputs with a separate login etc. I've heard about multiseat setups. but couldn't find any reliable starting point.15:10
Daskreechbasoke: Ah I remember a good tutorial for Fedora when the last one came out. Should be pretty similar15:10
DaskreechPossibly check in #edubuntu as well since those are more common in Education Institutes15:11
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basokeDaskreech: alright, I'll see if that helps, thanks a bunch :)15:12
BluesKajhey Daskreech15:12
natmanRE: http://www.kubuntu.org/ktp-0.4 does anyone know will testing, muck up my current kopete set up?15:20
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phoenix_firebrdhello everyone15:33
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Daskreechnatman: It won't they are very independent16:23
Daskreechhi phoenix_firebrd16:23
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: hi16:26
genii-aroundDaskreech: Did you happen to see how mandy434 from yesterday made out after I left ? It looked like somehow she had added herself to root users, or some other very odd issue. I was just curious if joit or some other finally managed to help.16:30
Daskreechgenii-around: she had removed +x on her ~16:30
genii-aroundDaskreech: Weird... I would not think that would cause some symptom like "whoami" reporting "mandy" but touch file; ls -l file showing root owner...16:31
Daskreechgenii-around: I would have guessed that's from a sudo touch16:36
genii-aroundDaskreech: It was very puzzling at the time16:38
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: did you irc logs?16:39
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: did you check the irc logs?16:39
genii-aroundphoenix_firebrd: Not yet, I may later when I have time16:39
Daskreechgenii-around: even funnier her name is Mandy (not the caps)16:39
* genii-around sips his coffee and ponders16:41
phoenix_firebrdmy kde version is 4.8.9016:44
phoenix_firebrdmy dolphin version is 4.8.9516:44
phoenix_firebrdwhy is this mismatch16:44
phoenix_firebrdi have enabled beta backports16:45
Joitwell, i think its a comon problem that some peoples dont understand, that others dont want to become experts at her OS, just use it, because they have other things to do. Thats when some from these errors happen16:46
phoenix_firebrdmuon shows dolphins installed version as 4.8.9016:48
homeCan you guys give me some irc address???17:00
mydogsnameisrudyhome:  were do you want to go17:03
homei'm new to irc17:04
homesome other irc groups17:04
mydogsnameisrudywhat do you have now17:04
homehere in this kubuntu room17:05
phoenix_firebrdhome: are you using quassel?17:05
mydogsnameisrudynm you are on just kubuntu17:05
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mydogsnameisrudy#kubuntuofftopic  #ubuntu #kde17:06
Guest20750any links for kde cutomization or kubuntu tips??17:06
BluesKajhome, go to http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/networks/servers/17:06
sweetofserbiaGood day, can someone help me with a free unlocking code for "Blackberry" please?17:11
genii-aroundsweetofserbia: This isn't a channel about phones17:11
hometry to reset17:12
sweetofserbiaI know, but...17:12
sweetofserbiahome I try ut phone is locked17:13
viktori wanna play minecraft17:13
viktori execute the program and it run17:14
viktorbut when i want to play the window turn black...17:14
homeoh sweet17:14
homelet me find17:14
genii-aroundsweetofserbia: There are dozens of places to bring your phone in person and have them unlock it for about $20-30 USD. Each phone has a different unlock code so there's nothing useful we can tell you here about it. Also this is not a support channel for phones.17:15
sweetofserbiaOk thank you a lot17:15
viktoralguien español que pueda ayudarme?17:15
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:16
viktor /join #ubuntu-es"17:16
sweetofserbia<genii-around Thank you, yes you say that afew ,minuts ago17:16
viktor /join #ubuntu-es17:16
sweetofserbiaI was write for a free not to pay17:17
sweetofserbiaI know for a pay, but you dont reed good17:17
genii-aroundsweetofserbia: Do you have some question about your Kubuntu we can answer?17:18
sweetofserbia<genii-around If you don know about somehing,   you dont must to write17:20
genii-aroundsweetofserbia: It is part of my job to make sure that people are using the channel for Kubuntu questions. You are not asking Kubuntu questions. Additionally, after being asked NOT to ask, you continue.17:20
BluesKaj!rs | sweetofserbia17:21
ubottusweetofserbia: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.17:21
BluesKajthey'll get the message across and tell hin where to go :)17:22
genii-aroundHopefully :-)17:22
sweetofserbiaNoooooooooooooooo, I say you ok but     you continue <genii-around.17:24
* genii-around sips17:25
phoenix_firebrdin the debian control file what should i put for section  for kmix?17:32
genii-aroundsweetofserbia: Did you try asking the channel #blackberry yet?17:58
qw_help me please18:02
qw_my aunt doesn't hear me on Skype I it I hear and it isn't present me18:02
sweetofserbia<genii-around YES18:03
genii-aroundsweetofserbia: OK.18:04
=== Sigma is now known as Guest71907
ArchangelSe7enqw_, make sure that "Capture " is activated in Kmix's main control panel18:07
qw_were is it?18:07
qw_please path me18:08
ArchangelSe7enand that all the "input" sliders are at their highest position18:08
ArchangelSe7enqw_, you see the speaker on your panel18:08
ArchangelSe7ento the right ?18:08
qw_i see multimediya18:09
ArchangelSe7enclick on it and then click , mixer ?18:09
ArchangelSe7enMultimedia ?18:09
ArchangelSe7enclick "Mixer"18:10
ArchangelSe7enmake sure all th sliders are shown18:10
ArchangelSe7enincluding the "input" ones18:10
ArchangelSe7enyou should see a slider labeled "Capture"18:11
ArchangelSe7enactivate that18:11
qw_yes i am see18:14
qw_Capture and Capture 218:14
ArchangelSe7enactivate those and test them , one at a time18:14
ArchangelSe7enshould work18:14
ArchangelSe7enqw_, open terminal , type "alsamixer" , hit F418:15
ArchangelSe7enslide those all the way up and unmute any muted ones18:15
ArchangelSe7engood luck with that , I must go18:16
ArchangelSe7enqw_, the Mic seems to be musted18:17
ArchangelSe7enthat must be whats wrong18:17
qw_what shall I do?18:18
ArchangelSe7enuse your arrow key to slide it upward18:18
ArchangelSe7enayt gotta go18:18
qw_didn't work18:31
qw_ITS WORK18:44
cypher-neoqw_: Also. keep in mind that the "Skype Call Testing Service" is there so you can test your mic and audio setup before you end up aggravating your aunt. ;p18:45
FloodBotK1qw_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:46
cypher-neoHello Eagle22219:22
Eagle222ah ich bin doch verbunden19:22
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!19:23
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
solifugusHow can I disable or desensitize my notebook's stupid scratchpad?20:33
solifugushtf invented scratchpads and who can I hire to kill him/her?20:33
jsubl2solifugus: have you tried System Settings - input devices.  there are some settings there20:34
solifugusit is there... looked before and just looked at it again.. I don't see anything to disable or de-sensitive it, in there.....20:36
solifugusand it's hard to type with the cursor randomly jumping all over...20:37
solifugusI am still using my desktop to code... until i solve this problem, it's not reasonably possible to code or write much on this new notebook..20:38
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solifugusI slowed the cursors movement a bit and disabled the text drag n drop.. that helps somewhat..20:44
Lymphocytehow can i object to something kubuntu?20:44
Lymphocyteobject to calligra word in kubuntu 12.10?20:44
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TheLordOfTimewhats the default-installed network manager22:10
Riddellnetworkmanager is22:11
TheLordOfTimeRiddell:  using...?  plasma-widget-networkmanager?22:11
* TheLordOfTime is looking for the exact package name22:11
TheLordOfTimeor rather plasma-widget-networkmanagement22:12
RiddellTheLordOfTime: yes the UI .deb is plasma-widget-networkmanagement22:13
TheLordOfTimeRiddell:  has anyone reported a bug in WPA enterprise authentication where it doesnt work?22:15
TheLordOfTimesomeone's in #ubuntu saying so, but i cant find an exact bug22:15
genii-aroundWhen the SSID is hidden maybe22:18
TheLordOfTimegenii-around:  link to bug?22:19
* TheLordOfTime is trying to find whether a currently filed bug exists for the issue the user is saying22:20
TheLordOfTimeshould i just tell them to go do `ubuntu-bug` for the program22:20
RiddellTheLordOfTime: bugs in networkmanager are tricky because it could be the frontend, the backend or the linux drivers and bugs can be reported in ubuntu or the upstream project22:20
TheLordOfTimejust so they can say "I filed a bug"22:20
TheLordOfTimeRiddell:  tell me about it, i see crap like that hitting the announcements channel for bugs *daily*22:20
TheLordOfTimeand figuring out where they go is REALLY DAMNED HARD22:21
RiddellTheLordOfTime: browse away https://bugs.kde.org/describecomponents.cgi?product=Network%20Management22:21
genii-aroundThe one I was thinking of might be this old one here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/networkmanagement/+bug/42217422:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422174 in networkmanagement (Ubuntu) "cannot connect to hidden ssid" [Medium,Incomplete]22:22
TheLordOfTimeRiddell:  i personally only contribute to *truly* targetting and fixing bugs related to nginx, but that's because i help upstream those.  personally, GUI related bugs are just *evil*.  and don't get me started on crash bugs.  just don't.22:23
* TheLordOfTime would rant for an hour if you did22:23
genii-aroundYou already got an !ot in #ubuntu, don't go for one in here! ;-)22:26
douglmy effects (wobbly windows and cube) quit working - how do I restart my x server without rebooting23:13
genii-arounddougl: Perhaps try just turning the effects on with alt-shift-f12  ...they may have been turned off for using too much resources by the system23:14

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