
bretthif i write an app that uses "Application Indicators" for Ubuntu12.04, will it be backwards compatible with Ubuntu11.x ?00:40
bretth(using Python)00:40
mthswhat's the language for ubuntu development?01:24
mthsanyone here?01:25
bretthmths, python02:07
bretthi notice that from python i can "import appindicator"02:11
bretthis that a valid way for my script to know that it is running in Ubuntu Unity?02:12
bretthfor example if my script needs to also support, Gnome3 or Cinnamon.02:12
dholbachgood morning07:02
dpmmorning dholbach07:14
dpmgood morning all07:14
toabctldholbach, dpm is it possible to update the pictag package? the dependencies are wong. see #102416509:15
dholbachtoabctl, send a mail to the ARB list with a link to a branch or source package please09:15
toabctldholbach, ok. thx09:16
int_uaHi :) Is it ok that my app is pending for re-review 9 hours since I've fixed the  problem with it?12:34
john__Hi, I am using subprocess.Popen in my app. I am giving a file path as an argument but when there is a space, python only reads argument string upto the space and ignores rest. How to solve this?12:45
zoopsterint_ua: it is ok...give reviewers time to review it again13:43
int_uazoopster: thanks :)13:47
Phoenix87where's the best place to post announcements for developers interested in a project?14:02
Phoenix87would this channel be such a place?14:02
mikehaas763Hi. I am going to begin developing an open source program from an idea I have. My focus in the beginning is having it for Ubuntu/Linux distros. However, if it takes off I would like to be able to release windows/mac os x versions. Java is not an option and is actually THE reason I am developing this program because java has too many issues (performance mostly) on linux unless you have a blazing fast machine. What14:11
mikehaas763 are some good language/gui kit combos to use?14:11
Phoenix87mikehaas763: wxwidgets and python maybe14:16
int_ua<mikehaas763> python/Qt ?14:42
toabctldholbach, dpm when i try to update my app with quickly, quickly changes debian/control and debian/changelog. i wanted to fix #1024165 and wanted to release a new version with "quickly submitubuntu" but the result is not usable.15:26
toabctlsee http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~toabctl/pictag/quickly_trunk/revision/5515:27
dholbachI'm afraid I don't know how to deal with this15:27
Phoenix87My app is in the Waiting on Developer list on Trello but doesn't show up in the Contestants list. How is that so?19:20
Phoenix87mterry: also, if you ha ve a couple of spare mins, could you help me with definitively solving this? https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1274/feedback/ thanks19:22
mterryPhoenix87, hello!19:23
Phoenix87mterry: hi19:23
mterryPhoenix87, so the desktop issue is tricky, since quickly likes to override debian/rules and such.  Your modifications won't keep.19:23
Phoenix87mterry: i prefer to stop using quickly for now19:24
mterryPhoenix87, the debian/rules that quickly uses for submitubuntu in 12.04 has several hacks like moving the desktop file and fixing up paths19:24
mterryPhoenix87, OK19:24
mterryPhoenix87, so let's start with the base that quickly gives you.  Let me see what 12.04's quickly's debian/rules looks like19:25
Phoenix87mterry: anyway is the deb i have uploaded on my ppa good, or do I have to push another version?19:25
mterryPhoenix87, it certainly installs into /opt, but as you noted, the user can't run it  :-/19:25
Phoenix87mterry: oh so this is the version that will be included in the software center? I though that the current deb would serve as the purpouse of judgement only19:26
mterryPhoenix87, I don't know actually.  I'm not judging this, I just work on quickly19:28
Phoenix87mterry: another issue is that related to the prerm and postinst scripts. If i manually package my app with debuild -S they are not included in the deb compiled by launchpad19:28
Phoenix87mterry: this is the debian/rules generated by 12.04: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1090418/19:31
mterryPhoenix87, hah, you wish it were that simple.  If you package --extras with up-to-date 12.04: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1090415/19:32
mterryso there is a lot of junk there, which I can explain.  You might only want some of it19:33
Phoenix87mterry: ops i forgot --extras19:33
mterrySome of that is working around sub-optimal setup.py that earlier versions of quickly shipped.19:34
Phoenix87mterry: ok now my rules looks pretty much like yours19:34
mterryBut that desktop section at least is important (moving it and sed'ing it)19:35
mterryAnd same with the DATA_DIRS and gsettings stuff if you use gsettings19:35
mterrySo do you know how to manually package up an app?19:35
Phoenix87mterry: i guess so19:36
Phoenix87mterry: I have used the combo debuild / dput to have the job done19:36
mterryYup, just that should do it.  debuild -S -i -I and dput ppa:19:36
Phoenix87mterry: the deb currently in my ppa has been manually packaged like this19:36
Phoenix87mterry: but as I mentioned earlier, that deb is missing prerm and postinst19:37
Phoenix87I had to manually add them into the debian folder in order to have them show up in the deb19:37
mterryThat's good.  You shouldn't need them...   What was in them?19:37
Phoenix87the PYTHON_MODULES stuff19:38
Phoenix87without them the program won't run issuing /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/gtumbler/bin/gtumbler19:38
Phoenix87it raises a import module name not found19:39
Phoenix87i guess this is due to the fact that it is installing into /opt19:39
mterryAh, OK...  Well as long as you got it working now19:41
Phoenix87mterry: so it is OK to manually include those scripts?19:42
mterryPhoenix87, if they are needed...  I'm not actually familiar with that side of the issue.  I didn't think they were needed, but you sound like you've talked to dholbach about it, who is authoritative for such things19:44
Phoenix87mterry: yeah but I didn't receive a reply from him about this, so I'm not sure about it19:45
mterryPhoenix87, well, I thought they weren't needed for /opt, but again, my recollection is less important than whether they are needed in practice.  :)19:46
mterryhold on a sec, let me ask stgraber19:46
GeochrHi all, I have succesfully publishe a magazine in Ubuntu software center but is available only in 12.04... How can i make the magazine available not only in 12.04 ?19:47
Phoenix87mterry: ok. thank you! :D19:47
mterryor rather, jump into #ubuntu-arb for a sec19:47
mterryAnd ask yourself, since I'm not sure I'm going to ask it right19:47
Geochris there any help ?19:51
zoopsterGeochr: what mag and what distroseries do you want to make it availablef for?20:13
zoopsterGeochr: we default to the latest, but you can request others in the feedback...if it's already published, I can make it available in other distroseries20:14
Geochrzoopster,  the magazine called "Ubuntistas" and we want to be available and in other  distroseries20:16
zoopsterGeochr: which others? I can go back to maverick if you wish20:17
zoopsterGeochr: I take that back...I can only go back to natty now since mav is eol20:18
Geochrok from natty since prencise then20:19
zoopsterGeochr: ok #14 is done (give it a bit to show up) and #13 will be when it passes qa on Monday20:22
zoopsterGeochr: just put that request in the feedback when you submit20:22
Geochrzoopster, thanks a lot20:23
hiuhuAnyone good with php programming please help me understand this code coz am stuck @ http://pastebin.com/3hAMaFVt21:35

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