
jvrbanacmhall119: Sorry... long work day. I'm finally free for rest of the evening.01:19
george_eHmm... F5 Notifier's .desktop file doesn't seem to end up in the right place...02:12
george_emhall119: This isn't good... I've got everything ready for F5 Notifier except... the .desktop doesn't end up in the DEB. The .desktop.in file exists and the setup.py file hasn't been modified...02:18
george_eI really have no idea what's going on here.02:19
george_eAh... wait a minute...02:19
george_e"copying build/share/applications/f5-notifier.desktop -> /home/nathan/Documents/repositories/f5-notifier/debian/f5-notifier/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/f5-notifier/share/applications"02:20
george_eWhy is the .desktop file going to /opt???02:20
* george_e sits back to think about this for a minute...02:21
george_eSomewhere along the line, the 'extra-' prefix isn't getting added to the .desktop filename.02:38
* george_e does some further investigation...02:38
george_eAHA! It appears that the rules file somehow had the wrong filename.02:42
george_eYup, that fixes it up.02:43
ajmitchgeorge_e: f5 notifier vote was emailed to the ubuntu-app-devel list?04:14
* george_e slaps forehead.04:14
george_eNo wonder it wasn't showing up in the list.04:14
george_eajmitch: There, I sent it to the correct list.04:15
george_eDo I need to send another email to the app-devel list explaining the error?04:16
george_e...or will everyone just figure out what happened?04:16
ajmitchI think we can figure it out04:16
ajmitchI was just surprised to see it in a different mail folder :)04:16
george_eSorry about that.04:20
george_eThat's what I get for using autocomplete in Gmail.04:20
vibhavajmitch: Could you replace the etherpad link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review/Showdown04:26
* vibhav is having a look at fuelexpensetracker04:32
=== ajmitch changed the topic of #ubuntu-arb to: Ubuntu Application Review Board | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review/Showdown | Feel free to ask, we're not always staring at our screens so please hang around for an answer
PaoloRotoloGood morning!06:59
dholbachgood morning07:02
PaoloRotoloGood morning dholbach :)07:02
dholbachciao PaoloRotolo07:03
george_eAnd as for me... good night everyone :)07:03
dholbachseems we got a lot of helpers yesterday :)07:03
dholbachhey george_e07:03
dholbachhow are you all doing? :)07:04
george_edholbach: Yes?07:04
dholbachgeorge_e, good night then :)07:04
dholbachPaoloRotolo, come stai?07:04
PaoloRotolodholbach, tutto bene, grazie :P07:04
dholbachcosa fai?07:04
dholbachI think there were lots of submissions to myapps from Italians07:05
PaoloRotolodholbach, right :D07:06
PaoloRotolodholbach, ehm, what we should do with this: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1249/?07:09
PaoloRotoloIt is without title, maybe a terminal-only app, don't have a PPA07:10
dholbachdid you have a look at https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/site_media/arb/packages/2012/07/appshowdownfiles_1.tar?07:10
dholbachah, terminal-only?07:10
PaoloRotolodholbach, the server app is terminal only07:11
dholbachand the client?07:11
PaoloRotoloFrom the description "a server application run from the commandline and a client application."07:11
PaoloRotoloI'm trying the client07:11
PaoloRotolodholbach, btw, it hasn't a PPA07:12
PaoloRotoloWe have only 2 .deb in the .tar archive07:12
dholbachOH OK07:12
dholbachyou could reply with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review/Responses#Submitted_binary_package07:13
PaoloRotolooh, it says this too: This is the result of my failed attempt at using quickly to make a ppa for the App Showdown...07:14
PaoloRotoloit's an unfortunate app XD07:14
dpmgood morning all07:14
dholbachhi dpm07:15
PaoloRotoloGood morning dpm!07:15
dpmbuon giourno PaoloRotolo :)07:16
PaoloRotolodpm, ahahah, thanks :D07:17
dholbachajmitch, around to publish a few more apps? ;-)07:26
PaoloRotolohi popey07:35
dholbachhey popey07:37
PaoloRotolodholbach, can I reject this: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1106/ ?07:43
PaoloRotoloIt is the old version of https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1317/07:43
dholbachdpm, ^?07:43
PaoloRotoloHe says "now I will resubmit my application as the email requested."07:44
dpmPaoloRotolo, let me e-mail him, CC'ing you asking him to withdraw one of the submissions. If he doesn't reply, then we can reject it.07:46
PaoloRotolodpm, ok07:49
dpmPaoloRotolo, done08:00
dpmthanks for the heads up!08:01
PaoloRotolodpm, you're welcome08:01
PaoloRotolodholbach, uhm, I can't find the OmgUbuntu launcher here: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-reviews/+branches08:08
PaoloRotoloplease, can you help me?08:08
dholbachPaoloRotolo, can you give me the app url in myapps?08:08
PaoloRotolodholbach, of course: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1314/08:08
PaoloRotolodholbach, prego :)08:09
dholbachPaoloRotolo, lp:~ubuntu-app-review-contributors/ubuntu-app-reviews/omgubuntu-unity08:10
PaoloRotolodholbach, oh, thanks!08:10
dholbachcerto :)08:11
* dholbach has a look at postman08:27
PaoloRotolodholbach, sorry again. If one application is a Launcher for Unity, the app files must be installed in a different directory than /opt08:30
PaoloRotololike my "Ubuntu-it Launcher" or "OMGubuntu launcher"08:30
dholbachhum? which file?08:33
PaoloRotolodholbach, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~uitlauncher-dev/uitlauncher/packaging/view/head:/install08:38
dholbachah yes, the icons should be in /opt too08:38
dholbachbut the .desktop file should be /usr/share/applications/extras-somethinglauncherblabla.desktop08:38
PaoloRotolodholbach, ok, icons in /opt and .desktop in /usr/share, right?08:38
PaoloRotolodholbach, ok, thanks08:40
dholbachis anyone of you still on precise? if so, could you test and see if lp:~dholbach/ubuntu-app-reviews/postman works for you?08:40
dholbachmaybe in a vm08:40
dholbachfor me it seems to have a memory leak and is unhappy with compiz08:41
dholbachbut maybe that's a quantal issue08:41
PaoloRotolodholbach, I'm on Precise. I'm downloading it08:41
dholbachbe careful - I had to Ctrl-Alt-F1 and kill the postman process from there08:42
PaoloRotolodholbach, all good from here08:50
dholbachso it works fine for you?08:50
PaoloRotolodholbach, http://ubuntuone.com/2PzKfTYsG3mIexKmrNlMVC08:51
dholbachperfect, thanks08:51
PaoloRotolodholbach, you're welcome :)08:51
dholbachI just submitted a few other questions, once they're resolved we can get it up for vote08:51
dholbachgrazie mille, amico mio :)08:51
PaoloRotolodholbach, di nulla :)08:55
PaoloRotoloOk, omgubuntu just reviewed lp:~paolorotolo/ubuntu-app-reviews/omgubuntu-unity09:19
dpmdholbach, a couple of people asked me yesterday about this, and I see there's someone else on the ARB list asking the same too. So I created an Ask Ubuntu FAQ-like question - does the answer look sensible to you? http://askubuntu.com/q/163096/978109:19
dholbachsounds good, but maybe didrocks or mterry can confirm?09:20
dholbachI'm not too familiar with what quickly does exactly09:21
PaoloRotolodpm, it's good :)09:21
dpmdholbach, I've left Quickly out of the answer, so that it works for all apps, given that quickly modifies the control and rules files on each packaging command run09:22
dpmthanks for the review PaoloRotolo and dholbach09:22
PaoloRotolodpm, you're welcome09:28
trkvI see something about quickly :) I want to ask if someone here is in a contact with it. Developing my package I found that quickly is broken in some points and posted a couple of merge requests, however I see  the quickly merge requests are not often reviewed.09:30
dpmtrkv, thanks for your contributions. didrocks and mterry are the contact points for Quickly as main developers, but they are not online now. You might want to ping them later on or join the dedicated #quickly IRC channel, which is where most people interested in contributing to Quickly hang out09:33
dpmhi fader_, you're not online yet, but nice to see your here! :-)09:33
trkvok, will ping them there09:33
dpmtrkv, actually, didrocks is online there, so you might want to ping him09:34
trkvActually I don't want to disturb or hurry ARB reviewers, but I'm a bit nervous about my package haven't even appeared on trello yet) When will be the estimated end of reviewing process?09:53
PaoloRotolotrkv, Hi!09:55
PaoloRotolotrkv, can you give me the app url in myapps?09:56
dholbachstgraber, wendar, highvoltage, ajmitch: any opinion on the last comment in https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1118/feedback/?09:57
PaoloRotolotrkv, https://trello.com/card/parcel-tracker/4fee2215cee295013c0862ba/186 :)10:02
trkvPaoloRotolo: thanks, will wait :)10:05
PaoloRotolotrkv, you're welcome10:05
seb128dholbach, so that's where you are hidding? ;-)10:15
dholbachseb128, hey seb :-)10:15
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review/Showdown is what we're doing here :)10:15
seb128hey Daniel10:15
* dholbach hugs seb12810:15
* seb128 hugs dholbach10:15
dholbachcomment ça va mon ami?10:15
dholbachqu'est-ce qui se passe en France?10:16
seb128dholbach, ca va bien, il pleut en France !10:16
dholbachoui, c'est la même chose ici10:16
seb128dholbach, is there a list or something for coordination?10:18
seb128like "stuff people are looking at", "ones available for review"10:18
dholbachthere's https://trello.com/board/ubuntu-arb-submissions/4fee2215cee295013c0862ba but I think a lot of the unreviewed apps are not on there, but only on https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/arb/10:18
dholbachI can go through the list and give you a few which I know are not reviewed yet10:19
didrocksseb128: run away, dholbach will ask you to review packages soon! :)10:19
dholbachhttps://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1289/ for example10:19
dholbachor https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1259/10:19
dholbachor https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1260/10:20
seb128dholbach, ok, I can have a look to "nudge"10:20
dholbachthere should be branches available at https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-reviews/+branches - if there are none, let me know10:20
dholbachseb128, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review/Showdown explains how to install 'arb-lint' - a small tool which checks for the most common problems10:20
seb128dholbach, ok10:20
* dholbach has another look at roundball10:20
seb128dholbach, how do I tell people I'm looking at "nudge" so other don't start on it?10:21
dholbachyeah, just mention it in the channel10:21
dpmwohoo, we've got seb128 as guest reviewer!10:30
PaoloRotoloseb128, Welcome!10:30
dholbachdpm, if seb128 does reviews like he does GNOME updates or reviews bugs, we should be done in half an hour10:30
* dholbach goes to put some beer into the fridge10:31
dpmdholbach, yeah, I think we should start thinking of closing shop after lunch now that he's here10:31
* dpm hugs seb12810:31
* seb128 hugs dpm dholbach10:31
seb128PaoloRotolo, thanks ;-)10:31
robotex_I received message from ARB: The icons in /usr/share/icons should be installed to /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/mirrorcam too10:36
dholbachhey robotex_10:36
dholbachthat's correct10:37
robotex_In debial/install I have following lines:  icons/*                                 /usr/share/pixmaps/ icons/*                                 /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/mirrorcam/icons/  So, I must change it to:  icons/*                                 /usr/share/icons/ icons/*                                 /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/mirrorcam/  am I right?10:37
dholbachyes, and you might have to change some bits in your code as well - you can always just try to run 'debuild' and run 'less' on the resulting .deb file in '..'10:37
robotex_Icons must be in /usr/share/icons and /opt/extras/ubuntu.com/<appname> ?10:37
seb128dholbach, dpkg -c .deb is easier than less10:38
dholbachjust one place, so for example /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/mirrorcam/share/icons10:38
robotex_in /opt/extras/ubuntu.com/<appname>/icons?10:38
dholbachor dpkg -c .deb - as seb128 says10:39
* dholbach has a look at menulibre10:39
robotex_and then I must to run "debuild -S" and update PPA?10:39
seb128dholbach, btw I can't find a vcs for nudge, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-app-review-contributors/ubuntu-app-reviews/nudge doesn't work and it doesn't seem to be in https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-reviews/+branches10:39
dholbachrobotex_, sounds good, yes10:40
dholbachseb128, one sec10:40
robotex_I'm ubuntu showdown participilant10:40
robotex_Ok, I will try10:40
dholbachseb128, try lp:~ubuntu-app-review-contributors/ubuntu-app-reviews/nudge again10:41
seb128dholbach, works10:41
seb128dholbach, what did I do wrong?10:41
seb128dholbach, danke10:41
dholbachseb128, nothing - I ran the apps-brancher on it again :)10:41
seb128dholbach, ok10:41
robotex_can you help me to remember command to update package in PPA?10:43
dholbachrobotex_, debuild -S -sa; cd ..; dput <your ppa> mirrorcam_*.changes10:43
dholbachfor my ppa that's ppa:dholbach/ppa10:44
dpmrobotex_, you might find this useful: http://askubuntu.com/q/163096/9781 (it's essentially what dholbach is explaining you)10:45
robotex_And when will I do this, how can I notice you to review changes?10:45
dpmadding some feedback comment in myapps as explained above, or pinging someone here, or sending an e-mail to the App Review Board mailing list10:46
dholbachand menulibre is ready for vote :-D10:46
seb128dholbach, is that normal that nudge is not listed on https://trello.com/board/ubuntu-arb-submissions/4fee2215cee295013c0862ba "Needs Review"?10:48
dholbachseb128, yes, new apps are not on there - I'm happy to put it on there for you - or if log into to Trello, I can also give you access - as you like it10:50
seb128dholbach, does it need to be there? I'm happy to skip that if that's not required, I was just trying to follow the wiki10:50
dholbachyeah, just leave it - I'm happy to place it wherever you decide it should go10:51
dholbachthe standard route for everything is:10:51
dholbach - check out app10:51
dholbach - if it does not install to /opt reply back tell them to use 'quickly submitubuntu' or if they don't use quickly fix it manually10:51
dholbach - if there's just a few small problems: provide a branch with updates10:51
dholbach - put up for vote if there's no pressing issues10:52
dholbachhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/app-review-board/2012-July/001459.html is an example of a 'vote' mail10:52
seb128dholbach, thanks10:52
dholbachsometimes they have license issues or the app is just too broken to be submitted10:53
dholbachbut that's understandable - the app authors had 3 weeks time10:53
dholbachwhich is not too much :)10:53
dholbachbut a lot of the apps fill a nice niche and work well10:53
seb128dholbach, yeah, the one I look at is similar to your example, small packaging tweaks needed10:53
seb128let me fix and push and email10:53
dholbachyou're a hero10:53
seb128do I need to subscribe to that list to send a vote email?10:53
dholbachno, I think dpm can moderate it through10:54
dholbachor wendar and stgraber can10:54
dpmdholbach, I can't moderate it, I think stgraber is the moderator10:54
* dholbach nods10:54
* dholbach has a look at MapRoj10:54
dpmdholbach, you can leave MapRoj for later, it did not qualify for the contest10:55
seb128- Format-Specification: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dep/web/deps/dep5.mdwn?op=file&rev=13510:55
dholbachdpm, ok10:55
seb128+ http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/10:55
seb128do we have a tool generating those wrong urls?10:55
dholbachseb128, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-app-reviews/harvestwidget/view/head:/debian/copyright you can use10:55
seb128in which case is somebody working on fixing it?10:55
dholbachseb128, it was an old version of quickly or p-d-e10:55
dholbachI think it's fixed already, but not in -updates yet10:56
dholbachor something10:56
seb128I'm good I think10:56
dpmyeah, they are in -proposed the fixes10:56
* dpm yoda talks10:56
* dholbach a look at TubeReply has10:56
dholbachunfortunately not ready yet11:01
dholbachdpm, stgraber: can you please reply to https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1222/feedback/?11:04
* dholbach has a look at ptnotes11:04
dpmcomment added on ^11:09
dholbachlunch time11:11
seb128dholbach, can I do https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1260/ (trading cards)?11:49
seb128if nobody say no I'm starting on it :p11:49
seb128dholbach, and you should take longer than half an hour to eat ;-)11:50
seb128dholbach, btw I did sent a vote email and pushed a branch with small fixes for "nudge"11:51
seb128dholbach, btw where do you get your list of unclaimed sources? if I want to look and pick some extra ones?11:54
coolbhavihi all good evening!12:07
dholbachseb128, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/arb/12:51
dholbachand from there I just picked some where it said that they wanted to participated in the contest and which didn'T have any comments on their feedback page12:52
seb128dholbach, ok, so I can review https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1150/ "Unity bookmarks",12:56
dholbachyep, sounds good :)12:57
didrocksseb128: NEW packages, stop reviewing! :)12:58
dholbachdidrocks, shut up12:59
didrocksdholbach: come on, you are on holidays after just 2 days of work! ;)12:59
didrockstake your summer hat ;)12:59
dholbachno summer hat for me yet :)13:00
seb128it's the Berlin way, they are all slackers there ;-)13:00
didrocksseb128: thanks \o.13:00
seb128didrocks, yw13:00
dholbachvery funny to hear that from the French13:00
dholbach40-50 holidays per year + 20 guaranteed strike days13:01
dholbachetc etc :-P13:01
seb128you forgot the 25 days to recover after holidays13:01
didrocksdholbach: 50? no, we doubled since you had those numbers13:01
dholbachthat's it - I'm moving to France!13:01
dholbachI'll go and get something from the shop around the corner - brb13:03
didrocksthat's just an illustration of what we told :)13:03
bhavani_hey dholbach didrocks13:11
didrockshey bhavani_ :)13:12
bhavani_didrocks, :) how are you doing?13:12
didrocksbhavani_: I'm fine, thanks ;) yourself?13:12
bhavani_didrocks, doing fine :) thanks!13:13
bhavani_hey dpm :)13:13
dpmhey bhavani_, started with the voting yet? :)13:16
bhavani_dpm, installing ppa's from script :) slow connection :( m gonna start it this night... yourself?13:17
dpmI haven't started yet, but I'm about to :)13:19
seb128dholbach, dpm: do I need to do anything when I'm done reviewing something? just did "unity-bookmark", I sent a vote email and pushed a vcs13:21
seb128doing https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1182/ "Trip Planner"13:21
dpmseb128, other than adding a feedback message for the app developer to merge your fixes in myapps, I think that's it, but dholbach has done a bunch of reviews and he should be able to confirm and point you to the boilerplate replies13:23
seb128dpm, well, I Cced them on my vote email13:23
seb128dpm, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review/Showdown says to comment only if the app is not good to go13:23
dpmseb128, we should at least change the status, but that would require someone with permissions. bhavani_, do you think you can change the status of https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1182/ to indicate that it's up for vote?13:25
seb128it's not, I just started on this one13:26
seb128as well13:26
bhavani_I changed to review in progress13:30
bhavani_seb128, dpm since its under review and to vote I changed to review in progress13:35
bhavani_dpm, btw the ppa script is pretty cool13:36
dpmbhavani_, all the credit goes to mhall119 for it13:36
bhavani_mhall119, cool script :) thanks!13:37
mhall119which script?13:38
robotexI updated my app https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1298/ Please, review it again13:39
bhavani_mhall119, ppa installer script for app showdown :)13:40
Parkermhall119 I'd like to know how to get started.13:40
* bhavani_ is almost done with installation of app showdown packages and is all exited :)13:43
mhall119Parker: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review/Showdown has the step by step instructions13:44
mhall119basically you get the app, build it, fix any packaging warnings you get from debuild and arb-lint, then email the ARB when it's ready13:44
robotexoh, i got email:13:45
robotexRejected: File mirrorcam_1.0-0extras12.04.1.tar.gz already exists in robotex, but uploaded version has different contents. See more information about this error in https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors. Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification.13:45
robotexhow to fix this?13:45
trkvrobotex: you have to increase the version, I suppose13:46
mhall119robotex: you need to increment the version number for each new build13:46
robotexin debian/control ?13:47
mhall119in debian/changelog13:47
mhall119you need a new entry13:47
robotexnew entry at start of file or at the end?13:47
seb128I can't add comments :-(13:50
seb128Access forbidden13:50
seb128You just tried to access a feature which you don't have permission to use.13:50
seb128Only the owner of an application can do that.13:50
seb128https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1182/ is buggy13:50
seb128how do I tell the author?13:50
robotexI changed changelog but version still 1.0 after building13:53
robotexmirrorcam (1.0-0extras12.04.1) precise; urgency=low    * Initial Release.   -- Nicholas Shatokhin <n.shatokhin@gmail.com>  Mon, 09 Jul 2012 12:07:59 +0300  mirrorcam (1.1-0extras12.04.1) precise; urgency=low    * Fixed ARB suggestions   -- Nicholas Shatokhin <n.shatokhin@gmail.com>  Mon, 13 Jul 2012 16:48:59 +030013:53
mhall119seb128: at the bottom of the page is a "Review" button13:54
mhall119click then and there'll be a form at the bottom where you can leave the author comments/instructions13:54
mhall119use the "Needs information" button13:54
mhall119you may need to be added to a group13:54
mhall119ajmitch: ^^ ?13:55
mhall119dholbach: ^^ maybe you know13:55
robotexyeah, I fixed this ^_^13:56
seb128mhall119, right, I don't have access, do you?13:56
mhall119seb128: yes13:56
seb128mhall119, can you post http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1089879/ on https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1182/ ?13:56
robotexSo, now I need just comment my app and wait for review again, am I right?13:56
dholbachseb128, let me add you13:57
mhall119seb128: done13:57
seb128dholbach, what am I signing for?13:57
seb128mhall119, thanks13:57
mhall119more work :)13:57
seb128dholbach, is that a trick of yours to enroll me in new duties?13:57
dholbachyou're done of these fine people now: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-app-review-contributors/+mugshots13:57
seb128dholbach, danke I guesS?13:58
dholbachde rien mon ami13:58
* dholbach makes some tea and puts on some loud music13:59
dholbachmore apps!13:59
antiquarkHi. I've uploaded a package to Launchpad but accidentally included the .bzr directory. Once I realized, I canceled the build from the Launchpad website. Is it possible to delete the package file or do I have to re-upload with an incremented version?13:59
dholbachantiquark, the latter should fix it14:00
antiquarkdholbach: Thanks14:00
dholbachdpm, wasn't https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1062/ rejected?14:01
seb128I'm reviewing https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1209/ "Indicator Remindor"14:01
dpmdholbach, it was14:01
dholbachdpm, but it's back?14:02
robotexyeah, changes accepted by PPA. My app https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1298/14:02
dpmdholbach, I asked for someone from the ARB to reject it, but I think the status wasn't changed. I haven't e-mailed the developer either14:02
bhavani_dpm, dholbach sorry I missed the conversation... can I be of some help here?14:03
dholbachbhavani_, the question was if https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1062/ should be rejected14:04
bhavani_dholbach, ok got it.... btw  based on what grounds?14:05
seb128dholbach, are apps allowed to install stuff in /etc/xdg/autostart?14:06
dholbachbhavani_, read Allison's comment on the feedback page14:06
dholbachstgraber, can you answer seb128's question? ^14:06
bhavani_dholbach, just a moment14:06
bhavani_dholbach, ah got it!14:09
bhavani_so ll press the reject button now because it contains some objectionable content14:10
stgraberseb128: I'd be tempted to say no, but it's not a case that we have explicitly discussed yet. Personally I'd consider that as a "system setting" which we usually don't allow for ARB apps.14:10
stgraberseb128: so I'd much prefer they don't and instead offer an autostart option in the app that adds the launcher in .local/share (or wherever autostart is these days)14:11
lemaireseb128, I got a mail you reviewed my app, and suggested some changes, but I get an error while trying to merge.. is there a workaround or should I just manually edit the files and commit those?14:11
lemairethis is what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1089908/14:12
seb128lemaire, hey14:13
seb128lemaire, I branched from lp:~ubuntu-app-review-contributors/ubuntu-app-reviews/unity-bookmarks14:14
seb128not sure why they are not common14:14
seb128lemaire, but anyway feel free to apply the diff manually14:14
seb128lemaire, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-app-reviews/unity-bookmarks/diff/214:15
seb128lemaire, patch -p0 < thisfile14:15
seb128lemaire, feel free to keep you detailed changelog, I just merged to one entry since that's the common practice14:16
seb128lemaire, yw14:16
lemaireis there anything else I need to do, because in myapps it still says pending review and it's not in trello14:16
lemairei'm just checking to see if everything is ok :D14:16
seb128stgraber, thanks, that's an appindicator in this case, but yeah, .local seems better14:17
seb128dholbach, mhall119, dpm: ^ is there anything to do for lemaire? I reviewed and approved his app and sent a vote email and he's merging my tweaks in his vcs14:17
dholbachno, that should be it14:18
lemaireok, thanks guys14:18
dpmperhaps just change status to review in progress14:18
mhall119dholbach: we have "Maps" on the trello twice, once from doctormo in "Voting" and once from you in "Waiting on Developer"14:19
mhall119lemaire: which app?14:20
mhall119we haven't gotten everything on the Trello yet14:20
dholbachmhall119, I don't see a vote for 'maps' on the mailing list14:20
mhall119dholbach: me neither, he must not have sent it (or it's being moderated?)14:20
dholbachah, maybe yes14:21
dholbachmaybe stgraber can moderate the queue (or add somebody to the admins list for the mailing list?)14:21
mhall119lemaire: I've added it to the Trello14:21
dholbachI'll have a look at "Interest Calculation"14:21
mhall119lemaire: you app is part of the list that the judges are reviewing though, so don't worry14:22
lemairemhall119, thanks :)14:22
dholbachah no, that's also up for vote by doctormo14:22
dholbachbhavani_, ajmitch, stgraber, wendar: is there a way to get apps off of https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/arb/ if they are voted on? is there a state for that? :)14:23
dholbachit'd make reviewing certainly easier14:23
stgraberdholbach: yeah, I need to go through the moderation queue. wendar also has access14:23
seb128dholbach, I still don't have access to the review thing :-(14:23
dholbachseb128, can you log out and log back in again? you should now be in the right team14:24
dholbachstgraber, do you have enough list moderators?14:24
bhavani_dholbach, I use review in progress for that14:24
dholbachbhavani_, so you just click on "start review" and then?14:24
seb128dholbach, waouh a new big orange button is there! ;-)14:25
bhavani_and keep it like that till I comment14:25
dholbachseb128, feel the new power!14:25
dholbachbhavani_, ah ok14:25
* mhall119 is going to start calling them BOBs14:25
stgraberdholbach: it's usually fine as I'm adding people to the whitelist as I go. Just processed the queue now14:26
seb128dholbach, so, I've a package that's not quite good yet (install a buggy etc, use /etc and lacks a depends) ... should I pick "ask for informations" or "reject"?14:26
bhavani_dholbach, dpm rejected https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1062/ now14:26
dholbachstgraber, ok great14:27
dholbachI'll take a leaf out of bhavani's book and mark a couple of 'vote in progress' apps as 'review in progress'14:28
dholbachso we get them off the mainpage14:28
seb128dholbach, ?14:28
dholbachseb128, ie: "Interest Calculation" is on the main page with "pending review"14:29
dholbachand that's although it's up for vote already14:29
seb128dholbach, you missed my question I guess14:29
seb128dholbach, read 3 minutes back the yellow line :p14:29
dholbachoh sorry14:29
dholbachseb128, ask for information14:29
dholbachreject is more like "the idea of your app is wrong"14:30
dholbachor something :)14:30
dholbachbhavani_, nice trick :)14:32
* dholbach cleans up https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/arb/14:32
* dholbach documents the trick on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review/Showdown14:34
bhavani_dpm, is there a way to save the survey sheet somewhere so that we can carry on voting from where we left at a later stage?14:39
=== trkv_ is now known as trkv
dholbachcan the "Revista Espirito Livre" submissions be punted over to commercial apps?14:41
* almien appreciates everyone is inundated with apps here, but I wrote one for the contest and not entirely sure that it got "entered", whatever that means. Any way to check?14:43
stgraberdholbach: sure, hold on a sec14:43
stgraberdholbach: done14:45
dholbachstgraber, thanks14:46
dholbachmhall119, did you submit myshortcuts for vote?14:46
dholbachit says so on Trello, but maybe I missed the mail14:46
robotex_How many applications in the review query?14:47
dpmbhavani_, yes14:47
dpmyou don't have to do anything special, results are already saved14:47
dpmso you can leave voting and then let's say tomorrow, open the same link and the saved results will still be there14:48
bhavani_dpm, ah thanks dpm14:48
dholbachok, all the apps which are up for voting are off of https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/arb/ now14:53
dholbachshould make it a little bit easier to pick14:53
dholbachemphasis on "a little bit" ;-)14:54
* dholbach has a look at Spellathon14:54
dholbachstgraber, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1291/ seems to be in the ARB queue with a price of 2.99$ - can it be punted over as well?14:59
* dholbach has another look at Postman14:59
stgraberdholbach: done. Wondering how it go in there to start with...15:01
bhavani_same here dholbach15:02
bhavani_access forbidden15:02
mhall119dholbach: sent to vote on the 10th15:03
dholbachyeah, no idea - I just saw it on the main page15:03
dholbachcan anyone of you who still runs precise build and test lp:~dholbach/ubuntu-app-reviews/postman?15:12
dholbachon quantal it messes with compiz :)15:12
mhall119dholbach: builds fine, only arb-lint warning is about the size of it, only lintian warning is about /opt/15:15
dholbachit builds fine for me too :)15:15
trkv_and successfully runs15:16
trkv_can't test if it works ok15:16
dholbachthen I have a quantal issue which prevents it from working15:17
trkv_but GUI is ok15:17
dholbachand it can be safely submitted for vote15:17
dholbachthanks trkv_!15:17
mhall119dholbach: works fine for me15:19
dholbachthanks guys15:19
dholbachup for vote15:19
mhall119it looks really nice too15:20
dholbachoh wow15:20
dholbach"quickly quickly quickly is the bad of bad when i went to submit my project ask my name project and search in lauanchpad and give project number.I am very angry.quickly bad bad bad :("15:20
dholbachmaybe somebody can help him15:21
* dholbach has another look at Convertik15:22
mhall119dholbach: I replied, there is no "Roundball" project15:23
mhall119that's probably his issue15:24
dholbachcan somebody help with https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1055/feedback/?15:37
* vibhav takes a look15:38
vibhavSadly, I have no Idea15:39
vibhavwhy it is not working :(15:39
dholbachcan anyone with an android phone build and test lp:~dholbach/ubuntu-app-reviews/blubphone?15:44
PaoloRotoloHi all!15:49
* bhavani_ testing blubphone as a part of showdown judgement now dholbach 15:51
jonohey PaoloRotolo15:51
robotex_I see at this https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/arb/ many applications that was sent few monts ago. How much Ubuntu Showdown parcipilants applications?15:51
PaoloRotoloHi jono15:51
bhavani_hey PaoloRotolo15:51
PaoloRotolohello bhavani_  :)15:52
robotex_PaoloRotolo hi15:52
PaoloRotolohey robotex_15:52
* dholbach has a look at "Positive"15:54
* PaoloRotolo has a look at "Wiimap"15:54
* bhavani_ thinks tastebook and cookety app are somewhat similar 15:55
bhavani_hi jono15:56
jonohey bhavani_!15:56
dholbachbhavani_, still I think we should review them all :)15:56
dholbachso the one the users like best or is developed best can succeed15:57
bhavani_dholbach, agreed :)15:57
robotex_can anybody review my showdown application? https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1298/15:57
bhavani_jono, I pinged you 3 times on irc other day in a gap of 25 mins sorry for that15:58
dholbachrobotex_, I'll have a look at it when I'm done with the one I'm reviewing right now15:58
jonobhavani_, no worries!15:58
dholbachbhavani_, keep pinging him - I don't think jono is busy enough yet15:58
bhavani_dholbach, :)15:58
* bhavani_ fears jono a bit :P15:59
dholbachhe loves it when his irc client is blinking like a christmas tree15:59
jonobhavani_, heh, you have nothing to fear :-)16:00
bhavani_:-) how are you doing jono btw?16:01
robotex_<dholbach>, ok, thanks16:01
jonobhavani_, great! how are you?16:01
trkvrobotex_: I use the "cheese" in the case of lacking mirror :)16:02
bhavani_jono, me too doing good playing around with apps since past week or so and loving it16:02
grissi_As I can't review apps can someone please review this https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/947/ with this text http://paste.ubuntu.com/1088477/16:03
robotex_<trkv> :)16:04
jonobhavani_, awesome, thanks for all your help!16:04
trkvrobotex_: don't want to say you've done the useless work, but the functionality is obviously duplicated)16:05
bhavani_jono, no mention! If I am of some help in a small way to a wonderful community ll be more than happy :)16:06
jonobhavani_, :-)16:06
* bhavani_ just finds a german language app in desktop facebook app and requests dholbach to test :)16:07
PaoloRotolouhm, Wiimapp can't "map" my Wii :(16:08
robotex_<trkv> my app is simle and lightweight16:09
trkvrobotex_: could you tell me the list of deb-package dependencies, please?16:09
dholbachbhavani_, did the android app work for you?16:10
trkvand unpacked size16:10
bhavani_dholbach, yes seemed cool16:10
dholbachbhavani_, and works?16:10
PaoloRotolook, now it works :D16:10
dholbachrobotex_, did you update it in the ppa?16:10
bhavani_yes it works here16:10
dholbach... just wondering where to check for the update16:10
dholbachbhavani_, thanks, submitting for vote16:11
bhavani_I use samsung galaxy16:11
bhavani_and it worked16:11
robotex_<dholbach> current version is 1.116:12
robotex_<dholbach> I changed COPYING and icons path16:12
robotex_<dholbach> then updated with dput16:12
bhavani_:) alright dholbach time to sleep here :) night all!16:12
robotex_<trkv> for building or for running?16:13
trkvrobotex_: for running16:13
dholbachrobotex_, perfect, thanks16:13
dholbachbhavani_, good night!16:13
robotex_trkv, libqt4-opengl, libcv2.3, libhighgui2.3, libopencv-core2.3, libopencv-highgui2.3, libopencv-imgproc2.3, libqt4-core, libqt4-gui, libqt4-declarative16:14
dholbachrobotex_, reviewing now16:15
trkvbtw, has anyone considered porting the well-known git-hook to bzr? (I mean the one that shots the commiter and saves image in commit metadata) Is it ever possible?16:15
trkvrobotex_: I'm not sure that all these dependencies weight totally less than cheese ones :)16:16
trkvbut for what purposes your mirror needs opencv? O_o16:16
robotex_trkv, camera capture16:17
robotex_trkv, cheese a good app but if I need a mirror I want just run app and use it. I don't want to seek and select mirror effect. I was inspired by mac apps16:18
trkvok, ok, I don't want to say it's useless)16:18
robotex_trkv, when I searched mirror in Software Center by query "Mirror" I found nothing16:19
trkvit's obviously a problem16:20
OwaisLdholbach, not having the icons in /usr/share/icons/hicolor will make the apps un-customizable and they might look out of place if users use different themes. I think icons should be allowed in /usr/share/icons/hicolor. Should I raise the topic on the ML?16:21
dholbachOwaisL, yes, that'd be nice - can you use app-review-board@lists.u.c?16:22
robotex_trkv, so when I didn't found mirror, I decided to create it. I don't know about cheese. Sorry :(16:22
OwaisLdholbach, not sure. Let me try.16:22
dholbachOwaisL, thanks16:22
trkvrobotex_: not a problem) however, doesn't Qt itself contain classes for camera? I think I've seen something like that in qtmultimediakit16:23
dholbachrobotex_, with the changes in lp:~dholbach/ubuntu-app-reviews/mirrorcam it's ready to go16:24
dholbachputting it up for vote16:25
robotex_<trkv>, unfortunatelly not16:25
trkvrobotex_: take a look at http://bit.ly/NqVAeV16:26
robotex_<trkv>, It can plays files, but it is can't work with camera16:26
robotex_<trkv> Qt Mobility can, Qt Desktop can't16:26
trkvqt-mobility is packaged for ubuntu so you can give it a try16:26
robotex_<trkv>, but I will try it and if I can use it on Desktop I will change it in next versions16:28
robotex_<dholbach>, need I to do something now? I see status "Needs information"16:28
dholbachrobotex_, you can merge the changes I put up in that branch16:29
dholbachrobotex_, I CCed you in the mail to the app review board who will now vote on the app16:29
robotex_<dholbach>, so I need to merge changes and update version in PPA, am I right?16:30
dholbachrobotex_, I sent the ARB a link to my branch, but having both branches in sync will be better, yes16:30
robotex_<dholbach>, will app have status "Published" somewhen? What can I do for this?16:32
dholbachnothing, sit back and have a cup of tea :)16:32
dholbacheverybody's very busy because loads of apps were sent in the last days, but your app is with the right people now16:33
robotex_<dholbach>, ok, thanks :)16:33
dholbachrock on!16:33
* dholbach has a look at ShowMyFaves16:35
robotex_oh, God. Somebody loves my app http://iloveubuntu.net/transform-your-computer-mirror-mirrorcam :)16:36
trkv_robotex_: heh, there's a second one — iheartubuntu.com, check if you appeared there too)16:39
dpmnice :)16:44
mterrydholbach, I don't have the permission to leave comments on those app reviews16:46
dholbachmterry, hang on16:49
dholbachyou might have to log out and log in again16:50
trkv_robotex_: I've just run the camera app from Qt examples, so you probably need to investigate it more thoroughly)16:51
robotex_<trkv_>, ok, thanks for you advice16:52
trkv_just imho, opencv for taking an image from camera is something like libreoffice for code editing)16:53
robotex_<trkv_> :)16:54
* dholbach has a look at liberedit16:54
* dholbach has a look at Nulloy Music Player16:57
dholbachwendar, ajmitch, highvoltage, stgraber, dpm: I thought I should let you know that I just rejected https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1210/17:14
dholbachlet me know if that was unsuitable17:14
dholbachhttps://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1232/ should probably be rejected too17:14
noneed4nanickhey guys17:18
noneed4nanickI need a little help merging your code and stuff17:19
dholbachmhall119, there are a lot of duplicates on the Trello17:19
dholbachmhall119, I'll archive them all :-(17:19
noneed4nanickdoes anyone got a minute or two or thirty :D and could assist me?17:19
dpmdholbach, I saw it on the list. What did you mean by 'bundled code'?17:20
dholbachdpm, upstream source code of other libraries17:20
dpmdholbach, oh, you mean it was bundling libs instead of using those from the archive?17:21
dholbachone of them was in the archive already17:21
dholbach2 others weren't17:21
dholbachat any rate it was clearly nothing you could review in an hour17:21
dholbachtime to call it a day17:25
dholbachhave a great weekend everybody17:25
almienare ubuntu channels typically used at weekends?17:27
OwaisLbye! d17:27
OwaisLAnyone still reviewing?17:27
dpmalmien, they are usually quieter, but people do hang around here. Many people who work as a day job in Ubuntu like to take a break during the weekend, though :)17:34
noneed4nanickIf I try to merge uarb-changes from their branch, it moves all my existing files to foo.moved, bar.moved, etc instead of really merging stuff? This shouldnt be like that, should it?17:42
wendardholbach: that's perfect, thanks!17:42
wendardholbach: we don't vote on rejections when the cause is one of common ones (like being far too large)17:43
ShowMyFavesHi everyone, we had to review our app for the showdown, but when we do a debuild -S and a dput to our ppa with the changes file, launchpad reject the push. It seems to be because we didn't changed the version number. How can we changed the version number ? Do we have the right to change this version number for the contest ?18:20
jbischShowMyFaves: The appropriate file to change is debian/changelog18:27
ShowMyFavesThank you, so we have to change the version number in that file ?18:28
jbischShowMyFaves: Yes, if it says, for example, 12.07.3, change it to 12.07.418:30
ShowMyFavesjbisch: ok thank you, we will try this right now18:30
ShowMyFavesjbisch: This is working, thank you. Good luck for the review process ! and thank you for you job!18:39
george_eErm... is this the right place to voice a concern?18:39
jbischShowMyFaves: You're very welcome. Best of luck!18:40
george_eI noticed that Nulloy Music Player was rejected because "...our focus is on lightweight apps...". I assume that corresponds with the warning generated by arb-lint?18:42
george_emhall119: I think it was yesterday that I ran across a warning like that for Deltify (IIRC) and you said that could be ignored.18:43
george_eBut now it seems like that might be a problem... and I'm mentioning this because I received a similar warning for my submission.18:44
mhall119george_e: that warning is geared more towards the app author, we can just send it to the ARB for voting and they can decide18:44
george_emhall119: So it could still be rejected though because it's "too big"?18:45
* george_e is starting to become concerned...18:45
jbischgeorge_e: Make sure it's really source code that's causing the warning. I reviewed an anagram solve that had a huge text file mapping between scrambled text and words.18:46
george_eI can take a look...18:47
mhall119looks like the bulk of it is in the 3rdParty directory18:48
george_eHmm... arb-lint reports that "...it has 45 source files" which is odd - if you add up the .h and .cpp files, I get 60.  And if you only include the .cpp files, I get 30.18:49
george_eIt's reporting 3815 lines of code...18:49
mhall119wendar: stgraber: ajmitch: can any of you comment on Nulloy?18:51
jbischI am currently reviewing Fogger. The developer is claiming that he accidently removed important functionally just before the deadline and requests permission to push a new version to his ppa. How should I proceed? https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/122718:52
wendargeorge_e: size of the app is one of the guidelines18:52
mhall119looks like dholbach rejected it18:52
wendargeorge_e: but, it's not a specific number of lines of code18:52
wendargeorge_e: it's more a general guideline of overall complexity18:52
wendargeorge_e: for the rule of thumb, if you don't feel like you can do a comprehensive code review in about an hour18:53
wendargeorge_e: it's probably too complex18:53
george_eWell, each file begins with a 15-line license header, so 60*15 = 900 lines of comments.18:53
george_eThat brings the number down by 25%.18:54
wendargeorge_e: yeah, don't get tied up in the lines of code :)18:54
george_eI'm still very concerned though...18:54
mhall119george_e: just fix what you can and send it to the ARB18:54
wendargeorge_e: would you feel comfortable saying that you've reviewed every line of code, and know it doesn't have security problems?18:54
george_eIf it is rejected, can I quickly strip out a bunch of functionality in a desperate attempt to shrink the codebase?18:54
mhall119george_e: you can do that later, it doesn't have to be done quickly18:55
george_ewendar: More than once. I have gone through each file more than once.18:55
wendargeorge_e: then it's fine18:55
george_eI hope so :)18:55
wendargeorge_e: the point of the restriction isn't to kick out an app because it has one line too many18:55
mhall119george_e: apps submitted for the contest will be judged as long as they can be installed from your PPA18:56
wendargeorge_e: the idea is that some packages really should be reviewed by the Ubuntu Developers or Debian Developers18:56
george_eOh, okay.18:56
mhall119if they aren't accepted by the ARB because of something like this, they are still qualified for the contest18:56
* george_e breathes a sigh of relief.18:56
george_eThanks everyone.18:56
mhall119relax, it's friday18:56
wendarjbisch: from the ARB perspective, I'd say let the Fogger developer submit the update18:57
wendarjbisch: but, I can't speak for the contest rules18:58
jbischwendar: Thanks, I'll tell the developer to do so18:58
mhall119jbisch: Fogger should submit updates, yes,but the judging will be based on what was submitted by the deadline18:58
jbischmhall119: Alright, thanks18:58
wendar.... mhall119: ah, that's what I was going to suggest :)18:58
mhall119we can't allow anything after that, even if it's reverting back to something that was there before18:58
mhall119it wouldn't be fair18:58
jbischmhall119: I agree18:59
mhall119all we're allowing is packaging related fixes18:59
mhall119jan-simon: we have instructions up at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review/Showdown19:22
jan-simonthank u19:22
mhall119basically you get a branch of the code, try building it.  If it builds, run arb-lint.  Fix whatever warnings you can, then email it to the ARB for voting19:23
OwaisLHey guys, I was away. Is there a problem with Fogger?19:24
mhall119OwaisL: jbisch was told there may have been some functionality removed right before the contest deadline19:27
jbischI am currently reviewing the version in the ppa. There are just some minor changes that I will push to my ppa.19:30
jbischI'm having trouble with Fogger. I can create apps fine, but when I go to run one of them, it just shows a window with the app's name and a frozen spinner.19:37
mhall119jbisch: put that in the Feedback comments for the author19:40
mhall119along with the specific version number you are testing19:41
OwaisLjbisch, I think the frozen spinner is a gtk issue, my fried always gets frozen spinners. Can you run /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/fogger/bin/fogger appid and check the output19:41
OwaisL"/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/fogger/bin/fogger -l" will show you the app ids19:41
jbischOwaisL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1090433/ is the output19:43
OwaisLThanks, checking19:43
jbischOwaisL: Both apps have the issue19:43
OwaisLAre you behind a proxy?19:44
OwaisLjbisch, ^ and can I have the version you are testing please?19:45
OwaisLI meant output of "/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/bin/fogger/ 5e8a5709f662f8d401f7a00e6137f9ca "19:45
jbischNo proxy, and I can navigate to both sites via my web browser.19:46
OwaisLAh, I think I know what the issue is. Are you on Quantal?19:46
OwaisLQuantal has a bug in libsoup19:46
OwaisLlibsoup-CRITICAL **: soup_session_send_request_async: assertion `use_thread_context' failed19:46
OwaisL^ This must be the issue19:46
mterrystgraber: hello!  Phoenix87 had a question about postinst/prerm19:47
jbischOwaisL: Must be, I'll send you some small changes to make, but I'll let a reviewer with precise finish reviewing.19:48
Phoenix87stgraber: when I manually package my app and send it to launchpad, the prerm and postinst scripts are not included in the final deb19:49
Phoenix87the same happens if i manually package my app on my machine19:49
Phoenix87since it's going to install in /opt this causes some issues with python modules19:49
Phoenix87which are not updated19:49
OwaisLjbisch, thanks!19:51
OwaisLjbisch, BTW link to libsoup bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsoup2.4/+bug/101147319:51
jbischOwaisL: Thanks19:51
mhall119Phoenix87: you app shouldn't isntall system-wide python modules19:52
Phoenix87mhall119: well anyway i guess that python must be "informed" about where to look for the modules building up my app19:53
Phoenix87and i think that this is done by the postinst script19:54
mterryPhoenix87, ah...  that's why.  The wrapper script that quickly makes should handle that19:57
mterryPhoenix87, it has some logic to see if it's being run from /opt and adjusts PYTHONPATH as needed19:57
mhall119Phoenix87: what mterry said19:58
Phoenix87mterry: yep and in fact including those scripts makes my app runnable with "/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/gtumbler/bin/gtumbler"19:59
mhall119if you're not using quickly, you'll need to make your executable set sys.path to include your other python modules19:59
Phoenix87mhall119: but including those scripts in debian seems to solve this issue. Wouldn't this be OK?20:00
mterryPhoenix87, right, but you're saying your wrapper script doesn't find the module itself?  Does it not have those /opt detecting lines in it?20:01
mterryWhat's the error you get without the postinst scripts20:01
Phoenix87mterry: without prerm and postinst the wrapper can't find the modules20:01
Phoenix87with those scripts in debian/ the wrapper works fine20:02
mterryPhoenix87, what's the exact error?  Can you see the lines in your wrapper that detect /opt and adjust sys.path?20:02
Phoenix87mterry: this is the postinst that fixes this issue: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1090465/ . I'm not sure this is instructing the wrapper to use the correct sys.path. It might be though20:03
Phoenix87the wrapper has this line:    syspath = sys.path[:] # copy to avoid infinite loop in pending objects20:05
mterryPhoenix87, right, but I'm saying the Right way for this to be fixed is to not use postinst, and have the wrapper adjust sys.path.  Which it should be doing.  So the fact that it's not doing that for you is the bug.  I'm trying to figure out why that's happening, which is why I'm asking for the exact error or a pastebin of your wrapper or something20:05
Phoenix87so i guess it is doing the job20:05
mterryPhoenix87, does it look like this?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1090471/20:05
Phoenix87_sorry i couldn't write on chan20:08
Phoenix87_mterry: i guess they match20:09
mterryOh, couldn't write, but you could read?20:09
Phoenix87_mterry: i guess not20:12
crazycoder1999I'm the creator of this app: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1152/ that is called protoborsa.. I would like to know why in trelloboard this application result as "waiting on developer" ...20:13
mterryPhoenix87_, say again?20:13
crazycoder1999what does it mean "waiting on developer"? how can I change it? thanks you20:15
mterrycrazycoder1999, sorry, I don't know.  Maybe stgraber does?20:15
mterryPhoenix87_, what did you mean?20:15
Phoenix87_mterry: i guess i couldn't read either20:18
mterryDid you see http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1090471/ ?20:18
mterryPhoenix87_, ^20:18
Phoenix87_mterry: yep I saw it and i replied with the link to the source code of my app20:19
mhall119crazycoder1999: looks like you had some conversation with dholbach, if you feel you've done what he's asked I'll move the card to "Reply from Developer"20:19
Phoenix87_there you can find the wrapper20:19
Phoenix87_mterry: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phoenix1987/gtumbler/trunk/view/head:/bin/gtumbler20:20
mterryPhoenix87_, sorry, didn't get that link20:20
Phoenix87_mterry: it's ok20:20
mterryPhoenix87_, ok, so looks roughly right.  So can I have the actual error when you try to run it without the postinst?20:20
mterry(if you have it handy)20:21
Phoenix87_mterry: pretty simple: try "import nopackagewiththisname" in python, and that's the error i get without postinst20:21
Phoenix87_mterry: the wrapper is trying to import the module gtumbler (last 2 lines in the wrapper)20:22
Phoenix87_but without postinst it can't find any module named gtumbler20:23
mterryPhoenix87_, sounds like you have to start adding print statements or something in that block that detects if you're running in /opt.  For some reason either that block isn't being run or it's confused20:23
mterryDebug that block and you should be able to figure it out20:23
mterryNot that much code there to be wrong20:23
mterryIt looks like right code.20:24
Phoenix87_mterry: I didn't mention this because I thought it is obvious, but those prerm and postinst are taken from the deb generetad by quickly package --extras (11.10)20:24
Phoenix87_mterry: what I'm saying is that they aren't explicitly in the debian/ folder, but they are included in the deb generated by quickly20:25
crazycoder1999ops.. sorry @mhall119 for the double msg.. I just want to know if everything is ok with my app.. or I have to change something and what.. nothing else..thanks you20:25
Phoenix87_I didn't write postinst nor prerm20:25
Phoenix87_i just extracted them from the deb generated by quickly into debian/ and then I manually packaged my app20:26
mhall119Phoenix87_: hmmm, could be that pysupport doesn't work right, everybody else is using dh_python220:26
mterryPhoenix87_, sure.  I understand, but 11.10 quickly does several things the Old Way (like pysupport, postinst, desktop file in wrong place)20:26
mhall119crazycoder1999: just waiting on someone to be available to pickup the review again, that's all20:26
mterryPhoenix87_, the ARB doesn't like postinst, so we try to make them unnecessary with the wrapper script20:27
Phoenix87_mterry: i see20:27
mhall119yeah, avoid maintainer scripts whenever humanly possible20:27
jvrbanacmhall119: Sorry we weren't able to connect up last night. By the time I got off work, you were already gone. If y'all still need some help with reviews, just let me know how I can help.20:27
Phoenix87_then I'll try some magic with quickly on 12.04 then20:27
Phoenix87_mhall119: anyway, my app is in the Waiting on Developer list on Trello but doesn't show up in the Contestants list. How is that so?20:28
mhall119jvrbanac: we still do, daniel posted step-by-step instructions here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review/Showdown20:28
jvrbanacOk awesome. Reading now...20:28
mhall119Phoenix87_: was there a build for Precise in your PPA before the deadline?20:31
mhall119Phoenix87_: I'll check with the others in the morning20:34
Phoenix87_mhall119: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phoenix1987/gtumbler/trunk/revision/720:40
Phoenix87_mhall119: the build for precise exists since July 220:41
OwaisLRemoving the icons from /usr/share breaks functionality but I'm fixing it.  What do I do after this? Should I push to a new branch as my current trunk is way way ahead?20:42
OwaisLjbisch, mhall11920:42
* crazycoder1999 never do "spaghetti" while you are on irc... :/20:43
mhall119Phoenix87_: looks like it wasn't showing up in the Dash for the judges to launch20:46
mhall119that could be the cause20:47
crazycoder1999keep up the great work ubuntuappshowdown! bye20:48
OwaisLmhall119: Hey, at what time was the deadline on 9th? :) I think a wrong version might have been as reviewed. Can you please confirm if this version qualifies? https://launchpad.net/~loneowais/+archive/fogger/+sourcepub/2555798/+listing-archive-extra20:52
Phoenix87_mhall119: i see but this is related to this .desktop issue we were discussing here20:56
Phoenix87_mhall119: am I still on time to fix this?20:58
Phoenix87_it all worked fine untill I had to apply the changes suggested by dholback, which forced me to abandon quickly and manually package my app20:59
jan-simonwhy must be the app files  in /opt/extras.ubuntu.com?21:00
jbischOwaisL: I reviewed the latest version in your ppa. You may push changes to your ppa, but for the purposes of the app showdown, they will not be considered21:04
OwaisLjbisch, that is understood but I just got confused by seeing that submit date on 0.7.1 was 09 Jul 2012 21:55:06 +0530. That should qualify it right? May be I'm wrong, just trying to confirm.21:06
OwaisLDoes +0530 depict my timezone or does it imply 5.30 should be added to the preceding time ?21:07
mhall119jan-simon: that's the requirement for getting them into the extras archive21:08
jan-simonok, i've read the fhs the as well, and so it's seems to be reasonable21:09
jan-simonthe app i'm reviewing is installing in /opt21:09
mhall119OwaisL: looks like
mhall119Phoenix87_: you have all the time in the world to get it through the ARB21:12
OwaisLmhall199, You mean should be reviewed?21:12
mhall119but unfortunately we had to go with what was available at the deadline21:12
mhall119OwaisL: that's what I got on my testing VM I setup for this21:12
OwaisLmhall119, thanks!21:14
ShowMyFaves-manhi, please help us to add our pub on ubuntu ads : http://meta.askubuntu.com/a/3684 ! vote for us !21:33
Phoenix87_mhall119: I had to rebuild my app in order to make the changes I've been told to appy by dholbach, and this is why the judges couldn't find my app in the dash. I don't think it's my fault...21:34
Phoenix87_mhall119: when ubuntusubmitted throuh quickly it used to show up in the dash, for the .desktop file was handled well21:35
Phoenix87_but since I had to change the copyright file I had to do things manually and the .desktop file got excluded21:35
mhall119hmm, changes to the copyright file shouldn't change where anything was placed in the package, something else must have changed21:45
mhall119and running debuild or bzr builddeb manually would use the same packaging info as the last "quickly submitubuntu" created21:46
Phoenix87_mhall119: quickly runs additional scripts that i probably missed when manually packaging everything21:47
Phoenix87_so that the .desktop file was not installed correctly21:47
Phoenix87_i'm still trying to solve this issue21:47
mhall119those scripts just update the packaing files in debian/21:47
mhall119so they should have been identical (except for the copyright file) when you manually rebuilt it21:48
Phoenix87_mhall119: as we were discussing with mterry it is likely that quickly handles the .desktop file as awell and that probably there is a bug in the 11.10 version21:48
mhall119Phoenix87_: I'll talk to dholbach about it in the morning to get a better understanding21:48
jvrbanacmhall119: quick question. I went through the page you linked me to, all of that stuff make sense. Do we just pick any app in the "Needs Review" category or are they done in a specific order?21:50
Phoenix87_mhall119: i think i finally solved this: i used the 12.04 version of quickly package --extra to have the rules file created without the bug21:50
Phoenix87_i copied this file over21:50
Phoenix87_manually packaged21:50
Phoenix87_and now my app shows in the dash21:50
mhall119jvrbanac: no specific order, just move it to "Being reviewed" when you start on it21:50
Phoenix87_gtumbler_12.07.5_all.deb is currently building on launchpad21:51
mhall119Phoenix87_: I'll talk to dholbach and dpm in the morning to see if it can be included in the judging21:51
Phoenix87_mhall119: ok thank you21:51
jvrbanacmhall119: I don't believe I can move things on Trello as I am not a member on the board.21:53
mhall119ajmitch: ^^ can you add jvrbanac to the board?21:54
Phoenix87_mterry: thank you very much for your assistance.22:07
mterryPhoenix87_, anytime!22:08
OwaisLmhall119, jbisch: Fixed! https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1227/feedback/22:27
doctormonmterry: Are all the apps reviewed now?22:44
jan-simondoes every source code file has to have a copyright section?22:59
mhall119jan-simon: no, the debian/copyright file can specify for all of them23:12
jan-simonmhall119: ok. i finished my review, where should i submit it, and can you take a quick look at it?23:13
mhall119doctormon: there's still about 30 that haven't been reviewed yet23:13
mhall119jan-simon: put is to a bzr branch on launchpad, then send that link to the app-review-board mailing list saying it's ready for a vote23:14
jan-simonok, but there are some issues with the package.23:14
mhall119in that case just state the problems, instead of saying it's ready for a vote23:15
mhall119and CC the app author in the email23:15
OwaisLmhall119, is it possible to have the judges vote on the submitted version but publish the latest version in SC so users get the improvements I've made since submission?23:16
mhall119OwaisL: absolutely23:16
OwaisLmhall119, that's great! I'll prepare the trunk for arb in the morning and submit.23:17
OwaisLThanks a lot for you help!23:17
mhall119cool, good luck23:18
OwaisLGood Night!23:18

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