
=== prp^2 is now known as prpplague
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Guest53271
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
ndecogra_: hi. are you aware of any problem to play mp3 with 12.04? we get segfault with gst/libmad, and if we rebuild libmad with  â€”disable-aso  there is no problem. i am surprised that I don't see a bug for that...09:40
ogra_hmm, havent heard of that09:41
ndecif you don't hear MP3, it's because of that ;-)09:41
ndecdo you have an ARM h/w running ubuntu close by?09:41
ndecif you could try a gst-launch playbin2 uri=file://<xxx.mp3> that would be nice.09:42
ogra_nothing with a desktop install atm (doing low level work here) but i will test that09:44
ndecok. thx09:45
Laneydoes the daily live image (quantal-desktop-armhf+omap4) install onto the same sd card it's booted from?10:26
LaneyI was expecting to be able to install it onto a USB disk but it just went ahead and installed without giving me a choice of destination10:26
LetoThe2ndum, have the images ever been different?10:30
ogra_Laney, no, you need an USB disk10:30
LaneyI don't know what happened then10:31
ogra_and you should get the normal ubiquity partitioning dialogs as on x86 ... if not, thats a bug10:31
ogra_"use whole disk" should default to your USB disk10:32
LaneyI chose timezone, keyboard layout, username10:32
* ogra_ guesses he needs to do a test install to take a look, stgraber also reported some weird stuff yesterday10:32
Laneyand indeed cfdisk confirms the USB disk hasn't been touched10:33
ogra_well, smells a bit like the installer is in oem-config mode ... stephane had an oem-config related error messsage too10:33
ogra_though i have no idea why that would be10:34
LaneyI can believe that, yeah10:34
ogra_if you look at the SD, do you actually have a squashfs on there ?10:34
ogra_(second partition)10:35
ogra_(in the casper/ dir)10:35
Laneyogra_: I see no casper/ there10:45
ogra_which image did you download then ?10:46
Laneyhang on ...10:46
ogra_looks ok to me10:46
Laneyspot the difference10:46
Laneyzcat quantal-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img.gz | sudo dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdb; sudo sync10:46
ogra_i should probably add a quantal section to the wiki :P10:47
Laney"check your tab completion"10:47
ogra_the img file can just be dd'ed10:48
ogra_no need for the zcat10:48
LaneyI think I got that from some wiki page10:48
ogra_it isnt compressed10:48
ogra_right, as i said, i need to update it for quantal10:48
Laneyoh, the desktop one, yeah10:48
ogra_sudo dd if=quantal-desktop-armhf+omap4.img of=/dev/sdb bs=4M10:48
Laneyalready doing it10:49
ogra_theoretically that one should work ....10:49
ogra_*whistle* ...10:49
* Laney coughs10:50
Laneythis looks a lot more like ubiquity10:53
ogra_i hope the bootloader install works now or hw-detect ... it failed in one of these steps10:55
* ogra_ isnt sure which of the two10:55
Laneyogra_: ah, bah, it failed11:13
ogra_how ?11:13
Laneynot sure yet11:13
Laneyhopefully apport collects useful info, otherwise i'll look11:13
Laneyogra_: bug 102435611:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1024356 in ubiquity "quantal armhf+omap4 daily live 2012-07-12 crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102435611:20
Laneyneed any more?11:21
ogra_looks fine, thx11:21
ogra_debconf.DebconfError: (10, "oem-config/enable doesn't exist")11:21
Laneyseen before?11:21
ogra_thats the same bug stgraber saw yesterday11:21
Laneynice, feel free to dup it11:22
ogra_i dont think he filed it actually :)11:22
ogra_but he pinged me about it11:22
* Laney retreats back to precise-server :P11:26
ogra_ppisati, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/110025692/UbiquitySyslog.txt ... lots of "swapper/0: page allocation failure" ... and "smsc95xx 1-1.1:1.0: eth0: kevent 2 may have been dropped" in there11:34
ppisatiogra_: was reading it11:36
ogra_ah, k11:37
ppisatiis there a way to "open" the image and replace it with my own kernel? is it the live install?11:51
ppisatiogra_: ^11:51
ppisatithe page allocation failures are a dup of this11:52
ubot2Ubuntu bug 746137 in jasper-initramfs "Page allocation failure on Pandaboard and Beagle XM" [Undecided,Fix released]11:52
ppisatiand the workaround listed there didn't solve the problem11:52
ppisatido we still use it?11:52
ogra_ppisati, you should be able to replace uImage on the first partition as long as the module symbols match12:20
ppisatiogra_: i'll try12:20
ogra_the initrd is a capser initrd, thats a bit more tricky to rebuild12:20
ppisatiogra_: btw with live installer12:20
ppisati"Failed to unmoun partitions"12:21
ppisati /cdrom12:21
ogra_that shouldnt cause a fatal error12:21
ogra_(x86 USB installations dont have /cdrom either)12:21
ppisatiit's stuck there12:22
ppisatiand i can't go further nor back12:22
ogra_todays image ?12:23
ppisatijust downloaded12:23
ogra_there was a ubiquity upload ....12:23
ppisatilet me retry12:23
ogra_but that wont be on the image i guess12:23
ogra_(uploaded 11:35 , images were published at 12:00 ... unlikely that it made it on todays build)12:24
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
ppisatiogra_: so, /dev/mmcblk0p2 is mounted on /cdrom12:34
ppisatiogra_: and the installer "needs to do changes to the partition table" but can't since a partition is stil mounted (/cdrom indeed)12:34
ogra_are you trying to install to the SD ?12:34
ppisatiogra_: seems it's impossible to installe don the sd card12:35
ogra_thats why the partitioner shows that big fat warning if you select it :)12:35
ppisatiit means we can't install anymore on the sd card then12:35
ogra_you can do it but need to create the rootfs partition beforehand and tell the partitioner to not recreate the partition table12:35
ppisatiwhat a mess12:36
ppisatii'll try on the usd hdd12:36
ogra_(iirc the message the partitioner has says exactly that)12:36
ogra_its an old and known restriction ...12:36
ppisatidoes it say we can't install on the same card?12:36
ppisatilet me try with the usb hdd12:36
ogra_you could take over the toolchain maintenance from infinity, i know he has ideas since a while how to fix it, but he never finds the time for it )12:36
ppisatino way, infinity is doing a great work! :)12:37
ppisati"toolchain maintenance"? don't we get it from linaro?12:37
ppisatii mean the toolchain12:38
ogra_sure, but thats far from prefect ... there are still enough bugs to weed out ... and also bootstrapping a new arch like armhf (or aarm64 next) takes some manpower ...12:39
ppisatii guess so12:39
ogra_which is usually adams :)12:39
ppisatibut i though we got it from linaro and we didn't touch it12:39
ogra_we ofte enough do12:39
ogra_look at who uploads eglibc ;)12:39
ogra_he usually works very close with linaro12:41
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
ogra_anyway, i know he has ideas for a fix, but that might require huge amounts of ram i fear (moving the installer to a tmpfs or so)12:41
ogra_the partitioner shouldnt show the device to you though ... i think we should have a bug for this ...12:42
ogra_i.e. if there is a pre-made partition on the device to install to, it should show it ... if the partition isnt there it should be hidden12:42
ogra_that would make far more sense than the current warning nobody reads12:43
ppisatito me the biggest drawback is that user now needs another medium besides the sd card to do the installation12:45
ogra_thats on purposee12:45
ogra_demoing a system from the slowest media you can use on it isnt really a helpful demo12:46
ogra_and thats largely what these images are, demos12:46
ogra_beyond that, we really want to get rid of any arch specific deltas when not needed12:47
* ogra_ runs an ubiquity debug session to get more info 12:48
ppisatiinstallation finisehed here13:02
ppisati(i can;t type today)13:02
ogra_its friday the 13th ... nobody expects you to be able to type :P13:04
ppisatior to survive...13:04
ppisatiit took a bit13:05
ppisatibut it booted13:05
ppisatibut now i need an sd install only (sprinting next week and i don';t want to bring my hdd around)13:05
* ppisati -> reinstall preinstalled13:05
ppisatidon't we produce omap4 preinsatalled anymore?13:06
ppisatithere's only the server13:06
ppisatii'll use that13:06
ogra_as i said above. you can install to a pre-created partition on the SD13:07
ppisatiserver is faster13:08
ppisatii'll leave the desktop version @ home13:08
ppisatibtw, the splash screen didn't work during the boot13:09
ogra_yep, known13:09
ogra_bug 101890713:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 1018907 in plymouth "plymouth in quantal on arm does only boot with black screen" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101890713:09
stgraberogra_: trying with the latest ubiquity it actually worked here... but according to cjwatson and the ubiquity diff, there wasn't any fix in there...13:22
stgraberso it's some kind of race and I got lucky, I guess13:22
ppisatistgraber: omap4 live daily?13:22
ogra_stgraber, my test install is in the last stages, lets see13:24
stgraberppisati: yep13:25
ogra_ok, crashed here too ... apport running13:26
ogra_(i ran with ubiquity -d, lets see if that shows the issue)13:26
stgraberogra_: check /var/log/syslog for a stacktrace containing "oem-config/enable doesn't exist"13:27
stgraberogra_: Colin added some debugging in ubiquity with the latest release to try and catch that bug (or another bug in the same area), so hopefully you'll have something in the log that'll help debugging13:27
ppisatiit did work here...13:29
ogra_i have a totally different error13:30
ogra_thats absolutely not helpful :(13:30
ogra_(massive amounts of ext2 errors in syslog)13:30
ogra_i still dont get why the images default to use an ext2 partition for /boot ... we dont make any use of it13:35
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
ogra_rsalveti, hey13:35
rsalvetiogra_: hey!13:36
ogra_rsalveti, do you have any ETA for new dkms drivers for omap4 that work with TILT ?13:37
rsalvetiogra_: ti pushed a new version at the ppa, I'll be reviewing it later today to see if I can update the driver available at quantal13:40
rsalvetibut it should work with tilt13:40
ogra_awesome, thanks ... since we have full jockey support all users get offered the installation immediately after first boot13:41
rsalvetiyeah, makes sense13:41
ogra_so having a fixed package in the archive would help a lot :)13:41
rsalvetithe newer driver will probably require a few patches on some other packages, but I'll review those as well13:41
rsalvetiogra_: ppisati: regarding the smsc95xx messages, the workaround was part of jasper13:42
rsalvetiand if we want to install the rootfs at a usb driver, we need it around from first boot13:42
rsalvetiotherwise you'll get tons of messages and it'll make the system slow13:43
ogra_oh, i remember, that was a sysctl workaround13:44
ppisatirsalveti: do you carry it in linaro? the workaround i mean13:56
rsalvetippisati: yup13:57
=== TheFinder is now known as Neko
janimomarvin24, ogra_ the free nvflash replacement does only work with unlocked devices of course. Useful since it is easier to install than nvflash if it's packaged but does not do anything which already can't be done17:52
janimosuch as flash locked down hardware :)17:53
janimomarvin24, if X fails to start with 'TEGRA: Failed to initialize display controller library' where would you look for a fix?17:53
janimo2.6.39 kernel17:53
janimo2.6.36 works with the same userland/X17:53
marvin24janimo: urg17:54
marvin24update your kernel ...17:54
janimoto 3.1 ?17:54
marvin24or 3.017:54
janimotransformer not ac10017:54
janimoworks with 26.3617:54
marvin24ah, you need the right display drivers for your kernel17:54
marvin24every kernel has a different one17:54
janimojust thought you know since it is tegra2 stuff17:54
marvin24we just skipped this version ;-)17:54
janimoheh, nvidia dev site is closed due to attacks at the moment17:55
janimobut I'll try getting another L4T if that should solve it17:55
janimoIIRc L4T had one for 2.6.3817:55
marvin24yes, someone stole 450000 yahoo acounts and tries every site now with the same passports17:55
marvin24I don't know if NV every released L4T for a .39 kernel17:56
janimoand this is a reason for closing down a site? I am glad google did not follow nvidia devzone's lead :)17:56
marvin24not yet ...17:56
marvin24they are very nervous17:56
janimothey have kernels for each L4T tagged appropriately but the reverse is not true17:56
janimoogra_, did you do some more detective work on the ac100 crash with large initrd?18:15
marvin24janimo: fastboot can only handle 2 MB initrds19:19
marvin24hard coded19:19
marvin24which was more than enough, android uses 150 k !19:19
janimomarvin24, is ubuntu already using best compression method? It's lzma right?19:20
marvin24no, I always used xz (which is not so good)19:20
marvin24we could try with lzma though19:20
janimoI think they are comparable19:23
janimowe need to get the ubuntu initrd size down for ac100 then I guess19:23
marvin24yeah, nearly equal19:24
marvin24but my testdata is a bit bad for this19:24

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