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lhwhey guys. i need somebody to nominate https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1023197 for 12.04. whom should i talk too about this? logan does not provide any contact information13:07
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1023197 in s2tc "Sync s2tc 0~git20110809-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released]13:07
lhwwell he has a freenode nick in his profile but i havent caught him online yet. and whois doesnt show nay information13:07
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=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
LoTwho here is actually alive and willing to test a bug for me14:07
LoTthis bug was referenced on Ask Ubuntu, but I've confirmed "Not a Bug" in 12.04, as `/etc/rc.local` is run absolutely correctly in every instance (I have 60 different test rc.locals, so...)  micahg, how do you think this one should be handled (its marked as "Incomplete" now)?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysvinit/+bug/88225414:15
ubot2Ubuntu bug 882254 in sysvinit "/etc/rc.local is not executed at startup " [Undecided,Incomplete]14:15
micahgLoT: just leave it as incomplete (confirming things work is great, that means we don't know of a bug, but doesn't mean one doesn't exist), it'll expire in due time if untouched14:17
micahgit seems like an edge case to begin with14:18
LoTmicahg: i agree, shoudl I comment i've confirmed it works as expected in 60 different cases?14:22
* LoT has WAY too much time on his hands to confirm/refute bugs today14:22
LoT(that will reset the expiry timer though)14:22
micahghrm, last comment was about a month ago14:25
LoTmicahg: indeed, this was *just referenced* in an Ask Ubuntu question about... oh...14:26
LoT45 minutes ago14:26
LoTnot sure whether I should reference this bug was dredged back up on Ask Ubuntu and I ran tests which showed that rc.local runs correctly.14:27
micahgLoT: I think that it's understood that it works for most people,, but some still have the issue, so more information from them would probably be helpful if it exists14:27
LoT(or rather as is expected for that file during bootup)14:27
LoTindeed, i'll leave it be14:27
micahgLoT: that was mentioned in comment 14 already14:27
LoTi'll comment on the question that dredged it up on Ask Ubuntu though14:27
micahgthat makes senes14:27
LoTmhm.  you know, i should write an extended post there about 'How to determine whether a bug listed on launchpad is really is a bug?'14:33
LoTinclude that 'Bugs identified as "Incomplete" are not able to be confirmed or are missing information, or rather could be an edge-case instance of functionality not working"14:33
LoTor something.14:33
LoTmicahg: i also think that bugsquad/bugcontrol representatives should host a classroom session about bugs, sort of like a "Bugs 101" day or something, where we go and help educate the community about bugs and answer general questions about how we work... but that's my opinion.  should i start a discussion on that on the bugsquad mailing list?14:34
micahgsure, would be a great Ubuntu User day session14:35
LoTcoincidentially, pleia2 and i were discussing that during Ubuntu User Days xD14:35
LoTduring the community roundtable xD14:36
LoTnow where'd that draft go...14:36
LoTapparently they dont save drafts data14:36
LoTthey *used* to14:36
* LoT wrote up a two page email about this yesterday before leaving work, and now gmail forgot about it14:37
LoTmicahg: do bugcontrol people monitor the bugsquad mailing list as well as the bugcontrol mailing list?14:41
LoTor should I just add the bugcontrol list as a CC14:41
micahgwell, some are subscribed to both, I don't have exact stats14:43
LoTmight as well CC the bugcontrol mailing list while i'm at it, then.14:43
LoTi know i'm subscribed to both, but i'm subscribed to a lot of mailing lists :P14:44
LoTmicahg: i've sent out the email, feel free to comment :)14:45
LoTeesh, PHP is memory-hungry... *walks off to address broken PHP*14:45
=== berdario_ is now known as berdario
lhwso nobody here who can nominate a bug or knows whom to contact?15:15
LoTlhw: out of curiosity which bug?15:16
lhwi asked that a few hours back15:16
LoTlhw i wasnt here a few hours back15:16
LoTso therefore i have a right to ask15:16
LoTwhich bug :)15:16
lhwokay wait a moment15:16
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1023197 in s2tc "Sync s2tc 0~git20110809-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released]15:16
LoTlooks like this was done?15:16
LoTthat only gets synced to Quantal15:16
LoTyou'd have to backport or SRU to get into Precise or earlier15:16
LoTmicahg could easily explain that process15:17
lhwthats what i mean15:17
LoTespecially since micah's a MOTU15:17
LoTthat's a separate procedure and bug thing though15:17
LoTlhw: where did you want that to end up in, Precise?15:17
lhwaccording to the wiki i need someone to nominate the bug then subscribe ubuntu-sru15:17
* LoT opens the source package15:17
lhwthe current version in precise has a severe multiarch bug15:18
LoTthe SRU team is already subscribed15:18
lhwyeah i did that earlier15:18
LoT*they* should be the ones to target the bug to Precise15:18
LoTat least IMO15:19
lhwhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure step 3 says someone needs to nominate the bug15:20
lhwwhom should i contact about this?15:21
LoThang on a sec15:21
LoTlhw: ScottK is on the SRU team, should be able to help you15:21
ScottKWhat's the question?15:21
LoTScottK: Context: LP Bug 102319715:21
lhwthe article about bug supervisors is not helpful btw15:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1023197 in s2tc "Sync s2tc 0~git20110809-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102319715:21
LoTapparently this is now SRU'd?15:21
ScottKlhw: I just joined, so I've got no context.15:21
LoTScottK: he wants the aforementioned bug to be targetted to Precise for SRU-ing15:22
* ScottK looks.15:22
LoTi may be on bugcontrol, but the system won't let me target bugs to Precise or any other release15:22
* LoT isnt sure why15:23
ScottKSeems like the one you want to target is Bug #1012266 .15:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1012266 in s2tc "amd64 and i386 version uses same /etc/alternative and conflicts" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101226615:23
ScottKThat's the actual problem.15:23
LoTlhw: ^15:23
ScottKI did that one.15:24
ScottKSomeone will need to prepare an upload, get it sponsored, etc.15:24
LoTScottK: sorry to pull you in from whatever you were doing, just wanted someone on SRU team to help out here :P15:24
* LoT returns to silently sifting through bugs15:24
LoTW 315:24
LoTUGH irssi15:24
lhwwell i committed the fix to debian a while ago but bug reports kept popping up on launchpad. so i thought this probably should get fixed sometime15:25
ScottKThe process is to make a debdiff targetting precise-proposed (I'd version it Sync s2tc 0~git20110809-2.1) and then subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug.15:26
ScottKlhw: ^^^ will get it in the queue to get uploaded and fixed in precise.15:27
* ScottK has to go.15:27
=== LoT is now known as LordOfTime
lhwokay i did that. lets see how it turns out16:14
=== crazyrohila is now known as crazyrohila_slee
TheLordOfTimewhere're crash reports sent to again?  I know they're bugcontrol restricted, but still21:54
micahgno where AFAIK, there's just a launchpad team subscribed21:55
hggdhmicahg, TheLordOfTime: actually, https://errors.ubuntu.com21:58
TheLordOfTimeyeah micahg misinterpreted what i said :P21:58
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  thanks21:58
* TheLordOfTime knew it was $something.ubuntu.com, but forgot the something21:58
hggdhwell, pretty much everything here is something.ubuntu.com...21:58
TheLordOfTimeexcept LP bugs :P21:59
TheLordOfTimeoh dear i found a bug in the sorting of the errors on errors.u.c22:00
TheLordOfTimeand it relates to the >1000000 bugs we have22:00
hggdhopen a bug on it :-)22:01
TheLordOfTimeits a bug i can work around, but still22:02
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  micahg:  how can you tell if a package is unmaintained?22:10
micahgTheLordOfTime: hrm?  Ubuntu doesn't have maintainers, most packages are maintained in Debian22:13
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  that's what i meant by "unmaintained" whether here or there, how do you tell if a package is abandoned aka "unmaintained"22:13
micahgTheLordOfTime: well, if there are RC bugs open in Debian for more than a month, that's a pretty good sign, but that might also depend on the bug22:14
hggdhTheLordOfTime: this would apply mostly for Universe packages -- main packages always have a maintainer (in Debian)22:15
hggdhand UBuntu22:15
hggdhalso a good indicator is http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/orphaned22:16
micahgTheLordOfTime: is there a specific package?22:16
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  sort of, but apparently its an instance where i need to go yell at someone for using ancient hardy-era software :P22:16
micahgTheLordOfTime: I still have a hardy package on one of my machines since it was dropped from the archive22:17
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  someone's using knetworkmanager which was dropped since hardy22:17
TheLordOfTimethey're on precise22:17
TheLordOfTimeno clue how its still existent22:17
micahgTheLordOfTime: why not?  packages aren't removed on upgrade unless there's a conflict of some sort22:18
* TheLordOfTime shrugs22:19
TheLordOfTimejust sayin22:19
micahgTheLordOfTime: that's just a transitional package for network-manager-kde22:20
micahgTheLordOfTime: what's the problem?22:21
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  private issue, not one occurring on IRC22:21
* TheLordOfTime didnt realize knetworkmanager was dropped after Hardy until he checked LP22:21
micahgTheLordOfTime: rmadison is a nice tool22:22

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