
dholbachgood morning07:02
dpmhey all07:15
=== fenris is now known as Guest73296
* dpm packs lunch and goes to the beach11:46
akgranerIn my search for a quote on community - I found this page - http://commonquote.com/author/6444/jono-bacon  (go jono)13:32
jcastroJoseeAntonioR: heya13:37
jcastrowhen I get back from OSCON13:37
jcastrolet's link up wrt. the hangout?13:37
jcastropopey: don't forget you said you'd get us a logo!13:37
popeyyeah, got someone who said he would, nothing yet, will poke him13:38
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: pong14:50
JoseeAntonioRpopey: got any news from the person?14:51
popeyno, will poke over the weekend14:51
popeywhen is the first hangout on air happening?14:52
JoseeAntonioRpopey: 26th, alpha 3 release day14:52
popeybe good to figure out a way to embed the hangout in a page..14:52
popeycan't be hard :)14:52
popeyi know a man who can14:53
JoseeAntonioRhmm, afaik it's a youtube link, maybe you can embed it as a youtube video as soon as we have the link14:53
popeyyeah, i reckon we can do it easily14:53
balloonsjono, I blame you for getting crazy train stuck in my head now14:58
jonoballoons, haha14:58
jonoballoons, dholbach, dpm, mhall119, jcastro all set?15:00
jonoballoons, dholbach, dpm, mhall119, jcastro https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/fb94773bc9d79d0a8f8356db9843e2b1b50cc806?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:01
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: pong, time and date set for the session15:05
jcastrooh what;s the date?15:05
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: July 26th, 19UTC15:06
jcastro:-/ I can't do it on that day15:07
jcastroon a call, I'll ping you in a few15:07
JoseeAntonioRgot it15:10
jcastroJoseeAntonioR: hey so I can do an hour on that day, but not any longer as I fly out to holiday that night15:51
jcastro<-- quick lunch, brb15:52
bkerensahuh Ubuntu people are arriving for OSCON already :)16:20
dholbachhave a great WE everyone!17:26
dpmok calling it a day, have a great weekend!17:41
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: Is it fine from 19 to 20 UTC?19:31
jcastroyeah, but if we could do it earlier it would be much better, in case we want to go longer19:31
JoseeAntonioRhmm, is 30 mins earlier fine? I'll be at school before19:33
jcastroyou don't need to be there for the whole thing19:36
jcastroI mean last time we did it it was like 3 hours19:36
jcastroso maybe start an hour earlier and make it 2 hours?19:36
jcastroand then like, I can handle the first part.19:37
JoseeAntonioRsure, I'll let the speakers know, I've got bkerensa and bdmurray, for half and hour each one19:38
bkerensajcastro: yeah I think 2 hours minimum is best since there were quite a bit of questions last time... In fact have you consider allowing us to stream the hangout live on OMG? I think it would significantly increase the amount of questions and engagement.19:39
jcastrohow long did we go last time?19:40
jcastrolike 3 hours right?19:40
JoseeAntonioRwe could embed the youtube link in omg19:40
JoseeAntonioRI've got nhandler in AirBot, and we've got #ubuntu-on-air for chat19:42
JoseeAntonioRs/in/working in19:42
bkerensajcastro: like 3 hours and jono even got worn out and had to bail :P19:46
jcastrook so 2ish should be fine19:47
JoseeAntonioRhave to go now, be back in ~3 h to tell you some other bits missing19:47
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: I think the day beforehand we need to make a wiki explaining how to get questions in on various social media and also yeah we can throw the youtube widget on OMG in a post... I'll talk to Joey about it but it shouldnt be an issue19:47
* bkerensa has to go so he can meet koolhead who flew in from india :D19:48
JoseeAntonioRgreat, we'll surely mame it19:48
bkerensajcastro: when do you land?19:48
jcastroI get to the hotel at 919:49
jcastroactually, arrive at PDX at 7:12pm19:49
bkerensajcastro: so you will be at CLS?19:50
jcastrono I don't  get there until sunday19:58
jcastrobut I'll be at the puppet thing for sure19:58
bkerensajcastro: were also looking at maybe a Ubuntu Hour next Friday since we have pleia2 and you guys coming in town... I can try and round up the local canonical people :)20:02
jcastrobkerensa: I'm leaving wednesday unfortunately20:40
pleia2d'oh, I'm coming in wednesday night20:40
bkerensaWell jcastro most of us will see you at puppetlabs and pleia2 we can still gather friday it usually works best21:26

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