
BenCstgraber: how do I check the test results?00:25
stgraberBenC: no idea, in my case the build died right after the failure. If you actually get debuild to succeed, then it didn't fail for you00:33
BenCstgraber: it failed in the tests, but I'm trying to find the output of those failures and it isn't very easy00:35
bretthhow do i make an "applet" that runs in the ubuntu "system-tray" ?00:36
TheMusobretth: YOu want to create an indicator. Best you ask on #ubuntu-app-devel, I am pretty sure someone in there can point you to indicator documentation.00:38
bretthTheMuso, thanks!00:38
DiopterIs there an easier way to add a custom .udeb to an initrd.gz than rebuilding the debian-installer?00:41
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bretthwhat's the best way from python for my script to know that it is running in Ubuntu with Unity?02:19
bretth(my script needs to support multiple desktops, Gnome3, Cinnamon, etc)02:20
bretthi was thinking that "try: import appindicator" is one way, but kind of looks like a hack.02:21
TheMusobretth: I believe jockey does something similar to check environment. Check the jockey source package from Ubuntu, quantal should do, but precise would be a better option, as jockey has changed somewhat so far as I understand things...02:29
TheMusobretth: Jockey also has multiple frontends for GTK and KDE.02:29
RAOF@pilot in02:31
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal A2 released! | Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: RAOF
bretthTheMuso, thanks, another question, how long will Ubuntu support pygtk (gtk2)? is it safe to write my app using pygtk?02:32
TheMusobretth: If you are supporting precise or later, I strongly suggest you use Gtk2 via GObject introspection.02:52
TheMusoOr even better, use GTK3.02:52
bretthi need to also support Ubuntu 10.1002:52
TheMusoPygtk2 is not supported upstream really, so far as I know, if anything, they want it gone.02:52
TheMusoAh ok, then I think pygtk2 is your best bet then.02:53
micahgbretth: Ubuntu 10.10 is no longer supported, why would you want to support it?02:53
bretthmicahg, its not my decision02:53
micahgbretth: 10.04 is supported on the desktop for another 9 months02:54
bretth10.04 is Unity?02:54
micahgbretth: no, it's pre unity, but even in precise, you don't have to use Unity, there are many other desktop environments02:55
bretthmicahg, seems that must use Unity for appindicator.02:56
JontheEchidnagnome2 had indicator-applet, iirc02:56
infinityAnd indicators are used in other DEs as well.02:56
micahgbretth: no, I don't think that's true, there are indicators in xubntu02:56
infinityThey're there by default on Xubuntu.02:56
infinityKubuntu may also do something with them, but I don't remember.02:57
bretthoh good, that makes it easier to support Xubuntu.02:57
JontheEchidnathe KDE panel tray supports anything conforming to the indicator spec02:57
bretthi already have a applet designed for KDE02:58
JontheEchidnaoh yeah, you were in #kde-devel last night I think02:58
bretthyep, that was me.02:58
bretthso is Wayland making it into the next Ubuntu?02:59
JontheEchidnaI don't think that'll happen for a while. *Maybe* there will be a tech demo available for installation in the archives for the next Ubuntu.03:00
bretthi have python wrappers for wayland working03:00
bretthworks with Python2, Python3, and PyPy03:00
JontheEchidna!info weston quantal03:01
ubottuweston (source: weston): reference implementation of a wayland compositor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.85.0-1build1 (quantal), package size 178 kB, installed size 437 kB (Only available for linux-any)03:01
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scientesJontheEchidna, does it work with gtk now?03:29
bretthscientes, i saw some screen shots of gtk on wayland.03:33
scientesyes yes i've used it myself03:33
scientesbut i mean in ubuntu03:33
scienteswithout building anything03:33
vibhavcjwatson: ping04:21
pittiGood morning04:56
ScottKGood morning pitti.05:01
ScottKpitti: Just so someone else other than me knows the status: We've had Bug #1024016  and a fair number of duplicates pile up yesterday and tonight.  I think I just uploaded the final bit of fixing it.05:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024016 in python3-defaults (Ubuntu) "package python3 3.2.3-2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 4" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102401605:02
ScottKMade the publisher run by a few seconds, so we should see goodness in half an hour.05:04
ScottKI grabbed the .debs from LP and confirmed it's really, really fixed now.05:07
pittiah, seems I just ran into this during daily dist-upgrade; thanks!05:07
ScottKYou can either grab the new versions of whatever you have installed from python3-defaults or wait a bit I guess.05:08
dholbachgood morning07:02
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RAOF@pilot out08:31
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal A2 released! | Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
* dholbach hugs RAOF08:34
dholbachhum, is anyone else having an issue with python3-minimal installation in quantal?08:34
RAOFMorning dholbach :)08:34
dholbachhey :)08:34
RAOFdholbach: That should be fixed in python3 3.2.3-3ubuntu108:35
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RAOFYou're seeing bug #102401608:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024016 in python3-defaults (Ubuntu) "package python3 3.2.3-2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 4" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102401608:35
dholbachok, manually downloading the packages and installing them with dpkg -i fixed it08:36
dholbachbut apt-get install -f didn't08:36
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jamespageany perl guru's around? I need some help with bug 1022385 - seen this a few times now and not really sure what it points to08:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1022385 in samba (Ubuntu) "package samba 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102238508:45
cjwatsonthe exit code may be unrelated to the noise from debconf, since none of that noise ought to be fatal08:47
cjwatson128 is an unlikely exit code for a debconf-related problem; but you can try with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer to establish that more certainly08:47
cjwatsonI think that noise basically means that the user disconnected from debconf, maybe by closing a dialog box or something08:48
rbasakThanks. I'd left the bug there because I wondered if anyone else knew what was going on08:50
jamespagerbasak, I found another 128 code with bacula with similar symptoms hence my question - cjwatson - OK I'll get the reported to try that then08:51
jamespagecjwatson, does exit code 128 have any specific meaning?08:51
jamespage(and where would I look for that sort of thing)08:51
cjwatsonThere's no single place you can look.  Exit codes are very application-specific.08:53
cjwatsonI can't think of any specific meaning for 128 that might have broad applicability.08:56
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cjwatsonhggdh: Don't suppose you had any luck getting me that debug output?09:05
cjwatsonhggdh: There seems to be some in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/job/quantal-desktop-i386_default/69/, but it doesn't contain the bits I expected ...09:06
gemacjwatson: I am executing another job, on a particular node and will connect to the VM whenever it's done installing09:30
gemacjwatson: I should be able to get you some logs out of it09:30
cjwatsonOK, let's hope it actually fails09:31
gemacjwatson: indeed09:31
cjwatsonCurrently uploading ubiquity 2.11.14 with an utter-guesswork possible fix (I think it's a long shot but you never know)09:31
gemacjwatson: will I be able to connect to the VM if it never finishes installing?09:32
cjwatsonI don't know09:32
cjwatsonThat all sounds rather specific to your test environment, and I'm not familiar with it09:32
gemacjwatson: I am learnin as I go, but the installer just said that it installed successfully :/09:33
cjwatsonTry again09:35
cjwatsonIt's racy - even on jenkins, which seems to reproduce this more frequently than any other environment (maybe just because it does lots of runs), it only happens sometimes09:36
cjwatsonI think only one of last night's runs failed09:36
cjwatsonhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/job/quantal-desktop-i386_encryptedhome/46/artifact/46/test-results/d-i-debug.log exists but is empty :-(09:36
gemacjwatson: do you know roughly at which point in the installation this happens?09:37
cjwatsonhggdh: Whatever you did in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/job/quantal-desktop-i386_encryptedhome/46/ seems to have made the d-i-syslog useless too09:37
cjwatsongema: "Configuring hardware"09:37
cjwatsonFairly near the end09:37
cjwatsonhggdh: That seems to be more like casper.log or something ...09:37
gemacjwatson: I tried on one of my test machines the other day and it got stuck on the camera screen to never come back09:38
cjwatsongema: Whatever that is (a gstreamer bug, I guess), it's unrelated09:38
gemacjwatson: ack09:39
dholbachdidrocks, can you join #ubuntu-arb again? :-D09:55
didrocksdholbach: yeah, coming. Should really adjust my autojoin :)09:57
toabctli have a dependency problem with python3 on quantal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1089585/10:12
seb128could somebody set https://code.launchpad.net/~lars.duesing/ubuntu/precise/aiccu/aiccu-upstart-server-patch-precise/+merge/111610 as merged?10:14
seb128the fix got uploaded but the merge request was targetting precise and not precise-proposed10:15
pittiseb128: done10:18
seb128pitti, danke10:21
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hggdhcjwatson: all I did was pass to the kernel debug-ubiquity11:56
hggdhcjwatson: and the debug log seems to be empty. I tried /var/log/debug as I was told, and /var/log/installer/debug, as the wiki says11:58
pittithere, StacktraceSource.txt is being produced again: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/110026354/StacktraceSource.txt11:58
seb128cjwatson, green jenkins on both amd64 and i386, either we got lucky or you fixed the bug ;-)11:59
cjwatsonseb128: we got lucky12:04
cjwatsonI suspect12:04
cjwatsonseb128: oh, do you mean with .14?12:04
cjwatsonseb128: there've not been any tests with the latest build yet, so really can't say anything12:06
seb128cjwatson, no, 13.1 for both12:06
cjwatsonhggdh: I did tell you /var/log/installer/debug, not /var/log/debug (which would be wrong)12:06
seb128cjwatson, I though .1 was your recent upload12:06
seb128cjwatson, .14 is tomorrow ;-)12:07
seb128cjwatson, well, anyway, let's see12:07
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pittiseb128: retracers (hopefully) fixed again, after the two recent cron mails12:31
seb128pitti, thanks12:31
seb128pitti, what was the issue on those?12:31
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pittiseb128: the first one was a bug when a source file had non-ascii characters, the retracer is running under C locale12:32
pittiseb128: the second just me picking the wrong cache dir when running apport-retrace manually12:32
seb128did I say how much I hate encodings? ;-)12:32
pittiseb128: it got exposed because StacktraceSource.txt is back on now12:32
seb128nice to see those back, thanks for that12:33
pittiseb128: yeah; one of these years, C and all other non-UTF-8 encodings just belong abolished..12:33
seb128it's handy to have them12:33
cjwatsonseb128: yeah, everyone should speak ASCII-only languages12:33
cjwatson(shame English doesn't qualify ...)12:33
seb128english is not ascii only?12:33
pittiyeah, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/110026354/StacktraceSource.txt looks quite nice12:34
seb128you stole that to us, didn't you? ;-)12:34
cjwatson"fête" - various odds and ends like that12:34
cjwatsonand yeah, mostly French imports :)12:34
cjwatsonactually these days it's mostly legit to drop the diacritics but anyway12:35
pitticjwatson: don't forget about the ☺12:35
* pitti imagines Kanji or Mandarin in ASCII art12:36
seb128pitti, Ṳßυᾔ⊥υ12:40
seb128pitti, http://fsymbols.com/generators/encool/ does that sort of stuff ;-)12:40
seb128you type ascii chars and it gives you a fancy similar looking one made from unicode chars12:41
pitti¡ʎuunɟ sʞooן ʇɐɥʇ12:41
pittioops, /me turns his monitor back up12:41
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pitti. o O { clearly Friday afternoon.. }12:41
seb128pitti, how did you do that? ;-)12:41
pittiseb128: I turned my monitor upside down12:42
pittinah, http://www.sevenwires.com/play/UpsideDownLetters.html12:42
seb128ok, we just traded fun websites then :p12:42
seb128⊥♄@☂❝ṧ ηḯ¢ε12:42
seb128it's friday indeed ;-)12:42
evmpt: looking at the several week view of "average crashes per day." Rather unsurprisingly, theres a bump on the weekends.13:04
zuldidrocks: ping13:05
didrockszul: pong13:05
mptev, which isn't what we want ... You shouldn't be able to improve the stats by making Ubuntu so that people don't want to use it13:05
zuldidrocks: can you have a look at the python-quantumclient MIR (LP: #1021822)13:05
didrockszul: what is depending on it?13:07
zuldidrocks: new nova build depends13:07
didrockszul: can you please state that in the MIR?13:07
evmpt: hmm? In that because it doesn't factor in the total usage it's skewed on the weekends? Thus if we make people use Ubuntu for shorter periods of times the graph will look better, but the experience will still be poor?13:07
zuldidrocks: done13:08
didrockszul: all build-deps are not in main13:08
didrockszul: python-nosexcover is not for instance13:09
zuldidrocks: crap13:09
didrockszul: can you please check it again? the stenza in the MIR is not just for copy and paste :)13:09
didrockszul: please reassign once sorted out :)13:10
mdeslaurbarry: is there a bug open for the uninstallable python 3 in quantal?13:12
cjwatsoncan't be entirely uninstallable, livefs builds haven't broken13:13
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cjwatson(I haven't looked at it at all mind you and won't, enough on my plate)13:13
ogasawara@pilot in13:14
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal A2 released! | Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ogasawara
mdeslaurdobey: did you figure out your python3 install issue? is there a bug open?13:16
dobeymdeslaur: i haven't figured it out, no. there is a bug with many dupes afaik. let me see if i can find the #13:17
dobeymdeslaur: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3-defaults/+bug/1024016 i think13:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024016 in python3-defaults (Ubuntu) "package python3 3.2.3-2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 4" [Critical,Fix released]13:17
mdeslaurdobey: ah, yes, that's the one...thanks13:19
mdeslaurdobey: ah, manually upgrading python3 as suggested at the end just worked for me13:21
dobeyyeah i just had to manually install the 3ubuntu1 version, then do -f install13:25
pittimvo: hey Michael, how are you?13:32
seb128mvo, aptdaemon SRU veri^W forget about that you did it :p13:32
mvohey pitti, good, thanks! how are you (phonecall though right now)13:32
pittimvo: good, thanks! currently investigating some auto-upgrade-tester failures13:33
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cr3ogra_: hi there, roadmr and I need your assistance to close bug #245488 by removing the ol' hwdb-client package from universe :)13:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245488 in hwtest (Ubuntu) "please add proper replaces for hwdb-client to hwtest " [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24548813:37
mvopitti: aha, precise->quantal? or lucid->precise?13:37
pittimvo: lucid->precise, but both really13:37
ogra_cr3, yeah, i saw the bugmail, why the heck is that still there ?13:37
pittimvo: WDYT about http://paste.ubuntu.com/1089849/ ?13:38
cr3ogra_: no clue but, instead of just marking the bug as invalid, we'd like to take this opportunity to clean the archive a bit13:38
ogra_cr3, and that bug is obviously invalid now13:38
cr3ogra_: I'm using the bug as a nagging reminder to do things right :)13:39
pittimvo: I added a reproducer and analysis to bug 1024346 and verified that it works fine now13:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024346 in auto-upgrade-testing (Ubuntu) "python import test fails on modules which need $DISPLAY" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102434613:39
cr3ogra_, roadmr: 23 bugs for hwdb-client in ubuntu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hwdb-client13:41
cr3ogra_: thanks for the link, we'll follow the process13:41
ogra_cr3, just doing so13:41
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cr3ogra_: sweet, thanks!13:42
cjwatsoncr3: does checkbox still have any file overlaps with hwdb-client?13:42
roadmrcr3: I got rid of all the hwtest bugs, didn't touch hwdb-client13:42
cr3cjwatson: nope, hwdb-client was there such a long time ago, it was even renamed to hwtest before being finally renamed to checkbox13:44
cr3ogra_: the good ol' days :)13:44
cjwatsoncr3: since it is still in the archive, if there were any file overlaps then they can't be excused by intermediate renamings13:44
cjwatsonso is the answer yes or no? :)13:44
ogra_cjwatson, i changed the bug above into a removal bug for hwdb.-client13:45
cjwatsonI know, but that doesn't answer my question either13:45
cr3roadmr: when did we remove the transitional package for hwtest -> checkbox? is it still in precise?13:45
roadmrcr3: nope, last release it shows for is oneiric13:45
ogra_how could there be file overlaps if one is in universe and the other is in main13:46
cjwatsonogra_: that said, I'm confused, hwdb-client is not in quantal13:46
ogra_even shipped on the cd13:46
cjwatsonogra_: overlaps in their *contents*13:46
roadmrcr3: removed since 2012-02-0113:46
cjwatsonuniverse/main> totally irrelevant13:46
cjwatsonright, I removed hwdb-client from intrepid in 2008.  I don't know why you're asking for it to be removed now :)13:46
* ogra_ doesnt get that, if checkbox works standalone without hwdb-client installed, where should be file overlaps ? 13:47
cjwatsonyou know what replaces: is for, right?13:47
cjwatsonamong other things, it's for when a package ships a file previously shipped by another package13:47
roadmrI looked for hwdb-client and I found it in universe: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/h/hwdb-client/13:47
cr3cjwatson: I just checked the packages in the archive and there are no overlaps with any files in checkbox13:47
ogra_roadmr, thats old stuff13:47
cjwatsonif checkbox had shipped a file that hwdb-client previously shipped, then it ought to have had a Replaces header, despite hwtest coming in between13:48
ogra_cjwatson, i still dont get how that would be relevant for the removal of hwdb-client13:48
cr3ogra_: it might've been possible that both hwdb-client and checkbox installed /usr/bin/foo, for example. I think that's what we're looking for13:48
cjwatsonit's not particularly, it's just that sometimes people think that removing the old package is good enough in such cases, and it isn't13:48
roadmroh, foo13:48
cjwatsonI was checking that due diligence had been done13:48
ogra_ah, ok13:48
cr3cjwatson: hwtest, that followed hwdb-client, had a Replaces header13:48
cr3cjwatson: err, checkbox has a Replaces header for hwtest, that followed hwdb-client13:49
cjwatsonunderstood but not relevant :)13:49
hggdhcjwatson: were you talking (when you said the ubiquity syslog was useless) about the 'not copying..." etc?13:49
cjwatsonin general we cannot assume that users have traced through every step in our package renamings13:49
cjwatsonanyway, this is moot, because hwdb-client was gone in intrepid and you've said that there are no file overlaps13:49
cjwatsonhggdh: in the URL I gave, it's not even a ubiquity syslog.  it stops at the end of casper.13:49
evmpt: ah, excellent. That's much better than dealing with it off a subpage13:50
pittigema, mvo: do you know whether the jenkins upgrade tests use the branch or the package for auto-upgrade-testing?13:50
pittigema, mvo: i. e. I hope we don't need to SRU the latest changes just to fix the tests13:51
gemapitti: I don't really know13:51
hggdhcjwatson: yes, this build failed -- we got an error relating to hardware, and the install got stuck on a pop-up, and was eventually canceled on timeout13:52
mvopitti: I'm pretty sure it uses the package13:56
pittimvo: gah13:56
pittimvo: anyway, do you think the xvfb-run patch is appropriate?13:56
cjwatsonhggdh: ok13:57
pittiScottK: thanks for fixing the py3 mess!14:13
mvopitti: yeah, I think that is a excellent idea14:14
pittimvo: ok, thanks; committing that and uplaoding to quantal, so that at least teh precise->quantal tests should have this fixed14:14
ScottKpitti: Thanks.  It was my sync that caused it, so I think it was mine to fix.14:14
mvopitti: cool, thanks14:15
jonoseb128, are you aware of compiz constantly restarting when using Libreoffice?15:04
seb128jono, no15:04
seb128jono, seems like a segfault, what Ubuntu version, is apport triggering?15:05
jonoseb128, I have been working on a presentation and it keeps restarting for me15:05
jonoapport isnt triggering15:05
jonoI am on Quantal15:05
seb128jono, tail /var/log/apport.log?15:05
jonoseb128, no output15:06
seb128jono, dmesg | grep compiz ?15:07
jonoseb128, [73664.275452] compiz[1828]: segfault at 64 ip b45b0677 sp bfac8f90 error 4 in libunityshell.so (deleted)[b4401000+307000]15:09
seb128jono, there you go15:10
seb128jono, sudo service apport start force_start=115:10
seb128jono, get the issue15:10
seb128jono, report the bug15:10
jonostart: Job is already running: apport15:10
seb128jono, ok, not sure why apport is not working then15:11
seb128jono, nothing in /var/crash ?15:11
jonoseb128, bunch of things in there15:12
seb128jono, compiz one?15:12
seb128jono, you might want to wipe them all, trigger the bug and see if a compiz one gets written15:13
seb128doko, hey, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdb/+bug/1006860 good to upload or do you want to review,handle it?15:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1006860 in gdb (Ubuntu) "gdb crashes when loading core files (in is_ctor_or_dtor)" [High,Confirmed]15:13
dokoseb128, won't have time for it. a NULL check doesn't sound bad. please could you keep the report open?15:15
seb128doko, is it fine if I upload? it's blocking the dx guys in some of the debugging they do15:15
dokochrisccoulson, ping15:29
seb128doko, probably leave some context, he's off for 2 weeks on paternity leave15:30
seb128doko, he might look at IRC every now and then but is not working15:30
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jonoseb128, just retriggered the bug, no apport crash15:46
jonoseb128, sorry for the delay, was on a call15:46
seb128jono, nothing in /var/log/apport.log?15:46
jonoseb128, nope15:47
seb128jono, do you have a ~/.apport-ignore.xml?15:48
jonoseb128, yep15:48
seb128jono, does it contain something saying to ignore compiz issues?15:48
jono <ignore mtime="1340068323" program="/usr/share/accomplishments/scripts/ubuntu-community/infrastructure/canonical-contributor.py"/>15:48
seb128you would need pitti then, not sure why apport doesn't work15:49
seb128but he called it a week already I think15:49
jonothanks seb12815:49
seb128jono, I get you are down to "use gdb"15:49
seb128if you want a stacktrace15:49
jonoI will see if this is still happening15:50
jonoseb128, if you open LO and edit a presentation, does the bug occur for you?15:50
seb128jono, wb, do you think I'm crazy enough to run quantal yet? :p15:57
jonoseb128, are you serious? lol15:58
jonoseb128, I thought you would need to be running it15:58
seb128jono, I'm part of the LTS .1 team in fact so for once I'm staying on stable for some time ;-)15:58
didrocksjono: I see no crash in that case. However, the top unity panel becomes transparent, which is an interesting case on itself :)15:59
didrockswhen you double click to select something15:59
didrockswell, not everytime15:59
didrocksbut common enough15:59
seb128jono, it would help to get a stacktrace of the issue, do you know how to do that?15:59
jonoseb128, nope15:59
jonoI just rebooted and I can't reproduce16:00
seb128hum, k16:00
jonomaybe this was fixed in an update16:00
jonojust trying to trigger it now16:00
seb128could be16:00
jonodidrocks, hah!16:00
didrockswell, there is transparent panel to get fixed :)16:00
jonoit just happened16:00
jonohow do I get a trace seb128?16:00
seb128didrocks, why do you hate the bling? ;-)16:00
didrocksjono: if you get something similar, try to hover the panel16:00
didrockssee if it's a crash16:00
didrocksor something like I experience16:01
didrocksseb128: well, I think we just created the <blink /> tag in unity :)16:01
seb128jono, apport is still not logging any compiz file in /var/crash even after reboot?16:01
jonodidrocks, I see Unity seemingly restart and LAuncher vanishes and then returns16:01
jonoseb128, nope16:01
didrocksjono: so maybe it's the same bug, it's not crashing, it's just blinking16:01
didrocksthat's why you don't get a crash file :)16:01
seb128jono, basically, go to a vt, sudo gdb -p $(pidof compiz), on the compiz prompt:16:02
seb128set logging on16:02
seb128return to your session16:02
seb128get the bug16:02
didrocksunity --advanced-debug in a vt16:02
didrockswhy do I work for otherwise? :)16:02
seb128jono, ^ what didrocks says16:02
seb128didrocks, does that log into a file?16:03
seb128didrocks, or do you need to add --log?16:03
didrocksseb128: I'm looking, I have a fish memory on what I did :)16:04
seb128jono, key point is to run those commands from a vt or another session since when compiz will segfault you will not be able to access your session to go to gdb if you run it there16:04
jonohmm switching VTs seems to restart compiz too16:04
jonook I ran --advanced-debug in a bt16:04
seb128jono, good, get the bug now ;-)16:05
jonoso just trigger it?16:05
seb128that will freeze your xorg session16:05
seb128got to the vt16:05
seb128type "bt"16:05
seb128and quit gdb16:05
seb128that will restore your graphical session16:05
jonook triggered16:06
didrocksyeah, it should log16:06
jonobt says "no stack"16:06
didrocksyeah, so I'm sure you have the same thing than I have16:06
didrocksnot a crash16:06
didrocksjust the launcher/panel blinking16:06
jonoahhh gotcha16:07
jonoseb128, you should upgrade to see it ;-)16:07
didrocksjono: want to open a bug or me to do it?16:07
jonodidrocks, would you as you can probably add more detail16:07
jonoall I can say is that it blinks16:07
didrocksjono: sure16:07
jonoI will add the details of LO triggering it though16:07
jonothanks didrocks!16:07
seb128jono, I will put quantal on my netbook, I want to play with the system compositor stuff from robert_ancell anyway ;-)16:08
jonothanks for the help seb12816:08
didrocksjono: I will write it in French to punish the upstream team :)16:08
jonodidrocks, lol16:08
seb128jono, yw, that also explain why apport didn't work ;-)16:08
jonoseb128, indeed16:08
didrocks(if only launchpad would let me file a bug)16:13
didrocksseb128: does https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+filebug works for you?16:14
seb128didrocks, it loads16:15
didrocksnot for me :/16:15
seb128didrocks, do you want me to try to submit?16:15
didrocksok, ubuntu-bug unity FTW16:15
didrocksseb128: that's fine, I workaround it :)16:15
seb128np ;-)16:15
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didrocksjono: if you want to track it, bug #102445916:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024459 in unity (Ubuntu) "panel and launcher blinks when using libreoffice spreadsheet" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102445916:20
jonothanks didrocks16:23
didrocksyw :)16:23
jonodidrocks, did you notice this with the spreadsheet?16:23
jonoit affects me in presenter16:23
didrocksjono: yeah, I did in spreadsheet and presenter16:23
didrocksI guess it's a general libreoffice issue16:24
didrocksseems related to the menu, maybe a bad export or something16:24
didrocksbut unity should be stronger against those cases16:24
didrocksjono: added that it affects also presenter16:25
jonothanks didrocks16:37
Sargun_ScreenAnyone have any ideas about bug 957494?16:56
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 957494 in mdadm (Ubuntu Precise) "Missing added utility 'mdmon'" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95749416:56
evmpt: yay foresight. I already have the data to hand for the per-problem graphs. This should be super easy.16:57
Sargun_ScreenIs there a bzr branch for precise I can use the build the mdadm / mdmon package needed16:57
seb128could somebody reject https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu/precise/totem/add_keywords_new/+merge/101209 ?17:00
stgraberseb128: done17:00
phoenix_firebrdin the debian control file what should i put for section  for kmix?17:32
toabctlphoenix_firebrd, imho "sound"18:00
ScottKphoenix_firebrd: You shouldn't change what's already there.18:00
phoenix_firebrdScottK: "unknown" was in the section, so the package got rejected18:01
phoenix_firebrdScottK: sound works18:01
ScottKphoenix_firebrd: We already have a package for kmix, so you don't need to make your own.18:02
toabctlphoenix_firebrd, and "sound" is already in the debian/ubuntu package18:02
phoenix_firebrdi am learning to package, so i have to learn a lot18:03
phoenix_firebrd"File kmix_4.1-1.diff.gz already exists in Kde multimedia, but uploaded version has different contents" what does this mean?18:03
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shadeslayerhi! seems like opencv build depends on libtiff4 whereas libsane-dev will drag in libtiff5 which conflicts with libtiff418:37
shadeslayercould somone who has the appropriate upload rights fix this if s/he's around?18:38
xnoxmterry hallyn ^^^^18:40
xnoxshadeslayer: it's in progress http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/tiff.html18:40
shadeslayera heads up on the Ubuntu Devel ML would have been nice though ;)18:43
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cr3if I have a package which contained a directory with files that was now changed to a symlink, it looks like upgrading the package is keeping the directory which is now empty :(19:06
dobeycr3: i think you need to add a Breaks/Replaces, to fix that19:11
cr3dobey: interesting, thanks!19:12
dobeyswitching files between dir/file/link is hard. i /think/ breaks/replaces of the older version will fix it, but not totally sure19:14
cjwatsonno, dpkg will not switch between directory and link no matter what metadata you provide, quite deliberatelt.19:15
cjwatsonyou have to remove the old directory in the preinst.  for bonus points, handle rollback correctly.  I think there's an example in one of my packages somewhere - maybe groff or groff-base?19:16
seb128those things are harder than they should be ;-)19:17
seb128or aka "don't do that" ;-)19:17
seb128(that being replacing a symlink with a dir with the same name)19:17
cjwatsonshould be - matter of opinion.  the design decision in dpkg was that doing this automatically was too dangerous.19:17
seb128(or the other way around rather)19:18
alazare619_anyone here have knowledge of why i cant get ubiquity-frontend-debconf to run from terminal?19:31
ogasawara@pilot out19:43
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal A2 released! | Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
mdeslaurFYI, I'm going to attempt to get ruby-rspec-core merged with the insane circular build depends20:18
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mterryreportbug.debian.org is down  :(20:53
mterryor at least not accepting my SMTP requests...20:53
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hippiehackerIs there a way to seed a ubuntu install in oem-mode to not download the language packs? If I disconnect the network, the install is great/fast, but if I leave it connected to the network, I have to wait while it downloads language packs I don't want/need22:06
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phoenix_firebrdi am getting build errors for a package in ppa22:22
JontheEchidnathe build-dependencies are pretty incomplete22:23
phoenix_firebrdJontheEchidna: it builds locally22:24
JontheEchidnayou'd have the build-depends installed locally22:25
phoenix_firebrdJontheEchidna: ya22:25
phoenix_firebrdJontheEchidna: so what should i do next?22:25
cjwatsonhippiehacker: Preseed pkgsel/language-packs to the empty string.22:25
JontheEchidnaadd the proper build-depends until it builds22:25
hippiehackercjwatson: thanks22:26
phoenix_firebrdJontheEchidna: where?22:26
JontheEchidnadebian/control, in the Build-Depends field22:26
phoenix_firebrdJontheEchidna: ok22:27
JontheEchidnayou could check the quantal package for kmix and check the build-depends there22:28
phoenix_firebrdJontheEchidna: thats a good idea22:30
micahgphoenix_firebrd: you can try backportpackage and see if that works as well22:34
phoenix_firebrdmicahg: ok22:35
hippiehackercjwatson: that worked, thanks => https://github.com/sputnik/sputnik-oem/commit/1152348e606154daf77409f227a1ae66d773675422:37
hippiehackerI take that back, it's downloading language packs still, is there something else in my config that would cause them to download?22:40
ScottKmterry: Word is barry fixed it.22:41
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cjwatsonhippiehacker: not sure at this time of night, sorry22:53
cjwatsonbase-config/install-language-support <- question name obsolete for something like the last seven years.  Perhaps that should be pkgsel/install-language-support22:54
cjwatson(and owner "d-i" not "base-config")22:54
cjwatsonother than that I guess I'd need a full debug log22:55
hippiehackercjwatson: I'll give it another go and try that23:04
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alazare619_im trying to build a ubuntu based distro from scratch im having 2 issues23:19
alazare619_1 i cant dd it to a jump drive the iso and 2 when its booting it stalls on waiting for network configuration anyone have any ideas?23:20
cjwatson1 sounds like you need to run isohybrid over the image23:20
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cjwatson2 casper.log may help, if you can extract it23:21
cjwatsonand perhaps extract your initrd and the stock one and diff -ru them23:21
cjwatsonmake sure you can explain all the differences23:21
alazare619_also for some reason it wont boot straight to the live23:23
alazare619_i have to enter in the ubuntu user name without a password23:23
alazare619_any idea on that?23:23
cjwatsonnot without logs :)23:24
cjwatsonbut that stuff is configured by casper in the initrd, so perhaps caused by the same underlying mis-setup as 223:25
alazare619_ok well i have each step all documented i did23:26
alazare619_theres not really any logs i did it all via debootstrap23:26
alazare619_then cp over the resolv  conf23:27
alazare619_chrooted in ran all the installs23:27
alazare619_exited after removing resolv.conf and the tmp folder23:27
cjwatsoncasper always writes a log as it boots23:28
cjwatsonSounds like you haven't set up a proper live-capable initramfs; it's necessary to install casper and run update-initramfs in the chroot to generate one23:28
cjwatsonAlthough much easier to do it via livecd-rootfs + live-build23:28
cjwatson(Or even just live-build on its own)23:29
alazare619_cjwatson,  i keep having an issue with livecd-rootfs23:31
alazare619_basically it just keeps failing to build the chroot23:31
alazare619_without any modification it fails23:31
alazare619_it trys to gzip intrid23:31
alazare619_ok so i have to update-initramfs after casper and lupin-casper are installed?23:33
cjwatsonI can probably help with livecd-rootfs, but only if you give me a full transcript of exactly what you're doing and the exact text of the error messages23:33
cjwatsonI cannot help given only paraphrased summaries23:33
cjwatsonI would rather help with livecd-rootfs than help with doing all the same kinds of things by hand23:34
cjwatsonThe latter will get very tedious very quickly23:34
alazare619_thats every command ive issued23:35
alazare619_so maybe you can track it down23:35
alazare619_ive tried doing it from scratch23:36
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alazare619_but i suppose i can reattempt livecd-rootfs23:37
alazare619_only problem is i cant figure out how to make my own distro with it based on the fact it pulls in webseeds23:38
alazare619_im working on a qt based respin of ubuntu23:38
cjwatsonI don't think I'm prepared to debug that enormous pile of stuff, sorry - it's not worth it23:38
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cjwatsonYou can always use live-build directly; it doesn't have any seed-specific logic in it23:39
alazare619_live build fails on 12.0423:39
cjwatsonI don't believe that, as we built 12.04 images using live-build on 12.0423:39
cjwatsonlive-build *with your configuration* fails on 12.04 :-)23:39
alazare619_do you have a auto config build clean setup that i can use with a custom package list?23:40
cjwatsonThat's kind of what livecd-rootfs is23:40
cjwatsonYou can copy it and hack it if you like23:40
alazare619_well i dont understand there "seed" files23:41
alazare619_there not packagelists23:41
cjwatsonYou don't need to23:41
cjwatsonThe only stuff that pulls in Ubuntu seeds there (at least ignoring the preinstalled-pool stuff which is basically only used on ARM) is the stuff that calls add_task23:41
cjwatsonSo just make that be add_package instead23:41
cjwatsonAnd disregard anything that refers to PREINSTALLED or similar23:42
cjwatsonadd_package builds up a package-list for live-build23:42
cjwatsonIf the first argument to it is install, it adds to the set of packages that are installed in the livefs and will be copied to the target system; if the first argument is live, it adds to the set of packages that are installed in the livefs but will be removed from the target system23:43
cjwatson(target => on installation)23:43
alazare619_ok so if i want to do a livecd-roofs build23:44
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alazare619_the first command would be export PROJECT=ubuntu SUITE=precise ARCH=i386 BINARYFORMAT=iso-hybrid23:44
alazare619_but that then pulls in everything that is ubuntu23:44
cjwatsonYou can just copy its auto/config script and edit it23:45
cjwatsonYou don't have to symlink it23:45
cjwatsonThat way it just gives you a starting point23:45
alazare619_yea im working on it23:54
barryScottK, hippiehacker what did I fix? :)23:55
ScottKbarry: reportbug.  mterry was whining about it earlier.23:55
barryah, no it was a temporary outage.  bzed said they were moving the server.  but it's back now (though i have not gotten the email response to a bug i filed a couple of hours ago)23:56
alazare619_thats the area i modified23:58
alazare619_seems about right23:58

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