
CIA-7hw-detect: cjwatson * r1479 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog hw-detect.sh):09:15
CIA-7hw-detect: Redirect update-dev output to /dev/null, as it is in principle possible09:15
CIA-7hw-detect: for it to write to stdout and that would interfere with debconf.09:15
CIA-7hw-detect: cjwatson * r1480 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.89ubuntu109:24
CIA-7ubiquity: cjwatson * r5549 trunk/ (compat/udpkg debian/changelog):09:25
CIA-7ubiquity: compat/udpkg: Handle 'udpkg -c' from udpkg 1.14, required by hw-detect09:25
CIA-7ubiquity: 1.89.09:25
CIA-7ubiquity: cjwatson * r5550 trunk/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog): Automatic update of included source packages: hw-detect 1.89ubuntu1.09:26
CIA-7ubiquity: cjwatson * r5551 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.11.1409:30
stgrabercjwatson: bug 987050 is targeted to 12.04.1 and is marked as "fix commited" though the ubiquity currently in proposed doesn't list that bug so I'm a bit confused about its actual state14:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 987050 in ubiquity "No "Prepare for shipping ..." option after OEM install from D-I" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98705014:24
cjwatsonstgraber: I marked it fix committed before quantal was created14:26
cjwatsonbut it was nevertheless on the quantal branch14:26
stgrabercjwatson: ok, so I'll mark in progress for precise then14:28
stgrabercjwatson: I cherry picked the fix from trunk and pushed to the proposed branch, so we'll have it in the next upload14:31
cjwatsonthough not totally sure how to verify it given the workaround being in place14:32
cjwatsonI guess check the logs or something14:32
stgraberthe easiest way to check would be to install kubuntu OEM and check whether oem-config-slideshow-ubuntu is there post-install14:34
stgraberwith current precise it should (because of the workaround), with the SRU it shouldn't (as it'll only be installed if oem-config-udeb/frontend == gtk)14:34
cjwatsonhm, ok14:34
ogra_https://launchpadlibrarian.net/110034400/UbiquitySyslog.txt is intresting, why are all the traceback lines doubled up there  ?14:43
ogra_Jul 12 18:59:40 ubuntu plugininstall.py: ubiquity.install_misc.InstallStepError: HwDetect failed with code 1014:43
ogra_Jul 12 18:59:40 ubuntu plugininstall.py: ubiquity.install_misc.InstallStepError: HwDetect failed with code 1014:43
ogra_hm,m, looks like all lines are duplicated ...14:44
cjwatsonwhat bug is that from?14:48
ogra_bug 102440614:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 1024406 in ubiquity "installer crashed on preseeded install from daily quantal desktop i386 iso" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102440614:48
ogra_just jumped into my bugmail box14:49
cjwatsonright, well, whatever it is I'm banging my head against the same thing in any event14:50
cjwatsonI mean the same underlying bug, not the doubling up14:50
cjwatsonlooks like maybe stuff has been redirected from installer/debug to syslog for some reason *shrug*14:52
cjwatsonanyway, duped14:52
ogra_oh, i thought i saw an upload relating it... just thought it was leftover fallout for the images that dont have the fix yet14:53
ogra_*relating to14:53
cjwatsonthose were uploads trying to extract more debugging information14:53
cjwatsonin desperation14:53
cjwatsonI've figured out how to more or less reliably reproduce it locally though14:53
cjwatsonas long as I *don't* use --debug :-(14:54
ogra_i was wondering if  bug 1024356 could be related14:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 1024356 in ubiquity "quantal armhf+omap4 daily live 2012-07-12 crashed during install (debconf.DebconfError: (10, "oem-config/enable doesn't exist"))" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102435614:54
ogra_and i too have issues with ubiquity -d here14:54
ogra_(apparently that bug doesnt show up then, tryinbg to reproduce it here)14:54
cjwatsonnot clear14:55
ogra_right, thats why i try to get debug info out :)14:56
ogra_its very unlikely it is oem-config related indeed14:56
cjwatsonactually, yes, it is the same thing14:56
cjwatsonthe debconf protocol is out of sync so the error comes back at a point when ubiquity isn't prepared to catch it14:56
ogra_aha !14:56
cjwatsonnotice how you're getting that error on a totally unrelated debconf command14:57
cjwatsonexactly why this is happening is an unsolved mystery14:57
cjwatsonbut it is my #1 focus of attention14:58
ogra_well, it seems to happen pretty reliable if you dont use -d14:58
ogra_on the pandas14:58
ogra_with always the same erros msg ...14:58
cjwatsonin my VM too.  I was just put off for some time because I use -d by default when debugging anything at all in ubiquity.14:58
ogra_ah, k, oi tought the x86 errors were all hw-detect14:59
cjwatsonunfortunately the debconf debug output is unhelpful because it reflects what debconf thinks is happening, which doesn't match the view of the world from stuff interacting with it14:59
cjwatsonyes, but it's the same underlying problem14:59
ogra_right, i was just wondring if the slower speed of the panda coudl help nailing it down or so14:59
cjwatsonjust depends what happens to first issue a debconf command and care deeply about what comes back.14:59
cjwatsonnah, if anything I could use something faster at this point15:00
ogra_seems it is speed related which error gets spit out15:00
cjwatsonno, hw-detect takes a different code path on x8615:00
cjwatsonthat part is not speed-related15:00
ogra_ah, k15:00
cjwatsonthere does seem to be something a bit racy in that jenkins doesn't show it every time; but regardless, I seem to be seeing it reliably now so I'm not going to rock the boat15:01
cjwatsonI'm just doing as close as possible to the same things each run right now15:01
cjwatsonand trying to insert fairly surgical debugging15:01
cjwatsonit's possible that it's related to the fix xnox and I did last week; but if so, reverting that won't help since that was also causing autotest failures15:02
cjwatsonso I'll have to debug directly rather than following the revert religion15:02
ogra_revert religion15:02
ogra_spencerism :)15:03
* cjwatson has an idea15:14
cjwatsonin install_misc, "Reap the status-to-debconf subprocess"15:15
cjwatsonthe new select approach meant I needed some way to make that process go away15:15
cjwatsonso I used kill(SIGTERM)15:15
cjwatsonBut it now occurs to me that that might kill it between sending a command to debconf and reading the reply15:15
cjwatsonSo I think I need a control pipe instead15:16
* cjwatson tries something along the lines of http://paste.ubuntu.com/1090040/15:20
=== allee_ is now known as allee
CIA-7ubiquity: cjwatson * r5552 trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Drop hw-detect debugging attempts.15:46
CIA-7ubiquity: cjwatson * r5553 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/install_misc.py):16:03
CIA-7ubiquity: Terminate status-to-debconf subprocess in DebconfInstallProgress more16:03
CIA-7ubiquity: gracefully to avoid desynchronising the debconf protocol if the16:03
CIA-7ubiquity: subprocess is killed between sending a command and receiving the16:03
CIA-7ubiquity: response (LP: #1023036).16:03
CIA-7ubiquity: cjwatson * r5554 trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs):23:02
CIA-7ubiquity: Make user-setup-encrypted-swap wait until partitioning has finished23:02
CIA-7ubiquity: before attempting to adjust /target/etc/fstab (LP: #1024343).23:02
CIA-7ubiquity: cjwatson * r5555 trunk/ (debian/changelog scripts/user-setup-encrypted-swap):23:15
CIA-7ubiquity: Don't try and fail to set up encrypted swap if no swap partitions are23:15
CIA-7ubiquity: configured (LP: #989279).23:15
CIA-7ubiquity: cjwatson * r5402 precise-proposed/ (debian/changelog scripts/user-setup-encrypted-swap):23:16
CIA-7ubiquity: Don't try and fail to set up encrypted swap if no swap partitions are23:16
CIA-7ubiquity: configured (LP: #989279).23:16
CIA-7ubiquity: cjwatson * r5556 trunk/ubiquity/install_misc.py: pacify pyflakes23:17
CIA-7ubiquity: cjwatson * r5557 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.11.1523:24

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