
farid_mov2006slm kasi metona enja rahnamaei kona::http://forum.ubuntu.ir/index.php/topic,39982.0.html06:05
farid_mov2006pm omad?06:05
=== ashkan|away is now known as ashkan
=== ashkan is now known as ashkan|away
nima  وصل نمی شود؟سلام چرا کرومیوم من به نت ورک پراکسی15:59
nimaسلام چرا کرومیوم من به نتورک پراکسی وصل نمی شود اینم خطاWhen running Chromium under a supported desktop environment, the system proxy settings will be used. However, either your system is not supported or there was a problem launching your system configuration.  But you can still configure via the command line. Please see man chromium-browser for more information on flags and environment v16:01
nimaسلام چرا کرومیوم من به نتورک پراکسی وصل نمی شود اینم خطا       When running Chromium under a supported desktop environment, the system proxy settings will be used. However, either your system is not supported or there was a problem launching your system configuration.  But you can still configure via the command line. Please see man chromium-browser for more information on flags and enviro16:09
shahinism‏nima,  چطوری می‌خوای پروکسی رو بهش بفهمونی؟‌ VPN ست کردی؟ یا با آرگومان‌های خود کروم؟16:23
nima من وقتی میروم قسمت تنظیمات chang proxy setting را میزنم16:31
nima proxy netwoek16:32
nimaوصل نمیشه<16:32
arvinallman to ubuntu nemitonam beram facebook  chera?17:07
arvinallkesi nemidone?17:08

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