
=== Zic is now known as Guest2281
=== Guest2281 is now known as Zic
LoTis the new -discuss channel going to be added here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:15
IdleOneit is a wiki15:19
IdleOneadd it :)15:19
LoTIdleOne: i dont know who has governance, is it IRCC?15:28
IdleOnewhen in doubt, yes. I suppose you could also put jussi down as contact.15:31
PiciJust put the ircc15:33
IdleOneor that15:34
=== Bangladesh is now known as Tanvir
guntbertaccording to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MetaPackages there should be a meta-package ubuntu-base, which is nowhere to be found. To whom should I talk about that? I don't want to edit the wiki right now.18:53
IdleOnemaybe jcastro19:05
guntbertIdleOne: is that "jorge" who last edited the wiki page?19:09
IdleOneit is19:09
IdleOnesure thing19:09
kittieshi, can you get ubottu back in #ubuntuforums please?19:20
IdleOneAlanBell jussi tsimpson ^^19:20
IdleOnekitties: someone will send her back ASAP19:21
kittiesThanks IdleOne19:21
m4vnot sure what bot should go, I already sent ubottu once over there, but I think jussi sent ubot5 the other time.19:22
m4vI wonder why the bots keep failing to stay in #ubuntuforums...19:24
IdleOnenot sure but yes, ubot5 it should be19:24
m4vIdleOne: #ubuntuforums had ubottu afaik.19:25
IdleOneI thought ubottu was for core channels only19:26
m4vyeah, dunno. ubottu's log tells it was #ubuntuforums for a while.19:27
m4vsorry, it was *in* #ubuntuforums for a while.19:27
IdleOneaccording to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots should be ubot4 (missing) so ubot519:28
IdleOnecan you make it join?19:29
m4vnope :P19:29
m4vI wonder why the bots are leaving #ubuntuforums, isn't it a bot friendly channel?19:29
jussiubot5: join #ubuntuforums19:55
ubot5jussi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:55
jussiyeah yeah, shaddup19:55
jussiIdleOne: m4v: I suspect its because the channel isnt in the config file, only joined manually.19:57
m4vjussi: it should still remember the channel. Unless it didn't had a clean shutdown.20:00
jussim4v: yeah, thats entirely possible20:00

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