
=== Zic is now known as Guest2281
dholbachgood morning07:02
jfiHi, if I propose a bzr branch merge throw LP without setting a reviewer (don't know who can do the review/upload...) for universe package, do I also need to create a 'bug report'? Or is there a ubuntu team automaticaly notified and someone going to handle it?  Or should I better follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess for people requiring sponsorship and not follow the bzr merge proposal way?08:27
geserjfi: IIRC you shouldn't need to do any special things to get your branch sponsored.08:56
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geserIf it's listed on the sponsoring overview page then it should get picked up by a sponsor.08:57
jfigeser,  yes, you are right, it is already in http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/. Thanks.08:59
=== Guest2281 is now known as Zic
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=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
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=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
epikvisionHow do you know if pbuilder was successful?22:34
epikvisionin running a package?22:34
jtaylorpbuilder builds22:35
jtaylorexit code 0 and a result in the result folder22:35
jtaylor /var/cache/pbuilder/result by default22:35
epikvisionwhat if there is no result?22:43
jtaylorthen it likely failed22:43
jtaylorif you were building a package22:43
jtaylorwhat does the log say?22:43
epikvisiondoes that mean a failure? (i was only trying out the packaging a new software tutorial at package guide site.)22:43
epikvisionwhere can I find the logs?22:44
jtaylordepends how you use pbuilder22:44
jtaylorif you use pbuilder-dist the result is in ~/pbuilder/*_result along with the log22:44
epikvisionpbuilder-dist precise ...22:44
epikvisionwhat part of the log is appropriate to share?22:45
epikvisionpbuilder calls it an invalid version.22:45
jtaylorthe end is usually enough22:46
epikvisionit finished with a time-stamp22:46
jtaylorplease use a pastebin, e.g. via pastebinit22:46
epikvisionwhat does that mean?22:46
jtaylorpastebins are just websites where you can paste text to share22:47
jtaylorecho "test" | pastebinit22:47
epikvisiondo developers use pastebins often?22:47
jtayloryes its the most common way to share buildlogs22:48
epikvisionthat's so cool22:48
epikvisionhow do I pastebin the command?22:49
epikvision's results?22:49
jtayloryou can just copy it into http://paste.ubuntu.com/22:49
jtaylorpastebinit is a useful program to semi automatize this, it takes input from stdin or a file22:50
jtaylorlooks like it was successful22:50
epikvisionah ok.  :)22:50
jtaylorthere should be a result in ~/pbuilder/ somewhere22:50
epikvisionwell, it was just a tutorial.  how do know if it was successful? by not showing any errors?22:51
* epikvision shudders at the countless times of going through this tutorial for the past few weeks.22:51
epikvisionhow do I use pastebinit?22:53
epikvisionfor say, an output of a command?22:53
jtayloreither you save the log and do "pastebinit log" or you pipe it in with "command | pastebinit"22:54
jtayloryou can also just type pastebinit and paste the text followed by ctrl+d22:54
jtaylorsee the manpage for some more options including syntax highlighting for source code22:54
epikvisionthanks jtaylor for the help23:00
epikvisionI feel like I learn more from others than alone.23:01
epikvisiondoes motu do packaging work for the development release too?23:03
epikvisioni heard that it's good practice to run the dev release via chroot.23:05
jtayloryou should have lots of chroots to build stuff23:05
jtaylorto fully run dev releases VM's are good23:06
jtayloror if its more stable a extra partition23:06
epikvisionI tried virtualbox and qemu, and both fails... :(23:06
tumbleweedwe almost only work on the devolpment release, after all, it's the *development* release...23:11
Laneygrah, precise's debmirror has no --config-file23:53
tumbleweeddebmirror takes a config file?23:54
* tumbleweed is suprised he didn't notice that, considering I've been merging it for the last few releases23:54
Laneysure it does23:54
Laneyyou don't use one?23:54
tumbleweedno, I use a script23:54
Laneyanything clever?23:55
tumbleweed(which made a lot of sense for other reasons too, such as rsyncing i18n, before debmirror supported that)23:55
tumbleweedthe most clever bit is that it calls a debmirror in a git checkout, containing all the patches I've submitted upstream that joey hasn't done anything about23:56
tumbleweedsuch as the patch that stops my mirror being deleted when my upstream mirror has a hash mismatch23:57
* Laney starts the initial armhf sync23:59
Laneyyay for being able to run a local mirror23:59
Laneyit's not as big as i thought actually23:59
Laneyi hope it can deal with merging them into the same directory23:59

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