
infinityBah, who retried the sparc build of debian-installer/hardy?00:48
* infinity decides to just fix the chroot.00:50
sbeattieHi, can an archive admin copy over the openjdk-6 from oneiric-security to oneiric-updates, to save bandwidth on security.ubuntu.com?00:56
sbeattieThe other releases got copied over okay.00:57
micahgsbeattie: I can do the copy if someone else pushes the button01:02
micahgbdmurray: ^^ can you approve?01:07
micahgstgraber: ^^ queuebot seems to not be thinking straight01:08
micahginfinity: ^^ maybe you can approve if you're still around01:09
infinitymicahg: Where it that sync from...?01:13
infinityOh, security.01:13
infinityWe do occasionally do security->updates sweeps, you don't need to force the issue.01:14
micahginfinity: the sweep failed :)01:14
infinity(Which is just confusing, since the UI doesn't tell me much about where it came from)01:14
micahganyways, the USN just published01:14
micahginfinity: there's a cron that does the copy but it fails occasionally and openjdk is pretty big01:14
micahginfinity: there's no from target in the API, just from archive01:15
infinityYeah, I know.01:16
micahgsbeattie: ^^ done01:16
micahginfinity: thanks01:16
infinityI'm wondering how much I should care about debian-installer on hardy/sparc being broken due to a buildd change I made three years ago.01:16
infinityClearly no one's cared until now.01:16
micahginfinity: wasn't hardy/sparc one of the last where the installer actually workeD?01:17
infinityOne of the last what?01:17
infinityIt works everywhere except sparc and lpia.01:17
infinityOh, you mean the last sparc release that was useful?  That's probably true.01:17
micahgyeah, maybe that's ubiquity and not d-i though01:17
micahganyways, it's only got 9 months of life left anyways01:18
micahgand any new install would probably go with Debian at this point01:18
micahgerr..maybe not01:18
infinityYeah, it's mostly just annoying to watch a buildd hang. :P01:18
micahghardy install could upgrade to lucid and get support for another 2 years01:19
infinityOh, we have lucid/sparc?01:19
infinityI can never remember what's where.01:19
micahgyeah, that's the final call for sparc01:19
micahgpulled the plug in maverick01:19
micahgso, depending on if it was the only working sparc installer, might be worth fixing, but certainly not a priority01:20
infinityWhich means someone already fixed this bug in later versions of silo to deal with the buildd change.01:20
infinitySo, I'll just find that and SRU it to hardy. :P01:20
micahginfinity: ISTR the lucid installer not working01:20
infinityI mean the build of d-i, I have no idea if the results function.01:21
micahgoh, hrm, well, I guess if it doesn't FTBFS, that makes sense01:21
micahgbuilds here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/20081029ubuntu102.16/+build/362919001:21
infinitymicahg: Yes, I know.01:22
* micahg goes back to doing useful things01:23
infinityOh, it was "fixed" in later releases by just never running siloconfig.01:23
infinityHard to say if that's correct for hardy.01:23
infinityMaybe I'll just cheat in a way that I know won't break existing behaviour.01:27
infinityThere, fixed.01:32
infinityRAOF: You around?01:33
RAOFinfinity: Yus.01:34
infinityRAOF: If so, can you give a quick review and accept of my silo SRU, so I can bounce d-i at it to test? :P01:34
infinityRAOF: (It should hit the hardy queue in 30s)01:34
RAOFBut of corset.01:34
RAOFHardy? Old school!01:34
infinityYeah, well.  It should have been fixed years ago.  Whatever.01:35
RAOFWhen's that dropping out of support?01:35
infinityI'm in the mood for completeness today.01:35
infinity13.04, I guess.01:35
* infinity grbas some food while he waits on that.01:36
infinityOr grabs.01:36
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RAOFFaster, launchpad. Faster!01:47
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* micahg hands RAOF a whip01:50
* RAOF cracks it01:50
RAOFinfinity: If you're kicking around with nothing to do, care to give a once-over opinion of the mesa 8.0.3 in the precise queue? I've mailed the TB for a provisional MRE for mesa, but it might squeak in under the regular system, too.01:56
infinityRAOF: That's a pretty hefty review, but maybe I'll poke it tomorrow.  About to head out for the evening.02:16
RAOFIt is; I wasn't hoping for an in-depth yay or nay.02:17
RAOFOh, have a silo BTW.02:17
infinitySo, I saw.  Thanks. :)02:17
infinityRemove the errant comma from that...02:18
infinityI'm obviously tired.02:18
infinityRAOF: silo SRU verified.03:03
infinityRAOF: (I don't think letting it cook will make it any more tested)03:03
RAOFI have no relevant opinions on the matter.03:03
infinityWell, welcome to the new world order where you get discretion. ;)03:04
* RAOF shall exercise that discretion after lunch.03:12
ScottKinfinity: I think the last installer that worked for sparc was gutsy.03:49
ScottKAlthough I don't think the ones after Hardy particularly ran (even if they compiled)03:49
infinityScottK: Ahh, well.  Build fixed regardless, because hanging a buildd for days is lame.03:56
ScottKAll good then.03:56
ScottKskaet: I see you marked "socialize what running -proposed in development release means" as DONE.  I'm not sure who you were supposed to socialize it with, but I sure don't understand it.04:13
ScottK(alternatively, I do understand it and mostly just don't think it's a good idea, but I prefer to assume it makes more sense than it appears to me)04:14
babyface_no new built quantal-desktop and quantal-alternate iso today?05:29
cjwatsoninfinity: debian-installer/sparc> sorry, that was me I think, I hadn't realised it was a chroot problem07:58
cjwatsoninfinity: because initially I think it showed up as "failed to upload" for some reason I couldn't fathom08:07
cjwatsoninfinity: and by the time I looked at it the OOPS log had been reaped, so I wanted either a successful build or a fresh OOPS :)08:08
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cjwatsonnew queue client supersedes old queue script on cocoplum with immediate effect: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-archive/2012-July/045312.html08:27
cjwatsonactually that u-a-t revision number is wrong, you want r528, but I figure people generally want the newest anyway08:28
cjwatsonI've rearranged the top of ArchiveAdministration a bit to de-emphasise logging into cocoplum, since the only remaining tools are minority uses (copy-package.py, manage-chroot.py, populate-archive.py, point-release-snapshot)08:32
cjwatson(maybe a couple of others)08:33
skaetScottK, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2012-June/000960.html and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2012-June/000964.html is why I considered it socialized.12:09
Laneythat's not really about "running" proposed12:10
cjwatsonYeah, that's uploading to it, different part of the problem12:18
ScottKskaet: OK.  Thanks.12:45
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Riddellskaet: release meeting in an hour?14:02
stgraberRiddell: yes14:03
stgrabercould someone take a look at cups in the Unapproved queue (precise-proposed)? the diff is pretty big but it's fixing 5 bugs that are targeted to the point release14:05
ScottKcjwatson: lputils Exception subclass and remove-package !string matching fixed and pushed.  Thanks for the feedback.16:32
cjwatsonGreat, thanks.16:33
phillwany one here from alpha 2 bugs? bug 100739419:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1007394 in mdadm "Quantal daily fails to complete installation" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100739419:24
xnoxphillw: i didn't look into that one yet.19:25
xnoxphillw: assigned to myself. Will have time/equipment to look at it next week.19:25
phillwxnox: we're really struggling on it19:25
xnoxsorry =)19:25
xnoxlet me see if I can do anything on it tonight19:25
phillwxnox: thank you, you are a star!19:25
xnoxphillw: I did do alpha2 testing with mdadm and didn't see this bug19:27
xnoxbut it was mostly in VMs19:27
xnoxso not bare metal19:27
phillwxnox: as they cannot get error reports and the system hangs, it is a real little critter to track down.19:28
xnoxphillw: yeah.19:28
phillwone of the team does still have a ppc Mac. But for the life of me, I cannot remember who it is.19:29
xnoxphillw: wait, is it arch specific bug?19:29
phillwHe was the guy who asked people to allow him to spend time within his Canonical wages to look after ppc19:29
phillwxnox: it does appear so. but really oddly, only on alt. The desktop seems to work okay.19:30
xnoxphillw: desktop does not have mdadm installed -> hence to mdadm bugs19:31
phillwxnox: I'm just the co-ordinator for lubuntu-QA, on that side I'm good ... when you guys and gals start chatting about code, I do struggle :)19:32
phillwxnox: it is a little plea, from me and other ppc users. Lubuntu is their last best hope. Our own lubuntu developer has taken pity on it.19:34
micahgjdstrand: ^^ as it's your archive day19:46
jdstrandmicahg: what are you referring to exactly?20:12
micahgjdstrand: precise-backports upload20:12
micahgjdstrand: if you're not too busy20:13

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