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MCR1How to turn a fly into an elephant: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/unity/unity.merge-reduce-png-filesizes/+merge/110978 :)07:39
smspillazMCR1: feel free to08:29
MCR1smspillaz: What do you exactly mean ?08:29
MCR1smspillaz: the bug reports ?08:29
smspillazMCR1: report bugs08:29
smspillazI'm on holidays, but they will get looked at08:30
MCR1oh, please stay away from computers then... :)08:30
MCR1smspillaz: I wish you the best holidays - you really deserve that ! :)08:30
MCR1smspillaz: When you come back from holidays, I'll probably need your help to fix the remaining shortcut bugs, but no stress - have nice holidays first 8-)08:34
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c10udcanonical, y u remove symbols from compiz10:11
c10udnow i'm without unity because last compiz (proposed?) doesn't have two symbols anymore :(10:13
seb128c10ud, do you use a ppa?10:15
c10udseb128, i compiled unity-trunk from src, yes10:16
seb128ok, so don't blame others ;-)10:17
seb128what symbols are missing?10:17
c10udnvidia prevents me from reading my VTs10:18
c10udanyway, i'll try rebuilding (i managed to get a terminal running, yay)10:18
c10udcompiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin '/usr/lib/compiz/libunityshell.so' : /usr/lib/compiz/libunityshell.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10CompOption7setNameEPKcNS_4TypeE10:23
c10udcompiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin '/usr/lib/compiz/libunitymtgrabhandles.so' : /usr/lib/compiz/libunitymtgrabhandles.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10CompOption7setNameEPKcNS_4TypeE10:23
c10uddid I have some weird compiz or is this normal?10:24
kamstrupc10ud: if you want to run unity trunk may I recommend you use unity-jhbuild instead to prevent hosing your system version? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-jhbuild/trunk/view/head:/README10:24
kamstrupthat way you get the latest crack to the minute - in a safe way10:24
c10udkamstrup, thanks, but it was working good (also, i'm not updating everyday...i wanted the performance improvements in precise ;))10:25
c10udit's just compiz update from yesterday broke something10:25
kamstrupI think some improvements are making their way through SRU process as we speak10:25
seb128c10ud, did you notice a difference with the performance improvements?10:25
kamstrupcould be wrong though10:25
c10udseb128, yes, like, +100%10:26
seb128not sure about the "as we speak"10:26
seb128but we do plan to get them in 12.04.110:26
c10udi didn't see those commits in 5.1410:26
seb128so "soon"10:26
seb128no, we want to get that round out10:26
seb128then do a separate round with only the performance work10:26
c10udanyway, unity6 works good in precise10:26
seb128to avoid mixing too many things10:26
c10udnow i just need to find out if those symbols were in stock compiz or something else10:27
kamstrupc10ud: I think the problem is that compiz doesn't really have a stable abi... so running a hand build version overwriting the system one is calling for trouble10:27
c10udi thought i had stock version, but i'm not really 100% sure here10:28
didrocksc10ud: the packaging has some autoABI dep system11:11
didrocksc10ud: if you are building trunk on your own, there is no garantee of ABI compatibility11:11
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marcoHi! Where is the list of apps/icons/shortcuts in the dash stored/persisted?13:39
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tgm4883Is there a webpage hiding somewhere explaining what nux is?22:02
bschaefertgm4883, http://askubuntu.com/questions/18413/what-is-nux-and-whats-it-used-for22:03
bschaefera good explanation22:04
tgm4883bschaefer, yea I've seen that. I was hoping some official page I could link to22:04
bschaefertgm4883, hmm I think some are getting written atm22:04
bschaeferbut no official documentation atm22:04
tgm4883I guess I can link to that page for now. It's for some Ubuntu TV stuff22:04
bschaefertgm4883, o yeah... im pretty sure Jay is working on some now (hopefully soon!)22:05
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