
ShawnRkinda off topic, but has anyone here used hosted DNS? got any suggestions?02:15
=== maxh is now known as Guest26292
ShawnRI use zoneedit, but they no longer do free accounts and I need to add another.  Their practices seem a tad shady for if your "credits" run out (and reports of no notifications until it has ran out), but it is $1/mo, so $12/yr and dyn.com is $30/yr02:16
zoopsterShawnR: google dns is free02:42
ShawnRzoopster: not for my home computer to resolve addresses, but for the internet to resolve to my hosted website, they do that as well?02:47
zoopsterShawnR: ah...you need to host an authoritative name server?02:50
zoopsterShawnR: your domain registrar won't do that?02:51
ShawnRi can't recall specifics, but the host i'm using does like zero DNS and i had to handle that all outside of them, and for whatever reason, godaddy didn't allow complete control02:56
ShawnRno nameservers on my hosted site02:56
ShawnRgodaddy either wants to host your site themselves, or will only fwd/park or you use your own nameserver (NORMALLY kept at the host)02:58
zoopsterI use dotster and could use their dns management for 10/yr per domain02:59
zoopsterbut I use my own dns02:59
ShawnRyeah, i have webhosting for free (collegue at previous employment provided free to all ppl he worked with)03:00
ShawnRbut they have no DNS management there, so i used zoneedit... which was fine.... till now since they charge $03:00
ShawnRi just paid for 12 credits (1 yr) for $!2... and now it looks like if i ever change the name records, each update is an additional 1 ($1) credit to publish the update03:01
ShawnRbut i need to get it up and running, now i have ~12 months to find a better solution03:01
=== peinz0r is now known as jck77

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