
rick_h_interesting read00:24
jrwreni like hte last few paragraphs on firewalls.01:15
jrwrenapplication firewalls are useless junk.01:15
jrwrenthey exists so vendors can sell more firewalls.01:15
snap-ljrwren: eh? What do you mean by app firewalls?01:26
jrwrenwe need a firewall in front of every webserver01:32
jrwrenthat mentality is wrong.01:32
jrwrenradware application firewalls01:32
jrwrenso i mean web app firewall01:33
jrwrennot app firewall like apparmor01:33
jrwrenapparmor is actually pretty sweet.01:33
snap-lI was thinking something like iptables01:33
snap-lthat's really the extent of what you need01:33
snap-lHaving a separate hardware firewall in front of every box is wasteful01:34
jrwrenbut dont tell a radware salesperson that01:35
snap-lI'll tell a salesperson that01:36
jrwrenthey'll scare a poor it manager into buying'01:36
snap-lit's their job to convince me otherwise.01:36
snap-lIt's highly unlikely they will, though. ;)01:36
* snap-l sees a promising career as a crankly old man in his future.01:38
jrwrenyou are smart though.01:47
jrwrenlots of people buy those things because they aren't smart enough to learn or listen to truth01:48
snap-lThey see it as an easy way out01:59
snap-lIt's snake-oil01:59
jrwren"but we spent $1M on security to prevent this kind of thing"02:04
jrwrenand then the C levels probably believe that shit.02:04
* snap-l just picked up Reinventing the Steel by Pantera02:07
snap-lAlbum is 12 years old02:07
snap-lbut I had such a bad taste in my mouth from The Great Southern Trendkill, I avoided this album02:08
snap-lGood morning11:37
shakes808Amazon has some free music. Not sure what they all are, but I got them. What the hell right?12:07
shakes808  http://www.amazon.com/s/qid=1342181060/ref=sr_grid_price?ie=UTF8&redirect=true&sort=price&rd=1&field-keywords=free&url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music     http://www.amazon.com/25-Songs-of-Summer-Explicit/dp/B008A5QBKU?tag=dealswoot-2012:07
snap-lSometimes samplers are good12:09
snap-lI've found some bands from samplers.12:09
shakes808I think these are full songs12:09
snap-lThey are12:09
shakes808... Oh, you mean samplers as in compilations12:09
snap-lI mean samplers in the "here's a collection of somewhat-related music12:10
shakes808Yeah, I found a lot of bands that way as well.12:10
brouschI let snap-l find all my new bands for me12:10
shakes808Warped Tour, OzzFest and the like12:10
brouschYou laugh, but it's basically true12:11
snap-ltghank you12:12
snap-lI'm flattered. :)12:12
brouschOn average I find 1 new band from every episode of omc12:13
shakes808You need to Carpe Diem. Coming from a person that was formally in a few bands, you need to go and find them. There is a considerable amount of bands that aren't discovered just quite yet that you should try to see. I hear that GR is a great place for metal bands and you aren't that far from Chicago :D12:14
shakes808If I lived in GR I would be in Chicago A LOT lol12:14
shakes808How long is that drive?12:14
brouschI don't have time to listen to the music I have now. I see no reason to go find more12:15
shakes808There is always a reason to find more music ;)12:18
shakes808My CD collection is comprised of over 1000 CD and a few hundred-ish tapes. Not including what I had downloaded throughout the years from Napster and the like. Also sharing between my friends. I make it a point to rotate my songs :D12:19
brouschrick_h_: Is your new toy coming today?12:55
rick_h_brousch: no, no word on shipping yet :(12:55
rick_h_looking like something went boom and it got bumped to next week, but we'll see12:55
brouschHm, some people have been getting them12:55
rick_h_in that case I pissed as I reserved mine the first day on the 27th12:56
snap-lrick_h_: When is it supposed to arrive? (This is which toy?)13:04
rick_h_The Nexus 7 I pre-ordered13:05
rick_h_supposedly they're were supposed to be shipping the 12th13:05
rick_h_but stores are being asked to hold them back and something is going on with it13:06
snap-lYou know exactly when it'll be released...13:06
snap-l... Friday before PyOhio13:06
brouschTIL you can make a proper apk package with SL4A. More fun for my talk.13:07
snap-lENNie award nominations are out13:07
snap-lKind of cool to see some stuff I like on that list.13:08
jrwreni almost asked what a apk package is :)13:51
brouschYou're welcome! http://www.mlive.com/business/west-michigan/index.ssf/2012/07/report_little_west_michigan_de.html14:11
PainBankquestion, does ubuntu come with the AIR runtime?14:11
brouschAdobe discontinued AIR for Linux14:13
brouschThat was about 1 year ago, so any version of AIR is going to be old and crusty14:14
PainBankOR if Canonical wanted to, they could pay one of Adobe's partners to update that runtime, but it will always cost something, which isn't being done.  to no one's surprise here.14:19
brouschI say let AIR die, and Flash14:21
snap-lPainBank: AIR is essentially DOA.14:28
snap-lI wouldn't do any new development for AIR14:29
PainBankI would agree with you snap-l although there is still a lot of momentum out there pushing it.  I wish it was DOA.14:29
snap-lPainBank: In what circles? Even the Twitterverse abandoned it. ;)14:29
MilyardoDolphins aren't fish. Deceptive bastards.14:30
PainBankin the Adobe developer circles.14:30
brouschThe only place I've seen it in the last year is a GUI app from a local company for Compass/SASS14:30
snap-lPainBank: Ah, there's your problem14:30
PainBankI know, I know.  I didn't hire the guy.14:31
snap-lPainBank: Once you get out of the dope smokers, you'll realize everyone doesn't do drugs. :)14:31
PainBankya, but dolphins kick ass!14:31
brouschBut do you mock him daily for his choice in development?14:31
PainBanksnap-l: haha ture14:31
PainBankI can't type worth a damn today14:31
snap-lPainBank: It's like ColdFusion14:32
snap-lI'm sure there's a bundle of them out there that still think it's a viable platform14:32
PainBankevery time I see that name I cringe and I've never used it14:32
snap-lbut at some point, you have to wonder why all of your meetings start with "how do we get more people here?"14:32
MilyardoThe graphic developer that we worked with somehow convinced our website admin that we chuck out our Drupal website for wordpress for the sole reason that it works with his Adobe Apps for development14:34
MilyardoI'm still baffled to this day how that happened14:34
snap-lMilyardo: Have you worked with Drupal? I'm not so sure why you're baffled. ;)14:35
PainBankjeez.. and you couldn't find a Drupal extension/plugin to do the interface to Adobe?14:35
PainBanksnap-l: nice14:35
MilyardoNo one but him had any complaints about working with Drupal14:35
PainBankbut he was the boss?14:35
MilyardoNo he contracted14:36
Milyardodoesn't even actually work for us14:36
PainBankeven better14:36
snap-lAs someone who set up Drupal, I don't think it was a hard sell.14:37
MilyardoYeah I don't know, I mean Drupal isn't the most amazing framework, but replacing with Wordpress of all things dumbfounds me the most14:39
snap-lMilyardo: Yeah, I hear you.14:40
snap-lThere's certain things Drupal does very well14:40
brouschWordpress is actually very capable these days14:40
snap-lAnd that's why I use Wordpress. ;)14:40
brouschI still get annoyed by it14:41
brouschMostly I get annoyed by the theming14:42
PainBankwhat is so hard about paying someone to generate the theme you want?14:47
PainBankit is easier than Drupal.14:47
MilyardoI never found Drupal diffcult, just unsophisticated14:49
MilyardoLast month we had asked this same Designer to work with us on a J2EE/Spring/JPA/JSPX application, I haven't heard from him since14:55
MilyardoAnd speaking of Spring, last week I had the misfortune of fixing a Dojo bug, Dojo is a unholy mess14:57
snap-lYeah, I think Dojo fell off the map hard15:01
snap-lSynced my Pragprog book list to Dropbox, and noticed I had Mastering Dojo in there15:02
snap-lI think I stopped thinking about Dojo the moment I bought the book.15:02
PainBankperhaps I missed something, what is the linke between Spring and Dojo?  are you talking about Dojo.js?15:02
MilyardoThe Spring framework uses Dojo for alot of widgets is genereates in Spring MVC15:07
PainBankah, gotcha now15:07
PainBankwhere spring is the server backend... that generates the html/js sent to the client?15:08
PainBankspring is part of the backend server I should say?15:09
PainBankI have been looking at Dojo.js just from the client aspect and creating a GUI using it without caring about a connection to the server side.15:09
rick_h_dojo ugh15:18
rick_h_ok, so now I'm pissed. I preorder for my N7 the night it's announced, and gamestop is handing them out like candy15:20
rick_h_except my local gamestop only has 1 and it's pre-ordered for someone else15:20
brouschThey are in stores?15:21
rick_h_yea, evidently15:22
rick_h_guess gamestop has had them in stores for a week and for some reason today they allowed to sell them15:22
rick_h_but mainly only for people that did game stop pre-orders15:22
brouschGame Stop? WTF?15:22
rick_h_they didn't start taking pre-orders until July, so my June 27th pre-order from google has done me no good it appears...ok getting cranky15:23
brouschI will go to game stop at unch and buy one15:24
rick_h_I will drive to GR and steal it15:24
rick_h_faster, it appears, than sitting weeks on a google pre-order list15:24
brouschD00d, I could hit gamestop for Nexus 7 and then Pita House for some babaganoush15:26
brouschHeh, WTF. there are 2 gamestops in Grandville. They are about 1/4 mile apart15:28
brouschOne in the mall, one outside of it15:28
brouschOooh, Staples might have it too15:29
brouschI could hit 2 GameStops and a Staples at lunch and still have time for Pita House15:31
MilyardoThere used be 3 Gamestops within 500 feet of each other in Flint15:32
MilyardoNow there's two15:32
Milyardoand a Disc Replay15:32
jrwrenthat doesn't look like downtown detroit, looks like midtown15:58
jrwrenadobe developer circles are the only group i've found that is more nuts and illogical than microsoft devs.15:59
jrwrensnap-l: go check out Inverse Phase - Pretty Eight Machine16:06
jrwrenread a description of hte album16:06
jrwrenits only $6.50 to buy from them.16:07
waldo323_anyone going to the pig and whiskey event in ferndale this weekend?16:09
jrwrengoing to GR16:09
waldo323_to get a tablet? :)16:09
waldo323_for those who want further details: http://metrotimes.com/pigandwhiskey16:10
snap-ljrwren: It's on my list.16:26
snap-lwaldo323_: Told JODee about Pig and Whiskey. I think it's going to be way hot. :)16:27
waldo323_yeah high 80s tomorrow and 90s sunday, 30% chance of rain16:27
snap-lrick_h_: Fuck GameStop16:27
snap-lWish I lived near Mike Gedeon's store16:28
snap-l(in Ohio)16:28
snap-lCool guy that I know from video game conventions16:28
waldo323_should we try to invite him to penguicon?16:29
snap-lMike Gedeon? He's no celebrity, just a nice dude who sells video games.16:35
waldo323_maybe not as a goh but maybe a vendor or something?16:36
waldo323_and maybe he'd just like to come to hang out?16:36
snap-lDamn, missed the CCAG Sow.16:38
snap-lBlack Friday in July?16:41
snap-l(Meijer flyer)16:41
jrwren i think it is super slow time of year.16:44
jrwrennewegg has sent lots of emails lately too16:44
snap-lYeah, Newegg's mails are getting on my nerves.16:45
snap-lI think I'm going to unsubscribe from them16:45
snap-lmost of the "deals" are on things I've never heard of before16:46
snap-lI don't have if it's a 1TB SSD drive for $8, if it's by "screyo data" I'm not buying it.16:46
jrwreni would.16:47
jrwreni'm cheap.16:47
* snap-l makes a note to make a bogus drive to sell to jrwren for cheap16:48
brouschrick_h_: You see this? http://blog.gittip.com/post/27072581481/i-believe-in-gittip18:06
rick_h_brousch: yes19:02
rick_h_well maybe there's hope https://twitter.com/googlenexus/status/22384324357666406419:05
snap-lAnyone run into automatic formatting with OpenPyXL and know how to turn that off?19:13
brouschrick_h_: http://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/wibj8/all_nexus_7_preorders_to_ship_within_3_business/19:36
gamerchick02happy Friday.21:33

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