
MarkDudebkerensa, pm me about the parties you know about :)01:14
bkerensaThanks nathwill for amazing steak dinner07:04
bkerensanathwill: great steak last night... it was chill16:17
bkerensanathwill: and I got another minipc from another maker coming soon so we will have to do again sometime16:17
nathwilloh yeah?16:54
nathwillyeah, anytime16:54
bkerensanathwill: https://www.miniand.com/products/MiniX%20TV%20Box%20H24#specifications17:04
bkerensayep that one is shipping this weekend so I should have it next week :)17:05
nathwilli'm kind of pumped about all these low-power, low-spec devices17:05
nathwillespecially when they're low-cost to boot :D17:05
bkerensanathwill: well I guess you keep helping you will have more right? :P17:05
bkerensaI cant possibly keep them all17:05
bkerensaanyways I better get ready I have to go run errands and play tour guide for someone who just landed from India17:06
nathwillhave fun17:06
tgm4883bkerensa ping20:06
tgm4883dumb tablet :/20:06
bkerensatgm4883: yes20:23
bkerensaslangasek / kees / wendar ... if you have availability were trying to get a Ubuntu Hour together for next Friday since we will have lots of Ubuntu Folk and Canonical folk coming for OSCON https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-or/2012-July/000627.html20:23
bkerensa^ adam_g bdmurray philipballew_20:24
bkerensanathwill: your ip is listed in sorbs20:25
bdmurraynext Friday is Batman!20:25
bkerensabdmurray: wat? :P the new one20:26
bkerensanathwill: disregard... your vps is blocking Gmail because its listed in SORBS :P20:28
nathwillboo gmail20:36
nathwillalso, boo sorbs20:37
wendarbkerensa: I'll be around on Friday20:38
nathwillbkerensa, i temporarily disabled the sorbs list21:25
nathwilli don't really want to block email from gmail21:25
slangasekbkerensa: I'm in Redmond that day ;P21:26
nathwillslangasek, you gonna set MSFT straight on UEFI?21:27
slangasekdunno about that21:28
slangasekbut we should probably be on the same page by the end of the week ;)21:28
nathwillhaha. g'luck, hope things go smoothly21:31
nathwillqq while you're about... you know if Ubuntu still makes non-pae images? would like to install 12.04 on a vortex86 (i586), but the 386 image won't work as the cpu doesn't support pae21:32
slangaseknathwill: 12.04 doesn't include any non-pae images for Ubuntu itself; I think Lubuntu shipped non-PAE though21:34
slangasekand you can install 11.10 Ubuntu and upgrade21:34
nathwillslangasek, ok, thanks :)21:40

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