
DemonWitchhey how can i change at grub the video driver ( i want to choose vesa by changing the kernel line)00:26
Unit193Grub config? /etc/default/grub just remember to update-grub00:27
DemonWitchUnit193, yeah00:27
DemonWitchi want to tell grub to use vesa00:28
DemonWitchinstead of ati driver00:28
DemonWitchwhat is the kernel line parameter?00:28
toekeehow do I save smb:// (windows shares) ?00:55
ochositoekee: you mean as a bookmark in thunar?00:57
ochosiit's not possible at the moment, you have to use gigolo for that00:57
ochosi(or you create a launcher)00:58
toekeeshux darn00:58
toekeeoh..a launcher00:58
toekeewhat about fstab ?00:59
ochosiyeah, you can also do that00:59
Unit193Yep, that works, and is faster than FUSE.01:00
ochosinot sure whether it takes longer to boot if you're not in your lan though01:00
ochosiyou can also add a network-manager dispatcher script that checks your wlan-essid (or in a lan your route etc.) and then mounts the smb share01:00
ochosithere are many many options :)01:01
toekeeThere should be an automount option01:01
toekeeIs this an xfce issue then ?01:02
toekeeI have the windows share as a home server, accessible from the local network from any laptop pretty much01:03
toekeeexcept crunchbang  and vector linux01:04
ochosiwell you can always go the slow way and use the "network" link in thunar01:06
ochosiit's about as slow as browsing the network with windows01:06
ochosithe automount option is fstab01:06
ochositoekee: ^01:07
toekeeyes...the network link....almost works01:07
toekeeI ndont really mind typing the address in the location  box, but I have never dealt with fstab , so that would be a learning thing01:09
toekeehow to add windows shares to fstab....google it...01:10
ochosiyeah, it's just adding one line (and there are many examples on the net)01:10
ochosishould be manageable01:10
toekeethe optiions are what confuse me01:10
ochosiyeah, but there are not so many01:10
toekeeafter the uuid01:10
ochosiand they're documented01:11
toekeeI should learn it01:11
ochosiyeah, it's pretty useful and works on every linux01:11
toekeeyah...its the real linux stuff....fstab01:11
toekeethe auto stuff is prolly frowned upon from the true linux point of view01:12
ochosinot necessarily01:12
ochosibut it's always useful to know your way on the command line, at least a bit01:13
ochosiespecially when X breaks or when you're on a remote server01:13
toekeeYah ...true01:14
toekeeochosi....what woould be an example of a windows shares added to fstab?01:15
ochositoekee: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+add+windows+share+fstab01:17
toekeefunny !01:17
ochosiinnit? :D01:18
toekeeoh yes..it is...01:18
ochosifirst result is the page of the ubuntu wiki01:18
ochosithat should work ;)01:18
toekeetnaks...I'll read for a bit now....01:19
ochosinp, have fun!01:19
ochosiand good luck01:19
toekeedespite my inabilities, I rarely ever use windows....01:20
toekee"publisher files"01:20
xubuntu260First time on IRC; excuse any problems;  I'm looking for some help getting a dev environment setup on xubuntu.02:27
xubuntu260I'm trying to install things like python-numpy and can't figure out which repository to add to apt.02:27
xubuntu260example: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/python-numpy02:30
xubuntu260I'm just not sure what the mapping is from ubuntu names <-> xubuntu; used uname -a, but didn't see anythnig useful.02:31
Unit193Just open synaptic and search for, and install python-numpy02:34
Unit193or type sudo apt-get install python-numpy02:34
xubuntu260Sweet.  Thanks so much Unit193.02:35
xubuntu260Guess my mistake was going through the "Ubuntu software center"02:35
Unit193Meh, I've never used it.02:36
xubuntu260Just installed virtualbox, haven't used a debian system in years; thought that it was some front end for synaptic.02:36
xubuntu260apt is great.02:37
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents02:40
Unit193There's that too.02:40
liveoutloud91Howdy! How would I get window snapping in Xubuntu?02:48
Unit193Already enabled, but config in settings > Settings Manager > Window Manager > Advanced.02:51
liveoutloud91I'm in the windows manager but I don't see "Advanced"02:54
Unit193Top tab.02:55
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
doc|homehey, I just installed a new geforce gtx550ti and my screens now seem a bit out of whack. I've switched from a geforce 7600gt. Anyone got any idea what I need to do to fix it? I can get to a terminal easily.04:10
doc|homeno mouse usage though04:10
doc|homethe xorg.conf reads Geforce 7600 GT for the boardname, but I doubt that's a problem, is it?04:11
pepsipilotHello everyone05:44
pepsipilotWill xubuntu work on a P3 258Megs laptop05:45
pepsipilotWhat will be the best linux to run05:48
* Transfusion used mint 9 with xfce05:49
Transfusionon a pIII 128 MB 533 mhz compaq presario lappy05:49
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
pepsipilotIs mint9 good distro05:51
pepsipilotHow is xubuntu05:51
baizonmint 9 old, gnome 2 distro05:51
baizonxubuntu xfce :)05:52
Transfusiongnome 2 is heavy on graphics....05:52
baizonmake your choice :)05:52
pepsipilotWhich 1 is better because slatz is running so so slow05:54
baizoncant say :)05:58
baizontry both05:58
pepsipilotAre the big in size06:00
pepsipilotHow do I get the xubuntu xfce version06:01
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels06:04
Marzatamost of the users are bio-robots06:07
pepsipilotOh okay06:07
Marzatapepsipilot: the xfce version?06:07
baizonxubuntu got only the xfce DE :)06:08
Marzataanother one06:08
xubuntu136NEED HELP..i need to uninstall xubuntu completely..i've currently installed it along with windows 7..06:08
Marzatayou know, bio-robots are not yet that good at making jokes06:09
pepsipilotWhat is DE06:09
pepsipilotSo is mint9 the 1 I need of the latest mint06:11
baizonpepsipilot: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desktop_environment06:19
pepsipilotHehe thanks06:21
pepsipilotWanna find out will the latest mint xfce work on my old laptop or do I require mint906:22
Mathsterkpepsipilot: just try, it would probably not hurt :P06:24
baizonmint doesnt have a "lastest version"06:25
baizonmint xfce is bleeding edge06:25
baizonMarzata: i mean mint + xfce06:25
Transfusiondebian >.< i want to install wine 1.4. To do that, i need to install the unstable alsamixer. No problem, I figure. But to do that, i have to install the new python toolkit......., and to do that, i need to instal....... until i approach infinity.06:28
pepsipilotCan I use a dos application in Linux06:30
pepsipilotAnd if so I need so install winehq06:30
pepsipilotIs it easy to use winehq to open a dos ap06:30
* Transfusion has no idea sorry, perhaps you may need DOSBox inside wine06:31
Transfusionthe dependencies in the debian repos are INSANELY outdated, some approaching three years old!06:31
Marzatadebian is a goner, use ubuntu06:32
Transfusiondebian and centos are the only options on host1free06:34
Transfusionand getting ppa to work on debian squeeze is superhuman06:34
Transfusion~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/mIRC$ sudo synaptic06:36
Transfusion[sudo] password for ravera:06:36
TransfusionInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key06:36
Transfusion(synaptic:6241): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :1.006:36
* Transfusion facepalms06:36
well_laid_lawnwhat does echo $DISPLAY return in a terminal ?06:37
Transfusion$ echo $DISPLAY06:37
Transfusioni'm on a VPS, lxde is installed06:38
well_laid_lawnseems weird then06:38
pepsipilotWill I be able to use dos on mint or xubuntu06:38
well_laid_lawnpepsipilot: you'll need an emulator06:38
well_laid_lawn!info dosbox06:39
ubottudosbox (source: dosbox): x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.74-2 (precise), package size 800 kB, installed size 2468 kB06:39
pepsipilotSo dosbox works on Linux.06:39
Mathsterkis there an easy way to check internet speed in cli? (without wget'ing a large file from somewhere)06:43
well_laid_lawnMathsterk: you need to be downloading something to check how fast you are capable of downloading stuff06:44
well_laid_lawnhere in oz I use ozspeedtest.com06:45
Mathsterkwell_laid_lawn: i'm planning on testing how fast internet my box has (it's about 2000 km away from me :P ) and it doesn't run X and last time i tried speedtests in lynx they wouldn't work06:46
well_laid_lawnMathsterk: sounds like you might have to use wget or curl06:47
well_laid_lawnafaik and I don't know everything06:47
Mathsterkdamn, just 5 mbit down and 1 up :\06:50
pepsipilotWhich is better for xubuntu or lubuntu07:17
Mathsterkthat is depending on what you mean with "better" :P (everything has advantages and disadvantages)07:18
pepsipilotOn my P3 laptop with 258megs07:21
pepsipilotWhich will run faster07:21
pepsipilotWhich 1 do u think07:22
pAt_pepsipilot: maybe Lubuntu is slightly faster in my experience07:34
=== UnRar is now known as unrar
Marzataxubuntu -x +l08:00
=== pepsipilot_ is now known as pepsipilot
sunzzjust resumed my system from standby - mouse stopped working...  what can i do about it?08:41
baizonsunzz: restart? :)08:43
baizonmouse ps2 or usb?08:43
sunzzrestart does help indeed :P08:43
Dicedoes re-plugging it help?08:46
Mathsterksunzz: switch usb-port, it usually help09:06
sunzzindeed, replugging it into a different USB slot helps09:07
sunzzbut, since i am using a laptop with only 2 usb slots, i cant afford loosing 50% of my USB to standby09:08
Mathsterkyou can also try replugging09:09
sunzzjust replugging does not help09:09
well_laid_lawnI'd check dmesg to see if the kernel registers the mouse being replugged09:10
sunzzwell_laid_lawn, i just did, it does not register it on the slot where it should be09:11
sunzzwell_laid_lawn, but it registers fine on the other usb slot, wich i need free for using usb-disks09:11
well_laid_lawnit works ok if you unplug it before going to standby then resume?09:12
sunzznot tried that yet09:13
sunzzi forgot to mention, it does not happen after every resume, it seems to happen randomly in 60-70% of resumes09:13
sunzzthat why its so annoying :(09:14
ochosisunzz: have you taken a look whether there's already a bugreport?09:14
sunzzochosi, no, where should i look?09:15
ochosion launchpad09:15
sunzzah ok, im going to check that09:16
ochosior you can simply google "ubuntu $your-laptop-model resume standby usb blah blah"09:16
sunzzochosi, well i spent weeks googling that already, there are many similar problems reported, but almost no solutions, and if, they dont work for me09:17
ochosii see09:17
=== D is now known as Guest34152
=== Guest34152 is now known as Dn
xubuntu426hello world!10:56
xubuntu426there is someone here?10:56
knomejust us robots.10:57
knomei'm just kidding.10:57
xubuntu426i have a problem with installing kubuntu10:57
knomekubuntu? then try #kubuntu10:57
xubuntu426sorry xubuntu10:58
xubuntu426on an old desktop pc10:58
knomesure - what's the problem?10:58
xubuntu426pentium IV10:58
xubuntu4261 gb ram10:58
xubuntu426boot regular10:58
xubuntu426at menu10:58
xubuntu426what ever i choose10:58
xubuntu426everything i choose10:59
xubuntu426i have black screen10:59
xubuntu426except with memtest10:59
xubuntu426i have black screen with "install" "try live cd" and "check cd .."11:01
xubuntu426the cd is sure ok because with my portable pc i can right play the live version11:02
xubuntu426(and probably install it)11:02
xubuntu426[12:57] <xubuntu426> i have a problem with installing xubuntu [12:58] <xubuntu426> on an old desktop pc [12:58] <xubuntu426> pentium IV [12:58] <xubuntu426> 1 gb ram [12:58] <knome> sure - what's the problem? [12:58] <xubuntu426> boot regular [12:58] <xubuntu426> at menu [12:58] <xubuntu426> what ever i choose [12:59] <xubuntu426> everything i choose [12:59] <xubuntu426> i have black screen [12:59] <xubuntu426> except with memtes11:05
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:05
knomexubuntu426, please read that11:05
xubuntu426uff ..11:09
xubuntu426what i can try??11:09
xubuntu426i had to go11:11
xubuntu426bye bye11:11
=== ravera is now known as Transfusion
bonnohi i have a problem with a process....  i am using conky and i can see that out of nowhere a process called :  xfce4-knotifyd  consumes a huge amount 30% of RAM... why? is that? i have my pc 1 + 1/2 days running... never had that problemm..also recently xfce4-xkb-plugin consumes 7% of the RAM (never had found a procces before that consumed more that 2-3%   (except browser with many tabs..) any help?13:16
bonnoi dont know what these processes do... :p13:17
magnus__anyone know a way to produce all the fonts available in a terminal? ie a script/command/oneliner ?13:20
Secondany help?13:21
knomemagnus__, if you are referring to rebuilding the fonts catalog, check 'fc-cache' out13:22
magnus__knome: not really no. I want to pick a font to use in rxvt-unicode, but would like to see all the ones available in the terminal, so I can pick it :)13:23
Secondcan i get some advice here too ? :p13:24
knomemagnus__, so are you referring to "how can i see all the monospae fonts?"13:24
knome!ask | Second13:24
ubottuSecond: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:24
magnus__knome: correct13:24
Secondi did  already...  oh ok13:24
Second hi i have a problem with a process....  i am using conky and i can see that out of nowhere a process called :  xfce4-knotifyd  consumes a huge amount 30% of RAM... why? is that? i have my pc 1 + 1/2 days running... never had that problemm..also recently xfce4-xkb-plugin consumes 7% of the RAM (never had found a procces before that consumed more that 2-3%   (except browser with many tabs..)13:25
knomemagnus__, i don't think there is a specific app for that13:25
magnus__would be very useful though13:25
knomemagnus__, a very niche request though ;)13:25
MathsterkSecond: try restarting the xfce4-knotifyd13:26
magnus__knome: sooo many fonts, it would be ideal to be able to pick the best one :)13:26
Mathsterksometimes they use insane amounts of ram, i don't know why :\13:27
Secondno its gone... :p omg.. memory is back to where it was13:27
Secondwhat does knotifyd does in simple words?13:27
knomemagnus__, i like liberation mono13:27
knomemagnus__, dejavu sans mono isn't bad either13:28
MathsterkSecond: i think it's the fancy notifications (right corner)13:28
Mathsterkmaybe it crashed?13:28
magnus__knome: ok will take a look. Thanks for the suggesions13:29
knomemagnus__, np :)13:29
Mathsterki found out why my computer boots slow13:29
Secondok and something else...   xfce4-xkb-plugin   consumes too 8% RAM  never had before...  what does it do and how do i fix it?13:30
Mathsterk115 services or so starting up :P13:31
Second*never had that before*13:31
MathsterkSecond: try googling what it is13:31
knomeSecond, it's a keyboard layout switching applet - if you don't need it, you can stop it13:31
Secondkeyboard layout switcher...you mean it swithes between  "english" "japanese"  and that?13:33
knomeSecond, yes.13:33
Secondcntrl + alt + shift ?13:34
knomedon't know about that.13:34
Secondthanks... found something on google about memory leak of that process..13:34
=== blackgatocatnegr is now known as blackgatonegro
RelondoSo, I used "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" to install Xfce on my standard Ubuntu installation. So, how  do I switch to it?13:57
Papa-Smurfwhat is the best remote desktop for Xubuntu??14:17
blackgatonegroRelondo, try picking "xubuntu-desktop" before logging in14:17
blackgatonegrois in the options under the password thing14:17
MathsterkPapa-Smurf: how are you going to use it?14:18
Papa-Smurffrom a linux or windows client14:18
Papa-Smurfsomething like vnc...14:18
Mathsterkx11vnc is good14:18
blackgatonegroremote desktop? Well, there is grdesktop14:18
Papa-Smurfthere are many14:19
Papa-Smurfbut i want to know which one works better with Xubuntu14:19
blackgatonegrogrdesktop is basically a clone of the Microsoft one14:19
MathsterkPapa-Smurf: tried x11vnc?14:19
Papa-Smurfi haven't tried any yet14:20
Papa-Smurfwhat i need to install x11vnc???14:20
Mathsterkwell, try a solution, if you don't like it, try the next one :P14:20
Papa-Smurfxinetd ??14:20
Mathsterksudo apt-get install x11vnc14:20
blackgatonegroTry grdesktop if you wanna use it with windows computers14:20
Mathsterkand it should do it automagically14:20
Papa-SmurfMathsterk,  and that's all14:20
Papa-SmurfMathsterk, ahh ok14:20
blackgatonegroif is linux only, well yes, there are many many options.14:21
Papa-Smurfblackgatonegro, can i install both servers grdesktop and x11vnc??14:21
Mathsterki always prefer vnc, because it isn't locked to one os and you find clients for almost every thing14:21
MathsterkPapa-Smurf: i think you can install both14:22
blackgatonegroWell, yes, but make sure to only run one at the time.14:22
Papa-Smurfblackgatonegro, thanks14:22
blackgatonegroalso try vnc14:23
Papa-Smurfi'm going to install x11vnc and if i'm not happy i will try other14:23
Papa-Smurfx11vnc does a have client?14:23
blackgatonegrogrdesktop is mostly for those used to the Microsoft one14:23
blackgatonegroa gui? well, there are a few14:24
Papa-Smurfok i'm going to install both and try at home14:24
Papa-Smurfbut first i need more alcohol in my blood14:24
MathsterkPapa-Smurf: x11vnc is a vnc server and cli-only, but i think there is some gui's for it as well14:25
blackgatonegroI have found a few guis, but none of them are top rated14:25
Mathsterkit's for ubuntu but that shouldn't matter: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC14:26
blackgatonegroagain, grdesktop  is the easiest to use14:26
Papa-Smurfwhat i want i gui mostly14:26
blackgatonegrogrdesktop  then14:26
Papa-Smurfas CLI i've got ssh14:26
Papa-Smurflet's try grdesktop then14:27
Papa-Smurfis it "Remotedesktop Client" in the software center?14:28
Mathsterklook for server14:28
Papa-Smurfit looks like yes14:28
blackgatonegrojust type "grdesktop"14:28
blackgatonegroin the search bar14:28
Papa-Smurfonly appears the client version14:29
Mathsterkor just do: sudo apt-get install grdesktop14:29
blackgatonegrotried with getdeb?14:29
Papa-Smurfohh yes man14:29
Mathsterkanyone got a list of how "sudo services --status-all" looks like on a fresh install?14:30
Papa-SmurfI haven't taken so many drugs today14:30
Papa-Smurfbut i think i can install it14:30
blackgatonegrowell, try searchiching for ubuntu deb grdesktop on the ubuntu web searchers14:30
Papa-Smurfi couldn't find the server package fro grdesktop14:49
holsteinSpaceAviator: maybe just vinagre/vino14:50
holsteinSpaceAviator: sorry... Papa-Smurf ^14:50
holsteinPapa-Smurf: also, depeding on your needs, teamviewer is quite easy and well supported, though not opensource14:50
Papa-Smurfholstein, yes i used teamviewer in the past14:51
holsteini have been enjoying the remmina viewer and i usually just use vino, running vino-preferences in the terminal to configure14:51
Papa-Smurfholstein, vino is probably the best14:52
Papa-Smurfi think14:52
Papa-Smurfi used it when my life was easy14:53
habibjpCan anyone help me with installing Xubuntu on a RAID0 array16:08
baizonhabibjp: whats your problem?16:10
habibjpNone yet. But i'm not sure how to go ahead installing.16:10
habibjpi have two disks (500gb each) in RAID0, set up on the motherboard16:11
habibjpim planning to install XP, then W7, then Xubuntu, all side-by-side16:11
habibjpso when i get to installing xubuntu, can i just install (alongside) as i normally would?16:12
habibjpor do i need drivers, like for windows16:12
habibjpor is it more complicated16:12
habibjp(sorry for my long-windedness)16:12
craigbass1976I have a samba share mounted up ( it's shared out and mounted by the same box ) but I can't delete files unless I'm at a command line.  Trying in the GUI gives me an error about not being able to find or create trash.16:13
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/16:16
craigbass1976habibjp, I just tried reading what you asked, but the log file ends right after you said hello.  I can only see (in here) from "so when I get..." down.16:18
habibjpcraigbass1976, heres what i said: i have two disks (500gb each) in RAID0, set up on the motherboard im planning to install XP, then W7, then Xubuntu, all side-by-side so when i get to installing xubuntu, can i just install (alongside) as i normally would? or do i need drivers, like for windows or is it more complicated (sorry for my long-windedness)16:20
habibjpApologies for my hiedous grammar16:20
habibjpand spelling16:20
craigbass1976habibjp, and spelling...  It's  hideous.  ;)16:21
craigbass1976habibjp, you're doing hardware raid then?16:22
craigbass1976Is your card on this: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/category/RAID/16:23
habibjpi dont see it :(16:27
habibjpmy RAID chip purports to be made by ATI16:28
Sergio55Hi all! I'm running xubuntu 12 and the problem is that desktop clock shows the time +1 hour more than real local. I've double checked time zone and location settings - these are set right. How do I fix that?16:35
habibjpis it stuck on/off daylight saving time perhaps16:35
craigbass1976or maybe your wife is trying to make sure you're early for stuff...16:36
habibjpso, as my raid chip isnt on the list, will i be unable to use xubuntu on my raid array? :(16:37
Sergio55okay then, what's the command to set timezone from console?16:38
craigbass1976habibjp, I'm not sure; I've only done software raid and it was before dapper...16:39
habibjpi guess i could jsut boot from the install disc and see what happens?16:39
habibjpif it recognizes the drive i shouldn't have a problem, right?16:40
Sergio55habibjp, sorry to ask again, but what's the command to set timezone from console?16:43
habibjpsorry i don't know it16:43
Sergio55thanks anyway16:43
habibjpill see if i can find out16:43
Sergio55got another question16:43
craigbass1976Sergio55, it's going to be date, but I don't know what the options are...16:44
craigbass1976Sergio55, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-set-date-time-from-linux-command-prompt/16:45
Sergio55in windows, when you use apps, it somehow remembers your current language selection for an app.  is it implemented/possible to install or configure on xubuntu?16:46
genii-aroundSergio55: You wanted to set the time, or you want to set the timezone?16:46
Sergio55genii-around, timezone is set all right, but somehow clock on the desktop shows a hour more16:47
Sergio55genii-around, I just want to fix that16:47
habibjpyou could always set it from BIOS16:48
genii-aroundSergio55: Perhaps to use ntpd to set the time from a local tick server16:48
Sergio55genii-around, thanks for the tip, i'll dig that way16:48
Sergio55and about languages question?16:49
genii-aroundSergio55: No idea offhand on that, I only ever use a single one on this system16:49
Sergio55i just simultaneously use two, and changing these every time you switch to another app is a real pain in the arse16:50
craigbass1976I have a samba share mounted up ( it's shared out and mounted by the same box ) but I can't delete files unless I'm at a command line.  Trying in the GUI gives me an error about not being able to find or create trash.17:19
Diceshift+del removes directly, without trash17:20
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
lduroscan you do a live USB out of the XUBUNTU alternate iso?17:48
ldurosI want to use xubuntu out of a usb flash drive? without ever installing it on the harddrive17:48
Diceyou need livecd-image for live-usb, for permanent usage you should do actual installation on stick17:51
ldurosDice: hmm ok so how can I do that?17:52
lduroswith a CD and instead of installing on the harddrive, i install on the usb?17:52
ldurossounds doable17:52
craigbass1976Dice, aha.  Thanks.  Any way to force it without confirmation?18:00
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
rinzlerI'm having some major problems. I just started up my 12.04 machine and now there is only one workspace available (had 6), and the window buttons (close minimize maximize) are gone. I've tried rebooting and the whole nine yards. any ideas?19:02
rinzleralso: none of the open windows are being shown in the Window Buttons panel item, and alt-tab doesn't work either.19:04
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=== rar is now known as unrar
Dicerinzler: alt +F2 "xfwm4 --replace"19:08
Dicethen rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions to remove corrupted session19:09
rinzlerahh! Perfect! Thanks, Dice!19:09
=== unrar is now known as BReoH
Mathsterkhmmz, now my disk won't be unmounted "disk or device is busy" or something19:12
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Diceit's in a hurry, give it a moment19:15
Dicenot viewing it's contents in any file manager window might help19:15
Mathsterki'm not doing anything on it19:16
Mathsterkand the activity led is not flashing, weird19:17
xubuntu209Hello, I would like to know where to ask about updates and which ones to install for Xbuntu 12.0420:01
Unit193What's wrong with them?20:04
well_laid_lawnwhat do you want to know about the updates?20:04
xubuntu209Do I install all of the updates or do I need to go through the list and somehow select only the ones I want/need/should have.20:05
Unit193Generally you go with all.20:08
drcxubuntu209: From your nick I assume that you are irc'ing from the live cd install and are thinking about the first update after install?20:10
xubuntu209No, I am on a Windows system just surfing the net.  I have Xbuntu installed on another system.  It has been up and running for a couple of months.  I just see the update symbol every few days and have been installing them.  I have begun to wonder, however, if I was installing a bunch of stuff I do not need or want.20:12
xubuntu209You are correct abou the IRC part tho.20:13
drcok...not to be insulting, but asking the question tells me that you probably want to take what's offered, until you have a bit more experience and can really tell what you want/need.20:14
well_laid_lawnwhy wouldn't you want to update a peice of software ? mostly updates are due to bugfixes or improvements20:16
pleia2updates to stable releases fix major bugs or security, so you want them :)20:16
xubuntu209No offense taken.  I am very new to linux/ubuntu/xbuntu.20:16
xubuntu209Ok, thanks for the great help.20:18
Unit193Kernel updates are the only ones that need reboots, most others just close the program and reopen (firefox)20:18
drcand when a reboot <is> required, the updated usually/always (?) tell you so :)20:18
Unit193Yes, yes it does.20:20
xubuntu209Thanks again.20:20
Unit193You can also check what program needs it by running   cat /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs20:20
xubuntu209How do I elegantly exit from this chat?20:21
Unit193You could just close the tab as well, if you wish.20:22
grifo74hi how i run vmwareplayer20:55
grifo74i'm with xubuntu 12.04 lts 64bits20:55
grifo74i can't install patch dont work20:55
asterismoi need help20:56
asterismothunderbird wont open20:56
asterismothunderbird crashes 2 seconds after opening20:56
drcgrifo74: http://askubuntu.com/questions/151099/how-to-uninstall-vmware-player-on-ubuntu-12-0420:57
drcasterismo: rename ~/.thunderbird (the config files) and try to open it20:57
Unit193asterismo: You could reinstall it, or launch it from the terminal and see what output it'll give.20:58
drcgrifo74: opps...my fault (trying to do 3 things at once), that was <uninstalll>...sorry20:58
J03y_BHi everybody, never mind me, first time user just nosing around.20:59
grifo74no problem20:59
grifo74i resolv the proble download anothet patch the problem is in the patch21:01
drcJ03y_B: There's a USD$5.00 cover charge, just place it in the box marked "Beer Money" over in the corner.21:02
* J03y_B is buying everyone beer...21:07
J03y_Bping drc21:09
asterismodrc, ok, i'll try that21:13
asterismodrc, but i will loose all my email right?21:14
drcasterismo: not if you <rename> the folder...that way you can rename it back if/when.21:14
drcThis was just to see if it was a config problem...if not, then try Unit193's (?) idea of re-installing21:15
Unit193Could also run the application from terminal, see where it's falling over.21:16
drcthat too :)21:16
drceven better.21:16
Unit193Both are normal steps.21:16
Unit193Could strace it, that's always fun!  (Helped me a few times)21:17
drcfor strange ideas of fun.....21:18
Mathsterkdrc: on irc you will find geeks, and geeks don't like "normal" fun, they love "geeky" fun21:19
drcMathsterk: ORLY?21:20
Mathsterkyes :o21:20
xubuntu657hello everyone. ive tried installing xubuntu on my dell latitude 120l laptop (768mb ram 1.7ghz cpu) several times. the first time it ran just fine without any problems. then all of a sudden when i tried booting, the screen went black and cpu light stopped blinking. i force shut down my pc, then tried again, this time it just simply froze during the splash screen and wouldnt boot. that was with a wubi install, i have also tried u21:21
Mathsterkcpu light?21:22
xubuntu657yeah, the little light that blinks when your computer is running (sorry if my terminology is off)21:23
Mathsterkhdd-activity led?21:23
xubuntu657yeah, i guess lol21:24
Mathsterkcan you boot windows?21:24
xubuntu657yeah, windows runs just fine w/o problems21:25
xubuntu657right now im using the computer i want to put xubuntu on21:25
Mathsterkmaybe a bad install?21:26
xubuntu657im not sure. ive tried quite a few times. my most recent attempt using lili to creat a bootable usb has gone the longest without freezing. i have also tried using the text based installation and that doesnt work either21:28
xubuntu657but i just redownloaded the os and im gonna try to make the usb again21:28
Mathsterkremember to check the md5 filesum21:28
xubuntu657how do i do that?21:29
Mathsterkjust google it, "how to find md5 sum windows"21:29
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:32
Mathsterkthanks well_laid_lawn :)21:33
drcxubuntu657: I'm confused. Are you saying you can install Xubuntu from a USB or that you can install, but then Xubuntu freezes after the install?21:33
drcer...can't then can :)21:33
xubuntu657i can install, but for some reason when i boot it up it freezes21:34
Mathsterkmaybe xubuntu doesn't like wubi?21:35
J03y_Bare you comfortable with the idea of creating a separate partition, installing Xubunto on there and multi-boot it?21:35
well_laid_lawnor it needs something like nomodeset in the kernel line21:35
J03y_Bor you could run it as a live USB/CD21:35
xubuntu657i dont know how to manage partitions, and ive already tried running as a live usb and that doesnt work either21:37
J03y_BThat's strange... what does not work if you try running it live?21:37
Mathsterkxubuntu657: i think xubuntu automagically can set the partitions up21:38
J03y_Band, to start with the beginning, how did you create your live USB?21:38
Mathsterkyou just need to tell it how much space you want on xubuntu21:38
J03y_BThe Ubuntu installers do a great job at repartitioning, the only thing you have to be sure of is that your windows partition is defragged, and that you have enough space left on your HDD21:39
J03y_Bfor testing purposes anything between 6 and 12 Gigs works allright...21:39
xubuntu657i used Lili, with a 4gb flash drive and i just followed the instructions, i formatted to fat32, i unchecked the hide files box, and checked the live usb box and clicked the lightning bolt21:40
Mathsterki reccommend (if you are going to experiment) to give xubuntu 16-32 GiB :P21:40
xubuntu657and through my bios i set it to look for os in usb first21:41
J03y_Btry UNetBootIn for windows, with the ISO you get of the Xubuntu site.21:41
mongywhen all else fails, there's dd21:42
J03y_Bwhen you start up your PC, in the boot splash screen you'll see a key-combination that brings you to a boot selection menu. (F10, or F12 mostly). If you press that you don't have to alter your BIOS, you can choose directly21:43
Mathsterkon the dells i have comed across it's usually esc or f1 i think21:43
J03y_B@mongy, I suspect the poster isn't familiar with Linux CLI yet...21:44
mongyon my dell it's f1221:44
J03y_BI have a Dell, itś F12 since the beginning of time. :)21:44
Mathsterkit will say when you boot (look at the bottom part of the screen and look for "boot from device" or someting similiar"21:44
Mathsterkmaybe f12 then21:44
xubuntu657but the installer boots from the usb, its just when it is at the screen that says xubuntu with the default desktop background, after a while it just freezes21:45
J03y_BSo you are beyond the screen where you can choose to run Xubuntu Live?21:46
J03y_B.... or are you stuck there?21:46
xubuntu657no, i can get past that21:47
drc"Hry you guys" :)  It installs fine, but wont boot :)21:47
xubuntu657what drc said!21:47
J03y_BIf you are stuck at that screen, it isn't installed yet...21:47
drcI quit21:48
xubuntu657so, now im using unetbootin to create the usb. i also did an md5 check, and it matches21:52
mongynever had any luck with unetbootin... dunno why, it always seemed to spaz out on me.21:54
mongyit's as easy to boot the iso directly these days.21:54
xubuntu657i tried using wubi, but it just doesnt want to boot21:56
genii-aroundIf you spend more than 2 hours on trying to make a bootable usb, you could have bought an external dvd drive for the wages of that 2 hours21:56
xubuntu657i dont have a job, and i have been trying for over 3 days lol21:58
xubuntu657not just with the usb, but ive tried a couple install methods21:59
xubuntu657i will be back, gonna try and install another time22:00
mongyare you equiped enough to install xubuntu into a virtual machine?22:01
xubuntu657im back. im having the same problem as before:(22:17
xubuntu657everytime i try to install xubuntu (ive also tried lubuntu) my computer completely freezes up during the splash screen. the hdd light stops, and so does my usb light (i am trying to boot from a usb because i dont have any blank cd's)22:26
Unit193Have you tried the Alternate CD?22:28
xubuntu657yep, ive tried pretty much everything (wubi install, live usb using vbox emulator, usb-boot)22:29
well_laid_lawnyou can turn off the splash screen during boot to fid out where it hangs22:29
xubuntu657how do i do that?22:29
well_laid_lawnat the grub menu select the kernel and press  e22:31
well_laid_lawnthen select the kernel line and press  e  again22:32
well_laid_lawnmove to the end and delete   splash then press b22:32
xubuntu657ok, thanks. i will try that in just a minute22:33
xubuntu657but since im currently using the computer on which to do the install i have to leave, but i will be back using the same username22:34
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
xubuntu657i am back. i turned off the splash, and the boot hangs at 3 lines. the first starting with 31.364903, the second starting with 31.366662 and the third starting with 31.36841422:52
genii-aroundThose are the timestamps... anything interesting writen on those lines|?22:52
xubuntu657and it gives me a website to go to and download a driver for my wireless card22:52
xubuntu657error, something about a fw file missing, ucode b4322:53
xubuntu657but idk how to install the driver if i cant boot xubuntu22:54
genii-aroundIs probably hanging on setting up the network22:56
xubuntu657yeah, i think that might be it. is there a way i can skip that step?22:56
genii-aroundxubuntu657: ctrl-c on the screen where it freezes will abort the current startup thing it's trying22:57
xubuntu657oh cool. and after that it just continues the setup normally?22:58
genii-aroundSo it will go something like Setting up network    Fail!      and then continue22:58
genii-aroundxubuntu657: Pretty much22:59
xubuntu657oh cool. im gonna go try that now! thanks for the advice22:59
ochosi(if i may step in)23:00
ochosithe b43 firmware should be available in the repos23:00
ochosibut you have to install it separately23:00
genii-aroundYes, firmware-cutter or so23:00
ochosiit's annoying because it sometimes works in live-images23:00
ochosiand then you install, reboot and are left without network23:01
Unit193I'd recommend checking jockey first.23:01
genii-around!info b43-fwcutter23:02
ubottub43-fwcutter (source: b43-fwcutter): Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component main, is optional. Version 1:015-9 (precise), package size 18 kB, installed size 73 kB23:02
genii-aroundHm, that one may just be for pulling it out of the Windows .inf/.sys stuff23:02
ochosiyup, but still, it's as easy as installing any other package23:03
genii-aroundI guess you can mount the win partition, pull the firmware off it23:04
ochosiwell he's gone already ;)23:04
genii-aroundYup! Maybe we'll see him back if his wired connection works23:06
* ochosi is keeping his fingers crossed23:06
xubuntu657so when my computer boots and hangs, i tried pressing ctrl-c, but it didnt seem to register any of my keyboard presses23:15
xubuntu657yeah. but i wrote down what it hangs on23:16
xubuntu657"b43-phy ERROR...   firmware file not found b43/ucode5.fw... firmware file not found b43-open/ucode5.fw23:17
xubuntu657nevermind, i googled the problem and i think i found a fix!23:21
well_laid_lawndo you have the link for the solution?23:21
mongyphy suggests you need the broadcom-wl driver23:26
KenshizlDoes anyone know how to get a network printer working? (I don't really know how to set it up to be recieved on xubuntu)23:57

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