voldyman | can i change my launchpad id?? | 06:53 |
mwhudson | voldyman: yes, unless you have a ppa | 06:54 |
voldyman | mwhudson, i deleted the ppa. can i do it now? | 06:55 |
mwhudson | voldyman: i think so... | 06:55 |
voldyman | mwhudson, how?? | 06:56 |
mwhudson | voldyman: https://launchpad.net/~/+edit | 06:56 |
mwhudson | for me it says | 06:56 |
mwhudson | Name: | 06:56 |
mwhudson | mwhudson | 06:56 |
mwhudson | This person has an active PPA with packages published and may not be renamed. | 06:56 |
voldyman | mwhudson, so now i have no ppa's but still the name is not editable | 06:57 |
mwhudson | voldyman: what does it say? | 06:57 |
voldyman | mwhudson, Display name is editable. but Name is not | 06:58 |
voldyman | This person has an active PPA with packages published and may not be renamed. | 06:58 |
voldyman | but i have deleted them | 06:58 |
mwhudson | you might have to wait for a publisher run i guess | 06:58 |
voldyman | what is that? | 07:00 |
mwhudson | voldyman: i don't think ppa deletion is immediate, basically | 07:04 |
voldyman | mwhudson, so i should wait for some time and then try again. | 07:05 |
mwhudson | voldyman: i think the publisher runs at the top of the hour (amongst other times) so maybe try again now :) | 07:05 |
voldyman | mwhudson, YES. it is editable. | 07:06 |
voldyman | mwhudson, thanks | 07:06 |
mwhudson | voldyman: np | 07:06 |
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wgrant | voldyman: It takes up to half an hour for PPAs to be completely deleted, after which you can rename. | 08:04 |
Renegade15 | good day | 12:56 |
Renegade15 | is there any official information on why the Report a Bug links don't work? | 12:57 |
nailora | can someone check why simple-scan translation do not show up as expected in the translation web ui? | 13:28 |
nailora | https://bugs.launchpad.net/simple-scan/+bug/543282 | 13:29 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 543282 in Simple Scan "Documentation cannot be translated" [High,Confirmed] | 13:29 |
TheLordOfTime | this seems to be marked as fixed in Ubuntu Translations... | 13:31 |
TheLordOfTime | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/543282 | 13:31 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 543282 in Simple Scan "Documentation cannot be translated" [High,Confirmed] | 13:31 |
TheLordOfTime | bleh | 13:31 |
TheLordOfTime | whatever, same bug, but its marked as Fix Released in Ubuntu Translations, and Fix Released in the package in Ubuntu | 13:32 |
MetalGodWin | Heya, quick question. Deleting a PPA, will that ppa always stay visible but "grayed out" on my page? It's been a week since i deleted it. | 13:33 |
TheLordOfTime | it'll stay greyed out on your page | 13:34 |
TheLordOfTime | but it wont be publicly accessible | 13:34 |
* TheLordOfTime has numerous deleted PPAs | 13:34 | |
MetalGodWin | hehe | 13:34 |
MetalGodWin | thanks for your answer | 13:35 |
MetalGodWin | :) | 13:35 |
arnaud635 | Hello, I make a ppa for "glances" (monitoring), but i fail width version of source, i put 1.4.1 but it's, it's possible to delete 1.41 | 14:04 |
arnaud635 | of ppa ? because on next update, we will have a problem ! | 14:05 |
Lasall | arnaud635: afaik you can't push a lower version | 14:08 |
Lasall | but you can use epoch... 1: | 14:08 |
arnaud635 | ok, on next updates, I can restart as 1.4.2 ? after 1: and 1:1.4.1 ? | 14:11 |
Lasall | no | 14:11 |
Lasall | once you have set an epoch you have to use it | 14:11 |
Lasall | (or increase it) | 14:11 |
arnaud635 | ok and now if i make 1: it will propose (in update manager for exemple) as update of 1.4.1 ? | 14:12 |
Lasall | yes | 14:12 |
Lasall | btw. you can check those versionings with dpkg --compare-versions | 14:12 |
arnaud635 | ok, i have my solution, thx you but why we can't delete a package on launchpad ? | 14:13 |
Lasall | there should be sth in the faqs | 14:14 |
nailora | TheLordOfTime: i marked it as fixed in Ubuntu Translations, but it still does not work as expected | 14:15 |
arnaud635 | Lasall: thanks you, I go correct that ! Good day | 14:17 |
Lasall | :) | 14:17 |
arand | Hmm, when I'm trying to upload to my inactive PPA (ppa:arand/redeclipse) I'm getting reject email from a completely unrelated PPA (ppa:user/trevormosey), what's going on there? | 15:53 |
arand | (Yes it shold get rejected, but I'd expect the reject message to come from my own PPA....) | 15:54 |
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wgrant | arand: There's a bug about that. It means it can't find the PPA you specified, which suggests that you typoed it. | 23:42 |
arand | I did not typo it, it was simply disabled, and worked when I subsequently enabled it. | 23:46 |
arand | You got a bug number? | 23:47 |
wgrant | arand: Bug #684450 | 23:53 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 684450 in Launchpad itself "Totally unrelated PPA referenced in subject of upload rejection email" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/684450 | 23:53 |
arand | Yeah, that sounds about right, since it was disabled the effect was the same as a typo, I assume. | 23:57 |
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