
MakMamjust installed 12:10 , but want to get rid of unity and install compiz any ideas00:45
IdleOneunity runs on compiz00:46
IdleOneinstall compizconfig-settings-manager00:46
MakMamI know , I guess you know what I am trying to say. Dont want that sidebar and stuff Unity 2D does00:47
MakMamyes I installed ccsm00:48
trismMakMam: install gnome-panel00:49
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:50
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity00:51
MakMam<ubottu> thanks00:52
MakMamI have seen people doing crazy things with Compiz + Ubuntu , can I post some youtube links here just to give an idea. I need help in accomplishing that00:54
IdleOneyou might want to try #compiz00:55
IdleOneThey can probably be of more help00:55
MakMamAwesome <IdleOne>00:55
avisplease have me unbanned from ubuntu-hardened i am banned.  i am the owner of ubuntu.03:00
avisi do selinux through email only.03:01
OnlyodinHi, I'm trying to run update-manager -d on a 12.04 virtual machine, but I'm getting some gtk errors and a Seg Fault. Any suggestions?05:35
jayanubuntu 12.10 open with network disable how to fix it ?05:43
Onlyodinjayan, open system settings, network, click on options for your network adapter and check that 'connect automatically' is enabled/ticked?05:45
jayanOnlyodin: thank you it is not ticked , i ticked it and saved now i have to reboot  na05:47
jayanthank you all05:47
Onlyodinuh, you're welcome?05:48
Onlyodinno matter.05:48
OnlyodinIt seems there is a file missing from quantal.tar.gz in the upgrade - failed to open file /tmp/<blah>/DistUpgrade.ui05:50
jakubohi, could it be there is a typo in the python3 package?10:12
jakuboit depends on python3-minimal of the verion =3.2.3-2 (or something like this) which prevents me from upgrading as the verion of python3-minimal is already 3.2.3-410:15
jakuboi guess, looking at all the other dependencies, that it should be ">=" instead of "=" (bu not sure)10:15
BluesKajHiyas all12:11
edgyI couldn't use apt-get anymore, I am getting python errors, is it only me?12:23
edgydpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of python3:12:23
edgy python3 depends on python3-minimal (= 3.2.3-2); however:12:23
edgy  Version of python3-minimal on system is 3.2.3-4.12:23
ikonialooks like a dependency is wrong12:24
ikonianot been updated yet12:24
edgyikonia: this since around 4 days ago12:24
edgyso I suspected something wrong from my side12:25
jakubostill have the same issue12:26
jakuboso its not only you12:26
edgyjakubo: that's good to hear. I couldn't even apt-get remove a package, is this normal too?12:26
Onlyodinis there another way to upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10, other than update-manager -d?12:27
jakubohavent tried, but i have das such a thing before...12:27
edgyok, thanks12:27
edgyI will give another 4 days, if not solved I will visit again ;)12:28
ikoniavisiting this channel won't change anything12:29
penguin42the flapping of a butterflies wing....12:34
* BluesKaj turns the A/C and the fans on ...wonder if that will any difference in the weather in china ? :)12:36
Onlyodindepends which "scientist" you listen to12:37
BluesKajsounds more like philosophy than science12:38
BluesKajanyway , no python errors here so far ...knocks on wood12:38
OnlyodinI was thinking more along the lines of running your fans + A/C would require more electricity generation, which probably means more "carbon emissions", which, depending on the scientist, may result in varied global warming/ice age theories.12:39
BluesKajno carbon emmissions from my grid , our area is on nuclear12:40
penguin42BluesKaj: Well, theory says you're using some of the grid contributions from the nuclear so somewhere something else will have to put some in.12:57
BluesKajpenguin42, yeah , no need to remind me of the obvious13:00
penguin42well yeh13:01
jakuboanything new on the python matter?13:04
OnlyodinAre you expecting someone here to know?13:05
BluesKajwow, what's with the rudeness lately, seems to be catching13:18
TheLordOfTimeBluesKaj:  its an epidemic13:19
TheLordOfTimeBluesKaj:  blame shifting weather patterns and non-optimal universal alignment.  xD13:19
BluesKajTheLordOfTime, I'm not used to this constant heat in my mostly northern climate ,and I don't think it's butterfy wings13:21
OnlyodinWell that's just silly.13:51
OnlyodinI just realised the Installer prompts you to type in your location (timezone) before it asks you what keyboard map you'd like to use.13:52
penguin42doesn't the timezone come from clicking on a map?13:58
ikonia!info gimp15:15
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.12-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 4611 kB, installed size 12814 kB15:15
penguin42that bot could do with doing QQ15:18
ikoniapenguin42: yes, I'm sorting that15:19
bazhang!info gimp quantal15:19
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.12-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 4611 kB, installed size 12814 kB15:19
ikoniathe bot should default in +1 though15:19
MCR1astraljava: Hi. I've fixed a small bug in the package font-manager, created a branch and a merge proposal and linked the bug report to the branch. Is there anything else I should do ?17:37
MCR1bug 961034 btw17:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 961034 in font-manager (Ubuntu) "wrong wording when importing fonts" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96103417:38
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
newb2grub-md5-crypt is missing on quantal? I'm unable to find the utility18:44
IdleOne!find grub-md5-crypt18:52
ubottuFile grub-md5-crypt found in grub18:52
penguin42anyone having chromium crashes last few days?22:43
* MrChrisDruif no comment (currently running Fedora 17)22:47

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