
AlanBellthe developer is the_fred who pops into #ubuntu-uk fairly regularly12:36
PendulumI wonder what it uses to recognize speech (sorry, correct words failing to show up in my head)13:01
Pendulumbecause isn't that where there are generally issues with things being accepted into Linux distros? (that it tends to be a non-open source)13:02
AlanBellPendulum: I am not sure if it does the recognition on the device or if it sends the audio to the googleplex to be done there13:29
AlanBellI think siri on the apple devices does the speech recognition bit in the datacentre rather than on the device13:29
PendulumAlanBell: ah, right.14:53
Pendulumthat would make sense since it says you have to have the android app as well as the one submitted to ubuntu14:54

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