[07:01] Hello! Is the right way to get md5sum for sda5 partition? Or what exactly will the command do? [13:46] how would I go about building a 3.4 kernel on/for Amazon EC2? i'm on Precise, and I grabbed a clone of the git repo, but i don't see how to build the "virtual" flavour [15:36] ryant5000, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel , down in the "Building the Kernel" section substitute "binary-virtual" for "binary-generic" [15:37] ryant5000, i just kicked one off myself, if that doesn't work, i'll know in a little bit [15:37] bjf: hm, i tried that, but it said it couldn't find binary-virtual [15:37] bjf: where did you get your sources? [15:38] bjf: i was building from a tag in git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-precise.git [15:39] bjf: i got the impression that somehow the sources i had didn't include a virtual flavour [15:43] ryant5000, i did: fakeroot debian/rules clean; fakeroot debian/rules binary-virtual [15:44] ryant5000: and it's building as we speak [15:44] hm, ok; and was your source from that same git repo? [15:45] ryant5000: i am building precise which was cloned from the ubuntu precise repo [15:45] bjf: ok, i guess maybe it was a mistake to check out a tag; i'll give it a try from master [15:46] ryant5000: which tag did you use ? [15:46] bjf: i don't recall exactly, but i think it was the latest tag with a 3.4 version number [15:47] ryant5000: that should work [15:47] ryant5000: um, actually ... 3.4? precise is based on 3.2 [15:48] bjf: right :) i was hoping to upgrade [15:48] bjf: i'd like to use a couple of features from the new kernel [15:49] ryant5000: so you have a different option, use the "lts backport" kernel which is a quantal kernel built to run on precise userspace [15:49] bjf: ah, ok; i think i recall seeing that branch [15:49] ryant5000: it's not really a "backport" just what we call it [15:49] bjf: right; makes sense [15:49] ryant5000: there's one all built [15:50] ryant5000: it is built everytime the regular quantal kernel is built [15:50] bjf: oh, can i just grab the deb? i'm not trying to do anything fancy, just a stock 3.4 or later kernel [15:50] (i did try searching for it, but I wasn't able to find it) [15:50] ryant5000: yes, or it's in a ppa ... one sec [15:52] ryant5000: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/q-lts-backport [15:53] ryant5000: there are other packages there but you want "linux-lts-quantal" [15:53] ok, cool [15:53] bjf: thanks; i'll give that a shot [15:54] ryant5000: easier than building your own (though that isn't too bad) [15:55] bjf: yeah, definitely; the build process is way easier than the last time i tried (years ago) [16:30] bjf: so, that backports ppa doesn't seem to have the -virtual packages either [16:30] bjf: if i'm going to build myself, should i be building out of the precise or quantal repositories? [17:47] ryant5000: in quantal the virtual flavour was eliminated [17:47] bjf: hm; so i guess i'll have to tell pv-grub to take the generic flavour [17:48] bjf: it says something about ignoring the generic kernel when it updates grub [17:48] maybe i'll just run on the quantal daily for a while === yofel_ is now known as yofel [18:55] hi [18:55] I used a quantal kernel-config as base for my linux-next kernel [18:56] diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1091987/ [18:56] now there are new variables CONFIG_MEDIA_*_SUPPORT to sort camera|tv|radio|rc [18:57] what I did was a 'yes "" | make oldconfig' [18:58] as CONFIG_MEDIA_*_SUPPORT=n turned off all dvb|radio|rc|camera modules/built-in stuff [18:59] any other magic make-option where I can keep old media-configs? [19:33] Hello! I've a question related to ARM. As mentioned in line comment 23-28 here - http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/arch/arm/kernel/kprobes-common.c - R15 gives PC+8 in the first cycle of an instruction then PC [19:49] Oops! R15 gives PC+8 in the first cycle of an instruction then PC+12 in subsequent cycles. What is the reason for that?