[00:29] * trainengine (~trainengi@ip68-8-31-14.sd.sd.cox.net) has joined #ubuntu [00:29] heads up [00:33] * Snardbafulators (~trainengi@ip68-8-31-14.sd.sd.cox.net) has joined #ubuntu [00:38] good call on that one. he just spammed a huge amount of personal info in another channel [00:47] just got the same PM spam from that user [00:59] im sorry why am i getting offtopic harrassment again? [00:59] getting called on being OT is harassment? [01:00] the cool thing to do now when you get told about something is to cry harassment [03:06] avis hi [03:15] avis are you there? did you need help with something? [03:51] Hey apparently i've managed to offend someone in #ubuntu and i'd like to try and solve this issue as that channel is indespensible usually. [03:51] although tolerance for an extra word or two about a subject outside of the scope of what other people think is ubuntu related chat is immediately warrenting a !ot [03:52] i clearly didnt get this memo. [03:52] im sorry if i sound a bit ragey. [03:53] there's a dude spamming the ubuntu support channel [03:54] (11:52:54 PM) sluh: someone use elite google skills and find a free d/l of Juvenile - Back That Ass Up.mp3 [03:54] and they're not banned? [03:54] 11:48:01 PM) sluh: who wants to jerk off together to 3 Guys 1 Hammer while we listen to: Duran Duran - girls on film [03:54] are you kidding me. [03:54] apparently not [03:54] I go off topic for one bloody sentence and get grumpy about it and im banned. [03:54] I think i dropped an single fbomb. [03:55] i didnt know children knew how to use irc hence my figuring it was fine to curse. [03:55] I wasnt even trying to offend anyone. [03:55] bwat47: They left [03:55] k [03:56] bwat47: Better to use !ops problemdescription from the channel , faster response [03:56] thanks, didn't know about that [03:58] is there anything that I can do about this problem? [04:01] I've got no issues just giving up on this and leaving if someone provides me a decent response to this. [04:02] im not trying to troll here I just installed this distro again for the first time in a while and would like to speak with some people about it. [05:50] avis: Can we help you? [05:52] avis: We don't allow idling in this channel. Please tell us how we can help you or part this channel. [13:58] Is the Raspberry Pi Supported here [13:59] does that run ubuntu yet? [13:59] we don't support hardware, if that was the question [14:05] he never joined #raspberrypi [14:16] he's just fishing/random questions [14:16] agreed, looking at ##hardware also [14:49] heads up on tuxythe penguin; he's basically admitted to trolling/time-wasting being too lazy to search for these very easy to find things [14:49] bazhang: where ? [14:50] ikonia, in ##hardware [14:50] great [14:51] looking at him in #ubuntu-offtopic, trolling seems reasonable [14:58] The only way they could make the installer easier is if Canonical sends someone to your house to install it for you, and stay for a week to make sure you know how to use your shinny new OS [14:58] You will have to have an ample supply of cookies and bacon. [15:09] And cake [15:11] what's with all the free-speechers of late [15:12] presidential elections coming up, people get all First Amendment and stuff [15:12] * benjamingwynn has quit (Quit: See ya later shit lords!) [15:14] awww :( [15:15] should ubottu be looking at 12.04 repos in #ubuntu+1 ? [15:19] no [15:20] I thought not [15:29] hello avis [15:51] avis: can you respond please [15:56] hey can i get myself unbanned yet on #ubuntu? [15:56] is there a way to appeal bans. [15:56] hello Chamunks [15:56] There is a way, you are doing it now :) [15:56] i know i was a bit grumpy yesterday i apologize about my foul language. [15:56] I'm just used to the old #ubuntu [15:57] Chamunks: The reason I banned you yesterday was not because of the off topic chit chat, but because you chose to swear and rage at the channel for letting you know you were off topic. [15:57] #ubuntu has never allowed bad language [15:57] way back it was tolerated. [15:57] never [15:57] not in the 7 years i have been using it [15:57] ^ [15:57] maybe i've just seen it when the "ops were asleep" as some call it. [15:58] but i've not really gone out of my way to offend people there before. [15:58] mice play... [15:58] either way. [15:58] there's no excuse for bad behaviour, as I've used to say [15:58] i've just been kindof grumpy because at the speed which people seem to jump at you in #ubuntu these days to keep the channel from being flooded with ot chat. [15:59] so don't chat offtopic stuff ? [15:59] if you know people jump on you for doing it....don't do it [15:59] ok but you see [15:59] Chamunks: Anyway, you stated yesterday that you were using Mint and were going on and on about some hardware (graphics?) topic which had nothing to do with Ubuntu. I think we allowed you a lot of room to chat, but at some point we do have to stop it or the channel becomes unusable. [15:59] i was only offtopic for like a sentence or two [15:59] and immediately [15:59] i was getting !ot'd [15:59] Chamunks: then don't be offtopic for a sentence or two [15:59] it's a really simple solution [16:00] well the thing is [16:00] Chamunks: it sucks that we have to be so strict about it. [16:00] if we aren't people abuse. [16:00] no i get it. [16:00] I do'nt think it sucks [16:00] I don't want to hear about you downloading torrents for friends [16:00] I don't care [16:00] i admin some gaming servers i hate telling kids to obey silly rules [16:00] I want to help people having a problem [16:00] there there to have fun bla bla but anyways. [16:01] all that aside its to the point sometimes where when im trying to explain a problem in detail sometimes. [16:01] ikonia: what I mean is that I wish we didn't have to enforce the rule at all because people just respect the channel policies from the get. [16:01] IdleOne: that would be the ideal situation [16:01] and im immediately getting an !ot from someone who's not even paying attention to the relevance of the satements im making. [16:01] Chamunks: then don't be offtopic [16:01] it's really simple [16:01] if you don't want to get told "don't be offtopic" - don't be offtopic [16:02] Chamunks: I'm willing to remove the ban if you are willing to follow the channel guidelines [16:02] !guidelines [16:02] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [16:02] ikonia, could you please read my last message instead of just repeating yourself? [16:02] Chamunks: I did [16:02] it doesn't change the situation [16:02] im not retarded i understand the situation and i understand what not to do. [16:02] great, so why are you making pointless comments [16:02] Chamunks: nobody said anything of the sort [16:02] you understnad, problem solved [16:03] ok well anyways [16:03] Chamunks: Can you agree to follow the guidelines that are linked a couple lines up? [16:04] IdleOne, yeah i'm going to read those carefully this time. [16:04] Please read them if you haven't. I don't want to have to ban you again for something and then have you say "I didn't know" [16:04] oh its not that i didnt know [16:04] i know i should never be a foul mouthed child about things i was just grumpy about it and i apologize. [16:05] happens to the best of us. So, you agree to follow the guidelines? [16:05] absolutely [16:05] gimme a minute please [16:06] #ubuntu is still a pretty expedient and helpful place for solving the i've been googling too long eyes. [16:06] You should be able to rejoin #ubuntu now. have a great day. [16:06] cheers [16:06] Please part this channel. :) [16:07] heh [17:48] avis: hello? [19:30] !cloak [19:30] To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode. [19:30] !cloak > sleax