
linusBDgood evening00:00
linusBDi1ve got s problem,00:00
usr13__linusBD: Sure is.00:00
huskerJordan_U, ... Save it and copy it into the same directory as the chan.c file. Mine was is ~/compat*/net/wireless but you can do a search with somthing like the below to find it. ...00:00
[snake]Is there a GTK tutorial for noobz? I know C, I just can't follow the normal tutorial too well. :(00:00
linusBDinitiating my system00:00
Jordan_Uhusker: Please link to the full tutorial / guide you're following.00:00
usr13__linusBD: Say it all on one line so that it doesn't get fragmented....00:01
akrI had problems with Dash in 12.04LTS so I deleted my user account and created it over, now if I login automatically when I logout it doesn't ask me for the password which it will do, if during the installation of Ubuntu if you pick to login automatically it will do, so how can I login automatically, but when I logout and back in have it ask for the password to log in?00:01
huskerJordan_U, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149307300:01
huskerJordan_U, #800:01
linusBDerror: no such partition00:01
linusBDit goes to grub rescue00:01
huskerJordan_U, Article 800:01
linusBDwhat can  i  do?00:01
Jordan_UlinusBD: Do you have more than one hard drive?00:02
Dr_willisakr,  not sure you can. its a lightdm/login manager setting to auto login the user after a set amount of time.00:02
beandog[snake]: wrapping my head around gtk and window placement breaks me00:02
Dr_willisakr,  or else im conrused as about what you are asking.00:02
linusBDi have 7 and and ubuntu on my driv00:02
Jordan_U!enter | linusBD00:03
ubottulinusBD: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:03
Dr_willisakr,  could be theres a seperate setting for that. but i havent looked into lightdm miuch.. and as for your dash/unity issue.. you could have just reset your settings back to defauilt.00:03
linusBDjust formatted the ubuntu drive to reinstall00:03
linusBDit do not boot even the windows00:04
Dr_willisif you formated the Ubuntu Install.. then the grub data is gone. so you need to reinstall the window  boot loader. or reinstall ubuntu and grub linusBD00:04
akrDr_willis: sorry my bad, I was saying, when you install Ubuntu for the first time and you pick to log in automatically for the user account, then when you log out of an account and want to log back in it will require the password to log in, so as I mentioned I had problems with Dash in Unity and deleted my account  now I set it to log in automatically which it does on bootup/reboots, BUT If I log out of Unity the login prompt now doesn't ask for a password00:04
=== Zyewni is now known as Don
Jordan_UlinusBD: What do you mean by "formatted the ubuntu drive"? What exactly did you do, and please keep in mind that "drives" and "partitions" are very different things.00:05
linusBDi must get the windows cd again?00:05
Dr_willisakr,   You made a new user with the same name as the old?00:05
=== Don is now known as Guest44104
Dr_willislinusBD,  theres  other ways to reinstall the windows mbr. #windows will know more.00:05
linusBDi had windows in one partition and ubuntu in another,  i've formatted the ubuntu partition00:06
Dr_willisakr,  you say 'login prompt' you mean the LightDM Login screen?00:06
=== Guest44104 is now known as Zyewni
beandogakr: a command line prompt or a graphical image00:06
linusBDnow it doesn't even boot windows00:06
akrDr_willis: created a test account, loged into that account, deleted the old/problem account, rebooted, logged back into the test account, created the new account, but I used the same username and password, rebooted again then also noticed I could add in a password in the GUI so I did it at the CLI now this problem...00:06
Jordan_UlinusBD: By "format" do you mean that you deleted the partition? Or did you create a new filesystem on the partition, or something else?00:07
mediahi all, I'm having a problem with connecting to a plasma tv, can anyone suggest a channel to get help?00:07
Dr_willislinusBD,  if you had ubuntu installed, it had grub it was using.. the boot menu. When you removed ubuntu. it removed the configs fo4r grub. but left grub in the MBR. so either fix the MBR to boot just windows. or reinstall ubun tu, or some linux and let it use GRUB again to handle it.00:07
linusBDwiped it out00:07
Dr_williswiped it out.. could mean format.. or delete the partition...00:07
linusBDit's now part of the windows partition00:07
beandogakr: wait, backup ... what do you mean you used the same username and password ....00:07
akrDr_willis: I'm talking about in  Unity when you logout, you are then placed at the login prompt in order to get back in to the desktop....00:07
beandogakr: oh, creating a new one with the OLD name?00:08
Dr_willislinusBD,  if you no longer want Ubunt/Linux - then you need to fix the windows boot loader.00:08
Jordan_UlinusBD: OK. Were you planning to install Ubuntu again, or do you just want Windows?00:08
Dr_willisakr,  thats the LightDM Login Screen.00:08
akrbut I rebooted before making it00:08
beandogakr: okay, um00:08
akryes the login screen00:08
linusBDi wanna install it again, but i must fix the windows bootloader00:08
beandogakr: sorry I missed part of that .. what's the problem you're having00:08
linusBDdo i need the cd?00:08
beandogakr: oh, you probably locked yourself out of root access00:08
Jordan_UlinusBD: Just install Ubuntu again. That should fix grub.00:08
Dr_willislinusBD,  Why?   If you need to fix the windows MBR. you need some cd to boot to fix it.00:08
akrbeandog: when you install Ubuntu for the first time and you pick to log in automatically for the user account, then when you log out of an account and want to log back in it will require the password to log in, so as I mentioned I had problems with Dash in Unity and deleted my account  now I set it to log in automatically which it does on bootup/reboots, BUT If I log out of Unity the login prompt now doesn't ask for a password00:08
beandoglinusBD: what happens when you try to boot windows00:09
mediahi all, I'm having a problem with connecting to a plasma tv, can anyone suggest a channel to get help?00:09
beandogakr: that is mildly confusing. o.O00:09
Dr_willisakr,  so it auto-relogs the user back in?00:09
beandogakr: oh I see.00:09
linusBDi does not boot, it goes directly to grub rescue00:09
beandogakr: yah, what he said ... does it auto relogin or just let you login once you put user00:09
usr13__media: Just go to the video settings, (the GUI menu), and it should be obvious what needs to be done.00:10
Dr_willislinusBD,  whats the 'prompt' it goes to in this 'grub rescue' ?00:10
beandoglinusBD: can you boot into u buntu though?00:10
linusBDjust that grub rescue>00:10
linusBDi have no boot by now00:10
akrbeandog: Let me say it this way, hehe; 1. Install Ubuntu, 2. Pick for the user account to login automatically during the install, 3. Install over, boot up Ubuntu, 4. Logout and then you are now at the login screen, it will then ask you for a password, 5. After I deleted and recreated my account it will not ask me for a password when I logout and I'm at the login screen, that's the PROBLEM :)00:11
Dr_willislinusBD,  if you no longer have any linux files/partitions. then you need to either.. reinstall linux/ubuntu to fix grub.. or find some way to reinstall the windows boot loader.00:11
beandoglinusBD: so when you boot, ALL you get is grub rescue?00:11
psusilinusBD, if you are going to reinstall Ubuntu, then just do so00:11
huskerJordan_U, can you say me what chan.c?00:11
beandogakr: okay, so part of the problem is that the user you recreated, will still own the files in /home, which is where your configuration resides.00:11
* Dr_willis thinks the automatic login setting should be taken out of the installer.....00:11
beandogakr: so, deleting / recreating users isn't going to help.   You need to fix your login preferences.00:11
beandogDr_willis: eh, I could go either way.  It is nice.00:12
Jordan_UlinusBD: Re-installing Ubuntu will fix the problem. As you plan to do that anyway, it also seems like the easiest and best way to solve the problem.00:12
akrbeandog: I deleted everything as the GUI asked me if I wanted to delete all the files, there was nothing in the HOME all gone00:12
linusBDis there any command on the grub rescue to boot up?00:12
beandogakr: did you delete /home/user or /home/user/*00:12
Dr_willisakr,  just deleteing the FILES in the users home - is not the same as deleteing the user..00:12
Jordan_UlinusBD: No.00:12
akrDr_willis: I know, I used the User Account gui to delete the account and all files00:12
linusBDk thanks00:12
beandogakr: oh okay00:12
beandognow that is weird.00:12
psusilinusBD, just boot the Ubuntu cd and reinstall00:13
Jordan_UlinusBD: You're welcome.00:13
usr13__akr:  You deleted a user account?  How many users did you have at the time?00:13
akrI've played with the User preferences don't use a password and use a password in the User GUI nothing works00:13
beandogI think he was just trying to fix one00:13
TermanQ: I have created a bridge interface in /etc/networking/interfaces. The interfaces works almost as expected. As a last tweak, I need to do an "echo 0 >/sys/path/to/param". How do I do that? It looks there are only pre-up routines but no post-up routines00:13
akrusr13__: I already explained it :)00:13
beandogakr: dunno, you could force reinstall lightdm, but I really DOUBT that'd change anything00:13
akrthis appears to be a bug00:13
beandogYou need a config file reset, somewhere00:13
akrone sec00:14
beandogakr: pastebin /etc/lightdm/users.conf00:14
usr13__akr: But it is not making sense. If you have only one user, you would not be able to delete that user.  I must be confused about what you did.00:14
beandogakr: actually pastebin all three of the conf files in there00:14
ZyewniHey all, thanks for the help. I'm out00:14
beandogusr13__: he made a temporary user00:14
usr13__beandog: O00:15
beandogusr13__: original -> temp -> deleted original -> temp -> recreated original -> back to new (original)00:15
beandogdon't worry, I'm following him. :)00:15
beandogakr: if your config  isn't affiliated with the user account, it's with the display manager00:16
akrbeandog: this is the problem the GUI doesn't work like the Install Process does is all I'm saying if you follow me, what I mentioned before...00:17
mediahi all, I'm having a problem with connecting to a plasma tv, can anyone suggest a channel to get help?  Plz PM00:17
beandogakr: yah I'm following you.  You deleted your user configs, so it's a problem with the DM.  Pastebin those files.00:17
beandogakr: nopaste /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf00:18
usr13__beandog: pastebinit ....00:18
beandogor that, I guess00:19
usr13__akr: pastebinit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf   #And show us the resulting URL00:19
Termanah, nevermind - there is the up keyword in the interface settings that does what I need00:20
brent_Anyone know if CS4 works in Wine? If only Adobe would get their ---- together.00:20
beandogakr: okay now we're getting somewhere00:21
beandogakr: what version are you on00:21
jrdnnbrent_: I thought Adobe products were ported to Unix for OSX support? Why need Wine?00:21
beandogakr: make a copy of that file somewhere, then edit it (with sudo) and delete *all* the lines except for the last 2 and the first 100:22
|Long|hi folks, i need some help plz...i has scheduling crontab's jobs under root account and it does not executed from the time scheduled, is there any log or somewhere i can look for it error?00:22
beandogakr: then do sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart and see what that does (which will kill your login X11 session)00:22
brent_Your saying the osx versions will work under 12.04?00:22
Jordan_Ujrdnn: Porting to OSX is nowhere close porting to any *NIX, especially with a GUI heavy program. You can't run OSX apps in GNU/Linux.00:22
jrdnnJordan_U: Aww :(00:22
Jordan_Ubrent_: ^^00:22
beandogOS X is BSD00:23
beandogSo you can run BSD apps on there, if you enjoy pain I suppose ...00:23
akrbeandog: ok done; http://paste.ubuntu.com/1090782/00:23
jgrevichIs there a reason that I should install two eSATA cards with the same chipsets?00:23
beandogakr: kk, now restart it00:23
beandogjgrevich: uh, because you want to?00:24
katronixHi all can anyone recommend a good web based system for 12.04? recently upgraded my dedicated to it and now OpenPanel doesn't work :-(00:24
beandogand it will only use one driver?00:24
akrbeandog: sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart or log out?00:24
jgrevicheither one works by itself, but when both are installed they seem to interfere with each other00:24
beandogakr: first one00:24
jgrevichbeandog: sorry, should should be "should not"00:24
beandogjgrevich: oh, no, no reason.  It's a good thing.00:24
beandogI hope he realized that was gonna kill his session ...00:25
beandogoh well, easier to ask for forgiveness and all00:25
jgrevichbeandog: any idea why they seem to be conflicting?  I have pre-existing mdadm raids that fail (e.g. drives are missing) when both cards are present, but work fine with one card at a time00:25
beandogjgrevich: really.  well.  hmm.  that sucks.00:25
katronixor is it better to just manually edit all of the files?00:25
jgrevichi've been through 4 different esata cards with PM capabilities and have only gotten the si3132 to work reliably00:25
beandogjgrevich: which one is giving you problems?00:26
mediahi all, I'm having a problem with connecting to a plasma tv, can anyone suggest a channel to get help?  Plz PM00:27
jgrevichbeandog: I need to test the other by itself more, they are both the same chipset (si3132) but of different brands (and firmware versions)00:28
beandogjgrevich: hmm.  that is odd.00:28
beandogyou would think it'd be the same00:28
beandog*work the same00:28
=== _cb is now known as _cb_afk
jgrevichbeandog: i've had one card that's worked great for a long while. I have been meaning to expand the setup. In doing so I've been through 3-4 other types of eSATA cards all that had problems.  I finally went back to get the same exact card (chipset at least, couldn't find the same brand) and am still seeing errors.00:29
jgrevichbeandog: at least this get's past the post screen, others were worse :)00:29
Garr255_Hey can anyone help me out with this? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9542654/damnyouscreen.png It looks like screen/byobu is malfunctioning, so I tried to do an apt-get remove screen, and rebooted and tis still there.00:29
jgrevichbeandog: right. they should be the same. I guess I need to test the other card by itself to make sure it's as stable and functional as the prievious one00:29
GenericHello Ubuntu users?00:29
beandogjgrevich: okay so it could be a couple of things.  How many PCI slots do you have in the box?  How many are you using?  Are you tweaking the BIOS of these raid cards at all?  What do you have your BIOS set to to recognize the onboard SATA as?  IDE? AHCI? RAID?00:30
jgrevichthen i'll start again with both cards present00:30
jgrevichbeandog: there is another pcie slot that I can try with it.  I am currently using 2 of the 3or4 avail00:30
ZiberSo I've just made a new parition (from within the try-run of the ubuntu installer), and I want to format it with some format so I can install Linux to it. How do I do that again?00:30
jgrevichbeandog: no bios tweaking, i'm only using them as controller cards and am using mdadm to handle the raid00:31
jgrevichbeandog: bios is set at AHCI00:31
beandogjgrevich: okay.00:31
beandogjgrevich: so they are just SATA cards, not fake RAID SATA cards?00:31
jrdnnZiber: The Ubuntu installer should ask you which filesystem to format the installation partition with from quite a list of options00:31
bazhang!ot | Generic00:32
ubottuGeneric: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:32
GenericAlright got it im ubunty user00:32
Ziberit comes up with a window asking for the device which has boot loader information. the only option in the dropdown menu is /dev/sdb, but there's no information about it.00:32
bazhangGeneric, wrong network, let alone channel00:32
jgrevichbeandog: I feel like there was some sort of clash that occurred with both drives were present.00:32
beandogjgrevich: this is gonna sound weird, but try different PCI slot configurations ... if they are next to each other, move one one slot to the right ... strangely enough, that really does make a difference on some mobos.00:33
beandogjgrevich: I don't see how the firmware on the cards being different should affect things ... I mean .. hmm.  I dunno.00:33
Ziber"no root filesystem is defined."00:33
jgrevichbeandog: cool, I'll give that a try. Like I said, I need to do more troubleshooting with the new card by itself to make sure it's as durable as the previous one00:33
highfever666hi everyone!00:33
jrdnnhighfever666: Hello00:34
=== Garr255_ is now known as Garr255
brent_I have a dual boot system and need to mount my windows filesystem to cp a file to my home. Will mounting it cause and issues to my windows installation?00:34
jgrevichbeandog: I figure it can't hurt to upgrade them to the latest version, although I'm a bit worried since the card that works best is currently a few versions back00:34
beandogjgrevich: well, you're gonna have to try something, eventually. :T00:34
beandogjgrevich: I would bet on having the same firmware, in both cards.00:34
Jordan_UZiber: 1: I would gnerally recommend letting the installer create partitions rather than doing it manually before hand. It gains you nothing but complexity. 2: If you're going to do manual parititoning then you need to tell the install which partition is going to conatain the root filesystem. You do this by setting its mountpoint as '/'.00:34
jgrevichbeandog: one is (9/2008), the other is 7.7.03 (9/2009)00:34
beandogjgrevich: I know this is a shot in the dark as well, but you could check on getting a bios upgrade for your mobo if it has one as well00:34
jgrevichbeandog: right, I guess I'll follow the path of least resistance/invasion :)00:35
jgrevichbeandog: mono bios is worth a try too, good idea, haven't upgrade it since i built the system 1-2 years back00:35
jgrevichbeandog: thanks for the tips!00:35
beandogjgrevich: yah, sorry ... things like that are just finicky sometimes ... I'm going to say with surety that the kernel drivers are probably not the ones that are misbehaving00:35
beandogjgrevich: seriously though, FIRST thing I would do is play the shell game with the PCI slot configuration ..... it does work sometimes00:36
jgrevichbeandog: I concur, I have far more faith in ubuntu than all these bios and shotty 3rd party vendors00:36
beandogjgrevich: also go into the BIOS and make sure you're not turning on anything optimized.00:36
jgrevichbeandog: I'll give that a try. it takes the least amount of work too00:36
jgrevichbeandog: optimized as in?00:36
beandogjgrevich: and while you're in there, disable things like serial port, parallel port, etc.00:36
beandogjgrevich: anything that would mess with the IRQs00:36
jgrevichbeandog: good idea, i did not do that00:37
beandogjgrevich: chances are you haven't, but if you're a ricer, you'd know what I meant. :)00:37
beandogjgrevich: you can safely disable stuff you KNOW you are not going to use .... fex, if it's a headless box, go ahead and disable the sound card.  The whole point behind that is buggy BIOSes.  They generally work better if you're using less features.00:37
beandogWell, in theory.00:37
beandogDon't quote me on that last one.00:37
Dr_willisIn theory the theory is theoritically sound. ;)00:38
beandogjgrevich: but yah, at the very least (or most) you'll be completely safe disabling serial and printer ports.00:38
beandogjgrevich: be really careful, of course, if you're going to upgrade mobo bios00:38
beandoggood luck :)00:38
Dr_willisIm not even sure if my current desktop box has serial or pararallel ports. ;)00:38
beandogDr_willis: regardless, almost every BIOS ships with the features, and enabled00:39
=== owner_ is now known as Guest30738
beandogBIOS is one piece of software that neeeeeever changes00:39
genii-aroundDr_willis: You can always get usb->serial/parallel00:40
* Dr_willis wonders whatever happened to that Mini-Linux on the MB/bios feature from a few years back.00:40
beandogDr_willis: its still around.00:40
Garr255anyone: Hey can anyone help me out with this? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9542654/damnyouscreen.png It looks like screen/byobu is malfunctioning, so I tried to do an apt-get remove screen, and rebooted and tis still there.00:40
Dr_willisgenii-around,  not even sure what id do with it if i had one. :)  I thossed out my "Serial Terminal" a few years back..00:41
jgrevichbeandog: I''m not a ricer, btu I think i know what you mean :)00:41
beandogDr_willis: http://www.coreboot.org/Welcome_to_coreboot00:41
Chamunkshows fglrx and Gnome 3 on percise?00:41
Chamunksi'm thinking of making the switch.00:41
Dr_willisChamunks,  fglrx depends on the exact chipset.00:41
beandogI probably shouldn't even flash that URL in here ...00:41
Chamunksis it still horribly glitchy00:41
jgrevichbeandog: that makes sense, I never thought of turning such things off in the bios like that00:41
ChamunksDr_willis, I'm running dual saphire radeon hd6850's00:41
beandogjgrevich: could help.  It won't hurt.00:41
genii-aroundDr_willis: They're good to have around to test old external modems, managed switches, etc00:41
beandogjgrevich: just document what you change00:42
Dr_willisChamunks,  i have to wonder.. whats the point. :) well with using them on linux at least...00:42
beandogand read the manual on how to reset bios if you need to. :)00:42
jgrevichbeandog: mono bios is usually fairly straight forward, it's just usually a pain in the ass to make a boot disk. i used to just use a windows drive to boot from and install it00:42
ChamunksDr_willis, with an amd 6core bla bla bla00:42
ChamunksDr_willis, its a dual boot machine.00:42
jgrevichbeandog: well, I got a plethora of ideas to try. thanks, I appreciate the help00:42
Dr_willisgenii-around,  i had it set up ages ago for a shell over serial port.00:42
beandogjgrevich: good luck!00:43
MakMamanyone using new 12.10 without unity?00:43
jgrevichbeandog: thanks, always in need of it :)00:43
bazhangMakMam, that'd be in #ubuntu+1 not here00:43
bretthbeen using ubuntu12.04 for 2 days now, X has crashed on me twice.  Compare to linuxmint, was using that for 2 weeks, not a single X crash.  Same machine.00:44
Jordan_UGarr255: Are you able to use the terminal at all? What happens when you run "reset"?00:44
Jordan_Ubretth: What GPU?00:45
Garr255<Jordan_U> yes, and when I do a reset it just clears the screen and repeats, with those lines scrolling up again00:45
ChamunksDr_willis, so any thoughts or just wanted to say about the picky chipset bit.00:45
Garr255is there a way to kill to byobu process?00:45
ChamunksHow stable do ya think precise is by now?00:45
Dr_willisChamunks,  i avoide ati at all costs.. ;)00:45
Chamunksi usually try to hold out updating to a new ubuntu until about two or so months after the initial release.00:46
beandogDr_willis: amen00:46
Dr_willisChamunks,  i have very few issues with 12.04 on my Nvidia desktop machine.  Its about a year old now. so not that cutting edge00:46
brent_I have ATI card 5770 with three monitors and its been nothing short of a nightmare00:46
* beandog finds little sympathy for someone with three monitors00:46
Dr_willisI got 3 monitors here.. but 2 are in the closet. :) not used.. ;P00:47
Jordan_Ubrent_: Are you using the proprietary drivers?00:47
beandogoh, gotcha00:47
ChamunksDr_willis, brent_ beandog  I'll tell ya i never usually go for ati the only reason i did this time is my asus crosshair iv mobo boasted support for ati's crossfire.00:47
Dr_willisusing a 40 Inch TV as my main monitor.00:47
IdleOneDr_willis: How was that comment helpful?00:47
brent_haha.. well the pain was worth the setup.. kind of00:47
ChamunksDr_willis, well i've spent about 600$ on these cards im pretty stuck with them for at least another couple years.00:47
Dr_willisChamunks,  im not sure if crossfire is supported at all in the FGLRX drivers.00:48
ChamunksDr_willis, somewhat its not great at all.00:48
Dr_willisChamunks,  but i imagine you are not going to be doing any gaming that will need that much power under linux.00:48
Chamunksbut the thing is i just want to be able to decypher whats going on in my gnome300:48
Chamunksi really want to like unity but ...00:48
Dr_willisChamunks,  gnome3 seems to work decently well. if you can get used to it00:48
Chamunksi want to screen record in webm and gtkrecord defaults to some other crap.00:48
beandogChamunks: ogv?00:49
Chamunkswell im currently in a linux mint variant of00:49
Chamunksbeandog, ahh well its not crap but i still prefer webm00:49
Chamunksi dont have to transcode it to upload to youtube in webm.00:49
beandogChamunks: I don't blame you00:49
beandogChamunks: wait, what?00:49
beandogChamunks: youtube will transcode it for you00:49
brent_the CCC barely works for me.. My biggest problem was the fan speed on the card. It was running at 100% with the stock drivers00:49
Chamunksyes but if i upload in webm my videos are supported automatically in html500:50
beandogChamunks: gotcha.00:50
Chamunkswhere as if its in any other format than webm its stated to not be as such.00:50
JasonFIs there a known issue with accessing ubuntu repositories over IPv6?00:50
JasonFor IPv4?00:50
ChamunksDr_willis, well I just hope that the screen output doesnt look like this anymore... Pending link.00:50
Canadian1296Is there a way to read from another terminal when I'm logged in via ssh.00:50
JasonFI'm getting a bunch of 404s while trying to update.00:50
JasonFI just verified it's only happening over IPv6.00:51
Chamunksbrent_, I should bug you about my multi monitor multi card setup :P00:52
Chamunksin an hour or so when i get precise installed.00:52
brent_yeah let me know.. be prepared for war00:52
Chamunksbrent_, oh i know00:52
ChamunksI've tried about 10 timex already00:52
ChamunksI've reinstalled my gdm about 4 times per try.00:53
Garr255kline: anyone: Hey can anyone help me out with this? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9542654/damnyouscreen.png It looks like screen/byobu is malfunctioning, so I tried to do an apt-get remove screen, and rebooted and tis still there.00:53
Chamunksrun many different repos cutting edge or otherwise.00:53
Chamunksblah blah pain and suffering.00:53
beandogGarr255: run reset00:53
Garr255reset == clear in this case00:54
brent_Yeah I went back and forth instal / uninstall about 5 versions then one worked. I think it 12.01 ccc00:54
beandogGarr255: no go?00:54
Garr255still does the same thing00:54
trismGarr255: byobu uses tmux in 12.04 by default I believe00:54
Garr255yes it does00:54
beandogGarr255: echo $PS100:54
Chamunksbrent_, well im just waiting on a torrent im getting for my ungreatful relative to finish than im gonna get to the reinstall.00:54
beandogand paste that00:54
Chamunksin fact im gonna start blanking my rw now.00:55
beandogthat looks right00:55
Fed44is there a way to generalize ubuntu so that you can simply copy an installation to many different machines and have it auto generate things like aptitude machine id, certificates etc?00:55
beandogGarr255: dunno00:55
beandogFed44: yah it's called imaging a hard drive00:56
IdleOne!ot | Chamunks beandog00:56
ubottuChamunks beandog: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:56
Garr255I think its a tmux error, beandog00:56
beandogIdleOne: wth?  I'm not ot00:56
Fed44Fed44 the cloning is not the issue00:56
beandogoh, just building an image?00:56
IdleOnebeandog: I may have mis-tabbed00:57
Fed44just the getting it to perform the steps of regenrating the aptitude machine id and certificates00:57
delacwould anyone happend to know  which class:hover is responsible of lit up icons in nautilus?00:57
beandogIdleOne: heh, okies00:57
IdleOnebut, keep it in mind anyway :)00:57
beandogheh, ok00:57
beandogI'm leaving soon anyway00:57
Fed44beandog basically windows has the sysprep util to generalize a system00:58
Chamunksim sorry why am i getting offtopic harrassment again?00:58
Chamunkssometimes i fucking hate this irc channel.00:58
bretthJordan_U, i have no idea what GPU i have, the point is LinuxMint is not crashing, and i have Fedora installed on this machine and its not crashing.  Where is the quality Ubuntu?00:58
bazhangChamunks, lose the attitude00:58
genii-aroundChamunks: Please watch the foul language00:58
IdleOneThen stay out00:58
mikkelim currently having linux on a 16gb SSD on a laptop. Along with this i have 500gb hdd. I'm looking for a clever way to manage this, e.g. having less important packages on hdd? Thanks01:01
escottmikkel, a couple of approaches. (a) put / on the SSD so boot is fast (b) put documents in /home on the SSD so they load faster (c) bcache01:03
beandogmikkel: install SSD as /home01:06
beandogwait ...01:06
taime1hello. i have a new laptop with nvidia card. i installed the nvidia drivers (185) and now i am stuck at "checking battery state"  how can i get the system to boot into a graphical environment?01:09
IAmThatGuySince 12.04 is going to be supported for 5 years, does that mean that all lenses made for Unity will automatically work under 12.04?01:13
IAmThatGuyI don't want to upgrade Ubuntu over and over just to be able to use yet another slightly newer addition / feature.01:13
coreyoI am trying desperately to ubuntu dual booting in my new zenbook prime uefi gpt laptop.  Can someone help me build the grub.efi file and get the bios pointed to it?01:14
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genii-aroundtaime1: try ctrl-alt-f1 , login, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic &&sudo apt-get install nvidia-current .... then sudo modprobe nvidia-current and sudo restart lightdm01:15
ingo86hello, i have big problem compiling a package because of the CFLAG format-security. Is there a way to disable it?01:15
IAmThatGuygenii-around: Did you mean modprobe nvidia?01:15
genii-aroundIAmThatGuy: No, nvidia-current will load the actual module nvidia01:16
brettheverybody is having graphic card issues in here.01:16
IAmThatGuygenii-around: Nice.01:16
delacis the unico engine somehow responsible of the highlighting of the icons in nautilus (when hovering)?01:17
mike_sunhey guys, I'm trying run quake 4 on ubuntu 12.04 64bit and I got the message: Fatal error, no tech support email configured in this setup01:18
mike_sunany idea what can be?01:18
taime1genii-around: ive installed nvidia-current and the headers for 185... could it be that 11.04 is too old and doesnt have the newest nvidia drivers?01:19
hbxAnyone know how to fix unmet dependencies in Lubuntu 12.0401:20
genii-aroundtaime1: 185 is very very old01:20
LuiXhey people, got a question in askubuntu, if you want to help, feel free: http://askubuntu.com/questions/163328/more-than-four-minutes-to-boot-up-my-ubuntu-12-04-what-could-be-the-problem01:20
genii-aroundtaime1: The current drivers are up to 295 and 30201:21
ncpreasons to switch to ubuntu from debian (server) except ubuntu has newer software (not thinking about X only server)01:21
crazySDmanHow do I increase the RAM available to an Ubuntu (Precise Pangolin) live boot?01:22
escottcrazySDman, buy more ram01:23
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crazySDmanescott: I think not all of the hardware RAM is being utilized.01:23
escottcrazySDman, what does free -m say?01:24
genii-around!info nvidia-current natty01:25
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 270.41.06-0ubuntu1.1 (natty), package size 27829 kB, installed size 81492 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)01:25
genii-aroundtaime1: Even 11.04 should have 270 as bot indicates01:25
crazySDmanescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1090828/01:25
taime1genii-around: ill look for them01:25
taime1genii-around: thank you01:26
crazySDmanescott: Note the ~2000 free cache01:26
escottcrazySDman, looks like you have about 4gigs01:26
taime1genii-around: i think i should upgrade tho.. its a brand new laptop and im sure the drivers in 11.04 are still too outdated01:26
crazySDmanescott: yes, total01:26
smithwHi, I'm having instability issues with my bluetooth mouse on Ubuntu. I can get it to connect for a few seconds (after I remove and pair the device again), but then it suddenly stops. On the same machine, on windows, it works normally. I have no idea how to debug it since I don't know what to look for on dmesg. Can someone please help?01:27
genii-aroundtaime1: Yes, probably better to go to 12.04 with the 295 stock driver and see if that works.. if the card is even newer you may need the 302.17 version from xorg-edgers01:27
escottcrazySDman, im not sure why you would be worried about the cache?01:27
crazySDmanescott: I'm hoping to make more RAM available to the live-booted operating system so I can install more stuff into it01:28
crazySDmanescott: so can I decrease the cache (or something else) to increase the amount of RAM the live-booted operating system has available?01:28
escottcrazySDman, the cache will automatically adjust as memory pressures dictate01:28
crazySDmanescott: Hmm. Asides from buying more RAM, what are my options for manipulating the way it responds to memory pressures?01:30
escottcrazySDman, there are various tunables for the VM subsystem in /sys, but none of them will create RAM that doesn't exist. your only option to increase usable memory is a swap disk01:31
crazySDmanescott: like, on a thumbdrive or a hard drive or an sd card?01:31
escottcrazySDman, sure01:31
jrdnn!es knois01:33
crazySDmanescott: are there any other options? :\01:33
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escottknois, #ubuntu-es01:35
pauloalgum brasileiro?01:37
Logan_!br | paulo01:38
ubottupaulo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:38
md_5How may I use a screen recorded such as recordmydesktop (which I have used to great success) to record the sound coming from my application(s)01:41
Logan_md_5: http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net/rug/p1_2c.php01:43
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md_5didnt really help me Logan_01:45
Logan_md_5: "Wave" should be your speaker output.01:45
smithwRephrasing my question: As stated, my Bluetooth mouse drops its connection a few seconds after connection. http://i.imgur.com/KUJiY.png <- this is the dmesg of the event, the connection drops right when the xhci_hcd messages show up.01:45
sirriffsalotFORCE_BUGGY_GRADIENTS=1 where do I do this in Ubuntu?01:46
sirriffsalotThis is in relation to an ardour bug01:46
md_5Logan_ I havent even installed gnome-mix since it doesnt appear to be in the repos01:46
paulome falaram nesta sala que a sala para brasileiros é #ubuntu-pt mas não achei01:46
escottsirriffsalot, in the environment prior to running ardour. FORCE_BUGGY... ardour01:46
pauloquero tirar dúvidas no terminal01:47
Logan_md_5: hmmm01:47
pauloalguém pode me ajudar?01:47
sirriffsalotescott, in the environment? How..?01:47
Logan_paulo: Only English support here.01:47
sirriffsalotescott, in a terminal you mean?01:47
escottsirriffsalot, yes. type it then "ardour" same line. no ; between01:47
md_5Logan_ I  just managed to do it, but it wasnt pretty01:48
sirriffsalotescott, how do I run ardour version 3.4a?01:48
Logan_md_5: oh, how?01:48
md_5I used Pulse audio volume control to switch the stream AFTER starting to record01:48
md_5pavucontrol I think is the package01:48
escottsirriffsalot, i dont know what ardour is. presumably the executable is something like "ardour" so type ard[TAB]01:48
Logan_md_5: ah01:48
paulocomo fazer ir root@paulotenorio:/# para paulo@paulotenorio:~$01:49
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sirriffsalotescott, ardour is a DAW... and no it doesn't show up when I do the tab thing01:49
pauloentrei no root mas não consigo voltar como estava antes no terminal01:49
Logan_sirriffsalot: The latest version of ardour in the Ubuntu repository appears to be
md_5Logan_ according to the site I followed the setting appears to be persistant01:49
md_5I have closed pavucontrol and it still records fine01:50
Logan_md_5: interesting, good to know01:50
sirriffsalotLogan_, This fix is for a beta version..:)01:50
md_5It will probably go away after reboot, but works for now01:50
Logan_sirriffsalot: ah01:50
sirriffsalotFORCE_BUGGY_GRADIENTS=1 Ardour-3.0beta4a_1240601:50
sirriffsalotThat command gives : command not ofund01:51
mike_sunwhere can I add a user to a group on ubuntu 12.04?01:52
mike_sunUsed to have a screen to do that,01:52
escottmike_sun, sudo usermod -a -G GROUP USER01:52
escottmike_sun, DO NOT FORGET the -a01:52
Jagst3r15any way to make the toolbar stay visible in ubuntu? like so it always shows01:53
mike_sunescott: thanks01:53
trismmike_sun: or: sudo adduser username group;01:53
DaekdroomJagst3r15, the launcher?01:54
Jagst3r15i mean the bar at the top01:55
Jagst3r15like file, edit, view, help01:55
DaekdroomYou mean the menu.01:55
DaekdroomIt's not possible.01:55
DaekdroomNot officially, and if there's any non-official way to do it, I haven't read about it anywhere.01:55
Jagst3r15it just annoys me, does not really hinder performance/navigability01:56
myherohow to install diff. environments on ubuntu 12.04 ??02:00
mpwdmyhero: What do you mean by different environments?02:00
myherokde lxde xfce gnome02:01
mpwdOh, like KDE vs. GNOME vs. XMonad or whatever02:01
myheroopenbox and any other gud de\02:01
Logan_!flavors | myhero02:01
ubottumyhero: !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio,  !Mythbuntu, and !Lubuntu02:01
mpwdmyhero: For KDE - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde02:01
myherompwd: yes...02:01
myherompwd: any commands from terminal......like sudo apt-get install kde or xfce02:02
mpwdmyhero:  For the instructions I gave, you can just use apt-get or aptitude instead of synaptic02:03
mpwdAnd the instructions are the same02:03
mpwdHere's XMonad (my favorite): http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Using_xmonad_in_Gnome02:03
myheroohhh the pshyco-cat02:03
mpwdHere's some other alternatives: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-alternatives-unity-ubuntu-users-linux/02:04
mpwd(although the instructions are for v11)02:04
unodxseriously, i understand trying to look like ms but default of nautilus is to hide the hidden files...02:04
myherompwd: how about lxde and openbox.....and which is the best de for ubuntu.....02:04
mpwdIDK I just use XMonad and Unity02:05
myherompwd: ok02:05
mpwdDepending on my mood/what I am doing02:05
trismunodx: ctrl+h02:05
myherompwd: is it any diff in performance if one installs other de on ubuntu.........02:05
unodxtrism, default should be to show everything...security 10102:06
myherompwd: ??????02:06
unodxjust like alias for ls should be ls -a02:06
mpwdmyhero:  Most things are faster than Unity02:07
mpwdAnd take less memory02:07
myherompwd: then why ubuntu comes with unity ass default ?02:07
mpwdMyhero:  Well, it has a lot of features that are nice02:08
mpwdUnity is similar to OS X in some respects02:08
unodxmpwd, unity sucks and you know it02:08
mpwdunodx:  Yeah, but it's shiny and makes newcomers to the OS feel better about themselves02:09
myherompwd: so which de has maximum or enough or much needed features.....and do other de's have less features then unity.....????02:09
unodxmpwd, it sucks for previous users and we are jumping ship02:09
myherompwd: yea i agree unity sucks big time02:10
unodxmpwd, so you never really gained anything except loosing self respect for trying to imitate another os which we used to look down upon02:10
unodxunodx, no ubuntu users are the laughing stock of mac fan boys...which is a big insult02:10
myherompwd: yesterday i ran quantal 12.04 and it doesn't has my computer or computer place in it....???02:10
unodxinfact I read a comment on slashdot a couple of days saying that ubuntu users are not really linux users...which is a new low02:11
myherompwd: yesterday i ran quantal 12.04 and it doesn't has my computer or computer place in it....???02:12
mpwdunodx: Well… I frankly just run ubuntu in VirtualBox on my mac.  Mostly for grad school stuff.02:12
mpwdmyhero: I don't understand your question02:12
mpwdunodx: Mind you, I'm not a mac fanboy… but… netflix :(02:13
myheroany1....yesterday i ran quantal 12.04 and it doesn't has my computer or computer place in it....??? also it didn't boot on my hp g6 series laptop and got stuck while ubuntu loading screen02:13
myherosrry i mean quantal 12.10 alphha-202:13
unodxmpwd, yea, i'm not a fan of ubuntu either...i have no loyality, i use whatever gives me the most secure and efficient platform02:14
trismmyhero: #ubuntu+1 for quantal02:14
mpwdunodx: ditto02:14
myheroany1....yesterday i ran quantal 12.10 alpha-2 and it doesn't has my computer or computer place in it....??? also it didn't boot on my hp g6 series laptop and got stuck while ubuntu loading screen02:14
myherotrism: ok02:14
myherompwd: so which de has maximum or enough or much needed features.....and do other de's have less features then unity.....????02:15
myherohow to save this irc chat session ?02:17
myherohow to save this irc chat session ?02:20
myheroanyone.....how to print or save this chat.........??????02:21
escott!logs | myhero02:22
ubottumyhero: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/02:22
kantianunodx hi02:24
kakkinno hablo ingles02:27
coreyodoes anyone happen to know the grub syntax for referencing a disk by its uuid?02:27
ultrixxkakkin: no problem just talk german02:28
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escott!es | kakkin02:29
ubottukakkin: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:29
kakkines que no conosco nada de Xchat, es la primera vez que entro02:29
kakkinA muchas gracias, ya me conecté a Ubuntu-es02:31
katronixHey all, somehow I got rid of InnoDB in my mysql, how do I replace it?02:31
IMEI_Unlockitfrehttp://pastebin.com/8w4xL7nA I have one  dvd that gives me this what the heck does this mean and what is causing this02:34
IMEI_Unlockitfreit is a blank dvd it should still show up and mount it with an icon like the others whats the reason why not.02:35
DigitalWarriorI am trying to update the kernel of the Ubuntu 12.04 livecd and things are not nearly as simple for me as I think the documentation says it is.  It probably means I have missed something.02:36
DigitalWarrior Does Ubuntu publish the build scripts to create the ISO somewhere I can get at them?02:36
DigitalWarrior I am installing Ubuntu ISO files on /dev/sda1 and using grub2 to boot them.02:36
DigitalWarrior I have no problems with released versions (been doing it since 11.04)02:36
DigitalWarrior however, I need to get new wireless card drivers into the thing.  The drivers are included in Compat-Wireless 3.302:36
DigitalWarrior I cannot apt-get install the modules in the chrooted enviornment (unlike all of my other custom packages) because the system is not aware opf the funny locations of stuff.02:36
FloodBot1DigitalWarrior: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:36
hdafeasdcan i ask questions here?02:45
W4sphdafeasd: Yes, just go ahead.02:51
usr13__coreyo: hd0 0  is sda1  hd0 1 is sda2  etc...02:53
usr13__coreyo: sd1,0  is sdb1   etc..02:53
katronixHey all, somehow I got rid of InnoDB in my mysql, how do I replace it?02:53
usr13__coreyo: hd1,0  is sdb1   etc..02:53
coreyousr13__, I need to reference them by UUID, not by  number.  On the newer machines, when you insert a USB stick before boot, the usb drive becomes hd0, shifting the previous hd0 to hd1, and so on, then shifting back when you remove the usb drive02:54
coreyousr13__, this breaks your grub .efi file02:55
usr13__coreyo: I've never done it that way.02:55
coreyousr13__, you are probably on a bios-based system02:55
coreyousr13__, got a new laptop today, literally spent 14 hours just trying to get linux to boot.  Never even know what a uefi system was or a gpt partition label was until today ... after a lot of googling and tearing my hair out02:57
coreyousr13__, bios will be dead by the end of the year, with the advent of windows 8, so everyone will have to deal with it very soon02:57
usr13__coreyo: sudo blkid  #Tells you about the drives, so...02:57
usr13__coreyo: Bios won't be dead.02:57
usr13__coreyo: Legacy computers are abundant.02:58
coreyousr13__, yes, I know the uuid of my device, I just don't know how to tell grub to look by UUID rather than number02:58
usr13__coreyo: I dono either... let me look...02:59
usr13__coreyo: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB203:00
usr13__coreyo: Even better: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID03:00
usr13__well, I dono if it's better, but...03:03
coreyousr13__, I've been to all of those pages, but unfortunately I do not see what I need.  When you create a portable .efi file with grub-mkimage -p, you have to specify the root "i.e. point to /boot/grub" using an absolute path that can be established at boot.03:07
coreyousr13__, I can use (hd0,gptX)/boot/grub   , but that breaks if I plug in a removable disk before I turn the computer on because of the numbering shift03:07
coreyoso finding a way to replace the () with a UUID would be ideal03:08
scranchyHi all, loving my new ubuntu install but lost my admin pw.  Any easy ways to get it back other than booting into recovery mode?03:09
Jordan_Ucoreyo: Don't bother trying to build a grub.efi manually. Mount your EFI System Parititon to /boot/efi/ and run "sudo grub-install" or for a removable drive (or if you don't want efi variables modified) "sudo grub-install --removable".03:10
coreyoJordan_U, ahh ... someone with experience!  I've been trying similar tactics, but my /efi directory is always empty after a grub-install03:15
coreyoJordan_U, I installed grub-efi-amd64 and its associated packages, replacing the defaults.  Is there something more that I need to do?03:15
mimi_I have a laptop dual booting win7 and linux mint 11 ...I'd like to change linux install to latest Ubuntu (of course)....03:16
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mimi_I have 3 partitions for /, swap and data ....would I need to delete everything or can I just install ubuntu in root partition and preserve my swap and data partitions?03:17
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mimi_can anyone help with installation questions? ...doesn't seem to be much chatting going on in here??03:21
genii-around!ask | mimi03:22
ubottumimi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:22
mimi_With a dual boot laptop (win7 and Linux mint11) I want to update/change mint to latest ubuntu ...can I install that in the root partition without disturbing the separate data partition?03:22
psusimimi_, yes03:23
RedSocratesmimi_, you can do that, but you will have stray config files lying around in the data partition that you may want to clean up or get rid of, depending on details03:23
psusimimi_, choose manual partitioning, and DON'T choose to format the data partition03:24
mimi_psusi: thanks ....yes, I think I remember that from a previous time03:24
mimi_psusi: do you think i'm likely to have issues with grub?03:24
mimi_psusi: at worst I might just need to reset that via windows like I did last time?  (something to do with large drives, from memory?)03:25
marunHello, how do I add windows clients to ldap server and add them as clients to the linux domain?03:26
marunAny idea folks?03:27
Jordan_Ucoreyo: Where exactly did you mount your EFI System partition? It needs to be in /boot/efi/, not /efi/.03:35
PineappleCLockHello I am having problems installing ubuntu server- the installation goes fine and then once I reboot I get "video mode not supported" on 3 different monitors I've tried03:35
PineappleCLockhow do I just get a regular command line?03:35
wormmdI'm using lightdm with Lubuntu to launch the awesome window manager, and I have a script that I want to run whenever I login, specifically to control theming issues. Placing it in .xinitrc breaks the theme. Can I safely place it at the end of my .profile?03:36
marun how do I add windows clients to ldap server and add them as clients to the linux domain?03:37
kanliotwormmd, this is an alternative you might try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_I_can_autostart_a_program_when_logging_into_Desktop03:39
BWMerlinI am trying to install plugins for keepass under Lubuntu 12.04 but I do not know where to find the plugin directory03:40
excalibr^ bugs or by design?03:46
bwat47lots of things in ccsm dont work right03:46
excalibryea i notice that03:46
Spectacle_KI installed KDE desktop environment on my Ubuntu 12.04. To be honest, I don't like and when I remove it via the software centre, all the programmes that were installed with it (Amarok, Ark, Kmail, etc.) are still installed on my system. How do I remove the Kubuntu desktop AND the programmes as well?03:46
kanliotBWMerlin, i think it's /usr/lib/keepass203:47
sluhwho wants to jerk off together to 3 Guys 1 Hammer while we listen to: Duran Duran - girls on film03:48
bwat47Spectacle_K: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu03:49
Spectacle_Kbwat47: And this is for the current version of the Kubuntu plasma?03:50
nathan708what program or cd can you use to restore (ext4) partitions03:50
bwat47the page says it applies to 12.04 so it should work03:50
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nathan708Mageia some how destroyed some of my partitions03:50
PineappleCLockHello I can't shut my system down it says "killing all remaining processes [fail]"03:50
PineappleCLockthis is a fresh install of ubuntu server03:51
PineappleCLockshould I just hold the power button down?03:51
sluhsomeone use elite google skills and find a free d/l of Juvenile - Back That Ass Up.mp303:52
PineappleCLockoh nevermind i got it03:53
Spectacle_Kbwat47: It seems to be working. I don't need to get back the Ubuntu desktop because it's all already installed. The programmes from the KDE environment were present in the Unity environment. I couldn't find a way to keep the two sets of programmes separate so it became cluttered in Unity. :( Kubuntu looked nice though.03:53
bwat47yeah i hate it when the menus get all cluttered, kde comes with a lot of apps03:55
Spectacle_KIf I could install KDE but keep my Unity programmes to use there I'd be just fine lol. Thanks anyway. It's working.03:55
ra4kingHow do I install FTP or FTPS on my Ubuntu Server?03:57
kanliotra4king add the openssh-server package for sftp04:00
ra4kingkanliot: wordpress doesn't support sftp unfortunately04:01
ra4kingit only supports ftp and ftps04:01
kanlioti mean vsftpd04:03
yydamienyyHey is there a way for removing this unity tick with dual screens that stops my mouse for a second in the middle?04:06
yydamienyyi dont really know what to call what that is so that I can disable it or look up how.04:06
ra4kingkandinski: yeah, i saw that04:06
yydamienyySeems the mouse gets stuck moving from one monitor to the other unless i acelerate the mouse quickly towards the side thats extended to the second screen.04:10
yydamienyyit seems like an intentional thing04:10
imetallicayydamienyy, do you autohide the lateral tab?04:11
bwat47yydamienyy: http://askubuntu.com/questions/109338/how-do-i-disable-mouse-magnet-on-middle-edge-with-multi-monitors04:11
L3topyydamienyy: check sticky corners... it is a compiz thing which unity inherits by default which causes this behavior.04:11
yydamienyyimetallica:  I've only got the tab on the left monitor and removed it from the second on the right04:11
yydamienyythanks bwat4704:11
yydamienyyi appreciate your help04:11
yydamienyybwat47: haha wow i cant believe i missed that /facepalm04:12
yydamienyythanks again.04:12
excalibrdoes anyone know any gnome3 theme that draws shadow under gtk3 tooltips?04:12
skulltipanyone try hitting F1 to bring up the Help menu and find you can't close it?04:14
=== jgrevich_ is now known as jgrevich
FallzyHi all, Im trying to cp a file or mv a file which has open and closed brackets in it eg : 21 Jump Street (2012) DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED. Each time it gives me a syntax error   # bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('04:17
FallzyCan this be done04:17
kanliotFallzy, use tab expansion04:17
dwakarskulltip no, try killing the process killall yelp04:18
L3topFallzy: yes. try escaping the brackets with \04:18
FallzyCould you please expand your answer im not sure what you guys mean04:19
L3topmv 21\ Jump\ Street04:19
elementary-site1I updated my drivers using "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current" and then rebooted, now I can't get to the login screen, just a black screen with "acpid: 1 client rule loaded". Any ideas?04:19
L3top\ \(2012\)04:19
RAMKUMARI am using Ubuntu and I needed help with an issue04:19
L3topblah blah.04:20
FallzyThabks guys ill try it out04:20
L3topSorry for the break... hit enter instead of \04:20
lotuspsychje!ask RAMKUMAR04:20
lotuspsychje!ask | RAMKUMAR04:21
ubottuRAMKUMAR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:21
=== ddee is now known as _dd
RAMKUMARWhen I try to shut down the Ubuntu, the screen goes blank and could still see the power light on !04:21
RAMKUMARThe Ubuntu is not shutting down properly04:21
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lotuspsychjeRAMKUMAR: try to press F1 at shutdown to see what hangs, or check /var/log for any errors04:22
boshcowho knows how i can activate the visual efectos from the terminal?04:22
delacFallzy: did you try autocompleting the filename with tab?04:22
boshcowho knows how i can activate the visual efects from the terminal?04:22
lotuspsychjeboshco: maybe try man compiz04:23
RAMKUMARI will switch to ubuntu now04:23
elementary-site1anyone know why I cant log in after updating my drivers?04:24
boshcouhmm i cant activate by compiz04:24
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L3top!details | everybody.04:26
ubottueverybody.: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:26
lotuspsychjeboscho: compizconfig-settings-manager04:26
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest87895
wolshe's gone04:27
Fallzy! delac  Yes thanks I think I have it sorted04:27
ubottuFallzy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:27
wolselementary-site1: try to log in at a console. ctrl+alt+f204:27
ramkumar_Ubuntu cannot be shutdown properly . The power light stays on and the screen goes blank04:28
L3topramkumar_: please check /var/log/dmesg  for possible problems.04:29
L3topramkumar_: might also check out /var/log/syslog04:29
ramkumar_just a moment...04:29
L3topramkumar_: these will probably be very large files.04:29
wolsramkumar_: probelms at the shutdown time. also try to shutdown from textmode04:30
rahul_kormanPlease, Can anyone tell good download manager like IDM(win) for ubuntu.?04:30
skulltipdwakar only thing is, the help program grabs the focus, i close it and it pops back up. i can't get to a terminal and type because it loses focus04:30
rahul_kormanwhich can download youtube04:30
lotuspsychjerahul_korman: many firefox addons for video downloads04:31
L3toprahul_korman: these are typically plugins. Check your browser addons, especially firefox04:31
Toggi3_Hello all.  Really in a bind.  I am unable to get VLC to open an audio capture device and dont want any video device04:31
rahul_kormanL3top: Thanks i will check it for04:32
Toggi3_it complains of /dev/video0 not existing when I try v4l204:32
L3topToggi3_: what is your capture device?04:32
Toggi3_line in on a sound blaster Live!04:33
scooterpitAnyone have any insight on ATI Drivers? I have the proprietary binaries installed and desktop effects and everything works swimmingly (12.04 x64) but trying to play enemy-territory gives libGL errors (ia32 installed) and Quake4 ruins my screen resolution and crashes... Any ideas?04:34
L3topHow are you trying to do this Toggi3_. I understand the underlying architecture, but have not used VLC to try and capture.04:34
yydamienyycan someone point me towards where to get the latest google chromium build ubuntu repository?04:34
L3topscooterpit: lspci -nn | grep VGA04:34
lotuspsychjescooterpit: you running the game from wine or something?04:35
L3topsecond question^04:35
scooterpitnope, native installs of linux clients04:35
scooterpit01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Barts LE [AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series] [1002:673e]04:35
Toggi3_L3top: I have been trying to open capture device > set video device to nothing, set audio device to hw:0,0 > hit play04:35
elementary-site1why am I stuck on a blank window after updating my nvidia drivers and rebooting?04:35
deper29is it possible for me to update grub on a harddrive while I'm booted into a live CD?04:36
lotuspsychjeyydamienyy:goto software-center and choose 'show all technical files' and search chrome04:36
lotuspsychje!info playonlinux | scooterpit04:36
ubottuscooterpit: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.0.14-1 (precise), package size 2031 kB, installed size 3594 kB04:36
yydamienyylotuspsychje: awesome thanks alog.04:36
scooterpitsweet, thanks04:37
scooterpitI'll go give it a try! Thanks guys04:37
ramkumar_http://paste.ubuntu.com/1090967/  [syslog]      http://paste.ubuntu.com/1090965/ [dmesg]04:37
L3topdeper29: I think you will have to chroot into the partition after mounting it and binding dev at the least.04:39
lotuspsychjeramkumar_:you got any sd crads, usb sticks or any other devices plugged in at shutdown?04:39
L3topgimme a min Toggi3_.04:39
Toggi3_no problem thanks for your help thus far L3top04:40
Toggi3_I get the feeling if I could create a fake video0 or just got a dumb webcam I could then stream04:40
Toggi3_but I have no use for video content at all04:40
L3topToggi3_: just as a "wonder what it will do" try putting /dev/null in instead of leaving video blank (which is obviously defaulting to /dev/video0)04:41
deper29L3top: okay, i'll give that a shot04:41
lotuspsychjeToggi3_:is that blaster got the right ubuntu drivers installed?04:41
Toggi3_L3top: I tried this04:41
Toggi3_lotuspsychje: I assume, whatever it is its default for 12.0404:41
Toggi3_alsamixer sees it04:41
lotuspsychjeToggi3_:not all devices got the latest drivers by default04:42
Toggi3_L3top: if you were curious what it says04:42
Toggi3_v4l2 error: cannot get video capabilities: Inappropriate ioctl for device main error: open of `v4l2:///dev/null' failed04:42
Toggi3_lotuspsychje: I am pretty certain the device is functional in that it outputs sound and takes it in, but I am open to updating anything04:43
Toggi3_I think my problem is somewhere between VLC and V4L04:43
Toggi3_though more likely PEBKAC04:44
lotuspsychjeToggi3_:did you try any other software like webcamstudio perhaps04:44
Toggi3_I havent, will it help in my situation having no video capture device?04:44
yydamienyylotuspsychje: i'm unable to find it in software center04:45
Toggi3_oh thats interesting04:45
lotuspsychje!info chromium-browser | yydamnienyy04:46
ubottuyydamnienyy: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 18.0.1025.151~r130497-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 21157 kB, installed size 78055 kB04:46
L3top!pm | ramkumar_ I do not do email for support issues. I can't imagine the spam/questions I would get if I did with the amount of people who ask.04:46
ubotturamkumar_ I do not do email for support issues. I can't imagine the spam/questions I would get if I did with the amount of people who ask.: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:46
yydamienyylotuspsychje: so just enable the repository ubuntu universe.04:47
lotuspsychjeyydamienyy: its in software center by default mate, try from terminal sudo apt-get install chromium-browser04:48
porfisalguien habla español04:48
lotuspsychje!es | profis04:48
ubottuprofis: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:48
tkingi uploaded a folder say "site" to my host it has 500pages in various folders and images css all in different folders packed in the site folder but can't access them online http://intin.in/test/content.html is an example... i need a way to set permission before upload lot of file04:48
yydamienyylotuspsychje:  wow its in the bottom left corner of the window that was way more obvious than i was expecting sorry.04:48
L3topToggi3_: http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=97027  any help?04:49
L3toptking, it probably has to do with the user pushing these files. If you do so as root, I expect they might end up at their destination as root ownership.04:51
lotuspsychje!info enlightment04:51
ubottuPackage enlightment does not exist in precise04:51
lotuspsychjehmm maybe enlightment is dead?04:51
tkingL3top, nice one, how do i change the permission to that folder and content04:51
tkingL3top, like in windows everything works normal04:52
tkingwithout changing permission04:52
L3topchown -R user: /path/to/folder04:52
L3topyes tking... that is why windows is so terribly exploited. It has no security.04:52
lotuspsychje!info e1704:53
ubottue17 (source: e17): The Enlightenment DR17 Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16.999.55225-1build1 (precise), package size 2781 kB, installed size 7860 kB04:53
yydamienyyso if theres more than one version in the repos how do i switch the version in ubuntu software centre04:53
lotuspsychjeaha not dead lol04:53
andrewjoin #ebooks04:53
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lotuspsychjeandrew: no advertising here04:53
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L3topyydamienyy: what are you referring to sorry...04:55
yydamienyyL3top:  i've got an older more stable version of Chromium-browser and i want the most recent dev build.04:55
yydamienyywell the most recent possible within the means of some repository somewhere.04:56
L3topthe most recent is not in the official repos yydamienyy... but simply apt-get installing it will get the most recent available in repos unless it is pinned or something04:56
yydamienyyL3top:  fair well i have to look for a dev repository i guess is there a ppa somewhere on launchpad?04:58
L3topyes yydamienyy. What exactly are you looking to improve?04:58
tkingL3top, thanks04:59
L3topyydamienyy: this ppa specifically causes conflicts with certain packages. Be forewarned.04:59
yydamienyyL3top: just a security thing that is awesome but annoying to explain with two factor authentication with the google accounts.04:59
L3topnp tking.04:59
yydamienyy!chromium-browser chamunks05:03
yydamienyy!chromium-browser yydamienyy05:03
L3topyydamienyy: /msg ubottu !info chromium-browser05:04
yydamienyyL3top: lotuspsychje thanks05:05
yydamienyyalmost pasted that add-apt code in irssi woops05:05
lotuspsychjeyydamienyy: remember that chromium isnt the safest browser out there05:06
yydamienyylotuspsychje: i usually run with the web of trust plugin which helps05:07
lotuspsychjeanyone knows if there an ubuntu community for new innovations for society?05:09
Dailycomputinghi im trying to format a sc card with ubuntu in gparted and i keep getting error05:12
bipulhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1091006/ what does 4096 indicate here05:13
L3topthat it is a directory I am guessing05:13
L3topwithout looking05:13
Dailycomputingcan someone please help me?05:13
nicklecoder@Dailycomputing: Which version of ubuntu?05:14
Dailycomputing12.0.4 or the newest 105:14
bipulvith: total byte consume for the files right05:14
L3topDailycomputing: lsb_release -sc05:15
vithbipul: not of all the files contained within the directory, no05:15
L3topNo bipul... it is a container... all directories equal 409605:15
Dailycomputing12.04 desktop05:15
L3topDailycomputing: in a terminal... I wanted you to type that.05:15
vithjust the amount of space it takes to store a directory entry05:15
nicklecoderYou should be able to format an sd card by right-clicking on it's icon in the launcher in this release.  If not, you could install ubuntu tweak and set the setting that makes the sd card appear on the desktop as an icon and right click there and select format.05:16
bipulyou mean spaced taken my files and folder in my desktop05:16
ki4roWhy is my wife's Compaq on Linux 3.0.27 while my Toshiba is still at 3.0.26?05:16
L3topNo bipul. ALL DIRECTORIES = 409605:16
Dailycomputingit says error no such option05:17
bipulL3top:  can you have details document's on thistopic05:17
L3topif you want to know the size of its contents bipul... dh -h /path/to/directory05:17
nicklecoderki4ro: run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"05:17
rinzlerwhen using the stable release of chrome from google's repositories, it takes up the remaining time on my CPU until I close out. I don't have this problem on a similar machine while using chrome in the same capacity. Any ideas of how to troubleshoot this?05:18
DailycomputingL3top, it says error no such option05:18
ki4ronicklecoder: Will give it a go...thanks05:18
L3toper... bipul du -h   sorry05:18
Dailycomputingstill not working05:19
rinzlerki4ro: usually doing "sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get update" will update the kernel, but I don't know for sure if that works all the time05:19
nicklecoder@rinzler: you may consider re-installing Chrome and see if that changes anything.05:20
L3topki4ro: because she has run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and you haven't perhaps?05:20
ki4rorinzler: It did not work this time05:20
=== June__KOR is now known as June
rinzlernicklecoder: mmkay. Sounds like a good idea. thanks05:20
rinzlerki4ro: mmkay. Jus checkin...05:20
monitoringI have 4 Cameras into different rooms .. I just want to connect these cameras to my Computer and monitor all the rooms at a same time. Which software i need please?05:21
=== June is now known as Guest34899
Dailycomputingsomeone please help me? sorry i really need this05:21
nicklecodermonitoring: zoneminder.  Works like a charm and last time I checked, it's in the repositories.05:21
L3top!patience | Dailycomputing05:21
ubottuDailycomputing: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:21
ki4ronicklecoder: rinzler  it says W: GPG error: http://linux.dropbox.com precise Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FC918B335044912E05:22
monitoringnicklecoder, Thanks,,, Let's check it05:22
nicklecoderMonitoring: don't use LinuxMCE though.  It's ubuntu based but doesn't work well and it's out of date.05:22
Dailycomputinglol i love ubottu but anyway i need to format a sd card05:22
rinzlerwhat's the command to make apt-get reinstall something?05:24
ewookDailycomputing: Does the SD Card show on your desktop? unmount it first.05:24
ewookrinzler: dpkg --reconfigure [packet] should work.05:24
ewookDailycomputing: Please also specify the error Gparted gives you.05:25
nicklecoder@rinzler: apt-get remove xyz && apt-get install xyz05:25
Dailycomputingewook, wow do i unmount? and it dont say a error it just says error lol\05:25
L3topnicklecoder: linuxmce is not ideal for cameras to be sure... but it certainly works... and it is not "out of date".05:26
L3topki4ro: gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 5044912E; gpg --export --armor 5044912E | apt-key add -05:26
ewookrinzler: sorry, dpkg-reconfigure [packet]05:26
monitoringnicklecoder, How i work with it...05:27
ewookDailycomputing: you unmount by right clicking it. you might even get the option to format right there.05:27
ki4roL3top: You want me to put that in at a terminal?05:27
L3topyes ki4ro05:27
rinzlerwould using apt-get remove --purge xyz work, or is --purge not an option...05:27
L3topthen sudo apt-get update and then do whatever it was you are doing.05:27
ewooknicklecoder: that does not reconfigure it, simply removes and re-adds it. if the conf's already there - it skips config.05:28
ewookrinzler: --purge would be the long and bothersome whay.05:28
Dailycomputingewook, i dont even see my card and i only found it in gparted im new to ubuntu05:29
L3toprinzler: to answer your question sudo apt-get install --reinstall05:29
rinzlerL3top: ahh. That's what I was looking for. Thanks!!05:29
ewookDailycomputing: You don't see your SD card, but in Gparted you get an error trying to format it?05:29
ewookL3top: thanks, that would be the apt version of dpkg-reconfigure05:30
Dailycomputingewook, it will come up in gparted is that wfere im supposed to right click?05:30
L3topcorrect ewook. I prefer the dpkg method personally... but sometimes reinstall is required.05:31
ewookDailycomputing: please open up a terminal and type mount - paste the output on http://paste.ubuntu.com and give the link in here please.05:31
Dailycomputingim on a diffrent pc05:31
Dailycomputinghang on05:31
ewookL3top: word.05:31
ewookDailycomputing: np.05:31
qwebirc21991ewook: this is daily05:33
=== qwebirc21991 is now known as Dailycomputin
ewookDailycomputin: gotcha.05:34
Metzeehello can help me all?05:35
ewookMetzee: Not all sadly in a timely fashion. Pop the Q.05:35
Dailycomputingewook, it wont let me type it says cannot send to channel ubuntu05:36
L3top!pastebin | Dailycomputing05:36
ubottuDailycomputing: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:36
MetzeeI`m use Asus A43s but.....Vga in my laptop is not.......How all?05:36
ewookthanks L3top05:36
L3topMetzee: you are going to have to do a little better than that.05:37
Metzeehelp me please05:37
ewookMetzee: We can't understand your question mate.05:37
L3topMetzee: I understand that English may not be your primary language, and I am not poking fun... I need a bit more information, a bit clearer, to help you. Please take your time.05:38
jayanhow to enabel wirednetwork in diffalt ?05:38
ewookMetzee: there might also be a channel in your native tounge.05:38
Dailycomputinewook: did i do it right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1091029/05:39
ewookauronandace: :D, not my native language either ;)05:39
ewookDailycomputin: yes, thank you.05:39
MetzeeI can`t install my Vga........How?05:40
jayanubuntu 12.10 open with network disable how to fix it ?05:40
auronandace!ubuntu+1 | jayan05:40
ubottujayan: Quantal Quetzal is the codename for Ubuntu 12.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+105:40
Metzeejayan: why?05:40
L3topMetzee: that isn't much better. In terminal please type: lspci -nn | grep VGA      and place the output here.05:41
ewookDailycomputin: the line "gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/ubuntu/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=ubuntu)" (could) indicate that your SD card is mounted.05:42
ewookDailycomputin: do you know where the file explorer is ?05:42
ewook(I'm not a gui person ...)05:42
jayanMetzee:  that computer is using by peron not no to enble it in each time i try to set is enabel in on startup though he can do it easly05:42
pretenderplaying avi forces a logout on ubuntu 12.04.  How do i fix this problem05:42
Dailycomputinewook: can we do this in pm ? im cnnfused with all these people05:43
ewookDailycomputin: I need to fetch a laptop with 12.04 on it, hold ;)05:43
ewookDailycomputin: there we go. So, on your left hand side, you got the menu bar, second icon is a folder - hover over it and it should state "home folder".05:48
ewookDailycomputin: Click it, and a file explorer interface will open up.05:48
ewookDailycomputin: in the interface, to the left, you've got "Devices", your SD-card should be listed there.05:49
ewookDailycomputin: please right-click it and tell me the options you see.05:49
Dailycomputingno i see hd system.. and floppy disc05:50
DarwinSurvivorWhen Update Manager asks if I want to replace a system config file or keep the old one, is there any way to "merge" the two?05:50
Dailycomputingewook, its not there05:50
ewookDailycomputin: mkay.05:50
Dailycomputingidky i mean gparted detects it05:51
DarwinSurvivorhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1091038/ I want it to add the 3 with +'s, but keep the 4 google earth ones with -'s05:51
auronandaceDarwinSurvivor: backup the old, let the update manager replace it, then manually merge it afterwards05:51
DarwinSurvivorauronandace: I was afraid of that :(05:51
Dailycomputingwait there we go it came up05:52
Dailycomputingewook, what do i do now?05:53
ewookDailycomputing: what options did you get right-clicking it?05:54
Dailycomputingewook, it says open.....  eject safely remove drive properties05:55
Dailycomputingewook, u there?05:58
ewookDailycomputing: w805:58
ewookDailycomputing: try safely remove drive, and refresh the interface on gparted.06:01
Dailycomputingewook, it doesnt even show up now06:02
shadowfioshello :)06:03
ewookDailycomputing: sorry mate, have to run. pop out your q again, and give indication what we've established so far and I'm sure someone more into the GUI side of life can help you :).06:04
Dailycomputingugg ok06:04
DailycomputingI need help!! lol i need to format a sd card and i cant!06:04
pskeshuHi, I'm not able to install any shell extensions from extensions.gnome.org.06:04
Dailycomputingsomeone please help me i need it for in the morning06:05
eppahey! I threw together a RAID1 device, using mdadm, to remporarily store some data…turned out all the data “fit” (space–wise) on a single device, so I'd like to now remove the second device from the array.  I'm re–jigging my LVM setup, so shuffling a lot of data around.  How can I be sure removing the second RAID1 device won't be destructive?06:05
pskeshuDailycomputing - Have you tried the disk utility ?06:06
pskeshusearch for disk utility in unity06:06
pskeshuor for disks if you are using gnome 3.406:06
Dailycomputingit wont even detect it now :(06:06
Dailycomputingi clicked on safely eject media06:07
L3topDailycomputing: sudo fdisk -l   in pastebin please.06:07
eppa*ARGH sorry, I mean RAID0…;so two disks in RAID0, now want to remove the second disk since all the data is small enough to fit on the first device06:08
DailycomputinL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1091056/06:09
L3topsudo not sudu06:09
eppaOK, so typing it out here just pushed my brain to finding the solution itself: convert to RAID1, then “fail” the second disk06:10
Dailycomputinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1091057/    L3top06:10
DarwinSurvivoreppa: how do you plan to convert a 2-disk raid0 to raid1...?06:11
L3topDailycomputing: -l not -106:12
siva4080in C language , I want to create a file (using fopen) along with any not existing parent directories.. is there any api in linux??06:13
eppaDarwinSurvivor: OK, so mdadm man page doesn06:13
eppa't mention it06:14
icerootsiva4080: ##c06:14
DarwinSurvivoreppa: As far as I understand, the only way to modify a raid0 (in ANY way) is to copy the data to another filesystem and destroy the raid.06:14
pskeshuwhen I try to update, I get the following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1091059/06:15
DarwinSurvivoreppa: you may be able to "shrink" the raid0, then create regular (non-raid) filesystems on the remaining parts of the disks and copy the data there06:15
pskeshuPlease tell me whatto do.06:15
eppaDarwinSurvivor: good idea, ok thanks06:15
Dailycomputinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1091060/ L3top lol06:15
DarwinSurvivoreppa: that's assuming you are using partition-level raid and not disk-level (or hardware) raid06:16
benccin what file can I run commands for a user on login? .profile or something else?06:16
DarwinSurvivorbencc: what type of command is it?06:16
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
DarwinSurvivoreppa: My *recommended* recommendation however would be to make a backup of all your data anyways (no important data should *ever* be stored in only 1 place)06:17
benccDarwinSurvivor: xsetwaccom to configure a tablet06:17
eppaDarwinSurvivor: yeah backing up 20TiB is hard…06:17
L3topDailycomputing: remove and reinsert the drive, and give run the command again.06:18
Dailycomputini did06:18
Dailycomputinthe light dont even comeon now06:18
DarwinSurvivorbencc: ah, then .profile (or similar) is probably the best solution (not sure if .profile or .inputrc or etc is best though)06:19
benccDarwinSurvivor: thansk06:20
DarwinSurvivoreppa: good grief, I hope you have the *important* stuff backed up at least (most people don't bother backing up music/etc as it's replaceable).06:20
L3topDailycomputing: I find your hardware suspect, or your OS itself is flakish. Remove the drive, reboot the machine plug the drive in, do not open it if prompted.06:20
L3topDailycomputing: once the machine is up pastebin sudo fdisk -l    and pastebin sudo mount06:21
DarwinSurvivorL3top: did he try the drive in another machine?06:21
DarwinSurvivorL3top: he's gone06:21
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L3topHe has two nics in here.06:21
L3topDailycomputing: did you try this drive in another machine06:21
Dailycomputingi tried to format it says its read only06:23
DarwinSurvivorL3top: Ah, I didn't notice that06:23
DarwinSurvivorDailycomputing: what filesystem does (did) it have?06:24
L3topDailycomputing: not to be incredibly elementary... but... is the lock tab switched?06:25
eppaDarwinSurvivor: all the truly important stuff fits in a Dropbox…this other data is important but changes rapidly so there's no good way to make it off–site06:25
L3topDailycomputing: on the sd itself06:25
DailycomputingL3top, in windows06:26
DarwinSurvivorDailycomputing: if the drive is ntfs (or fat32) and detects that it is corrupted, it will mark it as read-only to prevent further corruption. Since NTFS and Fat32 are not properly documented, the only way to fix it is to format the whole drive or repair it using a windows machine06:26
Dailycomputingok i need to do that06:27
DarwinSurvivorDailycomputing: "if Ubuntu detects that it ....."06:27
wolsDailycomputing: fat32 is documented just fine. it's so primitive, there is nothing special to it.06:27
wolsntfs you have to use windows chkdsk tho06:27
DarwinSurvivorwols: ah, sorry, you are correct06:27
Metzeeplease bring me to indonesia channel06:28
L3top!id | Metzee06:28
ubottuMetzee: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia06:28
Dailycomputingidk i just want to format it so i can use it06:28
DarwinSurvivoreppa: have you seen the "cp -al" + "rsync" system for backup? for very well for me (full backups with the space saving of incremental backup)06:28
L3topDailycomputing: please give me the output of the commands I gave you, and we will do just that.06:29
MetzeeCan help me?06:29
DailycomputingL3top, ubuntus still booting06:29
DarwinSurvivor!ask | Metzee06:29
ubottuMetzee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:29
DarwinSurvivorMetzee: oops, just a sec06:29
birdinatuxMetzee Saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa indonesia   /j #ubuntu-id06:30
eppaDarwinSurvivor: I'm in the process of setting up the groundwork for something like that…but first have to shuffle around the array/LVM configuration06:30
Metzeethere girl here?06:31
DarwinSurvivor!offtopic | Metzee06:31
ubottuMetzee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:31
lubuAnyone know how to register a username?06:31
L3top!register | lubu06:31
ubottulubu: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:31
lubuthanks, ubbotu06:32
L3topDailycomputing: I am tired. It has been over ten minutes since you set to reboot. When it comes up, check sudo fdisk -l   and I expect that it will be /dev/sdb1 where it lives. Then check in mount and make sure it is not there (mounted). Then mkdosfs -I -F32 /dev/sdb1       assuming it is where I expect it.06:36
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lubuhello applematt06:49
joubinDoes anyone here know how I can get the system usage information that 12.04 server prints at login to print in06:52
joubinin that format06:52
joubinlooks something like this06:53
* joubin System load: 0.57 Processes: 10506:53
joubin  Usage of /:   64.7% of 145.85GB   Users logged in:     006:53
joubin  Memory usage: 7%                  IP address for eth0:
joubin  Swap usage:   0%06:53
FloodBot1joubin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:53
ClientAlivedoes anyone happen to know exactly what program ubuntu 12.04 uses for system logging?06:57
ClientAliveor what is a good program to use for logging?06:59
L3topjoubin: While you are logging in, the processes are going to be unusually high loading your DE. It would not likely be beneficial to knowing what is going on.07:10
arzuhuseynhey isn't there anyone ?07:11
L3toparzuhuseyn: What is your question?07:12
arzuhuseynI have just downloaded a game . Alien Arena 7.60. but it is not .deb file . How I can install it to my Ubuntu 12.04 ?07:15
BHSPitMonkeyVery often on this computer, I'll go to do something with sound and there will be none. When I go into Sound settings, there are no devices shown to choose from.07:15
BHSPitMonkeyAnyone experienced with this, and who might have some insight into why the heck this happens?07:15
BHSPitMonkeyWoah.  After 5 minutes of having the sound preferences up, my sound cards just magically re-appeared. Ugh.07:16
Marzataonly in ...?07:16
BHSPitMonkeyAt least there's no measurable rhyme or reason for why it dies or comes back.07:16
BHSPitMonkeyMakes it really easy to troubleshoot...07:16
L3toparzuhuseyn: that isn't much to go on. It isn't a deb, what is it?07:22
Metzeegive me channel indonesa07:24
Metzeegive me channel indonesia07:24
L3top!id | Metzee: for the 4th time.07:24
ubottuMetzee: for the 4th time.: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:24
medenn1xSo, this may be something of an odd question, but I'm trying to use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS in a system rescue capacity for a non-distro Linux setup...07:25
arzuhuseynL3top: it isn't a package just a folder. I think we must do something from terminal but I have no any idea.07:25
medenn1xSpecifically, trying to get some RAID arrays going. (The system was on 3.1.1 so I'm pretty sure it wasn't hit with the known bug there)07:26
Spectacle_KI recently uninstalled KDE environment from my computer and it took a few programmes from my Unity environment with it (Clementine and Chromium as far as I can tell). I re-installed Chromium without issue. But now that Clementine is reinstalled, I can no longer play from Sky FM or other radios. I get an error saying 'unable to decode stream'. Can someone help with that?07:26
medenn1xThey were basically set up for Linux raid autodetect, but Ubuntu from livecd at least didn't attempt to automatically start arrays from them07:26
L3toparzuhuseyn: typically if it is something that needs to be compiled there is  a README file telling you how.07:27
arzuhuseynL3top: ok there is README file.. I'm going to look it. if I will not find anything from there I will come back =D thank you07:28
Spectacle_KWhy won't Clementine stream Sky FM any more? It did it before the incident. Now it won't.07:28
L3top!codec | Spectacle_K hopefully this will help.07:29
ubottuSpectacle_K hopefully this will help.: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:29
medenn1xIs there a methodology for trying to probe the raid membership manually? (for that matter, anyone happen to know the right params to do an offset mount to try to get at the underlying fs? the important stuff is all RAID1)07:30
Spectacle_KClementine and decoding stream issue.07:30
Spectacle_KWill any of those tell me why Clementine is not decoding the streams from Sky FM?07:31
L3topOne way to tell.07:31
L3top!info ubuntu-restricted-extras07:31
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 57 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB07:31
Spectacle_KI'm not sure if it has anything to do with restricted extras. It worked fine five hours ago. But it stopped when it uninstalled along with my KDE desktop environment.07:33
Sefid_parWhen I try the command "sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop" The ubuntu GUI ends! Do anybody know what the problem is?07:34
L3topSpectacle_K: did you uninstall either clementine or chromium? I see no reason why codecs might not have gone as well... but... I do not know if this needs a codec.07:35
Spectacle_KI uninstalled KDE using a terminal command I was directed to from this chat. It was supposed to uninstall KDE along with the programmes that came with it.07:36
L3topthe cannot decode error seems to indicate it might.07:36
Spectacle_KWhen I checked it had uninstalled Chromium and Clementine07:36
L3topYou miss my point.07:37
Spectacle_KI guess I do.07:37
Spectacle_KSorry. I'm not in my right mind it's really early in the morning here.07:37
L3topHere as well. If it uninstalled those programs without asking, there is  no reason to assume it didn't chunk the codecs as well.07:37
medenn1x...I suppose it would help if I installed mdadm >_<07:38
Spectacle_KSo... reinstall KDE?07:38
L3top!info ubuntu-restricted-extras07:38
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 57 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB07:38
Spectacle_KUbuntu restricted extras are already installed it says.07:39
L3topOk... that was my best guess.07:40
Spectacle_KThat's OK, I'll just find a different music player for now and check into it later. I can always listen to Sky FM on their website.07:41
Spectacle_K:) thanks for the effort anyway.07:41
Spectacle_KI appreciate it.07:42
medenn1xOh, hell yes. I have an old root backup from before the jump to root-on-raid, it has /etc/raidtab07:50
padi999Hi all07:50
padi999Where can I find a channel that copes with rooted android (my problem is just: What ROM should I choose) :)07:51
tapasi have a mac book pro here and try to boot from an usb stick with linux on it..07:52
tapasaccording to google this is a very complicated process07:52
tapasthreads are outdated, etc..07:52
tapasdoes ubuntu bring any tools with it to make this easier? e.g. the startup disc creator07:53
iceroot!mac | tapas07:53
ubottutapas: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages07:53
tapasiceroot: thanks07:53
icerootpadi999: #android07:53
medenn1xOkay, I'm going to try booting to the ancient backup root...07:55
=== xazax is now known as Guest7430
TheVoidFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on07:58
TheVoid/dev/sda5              8150968   7410972    325944  96% /07:58
TheVoidquick question: what are 1K-blocks?07:59
gadagohi guys, I wonder if someone can help08:04
gadagomy my ubuntu does not boot and get stuck at fsck from util-linux-ng 2.1608:06
gadago/dev/sda2: clean, etc08:06
gadagoI have booted into resuce disk to see if I can repair an mounted the filesystem but I cannot ls or anything08:06
gadagoI just get /bin/sh ls: not found08:07
gadagoany ideas?08:07
drenekHi, I don't use Ubuntu but I would like to ask my fellow tux users a little favor. Could somebody please download the last file from this (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9706035) post for me and upload it somewhere so I don't need to register. I would be really grateful.08:11
szal!cn | soft0108:16
ubottusoft01: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:16
soft01AWAY: Bye08:17
Endafyfew queries08:18
EndafyI have an old G5 Powermac, will every app work?08:18
Endafyor will I have compatibility issues08:19
wolsanything in the repos will work. some stuff is x86 only tho and therefore you can't even install it on your PPC Mac08:20
wolsmainly closed source software08:21
Endafyscrew it ill keep leo on it thanks for the info08:21
tkingpls anyone here know how to fix firefox problem? I opened about 5 pages in tabs from google... but now i cant even right click to open any more even after closing 4 tabs08:21
bekkstking: Did you restart firefox already?08:22
szal.oO( impatient kiddies.. )08:22
tkingbekks, i hv but after a while it does it again08:22
bekkstking: So whfirefox version do you have exactly?08:23
mah454 can config like oxygen-transparent in gnome 3 ?08:25
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bekkstking: So which firefox version do you have exactly?08:25
DarwinSurvivortking: try starting firefox in safe-mode to rule out buggy extensions and corrupted user settings http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/troubleshoot-firefox-issues-using-safe-mode08:26
crazySDmanWhat cipher does palimpsest use by default to "Encrypt underlying device" ?08:27
LucidiumCan anyone tell me if i should upgrade cpu?08:27
StarryNightanyone uses centurylink isp?08:27
DarwinSurvivortking: also try running firefox under a different account to see if the issue is confined to your account or if it is system wide08:27
bekksLucidium: Without that little information, no one can guess.08:27
Lucidium512mb ram, everything i try and run is slow. It's just an old laptop I want to save08:28
bekksLucidium: And basically, thats more a hardware consultancy, for which #ubuntu-offtopic would be better.08:28
DarwinSurvivorLucidium: ram != cpu08:28
szalLucidium: or ##hardware08:28
tkingDarwinSurvivor, bekks  version13.0.108:32
bekkstking: Running on which Ubuntu?08:32
bekkstking: Yes, on which Ubuntu?08:33
tkingbekks canonical 12.04LTS08:33
himsinjavaws runs terribly slow on ubuntu 12, it used to run fine on ubuntu10.04. I need help08:33
cfhowletthimsin, ram??08:34
himsincfhowlett, 4gb08:34
cfhowletthimsin, should be more than enough ...  assuming you're running firefox, check our add-ons08:35
wolshimsin: which java version exactly?08:35
himsinI tried all sun-java-6, oracle-java-7, openjdk-7 and 608:36
tkingbekks, how do i check the one u are referring to08:37
bekkstking: I didnt refer to anything you havent answered already. :)08:37
tkingbekks will check it for a while, thanks08:44
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vetalmy unity shell was crashed rcently08:45
kevinlu310I installed ubuntu 12.04 on my Asus N56VZ. How can I enable the Fn+f3 and Fn+f4 for backlit keyboad light on and off?08:48
prathamhello im running xubuntu 12.04 i cant see my usb drives08:53
da_news#*#*#*#*#*#*# GET UPDATES ON BLACK CAVIAR | The Worlds Greatest Horse @ www.BlackCaviarForum.com #*#*#*#*#*#*#08:53
da_news#*#*#*#*#*#*# GET UPDATES ON BLACK CAVIAR | The Worlds Greatest Horse @ www.BlackCaviarForum.com #*#*#*#*#*#*#08:53
da_news#*#*#*#*#*#*# GET UPDATES ON BLACK CAVIAR | The Worlds Greatest Horse @ www.BlackCaviarForum.com #*#*#*#*#*#*#08:53
FloodBot1da_news: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:53
prathami cant see my usb drive on xubuntu08:54
prathamany help ?08:54
prathami cant see my usb drive on xubuntu any help ?08:56
bekks!patience | pratham08:57
ubottupratham: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:57
dwakarpratham you couldn't see your usb in the desktop?08:57
neroninHow can I find out the hash value of the bin file "sudo" in my dist's repository? The thing is rkhunter sent me an alert that the hash value of that file changed and I would like to double check so it's actually ubuntu that updated/changed it08:57
dwakarpratham try lsusb08:57
prathameven in filemanager08:57
prathamits seen in lsusb08:58
prathambut not on desktop08:58
Guest69103when you put your harddrive into another pc , must i manually change the videocard of it ?? (because in xorg file i still see ATI but this pc has a INTEL GRAPHIC ONBOARD)08:58
prathami cant see it in disk uility too08:58
dwakarpratham: and in nautilus08:58
prathami use pcmanfm ... no i cant see in filemanager also08:59
dwakaroh soryy you said xubuntu08:59
tking_hi guys08:59
dwakarpratham odd..09:00
prathami can see them in disk utility and gparted but not in filemanager and desktop09:00
prathamis ther anyway to mount them manually ??09:01
tking_i copies some new pictures to /usr/share/backgrounds but cant see them when i try to change desktop wallpaper09:01
MonkeyDustpratham  create a folder with an easy name, type sudo mount /dev/blah [that name]       blah is the device name09:02
prathamhmm k ill try09:02
Guest69103if INTEL drivers are open source and already installed , that means i hav to change only the xorg file right.09:02
MonkeyDustis intel open source?09:03
bekksGuest69103: Why do you want to touch the xorg.conf?09:03
MonkeyDustGuest69103  type !xorgconf09:03
Guest69103bekks, well my xorg.conf it says ATI , but that is of my old pc . now my pc get stuck at battery check , i don't get any gui login screen.09:08
nikos_I'm running tasksel on Ubuntu 12.04 and shows βββ for borders09:09
nikos_also the same ββββ shows in gcc warnings & errors09:09
nikos_any idea?09:09
Guest69103bekks, shoudnt it say INTEL of what i got right now in my pc ?09:09
bekksGuest69103: You have 12.04 running, right?09:11
Guest69103MonkeyDust, well am not on my ubuntu right now , but what does it do . bc i can only login in terminal ..no gui09:11
neroninHow can I find out the hash value of the bin file "sudo" in my dist's repository? The thing is rkhunter sent me an alert that the hash value of that file changed and I would like to double check so it's actually ubuntu that updated/changed it09:11
MonkeyDustGuest69103  type it here in the channel, it's a factoid09:11
bekksGuest69103: You can rename that file to xorg.conf.ati and reboot again. You should get a gui again.09:13
oooaaaoooohi guys im trying to install a timer via apt-get and am getting the following error: http://pastebin.com/X2bML1sv Can someone help me?09:14
MonkeyDustoooaaaoooo  try sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install09:16
oooaaaooooMonkeyDust: force install?09:18
MonkeyDustoooaaaoooo  -f means fix09:18
oooaaaooooMonkeyDust: oh ok so -f install [appname] ?09:19
MonkeyDustoooaaaoooo  no just -f install09:19
oooaaaooooMonkeyDust: nope still same problem09:21
nikos_tasksel and gcc when outputs warnings or errors show βββββ (tasksel for borders) in Ubuntu 12.04 . can someone help?09:22
WitewolfI installed Ubuntu via windows installer, but there is not network connection. Any ideas?09:23
Witewolfis no*09:24
MonkeyDustWitewolf  wubi?09:24
WitewolfYes, it runs and everything seems to be working fine, except for the network connection.09:24
WitewolfI am currently downloading the iso to burn it onto a disk and replace the OS with that. To see if that works.09:25
Guest69103bekks, THANKS , IT WORKED !!! lol . changing the name did it . thanks09:26
bekksGuest69103: you're welcome :)09:27
MonkeyDustWitewolf  that will most probably solve the problem09:27
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)09:27
WitewolfThanks MonkeyDust I am downloading the 698meg one. If that doesn't work I will have to try a different approach.09:28
tking_bekks sorry to bother u, do u know how i can make pictures added to the usr/share/backgrounds show in the wallpaper options?09:28
bekkstking_: I have no clue about that, sorry. I always just choose a custom wallpaper from the appropriate settings dialog.09:29
MonkeyDustno wallpaper here, just charcoal black :)09:29
bekksMonkeyDust: Every color, as long as its black. :)09:29
nikos_guys any ideas about the βββββ's?? :-)09:30
oooaaaoooohi guys im trying to install a timer via apt-get and am getting the following error: http://pastebin.com/X2bML1sv Can someone help me?09:32
MonkeyDustoooaaaoooo  what's the exact command, the exact package name you typed09:36
MonkeyDustoooaaaoooo  timer-applet is not in the repos09:36
nikos_oooaaaoooo  I found this when searching it -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/155514/unmet-dependencies-in-ubuntu-12-0409:38
biopytehi, i'm running sun (oracle) java 6 here. what do you think about upgrading to version 7?or is it still an issue on ubuntu?09:38
MonkeyDustbiopyte  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java09:39
biopyteok, thx09:39
bekksbiopyte: Thats the wrong question - not every java application by far is coded in way to be able to run on java7 without problems.09:48
bekksbiopyte: In fact, all java applications I am using arent able to run on java7.09:49
biopytebekks, hmm ... just started the java7 install ... you think its likely that many apps wont run on 7 ...09:50
biopytethats akward ... there should be backward compatibility09:51
biopyteactually i try 7 becaus some of my apps dont run properly on 6 ... maybe now they wont run at all  .... hahaha09:52
bekksbiopyte: "should" - that doesnt enforce it :)09:53
magpiei have a problem with  every flash-stick usb i plug in, it doesnt matter the format (fat, ntfs etc) every time i throw in some movies and delete them afterwards the capacity remains full and i am unable to erase  it clean09:57
cvrmagpie: trash folder on the flashdrive?09:58
magpieunable to erase it, it wont let me09:58
MonkeyDustmagpie  there's a hidden file called 'trash' after you deleted someting, delete that too09:58
magpiehowever, if i plug it in a windows machine everything is fine09:58
biopytemagpie, i always use mc or terminal interacting with flash-sticks09:59
magpiemonkeydust it wont let me delete the trash09:59
magpiebiopyte how do i do that?09:59
magpieMonkeyDust it says invalid argument09:59
biopytestart xterm, cd to your stick in /media and rm the files09:59
MonkeyDustmagpie  hard to believe, just hit the delete key after you selected the hidden trash file09:59
magpieMonkeyDust, still says invalid argument10:00
biopyteor start xterm and mc and browse10:00
magpieBiopyte you have to be more specific, i dont recall the last time i cd something10:00
biopytemagpie, learn the basics of the unix command line10:01
magpieokie dokie10:01
magpiebiopyte how about telling how to rm the files? i did cd media10:01
biopytetype 'ls' and find your stick10:02
biopytethen cd stick10:02
biopytels again10:03
biopytefind the trash-folder or whatever10:03
biopyterm trash-folder10:03
biopyterm -r10:03
biopyteno guarantee10:04
magpietrash-folder no such or directory10:04
magpiecannot remove10:04
magpiefound it10:04
biopyteyou listed the stick content10:04
biopyteyou can see the files?10:04
magpieall of them, the ones that i threw in, but .trash-1000 is not visible at least in terminal10:05
biopyteprobably its ./trash10:05
=== Mot_ is now known as Mot
MonkeyDustmagpie  type ls -la in the pendrive10:05
magpiethough when i type rm .trash-1000 it says cannot be removed  its  a directory10:05
biopyterm -r10:05
MonkeyDustmagpie  it's rm -r10:05
cvrmagpie: man rm10:05
biopytefor directories10:06
magpieMonkeyDust your command shows all files as well as .trash10:06
mhahedont get why def fxn(1) keeps adding 1 to my list that is define within function... is the life time of function or method variables until reaching the end of that function or method? fxn(i, lst=[]): lst.append(i); return lst #fxn ends here10:06
biopytebe careful with rm -r   otherwise10:06
mhahewrong chan lol10:06
magpieguys i did rm - .trash-1000 it cannot be removed, it says is a directory10:07
cvrmagpie: did u read the man page?10:08
magpiesorry mate i just saw your command advice, let me check10:08
MonkeyDustmagpie  please , it's rm -r .trash-100010:08
magpiesorry mate10:08
magpiethat helped10:08
biopytemagpie, alternatively install "mc" and start it in the terminal ... its self explanatory10:10
=== lubmil is now known as lub`
itsbrokenhi there. my X just froze and "[drm:drm_mode_getfb] *ERROR* invalid framebuffer id" appeared in dmesg twice. what's broken there?10:16
MonkeyDustmagpie  even better: learn the CLI basics, cd, rm, ls etc10:16
magpieits ok guys,thanx for the help, MonkeyDust's advice worked like a charm10:17
dr_willislearning bash is a handy skill.10:17
=== hari is now known as Guest82664
dr_willisitsbroken: what's your video chipset?10:18
itsbrokendr_willis: intel hd 300010:18
dr_willisitsbroken:  so it worked for a while. then froze? or has it ever worked?10:19
=== Guest82664 is now known as harikt
itsbrokendr_willis: it worked for months. happend a few times in the last week.10:20
magpiei got another question, i just plugged in another flash stick and i run check filesystem and the reply is: File System is NOT clean10:20
dr_willisthats not a question ;)10:21
dr_williswhat fs is on it?10:22
magpiethe usb was working fine couple of hours ago, i messed around cause i wasnt able to delete it clean and eventually i format it which leads to this10:22
magpientfs, fat it doesnt matter, i tried a couple, usually i choose ntfs cause i use it on windows machine10:22
MonkeyDustmagpie  same: type ls -la and delete all10:23
magpieMonkeyDust its empty, i tried your advice, though it says 8 files i can only see .  and ..10:23
dr_willisyou are unmounting it befor you unplug it?10:23
magpieunmount and safe remove from the disk utility10:23
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dr_willisyou can unmount from the file manager. right click in the  left most column10:24
magpieand eject?10:24
magpieso basically the only way to delete everything and bring it back to its total capacity (8gb) is via the terminal with MonkeyDust's advice (ls -la and rm -r)10:25
dr_williseject is for optical. i think. i normally see umount and one other10:26
dr_willismagpie: what have you done to it in the past?10:26
magpiehowever if i plug it in windows pc and delete everything then the capacity shows 8gb, but if i do the same thing in linux then the opposite happens, the files are shown deleted but the capacity shows occupied10:27
dr_willisls just shows files.. dosent delete10:27
biopytemagpie, try hot water and soap10:27
Super_Manim new10:27
magpiebiopyte i painted it blue and threw it in the sea10:27
magpiedr_willis ls -la and the rm -r10:27
magpieand i delete everything10:28
dr_willisshows ocupied?10:28
magpieits 8gb capacity, if i throw in some movies lets say 4  gb and then delete them then the files are gone and not showing but the capacity is still 4gb10:28
magpieinstead of 8gb10:28
haylodo people ever sneeze when they are asleep ?10:28
MonkeyDusthaylo  wrong channel10:29
magpiehaylo try REM channel10:29
dr_willismagpie: on ubuntu you mean? clean  the trash before unplugging or unmounting it.10:29
dr_willisempty the trash i mean.10:30
WitewolfSo I tried running Ubuntu off of an installation disc and it still won't connect to the router. Windows is working perfectly fine on the same computer. On Ubuntu, it keeps trying to connect but never actually does. Any ideas?10:30
MonkeyDustWitewolf  you're in a live session?10:30
haylousb have weird trash folders. its part of how they work. its an essential part of the solid state drive, im pretty sure10:30
magpiedr_willis my  bad, i have xubuntu and i use the flash stick with ntfs format in windows machine at work. And yes, after monkeydust told me how i am able to delete the trash via terminal cause it wouldnt let me delete the trash with right click-delete10:31
WitewolfI have tried a live session and a fresh install right off the disc, where it asks if you want to connect to the internet to install drivers blah blah.10:31
MonkeyDustWitewolf  wireless or cable?10:31
dr_willisfile manager/desktoos trash empties all trash. on usb and the systems10:31
magpieWitewold open additional drivers and let it search for them10:31
MonkeyDustWitewolf  type !wifi for instructions10:32
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:32
magpiedr_willis how do i do that? sounds stupid sorry again10:33
dr_willisright click trash icon.. empty trash..10:38
dr_willisdelete files. empty trash. unmount..10:39
FloodBot1Super_Man: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:40
dr_willissome filemamageres have a delete dont send to trash.. option10:40
johhnnHello, I am using GtkEntry to get user input in my app. Is it possible to remember this input and set it to entrybox when the app is closed and launched again?10:42
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dr_willisid think  it should be possible johhnn10:43
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ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:48
ubottuloris: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:55
WitewolfMonkeyDust I am going to try installing via windows installer again so I can access the terminal and try to troubleshoot the wifi problems from there using the !wifi guide.10:55
xmint9hello, everyones ... :)10:55
green_can anyone tell me why ultimate edition 2.6 logs out occasionally?10:55
MonkeyDustWitewolf  i would advice a 'real' install, not wubi10:55
xmint9how to install modem driver trough linux directly...? anybody knows..? thanks before for the answer..10:56
xmint9my modem is smart telecom AC2627 from Indonesia..10:56
CAZ_au /msg ubottu !alis10:57
CAZ_audamn space10:57
WitewolfThis may seem like a dumb question MonkeyDust but I partitioned my drive. While installing ubuntu, should I just install inside of Windows or "other"... it's been a while since I did a clean install with Ubuntu. I want Ubuntu to use the partition that I seperated from my main drive which is currently windows10:58
xmint9!help me10:58
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:58
CAZ_auHow do i run programs from the terminal. ive allowed executing file as a program and tried CD'ing into its directory but from memory the terminal will default commands to another directory and not the current directory im in.. any ideas, should i move it to /usr/bin and then try running?11:00
abnormHi! I made a fool of myself for a few days ago. I would link me up at a friends house but there was a problem with network-manager and his router. It just said "wrong password". So I installed wicd but had to uninstall nm because it would work together. When I got home, wicd cant find my mobile broadband  = (I've tried downloading the "libs" and reinstall nm but it is difficult, at all times is the "libs" are missing or have one for11:01
abnormwhat to do?11:01
oCeanCAZ_au: the shell (bash) tries to find executable programs in the directories listed in your PATH variable (echo $PATH)  You can move programs into one of those directories, or modify the PATH variable11:02
CAZ_au$PATH echos /usr/bin so i moved it there and tried running but..11:08
CAZ_au"bash: /usr/bin/bsb: No such file or directory" but 'ls /usr/bin' shows it exists, maybe the download was corrupt and isnt executable any more.11:08
MonkeyDustCAZ_au  type ls -l /usr/bin/ | grep bsb    does it show something?11:11
sidvee_what does each column in output of "ls -l" represents?11:11
CAZ_auMonkeyDust: "-rwxr-xr-x 1 root   root     2669473 Jul 14 20:52 bsb"11:12
bkocevhow I can to join in same irc client11:12
sidvee_what does the 3rd and 4th column in ls -l represents?11:13
MonkeyDustsidvee_  the owner and group11:14
sidvee_MonkeyDust: Thank you. check from "info ls " too. :)11:16
WitewolfI think my luck has given up. I can't install Ubuntu using the disc. I go to click on the Install Inside of Windows 7, and wham. Asks me to take out installation media and it just restarts the computer.11:17
ThornvaleI'm having a problem with ubuntu studio 12.04, can anyone help me?11:18
ThornvaleWhen I play an mp3 file, the sound is messed up11:18
ThornvaleIt does play, but it gets interrupted and loops back and generally plays wrong11:18
CAZ_auWitewolf: Why not just boot from the CD or use a USB?11:19
WitewolfI did boot from the cd, trying to install it. It goes through the whole loading screen, select language, blah blah. But when I select install inside windows 7... it just shuts it down and ejects the disc11:20
MonkeyDustWitewolf  that's wubi, don't use that11:21
WitewolfI downloaded the Ubuntu file, it's a 698meg file in iso, I burned it as a bootable image and it boots off of it just fine... just won't install11:21
wolsWitewolf: error message?11:22
WitewolfNo error message, just a crap ton of text flies through the screen then it asks me to take the disk out, and hit enter... I do what it tells me and reboots my whole machine.11:22
CAZ_auWitewolf: Dont "boot" it while windows is running.11:22
WitewolfCAZ-au I am not....11:23
Thornvaleno one can help me with my mp3 problem?11:23
CAZ_auokay... when you reboot it should boot into Ubuntu, weird. maybe the bootloader wasnt set up properly11:24
oCeanThornvale: it has been 5 minutes since you asked. Have some patience, help is not always immediately available. Try asking again in maybe 15 minutes11:25
MonkeyDustThornvale  dfine "messed up"11:25
WitewolfYeah, it doesn't install anything. Maybe I should try downloading an older version of Ubuntu and worry about updating it later.11:25
zixxyThornvale, I've never used it. Maybe try #ubuntustudio11:26
ThornvaleWell, basically when I play a file it gets interrupted with noise or loops back to a earlier part.11:26
delacWitewolf: propably not necessary. just describe how you did the installation process11:27
CAZ_auWitewolf: I think its the partition thats screwing up on install. Best bet while installing is let the install use your entire harddrive, or manually partition it if you know what your doing. But i gather you want to dual boot along side WIN 7 and not destroy it11:27
MonkeyDustThornvale  what media player?11:28
Thornvaleall of them, vlc, totem, rythmbox, audacious, movie player...11:28
WitewolfAye, I partitioned my hardrive earlier. Each partition has 500Gb. I installed wubi on it before, but then uninstalled it. I am now trying the disc... I boot up the machine, put the disc in, shut down... turn on... go into the boot menu then boot off of the CD-Rom drive.11:29
MonkeyDustThornvale  other formats too, .ogg .flac etc or mp3 only11:29
Thornvalehaven't tried yet with .ogg or .flacs, let me download a .ogg file and I'll tell you11:31
ThornvaleBut youtube videos seem to work just fine11:31
MonkeyDustThornvale  .mp3 is not free or open, that's why i'm asking11:31
delacWitewolf: do you start the installation right after the boot menu or from the desktop icon after bit of testing?11:31
ThornvaleI know11:31
ThornvaleBut it's the format the files are in11:31
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MonkeyDustThornvale  maybe you need an additional codec for mp311:33
WitewolfWhen I put in the CD the GRUB menu asks, Try Ubuntu or Install Ubuntu... I just click install... takes about 5 minutes on the Ubuntu Loading screen, then I select my language, select to connect to the internet *which isn't working for some weird reason* then click Install Inside of Windows 7. Before clicking anything I always make sure the CD-Rom drive isn't reved up, so it's not a matter of doing anything to quickly.11:33
ThornvaleI'm trying to isntall the one directly from the fluendo website, maybe it'll work better11:33
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Thornvalenop, still the same problem, I'll as over at #ubuntustudio11:35
MonkeyDustWitewolf  do *not* install inside windows, it'll go better :)11:36
CAZ_auhuh, from memory i only remeber there being an Install 'Along side Windows 7' option for me. Either way it should have set up a dual boot of WIn 7 and Ubuntu. Mayby the boot partition is still being defaulted to the Windows boot loader and ignoring GRUB11:36
delacWitewolf: Inside of Windows7? Sounds like you are using wubi. You could try using the "test without installation" option and then starting the installation from the desktop icon. That is what I always do. You would also be able to get the internet to work beforehand.11:37
WitewolfI try clicking on the "Other" button, select the partition I want and it comes up with an error about root menu isn't setup or some crap like that lol.11:38
delacYou would need to assign one of the partitions with "/"11:38
MonkeyDustWitewolf  do you have space left on your hdd, where you can install ubuntu?11:38
delacThe one you want to install the ubuntu on11:39
WitewolfYes, each partition has 500GB11:39
CAZ_auPartiotn should look like this, you need to set up a / (called root) partition and a SWAP partition, and then set it up to boot from / or make a separate /boot partition.11:39
delacWitewolf: yes, swapt too. Should usually be as large as your total ram amount11:40
CAZ_authere should be a box to set where to boot from and you need to select the right drive11:40
WitewolfLet me try trying ubuntu without installing, see if i can fix the network issue then try installing from there.... haven't had this many issues trying to install ubuntu ever lol11:41
CAZ_aupersonally i have 1tb set up with separtate partitions for /, /home and /boot plus SWAP.11:41
Thornvaleseems no one answers me at #ubuntustudio11:41
MonkeyDustWitewolf  http://imgur.com/a/rw1r2#3    read this, to get an idea11:41
Thornvaleand .oggs play just fine11:41
delacWitewolf: you can chip that little swap partition off the 500gb partition.11:41
MonkeyDustThornvale  great, so it's most probably a codec issue for mp311:41
delacWitewolf: but do it before you start the installation process11:42
delaceasier that way11:42
_PanzerSajtHy! I have installed Ubuntu on an omap 4460board but I was unable to install 3d drivers. "depmod -a" gives this output: "FATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/3.0.21+/modules.dep.tmp for writing: Read-only file system"11:42
MonkeyDustThornvale  type !mp3 for instructions11:43
Thornvalein the terminal?11:43
MonkeyDustThornvale  no here11:44
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:44
_PanzerSajtcan someone help me with omap4 driver installation?11:45
WitewolfSo should I go back, unpartition the drive using the software I partitioned it with... then partition it using the ubuntu installer?11:45
bigjoei have this problem: until the latest system update ubuntu 12.04 worked fine on my laptop. Yesterday was an update, since i can't see icons on the startpanel (on the left). I can run apps from it, just can't see icon. Yesterday i did a clean 12.04 install, worked fine until the latest updates again.11:46
MonkeyDustWitewolf  launch the live session, use gparted to partition11:46
Thornvaleit still has problems when turned to.ogg11:47
delacWitewolf: you dont need to "unpartition" anything if you already got a partition. Any partition is as good as other. You just need to do bit more partitioning to get the swap partition11:47
MonkeyDustThornvale  just renaming won't solve the issue11:47
Thornvaleno, exported it with audacity11:48
delacWitewolf: do you know how to use gparted?11:48
Witewolf_I am messing around with it to see if I can partition it the right way, maybe I didn't partition it correctly and it funked it all up11:50
Witewolf_Should it be ext2 or NTFS for the file system?11:51
ThornvaleMust be a sound car problem then11:51
Thornvaleif there is still trouble after exporting to .ogg11:51
delacWitewolf_: ext4 for the partition you use as installation partition. swap for the swap11:52
wolsWitewolf_: do you have windows on that disk already?11:53
delacWitewolf_: it is good idea to format the swap aprtition before installation process. Then on the custom partition selection screen on installation, it will automatically recognixe the swap and you dont have to worry about it. Just note that there is one partition with swap label nad it will use it11:53
delacWitewolf_: you only need to select the installation partition, assign it with "/" and mark it with formatting with ext411:54
MattiasI'm using ubuntu server, and I was wondering. I made a service called znc. now, it works and all, but how do I add it to system startup? I'm used to archlinux which has a DAEMON list in rc.conf -.- anything similar on ubuntu?11:54
delacWitewolf_: just make sure you are selecting the empty partition and not the one with your windows on it :)11:55
Witewolf_Well, I am partitioning it right now as ext4... now what?11:55
|Long|hi folks, i need some help plz...i has scheduling crontab's jobs under root account and it does not executed from the time scheduled, is there any log or somewhere i can look for it error?11:55
Witewolf_^ did11:55
ikonia|Long|: root is disabled11:56
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/11:56
wolsMattias: ^^11:56
delacWitewolf_: it doesnt matter how you do the partitionong now with the grub. It is still advisable to mark it for formatting on the installation11:56
dr_willisMattias:  how did you make ut a service. i run znc as a user here.11:56
|Long|ikonia, how can i turn it on?11:56
ikonia|Long|: you don't11:56
ikonia|Long|: it's locked for a reason11:56
Mattiasdr_willis: http://wiki.znc.in/Running_ZNC_as_a_system_daemon11:56
delacWitewolf_: but the actual partitioning is always good to do before installation process11:56
killer_hi...i installed ubuntu on usb ...now how do i start it?11:57
|Long|ikonia, so is there away i can re-schedule it for different user?11:57
Witewolf_Yeah, just finished it... now I am going to start the ubuntu installer via desktop and see what happens lol11:57
Mattiasdr_willis: also make sure the file is in unix fileformat :P apparently I got it as dos somehow and then it didn't work (file not found)11:57
ikonia|Long|: is there a reason you're not using your own user ?11:57
|Long|ikonia, well, i tried that but it doesnt run on scheduled time11:58
delacWitewolf_: but if you now have ~500gb partition and swap partition and working internet. then you can go on with the installation from the desktop icon.11:58
ikonia|Long|: right, so if it doesn't work on your scheduled time, it's most likley a problem with your cronjob setup, rather than the account, so resolve it as you, rather than trying to make it run as root11:58
MonkeyDustWitewolf_  partitioning is the hard part11:58
Witewolf_well thats the problem... i can't get the internet to work... shall I work on that before I actually start the installer?11:58
|Long|ikonia, is there a error log or where i can check to see why it is not run?11:59
delacWitewolf_: might be good idea. It should work on the live cd if it is going to work at all.11:59
Mattiasdr_willis: ooh, don't forget to use mosh too! http://mosh.mit.edu/  it's awesome. (^^♪11:59
Thornvalegahh no matter what I do the sound is still fucke dup11:59
ikonia|Long|: why don't you pastebin a.) your crontab entry b.) the script (if you are calling a script) you are trying to run11:59
delacWitewolf_: what kind of connection you should have?12:00
Witewolf_Well lets address that issue then... It seems to see the router, but it gets caught up in a loop and won't actually connect.. .just keeps trying12:00
delacWitewolf_: so normal wthernet?12:00
MonkeyDustWitewolf_  use a cable to start, not wireless12:00
Witewolf_Unfortunately I can't.12:01
MonkeyDustWitewolf_  now you have to try and install, AND configure wireless12:01
delacWitewolf_: does ubuntu give you the jockey driver manager?12:02
Witewolf_Well, majority of the issue would be wireless for right now. I can always troubleshoot the install later.12:02
aaa801How can i mount a yaffs2 image dump?12:02
Witewolf_Applications/Additional Drivers?12:02
delacWitewolf_: I mean, does the wireless adapter on the machone need closed source drivers?12:02
delacWitewolf_: yes, additional drivers12:03
Witewolf_I doubt it, whats the command to check wlan in the terminal?12:03
Witewolf_delac: nothing comes up in the additional drivers window12:04
MonkeyDustaaa801  i had never heard of it, but there's this http://yaffs.net/howto-incorporate-yaffs-linux12:04
delacWitewolf_: on the other hand, you did say it does see the router? just gets in to loop?12:04
Witewolf_Yes... it sees the router, and attempts to connect.. but it can't successfully connect.. just keeps trying over and over12:05
delacWitewolf_: in that case it's propably not missing driver, but could still be some driver problem...12:05
|Long|ikonia, here is it http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1091399/12:06
Witewolf_Yeah, thats what I'm thinking but I can't seem to figure it out lol.12:07
delacWitewolf_: or it mighthave something to do with the connection encryption. You do have encrypted connection?12:07
sacarlsonWitewolf_: wifi encrypted by any chance?  if so did you try unencrypted if it's your AP to test?12:08
Witewolf_let me see...12:09
Mattiaswols: thanks, rebooted the server to try.. apparently it already started on boot now when the file is in unix format.12:09
Witewolf_that's weird.. while in ubuntu live I can't access the router...12:10
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delacWitewolf_: propably because you cant connect to the wireless router :)12:10
Witewolf_Aye lol12:11
BluesKajHiyas all12:11
delacWitewolf_: you need to do the setting up of the router from windows or get the cable12:11
delacWitewolf_: also, if you can, use wpa2 rather than just wpa12:12
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Witewolf_Yeah, I am trying to remember where I wrote down the router info... since I can never remember the sequence lol.. this day is just getting better and better :D12:12
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|Long|ikonia, i tried chown user /u /etc/crontab it give me premission denied, eventhought i has it on 77712:13
ikonia|Long|: that's not what I said to do12:13
ikonia|Long|: I can't see much of that working12:14
|Long|ikonia, i know, i just tried to see if there is other way around12:14
ikonia|Long|: do any of those cronjobs run12:14
ikoniaI can't see any of them working12:15
|Long|none of them run as that scheduled time12:15
ikoniamaybe get the scripts working, but the first two no12:15
|Long|it will run if i do manually and individually12:15
ikonia|Long|: yes, but thats not how crontab works, the first two will not work12:16
WitewolfWell I am stuck until I can figure out how to get a million other things working lol, thanks for all the help guys.12:16
|Long|ikonia, what eles can i do to make it to work bud?12:16
ikonia|Long|: the first two - no chance, you'd have to approach it totally different, the scripts, I suspect that's a simple matter of quoting the the job so it knows about the argument (and making sure the scripts are executable)12:17
|Long|ikonia, ok12:18
WitewolfI can mess with wireless later, but the error I get when I choose which partition I want to install Ubuntu on is... "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu."12:18
|Long|all those jobs are has +x and 75512:18
blackshirtchoose your root partition12:19
blackshirtHi mobhero12:19
mobherohow to install GITHub server in ubuntu 10.04 server, pls help me..12:19
delacWitewolf: yes, you need to assign the ~500gp partiton with the root "/" tag. That way the installer knows where you want to install ubuntu12:19
blackshirtmobhero, install git-core packages12:19
mobheroblackshirt- then how can i configure. pls suggest any website to setup12:20
WitewolfHow do I assign that partition with the root "/" tag?12:20
ikonia|Long|: ok, so execpt for the chroot jobs - they are wrong, try properly quoting the script as a string so it knows the second option is an argument to the first12:21
Witewolfalso, do I want it to have a boot flag?12:22
delacWitewolf: no need to mess with the boot flag as far as I know.12:22
delacWitewolf: http://www.muktware.com/sites/default/files/images/manual/ubuntu-11-04/fresh_install_root.png12:23
delacWitewolf: so just select the partiton, get that window to show up somehow :) and select ext4 and mount point /12:23
Witewolfgot ya, doing that now12:24
WitewolfCame up with a window saying something about Swap?12:25
Witewolfdo I have to have swap space?12:26
WitewolfWhich partition should I make Swap Area as?12:27
delacWitewolf: yes, it is advisable. didnt you already do the ram sized swap aprtiton with the gparted?12:27
Witewolfhmmm i think i skipped that part lol.. knowing me i completely forgot... mind helping me on that really quick before I start the installation?12:27
delacWitewolf: well, open up the gparted and chip off the ~500gb partition a smaller partition with the size of your ram and format that as swap12:29
Qualiahey how can i use usenet ?12:29
usr13__Qualia: Ask your ISP12:30
Benkinoobyis it safe to modify ntfs partitions with gparted?12:30
Witewolfunfortunately i already have 4 partitions....12:30
MonkeyDustBenkinooby  modify?12:30
delacWitewolf: but you still propably should get the wireless fixed before you actually start the installation. No use to have os with no network connection :)12:30
BenkinoobyMonkeyDust, extends the partition to unformated space12:30
MonkeyDustBenkinooby  sure, but make sure you don't lose data, backup first12:31
delacWitewolf: any of the about the size of your ram and empty?12:31
BenkinoobyMonkeyDust, thx12:31
delacWitewolf: them*12:31
Witewolfnone that are empty... System/OS/HP Recovery/Linux12:32
usr13__Qualia: http://sabnzbd.org/ may be of interest to you.12:32
delacWitewolf: then you need to split up the linux partition12:33
Witewolfhow can I split it up if I can't create another patition for the swap?12:34
delacWhiskey: why cant you create another partiton?12:34
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usr13__or http://usenetreviewz.com/best-usenet-clients/12:34
WitewolfSays it is impossible to have more than 4 partitions12:34
bekksWitewolf: Having four primary partitions, you have to delete at least one to create an extended partition for containing logical partitions.12:35
usr13__Witewolf: Not true12:35
WitewolfThats what the pop-up windows says....12:35
MonkeyDustWitewolf  in a terminal, type sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit and paste the url here, so we can see12:35
bekksusr13__: You cant create more than four primary partitions on a MSDOS disk label12:35
usr13__bekks: Witewolf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning12:36
bekksusr13__: Then please read that again, and leran what primary partitions are, and why you cant create more than four primary partitions on a MSDOS disk label.12:36
stef1ahi. I'm using ubuntu 12.04, and whenever I plug in any headphones or earbuds (via USB or jack), I can't get any sound. Help?12:37
bekksusr13__: Having at least one extended partition, you can create more than four partitions.12:37
Witewolf*sigh* can't install pastebinit, or get it because I have no internet lol12:37
usr13__bekks: Correct12:37
MonkeyDustWitewolf  find a cable and 95% of your problems are solved12:37
elspuddyquestion , is there anying to make an iphone see a network printer useing ubuntu ?12:38
usr13__Witewolf: bekks Of course, there's the option of adding another HDD.12:38
WitewolfWell, they don't make a long enough cable to reach from the router to my machine lol. And I am not going to move all my equipment up and down stairs all day.12:39
Witewolfguess I am SOL heh12:39
delacWitewolf: maybe you should put the internet connection as priority one :)12:39
usr13__Witewolf: Who is they?12:39
malasomeone use irssi here?12:39
MonkeyDustmala  me12:39
Witewolfusr13_: -_-12:39
usr13__Witewolf: (I can make a cable <300'12:40
malaMonkeyDust i am trying to connect to the freenode with it12:40
WitewolfHaha, aye but I am not going to spend hundreds of dollars on a cable12:40
bekksmala: And whats the problem?12:40
MonkeyDustmala   irssi -c irc.freenode.org -n mala12:40
MonkeyDustmala  -c means channel   -n means nick12:41
usr13__Witewolf: It doesn't cost that much.  And there is always wireless.12:41
bekksstart irssi, type "/connect irc.freenode.net"12:41
Witewolfreally now? thats the damn issue I have been trying to solve... is on how to get wireless to work.12:41
delacWitewolf: try opening up the Network Connections manager and from the wireless tab, open up the connection you are using for the router. Then check the encryption tab from there.12:42
LaykeHow do I change the location that terminal windows open at?12:42
usr13__Witewolf: O12:42
malaMonkeyDust hey i got it12:42
usr13__Witewolf: What seems to be the problem?12:42
bekksLayke: No. Bash doesnt have anything to do with the location an X application opens at.12:42
usr13__Witewolf: Too far? Too many walls?12:42
matheusMonkeyDust how i can create a channel to talk with you?12:43
Witewolfdelac: from which computer, the one that is connected with internet access, or the soon to be linux machine?12:43
MonkeyDustmatheus  you are talking to me right now, if you mean pm, i don't like that12:43
usr13__Witewolf: If you have trouble with encryption, just go into router settings and turn it off.12:43
matheusMoneyDust: i know, only to learn to do that with irssi12:43
LaykeAny ideas bekks Where I could set it?12:44
bekksWitewolf: Dont do that. That will enable all your neighbors to use your wifif.12:44
Layke(Have tried Googling already)12:44
delacWitewolf: soon linux, the one you cannoct connect with12:44
matheusi don't know the commands here12:44
usr13__bekks: Witewolf Don't be so paranoid.12:44
bekksusr13__: I am realistic, not paranoid.12:44
stef1ahi. I'm using ubuntu 12.04, and whenever I plug in any headphones or earbuds (via USB or jack), I can't get any sound. Help?12:44
usr13__bekks: Call it what you want  :)12:44
Laykebekks, Ah. I can do it from the Settings, under "Initial Directory"12:45
matheusMoneyDust: do you know to auto-start the linux with irssi ?12:45
matheusin tty ?12:45
MonkeyDustmatheus  simply type /help12:45
ubottufox4: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:45
usr13__bekks: Witewolf Looks like you guys are unable / unwilling to solve problems. Oh well, I'm outta here...12:46
matheusnothing happens12:46
Witewolfwell, it is unencrypted...12:46
Witewolfand still won't connect12:46
sawyer_what is the suggested manner of installing php-fpm on ubuntu 10.04?12:46
MonkeyDustmatheus  first learn the basics, then learn how to automate things12:46
sawyer_i saw either compiling php manually or installing the packages from brian mercer's apt repository12:47
matheusMonkeyDust i am mala12:47
BluesKajWitewolf, you probly need to reset the router12:47
matheusw8 a minute12:47
delacWitewolf: you set up your router to be unencrypted?12:47
BluesKajmatheus, speak english please , not IM12:47
matheusi am doing this =)12:48
WitewolfNope, now it is encrypted.... I don't need to reset it because this computer I am using for this IRC channel is using the same router perfectly fine.12:48
BluesKajWitewolf, ok , wasn't sure of your setup12:48
delacWitewolf: what is unencrypted then?12:48
WitewolfNothing apparently lol12:49
mankoffHi. Brand-new clean Ubuntu 12.04 install. How do I get 'nvidia-detector' to return something other than 'none'?12:49
mankoffcomputer has GT-650M card...12:49
delacWitewolf: ok, so it says wpa on the wireless security tab in the network connections window?12:50
matheussorry ask that, but how i change the name?12:50
matheusi already ahve anothe nickname and i am using irssi12:51
BluesKajmankoff, have you checked out restricted drivers ?12:51
mankoffBluesKaj how do I do that?12:51
WitewolfIt's WPA212:51
tesseraktis it safe to run fsck on a mounted drive?12:51
bekkstesserakt: NO.12:51
mankoffBluesKaj I've seen mention of Bumblebee, etc. Is that what you refer to?12:51
Mattiasmankoff: http://www.linuxcandy.com/2012/06/the-nvidia-fiasco.html12:51
MattiasKept me from using linux on the laptop :/12:51
tesseraktbekks, so that can only be done before boot automatically by ubuntu? or can I manually unmount a drive and then check it? the thing is that I have a computer that manages quite some files, and it does not restart very often. I want to ensure the integrity of the files12:52
Witewolfdelac: WPA212:52
delacWitewolf: which one does your router use, WPA or WPA2?12:52
matheussomeone knwo?12:53
bekkstesserakt: Then unshare it, unmount it and run fsck on it.12:53
WitewolfWPA2 lol12:53
mankoffMattias: Ugh. Ok. I've been aware of this, but thought Nvidia supporte 650M. Maybe not. Is Bumble 64-bit? I tried that with another install, and got the impression it might be 32 bit only...12:53
bekksmankoff: Do you mean bumblebee?12:54
Mattiasmankoff: no idea. try here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee12:54
Mattiasshould be both -.-12:54
bekksmankoff: Actually it doesnt matter wether it is 32 or 64bit.12:54
=== matheus is now known as mala
BluesKajmankoff, bumblebee is for laptops that use 2 levels of graphics that uses 2 different graphics chips and drivers, is that your setup?12:55
mankoffBluesKaj I'm not sure. I have purchased a laptop *specifically* for CUDA work I need to do, but am having trouble getting it set up...12:56
mankoffOptimus seems different than CUDA?12:56
mankoffIn which case, bumblebee might not help?12:56
Witewolfdelac: WPA2 if you didn't see my message before12:56
delacWitewolf: Not sure what to do. Try messing around with the settings there to see if anything helps. You could also delete that connection and let ubuntu create a new one.12:57
bekksmankoff: In every other case.12:57
lnxslckanyone uses banshee?12:57
merp_Hi guys, I have a Toshiba Satellite, it has precise pangolin on it at the moment. I can't seem to get my built-in microphone to be recognized by ubuntu. I go to the sound settings ad under input nothing is listed.12:57
Mattiasmankoff: you mean this? http://samiux.blogspot.se/2011/05/howto-nvidia-cuda-toolkit-40-on-ubuntu.html12:57
bmtahimikI just installed and dual booted my lenovo notebook that currently has win7 ultimate 32 bit12:58
Mattiasmankoff: you might want both :) better battery life then12:58
mankoffMattias: I'll try that last link. Thanks. FYI I have this laptop: http://usa.asus.com/Notebooks/Multimedia_Entertainment/N56VZ/12:58
bmtahimikand I cant find the files that I have in drive d12:58
mankoffMattias: Not sure if that has the 2 levels you refer to.12:58
bekkslnxslck: Please just ask what you really want to know.12:58
bmtahimiksorry for being such a noob12:59
MattiasGT650M has optimus tech12:59
malai am trying to auyto-start irssi when i do the login with a name, its possible ?12:59
lnxslckhow to change the UI language in banshee?12:59
Mattiasmost new nvidia mobile cards do12:59
bmtahimikCan anyone help out?12:59
katronixI somehow turned off support for InnoDB in MySQL/MariaDB can anyone suggest how I turn it back on? it does appear to be turned on in the my.cnf file12:59
M4FiaHi All FreeBSD Is Better Or UbunTu?13:00
MattiasM4Fia: Whatever you feel comfortable with.13:00
katronixM4Fia, depends on what you use it for13:00
OerHeksmankoff, Mattias with Optimus please take a look @ bumblebee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee  and there is also a #bumblebee irc channel here on freenode13:00
mankoffOerHeks ok I will. Thank you.13:00
merp_bmtahimik, can you outline the problem further? Can you find drive D, or is it just the files that seem to be missing?13:00
MattiasM4Fia: I'm actually setting up an ubuntu server right now :) I never liked BSD before13:01
BluesKajmankoff. look for additional drivers , dunno which desktop you're using so...13:01
merp_As a reminder.... Hi guys, I have a Toshiba Satellite, it has precise pangolin on it at the moment. I can't seem to get my built-in microphone to be recognized by ubuntu. I go to the sound settings and under input nothing is listed. ???13:02
=== ganster is now known as las_vegas
bmtahimikThanks merp, I cant find Drive D when Im logged in using WIn7. But when I log in using Ubuntu, I can see my files in C drive, I can open them. But I cant see the folders & files that I have in drive D13:02
M4Fiatnx Mattias13:02
MonkeyDustmerp_  in a terminal, type alsamixer, use the arrows to navigate, if you see MM, go there and press m13:03
merp_Thank you, MonkeyDust13:03
MattiasM4Fia: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/index.html  And use this :)13:03
=== erry_ is now known as erry
MattiasM4Fia: Will you use Raid?13:04
merp_MonkeyDust, all I see is mic boost, could that have anything to do with it?13:04
bmtahimikWhen I open up File system in Ubuntu it says it lists 262GB File System under Devices13:04
MattiasBecause ubuntu server couldn't manage to install a bootloader on my Raid1 when I ran the installation.. had to boot the system with a rescuecd and install grub2 manually13:04
M4FiaMattias Yeh13:04
MonkeyDustmerp_ yeah, try it13:04
ericccsaysssI AM FINALLY A NEW UBUNTU USER!  ...sorry, excited...13:05
MattiasM4Fia: http://www.sysresccd.org/SystemRescueCd_Homepage this iso (make it a liveusb with http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ ) can boot the system without a bootloader13:05
malaMonkeyDust to put the irssi to auto-start i need to put the command irssi inside the cron, yes?13:05
MonkeyDust!yay| ericccsaysss13:05
ubottuericccsaysss: Glad you made it! :-)13:05
MattiasM4Fia: so in the installation, you pick the "no bootloader" option if grub won't install :P13:05
MonkeyDustmala  no, cron is for scheduling tasks13:06
M4Fiavery very very tnx Mattias13:06
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
tking_can i ask kubuntu questions here?13:07
malaMonkeyDust: ou have dome idea of how do that?13:07
bekksmala: in a tty, there is no way to automatically run things at login.13:07
nannestkingOf course, this is *ubuntu channel13:07
merp_MoneyDust, nothing happend. Ubuntu can't seem to see I have a mic.13:07
nannestking_: Even if there's also the #Kubuntu one13:07
=== pizza-dude is now known as wiiguy
LaykeMan that was a nightmare. I just hit alt shift + f1, and had no idea how to get x back. I tried,  startx, service kdm start, ctrl + alt + (all the fkeys).13:08
malabekks: or i can use that in the terminal at GUI interface13:08
LaykeHad to restart in the end.13:08
merp_bmtahimik, is Drive D and external harddrive or an internal hard drive?13:08
bekksLayke: ctrl+alt+f713:08
merp_Well then13:08
malabkks: in GUI interface is possbile to auto-start the irssi?13:08
LaykeI thought I tried that one. Thanks for confirmation though. I saw that in some guide, I lynxed to. I'll try it now anyway13:09
lafonmerp_: Can you see the mic in another OS or in the BIOS?13:09
bekksmala: It is possible to autostart applications, yes. But get familiar with the basics first, before automate things.13:09
merp_I don't have another os, and what is BIOS?13:09
nannes(15:07:26) <bekks>: mala: in a tty, there is no way to automatically run things at login.13:10
nannesI don't think so, bekks! ~/.bash_login is for that exact purpose!13:10
bekksmerp_: BIOS is the thing that starts immediately after turning on your PC.13:10
merp_Oh. How do I look for a microphone there?13:10
bekksnannes: What if someone doesnt use bash? :)13:10
etswhi, my "battery icon" dissapered13:11
nannesAlmost everyone uses bash. And I think that the others shells have that feature, too13:11
etswhow can I turn it back ?13:11
merp_etsw, could you be clearer on "battery icon"?13:11
malabekks: i am familiar i use ubuntu for  more than 6 mounths13:11
lafonmerp_: When the computer boots press the button on your keyboard that enters setup (with toshiba I believe it13:11
lafonit's F2*13:12
etswmerp_: icon at right top, I use gnome-session-fallback. classic gnome view.13:12
bekksmala: At least, you should configure irssi before autostarting it.13:12
ActionParsniphey guys, how can I define the folder that VLC uses for the 'media library' in the web interface. Thanks13:12
merp_Then what when i reboot?13:12
tightworkwhy is cups a dep of doxygen?13:12
malabekks: now u get me i started irssi today :)13:12
merp_etsw, go in to power settings.13:13
lafonmerp_: No then go look in devices (or whatever is similarly named.) If your device isn't showing there it means that the hardware isn't being recognised.13:13
tking_cant find wireless nework on the kubuntu task bar13:13
ActionParsniptightwork: for printing maybe, you can report a bug if you find it surplus13:13
etswmerp_: it's not there.13:13
lafonMy BIOS has it listed as Peripherals13:13
bekksmala: You could refer to this as a starting point: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi13:14
ActionParsniptking_: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan13:14
merp_as in system settings then power settings...?13:14
malabekks: i am at the irssi site now, thank you a lot =)13:15
Mattiasmala: Wait what? irssi? Why not weeChat? :D13:16
merp_etsw, as in when you go in to system settings the power icon is not there?13:16
etswmerp_: yes =(13:17
merp_etsw, have you recently upgraded or downgraded or installed anything?13:17
merp_or for that matter, removed anything, etsw?13:18
laporteHi all. I have trouble viewing flash video with firefox. If I open any video I have a black square and the  video doesn't play. I'm using firefox 13.0.1 and flash plugin version 11.2.202 is install and detected by  firefox ...13:18
laporteI have absolutly no idea of where the problem comes from. By the way it used to work before the lubuntu 12.04  upgrade.13:19
laporteThere are no information in the console if I start firefox from there and I haven't found anything on the  internet that worked.13:19
etswmerp_: I think I remove gnome-battery control thing but I cant remember it's name =( I try to install battery-stataus but couldnt. https://live.gnome.org/BatteryStatus13:19
merp_laporte, what page are you viewing the videos?13:19
ActionParsniplaporte: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'13:20
MonkeyDustlaporte  try right clicingon the video, enable or disable accelleration13:20
LaykeWhere do I set my shorts so that I can quickly open a terminal window?13:20
ActionParsnipLayke: ctrl+alt+t13:21
ActionParsnipLayke: if you use terminal a lot, I suggest you install guake13:21
laporteActionParsnip: result is at http://pastebin.com/B13NYHHY13:21
LaykeThanks. Yeah I seem to be using it a lot.13:21
merp_derp go around an steal my name >.>13:22
tking_how do i kill skype cos it wont exit from the task bar13:22
MonkeyDusttking_  pkill skype13:23
ActionParsniplaporte: you could uninstall the package named there, enable the partner repo and install the adobe-flashplugin package, may help13:23
LaykeOr xkill and click on it13:23
laporteMonkeyDust: This is weird, I can't right click on the video (I mean I can but nothing happen :) )13:23
BluesKajLayke, or drag it to  a panel launcher13:23
MonkeyDustxkill just kills the gui, not the process13:24
laportemerp_: On dailymotion for exemple but on youtube it is the same except that I doesn't have a black square but a white one13:24
merp_well guys, imma go into bio nd find my mic now, bye!13:25
merp_BIOS, i mean13:25
=== not_a_rabbit is now known as aperture
derpHi, is there a way to install 64 bit packages in winetricks like dotnet automatically? cause it download only 32 versions13:25
LaykeActionParsnip, Any way to change the shortcut from f12? on guake?13:26
mankoffMattias: That link (http://samiux.blogspot.se/2011/05/howto-nvidia-cuda-toolkit-40-on-ubuntu.html) is for 11.04 and doesn't work for precise pangolin... :(.13:27
LaykeActionParsnip, Found it.13:27
FanshaweHello all, I have a simple question today. How do I 'cd' to a folder on an external drive? I have a separate drive called 'laptop storage' and I can't cd through '/media/laptop storage', as it says the folder does not exist13:27
bastidrazorFanshawe: cd /media/laptop\ storage13:28
bastidrazorFanshawe: also, you can use tab completion to complete the filenames and folder names13:28
Fanshawe'bash: cd: /media/laptop: No such file or directory'13:29
FanshaweI'm returned with that, even with the backslash13:29
Fanshaweoh wait, I've got it, yes tab completion works a treat13:29
MonkeyDustFanshawe  do you see the external drive when you type mount ?13:29
Fanshaweit was my mistake, capital letters13:30
Fanshawethank you very much bastidrazor, MonkeyDust13:30
bastidrazorFanshawe: you're welcome.13:30
BluesKajmankoff, did you locate the additional drivers ?13:31
Mattiasmankoff: dunno, that was the link the 12.04 bumblebee page provided at the bottom13:31
mankoffI see "Additional Drivers (jockey-gtk). Is that what you mean?13:31
BluesKajmankoff, yes13:32
mankoffBluesKaj I'll try those now...13:32
BluesKajchoose the recommended driver , mankoff13:32
BluesKajactivate it actually13:33
mankoffBluesKaj: It says "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system" and I can't do anything other than "Close".13:33
BluesKajmankoff, so it's already installed if you followed that CUDA tutorial13:33
derpis there a way to prevent Skype quit unexpectedly?13:34
tking_MonkeyDust, pkill didnt work13:34
mankoffBluesKaj which tutorial? The only Mattias linked doesn't work on 12.04 Do you mean the bumblebee tutorial?13:35
Mattiasmankoff: What was it that didn't work?13:35
MonkeyDusttking_  type ps -e | grep skype     do you see skype?13:35
mankoffMattias: "W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/aaron-haviland/cuda-4.0/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found"13:35
mankoffMattias: The "apt-get add-repository" line is this:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aaron-haviland/cuda-4.013:36
mankoffMattias: But must tweak itself for my system, precise pangolin.13:36
MonkeyDustmankoff  mind: a ppa is a non-official software source, use at own risk13:36
mankoffMonkeyDust: Yes. But there *aren't* official sources that seem to get CUDA working, as far as I can tell...13:37
BluesKajmankoff, your laptop doesn't need bumblebee13:37
Mattiasmankoff: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/iRiE/20120309/1331303439 for cuda 4.213:37
Mattiasah 4.1*13:38
MonkeyDustmankoff  did you see this http://www.nvidia.com/content/cuda/cuda-downloads.html13:39
MonkeyDustmankoff  12.04 is not in the list, tho13:39
Mattiaswas just going to post that :P13:39
Mattiasno support for 12.0413:39
laporteI've activated partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin but the problem with firefox is still there.13:39
mankoffMonkeyDust & Mattias: Right... Maybe I should install 11.04...13:40
MonkeyDustnvidia and thorvalds are not the best of friends13:40
Mattiasmankoff: but according to the japanese blog above, they got it installed13:40
Mattiason 12.0413:40
mankoffMattias: OK I will try that. Also seems to be similar instructions here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtPAJ9BR1W813:40
Mattiasjust follow the commands :)13:40
mankoffRight :).13:40
tking_MonkeyDust, yes i see skype13:41
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest81676
Mattiasmankoff: if you need anything translated I happen to know Japanese :P13:42
=== Guest81676 is now known as Aitor
shomNewcomer to Xchat, my 1st question! The right hand panel with the list of users does not seem to be here?  Which setting needs to be changed13:42
MonkeyDusttking_  kill the pid, the nulber you see there13:42
bazhangshom this is xchat, or xchat-gnome13:42
bazhangAitor, with what13:43
MonkeyDustAitor  start with a question13:43
Aitorim install ubuntu 12.04 and wifi :S13:43
mankoffMattias: Ok thank you. I'll try with cut-and-paste and google, but will ask if I need more help.13:43
Aitorwifi no13:43
maks232hi! I have somehow misconfigured my ubuntu profile and wanted to ask how I can narrow down the failure... I was playing with the advanced settings & gnome extensions... after rebooting and trying to login i alwas get back to the login screen13:43
Calinoushom, Ctrl+F713:43
bazhang!enter | Aitor13:43
ubottuAitor: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:43
MonkeyDustAitor  first install ubuntu, then wireless13:43
shomCalinou, Thanks a lot13:44
Aitorwireless not work13:44
bazhang!details | Aitor13:44
maks232i created a 2nd acc via the guest acc.13:44
ubottuAitor: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:44
Aitorinstall ubuntu 12.04 and wireless not work, solution?13:45
maks232the 2nd acc works13:45
MonkeyDustAitor  type !wifi for instructions13:46
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:46
BluesKajmankoff, your graphics card will run perfectly fine on 12.04 with the right driver ...this cuda app is merely an enhancement. You should really just get the proper graphics driver first , then if you want more fancy stuff run the cuda thing13:48
ubuntu__hello hej13:49
ericccsaysssdangit, i think i just murdered my hdd :(13:49
mankoffBluesKaj: OK, how do I get the right driver? I'm not sure about even that... :( But I *need* CUDA for a specific app I want to run.13:49
ubuntu__hmm not good mate13:49
JoyRideAlpha /msg NickServ identify13:49
JoyRideAlpha /msg NickServ identify j13:50
ubuntu__im new att this ubuntu xubuntu thing13:50
oikeestientajuuI'm nwe too.13:50
ubuntu__i think i need help ..can enyone help me13:50
MonkeyDustubuntu__  start with a question13:51
BluesKajmankoff, oh ok , then I'll stop interfering ..didn't realize that  ,my apologies13:51
ubuntu__i need to get the text in swedish and i dont  know were to find it13:51
mankoffBluesKaj thanks, you have been helpful.13:52
ericccsayssstext for what?13:52
ericccsaysssdo you mean characters?13:52
djzylex657i cannot mount my cdrom but i can burn cds with it?13:53
tking_MonkeyDust, i saw this 4587 ?        00:25:20 skype and did pkill 4587 did work :) funny skype i guess13:53
ubuntu__when i write here it is eng and thats fine but i have friends that cant write or speak eng s[ i have to text them in swedish13:53
ubuntu__iand i dont know were to find to chanse it13:54
ghostchickubuntu__,  you mean having the keyboard in swedish ?13:54
MonkeyDusttking_  glad to help :)13:55
MonkeyDustubuntu__  it's called language-pack-sv-base13:55
DarsVaedahi, trying to recover ubuntu / grub after a installation of win7, this time it seems to have been pretty fatal, I tried to go to rescue a system in the alternate install cd then choose my partition where I find my /boot folder (/dev/sda5) and select that then I try to reinstall grub boot loader to /dev/sda5 but that fails with exit code 113:55
DarsVaedawhat can I do?13:56
=== M4Fia is now known as ClrdoGuy
tking_MonkeyDust, sorry i mean didnt ....13:56
MonkeyDustDarsVaeda  type !grub for instructions13:56
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:56
DarsVaedaI know that page13:56
ubuntu__ok thx MonkeyDust i will try to find it13:56
djzylex657When i click the cdrom it says failed to mount..I can open K3B and burn cds thought or i have been at least anybody have any ideas on how to get this cdrom to show up in the gui and mount13:56
DarsVaedanot helpful for me, sorry13:56
DarsVaedaI do not even know if I have grub or grub213:57
rylhi having a problem, just installed 12.04 and the additional drivers page is empty, there is stuff that should be there wifi bluetooth et all but nada13:57
ghostchickryl, are the wifi and bluetooth  out of the box working?13:58
TuxyThePenguinIs the Raspberry Pi Supported here13:58
rylnope wifi aint working, nothing shows in iwconfig13:58
wokkodjzylex657: Try installing pmount13:58
IdleOneTuxyThePenguin: no, it isn't.13:59
TuxyThePenguinIdleOne where is it13:59
TuxyThePenguinIDleOne not being forum13:59
IdleOneI don't know but I would think they have some sort of forum or you can try /msg alis help13:59
rylthere are lots of warnings in the jockey log, but the solutions largely resolve around nvidia drivers14:00
wokkoI like apple pie haha14:00
ubuntu__i have one more question for you all14:00
TuxyThePenguinalis not telling me anything14:00
ghostchickryl, lets see sh -c "test -e /var/cache/jockey/check || exec jockey-gtk --check"14:01
ubuntu__can i have windows 7 and chanse desktop whit keyboard so i can see both _14:01
TuxyThePenguinVmware on Ubuntu?14:01
IdleOneTuxyThePenguin: try #raspberrypi14:01
MonkeyDustubuntu__  no, not the way you want it, but you can use a virtual machine14:02
TuxyThePenguinVmware on Ubuntu?14:02
IdleOneTuxyThePenguin: what about it?14:02
TuxyThePenguinis it availible14:02
ryljust returns, without result14:02
IdleOneTuxyThePenguin: it is a lot simpler if you just ask your actual question, if someone knows the answer or a better place to ask for help they will tell you.14:03
TuxyThePenguinOk, How do i install VMware (not virtualbox) In Ubuntu14:03
ghostchickryl,  verify is jokey is installed14:03
MonkeyDustTuxyThePenguin  not in the repos, virtual box is14:03
TuxyThePenguinil have to make do with Vbox14:04
MonkeyDustTuxyThePenguin  it's easier and better supported than vmware14:04
TuxyThePenguinany other good repos anyone?14:04
bekksTuxyThePenguin: But manually installing it, and by manually searching all patches needed to even being able to compile the kernel modules.14:04
ubuntu__monkeyDust  thx for the help14:05
jubobahow can I change the global keyboard shortcuts in gnome shell 3?14:05
jubobait doesn't seem to work when I change them14:05
ryli have checked "/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p" all comes back ok14:05
TuxyThePenguinwhere is the onscreen keyboard located in XFCE14:05
ubuntu__all i have to do now is find skype *s*14:05
jubobaI want to maximize with super + enter14:05
rylas it looks like things arent displaying correctly14:06
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TuxyThePenguincan you overclock CPU in linux14:06
MonkeyDustubuntu__  activate the partner repos, you can then easily install it14:06
bekksTuxyThePenguin: Yes.14:06
TuxyThePenguinbekks how14:06
bekksTuxyThePenguin: The same way you would do in windows - by adjusting your hardware.14:07
OerHeksTuxyThePenguin, overclocking is done in your bios, join #hardware for that.14:07
Calinouubuntu__, skype sucks anyway ;P14:07
MonkeyDustCalinou  be nice14:07
DarsVaedaany help on getting grub back on 12.04 installation with alternate cd please? desperately needed14:08
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:08
CalinouTuxyThePenguin, can't you overclock from bios, no?14:08
DarsVaeda-.- as said that does not work14:09
TuxyThePenguinHow do i install chrome ubuntu14:09
bekksDarsVaeda: What exactly "does not work"?14:09
MonkeyDustTuxyThePenguin  chromium-browser is in the repos14:09
DarsVaedaneither the graphical way nor the terminal way14:09
system055an error occurred while accessing  USB the system responded: mount: wrong fs type, bad option , bad superblock on /dev/sdb1. missing codepage or helper program or other error14:09
bekksTuxyThePenguin: By selecting it in the software center and installing it.14:09
system055how can i fix this14:09
malasome one use irssi here?14:09
DarsVaedathere is not even a "grub-install" when I am in terminal as described14:10
bazhangmala, whats the question14:10
bekkssystem055: By telling us more details when exactly that error occurs.14:10
bekksDarsVaeda: Did you uninstall grub2 completely?14:10
system055wen i try to use my usb flash drive14:10
DarsVaedaI just installed win7 in another partition14:10
DarsVaedaand I do not think I have grub214:10
bekkssystem055: What does "use" stand for? thats an error message from the "mount" command, I guess.14:11
bekksDarsVaeda: grub2 is the default bootloader in Ubuntu.14:11
system055i mean connect the usb14:11
bekkssystem055: And where do you see that error?14:11
DarsVaedais grub2 still textual on standard installation or graphical?14:12
ikoniaDarsVaeda: the boot sector for any OS is normally written to the master boot record of the primary/booting disk14:12
system055when i try to get acces to the flash drive14:12
malabazhang : i'm newb using irssi and i want to automatic connect to freenode with him( and my user)14:12
bekksDarsVaeda: Still text based.14:12
bekkssystem055: What exactly are you doing. Please be more precise.14:12
ikoniaDarsVaeda: it doesn't matter where you install the OS, the boot loader normally goes on the MBR of the primary disk14:12
bazhangmala, better try in #irssi14:12
malabazhang : thanks14:12
system055i mount a usb drive but i dont have acces to the data14:13
bekkssystem055: So you get that error when mounting it?14:13
DarsVaedaso how do I install it then? with the graphical way of the alternate cd I tried all partitions available, that did not succeed14:13
TuxyThePenguinwhich linux distro should i choose14:13
DarsVaedaand with the terminal way there is not even grub-install14:13
system055when i try to get asses to the information inside the flash drive14:14
bazhang!ot | TuxyThePenguin14:14
ubottuTuxyThePenguin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:14
ikoniaDarsVaeda: what exactly are you looking to do, achieve ?14:14
bekkssystem055: HOW do you try that? Please describe what you are doing.14:14
bazhangTuxyThePenguin, this is ubuntu support only. please don't ask that here14:14
DarsVaedaI installed win7 over a running multiboot environment to one of the partitions, after that only windows started -> I need to get grub back14:14
ikoniaDarsVaeda: ok,14:14
ikonia!grub2 > DarsVaeda14:14
ubottuDarsVaeda, please see my private message14:15
system055file manager14:15
ikoniaDarsVaeda: ubottu has just sent you a link that will walk you through (if you actually read it) re-applying grub14:15
=== root is now known as Guest83990
Guest83990could anyone help me ,please?14:15
ikoniaDarsVaeda: remember to apply grub to the boot sector of the booting disk, NOT where ubuntu is.14:15
TuxyThePenguinFirefox is not installing flash?14:15
DarsVaedayeah but I can't14:15
bekkssystem055: I am sorry, I cant get those fragments into an understable context for me. Maybe someone else can help you.14:15
ikoniaDarsVaeda: why ?14:15
bekksGuest83990: Without asking a detailed question - no. :)14:16
TuxyThePenguin!ot bekks14:16
ikoniaTuxyThePenguin: he's not offtopic14:16
bekksTuxyThePenguin: Stop it.14:16
system055i insert the usb flash drive i can,t get acces to the files14:16
system055i have a superblock how to unblock14:17
DarsVaedabecause there is no grub-install and the graphical way of the alternate cd does not work "exit code 1"14:17
bekkssystem055: The superblock of a filesystem contains the basic information needed to mount it. You cant "unblock" it.14:17
ikoniaDarsVaeda: if you follow the instructions (after actually reading them) on the link ubottu sent you, it will work14:17
bekkssystem055: And your error states that you are using a wrong command, option, etc. when trying to mount it.14:18
DarsVaedathan that article is too complicated for me, I missed that part14:18
system055is other way to try mount it14:18
Guest83990i can't decrypt files with seahorse - i've got some '.pgp' files14:19
ikoniaDarsVaeda: it's not if you read it, and walk through it14:19
ikoniaDarsVaeda: if you have specific questions on that articles steps, just ask14:19
system055i can be the usb drivers?14:19
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TuxyThePenguinFirefox is not installing flash?14:19
bekksTuxyThePenguin: No.14:19
bekksTuxyThePenguin: You have to install it yourself.14:20
TuxyThePenguinHow bekks?14:20
bekksTuxyThePenguin: By searching for "flash" in the software center, select the variant you want to use, and install it.14:20
DarsVaedaikona: sorry what? not one of those steps even mentions the alternate cd?14:20
DarsVaedait is only about the liveCd and I do not posses one of them14:20
DarsVaedaalso I have no working ubuntu14:21
ikoniaDarsVaeda: the process is still the same, selecting the recovery enviornment14:21
DarsVaedaso I can not find any point that is suitable for me14:21
TuxyThePenguinCan i boot ubuntu of an USB, and how14:21
ikoniaDarsVaeda: if you are not comfortable applying those steps to the alternative CD install (even though it's the same) I suggest you download a desktop CD14:21
ryant5000how do I build the 'virtual' flavour of kernel from the git sources? I can't seem to find anything on that14:21
bazhang!unetbootin > TuxyThePenguin14:22
ubottuTuxyThePenguin, please see my private message14:22
ikoniaryant5000: you can't do that for amazon cloud services14:22
TuxyThePenguinubottu understood14:22
|Long|ikonia, u still here bud?14:23
ikonia|Long|: on and off, just doing a few things14:23
ryant5000ikonia: oh, that's too bad; is there any way to run 3.4 or later on aws?14:23
ikoniaryant5000: no14:23
|Long|ikonia, can u help me bud14:23
ikoniaryant5000: contact amazon if you want to change their image/hosted image14:23
ikonia|Long|: depends what the question is14:23
|Long|crontab issue same one this morninig14:23
ikonia|Long|: what have you done to try to resolve them after we spoke ?14:24
system055mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so14:24
|Long|i ran idiviadually and it work, but not on scheduling time14:24
ryant5000ikonia: hm, alright; so basically they are in charge of all the kernel releases?  i thought this pv-grub thing allowed you to run a custom kernel14:24
ikonia|Long|: yeah, you said that last time and I explained that's not valid testing, and gave you suggestions on how to resolve the issues14:24
ikonia|Long|: did you do any of them ?14:25
|Long|ikonia, yes those jobs has +x and 755 on14:25
ikonia|Long|: I gave you more than that14:25
|Long|i must be missed those ley me scrow up14:26
bekkssystem055: Did you try dmesg | tail or so?14:27
system055no how i do that14:27
bekkssystem055: By opening a terminal and typing "dmesg" with "" e.g.14:27
TuxyThePenguinHow do i update my bios14:28
ikoniaTuxyThePenguin: you don't though linux14:28
bazhangTuxyThePenguin, thats a hardware question14:29
|Long|ikonia, i lost your last msg, can u plz repeat where to check one more time14:29
system055EXT4-fs (sdb1): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem14:30
ikonia|Long|: give up on the chroot ones, they will not work as you want, the script ones, quote the whole argument so that it sees the second option as an argument14:30
DarkenedBluesKaj, hey after a few days of tinkering I have found out that the OS is outputting sound but stil no sound so making progress.... slowly :>14:31
|Long|ikonia, done, now all i do is wait for the time14:32
ikonia|Long|: change the time to test14:33
katronixif bind9 fails to start is there a way of finding out why?14:33
system055[ 8538.885226] EXT4-fs (sdb1): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem14:33
system055[ 8539.590688] EXT4-fs (sdb1): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem14:33
system055[ 8540.086206] EXT4-fs (sdb1): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem14:33
system055[ 8541.976144] EXT4-fs (sdb1): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem14:33
FloodBot1system055: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:33
system055root@bt:~# "dmesg"14:33
ikoniakatronix: yes, read the log14:33
katronixikonia, which log would have it? I don't see one called bind9.log in /var/log14:34
ikonialook in the syslog14:35
katronixhmmm, its trying to load a file owned by root:root and getting permission denied, should it be owned by root:bind ?14:37
mankoffMattias: This page seems to be very similar to the japanese one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cuda And claims CUDA on 12.04. I followed the intsructions. Everything built, but the tests won't run...14:38
TuxyThePenguinHow do i install metasploit in ubuntu14:38
mankoff./nbody says "Error: only 0 Devices available, 1 requested.  Exiting."14:38
TuxyThePenguinHow do i install metasploit in ubuntu14:38
MonkeyDustwhat's metasploit?14:39
TuxyThePenguinmetasploit framework (its in backtrack5)14:40
bekksTuxyThePenguin: The same way you install other software, the same way I told you twice already.14:40
bazhangTuxyThePenguin, are you using backtrack?14:41
TuxyThePenguinno, its not in software center, and no im not in bcktrck14:42
MonkeyDustTuxyThePenguin  old link (2007) http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-metasploit-3.0-on-ubuntu-7.1014:42
bipulMetasploit is Open source pentesting tool MonkeyDust14:42
bazhang!info metasploit | TuxyThePenguin14:42
ubottuTuxyThePenguin: Package metasploit does not exist in precise14:42
mrdabsI am wondering which ubuntu version i should play with I have a macbook 3,1 (late2007 white model 2.2ghz 1 gb) is there a place I can look to see what ideal specs are for ubuntu14:42
TuxyThePenguin!info metasploit14:42
TuxyThePenguinWhat dows that mean14:43
bazhangTuxyThePenguin, its not there.14:43
bipuland By Default it is in Backtrack5 as backtrack 5 is one of the part of ubuntu i think 8 version MonkeyDust14:43
MonkeyDustmrdabs  type !mac14:43
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages14:43
mrdabs<3 ty14:43
zixxyTuxyThePenguin, http://bit.ly/M8X4vh14:46
IdleOnezixxy: Please don't use lmgtf links it is rude and might get you banned from here14:47
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benjamingwynnHow would I remove a ppt?14:48
TuxyThePenguinzixxy :P14:48
ikoniabenjamingwynn: ppa ?14:48
benjamingwynnExample, to add one I would: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:merlwiz79/cinnamon-ppa14:48
system055how to give pastebin URL?14:48
guest29445i want to know if anyone has formated the C drive with windows 7 on it to install Ubuntu 12.x14:48
zixxyIdleOne, oh no.14:49
ikoniabenjamingwynn: depends if you want to remove the PPA or remove the PPA and the software the PPA has installed14:49
IdleOnebenjamingwynn: install ppa-purge and sudo ppa-purge ppa:merlwiz79/cinnamon-ppa14:49
ikoniaguest29445: windows has nothing to do with ubuntu14:49
ikoniaguest29445: when you install ubuntu it will put the correct non-ntfs file system on the partition you want to use14:49
guest29445i know that ikonia, but this is the latest machine with all the bells and whistles i guess. i do have the driv er disk14:49
ikoniaguest29445: if you know that, why are you asking ?14:50
guest29445i want to use virtual box after14:50
benjamingwynnwhat does ppa perge do14:50
guest29445i want to know if i format the c drive will the windows back up leav e14:50
benjamingwynnI should normally ask that before I run the command lmao14:50
ikoniabenjamingwynn: tries to remove the software installed by the PPA14:50
benjamingwynnAh okay, I see. Clever :)14:51
IdleOnebenjamingwynn: it will rmeove that ppa from the sources.list and also remove the software installed from the PPA14:51
ikoniaguest29445: if you format the c:\ drive, you have formatted the c drive, nothing more14:51
benjamingwynnThat's good.14:51
DJones!ppa-purge | benjamingwynn14:51
ubottubenjamingwynn: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html14:51
ikoniabenjamingwynn: it may / may not succeed14:51
guest29445thanks ubottou i am there now14:51
benjamingwynnPPA purged successfully14:51
TuxyThePenguinmake me admin14:52
oCeanTuxyThePenguin: stop it now14:52
benjamingwynnWhat just happened?14:53
ikoniabenjamingwynn: a user was removed from the channel14:53
benjamingwynnlol that a bunch of commands.14:53
IdleOnebenjamingwynn: it wasa bunch because two of us issued very similar commands14:54
benjamingwynnGreat minds think alike :P14:54
guest29445what is this?  http://www.frihost.com/forums/vt-100976.html14:55
guest29445i have the ubuntu 12.xf live cd here. do i need to do all that also?14:56
IdleOneguest29445: put the cd into the drive, reboot, click Install Ubuntu.14:57
guest29445that is what i thought. thanks idleonw14:57
Mattiasguest29445: those instructions are just if you want to format a hdd, not to install ubuntu.14:58
Mattiasprobably format a hdd on a system without OS on -.-14:58
guest29445it will be awhile but i will come back and let you know how i do. I am going to install ubuntu and then a virtualbox and put windows 7 on it14:59
ikoniaguest29445: we don't need to know if it works14:59
ikoniaguest29445: we know it works fine14:59
benjamingwynnPersonally. Do you guys like unity?15:06
ryant5000ikonia: I just tried the Quantal daily AMI, and it's running 3.5.0-415:06
oCeanbenjamingwynn: this channel is for technical support questions only. /join #ubuntu-discuss for discussions on ubuntu topics15:07
benjamingwynnoCean, :(15:07
ikoniaryant5000: great, so that's amazon updating it, but quantal is not stable, so I wouldn't use it15:07
ryant5000ikonia: yeah, i agree; however, it's nice to see that things are moving at least somewhat quickly with getting newer kernels on amazon15:08
OerHeksbenjamingwynn, unity is fun, tweak it with my-unity, and take your time to discover it, press the windows key for smart help for shortkeys15:08
benjamingwynnI've used unity for a while now. Doesn't feel... fluid. I do a lot of Android-based development so I need to switch between apps like *click fingers* that.15:09
oCeanbenjamingwynn: please read my previous message15:09
benjamingwynnoCean, It is technically related though :)15:10
MonkeyDustbenjamingwynn  ctrl-tab is easy enough, no?15:10
oCeanbenjamingwynn: in the #ubuntu-* namespace there are several channels, each with it's own purpose. This channel is strictly for technical support issues15:11
benjamingwynnMonkeyDust, talk in ubuntu-discuss or ocean will rip my head off.15:11
benjamingwynnbrb all15:11
drrfrostUsing 12.04, audio usb codecs have disappeared15:13
MonkeyDustdrrfrost  the question being?15:14
drrfrostI had been using them (input and output) for connection to ham radio interface. They aren't listed in systems/sound. Do I need to do a reinstall?15:18
jygI was running 64-bit 11.10 amd switched to 32-bt.  About a month after the switch, when I would log in, the wireless would not connect.  So after trying a bunch of thinks, I thought I'd just jiggle the LKM, so I'd 'sudo rmmod iwlagn; sleep 3; sudo modprobe iwlagn'.  This fixed the problem every time.  Any idea how I might have to keep from doing this?15:20
jyger, like how to fix it permenantly?15:21
wNyou could put it in a crontab xD15:21
jygthat makes no sense15:22
CAZ_auJust wondering, whats the current state of Ubuntu Updates breaking a system, specifically with new kernal updates and nvidia drivers. Ive read old articles about new kernals being updated and the driver not compiling to the new kernal thus rendering the user to a shell at boot. is that a problem these days, if i download the new kernal in update manager will my nvidia driver still likely work (ive only ever got the nvidia-current driver, not any post release15:22
CAZ_au 'current-updates'). I did have "proposed updates" turned on (hey why not, lol) but i turned that off now.15:22
wNjyg, it was a joke.15:22
jygi figured by the 'xD' hah... but still, it makes not sense, hah15:23
ikoniaCAZ_au: you don't compile the nvidia drivers, those articles are nonsense15:23
ikoniaCAZ_au: ubuntu has (for years) shipped supported nvidia kernel drivers pre-compiled as part of the distro's repos15:23
jygcaz, system settings has the Additional Drivers section15:23
marzinIs possible to configure Unity searching to search a whole file system,not only home catalog?15:25
taowaWhat is the channel for loco teams15:28
ikoniataowa: depends which logo15:29
taowaThe general IRC channel15:29
MonkeyDusttaowa loco.ubuntu.com15:30
DJonestaowa: There is #ubuntu-locoteams or #ubuntu-irc that may be able to help15:30
oCeantaowa: #ubuntu-locoteams probably15:30
TheM4ch1n3I mean Pi!15:32
asmonautNeed a test. Can someone just open the page http://chessgoogle.com please? Thanks.15:33
asmonautthanks :)15:34
MonkeyDustasmonaut  fine here15:34
DJonesasmonaut: What is it first? You're not likely to get people randomly opening a website15:34
IdleOneasmonaut: loads fine, what did you need tested. Also #test is a good channel for testing stuff15:34
DarkenedHey people is there anything that vsn test hardware because my OS is outpuitting sound yet nothing can be heard..15:34
asmonautoh thanks you so much!! I was wondering if such a chan existed :D15:34
asmonautjust wanted to check if i set permissions right... this is killing me, but in the end iĺl learn :P15:35
drounseshould i download the ubuntu server cd if i want to build ubuntu from CLI up to a DE for a desktop, without all of the extra stuff15:37
antukinget the mini.iso15:37
oCean!minimal | drounse15:38
ubottudrounse: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:38
Icarus_Is there a way i can access wireless networks via command line?15:38
huammhow to make my ubuntu smaller size ?15:39
huammmy hdd just 4gb15:39
huammim installing with wubi15:39
ikoniahuamm: you are out of luck then15:39
Icarus_nothing you have said makes me happy15:39
=== jack is now known as Guest73920
ikoniaIcarus_: iwconfig will allow you to configure your wirless card from the command line15:40
Icarus_huamm: sorry but the default install is too large for you, try going for a smaller linux like pupy or damn small linux15:40
huammi think remove some package?15:40
huammim newbie on linux15:40
huammcan you suggest me?15:40
ikoniahuamm: you can remove any software you don't want/need15:40
=== Guest73920 is now known as wN
Icarus_ikonia i was wondering about network username and password15:40
ikoniaIcarus_: you can set that with iwconfig15:41
huamm@ikonia hmm , if i remove all gnome and change with lxde or xfce , can?15:42
Icarus_huamm may as well get lubuntu or xubuntu15:42
Icarus_but it still wont be small enough15:42
wNi think the alternate install cd gives you a list of packages you can add/remove, but i may be mistaken15:42
ksbalajihow to install glx 1.3 in lucid? My new firefox is dead (:15:42
wNikonia: ^15:42
ikoniawN: not by default no15:42
ikoniawN: the alternative install is the same install, just a different installer routine15:43
huammif im using ubuntu server / terminal mode , can be smaller?15:43
ikoniahuamm: it will be smaller as it will have no desktop packages15:43
wNikonia: right. i thought it gave you an option to add/remove packages before final install. perhaps that was a different distro15:43
ikoniahuamm: but obviously you will have no desktop15:43
ikoniawN: you can do things like use the "lamp" package set install, but the base component is the same15:44
huamm@ikonia , can i install desktop with us?15:44
huammsorry bad english15:44
ikoniahuamm: you already have a desktop15:44
ikoniahuamm: you can't say "can I remove the desktop to save space, then install a desktop" - that is pointless15:44
huammno no no15:45
huammi think its true15:45
Icarus_huamm you make no sense15:45
huammhow about it?15:45
ikoniahuamm: how about what ?15:45
Icarus_seriously huamm it hurts to read what you are writing, please into sense15:46
ikoniaIcarus_: he's trying, English isn't his first language15:46
Icarus_you might want to consider a smaller linux distro, i know we aren't suppose to advert others here but ubuntu doesn't really do small sizes like 4 gigs15:47
huammso, can I remove all the desktop, then make it into the terminal mode, and tried to install the desktop back to a different Window Manager15:47
itodoes anyone here use an ncurses irc client like weechat? I have a question about channel discovery15:47
itospecifically sorting of channels15:48
ikoniahuamm: you won't see a benefit to that15:48
Icarus_huamm it wont work, you'll save alot of room when you remove the DE but when you try to reinstall it will say "no space on disk"15:48
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huammwhat i do now15:49
huammchange distro?15:49
ikoniahuamm: install a smaller distro, buy a bigger hard disk15:49
huammcan you suggest me?15:49
ikonianot really, as it depends a lot on your needs.15:50
oliomonth=$(date +%m)    .Why i use '+' ? why not '-'15:50
ikoniaolio: it's just the syntax15:51
huammforget about it , thanks15:51
Dualityi was wondering if it would be possible to run a virtual machien on a server (i know that is possible) but what i want is to have the graphics of that virtual machine output to the physical screen.15:52
ikoniaDuality: yes and no15:52
olioikonia: http://pastie.org/4255977  , in man its not mention .15:52
Dualityikonia: i need X for that?15:52
ikoniaDuality: yes it can display output to the screen, thorugh the virtual machine manager console15:52
ikoniaDuality: it can't directly output to the screen as if it was a native device15:53
ikoniaolio: yes it is "+ format"15:53
Dualityso only way to acces would be vnc?15:53
olioikonia: ops ! Aha ! thanks and bye15:54
ikoniaDuality: something like that, yes15:54
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MonkeyDustDuality  is this what you mean http://www.zimbio.com/Ubuntu+Linux/articles/xzM4lSp2U-k/Install+Manage+Virtualbox+4+headless+Ubuntu15:55
TheM4ch1n3local teams ?15:55
DualityMonkeyDust: kinda but then the vnc on the same machine15:56
itohi. how do i list channels in alphabetical order using the /list command in irc?15:57
Fuchsito: that depends on your IRC client, note that /list is not recommended on big networks such as freenode.15:57
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MattiasMonkeyDust: For virtualization, would you recommend the above or just going with kvm?15:57
bekksI'd recommend virtualbox.15:58
MonkeyDustMattias  not every hardware supports kvm, IIRC15:58
DualityMonkeyDust: like running the os ontop of the ubuntu server,15:59
bekksNot every hardware supports virtualization at all.15:59
L3topkvm also has a particular problem with vesa15:59
MattiasI have intel vt-d15:59
MonkeyDustMattias  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation16:00
MattiasMonkeyDust: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/libvirt.html16:01
MonkeyDustMattias  see, it says "it is best to make sure your hardware supports the necessary virtualization extensions for KVM"16:02
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Mikatowitam, mam do sprzedania http://allegro.pl/k3805-z-14-mbps-aero2-os-x-gwa-12m-bez-locka-i2491059390.html16:03
nannes!pl | Mikato16:03
ubottuMikato: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:03
Mikatoto czemu odpisales po polsku?16:04
ikonia!pl | Mikato16:04
ubottuMikato: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:04
bekks!pl | Mikato16:04
MattiasMonkeyDust: well, I know it supports it because I enabled Intel VT-d in the bios and got a cpu which supports it, and kvm-ok has said it works. Only issue is if it is as full featured as virtualbox which I've previously used. but I haven't used vb in a server environment without gui16:04
SoulRavenplase help me with something16:05
SoulRaveni have made a little script to restart tomcat from cron16:05
MonkeyDustMattias  from what you say, i understand you're more familiar with it than i am16:06
SoulRavenbut the problem is that the script is working fine when i execut from teminal16:06
MattiasMonkeyDust: seems kvm supports ssh access without problems. Not sure about virtualbox though ^.^16:06
SoulRavenbut when i execut the script from cron is not working, just stops after the kill -9 comand inside the script16:06
Mattiasssh access to the virtual machine*16:07
ikoniaSoulRaven: be aware that cron does not have an active "shell" enviornment so you have to set all that up in your script16:07
bekksSoulRaven: Then show the script please, in a pastebin.16:07
SoulRavenikonia: how, can you give me a example16:07
SoulRavenbeeks: ok16:08
ikoniaSoulRaven: for example if you do " mv /tmp $HOME/new place" on the command line, your shell has a $PATH setup, so it knows mv is in /usr/bin, and that $HOME is /home/youruser, cron does not have any of that16:08
SoulRavenikonia, beeks: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/212305370016:09
SoulRaventhis is the script16:09
sajimonhi, i have built software from source and installed it in home dir. this program have its own .desktop file under $prefix/share/applications  but its not showing in dash menu, my guess is gnome isnt looking for .desktop files in that dir, how to fix it?16:09
ikoniaSoulRaven: can you show me your crontab line too please.16:09
bekksSoulRaven: Typo in line 5, missing =16:10
ikoniabekks: good spot !16:10
MonkeyDustkeen eye :)16:11
MonkeyDustsame type in line 6 then16:12
ert3gohello , how to get source-completion plugin in gedit . I am on ubuntu 12.0416:12
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SoulRavenbekks: this is line 5: startScript=$CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh16:13
SoulRavenwhere is the typo?16:13
ikoniathere is no =16:13
ikonialook again16:13
bekksSoulRaven: In your script, you dont need the export statements at all, since they are global in the script, and not needed anywhere else.16:13
SoulRavenwhere must be the second =16:15
ikoniaSoulRaven: there isn't 116:15
ikoniaSoulRaven: line 5 looks like this16:15
Mikatowhy all of you talking in english not polish?16:15
ikoniathat's odd the pastebin shows it missing the =16:15
Mikatois this a polich channel?16:15
ikoniabut cut and paste the line and it's there16:15
bekksMikato: Because this is the english channel :)16:15
ikoniaMikato: #ubuntu-pl16:15
ikoniaMikato: join #ubuntu-pl16:15
Mikatoor just you want to learn english :)16:16
SoulRaveni have the = between startScript = and CATALINA16:16
ikoniaMikato: this channel is for English level support16:16
ikoniaSoulRaven: yes, but the pastebin doesn't show that16:16
ikoniaSoulRaven: the pastebin shows it missing the =16:16
Mikatook, i just kidding :)16:16
Mattiasikonia: I can see the =16:16
Mattiasodd :P16:16
ikoniaSoulRaven: yes, it's very odd16:16
SoulRavenmy problem is that after kill -9 the script stops16:17
ikoniaSoulRaven: you've not put an exit in16:17
bekksSoulRaven: Obvious.16:17
SoulRavenafter kill?16:17
bekksYou cannot execute a variable.16:17
ikoniabekks: that line is fine16:18
ikoniathere is just no exit to exit the script16:18
arulmozhiI have formatted my whole system form ubuntu 12.04 to ubuntu 12.04. I have backed up all my downloaded packages using APTonCD. and using APTonCD i have restores all my packages to /var/cache/apt/archives but when I try to install any software thro synaptic or ubuntu software center it against start downloading. how do I inform the system that "these packages are already present in the system so do not try to download." help me out please16:18
bekksThere is no exit needed to exit after the last instruction.16:18
SoulRaveni have put exit in on the last row of the script16:20
arulmozhiI have formatted my whole system form ubuntu 12.04 to ubuntu 12.04. I have backed up all my downloaded packages using APTonCD. and using APTonCD i have restores all my packages to /var/cache/apt/archives but when I try to install any software thro synaptic or ubuntu software center it against start downloading. how do I inform the system that "these packages are already present in the system so do not try to download." help me out please16:20
SoulRavenbut still not change in script when i run from cron16:21
ikoniaarulmozhi: you've said that, please give people time to respond before re-asking16:21
IdleOnearulmozhi: sudo dpkg -i *.deb16:21
IdleOnearulmozhi: that should do it16:21
SoulRaveni get only this: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/109909610816:21
ikoniaSoulRaven: ok, so it's not working as that process ID isn't valid16:22
ikoniaSoulRaven: what makes you think it's not exiting16:22
pushpopHI all I installed ubuntu on an LVM but the /boot partition is not lvm it's /dev/sda1.  I can get ubuntu to boot.  This is my fstab www.pastebin.com/n4S1YTUj16:23
pushpopany help16:23
ikoniapushpop: define won't boot16:23
SimoniousI am a total novice at video editing, I would like to put the first 858 seconds of an AVI into one file and the remaining seconds into another file - ffmpeg looks like it should be up to this, but thus far my efforts have failed - help?16:23
SoulRavenbecause i don't have reach that yet, there is one more instruction to execute, $startScript, echo ""16:23
SoulRavenecho "Attempting to start Tomcat via $startScript . . ."16:23
pushpopikonia it doesnt see the partition when I boot16:23
ikoniapushpop: what's the error16:23
SoulRaventhis line are not show in the terminal16:23
pushpopikonia i forget hte exact wording something about cant see partition16:24
ikoniaSoulRaven: ok, I see what you are saying16:24
ikoniapushpop: get the exact words16:24
pushpopi have to reboot =/16:24
bo_I I16:25
pushpopikonia: reboot now standby16:25
bo_I'm trying to install the Android sdk onto ubuntu 8.0416:25
bo_But not having any luck16:26
bo_I'm troubleshooting my kindle fire16:26
decci_Need suggestion for this http://pastebin.com/kwbt7b1a16:26
gsrwhere can I get a list of dpkg error statuses and their meanings? - getting error code 10 with dpkg (and apt-get install -f, apt-get autoremove, apt-get purge uq-imapd)16:26
pushpopikonia: error: no such partition16:27
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
DJones!eol | bo_ 8.04 is no longer supported,16:27
ubottubo_ 8.04 is no longer supported,: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:27
ikoniapushpop: for which partition is it complaining16:27
pushpopikonia: GNU GRUB comes up it boots then I get error: no such partition 3 times16:27
pushpopikonia: it doesnt specify16:27
ikoniapushpop: can you get the grub menu ?16:28
pushpopikonia: yes16:28
ikoniapushpop: then you select the boot option, does the kernel start to boot, or is the error imediate ?16:28
pushpopif I get disconnect from IRC ill join back16:28
ikoniaSoulRaven: still working on your script16:29
pushpopit boots to Ubuntu, with linux 3.2.0-23-generic16:29
pushpopthen gives theerror16:29
pushpoperror immediate16:29
ikoniapushpop: what do you mean, it boots to ubuntu ?16:29
pushpopfrom the grub menu16:29
ikoniapushpop: listen carefully16:29
ikoniapushpop: you get the grub menu, yes/no16:29
SoulRavenikonia: thx:)16:29
ikoniapushpop: you press enter to select boot, is the error straight after that, or does the machine start to boot (lots of text scrolling first)16:30
pushpopikonia: no errors right away16:30
ikoniapushpop: so it's not looking at the correct partition fo /boot then16:30
slj180need help trying to set up a direct connection between two virtual machines, running ubuntu each16:30
bo_I have 8.04 but would like to upgrade. Currently running Ubuntu on Dell mini16:30
pushpopit has to be16:31
slj180they are already connected, but i need to set static IPs and stuff16:31
bo_Is this possible?16:31
raidghostWhy wont my sda drive show up in the latest ubuntu installer? When i use ctrl alt and f1, and use fdisk -l or cfdisk all 3 shows. but the installer only shows 2 drives16:31
pushpopis there a way to check what grub is looking for16:31
bekksslj180: Minutes ago you had backtrack and initiated a support discussion in #ubuntu-de16:31
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ikoniapushpop: if you press "e" on the grub menu, you can see where grub is looking16:31
bo_This is great!16:31
bo_Real info16:32
bo_and help16:32
raidghostbo_: irc is not what it onces use to be.16:32
pushpopikonia: linux /vmlinux-3.2.0-23-generic root=/dev/mapper/vg0-root ro quiet16:32
pushpopis that the line16:32
pushpopthat is supposed to be boot16:32
OerHeks!upgrade | bo_16:32
ubottubo_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:32
bo_raid: I havent used this since the 90's16:32
ikoniapushpop: well, /vmlinux doesn't look like the right place.16:33
raidghostbo_: i see.16:33
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bo_raid: It was a totally different experience before unlimited www16:33
OerHeksbo_  and after 8.04 to 10.04 you can upgrade to 12.0416:33
oliowhich one better ? 1.bash 2.zsh16:33
ikoniaolio: personal preference16:33
olioikonia: hmm... for learning16:34
ikoniaolio: personal preference16:34
JenniferB2Hi folks. I am ( still ) trying to install debian ... what is a good partion table if you enter the manual mode ? I have 150 GB ext4 on "/" with boot flag on ... and 600 GB ext4 on "/home" ... and 20 GB Swap ... and the rest is unmounted ( 250 GB ) ... will this work fine? should I be considering something else?16:34
ikoniaJenniferB2: ask in #debian16:34
bo_Oer: You're kidding me?16:35
olioikonia: which one has more functionality ?16:35
ikoniaolio: pretty much the same16:35
bo_! upgrade16:35
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:35
OerHeksbo_ no.16:35
bekksJenniferB2: This is no debian support :)16:35
JenniferB2bekks: the partion tables are the same ...16:35
olioikonia: whats your favorite ?16:35
raidghostikonia: why does the ubuntu installer not diplaying sda as a option in the partitional installer of latest ubuntu?16:35
ikoniaJenniferB2: you're already asking in #debian, let the guys in #debian help you please16:35
ikoniaraidghost: sorry what ?16:35
JenniferB2ikonia: they are not responding :(16:35
ikoniaolio: doesn't matter what I like16:35
raidghostikonia: the installer wont show me the sda drive as a option for install16:36
ikoniaJenniferB2: then wait for them to respond please.16:36
ikoniaraidghost: for some reason it can't see your disk16:36
bo_Oer: Where do I enter the ! upgrade command?16:36
ikoniaraidghost: disk controller? fakeraid setup ?16:36
raidghostfakeraid maybe. i check some bios settings16:36
ikoniaraidghost: ahhhh16:36
ikoniaraidghost: fakeraid is not something I suggest using16:36
raidghostikonia: the weird thing is that it shows up with fdisk -l and cfdisk16:36
JenniferB2ikonia: how long? is there a rule ? :)16:36
DJ-BadBoyhey @ all16:37
ikoniaJenniferB2: just wait in #debian until someone is available to help16:37
OerHeksbo_ it is all there > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades#Upgrade_from_8.04_LTS_to_10.04_LTS16:37
ikoniaraidghost: that sounds like your fakeraid device isn't supported in linux16:37
raidghostikonia: why does the sda show up with fdisk -l then16:37
ikoniaraidghost: (based on what you are saying)16:37
raidghostwhen i use ctrl alt f116:37
bo_Oer: Thanks!16:37
ikoniaraidghost: because that's the physical device,16:37
ikoniaraidghost: rather than the raid device16:37
raidghostso the installer uses another thingy to see the drive?16:38
raidghostif the installer doesnt sees it, the fdisk -l and cfdisk should not see it16:38
ikoniaraidghost: not quite, how the installer sees the disks depends on the raid controller16:38
raidghostbut they do16:38
raidghostnot a raid controller16:38
raidghostnormal ide16:38
ikoniaraidghost: that's not how it works16:38
ikoniaraidghost: I asked if it was fakeraid....you said possible16:38
ikoniaraidghost: how many disks are in your system (physical devices)16:38
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DJ-BadBoyhey, i need 1 to help me ^^ but my english is not the best ^16:39
anjarHi. I'm trying to install Audiveris on Ubuntu, but I'm quite unsure about how to to it. Someone who knows a bit about java?16:39
raidghostsda sdb and sdc16:39
ikoniaraidghost: are you using any sort of raid/striping/mirroring/16:39
raidghostNot as i know16:39
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ikoniaraidghost: what is on the disks, any other OSes ?16:39
raidghostno os16:39
raidghostwas debian until i figured out i wanted ubuntu16:39
raidghostso i did clean the partitions and inserted the installer for ubuntu16:40
silverarrowdoes developers get to test smaller versions like powerpc iso?16:40
Mattiasraidghost: Raid1? I had a problem with the grub bootloader. the installer couldn't install grub on Raid1 + lvm. Had to use a rescuecd to boot into the system and manually install grub2 -.-16:40
silverarrowI`m thinging of media players in browser mostly, nothing seems to work16:40
raidghosti have not set any raid, cause i dont know much aboute it16:40
ikoniaraidghost: ok,16:40
ikoniaraidghost: as a test, could you please boot a livecd, and create a partition using gparted on /dev/sda16:41
raidghosti find it weird that the debian installer finds the drive with no problem.16:41
CAZ_auWhy is Ubuntu so intent on not letting you have "about:home" as your homepage in Firefox. Seems they much rather you have "about:startpage" which i can understand for any ad revenue if they do that but it seems a bit weird when you try and put about:home the settings window blanks out the faild (but you can force it by visiting the page and then going t settings, enter it and click the drop down menu item)16:41
ikoniaCAZ_au: log a bug16:42
raidghostikonia: i will take a look in the bios. and see if there is some options i should change. thanks for some usefull information<(16:42
CAZ_augood idea16:43
SoulRaveniconcur: i have find my first problem, but i don't know how to fix it: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/170837052316:44
SoulRavenif i run the script from terminal i get only one pid, but if i run from cron, i get 4 pid's16:44
bo_Oer: My version of 8.04 is missing the following: n the Updates tab, set Show new distribution releases: to Long term support releases only,16:44
ikoniaSoulRaven: what did you change16:44
bo_Oer: Step 2 of the tutorial16:45
SoulRaventhe script i try to run from webmin, meaby this is the problem?16:45
ravendo you know about a software vision mixer for ubuntu?16:45
wohnpcI am trying to install a program using configure make make install... the packages I need do not seem to be installed, I use kubuntu 12.04... which packages do I need?16:47
ikoniawohnpc: why are you not using software from the repo ?16:47
OerHeksbo_ i am not sure how to help you further, 8.04 is 4 years old and i joined with 9.04, maybe someone else?16:48
wohnpcbecause this piece of software is not in it.. I got libdvdcss from videolon over subversion and now I have a dir with files16:48
haylodoesnt at least one partition have to be marked bootable with a flag form the partitioner ?16:49
anjarCould somebody be very kind and make a deb package for Audiveris?16:49
wohnpcbecause this piece of software is not in it.. I got libdvdcss from videolon over subversion and now I have a dir with files16:50
ki4roanjar: Already built....https://launchpad.net/~falk-t-j/+archive/lucid/+build/204376816:51
ikonia!info libdvdcss16:51
ubottuPackage libdvdcss does not exist in precise16:51
ikoniathat package does exist,16:51
ki4roanjar: Sorry  https://launchpad.net/~falk-t-j/+archive/lucid/+build/204376816:51
anjarki4ro: Thank you so much!16:51
ki4roanjar: Look lower left16:51
duhameli am running ubuntu studio 12.04 i have a brother mfc j615w all in one. i have the printer working and want to get the scanner to go. i have Xsane installed and and downloaded the drivers and skan key from Brother webpage. the drivers were installed with package manager or whatever but i received a awrning message that file was not to be trusted because it didn't give a package size. now when i click Xsane it says Failed to open devic16:53
duhamele 'brother3.bus9;/dev1': Invalid argument. what do i do16:53
manners13hi everyone16:54
nathan708What is $vt_handoff  in the kernel line16:54
manners13dont know if anyone can help16:54
MonkeyDustmanners13  start with a question16:54
anjarki4ro: I'll ask the Audiveris team to link to it from their page. Will make it much easier for people using Ubuntu. Again, thanks!16:54
ki4roanjar: Very welcome...have a good day16:54
nathan708what is $vt_handoff16:55
manners13im trying to find a 3 specific lines in a text file and edit them, but the first and second lines will be in the text file several times so has to be all 3 lines need to match16:55
duhameli am running ubuntu studio 12.04 i have a brother mfc j615w all in one. i have the printer working and want to get the scanner to go. i have Xsane installed and and downloaded the drivers and skan key from Brother webpage. the drivers were installed with package manager or whatever but i received a awrning message that file was not to be trusted because it didn't give a package size. now when i click Xsane it says Failed to open devic16:56
duhamele 'brother3.bus9;/dev1': Invalid argument. what do i do?16:56
duhamelsorry to post again just hoping someone who just came in might be able to help.16:56
ki4ronathan708: Maybe this will help http://ircanswers.com/ubuntu/771423/grubs-vt_handoff-exactly-virtual-terminals16:56
manners13if i can get grep to match all 3 lines then tell me the last line number then i can edit the lines under it16:57
Amorrishey ya'll. currently have Windows 7. trying to install ubuntu. When I boot from the disk and select install ubuntu I get a message ending in "terminated by signal 9 (killed)" any ideas?16:57
AlbireoXHi, I am unable to get sound working on Ubuntu 12.04. In my sound settings for output underneath "Play sound through" there are no spound options listed.16:57
wohnpcI already got it to work16:58
wohnpcthanks guys!16:58
duhamelAmorris: do a Md5sum on the iso and compare it with ubuntus hashes on the website.16:58
nathan708ki4ro: i dont think the question was ever answered on there16:58
duhamelwhich ubuntu is it?16:58
wohnpcI couldn't have done it without you16:58
Amorrismine is 11.1016:59
ki4ronathan708: Sorry just an idea16:59
nathan708just trying to make sure the option is suppose to be there16:59
tornado369Hi guys. I got some problems with my Brother dcp-197c. The printer works very well but scanner not. Can anyone help me?16:59
nathan708Mageia's partitioner bombed my drive, had to recover it16:59
ki4roAmorris: Have a look http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192285216:59
nathan708boot seems a little slow now17:00
nathan708and i dont remember $vt_handoff being an option in the kernel line before17:00
duhamelYou can do a Md5sum check from terminal when you run ubuntu without installing.17:00
Amorrisyeah i responded to the thread that that links to.17:00
ki4roWeird....I must be the only one that can look things up on Google17:01
manners13damn iv tried17:01
manners13everything is for finding 1 line of text17:01
manners13i need to match 3 lines17:01
duhamelAmorris: if the numbers don't match Ubuntus hashes then try downloading a different iso. i also prefer using Unetbootin to install iso's to a USB it's quick and no wasted disks17:02
duhameli am running ubuntu studio 12.04 i have a brother mfc j615w all in one. i have the printer working and want to get the scanner to go. i have Xsane installed and and downloaded the drivers and skan key from Brother webpage. the drivers were installed with package manager or whatever but i received a awrning message that file was not to be trusted because it didn't give a package size. now when i click Xsane it says Failed to open devic17:02
duhamele 'brother3.bus9;/dev1': Invalid argument. what do i do?17:02
jihedamineHi, Is there a good tutorial on how to make wine work with ubuntu 12.04 64 bits please ?17:03
wohnpcduhamel: scanners under linux is very difficult17:03
duhamelyes. I am having a difficult time.17:03
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Amorrisokay. im reading about how to do an md5sum check. it seems i need to do it in terminal, but i dont have ubuntu installed.17:04
ki4rojihedamine: This might get you started http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/wine17:05
duhamelYou could run Ubuntu live without installing. If you use Unetbootin it is very quick and easy, right in the start menu.17:05
jihedamineki4ro thanks17:05
wohnpcamorris: so get a windows tool to do it for you... but if you are installing from an .iso you can just burn it and let check the disc from inside the install programm17:05
LukeNukemon my ubuntu 11.10, after a while it just starts lagging17:05
LukeNukemhow can i fix this?17:06
Amorrisi tried that but it spits back the same error message17:06
|Long|when u edit crontab do I need to restart something to take effect?17:06
Amorrisill try checking it in windows17:06
ki4roLukeNukem: Maybe increase your swap space...had to do that on mine...runs much better now17:06
subhadipI installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my friend's computer with an Ecs motherboard. Everything worked fine except the audio. I had to install ATI/AMD proprietary graphics driver for it, but even after that, there was no sound. But on the other partition, there's a Windows XP installation, after installing the driver supplied with the motherboard, the audio was functioning normal. Any suggestion?17:07
duhamelAmorris: have you tried other iso's or distrobutions?17:08
LukeNukemki4ro, how do i go about doing that17:08
duhameli am running ubuntu studio 12.04 i have a brother mfc j615w all in one. i have the printer working and want to get the scanner to go. i have Xsane installed and and downloaded the drivers and skan key from Brother webpage. the drivers were installed with package manager or whatever but i received a awrning message that file was not to be trusted because it didn't give a package size. now when i click Xsane it says Failed to open devic17:08
duhamele 'brother3.bus9;/dev1': Invalid argument. what do i do?17:08
Amorrisnope. im downloading the latest one now to try it  (i burned this distribution a few months ago)17:08
duhameldo you have a usb stick ?17:09
bo_how can i utilize ubuntu for network troubleshooting or forensics?17:09
LukeNukemki4ro, ?17:09
bharathI fetched depot_tools from git clone https://git.chromium.org/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git and typed export PATH="$PATH":`pwd`/depot_tools ,but it gives the error /usr/bin/env: bash: No such file or directory17:10
duhamelbo_ dd rescue and dd are very powerful forensics tools. Gparted is good to.17:10
LukeNukemi've also heard ubuntu is slow in general17:10
bo_duh: are these tools free?17:10
duhamelubuntu is 10x faster than any windows.17:11
duhamelyes bo17:11
solpethduhamel: and 10x slower than any other Linux.17:11
duckxxi just installed "ack-grep" .. but i want to run the command with just "ack" how and where do i change this?17:11
duhamelthey are in the repositories. also clonezilla is gfood.17:11
|Long|ikonia, u here bud?17:11
ki4roLukeNukem: Let me check17:12
bharathI fetched depot_tools from git clone https://git.chromium.org/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git and typed export PATH="$PATH":`pwd`/depot_tools ,but it gives the error /usr/bin/env: bash: No such file or directory17:12
LukeNukemki4ro, i hear 11.10 is quite laggy in general17:12
duhamelbo_: try downloading parted magic. it is a super powerful live distro that runs from ram so the footprint it leaves on systems you are trying to examine is minimal.17:13
ki4roLukeNukem: I'm on 12.04 now.  This is probably where I read on how to do it since I am a noob  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq/17:14
LukeNukemki4ro, how do you feel on 12.04 from 11.1017:14
captinehi all.  prob a silly question, but just managed to get 12.04 installed and me /etc folder doesnt have a fstab file?  has a empty fstab.d directory?  needing to change my  /home partition so need to know where to do this?17:14
FloodBot1ubuntu__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:14
ki4roLukeNukem: I like it...still getting lots and lots of updates but it does seem stable to me17:15
bharathI fetched depot_tools from git clone https://git.chromium.org/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git and typed export PATH="$PATH":`pwd`/depot_tools ,but it gives the error /usr/bin/env: bash: No such file or directory17:15
LukeNukemwhat about the lag issue ki4ro17:15
ki4roLukeNukem: I17:16
duhamelcaptine: I've had success moving /Home with Gparted..17:16
ki4roLukeNukem: That seems to have gone away17:16
captinethanks duhamel.  let me try with that.17:16
duhamelor dd... I don't remember now actually. sorry.17:16
LukeNukemki4ro, since the upgrade, did you lose your data, apps and so on?17:17
Zelatorhey there guys17:17
LukeNukemdid you upgrade or a clean instal17:17
Zelatorone firend of mine has tried installing Ubuntu like 7 times and it always fails with the same symptomes17:17
ki4roLukeNukem: Not that I've noticed17:17
Zelatorthe installer window at some point just dissappears17:17
Zelatorand that's it17:17
ki4roLukeNukem: Not what you would call a power user though17:18
Zelatorno errors, no message windows, nothing17:18
duhameli am running ubuntu studio 12.04 i have a brother mfc j615w all in one. i have the printer working and want to get the scanner to go. i have Xsane installed and and downloaded the drivers and skan key from Brother webpage. the drivers were installed with package manager or whatever but i received a awrning message that file was not to be trusted because it didn't give a package size. now when i click Xsane it says Failed to open devic17:18
LukeNukemhave you considered learning linux and moving onto better distros such as redhat or debian or arch ki4ro ?17:18
duhamele 'brother3.bus9;/dev1': Invalid argument. what do i do?17:18
Zelatorthe installation just never finishees17:18
ki4roLukeNukem: Nah, getting too old for that stuff LOL   Be 63 in a week LOL17:18
captineduhamel: still interested to know where my partition mount points are being stored, as unless i am blind, nano /etc/fstab opened an empty file17:18
LukeNukemki4ro, plenty of time sir :)17:19
cknoxis it possible to tell apt to only upgrade packages that will not require a restart?17:19
Zelatoractually he managed to install it normally just one time... but then he screwed it up and had to reinstall it again, and since then he couldn't install it17:19
ki4roLukeNukem: LOL thanks17:19
bharathbharath@ubuntu:~$ $PATH bash: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/gedit:/usr/bin/env:/home/bharath/depot_tools:/home/bharath/depot_tools: No such file or directory17:19
LukeNukemki4ro, mind if i PM?17:19
bharathcan anyone help in this issue17:19
xanguacknox: normally only the kernel and hardware related updates requite restart, and even then you are not forced to restart17:20
ki4roLukeNukem: Not at all17:21
manners13can anyone point me in the right direction for matching 3 lines in a text file17:21
manners13should i be using grep awk or sed17:22
duhamelcaptine: i had the same problem when i was moving my /home. my fstab was empty too. sorry, but i don't remember how i figured it out or if i just gave up and said whatever... as long as it works.17:23
duhamelI'm not helpful. I'm a useless!17:24
LcawteHi, my Ubuntu server seems to be operating in some sort of local only mode, I can connect to it but anyone else on the outside can't, I can't host / ping gogole either...17:24
duhamelgoodbye all. thanks for the wonderful memories.17:25
cknoxcaptine: what happens when you nano /etc/mtab?17:25
captinecknox:  it looks like I would expect my fstab to look17:26
captinewith the drives and mount points and permissions17:26
solpethcaptine: not sure if this will help, but it's something: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/72200-missing-etc-fstab-ubuntu-how-rescue.html17:27
ericusHello all17:32
ericusI'm running a full disk encryption system (except for /boot). Would it be possible to encrypt another drives and have them auto-mounted when I log in?17:33
RhombixI'm looking for help installing Ubuntu on a USB hard drive17:33
=== lub` is now known as lubmil
=== Gallomimia__ is now known as Gallomimia
ericusRhombix: is there a problem?17:33
RhombixI have tried installing it, but I seem to be unable to boot it.17:34
RhombixWhen I try to boot from the drive, I get the message "Partition nor found"17:34
=== Ant___ is now known as ant-man
ericusRhombix: Are you sure that it is the USB stick that you are booting from?17:35
RhombixIt's not a stick, but a 320GB hard drive17:35
RhombixBut, yes, that is what I'm booting from17:36
ericusHow did you install it to the USB drive?17:36
ericusfrom what OS etc17:36
RhombixI booted Ubuntu from a CDr drive17:36
RhombixFrom the prompt, "Try Ubuntu/Install Ubunutu"17:36
RhombixI don't understand much about partitions17:37
anaimhi, can anyone help me with an ubuntu one problem please?17:38
ericusAre you sure your BIOS let's you boot from USB?17:39
ericusanaim: shout17:39
RhombixI'm not 100% sure, how would I ensure that?17:39
ericusRhombix: by looking into boot order in BIOS for example17:39
cyb3rd0rkHey guys can someone help me for second?17:39
MonkeyDustRhombix  a part-ition is a part of your harddisk, linux uses such parts to be installed17:40
solpethericus: if it wasn't enabled in bios it should just ignore the usb device anyway17:40
RhombixI don't really know how to change stuff in the BIOS...17:40
ericuscyb3rd0rk: whats up?17:40
|Long|what is the cmd to restart desktop sharing?17:40
Rhombixso if I opened the BIOS, what would I have to change to be able to boot Ubuntu?17:42
anaimhi can anyone help with an ubuntu one problem please?17:42
zimbreshi folks, does the command "cat file.iso > /dev/my-usb" generates a bootable usb stick?17:42
MonkeyDustanaim  i use it too17:42
ericusI'm running a full disk encryption system (except for /boot). Would it be possible to encrypt another drives and have them auto-mounted when I log in?17:44
solpethzimbres: that won't work, you'll have to use something like dd. A quick google search should show you how to do it17:44
MonkeyDustanaim  cyb3rd0rk keep it in the channel please17:44
anaimjust wondering if you could help me with ubuntu one, all my files/folders will sync except my public_html folder, is this a permission problem?17:45
cyb3rd0rk@MonkeyDust I need script to search on html file and find urls with .mp4 in the end and insert it into textlist17:45
MonkeyDustcyb3rd0rk  that's beyond me17:45
Amorrishey yall. trying to install 12.04 from a cd. when boot from the disc and try to install I get "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" can't find a working solution. Any help?17:45
cyb3rd0rk@MonkeyDust what do you mean?17:45
zimbressolpeth: ok, thanks, can you point me?17:46
anaim@MonkeyDust just wondering if you could help me with ubuntu one, all my files/folders will sync except my public_html folder, is this a permission problem?17:46
MonkeyDustcyb3rd0rk  cant help with that, maybe someone else can17:46
RhombixI'm going to try altering the BIOS. I may be back soon after rebooting.17:46
cyb3rd0rk@MonkeyDust Okay thanks anyway17:46
RhombixThanks everyone17:46
MonkeyDustanaim  where is that folder located?17:47
cyb3rd0rk@MonkeyDust can you make such a script on bash? or is there already made up script on the net?17:47
anaim@MonkeyDust /home/public_html17:47
MonkeyDustanaim  i'll try what it does here17:48
solpethzimbres: I googled this, it's from Arch but it's largely distribution-agnostic. Just pay attention to the documentation. You only need the 'Overwrite the USB drive' section https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/USB_Installation_Media17:48
anaim@MonkeyDust sorry, i didnt understand that last message, try what?17:49
MonkeyDustanaim  try if it syncs on my pc17:49
Gregdu schreibst englisch das verstehe ich nicht17:50
anaim@MonkeyDust oh ok thanks17:50
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:50
MonkeyDustanaim  works here, it syncs17:50
L3topI can't mount this sd. Camera uses it, win sees it. Ran chkdsk without issues and unmounted cleanly. This is still the result. http://pastebin.com/aMiGmKum17:50
GregWieso sind da engländer17:51
anaim@monkeyDust hmmm, must a permission problem then, what permissions you running on your public_html?17:51
MonkeyDustanaim  i didnt change them, just created a folder17:51
xjohnthomasx_Hey, question.. If I just accidentally deleted my boot partition, to expand my root partition, from a live usb cd instance of Ubuntu.. Do I have to re-download the current kernel to the new boot partition/folder in the root partition in order to boot into my previous linux setup?17:52
dagrovesCan someone please help me get my wireless working17:52
anaim@MonkeyDust ok thanks alot, i think i know what it is17:52
avaishey, I'm trying to use MagicSetEditor but I get an error "error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2u_richtext-2.8.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64" Help?17:53
avaisI'm running 11.04 64bit17:54
=== MobileHorse is now known as OmegaLimit
xjohnthomasx_Anyone know? I just accidentally deleted my /BOOT partition.. Do I have to redownload the current kernel to the new Boot folder ?17:54
dagrovesI have a TP-LINK TL-WN727N Wireless Adapter and I am trying to get it to work. Here is 'lsusb': http://paste.ubuntu.com/1091899/ and I have also tried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1902715 and this worked one time, but after a reboot my wireless was off again. What do I do?17:55
djzylex657Need Help: I have 2 user accounts and i cannot take my music from one and put it in the other user home directory. Can anyone help me?18:02
ant-manbuy netgear :P18:02
djzylex657would if i had money18:03
amews_aj-studyWhat is the number shown when using "wipe" ? It says 14823232 on a 243 GB partition - isn't something wrong ?18:03
L3topdjzylex657: use terminal. sudo mv /home/user1/Music/* /home/user2/Music18:04
Mattiasdjzylex657: sudo cp ~/folder /home/otheruser -R  ? after that, sudo chown user:group /home/otheruser/folder18:04
Mattiasor mv, yes.18:04
IdleOneL3top: this may be a silly question but wouldn't it be more efficient to link /user2/Music/ to /user1/Music/  ?18:06
snakes33i wonder if anyone of you runs ubuntu as a server18:06
IdleOnesnakes33: ask your actual support question, you might actually get an answer you need18:07
L3topI don't think it is at all a silly question, and really a better idea, unless they do not want the original user to have access, which would be silly if this were actually music and not pron.18:07
european_guyGuys, I installed the additional drivers for my ATI graphics card but I still have the VESA: M92 drivers, is there a way I can get the proper driver working for my computer, I tried to go through the forums but they were a bit confusing to me..18:08
dagrovesCan someone please help me get my Wireless working?18:08
Mattiassnakes33: I am currently setting up an ubuntu server :)18:08
snakes33which book on ubuntu as a server do you find most recommendable@mattias?18:09
Mattiassnakes33: it's pretty much done, just a few more configurations for fine-tuning18:09
Mattiassnakes33: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/index.html18:09
perlmonkeyhi can anyone tell me if there's a keyboard combo I can use to reset all windows, as some of my apps are off the desktop screen, if you see what i mean (the menu at top is off the screen)18:09
perlmonkeydagroves you need to be a more specific in what you're asking, there's wifi howtos available for ubuntu18:09
european_guyanyone had the same problem?18:09
snakes33Mattias thanks18:10
dagrovesperlmonkey: I have a TP-LINK TL-WN727N Wireless Adapter and I am trying to get it to work. Here is 'lsusb': http://paste.ubuntu.com/1091899/ and I have also tried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1902715 and this worked one time, but after a reboot my wireless was off again. What do I do?18:10
bo_my imagewriter doesnt see the .iso image my desktop18:10
BTITcan anyone here help me install the tor browser bundle?18:10
Mattiassnakes33: Only issue I had during install was getting grub to install. Since I used raid1 + lvm it wasn't possible and I had to install without a bootloader. then use a rescue cd to boot into the install and install grub2 manually18:11
homewhat is x chat18:11
IdleOnehome: xchat is an irc client18:11
snakes33ah ok!18:11
IdleOnehome see xchat.org for more info18:11
perlmonkeydagroves: have you checked the chipset is supported in your version of ubuntu by the kernel? this link may prove helpful: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=180017818:12
perlmonkeydagroves you may need to install a driver18:12
dagrovesokay let me check out the link first then I will get back to you18:13
bo_try to burn .iso image to a usb drive but image writer doesn't see the .iso on my desktop18:13
zimbresHi, how can  I get a netbook to boot from a usb stick, I change boot priority in bios but it always boot from hdd?18:13
L3topI can't mount this sd. Camera uses it, win sees it. Ran chkdsk from windows without issues and unmounted cleanly. This is still the result. http://pastebin.com/aMiGmKum   It is not of any real importance... but it annoys me.18:14
blueskiesis there a way to run a cron.hourly straight away?18:14
L3topzimbres: does your post screen have an f12 option or anything to address boot order?18:14
perlmonkeydagroves ok seems others have had issues with that chipset, so it probably wont work "out of the box" without driver installing18:14
zimbresL3top: It has F2 option only18:14
dagrovesperlmonkey: I have no idea how to install the driver though, I found the Ralink driver for it, but it is in a bz2 file and I have no idea what that is18:15
perlmonkeywifi can be a nightmare to setup, i had probs getting my built-in wifi to work on my toshiba laptop, had to mess around a bit to get it working and install a driver18:15
perlmonkeybz2 is a compressed file, you would need to uncompress it, what i would suggest first is check to see if any package exists for your hardware/chipset as sometimes you might get lucky18:16
perlmonkeystart ubuntu software center and do a search18:16
L3topzimbres: in bios you are selecting boot to usb hd, and changing its priority? Do you have another machine you can try to confirm you have a good burn image? How did you create this USB btw?18:16
zimbresL3top: than I go Boot -> Boot device priority ->18:16
dagrovespearlmonkey: what would I search for? My device?18:17
perlmonkeydagroves try the device name and the chipset if that doesn't work18:17
blueskieshi, just wondering if anyone could help me with a problem?18:17
perlmonkeydagroves there is a page somewhere for ubuntu which lists all wifi hardware and status/drivers needed/supported etc, see if you can find that too18:18
european_guyHere's my Question guys, it's a short video and please watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UojVwjpOUUw&feature=youtu.be18:18
blueskiesthanks i want to run a python script over ssh but i want it to stay on when i exit.18:18
zimbresL3top: dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdc118:18
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perlmonkeyif all else fails, try installing that driver you downloaded, then do a modprobe (drivername) to load it18:19
dagrovespearlmonkey: There is nothing in the software center. I have the driver but I have no idea how to install it, I have it extracted, but no idea what to do18:19
jgmdevblueskies, you can use screen18:19
perlmonkeycheck dmesg and see the devices does18:19
zimbresL3top: that should work right? I burned it from debian, for which i do not have any grafical program to burn images, at least I did not find any18:19
perlmonkey*see what18:19
perlmonkeydagroves that link i posted explains how to install it18:20
L3topyes zimbres... I believe it should have. Did you check the md5sum of the iso?18:20
dagrovespearlmonkey: okay I will check it out18:20
zimbresL3top: I did not, how can I do this check?18:20
perlmonkeydagroves if you save it into a folder, then open your file manager, click on it, it should automatically ask you if you want to uncompress/extract files somewhere18:21
perlmonkeythen you can do the..make... make install18:21
perlmonkeyto compile it18:21
=== european_guy is now known as please_help_meee
please_help_meeeHere's my question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UojVwjpOUUw&feature=youtu.be18:21
please_help_meeeit's about drivers and graphics18:22
L3top!md5sum | zimbres  btw with your dd you might specify the bs. I do not use dd a lot, but that might be an issue.18:22
ubottuzimbres  btw with your dd you might specify the bs. I do not use dd a lot, but that might be an issue.: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:22
L3topplease_help_meee: most people do not want to read links to try and help you. Just give a brief summary please.18:22
=== Guest95564 is now known as pckchem
perlmonkeycan anyone tell me how to get my windows back on my desktop, they keep going off the screen? is there a cascade windows keyboard combo or something?18:24
please_help_meeeI installed the additional FGLRX graphics driver but when I go to Details in my system I see that I have the VESA: M92 driver18:24
itoi need to change my xterm so that meta send escape equals true. how do i do this?18:24
perlmonkeyi.e. i can't access the top of the windows/menu on apps, they're off the top off the screen and i have no idea how to resize windows back18:24
L3topplease_help_meee: lspci -nn | grep VGA18:24
dagrovespearlmonkey: I am assuming it worked, there were no errors, so I am going to restart and see if it worked.18:25
tajamulcan anyone help me set my tata photon plus in pinguy(ubuntu)18:25
MonkeyDusttajamul  pinguy is not supportted here18:25
please_help_meeeL3top: I get this: http://pastebin.com/zjDDPgER18:26
L3topperlmonkey: Is this by any chance on a TV? Was this working before and did it change?18:26
please_help_meeeI mean, L3top: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV710 [Mobility Radeon HD 4500/5100 Series] [1002:9553]18:26
perlmonkeyl3top no its on my laptop... not sure why its happening but just started, several apps i start up appear off the screen!18:26
L3topplease_help_meee: apt-cache policy fglrx | grep stalled18:27
L3topplease_help_meee: this assumes your language is set as English18:27
pckchem@pearlmonkey alt+f7 will activate arrow key move for a window18:27
please_help_meeeL3top: I get this:   Installed: 2:8.960-0ubuntu118:27
decciAnyone who have worked on Ulteo Virtual Desktop18:28
perlmonkeypckchem: thank you!!! you're a star. I knew there must be some alt keyboard combo... i'll make a note for future reference as it happens often ;-) cheers18:28
pckchem@perlmonkey cheers18:29
L3topplease_help_meee: does aticonfig --list-adapters   return a result? I do not need that result... I just need to know it does not cry about no suitable adapter.18:30
please_help_meeeL3top: * 0. 01:00.0 ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series18:30
please_help_meee* - Default adapter18:30
L3topok... please_help_meee Are you running a single monitor?18:31
please_help_meeeL3top: yes, it's a laptop18:32
ufrgsHello, how do I check my disk partitions size ?18:32
bekksufrgs: By looking at sudo fdisk -l18:32
please_help_meeeufrgs: gparted18:32
perlmonkeyif dagroves returns will someone tell him it might be worth installing ndisgtk to get his wifi driver working18:32
n2deepufrgs: parted mike work as well18:32
L3topplease_help_meee: aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf          and reboot. I will be here.18:32
OmegaLimitperlmonkey: will do18:32
please_help_meeeL3top: I get this result: Uninitialised file found, configuring.18:33
please_help_meeeUsing /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:33
please_help_meeeSaving back-up to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.original-018:33
please_help_meeeaticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Permission denied.18:33
ufrgsbekks, if my current partition starts at 2048 and ends at 206847, does it have 2Gb more or less ?18:33
L3topplease_help_meee: do not put more than one liners in here. Please use sudo before the command.18:33
bekksufrgs: 2048 does not mean 2GB.18:34
* Guest49797 waves hello18:34
n2deepDoes anyone know where /run on 12.04 gets its size parameter from? Mine is set at 10% and I want to make it bigger.18:34
manners13wheres all the script kings out there18:35
bekksufrgs: and those units are blocks, and their size is given in the output too.18:35
ufrgsbekks, 2048 means it start at byte 2048 but it end at byte 20684718:35
bekksufrgs: No.18:35
please_help_meeeL3top: http://pastebin.com/G0vZ9qmB. Is it what you expected?18:35
bekksufrgs: The units are _blocks_ not _bytes_18:35
L3topplease_help_meee: please pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:35
fellayaboyi have a question...why does bittorrent traffic halt all network traffic in time in ubuntu...idk if its every linux system but i know in ubuntu wiether its transmission or some other client internet traffic is halted and a restart is mandated. i tried resetting the networkmanager daemon starint/stopping it, logging out and in but to no avail any ideas why this happens?18:36
ufrgsbekks, and how do I figure the partition size then ?18:36
manners13im trying to find a 3 specific lines in a text file and edit the lines under them, but the first and second lines will be in the text file several times so has to be all 3 lines need to match18:36
bekksufrgs: By looking at the blocksize of the device given in the output of fdisk -l for that device.18:36
bekksufrgs: And a bit mathemagical arts :)18:36
please_help_meeeL3top: http://pastebin.com/WiKRPFW418:37
ufrgsbekks, the Blocks on this partition I am interested on have the number 10240018:37
bekksufrgs: Pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l please.18:37
fellayaboyaaahh another person with an ati problem18:38
ufrgs/dev/sda1   *        2048      206847      102400    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT18:38
ufrgs/dev/sda2          206848   312578047   156185600    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT18:38
bekks!paste | ufrgs18:38
ubottuufrgs: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:38
L3topok please_help_meee please reboot and see whats what18:38
bekksufrgs: Pastebin the COMPLETE output.18:38
fellayaboyhow do u pastebin directory from the commandline i wanna know18:39
MonkeyDustfellayaboy  add a pipe .... blah | pastebinit18:39
ufrgsbekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1091980/18:40
|2ump|2oasthello, I'm getting the following error on 12.04 Jul 14 14:34:39 fileserver kernel: [ 2670.940174] ata3: exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x90200 action 0xe frozen18:40
fellayaboyniiice thank u18:40
=== Tux is now known as Atlantian
=== decio is now known as please_help_me
please_help_meL3top: I'm back18:41
newb2grub-md5-crypt is missing on quantal? I'm unable to find the utility18:42
ufrgsbekks, it means 102400 Blocks * 512 bytes = 50GB18:42
dagrovesYeah installing that Driver for Wireless did not work at all. Now I cannot access the internet on my Linux drive.18:42
MonkeyDustnewb2  quantal questions in #ubuntu+118:42
fellayaboyhow do i copy and paste without using the mouse in a terminal/console18:43
ufrgsbekks, you there ?18:44
newb2MonkeyDust: thanks18:45
please_help_mefallayaboy: if you're on Ubuntu 12.04, click on the ALT key and then write paste or copy. The press enter18:45
please_help_meL3top: you here?!?18:45
=== please_help_me is now known as please_help_meee
newb2MonkeyDust: can you give me the output of apt-file search /sbin/grub-md5-crypt on precise?18:46
L3topYes I am here please_help_meee.18:46
=== burrito is now known as Guest6998
please_help_meeeL3top: What do I do now?18:47
MonkeyDustnewb2  it says "E: The cache is empty. You need to run 'apt-file update' first." - doing that now18:48
L3topplease_help_meee: you said that previously it was listing the vesa driver. you could lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A2 and see which module is loaded now.18:48
e33i add new menu "service" to my main menu (ubuntu 12.04 gnome), how can i change the icon of this folder, anyone can advice please?18:48
newb2MonkeyDust: ok :)18:49
=== Guest57265 is now known as Raph5
MonkeyDustnewb2  yeah, a lot of technical stuff, percentages and such18:49
please_help_meeeL3top: on the terminal it says this http://pastebin.com/aeXEpZif But on he system Details it still says VESA: M9218:49
L3topmanners13: Almost done.18:49
burrito_I would like to broadcast the contents of my lamp server over my lan.  What would I need to read up on to figure this out?  I can't find much on google that is entirely relevant.18:50
MonkeyDustnewb2  hope you didnt make me ruin my system ;)18:50
newb2MonkeyDust: this is the cache update, ignore it :)   At end you can run again the first try18:50
newb2MonkeyDust: hehe :D18:50
MonkeyDustnewb2  now have i done this?18:50
L3topthen system Details is wrong please_help_meee. lsmod | grep -E '(fglrx|vesa)'18:51
timothyjrHow can I tell if Sun Java installed properly.  Or maybe the better question to ask, if I got this message when doing the install from a terminal, should I be concerned:18:51
timothyjrStopping update-sun-jre 1.2.4 etc etc etc18:51
timothyjrthen took me a command prompt18:52
please_help_meeeL3top: http://pastebin.com/imPguiFK18:52
newb2MonkeyDust: apt-file search the packages where the asked file is. To do this apt-file download the file list from repositories to finde the file in each package.18:52
rhizmoewhy wouldn't i be able to delete files on a (auto) mounted drive? permissions are kosher, but permission denied.18:52
MonkeyDustnewb2  and how are helped, now i have done it?18:52
rhizmoetimothyjr: might be just teh update. try `java -v`18:52
newb2MonkeyDust: the download ended?18:53
rhizmoetimothyjr: java -version i mean18:53
timothyjrok rhiz18:53
Raph5Hi, I wanted to install ubuntu on a sd card, realized half way that my sd slot is not boot-able, I tought of creating a small patition(1or2 gb) on the hard drive and use the sd card for the rest of the system, is that possible?18:53
MonkeyDustnewb2  please explain why you made me do this18:53
e33any advise how to change the icon for a folder in main menu (ubuntu 12.04 gnome)18:54
rhizmoeRaph5: usb thumbdrive is more likely to be bootable18:54
jgmdevburrito_, you just need to give your servers lan ip to the other computers on the lan18:54
rhizmoedepending on the mobo of course18:54
please_help_meeeL3top: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=91cd93&s=618:54
timothyjrI got Java version 1.7.0_05, java (tm) se runtime environment etc etc.18:54
timothyjrI take that it was successful?18:54
rhizmoesuccessful enough!18:55
duckxxwhere do i store my global .vimrc file ?18:57
ant-manshould I fake my orgasms?18:57
ant-manwrong room, sorry18:57
newb2MonkeyDust: If you give me the output, I can know the package name in precise who have the file I'm finding for. Then I know ehere I can find into my files too18:58
rhizmoeduckxx: man vim ...skip to the bottom18:59
please_help_meeeL3top: but my problem is that 720p YouTube videos really lag a lot and I think my graphics card is lacking compatibility with Ubuntu.. What is wrong? Because My Graphics card shouldn't lag with video playback, I used to play Black Ops Multiplayer on it and it did the job. Would updating my kernel get me better performance?18:59
rhizmoeyoutube streams like crap at 720p19:00
please_help_meeerhizmoe: But even on my iPad it's Okay19:00
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Raph5rhizmoe: thanks but it's more convenient fro me to do it from an sd card19:01
ant-manmy slow phone streams HD youtube faster than my gaming PC...19:01
MonkeyDustnewb2  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1092009/19:01
burrito_jgmdev thanks, that's gets it to work, but the stylesheet is not coming through for some reason?19:03
jgmdevburrito_, maybe you are not using a relative path on html code19:03
ok_anyone know what tools will generate deauth packets besides the unsupported aircrack suite?19:03
ok_in 12.04 this is19:04
rhizmoeok_: gcc19:04
ok_rhizmoe, hehe yea any idea how i code it in c then?19:05
burrito_jgmdev actually I have a php function that creates an absolute path according to a url variable in the config file.. dang..  thanks19:06
newb2MonkeyDust: Thanks!!! It's at grub package, and I have grub2! :D19:09
newb2MonkeyDust: Thanks for your help :D19:10
newb2MonkeyDust: Going restart my computer19:10
newb2MonkeyDust: PS.: You can use this utility to find any missing file or the name of some package who have a needed file19:10
rhizmoeso, it appears i can delete files and dirs as long as i'm not in / of my automounted drive19:15
pckchemmsg yea19:16
=== chad is now known as Guest30103
sleaxhi to all. Can you tell me how to use the "-w" flag  on openssh client? Please give me an example. The man tell "Requests tunnel device forwarding with the specified tun(4) devices between the client (local_tun) and the server (remote_tun)." , but i haven't understand the utility.19:24
ntwrk_keithTrying to get my hp PSC 1310v thats connected via USB to my ubuntu server working and shared over the network19:27
ntwrk_keithsane-find-scanner does not recognize my scanner19:27
ntwrk_keithread through the man pages but I didnt see anything other than trying rmmod scanner that could help19:28
ntwrk_keithwhich didnt help19:28
MonkeyDustntwrk_keith  does lsusb find it?19:28
ntwrk_keithlets see19:29
ntwrk_keithI know it find the printer part because printing works19:29
=== Elektra is now known as Guest68940
ntwrk_keithBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub19:30
ntwrk_keithBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub19:30
ntwrk_keithBus 002 Device 002: ID 1532:000d Razer USA, Ltd19:30
ntwrk_keithdoesnt even list the printer in there19:30
h00kntwrk_keith: next time, please use pastebin for multi-line pastes :)19:31
ntwrk_keithI had some power issues, maybe the printer is off19:31
ntwrk_keithh00k, sorry about that19:31
MonkeyDustntwrk_keith  type !xsane, see if it's helpful19:31
ubottuScanning software: Simple-Scan (GNOME), Xsane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR19:32
ntwrk_keithThink I've seen both of those documents19:32
ntwrk_keithwell I cant print over the network anymore so that could be a problem :(19:32
MonkeyDustntwrk_keith  is it a printer with a network card and ip address, or what do you mean?19:34
ntwrk_keithMonkeyDust: It's connected via USB to my ubuntu server19:35
ntwrk_keithCUPS admin page shows: Processing - "Waiting for printer to become available."19:35
ntwrk_keithso it looks like there is a problem19:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:35
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:36
MonkeyDustZelator  wrong channel19:36
Zelatoraha, i know19:36
ntwrk_keithSo the jobs are making it to CUPS, because the jobs show up as pending19:37
ntwrk_keithbut the communication between the printer and server isnt working19:37
ChamunksI'm looking to be pointed in the direction of installing Oracale java Jre6 64bit19:37
Chamunksis there a deb somewhere?19:37
h00k!java | Chamunks19:37
ubottuChamunks: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.19:37
Chamunksits highly annoying having it removed from the repos.19:37
Chamunksthanks h00k19:37
MonkeyDustntwrk_keith  ssh to the server and check settings from there19:37
ntwrk_keithI'm SSH'd19:37
ntwrk_keithsettings havent changed19:38
ntwrk_keitha big power outage earlier this week did happen though19:38
ntwrk_keith5 hour outage with a huge power surge19:38
MonkeyDustntwrk_keith  then try to print directly from the server, first, so not over the network19:38
ntwrk_keithit actually killed a few outlets in the house19:38
davv3_hello. i cannot assign keyboard shortcuts for moving windows to specific workplaces. to reproduce: system settings -> keyboard -> shortcuts -> navigation. hepl !19:42
davv3_workplaces = workspaces19:42
ntwrk_keithI'm getting a "scheduler not responding." error when trying to do lpr19:42
MonkeyDustntwrk_keith  so it starts there, the issue is not the network19:44
ntwrk_keithI gathered that19:44
ntwrk_keithlooks like unplugging/plugging back in the USB cable worked.. it's now recognized in lsusb19:45
ntwrk_keithand sane found the scanner19:45
ntwrk_keithbut scanmage -L doesnt appear to work19:46
k0nichiwahello in current ubuntu how do you start a terminal ?19:46
ikoniapress the terminal icon on the launcher19:47
k0nichiwawtf im looking at the icons on the left and i don't see it19:47
k0nichiwaive got "dash home"19:47
k0nichiwais that supposed to be cut e?19:47
ikoniak0nichiwa: "wft" - we know what it means and don't need to hear it please.19:47
Mattiask0nichiwa: ubuntu has this odd hud thingy, write terminal in the search and you'll find it19:47
trismk0nichiwa: or ctrl+alt+T19:47
k0nichiwaive got an icon that says "ubuntu one" wtf could that be ?19:48
ikoniak0nichiwa: I won't ask you again about wtf19:48
MonkeyDustk0nichiwa  ubuntu one is a cloud service19:49
PortugalGuys, is this a good guide to install kernel 3.4.4 on Ubuntu 12.04: http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/06/how-to-install-linux-kernel-344-in.html19:49
ikoniaPortugal: nope19:49
Portugalikonia: any sugestions? I don't want to break anything but I really want to be on the latest kernel19:50
MerisI want to disable hard disk head-parking in software(!), not firmware persistenly. How can I achieve this?19:50
ikoniaPortugal: why do you want to be on the latest kernel19:50
MonkeyDustPortugal  better test it on a non-productive system19:51
ntwrk_keithLooks like ubuntu supports it, but sane doesnt. Is there any other software out there that works with scanners?19:51
Portugalikoina: Because Ubuntu is kinda slow for me and I have a pretty good computer. I wanted to see if this kernel update makes it better. And also to fix the crashes19:52
ikoniaPortugal: the kernel won't "speed it up"19:52
dagrovesCan someone help me with my Wireless?19:52
dagrovesI am having problems.19:52
hyliani have a problem, I am stuck in chinese, and no matter what I do, I can't escape it. I have gone to settings to set it back to english, with no avail. this is the second time I have re installed, only to get this bug back, pleas help...19:52
Portugalikonia: It might bring better ATI drivers support19:52
ikoniaPortugal: it's better to isolate where hte performance issue is and resolve that, than trying such random thing as updating the kernel19:52
ikoniaPortugal: sure, go random, do random things....it's only the kernel, it's only the core base component of your system that the whole OS is built around, why not randomly update it to different versions that are not provided from official sources19:53
Portugalikonia: Ok, it is really slow and I have a decent graphics and 2GHz Dual-Core processor19:53
captinei have an issue.  tried changing some theme settings, and seem to have things looking like gnome3. the window icons are changed etc.  tried unity reset, but it doesnt complete. any ideas?19:53
ikoniaPortugal: go for it19:54
MerisI'm using empathy and I see a picture of a user everytime someone types anything. How can I disable this, so the user pictures don't take up any space anymore?19:54
Random832Portugal: what's slow exactly?19:54
kr3at0rWill the switchable graphics thing ever make it 100% to linux?19:54
ikoniakr3at0r: ask nvidia19:54
ikoniakr3at0r: email them19:54
Random832if you do web browsing try disabling flash. flash _always_ takes up 100% of my CPU if i've got any number of tabs open [i really need to figure out a way to make it click to play]19:54
PortugalRandom832: It's frustrating if you compare Windows and Ubuntu on the same Machine. I hate Windows, but Ubuntu isn't just fast enough. I think it might be something about my graphics card because the animations are not smooth and Full-Screen youTube videos play like if I had a 500GHz single-core processor19:56
xanguaPortugal: fullscreen flash video sucks...well flash sucks in general in linux19:56
=== tm_ is now known as Guest88715
Portugalxangua, ok. But about the performance after all, it's just not great. Ubuntu Software Center is always crashing, Firefox takes seconds to open and even the workspace switcher animation is lagging!19:58
=== vitor_ is now known as shig
ratcheerxangua: I have stopped using Flash, I don't even have it installed.19:59
MonkeyDustPortugal  maybe you want something lighter19:59
PortugalRandom832: Then how am I going to watch YouTube?19:59
ratcheerPortugal: A lot of Youtube works with html520:00
ratcheerBut not everything.20:00
PortugalMonkeyDust: I tried installing Xubuntu through Wubi but it gives me the Error: Root FileSystem not 'something....' specified20:00
MonkeyDustPortugal  wubi....20:01
Portugalratcheer: The most popular and best channels don't work. Basically all channels that are partnered with YouTube20:01
amews_aj-studyWhy does wipe show a size of 14823232 on a 243 GB partition ? Isn't the number the size of the partition? There is a difference of factor 16384 - maybe block size or something ?20:01
PortugalMonkeyDust: Wubi is my Only Shot... I tried Mint4Win but it also doesn't work20:02
Random832what is wipe amews_aj-study20:02
Random832Portugal: you can't properly partition it?20:02
amews_aj-studyutility that can be used to wipe files, partitions or entire hdd20:02
Random832it's probably doing it in 16kb blocks20:03
MerisI'd like to disable head-parking on my WD Caviar Green HDD persistently. Not in firmware, but as a software setting. Does anyone know howto do this?20:03
MonkeyDustPortugal  is this slow video also with wubi?20:03
PortugalRandom832: No. I don't understand the installer and it doesn't give me the option to install it alongside Windows...20:03
drawmeatQ: I just up graded and now wine wont full screen one of my old windows games (chuzzle)  Any ideas on how to fix this?20:03
amews_aj-studyCan anyone confirm "wipe" is using 16 kb blocks ? I would like to be sure everything is fine. Can't find any documentation saying anything about it.20:03
Random832MonkeyDust: wubi does let you boot to linux, it's not just a virtual machine, and it shouldn't have performance problems for stuff that doesn't hit the hard drive20:04
MerisIs there anyway to disable any games (both in advertisements and in search results)?20:04
MerisIs there anyway to disable any games (both in advertisements and in search results) in the Software Center?20:04
PortugalMonkeyDust: I had Ubuntu 11.10 installed nativelly last Christmas and it had the same kind of slowness.20:04
LilWhat is the command to update to the latest version via. shell20:05
Random832amews_aj-study: if you're worried, put something at the end of the disk and verify that it's gone after it runs20:05
Random832personally i think wipe is overkill unless you've got the NSA after you20:05
MonkeyDustMeris  i use adblock, flashblock and ghostery to that end20:05
ratcheerPortugal: Sorry for the slow response. I personally would just rather not watch Youtube than have Flash on my system.20:05
PortugalI have to keep Windows installed because I have my iTunes Library in there and I also have many iDevices that I need to manage20:05
Portugalratcheer: Is there a YouTube video client besides MiniTube?20:06
amews_aj-studyRandom832, it does seem to be empty - but I would like to be sure, since the hdd might be sold to someone else afterwards.20:06
MonkeyDustPortugal  i guess vlc handles streaming media20:06
MerisMonkeyDust, afaik those add-ons are exclusive to Firefox, they are useless for the software center. I'm trying to kick a gaming habit and I want as less temptation as possible.20:06
MonkeyDustMeris  i use chromium20:06
PortugalMonkeyDust: I presume I would have a lot of work just to watch a YouTube video on VLC...20:07
delacanyone around who might know what style property does the orange border around active buttons?20:07
MerisMonkeyDust, again, Chromium is a browser, Software Center is not. My question topic was the Software Center, not a browser.20:07
aleale97hey hey :D20:07
ratcheerPortugal: I don't know. I don't use anything called Minitube.20:07
MerisMonkeyDust, thanks for trying to help though.20:08
MonkeyDustMeris  i missed a part of your initial question20:08
brandonhelp i cant mount my phone my pc20:08
Random832amews_aj-study: is that person an NSA agent?20:09
MerisMonkeydust, let me repeat my original question then:  Is there anyway to disable any games (both in advertisements and in search results) in the Software Center?20:09
brandonit wont show up in the file manager do any o u now why?20:09
Random832anyway, just put something in that space before running wipe - either wipe will run properly on that region or it won't touch it at all20:09
Portugalbradon: What phone is it?20:09
brandonsamsung freeform 220:09
amews_aj-studyRandom832, Random, but most likely not - but does that really matter? I don't want someone to be able to restore data that could contain passwords or other personal data.20:09
brandonport samsung freeform 220:10
amews_aj-studyI am not saying I want to run 42 wipes with different random write techniques, I just don't want to leave it simply reformatting the partition table.20:10
delacMeris: I tried to find the answer for the same propblem. Couldn't find. Same goes with the dashboard. I think Canonical is trying to make Ubuntu adware :)20:10
Random832amews_aj-study: just use dd if=/dev/zero of=disk20:10
Random832that's good enough for anyone who doesn't have an electron microscope20:11
Portugalbradon: sorry. I really don't know the answer. Maybe it requires a specific driver or software...20:11
Random832using if=/dev/urandom might be good enough even if they do - stuff like shred and wipe is for the super paranoid20:11
brandonno becouse it has mount before!20:11
brandon!myphone wont mount help!20:12
ubottubrandon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:12
Merisdelac, Canonical can certainly use the money. I just want to prevent  the adverts and more importantly, the search results itself from displaying any games whatsoever.20:12
guntbertLil: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades#Network_Upgrade_for_Ubuntu_Servers_.28Recommended.2920:12
brandonubotto i hate u20:12
amews_aj-studyRandom832, from what I read shred/wipe simply overwrites the hdd with random bits. I guess doing a single such pass is not paranoid ?20:12
PortugalWhat format is a Linux Hard Drive usually on. FAT32, right?20:13
ratcheerPortugal: No, usually ext3 or ext420:14
MerisPortugal, You *are* kidding, right?20:14
DJonesPortugal: No, not FAT32, Ubuntu is normally EXT2/3/420:14
brandonummmmmmmm !help!20:14
Portugalthanks ratcheer20:14
gandhijee_hey, what the heck happened to ubuntu 12.0420:14
gandhijee_why the hell is the crosscompile env so damn broken?20:14
brandoni cannot mount my phone!20:14
guntbert!please | brandon20:14
ubottubrandon: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude20:14
Random832amews_aj-study: well there are different degrees of paranoid - a single pass isn't that much more difficult than overwriting with zero, so it's not a big deal20:14
PortugalMeris: I don't go on the Ubuntu Support IRC chatrrom to joke20:14
delacMeris: yes, they could. Unfortunately I think they propably do not have any kind of preferences for the advertisement at the moment. They might be willing to do some  if someone would propose that.20:14
Random832but there are some people who insist on 25 of specific patterns and then multiple passes of randomness20:15
guntbertPortugal: no, the default file system is ext4 these days20:15
brandonguntburt please man just leave me alone20:15
amews_aj-studyRandom832, agreed, I wasn't looking for random bit overwrite. Zero would have been ok. I don't use linux as my primary OS, so I just searched for a way to wipe a disk in linux (livecd), and found the "wipe" utility.20:15
kr3at0rbtrfs vs zfs20:16
kr3at0rwhich is fastest20:16
DJones!poll | kr3at0r20:16
ubottukr3at0r: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:16
PortugalIs there a way to create a Ext4 partition from Windows?20:16
kr3at0ra filesystem isn't an application20:16
guntbertPortugal: no, why?20:16
suprit_how to create a live cd in ubuntu20:16
Random832amews_aj-study: well the traditional way is dd if=/dev/zero of=disk20:16
brandonjr3ator hes just a bot ingore him20:16
amews_aj-studyRandom832,  Great to know :)20:16
Random832oh and bs=1M - default dd block size is slow as all hell20:16
DJoneskr3at0r: Calling people names won't help you get questions asked20:17
PortugalGunbert: Because I would like to Linux Mint or Xubuntu on it20:17
guntbert!attitude | kr3at0r no "what is better" discussions here please20:17
brandonkrat0r *20:17
ubottukr3at0r no "what is better" discussions here please: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:17
kr3at0ri know20:17
kr3at0rbtrfs is buggy from what i hear20:17
kr3at0rzfs is more stable20:17
brandonguntbert STOP IT20:17
Portugalguntbert: The installer doesn't show me the option to install it alongside Windows20:17
kr3at0rbtrfs is supposed to be pretty fast for I/O20:17
ratcheersuprit_: Right click the file in Nautilus, select "Write to disc"20:17
MonkeyDustkr3at0r  wrong channel20:17
brandonguntbert | !spam20:17
ikoniabrandon: he's not spamming - stop it20:18
amews_aj-studyRandom832, The "wipe" completed hours ago - I guess it should be fine, right?20:18
kr3at0ris this not a linux channel20:18
kr3at0rwhere we discuss about linux20:18
ikoniakr3at0r: ##linux is20:18
ikoniakr3at0r: this one is #ubuntu, for ubuntu discussion20:18
DJoneskr3at0r: This is an Ubuntu channel, not general linux chat20:18
brandonhe keeps having the bot say stuff20:18
baazigarhello, how to prevent ubuntu from going on standby?20:18
ikoniabrandon: yes, to help people20:18
kr3at0rstop flooding me with the bot20:18
kr3at0rim just here to chat20:18
paxwell_im here to chat20:18
brandonikonia can u help me then20:18
ikoniakr3at0r: topic of this channel is Ubuntu, general linux is in the ##linux channel20:18
paxwell_can you help me20:18
=== Daiton is now known as Daiton|JakII
brandonik i cannot mount my phone20:19
ikoniabrandon: just ask the channel, someone maybe able to help20:19
suprit_@ratcheer i have to install some packages on all the pcs during the time time of installatioin of linux so i want to create a bootable cd which will consist all the packages20:19
kr3at0rget me voice in inux20:19
MonkeyDustkr3at0r  try #ubuntu-offtopic20:19
ikonia!register | kr3at0r20:19
ubottukr3at0r: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:19
Portugalkr3at0r: This is a Support Channel for people who know answers to the people who need help, not a chatroom!20:19
kr3at0ri need help20:19
kr3at0rpicking a file system20:19
ikoniakr3at0r: you need to resiger a nickname to chat in ##linux20:19
kr3at0rthat is all20:19
ikoniakr3at0r: ubuntu supports ext4 as it's default20:19
brandoncan someone please help me i need to mount my phone but the pc wont20:19
h00kbrandon: can you give more details, Ubuntu version, Phone make/model, etc20:20
guntbertPortugal: if you start the installer inside windows you won't get a "real" ubuntu, download an image file, md5sum check it and burn it to a CD, boot from that20:20
baazigarHello, how to prevent ubuntu from going on sleep automatically??20:20
brandonubuntu 11.10 samsung freeform 220:20
ikoniabaazigar: power managment menu20:20
baazigarI am cloning a repo and it sleeps in between.20:20
IdleOne!tab | brandon20:21
ubottubrandon: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:21
brandongo to the battery20:21
Portugalguntbert: What you mean by that? So, Wubi doesn't give me the real Ubuntu or What?20:21
brandonthen power setting20:21
brandonthen chang it20:21
timothyjrIḿ having a problem with both chrome and firefox displaying some webpages as completely blank.  I recently change network.http.accept-coding to true20:22
brandonPortugal, it is the real ubuntu20:22
guntbertPortugal: right, the whole installation is just inside one file in the windows file system - not too reliable :)20:22
suprit_i have to install some packages on all the pcs during the time time of installatioin of linux so i want to create a bootable cd which will consist all the packages20:22
baazigarbrandon, ikonia , the options say do nothing when idle.20:22
ikoniabaazigar: that's a bit worrying20:22
Portugalguntbert: But I want to dual boot and the installer doesn't let me do that for some reason20:22
brandonwell idle to all20:23
MerisI'm trying to reduce the speed that Load Cycle Count (SMART parking value) is increasing on my Western Digital Caviar Green HDD20:23
brandoni guess people arnt gonna awnser my qeastion20:23
MerisI only own the thing less then a week, but my LCC is already on 689920:23
guntbertPortugal: sorry, I never tried the wubi path, why don't you download the iso  for the live CD to try it out and evetually install it along windows20:24
pvssanjeevhi.. need help in getting the HDMI to work on UBUNTU 120420:24
anders1138installing from iso works better than wubi20:24
anders1138and faster20:24
pvssanjeevI am on DELL XPS L501X20:24
Portugalguntbert: I tried that but the installer doesn't give me the option to install Ubuntu along Windows20:25
ikoniaPortugal: you need to have free/unallocated space on the disk20:25
pvssanjeevthere seems be a problem with the nVIDIA drivers i guess20:25
Portugalikonia, I have20:25
PortugalI have like 40GB and it would be 60 if I unninstalled Wubi20:26
guntbertPortugal: you booted the live CD and selected "install"?20:26
pliventwhat do u recon is the best server os for a media server20:26
PortugalThen it only gave me 2 options: Erase all and install and Advanced Partition20:26
Portugalikonia, I think that was it20:27
pvssanjeevanyone who can help with my HDMI issues20:27
ikoniaPortugal: you have no unallocated space20:27
anders1138boot a live session from a cd20:27
Portugalikonia: NOOOO, I have 40 GB and it would be 60GB without Wubi20:27
ikoniaPortugal: YEEEEEEES you're whole disk is allocated to the windows partition20:28
anders1138and use gparted to unlocate sme space20:28
ikoniaPortugal: that is "no unallocated" space20:28
Portugalikonia, but on previous Ubuntu releases it gave me the option to install it along Windows and It did the partitioning right there, I didn't need to unnallocate space at all20:29
lJ6ilHello there. My grub doesn't work correctly after a dual boot install ("no such partition"). I'd like to use boot-repair but it tells me this : "echoversion_or_g2slaunch: command not found"20:29
lJ6ildoes someone know what it is ? Google doesn't.20:29
anders1138but unallocated space means unpartitioned space20:29
ikoniaPortugal: you can argue this all you want, I'm trying to help you, I'm explaining the problem and what you need to do to resolve it, quouting previous versions at me, or saying how much free space windows has won't change that20:29
Portugalikonia: Ok. What do I need to do?20:30
pvssanjeevlJ6il : try running the live CD20:30
ikoniaPortugal: exactly what I told you approx 20 lines up20:30
lJ6ilok thanks pvssanjeev20:30
anders1138you must shrink a partition from Windows20:31
pvssanjeevthe bootconfig would have been corrupted20:31
PortugalPortugal: you need to have free/unallocated space on the disk: ikonia, this?20:31
ikoniaPortugal: you need to shrink your windows partition from a liveCD so you have unallocated to space to install ubuntu to20:32
pvssanjeevPortugal: If  u have windows.. u can try logging and shrinking ur volume there as well20:32
ikoniapvssanjeev: he can't do it from within windows as the partition will be in use20:32
Portugalikonia and pvssanjeev. After the install, will I have the Windows bootloader or grub?20:33
ikoniaPortugal: grub20:33
anders1138ikonia: he can use Partition Manager in Win7, what Windows does he have?20:33
pvssanjeevIkonia: i remember doing that in windows... i shall go with you20:33
anders1138Portugal: yes20:33
bwat47ikonia: with win vista/win7 its partition manager can resize/shrink ntfs partitions on the fly even when they are in use20:34
ikoniatry it, it fails more often than not20:34
bwat47i've done it many times :)20:34
Portugalikonia, I really want the Windows bootloader because I'm still finding the right Distro And I would want to delete partitions and create new ones until I find the right one20:34
ikoniaI would not resize any partition that is in use from any os20:34
pvssanjeevPortugal: If u r installing within windows... it would be WINDOWS BOOT LOADER. If this is a parallel it would be grub20:35
ikoniaPortugal: I don't care any more - you can either a.) accept the help and advice b.) find reasons not to do it as you are doing20:35
bwat47ikonia: trust me, I've done it MANY times. it does work20:35
pvssanjeevneed some help on HDMI-UBUNTU-NVIDIA20:36
Portugalikonia: c.) Install Linux Mint 13 Cinammon and keep the Windows Bootloader because I might not like that version and the LiveCD doesn't show me the real performance of the OS20:36
ikoniaPortugal: linux mint uses grub20:37
ikoniaPortugal: either way, I'm no longer interested, if you need help with mint the channel is on a different IRC network20:37
HelloWorld321Would you recommend proprietary nVidia drivers or default Ubuntu OpenSource drivers, for an nVidia card?20:38
ikoniaHelloWorld321: depends on the card and the support / performance you requrie20:38
PortugalHelloWorld321: try the proprietary onne first, if you like it: keep. If not go with the opensource one20:38
HelloWorld321I guess I'm most worried about stability, compatiblity and software upgrades.  I've got a Windows box for gaming, though really if one is to have a dedicated gaming box, that's what consoles are for.  But I digress.  I'm mostly thinking down the road, which will I have less hassle with?20:40
ikoniaHelloWorld321: again, depends on your card20:41
timothyjrI dont get it, firefox is serving up completely blank pages for a number of different sites.  including ubuntuforums.org20:42
bwat47HelloWorld321: sometimes proprietary drivers do break with big kernel/xorg updates, but they should be fine for the most part regarding updates, since ubuntu generally doesn't update those until the next version20:42
jasonbournecan anyone shed some light on how to get Windoze games to run on Ubuntu 12.04LTS or where I can find info on how to do it??20:42
Monkey_bhey guys, what does it mean when i see a bunch of processes that say [fuser] defunct in my machine?20:42
BluesKaji have an odd issue (to me at least) with grub , it appears to be installed on the boot (main HDD) priority , but grub always lists the 2nd HDD as the deafult drive to auto boot if no selection is made in grub , both drives are sata ..the main drive is the priority in th BIOS.20:42
Monkey_bi must have like 100's of these20:42
ikoniajasonbourne: 1.) it's called "Windows" not "windoze"20:42
ikoniajasonbourne: 2.) I'd advise you not to depend on Wine to run games on linux, my view is that Windows games are designed to run on Windows, and trying to use them on other operating systems/depending on a solution is just trouble20:43
Monkey_bcorrection, 1000's of processes that say: 30642 ?        Z      0:00 [fuser] <defunct>20:43
jasonbourneI like to call Billy  Boy Gates junk Windoze....20:43
timothyjrikonia, when youŕe watching that little hourglass it feels like Windoze20:43
Portugaljasonbourne: PlayOnLinux, available at the Software Center20:43
ikoniatimothyjr: it's called Windows20:43
ikoniajasonbourne: I'd advise you to stay clear of PlayOnLinux and Wine as a solution for games20:43
jasonbourneikonia - sorry but your wrong because I know it's possible just don't know how to do it...20:43
timothyjrI know what itś called20:43
ikoniajasonbourne: what do you mean "I'm wrong"20:44
jasonbourneikonia - you say its looking for trouble when I know that it's possible...20:44
ikoniajasonbourne: I didn't say it wasn't possible20:44
jagginessjasonbourne, whine on #wine20:44
ikoniajasonbourne: there are abstraction layers tools such as "wine" (playonlinux is a front end to that)20:44
bwat47it is possible via solutions like wine and playonlinux. games may or may not work well with them, check winhq for wine game compatability20:45
ikoniajasonbourne: however depending on them is not a solution as not all games work, games can work badly, games can work fine one day, then not work at all the next day, hence depending on the solution is "looking for trouble"20:45
HelloWorld321ikonia: It's an nVidia GT430     (VGA EVGA|01G-P3-1431-KR GT430 1G R)20:45
ikoniajasonbourne: the guys in #winehq can walk you through your wine journey should you choose to progress it20:45
ikoniaHelloWorld321: you'll have to research it's compatability20:45
jasonbourneikonia - exactly...so where do I go to get it running?? I had PlayOnLinux installed on this laptop when I had OpenSUSE on it but could not figure out how to get it running...20:46
jasonbourneikonia - I'll try there...20:46
RhombixI've just installed Ubuntu and I'm unable to boot20:46
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RhombixThe error messafe reads "partition not found"20:46
jagginessRhombix, did you let grub do its install to the first harddrive?20:47
RhombixI installed it to a 320GB USB drive20:47
pliventwoh woh soh soh20:47
auntieneoso I'm having problems with booting ubuntu with an NFS root. the initrd mounts everything just fine, but then when init (upstart) starts, it goes for a while, then about 30 seconds later the system freezes and the screen displays garbage pixels20:47
RhombixJust wanted to say, I've been working on this for 12 hours now, and any help would be much appreciated...20:47
auntieneono blinkin' lights on the keyboard, idk if the kernel paniced or what but I can't ping the box at that point20:48
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OerHeksHelloWorld321, : NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 430] works fine with the additional 295.40 driver20:49
auntieneoI'm looking for ideas as to which upstart script might have caused that... I'm guessing it was some init script20:49
RhombixI've read that my problem may be caused by the partitioning20:49
pliventwent into mcdonalds today and ordered a big mac for her20:49
pliventand ordered 2 mcgrittles one for each kid. one had bacon one without20:49
ikoniaplivent: stop20:49
DJonesplivent: Wrong channel20:49
RhombixIt's possible that the boot info is written to a part of the drive that is innaccessible to my BIOS20:49
MattiasAnyone knows how to get windows to recognize hdds in kvm? I made the virtual machine 100gb, which should be plenty.. but the windows installation can't find anything, not a single hdd drive20:50
RhombixSo now I'm trying to copy the data to another part of the disk - any help?20:50
Mattiashttps://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/libvirt.html <-- been following this20:50
auntieneoRhombix: how did you install ubuntu?20:51
sven2Hi there20:51
pliventWOH OH20:52
ikoniaplivent: please stop that20:52
hector549I am having a problem with my gcc install on Ubuntu Studio, is this the right place for some help?20:52
kamiramшэдд вшу20:53
Rhombixauntieneo: I installed it via CDr, using the prompt20:53
auntieneoRhombix: do you have specific files you still want on the disk, or can you wipe it and try again?20:53
kamirami'll die. about 5 yuears. what can i do ?20:53
ikoniakamiram: stop messing around please.20:54
kamirami really  ill20:54
PortugalKamiram, This is a support channel, not a High School Drama Club20:54
bwat47!ops kamiram spamming channel20:54
ubottubwat47: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:54
ikoniabwat47: he's not spamming20:54
ikoniabwat47: he's made one comment, it's under control20:55
auronandacekamiram: make yourself useful and post bug reports in the time you have left20:55
kamirami can help somebody. i'm programmer20:55
kamiramcool programmer20:55
pliventanyone ROHing?20:55
ikoniaauronandace: don't try to make a problem - he's been asked to stop, don't push him to start again20:55
ikoniakamiram: you're in an ubuntu support channel, do you need help with ubuntu20:55
Portugalikonia, he's trolling. With Russian Characters and stuff That makes no sense20:55
auronandaceikonia: apologies20:56
auntieneoikonia: kick kamiram too20:56
kamirami'm qa20:56
ikoniakamiram: do you need help with ubuntu yes/no ?20:56
Portugalc'mon, KICK HIM OUT!20:56
ikoniakamiram: we can see you20:56
ikoniaPortugal: stop now20:56
pliventsorry oh20:56
kamirami can give htlp20:56
pliventi was just asking about media server20:56
pliventLOH OH20:56
ikoniakamiram: ok, then please be quiet until you see someone you can help20:57
kamiramplivent? some fore mediaserver on lan?20:58
ikoniakamiram: he's left20:58
lady_Bithey :)20:58
Portugalkamiram, someone banned him20:58
kamiramikonia, sorry, i'm russian bear.20:59
Portugalikonia, YEAH!! SHOW 'em who's boss!21:00
ikoniaPortugal: I won't ask you again - stop with that sort of thing21:00
Portugalikonia, Ok. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.21:01
hector549Not to nag, but anyone able to help out with gcc?21:01
ikoniahector549: just ask the question, if someone can help they will21:01
alusionHey I was using unetbootin to boot a live usb, does unet not work?21:02
Portugalalusion: UNet does work with most of the distroes21:02
hector549I am compiling a test application which calls a method from libmath, despite a "-lm" argument on the command line, it errors out with undefined reference.21:02
ikoniahector549: why do you think that's a problem with gcc ?21:03
bwat47alusion: it should work, just used it the other day to make an ubuntu liveusb. if it doesn't work for you there are other methods to make liveusb's though21:03
hector549I don't think it is gcc, but the installation thereof.  The same file compiles fine on other machines, and I cannot get code from mature projects to compile either.21:04
ikoniahector549: ok, so it's either going to be an incompatability between dependencies, a missing dependency or a bug in the code21:04
PortugalIf you are using it to create a LiveUsb of Ubuntu, you rather use Startup Disk Creator which comes pre-installed with Ubuntu alusion21:04
trismhector549: can you pastebin the command line you used? the placement of -lm matters in 11.10+21:05
hector549trism: http://pastebin.com/GkmBeHCM21:05
pseudonymousWhere to get more help on command 'pacmd' ? I have no SINK for an otherwise detected CARD (ie. 'pacmd list-sinks' does not see my USB device, 'pacmd list-cards' does)21:06
trismhector549: gcc -o sintest sintest.c -lm21:06
hector549trism: You win 1000 kudos.  Thank you very much.21:07
trismhector549: no problem21:07
ikoniatrism: slick21:07
PortugalI'm thinking of creating an App, I've done one before in XCode for Mac so I gotta learn a lot of stuff, which app do you guys recommend I use? I want something simple and super GUI-based21:07
jagginessPortugal, gambas221:08
jagginessPortugal, it's RAD-like21:08
jagginessPortugal, very gui oriented and uses BASIC21:09
jagginess(or some kind of "gambas" BASIC..)21:09
jagginessPortugal, I believe gambas3 is out.. i dont know if its in the repos21:09
Portugaljagginess: no, it's not21:10
specieswhere have all the settings UI's gone in unity desktop?21:12
Portugaljagginess: Gambas 3.2 has been released on sourceforge21:12
speciesthe screensaver pane has disappeared, cannot be navigated to from system settings21:12
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speciesand the power pane is a joke; it has two configurables, and a tip regarding a brightness setting that isnt there21:13
speciesim trying to turn off display deactivation (how it turns off the display when its idle for a while)21:14
guntbertspecies: stop that ranting in a support channel - it will not help to improve anything21:14
speciesthese things need to be added back in.21:14
speciesi appreciate that there's been an overhaul21:14
bekksThen create feature requests instead of ranting.21:14
MonkeyDustspecies  the system won't be altered for the needs of one individual21:15
jagginessPortugal, https://launchpad.net/~nemh/+archive/gambas321:15
speciesi doubt that screensaver settings are the needs of just one individual21:16
Portugaljagginess: I already have it through SourceForge, but thanks21:16
speciesthere must be issues filed already?21:16
Portugalspecies. Do you have any questions? If not, byebye21:17
jagginessPortugal, should avoid sf for the moment.. because it's not always an out-of-box readiness... you want PPA , that way you can simply apt-get install it21:17
MonkeyDustspecies  take a look at !brainstorm, maybe someone did21:17
jagginessPortugal, (it's 3.2 which is pretty recent in PPA)21:17
speciesright but these things used to be there21:17
speciesits not a new feature request21:18
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Guest61709hey guys21:19
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Bijan588I have a question21:20
jagginessPortugal, after you do an apt-get update (as instructions from the ppa site), you can do apt-cache search gambas, and find the package name (probably it's gambas3-- so it would be apt-get install gambas3)21:20
Bijan588what could cause consistant filesystem corruptions?21:20
jagginessBijan588, which linux filesystem?21:21
bekksBijan588: There are numerous causes for a filesystem to get corrupted.21:21
hector549Bijan588: large magnets?21:21
kanliotbad cable, overheating cpu21:21
Bijan588Its a macbook g421:21
bwat47you should consider a journaling filesystem if you are experiencing corruption21:21
jagginessBijan588, it could be hardware21:21
Bijan588After an fsdisk check the problem seems to go away, so its hard to day what the issue is.21:22
jagginessBijan588, maybe the drive was overheating.. does the drive support s.m.a.r.t ?21:23
speciesooh heres a problem...21:23
speciesive searched for "screensaver" in the untity interface and its run xscreensaver21:23
specieswhich is now telling me it wants to disable gnome screensaver21:23
auronandaceBijan588: are you unmounting the filesystem properly?21:24
DJonesspecies: http://askubuntu.com/questions/64086/how-can-i-change-or-install-screensavers21:24
specieswell, this is a defect i think21:25
speciesam i wrong in suggesting that the first search option for a term such as "screensaver" should not be xscreensaver?21:25
speciesgiven that gnome has moved over to gnome screensaver?21:25
bekksspecies: Why do you think that search results have to semantically in the order you want them or even sorted?21:26
speciesxscreensaver is no longer the default right>?21:26
numbertotmux shortcuts not working in my terminal, does anybody knows how to troubleshoot that?21:27
speciesbekks: actually, its the only result if you search for "screensaver"21:27
bwat47species: its only default in xubuntu, ubuntu uses gnome-screensaver by default21:28
speciesshould there be a UI for it?21:28
Eric_Erm, anyone knows how do you solve the modem driver problem?21:28
bwat47species: there is in the gnome control center, doesn't show up in unity dash21:28
speciesi think that is a defect.21:29
speciesim new to unity, and I understand that its still in its early stages, but a lot seems to be missing21:29
MonkeyDustspecies  maybe it's you, not unity21:30
bwat47species: actually I don't see an entry for it in gnome control center anymore either21:30
speciesMonkeyDust: im certain im not the only one in the world who uses a UI to configure screensavers, for example21:30
bwat47think was settings for it there in either 11.04 or 11.10, but not in 12.01 i guess21:30
pseudonymousHow in the nine hells do I get my damned USB soundcard working, PulseAudio is a damned PEST :(21:30
bwat47pseudonymous: usually all you should have to do is set it as output in the sound settings, unless something is weong21:31
Dr_willisif its supported by alsa21:31
Mattiaspseudonymous: you install alsa :P21:32
MonkeyDustspecies  i, for one, don't use screensavers21:32
jagginesspseudonymous, i've used usb audio headset without problem.. same module may apply here.. sudo modprobe snd-usb-audio<enter>, then relogin21:32
speciesMonkeyDust: how do you turn them off with a fresh install of 12.04?21:32
xanguaspecies http://shuffleos.com/3176/how-to-enable-screensavers-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelt/21:32
Dr_willisgnome has had very minimal screensaver/screensaver configs.. for some time now.. theres xscreensavers if you want more control21:32
MattiasI had to get PulseAudio because it was the easiest way to get both mic input together with "what you hear" on my usb headset21:32
bwat47species: do you just want to turn off screen blanking/locking?21:32
bwat47species: there are options for those under "brightness and lock"21:32
speciesbwat47: i found that yeah21:33
Eric_Everytime I connect my USB modem, the entry appears in the connection list for a second then dissapears again. A little later a system error dialog appears stating that 'modem' thingy has crashed21:33
xangua(16:25:46) species: given that gnome has moved over to gnome screensaver? - and gnome3 no loger has a screensaver, or at least not one that i am aware off21:33
speciesMonkeyDust: right now, getting basic settings changed requires command line usage and this means I cant honestly recommend 12.04 to my parents, for example21:33
pseudonymoushow do I set it as output ? Regardless of which sound device I select from the list (btw, usb sound card shown twice...), whenever I click test it shows the test dialog as being from my INTERNAL sound card21:33
eb_I wondered if I might toss out a boot loader problem I'm having (that I brought on myself!).  I have a MacBook onto which I've installed rEFIt and Ubuntu 12.04.  Dual boots just fine.  I intentionally left open a 50GB section of free space for a third OS.  I installed Sabayon linux into that just now.  It finished and when I reboot I get the usual OS selector from rEFIt.  But whenever I pick a linux OS - Sabayon or Ubuntu, the OS halts, te21:33
MonkeyDustspecies  i'm not the right person, to me, the command line IS basic :)21:34
speciesMonkeyDust: not if you are my mother21:34
bwat47pseudonymous: have you tried rebooting or restarting pulseaudio? with my usb headset I've had that issue randomly crop up until I do that21:35
bwat47pseudonymous: try running pulseaudio -k and then selecting it again21:35
speciesim a programmer, i spend most of my time in vim or an IDE, so the DE is never visible to me anyway, but in the past ive set up machines running ubuntu for family members21:35
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specieswith the current state of affairs it would be totally unsuitable for them21:35
speciesthe last thing I need is for them to have to search google for what console commands to enter to get things done21:36
speciesbecause I will get non stop phone calls21:36
* xurious hates that.21:36
guntbertspecies: and we get non stop ranting from you :-(21:36
specieswell, this ends my evaluation of 12.04 i think21:36
pseudonymousbwat47: lol - 'pulseaudio -k' actually worked, after some wrestling it ended up allowing me to select USB headset and then it worked21:38
MonkeyDustspecies  you could start a blog21:38
tking_this file  worked http://ideone.com/KDtWs  so i splitted to 3 files header and 2 cpp files like http://ideone.com/qy6tZ but it wudnt compile pls anyone know the probs?21:38
bwat47pseudonymous: yeah i've had that exact same issue! its a bug, and it seems to be fixed in pulseaudio 2.0. I had the same issue in other distros, including my archlinux install. it seemed to go away after arch got the pulse 2.0 update :)21:38
speciesim sure there are plenty of blog posts ranting about gnome321:39
pseudonymousspecies: if you're a programmer, make some quick gui's to rectify the shortcomings you're dealing with ? (didn't read what the problem was, just passing on what I thought in relation to some problems of MINE)21:39
speciespseudonymous: i was just asking a few questions, but i think my tone was disappointed sounding21:40
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:40
pseudonymousbwat47: well thanks, man. I can't believe how especially audio continues to foil me. It seems like yesterday that we switched to Alsa and I was compiling support for it in my kernel and these days I'm no less stupified when it fck's up21:40
speciespseudonymous: context: i had my parents on 9.04 for a while, and they were fairly happy, and I was evaluating 12.04 as a replacement21:40
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:41
MonkeyDustspecies  there are, it's new and therefore controversial21:41
speciesMonkeyDust: im currently looking at 12.04 lts21:41
pseudonymousspecies: so what's the problem with it ? I just moved both my parents to 12.04 and they didn't seem stomped on Unity21:41
Eric_meh. Back to MINT!21:42
delacspecies: you might want to look at gnome classic. needs a bit setting up but is otherwise pretty  familiar21:42
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guntbertkvv: use #test fo testing21:43
MonkeyDustspecies  i don't like unity, either, so i don't use it, i use classic21:43
speciesive already looked at gnome classic, its actually a reimplementation of 2.0 like behaviour, but its not complete21:43
speciesMonkeyDust: does *anybody* like unity?21:43
pseudonymousspecies: the key is to take their familiar icons, and write .desktop files for that in ~/.local/share/applications - as to retain familiar icons and text, but aside from that, neither of my parents were stumped (and one of them isn't really that quick to pick stuff up in general)21:43
pseudonymousspecies: I actually like Unity as of 12.04. Sure it's canonical's pet-project and not that accessible to other distros (a SHAME!) but otherwise, it works quite well now.21:44
delacspecies: yes, but usable for most21:44
guntbertkvv: no -- join the channel #test21:44
HiddenKnowledgekvv: You can use /join to join channels. Like this: /join #test21:44
kvvAh, thanks. Sorry, I am new to IRC.21:45
HiddenKnowledgeNo problem :)21:45
speciesi might look at xubuntu21:45
delacspecies: or mint mait21:45
delacspecies: or mint mate*21:46
speciesit makes me sad that canonical are pouring so much effort into unity when it sucks so bad21:46
specieswaste of talent21:46
speciesluckily, microsoft are in the middle of making an even bigger mistake21:48
Pierrebwhere is the setting file for vim in ubuntu?21:48
speciestablet UI's should be the default on tablet PC's, and off by default on a desktop PC21:48
pseudonymousspecies: what is so bad about unity ? Sure it *was* horrible. The performance, stability etc was off-the-charts-bad.. But now it's quite alright, and the HUD made it better for power-users. What's your gripe ? And especially, what makes you think your parents won't grok it ?21:48
Pierrebcan't find anything in ~/home/user/.vimrc it doesnt exist21:48
kvvPierre: it's ~/.vimrc21:49
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kvv@Pierreb: I don't think there is a default vimrc21:49
Pierrebkvv: it doesnt exist21:49
kvvYou need to create it21:49
Pierrebasnd ubuntu dont read it if i create it21:49
Pierrebor more like vim doesnt read it21:50
kvvOh even when you restart vim?21:50
eb_I have a MacBook onto which I've installed rEFIt and Ubuntu 12.04.  Dual boots just fine.  I intentionally left open a 50GB section of free space for a third OS.  I installed Sabayon linux into that just now.  It finished and when I reboot I get the usual OS selector from rEFIt.  But whenever I pick a linux OS - Sabayon or Ubuntu, the OS halts, telling me no system disk is installed.  The Mac OS boots fine.  What did I break and how do I f21:50
delacyes, trying to use same ui for mouse and touchscreen just doesnt seem to work well.21:50
speciesPierreb: it should do21:51
speciesPierreb: in vim, try :source ~\.vimrc21:51
kvvThis maybe stupid but the file is /home/user/.vimrc21:51
kvvnot ~/home/user/.vimrc21:51
specieserm yes21:51
speciesPierreb: ~ is an alias for /home/<username>21:51
speciesso you want ~/.vimrc21:52
Pierrebyes i know i jsut wrote wrong21:52
guntbertPierreb: in vim issue :version to see where it is looking for the file21:52
speciesPierreb: :version21:52
speciesoh, beaten to it21:52
Pierrebuser vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"21:52
speciesPierreb: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Open_vimrc_file21:52
ClientAlivean someone please help me? I need xulrunner for another app to work and I've been working for the last 3 hrs to solve the problem  After unpacking, when I run "xulrunner --register-local" I'm told "command not found". Please. I need to get this working and I'm not finding the answers I need.21:53
guntbertPierreb: so create a file .vimrc  in your home directory, it will be honored21:54
ClientAliveI read that ubuntu took xulrunner out of the repos21:54
Pierreb:source ~/.vimrc worked21:54
specieswell, so far so good21:54
Pierrebstill strange that vim won't read it at the start21:54
speciesand :version tells you that it went through ~/.vimrc ?21:55
guntbertPierreb: it does read it21:55
speciesPierreb: could you paste the output from :version into http://paste.ubuntu.com/ ?21:55
Pierrebguntbert: impossible, otherwise it would load the colortheme21:55
vansidAnyone having a problem on 10.04.4 with flashplugin-nonfree packge dependancies?21:56
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MonkeyDust!find xul21:56
ubottuFound: xul-ext-mozvoikko, exult, exult-studio, xul-ext-ubufox, enigmail21:56
Pierrebspecies: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1092245/21:57
snakes33how do i get xchat to give my a list of all room on this server?21:57
speciesPierreb: well, it has found it then21:57
guntbertPierreb: are you certain that you got the syntax right?21:57
speciesPierreb: no errors on vim startup?21:57
Pierrebgaunif if i source the file it will change the colortheme21:57
guntbertsnakes33: don't (over 10000), use alis to find what you need21:57
Pierrebso i guess it is right21:57
Pierrebbut on startup it has the default one loaded21:58
mdelhey all - having a bit of a problem getting nvidia drivers to work with my Geforce 660021:58
HiddenKnowledgeguntbert: How does one use alis?21:58
snakes33guntbert thanks21:58
mdeli have the nvidia_current installed form the swat-X PPA21:58
snakes33guntbert - so its /alis?21:58
mdelsudo modprobe nvidia == No such device21:59
mdelany ideas?21:59
guntbert!alis | snakes33 HiddenKnowledge21:59
ubottusnakes33 HiddenKnowledge: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:59
HiddenKnowledgeThank you :)22:00
guntbertsnakes33: you're welcome :)22:00
dumnut_hi, i have 2 ubuntu 12.04 computers. iwant to access the other's files. i went to wireless icon on top left and edited it, but still no connection. what more must i do?22:00
vansidmdel: try  to fully remove the PPA first "sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory>"22:01
snakes33dumnut_ which wany do you want to transfer the files?22:01
mdelvansid: i just installed it...22:01
mdelim using the 302 drivers, latest22:01
dumnut_hi snakes33, i downloaded some movies in comuter 1, i want computer 2 to be a ble to access files in computer 122:02
JamezQdumnut_: If they are connected to the same network, that should not be hard. But did you say one had no connection?22:03
dumnut_hi JamezQ, both computers are connected to my router22:03
vansidmdel: do you see any files with the name nvidia* in "/etc/modprobe.d/" ?22:05
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JamezQdumnut_: Alright, there are many ways. For me I just can right click the folder, and then click properties->share->share this folder22:07
KrenairMy Windows 7 partition is recognised and it mounted when I go to it in nautilus, but is there any way to have it auto-mounted when I log in?22:07
JamezQdumnut_: I might have set up something before that, let me look. Other ways you can do with are a local ftp or sftp connection.22:07
mrdebhello. i copied theme to /usr/sharethemes but cant change it with obconf. no permission22:07
dumnut_JamezQ: ok, how can i setup with ftp or sftp?22:08
snakes33alis is really helpful.22:08
snakes33@ the one who recommended it to me22:08
trismmrdeb: does obconf let you edit the theme? if so, try unpacking to ~/.themes/ instead22:08
vansidKrenair: you can have your Windows 7 partition mounted at boot if you add a line to your "/etc/fstab" file22:09
mrdebtrism: no it wont. i want it in usr/share/themes it worked before22:09
trismmrdeb: no idea then, either directory should work in general, but I haven't used obconf in a very long time, sorry22:10
JamezQdumnut_: You would download a ssh server, "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" should be enough22:10
mrdebi will fix it22:10
vansidKrenair: the man page "man fstab" will give you the correct syntax to mount your Windows drive22:10
JamezQdumnut_: After that, you get the computers local ip, and select connect to server in nautilus. And choose ssh22:11
dumnut_JamezQ: will try that22:11
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JamezQdumnut_: The ssh server should start right after the install, so after that just do a "ifconfig" to find the local ip.22:13
dumnut_JamezQ: will do22:15
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mrdebi dont know i give up22:18
ClientAlivethat makes 2 of us22:19
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ironhoofHello, I am installing linux on a computer system for a friend of mine, and he has a LogiTech quickcam camera with the ''cannot set freq 16000 to ep 0x86''  error, and will nearly make his machine crawl with it plugged in until its removed. Is there a patch or solution for this?22:21
MonkeyDustironhoof  try cheese, it's a program name22:23
ironhoofIm familiar with cheese. This is also not just a webcam problem, its a problem with one of the usb drivers it seems. maybe snd-usb-audio22:23
ironhoofI did a modprobe -r snd-usb-audio and put it back, and it worked.22:24
ironhoofbut it doesnt work everytime22:24
ironhoofIt hasa built in microphone, he doesnt so much car about the webcam itself as much as the microphone22:25
jcodybakerI recently updated to Ubuntu 12.04 and am having issues with MySQL.  It seems to launch the two instances at once and I get "Can't start server : Bind on unix socket: Address already in use" as well as a lock reports on the innodb log files.  Both instances log the errors and then die.  There are no currently running processes.  I couldn't find any bug reports.22:26
ironhoofYea thats probably a good idea too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1092303/22:32
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NastyNazhow similar is the mac terminal to ubuntu? Why do so many people use macs?22:33
HiddenKnowledge'Why do so many people use macs?' Lol.22:33
NastyNazI don't *get* it. Besides the aesthetics what's so good?22:34
MonkeyDustNastyNaz  discussions in #ubuntu-offtopic22:36
brontosaurusrexNastyNaz, how can a terminal look like ubuntu?22:36
jellowI'm trying to run a minecraft server at boot , I have this script in /etc/init.d/ https://raw.github.com/marcuswhybrow/minecraft-server-manager/latest/init/msm , Yet it does not auto start as I hoped. Thanks22:37
jellowI should add I gave it 755 and ran sudo update-rc.d msm defaults22:38
jcodybakerjellow: does it work manually? /etc/init.d/msm start22:39
jellowjcodybaker: yes22:40
Anxi80I can run java from commandline but when I run a bash script it can't see java. How?22:41
usr13_jellow: I suppose you could put  /etc/init.d/msm start  in /etc/rc.local22:42
jellowusr13_: will try that22:43
glebihanusr13_, wow, that's ugly22:44
usr13_jcodybaker: Do you already have another mysqld server running?22:44
vadi2How can I install a 3.5 kernel that is being hindered by a "break" in wireless-crda?22:45
jcodybakerusr13_: Nope - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1092319/22:45
superuseris there a way to run 2 dpkg at once?22:45
speciesNastyNaz: you might be confusing a few different principles22:47
escottAnxi80, you must have defined some java variables in your .bashrc22:47
vadi2This is what I'm getting: http://pastebin.com/ZEd7Z9SX apt-get -f install does not help, it breaks down as well: http://pastebin.com/icHSjEu222:47
speakon  I have just installed my first ever Ubuntu! The first major problem is that my second graphics card is not registering.  I have 2 x Radeon HD 6800's connected with a crossfire attatchment. The triple monitors work fine in Windows 7, but not Ubuntu.  I have followed tutorials to install AMD drivers and still no luck.  Any ideas?  Thank you.22:47
speciesNastyNaz: the current Mac OS has its roots in BSD, which is basically unix; ubuntu is a linux distro, and is also basically unix. in these respects, they are similar.22:48
speciesNastyNaz: i.e. they are both sort-of-unix22:48
kanliotspeakon did you install amd-cccle?22:48
usr13_jcodybaker: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186113622:48
speciesNastyNaz: but there are too many differences beyond that to summarise easily unless you have more specific questions22:48
ikoniaspecies: you are unlikley to get that working22:49
dumnut_snakes33 and JamesJRH: thank-you for your helps22:49
jcodybakerusr13_: Wow… i looked all over and didn't see that article.  Thank you22:49
Anxi80escott, thanks for taking time to help me. I have actually. I will provide the code in a sec22:49
speakonkanilot I have installed the AMD Catalyst Control Centre22:49
speciesikonia: i think you meant to say that to speakon22:49
ikoniaspecies: I certainly did, my apologies22:49
speciesikonia: how can I tell that you're using xchat :P22:50
jcodybakerusr13_: Hrm… I'll investigate that further, but i had already edited my apparmor profile, and disabled it when i first noticed this issue.22:50
ikoniaspecies: I'm not22:50
Anxi80escott, http://pastebin.com/mn4WaFK422:50
usr13_jcodybaker: This is several months ago, but:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.1/+bug/87626822:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 876268 in mysql-5.1 (Ubuntu) "Mysqld does not start: Bind on unix socket: Permission denied" [Undecided,Invalid]22:51
speakonSo there is no way to get 3 monitors running? :(22:51
blubeehello guys do you mind offering a somewhat new linux user some ubuntu advice22:52
usr13_jcodybaker: What version of mysql do you have installed?   How did you install it?22:52
usr13_blubee: yes22:52
blubeei have eclipse installed, i also use svn to clone a svn trunk22:52
blubeei import the cloned svn projects into eclipse22:53
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blubeebut say i do svn update and get a new update, how can i keep the eclipse workspace up to date w/ the latest pulled svn22:53
usr13_blubee: Use ,  instead of  Enter22:53
blubeeusr13_ ok22:53
superuserdose anyone recomend a good dm?22:53
superuserdisplay manager22:54
superusergdm lightdm kdm lxdm22:54
escottAnxi80, the path bit you could set globably using update-alternatives. the others you need to move to ensure they are in the environment of your script in some fashion22:55
jcodybakerusr13_: You're exactly right… there was a dpkg merge file in apparmor directory.  I merged it with my existing file, restarted app armor and that that did the trick22:55
usr13_superuser: If you use KDE, kdm  if you use.... etc. etc.22:55
blubeeany idea how to keep those two projects the same?22:55
NastyNazspecies: will much of my linux knowledge transfer over to using a mac? Or should I just install ubuntu on it?22:55
usr13_jcodybaker: Awesome!22:55
jcodybakerusr13_: Any favor place I can donate $10?22:55
vadi2How can I remove a package that has unmet dependencies? http://pastebin.com/iWeXvDu022:56
usr13_NastyNaz: A little... some cli but that's about it.22:56
superuserusr13_ im looking i use many diffrent desktop enviroments, so what display manager should i chose?22:56
usr13_jcodybaker: yes22:56
ikoniavadi2: it won't have installed if it's not got met dependencies22:56
vadi2Can you look at the paste? It is installed22:56
hector549blubee: Open the existing cloned directory, don't import.22:56
MonkeyDustvadi2  what ikonia says, but try sudo apt-get autoremove22:57
ikoniavadi2: ah, you're using a PPA that's messed you up22:57
usr13_jcodybaker: (Button is on right side)22:57
John__KUbuntu is hard, can anyone help me?22:57
vadi2ikonia: yeah22:57
ikoniavadi2: then you should have paid attention when installing22:57
MonkeyDustJohn__K  that's called 'learning'22:57
vadi2ikonia: skipping that, how do I remove it?22:57
usr13_jcodybaker: Thanks in advance.22:57
ikoniavadi2: remove the crda package22:57
blubeehector549 thanks for the tip, but i just came over from windows and dont quite understand how to do that on ubuntu22:57
superuserif you think ubuntu is hard you should try slackware, its much easyer..22:57
SkippersBoss!ask | John__K22:58
ubottuJohn__K: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:58
jcodybakerusr13_: Thank you.  Have a good afternoon.22:58
John__Kblah blah blah but there's this problem blah blah blah that won't let me blah blah I need you to be my help bitch.22:58
vadi2ikonia: I can't http://pastebin.com/J77uyYpf22:58
ikoniavadi2: remove wireless-crda22:59
ikoniavadi2: come on, it says what's going on in the output22:59
vadi2"sudo apt-get remove crda wireless-crda" failed..22:59
usr13_superuser: Correct22:59
speciesNastyNaz: some of it will; any unix stuff you have learned will, but apple have their own proprietary user interface22:59
hector549blubee: Versus something like VS, eclipse does not operate on a project file.  It just opens a set of directories and runs with it.  Easiest way, if you already have the project cloned, is to do 'ln -s /full/path/to/project/root' while in ~/workspace23:00
ikoniavadi2: I'm sure it said more than "failed"23:00
speakonkanilot - installed it and didnt help23:00
vadi2ikonia: yes, it said linux images depend on it, but it won't be installed23:00
speciesNastyNaz: you wont be able to run gnome or other X11 desktops on it without serious work23:00
ikoniavadi2: ahh so you've updated your kernel too23:00
blubeehector549 thank you, i will go attempt to do that23:00
vadi2That's what I'm trying to undo.23:00
speciesNastyNaz: although, you can dual boot; my experience has been that its somewhat uncertain to work well23:01
vadi2Yeah, I got the 3.5 kernel - the computer has a very, very slow HD and supposedly new drivers were to fix it. They didn't23:01
ikoniavadi2: I would suggest looking at ppa-purge, although I doubt it will work as you've altered quite a lot of the base system23:01
NastyNazspecies: are there any real advantages to keeping the mac  os on it then? Is there any reason for me to try and learn to use it?23:01
vadi2I didn't add any ppa's, I've only run a script which installed kernel + that wireless.23:01
ikoniavadi2: I doubt your computer had a slow hard disk23:01
vadi2ikonia: ...23:01
ikoniavadi2: the io subsystem hasn't really changed in years23:02
speciesNastyNaz: there is not a lot to learn, its very simple23:02
speciessome people find it too simple for comfort23:03
speciesNastyNaz: but i think this conversation is off topic for an ubuntu channel23:03
brontosaurusrexNastyNaz, apps23:03
superuserwhat if i     sudo rm /23:03
ikoniasuperuser: you don't do that23:03
ikoniano-one should use that command23:03
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!23:04
speciessuperuser: you would DIE23:04
MonkeyDustsuperuser  a superuser should know what does23:04
usr13_NastyNaz: I dont see much point in it.  To me, Linux is kinda like a Mac on steroids (so Mac not that exciting to me...).23:04
usr13_... kinda limited..23:04
superuseri know what it dose im just testing you guys23:05
ikoniasuperuser: then don't23:05
ikoniasuperuser: people could see that and run it23:05
speciesNastyNaz: some years back I went with macs because i was having real trouble getting drivers to work; i was learning game programming at the time.23:05
superusermy apologizes to anyone who just broke there computer23:05
vadi2What a dumb "test".23:06
ikoniasuperuser: please don't mess around in here, suggesting that sort of thing or slackware23:06
usr13_superuser: Just don't say stupid stuff23:06
speciesNastyNaz: ive since switched to ubuntu for my job, web dev, using windows for game development (which is just my hobby)23:06
superuserdose anyone need help?23:07
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ikoniasuperuser: if they did, they would be asking23:07
vadi2Yeah, like I was. I've finally fixed the problem.23:07
superusermabie there shy.23:07
ikoniasuperuser: please stop messing around, please.23:07
vadi2dpkg --force-depends --purge on both kernel and wireless-crda, then installed wireless-crda again, and now it's all fine23:07
NastyNazspecies: I like ubuntu so I think I'll stick with it. Only reason I got the mac was because of the resolution so as long as it works with ubuntu I don't see a reason to use OSX.23:07
speciesNastyNaz: i dont yet know what you actually *do*23:08
pckchemIt is very nice hardware.... over priced IMO.... but nice.23:08
speciesso I cannot really comment23:08
speciespckchem: you get what you pay for; which for some reason is a machine carved out of a solid block of Aluminum23:08
NastyNazspecies: sit around on IRC mostly. Bit of maths programming in C and excel when I have to work.23:09
bluesrph85|afksome of the hardware you can't find anywhere else, ive never used a better trackpad than on a mac23:09
uskerinehi, how can i enable xorg listening for other LAN hosts?23:09
uskerineubuntu 12.0423:09
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MonkeyDustofftopic: just tested that forbidden command with extra override-options in virtualbox: "rm ... cannot remove ... operation not permitted"23:10
ikoniaMonkeyDust: it's core utils that has protection built in, but there are situations where it won't work23:10
speciesNastyNaz: my biggest issue with OS X compared to ubuntu (well, debian based distros in general) is the lack of a suitable package manager23:11
ikoniaspecies: NastyNaz maybe you could take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic23:11
speciesyeah, probably23:11
NastyNazikonia: I'm done23:12
magmahi, how can I put my ubuntu installation on minimal?23:12
magmaI don't want most of the packages23:12
rzaarHow can I tell which MTA I am running on ubuntu?23:13
usr13_magma: Just start uninstalling stuff.23:13
OneZeroOneTest, test...23:13
pckchemmagma, easy solution is to pop open software center, flip to installed tab, and start uninstalling anything that looks unnecessary.23:13
OneZeroOneOh good. It wasn't letting me talk earlier.23:13
magmapckchem: thanks. I will do that :P23:14
OneZeroOneHokay. So. I'm resurrecting an old desktop machine to play around with web stuff. Installed Ubuntu server, unaware that...well, it doesn't exactly have a GUI.23:14
xjohnthomasxCan anyone help me get my boot to work?? See http://paste.ubuntu.com/1092360/23:15
pckchemmagma, feel free to come back and ask about anything that looks unfamiliar. You can do some damage there if you're not careful ;)23:15
xjohnthomasxEverytime I boot it dumps me to a grub cli23:15
NastyNazOneZeroOne: lol23:15
xjohnthomasxBut I know it's nearly correct and good23:15
OneZeroOneTried burning nice, friendly vanilla Ubuntu to disc, tried booting to that hoping to just install regular Ubuntu instead23:15
usr13_OneZeroOne: Why would you expect a server to have a GUI?23:15
OneZeroOneI've never messed with servers before. I wasn't sure what to expect23:16
usr13_OneZeroOne: Ok, fair enough....23:16
OneZeroOneIt's an OS. As far as I knew, OS's have had GUI's since the 90's. I'll be the first to admit I'm not SUPER-advanced.23:16
pckchemHaha, lesson one, they don't always have GUI's.23:16
OneZeroOneSo I see.23:16
micromI cannot get the maven/eclipse plugin to work (m2eclipse), I install it but there is no Wizard to create a maven project. Any ideas?23:16
OneZeroOneAnyway, now I can't seem to make it boot to my nice, comfortable, regular Ubuntu boot disc.23:17
pckchemYou should be able to stack a GUI on it though, let me hunt for a wiki article I'm pretty sure exists.23:17
usr13_OneZeroOne: So, how did you do with regular Ubuntu?23:17
usr13_OneZeroOne: You got it all installed, right?23:17
OneZeroOneNope. I can't seem to boot to the regular Ubuntu disc. Checked BIOS boot sequence and it looks fine, but it's like it's not seeing the optical drive anymore or somethning23:18
NastyNazIs there anything cool I can do with an ubuntu server with loads of spare cpu cycles and bandwidth? Besides SETI of course :)23:18
ikoniaNastyNaz: turn it off and save the planet23:18
usr13_OneZeroOne:  check the disk ... md523:18
NastyNazikonia: I need it running for webserver/compiling23:18
usr13_OneZeroOne: md5sum23:18
usr13_OneZeroOne: Then google it.23:19
OneZeroOneusr13_: one sec.23:19
ikoniaNastyNaz: right, so don't make it work harder and draw more power23:19
usr13_OneZeroOne: Google the checksum23:19
na-utusanOneZeroOne: just boot to the server and then add the GUI23:19
tkingi have noticed this info stuff popping up like 2 times today https://dl.dropbox.com/u/46512205/show.png, i am english, from UK and dont know how to stop te arabic info https://dl.dropbox.com/u/46512205/show.png23:19
na-utusaninstall ubuntu-desktop23:19
NastyNazikonia: I don't want to get in to economics, but I pay for the power and also pay for the harm I'm doing to the environment. I don't mind.23:19
usr13_OneZeroOne: First off, what did you download?  Ubuntu 12.04?23:20
pckchemOneZeroOne: If you want to just install vanilla ubuntu, sometimes I have better luck with the alternate disk than the livedisk.23:20
xjohnthomasxI just tried this.. do you think it will work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1092369/23:20
GeekSquidtking: you need to configure your locale ... /msg ubottu !locale for more info23:21
OneZeroOneusr13_:  just used the "Get Ubuntu now" link on the site, whichever version that is. I think it's 12.04 though23:21
usr13_OneZeroOne: checksum?  (show us..)23:22
OneZeroOneWorking on it23:23
GeekSquidOneZeroOne: you could run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ... that would turn your server into a GUI23:23
usr13_GeekSquid: I think the server is history.23:24
OneZeroOneNot getting anything when I run that command. Just sits there.23:25
usr13_GeekSquid: Well, maybe not... OneZeroOne ?23:25
HiddenKnowledgeEeh, you don't install ubuntu-desktop on a server O_O23:25
GeekSquidHiddenKnowledge: you can too23:25
HiddenKnowledgeYou can.. But that defeats the purpose..23:25
usr13_OneZeroOne: It takes a little bit.23:25
OneZeroOneOkay. Waiting patiently.23:26
GeekSquidHiddenKnowledge: OneZeroOne doesn't want a CLI23:26
rzaarHi, how can I tell which MTA I am running?23:26
OneZeroOneWhat's a CLI?23:26
GeekSquidOneZeroOne: command line interpreter23:26
ikoniarzaar: ubuntu uses postfix by default23:26
usr13_OneZeroOne: md5sum ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso  ?23:26
HiddenKnowledgeGeekSquid: Then why would he even install it using the server installation?23:26
rzaarikonia: but what if it was running exim, how would I know?23:27
hatsHi all. I'm having a hell of a time installing restricted nvidia drivers on a xbmcbuntu box, could someone point me toward a good step by step guide? I haven't installed them via ssh before.23:27
HiddenKnowledgeAnd I would use xubuntu or kubuntu instead of ubuntu then, if it's for a server.23:27
OneZeroOneHiddenKnowledge: because I'm an idiot (read: n00b) and didn't know that servers don't have GUIs23:27
ikoniarzaar: you'd have installed exim....so you'd know you'd installed exim23:27
ikoniarzaar: you'd also see it in the process list, and you'd also see the open socket and the process connected to it23:27
Anxi80I tried setting update-alternatives for java but it says none are available23:27
blubeeok guys i created a systemlink from my eclipse workspace linking to the cloned svn trunk, but eclipse package explorer doesn't show any packages. Also if i attempt to import the projects w/o making a local copy, i get an error "Resource 'project name' already exists.23:27
usr13_Enough about server install, he wants a Desktop System.23:27
HiddenKnowledgeBecause the normal ubuntu uses gnome which is pretty bloated for a server23:27
baazigarhello, i get error when i try sudo apt-get build-dep scribus.<<<<Put some source URIs in sources.list.>>>>>23:28
GeekSquidHiddenKnowledge: normal ubuntu does not use GNOME ... Unity is the new Window manager .... you can install Gnome if you want23:28
HiddenKnowledgeAh, true. It's still bloated though.23:28
OneZeroOneWell, I know I'm about to get laughed out of the room, but the end target is just a Minecraft server to fart around in23:28
HiddenKnowledgeFor a server, that is.23:28
AreckxHas anyone tried using cinelerra?23:29
baazigarhello, i get error when i try sudo apt-get build-dep scribus.<<<<Put some source URIs in sources.list.>>>>>23:29
AreckxI have been using a bunch of video editors and they are all AGGRIVATING23:29
OneZeroOneBeyond "I'd like a Minecraft server and an OS that actually has a graphical interface," I'm pretty much open to whatever suggestions you guys want to throw at me23:29
AreckxI just want to be able to cut out clips from a video file and reorder them, but every editor I try to use is very annoying when I want to do that23:29
ikoniaOneZeroOne: just install a gui, it's not a problem, whatever desktop you like, install it23:29
AreckxI'm trying to make an AMV23:30
ikoniaOneZeroOne: simple solution23:30
OneZeroOneWorks for me.23:30
MonkeyDustAreckx  have you tried openshot?23:30
tkinghello community!23:30
usr13_OneZeroOne: I would suggest xfce  xubuntu-desktop23:30
AreckxMonkeyDust::  that one kept crashing23:30
baazigarhello, i get error when i try sudo apt-get build-dep . Put some source URIs in sources.list. How to solve this error? I cannot solve it.23:30
GeekSquidOneZeroOne: you might want to look at this http://minecraft.codeemo.com/23:31
usr13_baazigar: ON what package?23:31
AreckxMonkeyDust::  and was still very annoying when I just wanted to select two different time periods and cut out a simple clip23:31
baazigarusr13_, scribus.23:31
HiddenKnowledgeOneZeroOne: If you need any help setting it up, you can pm me at any time :)23:31
OneZeroOneusr13_ Yeah, I know a little bit about xfce, and that seems to be what everyone recommends when you want the interface to take up as little system resources as possible23:31
baazigarusr13_, is it package base error?23:32
glebihanbaazigar, in the software sources properties, check "source code" checkbox23:32
SkippersBossOneZeroOne, you mentioned old destop. HiddenKnowledge  suggestion might have Some merit regarding the spec of this machine23:32
usr13_baazigar: Give the exact command you used.23:32
baazigarsudo apt-get build-dep scribus23:32
AreckxI am usually very patient with computer programs, but video editing seems to be really annoying. I just want to cut out clips and order them23:32
baazigarglebihan, where is software sources properties?23:33
glebihanbaazigar, you can access it from the software center23:33
GeekSquidAreckx: use gopchop to cut them apart, then bring them into the editor... seems to work better for me23:33
usr13_on the phone...23:33
glebihanbaazigar, or launch the "software-properties-gtk" command23:34
baazigarglebihan, i checked it, still i am getting this error.???23:35
tkingi have noticed this info stuff popping up like 2 times today https://dl.dropbox.com/u/46512205/show.png, i am english, from UK and dont know how to stop te arabic info https://dl.dropbox.com/u/46512205/show.png23:35
glebihanbaazigar, you need to run "sudo apt-get update"23:35
GeekSquid!locale > kting23:35
GeekSquid!locale | tking23:36
ubottutking: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/23:36
blubeedoes anyone have any idea how to solve the issue? I cloned my svn truck to a local directory, made a system link from eclipse workspace to that cloned directory. Eclipse package explorer is empty, but if i try and import the projects into eclipse, then i get an error "resource '....' already exists"23:36
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
baazigarglebihan, updating, and i get a feeling that it will work this time.23:37
AreckxGeeksOnHugs::  gopchop that sounds like a good idea23:37
glebihanbaazigar, it will23:37
Areckxerrr GeeksOnHugs  thanks I'll check out gopchop23:37
Areckxerrr GeekSquid23:37
AreckxBWAH lol23:37
GeekSquidAreckx: no problem, ur, uh Hugs to you too23:37
AreckxGeekSquid::  lol and Cinerella looks really complex but looks fully featured, I best learn it now23:38
hatsWould someone mind helping me install nvida drivers on an xbmcbuntu box?23:38
ikoniahats: there is an xbmc ubuntu channel23:39
ikoniahats: it's not an official ubuntu release.23:39
pckchem!nvidia | hats23:39
ubottuhats: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:39
pckchemmay help you23:39
hatsalright, i will check that out.23:40
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MonkeyDusthats  try #xbmc-pvr23:41
hatsthanks MonkeyDust23:44
pckchem!language ?23:47
ubottupckchem: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:47
pckchem!language | hexadeEXC23:48
ubottuhexadeEXC: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:48
MonkeyDustag_  it's /part23:48
pckchemthat actually made me lol.23:48
MattiasMonkeyDust: it's /close if you want to close the buffer too :P23:49
HiddenKnowledgeMattias: Eeh, I think that depends on your client.23:49
MattiasMight, I use weeChat so...23:49
HiddenKnowledgeMattias: While /part works across all clients. Atleast, it should.23:50
=== bluesrph85 is now known as forumreader
Mattiaswill try it now23:50
Mattiasyeah, it only parted, but did not close my buffer23:50
=== forumreader is now known as bluesrph85
HiddenKnowledgeMattias: On Irssi you use /wc to close the buffer23:51
pckchemmattias: /buffer clear23:51
Mattiaspckchem: but that only clears the buffer :P23:51
Mattias/close is the way to go23:52
pckchemmattias: sorry I joined half way through the ask, thought that was all you wanted.23:52
HiddenKnowledgeOr /quit if you just want to get of the entire server. Lol >_>23:52
=== n00b4lyfe is now known as Tasmania
HiddenKnowledgeoff *23:52
pckchemmattias: try this: http://www.weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html23:53
Mattiaspckchem: I was just explaining /part does not close the buffer :P23:53
baazigarglebihan, it worked , thanks.23:54
glebihanbaazigar, you're welcome23:54
pckchemmattias: looks like irc.look.part_closes_buffer is what you want in the .conf23:55
FefefefeHey los3rz23:56
Mattiaspckchem: /close is a much more logical command :P23:56
Mattiasclose buffer and channel23:56
pckchemGet a better client ;)23:56
MattiasweeChat is the best (^^♪23:58
Mattiaskvm is just awesome23:58
bwat47i just use pidgin23:58
Mattiasto think you could use a virtual machine on a headless server which does not have xorg, and connect to it so easily over the network :)23:59

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