
godbykHey, hannie. I just replied to your email to the list about the Places menu.15:43
hanniehi godbyk15:43
hannieah, good.15:44
hannieI'll have a look15:44
godbykPersonally, I think we should focus on applying those fixes to the quantal branch and leaving the 12.10 manual as it is (bugs and all).  I could possibly be persuaded otherwise, however, if there are enough egregious errors.15:44
hannieWell, I think Precise is special because it is an LTS version15:44
godbykI think it's perfectly fine (and preferable, even) if you want to fix those bugs as you're translating the manual, though.15:44
hanniePerhaps we can collect all the important fixes and do an update once?15:45
godbykI don't think LTS is all that special. But even so the bugs so far have been relatively minor, I think.15:45
godbykIf there enough bugs, then we might.15:45
godbykBut release a new edition involves a bunch of stuff.15:45
hannieok, I will make a list and see if they are important enough for an update15:46
hannieotherwise we wait for Quantal15:46
godbykWe have to generate the PDFs (easy), upload them to the website and lulu.com (more time consuming), update the translation template file (risks irking the translators), sending out press releases (confuses the community and possibly looks bad), etc.15:46
hannieI thought it so ): Not a piece of cake15:46
godbykSounds good.15:46
godbykKeep reporting the bugs you find though. We'll definitely want to fix them in quantal.15:47
godbykI think as translators, you probably read the manual more carefully than our authors and editors!15:47
hannieYes, we translators really chew on those lengthy strings15:48
godbykI was working on converting the manual to ePUB last weekend. Just playing around. And I found a bunch of little formatting problems here and there that I want to correct as well.15:48
hannieAh, so there is plenty of work to do for you15:48
hannieA question on the file template:15:48
hannieHow come the strings are so long? I ubuntu-docs they are much shorter15:49
godbykI think it's because po4a turns each paragraph into a string.15:49
hannieBut ubuntu-docs is also on LP15:49
hanniedo they not use po4a?15:49
godbykDo they write smaller paragraphs? :)15:50
godbykProbably not.15:50
godbykWell, they might. I'm not sure.15:50
godbykBut I think their source files are in some XML-based format.15:50
godbykSo they could be using po4a, I guess.15:50
hannieat least not the same as our format15:50
hannieMy fellow translators are not very enthousiastic, so much of the work will be done by me ):15:51
godbykIf it's the text you see when you click on the desktop and go to Help > Ubuntu Help, then it looks like those paragraphs are pretty short.15:51
hanniebtw, I often use the term "fellow translators". Is that correct English?15:51
godbykI don't blame them. It's a lot of work!15:51
hannieOne more question: (a moment, please)15:52
hannieWhat to do with strings like: Nautilus!window15:53
hannietype: index{#1}15:53
godbykYou can translate the words, but leave the punctuation alone.15:53
godbykI added a list of \index commands to the translators chapter of the style guide last weekend, I think.15:53
hannieSo it would be: Nautilus!venster15:53
godbykIf I missed any, feel free to let me know, though.15:53
hannieAnd both words need to be translated? Here Nautilus is the same in Dutch of course15:54
godbykI was a bit disappointed in the index. I was hoping we'd have a lot more index entries. I spent quite a while fixing them to comply with my recommendations from the style guide, too. I'm not sure if anyone read it.15:54
godbykBoth words in that case, yes.15:55
hannieAh, the index is another story.15:55
godbykNautilus is the main index entry, and venster is the subentry.15:55
hannieWe should assign more people to that15:55
godbykI think we either need to assign more people to it or just find one or two people who are really keen to do it and can work together and be consistent.15:55
hannieOr we should instruct editors to index their chapter properly15:56
godbykIt's a rather dull task, though, so I'm not sure that we'll find anyone who's really keen to do it.15:56
godbykGiven the errors we're finding in the manual, the editors may have their work cut out for them as it is.15:56
hannieTherefore I opt to let each editor index his own chapter15:56
godbykI don't know who wrote or edited the section on the Places/Go menu, but that seems like something that someone should've discovered much earlier.15:57
godbykI might try using Crocodoc to help with indexing in 12.10.15:57
godbykPost the PDF and let the chapter authors and editors make suggestions as to what should be indexed on each page.15:57
godbykThen I or someone else can go through and add all the \index commands.15:58
godbykI think that'll help with consistency and formatting.15:58
hanniewell, I am not sure about that.15:58
godbyk(The \index commands can be a bit tricky.)15:58
hanniethat is very true15:58
godbykI'm not sure what the best solution is either. Indexing is actually a rather difficult thing to do well.15:58
godbykYou have to place yourself in the position of the reader.15:58
godbykYou have to think, 'What would the reader look up in the index?'15:59
hannieShould we ask via the mailing list if people are interested in doing this special task?15:59
godbykAnd not, 'I'm starting a new section here, I should add the section heading to the index.'15:59
hannieI agree that a good index is very important15:59
hannieI myself started too late on indexing chapter 2. It was far from perfect16:00
hanniebtw, received a mail from John. He changed the spreadsheet (many authors will continue with their chapter)16:02
godbykI saw that. That's good to hear!16:02
godbykSomething else I forgot to bring up at the meeting:16:02
hannieI still have to contact the editors (one thing at a time ;) )16:03
godbykI think it might be helpful to have regularly scheduled meetings during 12.10.16:03
godbykMeet every two weeks at the same, for example.16:03
godbykThat way we don't have to send out polls and wait for people to sign up and all that each time we decide to meet.16:03
hannieWell, I did think the meeting yesterday very useful16:03
hannieI was glad more and more people joined16:04
hannieIt also makes us more of a team when we have regular meetings16:04
hannieSo, yes, do suggest to have a meeting every 2 weeks or so16:05
godbykI agree.16:05
godbykOkay. I'll email the list and see if we can set that up.16:05
godbykWe can always schedule an extra meeting here or there if we need to.16:05
hannieright. Back to work then. Nice chat, cya16:05
godbykOr cancel a meeting if we have nothing to discuss.16:05
godbykOkay. Talk to you later, hannie!16:05
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