
=== Fuchs is now known as Foxplush
=== Foxplush is now known as Fuchs
bazhang"console mode" with a window manager? or even X?19:48
bazhangthat seems contradictory19:48
bazhang<CMO> Hi all i wish 2 have a good exploition pack such as core impact or other am pretty tired of metasploit it works but i want something more powerfull anyone can help20:42
bazhangis that supported?20:42
h00knot that I'm aware of?20:42
tonyyarussobazhang: In terms of "officially supported software", not that I know of, but in terms of Freenode ToS and Ubuntu channel guidelines, there are very legitimate uses for such a thing, so I think they're okay there.20:43
bazhangnever heard of core impact20:44
bazhang<Linix> Guys, What's the difference between Linux, Solaris and BSD?21:08
ubottuIn ubottu, guntbert said: !serverguide ~=/10.04/12.04/21:17
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/21:18
IdleOne!serverguide ~=/10.04/12.04/21:18
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne21:18
IdleOne!serverguide > guntbert21:19
bazhang* BlouBlou is now known as wtf21:36
bazhangis that a family friendly nick? for ubuntu channels?21:36
topylimaybe their name is william terence freeman, but i doubt it21:39
bazhangbloublou is a fairly well known troll21:39
Fuchshe had to nick to it as he wanted us to drop it21:50
FuchsI doubt he did that for #ubuntu*21:50
bazhang<NictraSavios> There, can someone run this "find / \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) 2> /dev/null" and send me the output on pastebin ?22:02
bazhang<lolofyou2600> i tried ubuntu ones22:02
bazhangjust the first one  is that safe?22:02
bazhangtoday seems to be a 'sense is optional' day22:51
Myrttino kidding22:52

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