
Azelphurwoot, got this ancient charity laptop booting Lubuntu, summary: shits fast00:55
christel<- santa claus!00:55
Azelphurit'd be cool if the touchpad, wifi or ethernet worked, but one thing at a time xD00:55
penguin42Azelphur: What is it ?00:55
AzelphurIt's a compaq presario 90000:56
Azelphurrunning an upgrade atm, hopefully some of the bugs will be fixed in updates \o/00:56
Azelphurthis is so fast it's tempting to use it on my desktop00:57
christelthe ubuntuuk real ale train wotsit was AMAZING fun! <300:59
Azelphurlol just stumbled upon a FAQ about Linux on hp.com01:00
Azelphur"How do I open Windows with Linux?" ...is this seriously a FAQ01:00
Azelphurhmm yea, this doesn't look good01:28
Azelphur /proc/bus/input/devices reports one device, the keyboard.01:28
Azelphureven though this is a laptop with a touchpad01:28
soreauchristel: ale train?01:30
christelGooood morning08:12
* czajkowski hugs christel 08:35
* christel hugs czajkowski <308:36
czajkowskichristel: have fun last night08:38
christelyes! it was such a good night! shame you didn't make it!08:39
jussioh hai christel!08:39
christelhai hai jussi :)08:39
jussiand czajkowski08:39
AlanBellone of my chickens seems to have just dropped dead :(08:41
jussiAlanBell: :(08:41
jussiAlanBell: you gave them a windows cd, right? :S08:42
christeloh no :(08:42
AlanBelljussi: they have had an ubuntu server CD since kubuntu CDs stopped08:46
jussican we blame the server peoples then?08:48
czajkowskichristel: trust me I was gutted to not be there :(08:49
czajkowskiAlanBell: oh no :(08:49
AlanBellI just let them out and they walked over to the patio and Chocolate just flopped down and died08:51
czajkowskiAlanBell: most odd08:53
* christel hugs AlanBell 08:55
christelat least that's sunday roast sorted i guess09:10
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:13
brobostigonmorning popey09:14
* AlanBell just broke the hoover too09:15
AlanBelltoday is not going well09:15
* brobostigon also broke his hair brush aswell.09:16
* popey gets a restorative egg sandwich and tea09:16
christeli am not sure that you're supposed to try hoover up chickens09:16
brobostigoncould be an interesting feather removal method.09:17
christeli have lost The Spider09:24
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
SuperEngineerhttp://tinyurl.com/d5e5k26  -  made I laugh ;)12:38
* popey is bugfixing12:44
buzz_o/ popey12:44
SuperEngineerpopey: stop stamping on bugs - then you won't feel "guilted" into superglue-ing them back together ;)12:57
SuperEngineer...& bug fixing with a hangover?  ooo - now that's a brave popey13:02
popeyits only a bash script, not too hard :)13:02
whiterainhi guys. i recently installed ubuntu 12.04 which is working fine on my 64 bit. installed gnome shell from synaptic which was error free. when i reboot i choose gnome but it goes to the old classic life. it never boots up with gnome shell. i have a 11.10 partition on which gnome shell is working fine.can any oen help13:14
whiterainold classic gnome desktop*13:15
whiterainold classic gnome desktop*13:18
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
SuperEngineerjust tried gnome-shell [was looking for an excuse] - did you try pressing the ,super. aka windows key? did you select "gnome 2d" not "gnome"?13:34
SuperEngineer[& yes I'm now back on Unity desktop - think this is better - experiment over13:35
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
SuperEngineer...and so much better & improved session type selection, used to be messy - restore back to Unity ["Ubuntu"] was perfect.  well done devs.13:37
whiterainSuperEngineer, when should i press those keys13:39
SuperEngineerwhiterain: first -ensure you select Gnome, not Gnome 2d.  secoundly once desktop loaded, then press the Super [a.k.a. Windows] key.13:41
SuperEngineer& 3rd, if you're like me, switch back to Ubuntu desktop ;)13:41
whiterainSuperEngineer, yes i chose gnome and not 2d. it has gone to classic desktop now. can i press super key now13:42
SuperEngineerworth a try13:42
whiterainSuperEngineer, i couldnt use unity at all. i tried it several times and was about to give up on ubuntu. :-(13:43
czajkowskiwhiterain: what was your issue with it ?13:43
SuperEngineerthen try Xubuntu or Lubuntu... download ISO & run from live CD to give yourself a taster.13:44
whiterainczajkowski, are u usking me about the unity. i did not feel it comfirtable13:44
brobostigonmy question would be, is gnome-shell requires similer opengl acceleration like unity, does said machine support this?13:44
czajkowskiwhiterain: yes but in what way were you uncomfortable with unity ?13:44
czajkowskijust curious13:44
whiterainSuperEngineer, i have been using gnome shell alright on ubuntu 11.10 for past 6 months now. just wanted to use 12.04 with gnome shell13:45
SuperEngineerwhiterain: at first - like many others - neither did I.  Now I likey very much13:45
greenian2im using gnome shell on a net book running 12.04 fine13:46
czajkowskihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA9EHaNc2VI  us a great video done by popey explaining unity13:46
czajkowskivery useful13:46
whiteraingreenian2, i have installed gnome shell but no use. when i boot it goes to the old panel type desktop envi13:46
brobostigonunity is good on my mumbuntu machine, unity is good. however for me, on my eeepc, ubuntu tends to be too heavy and so does unity, sometimes for my eeepc. so i use gnome-shell, which works alittle better. but i gave ubuntu on sdcard, and play with both.13:47
SuperEngineerczajkowski: good call13:47
greenian2the ubuntu symbol top left of the sign inn pannel left click and choose gnome13:47
whiterainczajkowski, i have a switchable graphics on my laptop. it kept frozing every time when i used initially. computer heats up so quickly. and as a noob i fell apart13:48
czajkowskiwhiterain: interesting as most new people I've met using it have found it great and dont notice much of a difference and love it13:48
whiteraingreenian2, i am on gnome desktop now13:49
czajkowskiSuperEngineer: indeed it's useful and I think more people watching it will learn how to use unity13:49
whiteraingreenian2, but unfortunately its the old classical type13:49
ali1234it means your computer does not support the accelerated graphics13:50
whiteraingreenian2, i did what ever u said but i cant see gnome anywhere there13:50
brobostigonmy mum said she likes the app icons, in the unity sidebar, and how they change, depending on what happens with the app.13:50
* jacobw is suprised ssh+irssi works so well on 3g13:50
whiterainali1234, i have two cards. its switchable graphics..linux cant manage switching it..i know about it. but ubuntu 11.10 is working with gnome shell on the same laptop13:51
brobostigongwubber being a good example.13:51
greenian2whiterain have you downloaded gnome shell ?13:52
whiteraingreenian2, yes i have installed gnome shell13:52
jacobwunity2d makes more sense than gnome-shell13:52
greenian2sorry i dont know why you cant see it on sign inn then13:53
whiteraingreenian2, i can see that when i sign in. i choose gnome when i sign in. but the desktop env remains the classic one13:53
whiterainwith the panel13:53
SuperEngineerwhiterain: press the Super key [it should be called the SuperEngineer key]  ;)13:56
whiterainSuperEngineer, when do u want me to press super key?13:57
whiterainSuperEngineer, whe n i login ?13:57
SuperEngineerwhen you're at the Gnome desktop - if your graphics can handle it - you will have gnome-Shell - maybe it can't?13:58
whiterainSuperEngineer, but gnome shell works fine on 11.10 on the same laptop13:58
ali1234how it it useful to keep repeating that13:59
ali1234it clearly doesn't work fine on 12.0413:59
SuperEngineerwhiterain: ok - me confused then - thought of a bug hunt?13:59
SuperEngineeror a bug report even13:59
SuperEngineer[assuming you have *restarted your pooter since install?}14:00
whiterainSuperEngineer, oh yes.14:00
SuperEngineerGnome-Shell requires a restart  -  did I/you forget to mention that whiterain14:01
whiterainSuperEngineer, oh yes i have restarted the computer several times now.14:02
SuperEngineerbug hunt / bug report it is then?14:02
brobostigonit might be a graphics driver regression that has killed opengl acceleration ?14:02
whiteraindo u think its alright to file a bug abt that then14:04
brobostigoni would, unless you can find something that describes it already, in which case, add onto said bug.14:04
whiteraintx guys14:06
greenian2sorry im back fuse triped14:07
SuperEngineerjust downloaded the popey unity video. hey, popey - your rubbish folder needs emptying ;)14:09
SuperEngineerdarn weather forecast - why can't they just pretend & put up sunny forecast for once!15:01
* SuperEngineer hunts for open source weather changing application15:02
brobostigonlol :)15:02
SuperEngineerSo when do we stop saying the "super key" & officially rename it the SuperEngineer"15:17
ubuntuuk-planet[Jonathan Riddell] Akademy Group Photo - http://blogs.kde.org/node/458915:21
d3ngarHi there16:05
d3ngarI was wondering if someone could help me with the administration of postfix?16:05
d3ngarI followed the manual here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto16:06
d3ngarAnd I added some info in the MySQL tables16:06
d3ngarAs far as I thought would be needed16:06
Flashtekd3ngar: is there any more to your story.. or is that it ?16:16
d3ngarFlashtek: thanks for replying16:21
d3ngarI cannot access my mail now16:21
d3ngarI have tried to set-up the mail server in thunderbird to the best of my knowledge, but I don't get anywhere16:22
d3ngarBy the looks of it, I can send mail to the server though16:23
d3ngarIt doesn't bounce, I don't get a derlivery failure16:23
SuperEngineerjust had had another look at Gnome shell - sorry Gnomies - but a big "yuk! nah, not for me"16:29
ali1234who watches F1? i've got a question16:46
ali1234at the start of the race they all line up in the starting grid, yeah?16:46
ali1234they also measure lap times on each lap16:46
ali1234so on the first lap, does the lap timer start when the light goes green, or does it start when that driver crosses the start/finish line the first time?16:47
SuperEngineerali1234:  timing starts with the very start of the race.  there are timing sections [usual 3] around the lap16:51
SuperEngineerlap time ends at the finish line16:51
ali1234so the first lap is actually "longer" if you're at the back16:51
ali1234in terms of lap times16:52
AlanBellinteresting question, I guess it would be when the drivers individually cross the start line, so the back of the grid will get a faster first lap16:52
ali1234AlanBell: that's what i thought too but apparently not16:52
SuperEngineer& also if you finish last ;)16:52
AlanBellbecause they are going heaps faster over the line than the front of the grid would16:52
ali1234that's true16:52
SuperEngineerso alls fair in love & F116:53
SuperEngineer[timing sections are the key point]16:53
ali1234notice my lap timer doesn't start until you cross the line16:55
ali1234that was really annoying to implement16:55
SuperEngineerstart line = time start - finish line = time end, the cars at the back [theoretically] croos the start line faster but have no real advantage16:56
* SuperEngineer removes his Murray Walker hat now16:56
ali1234so the clock does start when they cross the line?16:57
ali1234now i'm confused16:57
AlanBellyeah, race start is when the lights go green, for first sector times it is when they cross the line16:57
ali1234cool so i did it right16:57
SuperEngineeryup - each car individually timed through on board telemetry kit16:58
* SuperEngineer re-removes his Murray Walker hat now16:58
AlanBellali1234: that looks outstandingly good16:58
ali1234thanks :)16:58
brobostigonis it possible within apache2, to have it record all access in one file, including vhosts in the normal access.log insted of seperatly ?17:05
ali1234there is a config line to specify log file17:05
brobostigonali1234: including vhosts everything in one single file?17:05
brobostigonali1234: let me look.17:06
BigRedSbrobostigon: yeah CustomLog /path/to/log Combined17:07
BigRedSreplace 'Combined' with the format you want17:07
BigRedSor just don't make that config anywhere and it all goes to /var/log/apache2/other-vhosts-access-log17:07
BigRedSor similar17:07
ali1234yeah no idea what the defaults are17:07
BigRedSit *doesn't* now all default to /var/log/apache2/access.lg17:07
BigRedSthat's only 000-default now, by default17:07
ali1234i use that because i wanted separate logs for each vhost17:07
ali1234i dunno why you would want anything else tbh17:08
BigRedSwe've a few people who have different vhosts that share logs17:08
BigRedSmobile and non-mobile sites and suchlike17:08
BigRedSsome people do want crazy things17:08
BigRedSthe other-vhosts log is in a funny, non-Combined, format, though. Each line is prefixed with ServerName:port-17:09
BigRedS(as in the server name and the port, not that literal string)17:09
brobostigonthere is a customlog line already there.17:09
BigRedSif you remove it then your logs will go to the default log17:10
BigRedSor you could point it at teh default log17:10
brobostigonaccess.log which is what it already does.17:10
brobostigonBigRedS: so if i specify the normal access.log in that line, it wont clash, and webaliser will be able to interpret the different vhosts?17:11
BigRedSI don't know about webalizer, but Apache will be happy17:11
brobostigonBigRedS: it just need to understand the different paths, ie, specified within said log.17:12
brobostigonthat they went to, ie, accessed.17:12
BigRedSthen it should be okay17:13
BigRedSit wont be able to discern between teh vhosts, though17:13
BigRedSthey'll all be in one graph17:13
brobostigonok, that isnt a solution then.17:13
BigRedSwhat's teh actual problem you're trying to solve?17:14
brobostigonBigRedS: webaliser can only interpret from one single log file, however i want it to include details of access of my vhosts, which apache returns to a seperate access log.17:15
BigRedSso run it once against each log?17:15
BigRedShave one log per vhost, and one cron job or whatever for each17:15
brobostigonBigRedS: thus, there will be sperate log output files, to read, which i wanted to avoid, and have it all in one.17:16
BigRedSwell, usual is to have Documentroot /home/user/public_html and their logs in /home/user/logs/access_log17:17
BigRedSbut you can stick them wherever you like17:17
BigRedSjust use CustomLog <path> and that's where they'll go17:17
BigRedS(make sure the dir exists or Apache will silently fail to start)17:17
BigRedSalso, worth adding whatever path you use to /etc/logrotate.d/apache so you don't run out of disk space17:17
brobostigonBigRedS: i have docroot in /var/www and logroot in /var/log/apache2/17:18
BigRedSfor one vhost; didn't you want to have per-vhost logging?17:18
BigRedSwhere are your vhosts' docroots?17:18
brobostigonBigRedS: it seems to have all on its own, put all vhost logs, into one seperate file.17:19
BigRedSstill, it really doesn't matter. /var/log/apache2/<sitename>/access.log or /var/log/apache2/site.log17:19
BigRedSyes, that's the new default17:19
brobostigonBigRedS: there various levels inside /var/www17:19
brobostigonBigRedS: i mean, the folders the vhosts refer to are in /var/www/17:20
BigRedSokay, either way, Apache doesn't much care where you tell it to put its logs. It'll just do what you say. Make a directory and point it there.17:20
brobostigonBigRedS: thank you, i think i can work it out.17:28
BigRedSbrobostigon: cool. no worries17:31
BigRedSI'll be around most of the evening if you have any problems17:32
SuperEngineerhmmm - that ending up in the channel header: "it is out!!"... beginning to smell a bit stale /!\17:38
brobostigonBigRedS: thank you, :)17:39
* daubers is knackered17:53
* BigRedS is disorientated17:56
BigRedSworking on call; get jet-lag without the holiday17:57
christelpopey \o/18:14
diploevening all18:42
stgrabernon/win 4018:46
bigcalm_laptopEllo :)18:50
* christel tickles bigcalm_laptop 18:50
* bigcalm_laptop giggles and dreams of ale18:50
popeyhey bigcalm_laptop18:51
bigcalm_laptopEllo popey :)18:52
dwatkinshooray, I have an mpd server running19:00
popeyoooh, bbc2 and bbc hd, Engineering Giants.. ripping apart a jumbo19:04
* BigRedS adds to get_iplayer list19:05
BigRedSthat'll go in that directory of video files I never watch...19:05
MartijnVdSwhat did I miss? :)19:07
MartijnVdSwhat are you adding? :)19:07
popey<popey> oooh, bbc2 and bbc hd, Engineering Giants.. ripping apart a jumbo19:07
MartijnVdSpopey: I just watched an old (1982) TV program about technology, and the newfangled 'satellite TV' which was technically still illegal to watch from the Netherlands19:08
MartijnVdSbut they showed some decoded footage.. of your local airshow ;)19:09
MartijnVdSpopey: http://euscreen.eu/play.jsp?id=EUS_DE6CE7787CE047EDBA4BABC79BB9D344 from around  3:1619:10
SuperEngineertime to be a kid again - shrek coming up on Ch419:32
SuperEngineerwoops Beeb319:33
SuperEngineer[kiddy prank - just getting in the mood]19:33
czajkowskiSuperEngineer: which one19:33
SuperEngineerfirst simply called "Shrek"19:34
czajkowskithe best19:34
czajkowskistill think nemo is one of my favourite19:34
SuperEngineernah - no pussy cat with big eyes, no donkey - no shrek.... Shrek wins it for me19:35
BigRedSmy servers are all shrek characters :)19:49
SuperEngineerhmmm... is Donkey server the noisiest?19:51
BigRedShaha, donkey's the 'main' one, so yeah I suppose. Web, mail etc.19:52
BigRedSPuss and Harold are fileservers, Swamp's a Xen HV, Gingy's a VM for expermentation19:52
BigRedSThere isn't actually a shrek any more19:52
BigRedSthat was the original :( Massive thing, hence being called shrek19:53
* czajkowski really hates top posting on oss lists/groups 19:53
BigRedSyou're one of *them*! :)19:53
czajkowskiBigRedS: i am indeed, but yuo're also one of *them* >:(19:53
BigRedSam I?19:54
BigRedSI don't top-post, I just don't get annoyed when other people do19:54
czajkowskiBigRedS: you top post :)19:54
Seeker`Because you see the answer before the question19:54
Seeker`Why is top posting bad?19:54
czajkowskibecause it's a pain when following a thread if you let a thread build up19:54
BigRedSSeeker`: I think you're preaching at the choir here19:55
Seeker`not preaching :P It really doesn't bother me either way. Just thought it was slightly humourous19:56
BigRedSAhh, I see19:56
christelaaah.. glass of wine19:57
* czajkowski has a chinese and watching Ms Congeniality219:59
jacobwi need a new cloak20:00
gordTIL: they make lion bar cereal now...20:05
christeljacobw: a pink one?20:06
jacobwthat'd be fabulous, darling :p20:08
czajkowskioh I've eaten too much20:17
* penguin42 offers czajkowski a waffer-thin mint20:25
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigoncould you create a sub-sub-domain, pointting at a apache vhost?21:39
gordiirc anything before the first dot is just a unique subdomain, so foo.bar.com and foo.baz.bar.com are basically the same thing21:49
you-siryi go to london23:14
you-siryvery excited:)23:15
* penguin42 only goes down to london very occasionally - I quite like it, I bet it's going to be busy in the next few weeks23:20
you-siryfirst for me ^_^23:28
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
you-siryi go for olympics?23:44

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