
hanniehobgoblin, are you in?14:35
hobgoblinhi hannie14:43
hanniehey hobgoblin14:44
hannieI wanted to ask you something14:44
hannieDo we have a list for links to outdated tutorials?14:44
hobgoblinthreads we decided not to do?14:45
hannieI already asked on the m/list, but this is faster14:45
hobgoblinthat one?14:45
hannieah, yes, that was the one I was looking for14:45
hanniecould'nt find the link in my favourites :)14:46
hobgoblinglad to be of service :)14:46
hobgoblinjust got the m/list too lol14:46
hobgoblinand you're one about drs305's stuff14:46
hannieok, you may put the link on the m/list (rejected tuts)14:47
hobgoblinthe grub stuff?14:47
hannieno, the rejected list14:47
hobgoblinaah ok :)14:47
hannieabout grub 2:14:47
hannieI guess you will close the thread14:48
hannieI am going to read a few tutorials now to see if they can be put on the import list14:49
hanniehave a nice Sunday14:50
hobgoblinyea - we have been closing things now14:50
hobgoblinI will - you too :)14:50
hobgoblinI hope to be more active soon as well14:51
hannieok, but don't overdo it. Just relax14:51

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