
* Kilos greets those awake05:50
Kiloswhew PTA peeps gonna suffer today if they go outdoors07:03
Kiloswind coming straight off the snow in lesotho07:03
* Kilos send for some eskimo dna07:09
magespawngc_ join ##kilos08:28
gc_magespawn: I'm not your bitch08:28
Kiloshiya mage08:28
magespawnHi Kilos08:28
magespawnwhat the?08:28
magespawn bit of an attitude for so early in the weekend08:29
Kilosyou need to auth admin08:29
magespawngc_ leave #ubuntu-za08:29
gc_magespawn: I'm not your bitch08:29
magespawngc_ die08:30
gc_magespawn: I'm not going to listen to you08:30
magespawnworked fine with gc but not with gc_08:30
Kiloswhere the tail came from08:31
magespawnnot too sure, think I set that as the alternate nick08:31
magespawnhold I know what is wrong brb08:31
Kilosmine didnt give the choice08:32
magespawngc_ join ##kilos08:32
gc_magespawn: Joining ##kilos08:32
Kiloswhat was it08:32
magespawni had not identified with nickserv08:32
Kilostell me something please08:33
Kiloswhats the diffs between ddr and ddr208:33
Kilosthis mb can use either and 2g max for both08:33
Kilosnot this one the ecs08:34
magespawnddr2 is faster, and has a different pin count or arrangement if I remember correctly.08:34
Kilosya more pins. but is it just faster? thats the diffs08:35
magespawnyes 08:35
magespawnno worries08:35
Kiloswas thinking maybe the ddr would be cheaper08:35
magespawni think that you would not be able to find it at all08:36
magespawnmost new mb take ddr308:37
Kilosyeah so i see, they phasing out old stuff08:37
magespawnyes, but if you can find someone  with old stock you can pick it really cheap.08:38
Kiloswhen i got going here i tried 2 second hand pc /repair/upgrade shops and they charged me stacks08:40
Kiloslike R150 for 128m rams08:40
magespawnthat is made, but maybe people have worked out that it is getting scarce08:41
Kilosdidnt know then what ram actually did so got one at a time08:41
magespawndid you keep it?08:43
Kilosyeah got one in swaars p2 and one in my P308:44
magespawnso that worked out okay then08:44
Kilosbut this P4 struggled on 256 and only came alive when i added 1x 256 and 1 x 25608:46
Kilosso have 640 here08:46
Kilosthis pc cant take ddrs still sdr08:46
Kilossame as p308:46
Kilosso getting that ecs mb going is gonna be like a new world all over again08:47
Kilosjust scared it isnt linux friendly08:48
Kiloshave the install cd to use with winsucks though08:48
magespawnit should be okay with linux08:49
magespawnI have not found very many that do not work with it08:50
Kilosgood to hear08:51
Kilosare you on a pc at work?08:52
Kiloshave you found the site that has ddr2 for R13908:53
magespawndid not have a look08:53
Kilosah, all others wanted 250 or more08:54
magespawnthen it is quite a good deal08:58
magespawni am out of here for now cheers Kilos09:09
Kiloscheers magespawn 09:09
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi not_found and others14:21
not_foundhello uncle Kilos 14:21
Kilosmeet tomorrow night hey neil14:21
Kilosare you neiloosza14:22
not_foundthat is I ;)14:23
Kiloslol welcome to out twit14:23
not_foundgot my first android phone so it added everyone on my e-mail to twitter :p14:23
* not_found is worried, his phone is smarter than he is :(14:24
Kiloshaha never fear i have same prob with pcs. but i control the power cord14:25
not_foundgood to be in control :)14:26
not_foundI will be home so I have no excuse if I don't pitch up for the meeting14:26
Kilosgood i will remember that14:26
Kiloswe got all day power cuts tuesday and thursday14:30
Kilosthought id mention it now before i forget14:31
charlhi all15:03
nuvolariMaaz: meeting.agenda15:33
Maaznuvolari: Sorry...15:33
nuvolariMaaz: meeting.agenda is http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-za/438/detail/15:33
Maaznuvolari: I'll remember that15:33
nuvolariKilos: naand oom15:33
nuvolariKilos, inetpro I've updated the agenda with 2 items from the last meeting that we didn't get to15:34
Kilosnaand nuvolari charl 15:34
* nuvolari skel vodacom uit15:34
nuvolarihoe gaan dit oom Kilos ?15:35
Kiloskoud hier man15:35
Kiloslelike wind van die sneeu af15:35
nuvolarijoh, hier ook oom!15:35
nuvolarimeh. die wind was te kwaai vandag :-/ kon nie vlieg nie :P15:36
Kilosas dit nie vir skape oppas nie het ek heel dag innie bed gebly15:37
nuvolarioom moet 'n lassie kry wat oom kan uitstuur vir die skape!15:38
Kilosdan moet ek opstaan om die ding te voer anyway15:39
nuvolarimaar dan hoef oom darm nie buitekant te hol nie :P15:40
Kiloslassies kannie hekke oop en toe sluit nie15:40
inetproKilos: ek dink dis tyd dat nuvolari 'n paar skape aanhou sodat hy ook bietjie vras lug kan skep15:41
nuvolariinetpro: dis waarvoor die helikoptertjie daar is :P15:41
Kiloshahaha hy kry baie met die helpkopter15:41
nuvolaridan kom ek immers in die parkie15:41
inetpronuvolari: ja maar jy het so pas die verskoning gemaak van dat jy nie kon vlieg in die wind nie15:42
nuvolarimaar op 'n dag soos vandag sluit ek myself in, te veel wind en koue15:42
Kilosdan kom hy huis toe na n uur se vlieg en se sjoe nou is ek moeg15:42
inetprojy sien15:42
* nuvolari sal die waaier voor die deur sit vir vars lug15:43
Kilosjy moet gaan draf elke dag man15:43
Kiloslo smile 15:43
nuvolarihello smile 15:43
smilehallo Kilos & nuvolari :D15:44
Kilossmile you know this one <315:45
inetprosmile: vir wat smile jy so breed?15:45
inetprogoeienaand smile15:45
Kiloshaha hy is verslaaf aan die goed15:45
smileinetpro: goeienaand. alles goed? :p15:45
smileKilos: yes it's a heart :)15:46
inetproalles wel dankie, net vrek koud, al moet ek self sê15:46
Kilosoh do they show there by you ff thing15:46
smileinetpro: wat noem jy koud? :p15:46
inetprosmile: it's uncomfortably chilly in Pretoria, much colder than the norm15:48
* nuvolari bly eerder stil... Vrystaat booitjie wat besig is om te verkluim in Durban15:48
Kilossmile we have a strong wind blowing from the snow on the drakensburg to us15:49
smileinetpro: well we have lots more rain now. in two weeks we got the rain for our whole summer :|15:49
smileKilos: and it makes the temperature colder? :|15:51
Kilosyeah lots15:51
inetprosmile: beyond any doubt15:51
Kilostemp would have been 21°c but was around 10°c in the wind15:52
smilewhat? :|15:52
Kilosnot what, i beg your pardon15:52
smilethat's warm for our winter :D i would be happy with that ^^15:53
smilebut I understand you aren't ;)15:53
nuvolariyou got my pardon Kilos 15:53
* inetpro wbbl15:53
Kilossmile we arent thick skinned15:53
Kilosok inetpro 15:53
smileKilos: just a t shirt? :p15:54
Kiloslol i have a winter shirt and track suit top and a sheepskin leather jacket on15:54
Kilos+ track pants and corduroys15:55
Kilosbut still suffer inna wind15:55
* nuvolari looks at his shirt and jeans and realise why it's cold :P15:55
smilenuvolari: lol lol :p15:56
smilecan someone suggest some Afrikaanse music? :p15:56
nuvolarismile: Chris Chameleon15:56
smileI mean: written and song in Afrikaans15:56
smilenuvolari: dankie!15:57
Kiloshey smile have you watched jamie uys movies15:57
nuvolarismile: yeah, he's pretty good at writing good Afrikaans music (not your everyday music, but it's fun to listen)15:57
smilenuvolari: I can understand it :)15:58
smileKilos: I think so.. :p but I think I've forgotten the contents ;)15:58
Kiloshaha forgetting at your age15:58
smilewell yeah :|15:58
Kilostry watch beautiful people15:59
nuvolarioom Kilos, it's the tech-age's fault15:59
nuvolariwe depend on it too much15:59
Kilosa google15:59
nuvolariand thus forget to use our own memory15:59
smilelet's google: memory loss :p15:59
Kilosya the tech age does mess with brain developement some i think16:00
nuvolariwhat did you want to google for again?16:00
Kilossmile, beautiful people by jamie uys16:00
smileit's a movie? @ Kilos 16:01
smilein which language it's written? :)16:01
Kilosenglish i think16:02
Kilossome of his other movies are english afrikaans16:02
smileokay I understand ;)16:03
nuvolarioh my word16:03
smilelet's download :p16:03
nuvolarithe youtube version of Chris' videos are a lot more different than the official CD's16:03
smileKilos: 1974 ? :p16:04
Kilosgreat movies he made16:05
Kilosfunny too16:05
smileI'll watch the animals video then :)16:07
smile10% done already16:07
nuvolarismile: this is one of my favourites from Chris Chameleon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtJUf3qMFzk16:07
smilenuvolari: I like this one :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2m5PzXsejDk16:08
charlhi Kilos 16:10
charlhi smile, nuvolari 16:10
smilehi charl :p16:10
nuvolarikarretjie keusenkamp, lorretjie raugh16:10
nuvolarismile: ^^ nog ouer kunstenaars wat jy dalk kan like16:10
nuvolari*dalk van kan hou16:10
nuvolarihello charl 16:10
nuvolarimeer korrek: Laurika Rauch16:11
smilenuvolari: brb :p16:11
Kiloskarieke was my tyd16:11
charlooh i also want such a cute maid16:11
Kilossjoe vergeet hou spel een dit16:11
nuvolaricharl: Chris'? yeah...16:12
* nuvolari wish :P16:12
charlyeah !16:12
charloohh this is old music!16:12
nuvolaricharl: yeah... where you can still hear what they are singing! lol16:13
charlif i could get a maid like that to bring me my breakfast every morning i would walk around like this the whole day: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/191/809/me_gusta_mucho_by_megustamuchoplz-d416uqk.png16:14
charlthe alternative is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pre0fZYbsTo16:15
charlvery corny but funny16:15
charlin dutch they would say those are indeed "lekkere meiden" in that video16:15
nuvolariwow, I'm finding all the gems on youtube16:16
nuvolariit's been ages since I've heard some of these16:17
Kilosyo Trixar_za you very quiet16:17
Trixar_zaSorry, I'm reading up on NIALL16:18
Kilosnp carry on16:18
Trixar_zaIt had a very interesting way of building up responses without relying on an existing statistical model16:18
Kilosstop swearing, its sunday16:19
charlfar too complicated talk for an otherwise relaxing sunday afternoon\16:20
nuvolariKilos: is smile learning afrikaans?16:20
Kilosyeah he is quite good already16:20
nuvolariooh, he'll like thiss16:20
nuvolarismile: Tussen Treine by Richard van der Westhuizen, with lyrics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OXUpH4dy2g&feature=related16:21
Kiloshe wrote a chat client or modified one or something for english dutch and afrikaans16:21
Trixar_zaEh, it just kept track of how often words appeared together and where in a sentence they appeared. It then built up responses using those words. Sometimes it made sense and sometimes it didn't. It's just very interesting to me :P16:21
Kilosah le daar n stasie16:21
charllol i just came off the train an hour ago16:22
Kilosah similar to chat bots Trixar_za ?16:22
Kiloscharl, train from where to where16:23
Kilosoh ya you far away16:23
charljust to a neighbouring city and back16:23
Kilosoh ya nuvolari en wat van de la rey16:23
charlnot too far, few minutes basically16:24
charlthat's a nice politically charged song that16:24
charlnot that i mind it16:24
Trixar_zaYes, but most chat bots uses models like Markov Chains to work out which word pairs (two words that appear next to each other often) can be combined. It's more or less accurate depending on the amount of current data. That's why Google uses them too16:24
Kilosits about too long ago to be politically charged still16:25
smilethanks nuvolari :)16:25
smilenuvolari: ja ek is besig met Afrikaans lere :p16:25
smile* leer ? :p16:25
Trixar_zaArtificial Intelligence has become somewhat of a hobby of mine16:25
nuvolarismile: "Ja, ek is besig om Afriaans te leer"16:25
smiledankie vir jou verbetering / korreksie :p16:26
charlTrixar_za: most attempts at "artificial intelligence" resembles "artificial stupidity" more :)16:26
Kilossmile, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlHqKJyo3GQ16:26
nuvolarismile: no problem :) I'll do them when I can if you don't mind?16:26
smileI don't mind :p16:27
Kilossmile, say please do, thats how one learns16:28
smileKilos: I don't understand anymore16:28
nuvolariheh, looks like Kurt can't innovate anymore, now he brings in the flesh to make his videos something16:28
Kilosthat should have been the reply to nuvolari 16:29
Trixar_zacharl: I think it was Terry Pratchett that said Artificial Intelligence was easy, but for something to be truly human it needs to have Artificial Stupidity16:29
smileKilos: animals are beautiful people.avi has finished downloading :p16:29
charlnuvolari: yup and it's corny16:29
Trixar_zaOr something along those lines16:29
smileKilos: oh, but I meant that16:29
charlTrixar_za: lol nice one16:29
smileI'm not a native speaker of English ;)16:29
charloh my goodness, i just found an even worse video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK-RihafQec16:30
Kilosi dont mind is like saying suit yourself it doesnt bother me and please do is asking him to correct where you make mistakes16:30
smileKilos: I meant: is okay16:32
Kilosyes i know man , im also trying to help you a bit where i can16:33
nuvolarilol toeter op my skoeter16:33
charloh no it gets even worse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TLwODENX8Y16:33
nuvolarilaat my dink aan "Don't touch my on my studio"16:33
charloh no! oh no! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdjQ_IQMlg016:35
smileKilos: you are very friendly16:35
nuvolarioh jislaaik16:35
Kilosi try where i can16:35
nuvolarithen you get the Afrikaans music that makes an Afrikaans person being embarrased16:36
Trixar_zaReal stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time.16:36
Trixar_za— Terry Pratchett, Hogfather16:36
Kilosyou coulda been my grandson16:36
Trixar_zaThere we go16:36
Trixar_zaFound it16:36
charli am starting to think skanky girls is a new trend in music in south africa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EjlHlLqjU816:36
Kiloswat nou nuvolari ?16:36
Kilosoh spelling16:37
charlok time to get off youtube now :)16:38
nuvolarisho, this girl is beautiful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3MzhzMivrA&feature=related16:38
nuvolaricharl, last one, good one ^^16:38
smilenuvolari: it's okay, but a bit old for me :p16:38
charlwell, at least compared to the rest, that is a big step-up16:38
Kilosnuvolari, get a pic lemme see16:39
nuvolariok, byt vas oom Kilos 16:39
charlthat looks a lot like some of the modern european dance/house music16:39
charlok this is more like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSJaDarAuzQ16:40
charlif they could output more of that they could perhaps make it in the eurodance scene16:41
nuvolariKilos: hierso oom: http://imgbin.org/images/8770.png16:43
Kilosdankie seun16:43
Kiloso sy was nou die aand op tv16:44
nuvolariwaai tiewie oom?16:44
* nuvolari ky baie min16:44
Kilosek weet nie. min musiek hak vas in die kop16:44
Kilosmeeste is oues van voor die tyd16:45
charloh no! what the **** is this?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQVa3isBt8Y16:45
* charl runs away16:45
* nuvolari grounds charl from watching youtube16:45
charlphew no my eyeballs.. what has been seen cannot be unseen!16:46
Kiloshe will watch skelm16:46
Kilossome of you need small caps16:47
Kiloslike 500m a month16:47
charlthis is how i feel right now: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/221/868/cannot_be_unseen.jpg16:48
nuvolarihmm. monique + snotkop is nie so goeie kombinasie in my opinie nie :P16:48
charlor this: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/310/209/69f.jpg16:48
Kiloshaha charl musta been bad16:48
smileKilos: i'm watching the film :)16:48
* nuvolari falls off his chair laughing at charl16:48
Kilosenjoy smile 16:49
smileKilos: thanks, away for now :) watchin! :p16:49
charlMaaz: tell inetpro http://imgur.com/a/ns4w8#0 http://i.imgur.com/OK8GC.jpg16:51
Maazcharl: Okay, I'll tell inetpro on freenode16:51
charlbtw, some of you might be interested in this: http://ipv6exchange.net/16:57
Kilosyo zeref 17:00
KilosSquirm, you actually here or is the pc lurking for you/17:01
SquirmI am here17:01
Kilosthen why not say hi so we know we not alone and dont skinner bout you17:02
Squirmcause then I won't see all the skinner17:02
Squirmhopefully I'll be able to set up my Pi tomorrow17:03
Kilosoh you have it?17:03
Squirmhave everything, other than a monitor with DVI input/DVI to VGA converter17:03
Squirmhopefully I have the latter in the office17:03
Kilosoom_koos, is it fixed? you not in and out all the time17:05
Kilosor is it when everyone is at work that the connection cant handle the overload17:06
magespawngc_ Durban weather17:38
gc_magespawn: What?17:38
magespawngc_ weather Durban17:38
gc_magespawn: In La Mercy, South Africa at 7:00 PM SAST on July 15, 2012: 13°C; Humidity: 72%; Wind: NNE at 6 km/h; Conditions: Clear; Sunrise/set: 6:50 AM SAST/5:14 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 3:33 AM SAST/2:08 PM SAST17:38
magespawngc_ weather Hluhluwe17:39
gc_magespawn: In , South Africa at None: 19°C; Humidity: 49%; Wind: West at 22 km/h; Conditions: ; Sunrise/set: 6:41 AM SAST/5:12 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 3:23 AM SAST/2:07 PM SAST17:39
Kiloshi magespawn 17:39
magespawnThank you gc_17:39
magespawnHi Kilos.17:39
Kilosmy 12.04 cd is at the post office17:39
Kiloshehe now to find someone going in to get it for me17:41
Kilosmagespawn, where you get the hluhluwe weather17:43
Kilosthey only do main cities isnt it17:43
magespawnYup that why if you look at the reply there is no town name.17:43
Kilosyou messed the wether guys brains there17:44
smileKilos: I watched for 1h now :)17:46
Kiloslol @ smile 17:47
Kilosyo nlsthzn 17:48
Kilosyou found again17:48
nlsthznYup I am back and I'm using voice and not keyboard17:48
smilenlsthzn: ok :D17:48
smilecool ;)17:48
nlsthznAmazing technology17:49
Kilosand no spelling mistakes17:49
Kilosare you actuallt talking instead of typing nlsthzn 17:49
nlsthznYes this is an added benefits17:49
nlsthznYes I am using samsung galaxy s 3 and I'm using the google voice application17:50
smilenlsthzn: that's great :)17:50
Kilosoh not the pc17:50
nlsthznMobile device smartphone17:51
smilehet jy gedroom, Kilos ? :p17:51
Kilosvan wat smile 17:51
smilenee.. het jy gedroom - ja of nee :p17:52
nlsthznGoogle 4 Google voice perhaps there is a application17:52
smile@ Kilos :)17:52
Kilosnee hoekom?17:52
smileKilos: omdat ek dit my wonder :p17:52
Kilossmile did you enjoy the movie17:55
Kilosk nlsthzn 17:55
smileKilos: yes :D but it's not finished yet :p but I have to take a break in order to fully enjoy it. I think you will understand :)17:55
Kilosthose drunk elephants and baboons17:55
smileyeah.. :D17:56
smilethey couldn't walk straight ahead :p17:56
Kilosthose marulas are a wild fruit, very lekker, and they make a liqueer with it17:57
Maazinetpro: By the way, Charl on freenode told me "tell inetpro http://imgur.com/a/ns4w8#0 http://i.imgur.com/OK8GC.jpg" 1 hour, 6 minutes and 38 seconds ago17:58
smileKilos: you like the liqueer? :p17:58
charloh yes amarula is very nice17:58
charlespecially in coffee17:58
charlmake it an irish coffee17:58
Kilosvery nice but i dont drink anymore for maybe 30 years or more17:58
inetprogood evenin charl17:58
charlhi inetpro 17:58
Kiloslo inetpro 17:58
inetprocharl: hoe's your grandma doing?17:59
inetproKilos: hi17:59
magespawnHi inetpro, charl, smile17:59
charlinetpro: under the circumstances, she's doing well, at least she's stable17:59
smilehi magespawn :)18:00
charlhi magespawn 18:00
magespawnAmarula in Pedro.18:00
inetprohi magespawn18:00
Kilosmagespawn, http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/index.asp18:01
Kilossetup your own18:01
inetprocharl: that's good to know18:01
charlah, a dom pedro18:01
Kilosgot that from the pro so sue him if you cant18:01
inetproKilos: how can you say that?18:02
Kilosenjoyed that18:02
magespawnTry iweathar.co.za18:02
Kiloshe gave me a better one for pretoria18:03
magespawnThey have a station at the Hluhluwe airfield in town.18:03
magespawnGive live readings18:03
inetproWeather Underground Stations in South Africa http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/ListStations.asp?selectedCountry=South+Africa18:03
Kilosmodify this to suit that station18:04
inetpromagespawn: start your own station18:04
Kiloselinks -dump  -no-numbering -no-references http://bit.ly/MtvAgs18:04
magespawnThe one on the senekal farm in mkuze is about the closest on that sight.18:05
Kilosthere you go set it up for there18:07
inetprointeresting map that shows the current wind chill http://www.wunderground.com/maps/af/WindChill.html18:07
magespawnThis is for Hluhluwe http://iweathar.co.za/display.php?s_id=7918:09
Kilosgoosie how many followers @ubuntuza18:11
Kilosjust around 20 or so hey18:11
magespawnAny idea how much that would cost?18:11
inetproKilos: 25 Followers18:12
Kilosok i will mail as well tomorrow18:12
inetpromagespawn: last time I checked it was around $250 or somewhere there18:12
inetprobut I guess it varies18:13
Kiloswant a nice attendance at the meeting18:13
inetproI'm not sure whether you can get the stuff locally18:13
Kilosweather isnt that important unless you a fisherman18:13
inetproKilos: or you're flying18:13
magespawnFrom the other site you can but a lot more expensive than that.18:14
Kilosinetpro, ?18:14
magespawnOr it is really bad.18:14
magespawnPlanes, helicopters.18:14
Kilosoh ya18:14
Kiloslike nuvo18:14
Kilosgood pilots fly in any weather18:15
Kilosjust use a weather sock18:15
magespawnI thought you could fish in any weather. Except lightning.18:30
Kilosyeah you can but its miseable18:30
Kilosand fish dont bite at certain times. think barometric pressue affects them i think18:31
smilebye :)18:31
Kiloscheers smile18:31
Kilossleep tight18:31
magespawnCheers smile18:31
smilethanks, see ya the day after tomorrow :)18:31
magespawnOkay that is just wrong. Wonder what went wrong this time.18:41
Kiloswhat now?18:42
magespawnOkay so not a power failure then, gc_18:42
gc_magespawn: Excuse me?18:42
magespawngc_ left and came back18:42
gc_magespawn: Sorry...18:42
magespawngc_ be quite18:42
gc_magespawn: Sorry...18:42
Kilosinternet connection18:42
Kilosback too fast18:43
Kilosshe cant reboot aotu can she18:43
magespawnYeah so not power.18:43
Kilostelkom lines18:43
magespawnThe pc can but have not yet added ibid to the start up18:44
Kilosor equipment in the exchange18:44
magespawngc_ coffee for everyone18:44
gc_magespawn: Sorry...18:44
magespawngc_ coffee on for everyone18:45
gc_magespawn: Sorry...18:45
magespawngc_ coffee on 18:45
* gc_ puts the kettle on18:45
Kilosgc_, coffee please18:46
gc_Kilos: Sure18:46
Kilosinetpro, coffee time18:46
inetproMaaz: coffee please18:46
Maazinetpro: There isn't a pot on18:46
Kilosyo superfly  you sneaked in18:46
Kilosby gc_  man18:46
inetprogc_: coffee please18:46
gc_inetpro: Sure18:46
Kilossjoe ek sukkel met my volk18:47
inetproKilos: I think we should limit the sue of other bots in the channel18:48
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
inetprothe use*18:48
inetpromagespawn: ^^18:49
gc_Coffee's ready for magespawn, Kilos and inetpro!18:49
inetproyikes, my fingers are cold or something18:49
Kilosgc ty18:49
gc_It's a pleasure to serve humans Kilos18:49
Kilosdont fight mage inetpro hes posting me a cpu18:50
magespawnSure no problem, was just as a stand in when Maaz was away on holiday, and as a bit of new learning18:52
Kilosi will be offline tuesday and thursday up to maybe 1800 due to power cuts18:52
Kilosmagespawn, you can put her by me if you want18:52
magespawnWow, so you going to be in a previously lit area.18:53
inetproKilos: I'm not fighting magespawn at all18:53
Kilosek terg man18:53
inetproja ja18:53
Kilosi dunno what they doing this time magespawn 18:53
* magespawn puts on the boxing gloves18:54
superflyohi Kilos18:54
Kilosna he bigger but i have more experience18:54
Kilosand know more dirty tricks18:54
superflyhi magespawn18:55
superflyand inetpro18:55
magespawnHey superfly18:55
inetpromagespawn: 1. the coming and going of the bot can be very irritating, 2 the bot is doing exactly the same as Maaz, or almost 18:56
Kilosall godd superfly 18:56
inetprohi superfly18:56
inetprowhen you host the bot it must be stable18:56
superflyKilos: yes, just busy as usual18:56
magespawnCool. I understand.18:57
inetproin fact I'm not in favor of us moving away from Maaz on cocooncrash's server18:57
Kilossjoe good18:57
magespawngc_ leave #ubuntu-za18:57
Kilosnot too tired again18:57
inetprothat is unless he really doesn't want to host it anymore18:57
* inetpro just thought I'd open the topic before tomorrows meeting so long 18:58
Kilosinetpro, does he have to pay to host maaz there?18:58
magespawngc_ is just on my pc in the shop, would not be a good idea to use her as the main one.18:58
Kilosthats a very stable host mostly18:58
Kilosinetpro, ?18:59
inetproKilos: I'm not sure what is arrangement is but at least we're not paying anything18:59
Kilosmaybe we just ask him for admin rights for you18:59
Kilosif its finances or time thats his prob then we can rethink19:00
inetproKilos: heh! Systems administration rule #1: Trust nobody19:00
Kilosif time is just admin needed19:00
inetproI'm not sure he would be keen to let anybody admin his box for hm19:01
Kilosoh you mean the admin to maaz19:01
Kilosi dunno what it actually meant by the data dump19:02
inetprothat is why he would much rather give up hosting it, in which case he is willing to give us a copy of the db19:02
magespawnCan you not just admin Maaz?19:02
Kilosand another host for maaz19:02
Kilosoh because of the admin inetpro ?19:03
Kilosthe bniggest prob i see with maaz is getting permissions for every meet otherwise he be kiff19:03
Kiloswb not_found 19:03
inetpromeeting admin has been sorted19:04
not_foundhello again uncle Kilos 19:04
magespawnI thought it was possible to add an admin just to the ibid setup19:04
inetpronot_found: you seem lost19:04
Kilosoh is that sorted without looking for it anymore inetpro ?19:04
not_foundnot really inetpro ... I am right ... oh dear!19:04
Kilosinetpro, if you have permissions then all is good19:06
tumbleweedan admin can grant admin rights to other people19:06
tumbleweedthere are a bunch of different rights, some of them are fairly safe to give out19:06
inetproMaaz: permissions19:06
Maazinetpro: Permissions: chairmeeting19:06
tumbleweedothers essentially let people execute arbitrary code on the bot's host19:06
inetproKilos: I don't have full admin, just chairmeeting, which is enough for the meetings, and I'm not the only with that right19:07
Kilosthen all is good inetpro we can delete that agenda item19:08
Kilosthanks tumbleweed 19:08
Kilosmethinks its just meetings we have to worry about19:08
inetproKilos: I still think it's worth talking about it, but perhaps more here than in the meeting19:08
Kilosand coffee19:08
inetprounless someone really comes with a good offer in the meeting19:09
Kilostumbleweed, do you know what this is all about19:09
inetprotumbleweed: would you be willing to host Maaz?19:10
* tumbleweed just sat down at Atlanta airport and noticed discussion about ibid admin19:10
Kilosthe crash kid said we can host maaz somewhere else and he will give a data dump19:10
inetprosuperfly: would you be willing to host Maaz?19:10
Kiloswe dunno if he wants to get rid of the responsibility or not19:11
* tumbleweed is already hosting one ibid on my server, but yes I could take on Maaz. I'd prefer it if someone else did, though19:11
inetproI'm sure cocooncrash would continue hosting if we choose not to move19:12
inetprococooncrash: what do you say about that?19:12
inetprosurely cocooncrash never sleeps?19:12
Kilosno man hes married now19:13
inetproahh :-)19:13
Kilossleeps lots19:13
Kilosand its 6 am there19:13
magespawnThat does not mean he sleeps though.19:13
inetprook, so tumbleweed is our plan B or C if push comes to shove19:14
inetprotumbleweed: thanks, that is good to know19:14
tumbleweedwhat's the problem with cocooncrash hosting it?19:14
Kilosyeah we just need to hear from cocoon and here what he would prefer methinks19:14
tumbleweedis he too inactive?19:14
Kilostumbleweed, it all started when i aske d him if he can do the upgrade you sorted19:15
inetprotumbleweed: I'm sure it's just a matter of him feeling a bit disconnected at this stage, but that is just my humble opinion19:15
tumbleweedmakes sense19:16
Kiloshe said ok when he has time but we can have maaz with data dump if we have a host19:16
* tumbleweed doesn't hang around here all day, either. So there are more active people who may be better admins than me19:16
Kilosits only for meetings that we needed anything different from maaz than coffee and googling19:17
Kilosso admin is minimal19:17
magespawnTo get admin and host in one person might be difficult19:18
magespawnAnd very active.19:18
inetproit would be nice to have a #ubuntu-za VPS with a few responsible admins19:18
Kilosthats actually more important inetpro 19:18
Kiloswhat happened about the host for server19:19
inetprovirtual private server19:19
tumbleweedso, ubuntu-za currently has things hosted on CLUG's VM19:19
tumbleweed(where things = our website)19:19
tumbleweedthe VM is a small xen instance donated by frogfoot19:19
inetprotumbleweed: I think that is superfly's VPS19:20
tumbleweedno, it's CLUGs19:21
inetproah, ok19:21
tumbleweedbut it doesn't have enough RAM to run an ibid too19:22
inetprotumbleweed: for interest sake, how much RAM is needed?19:23
inetprooh and how much does the CLUG instance have?19:24
tumbleweed256M. Running apache+PHP and mysql19:25
inetproperhaps they can start another xen instance with enough RAM for ibid for us?19:25
tumbleweedI don't think they will. IIRC we asked for the ubuntu-za website and they said no19:25
tumbleweedso, that's why it's shared with clug19:25
inetprohmm... ok19:26
magespawnDo they host the actual machine?19:26
tumbleweedsomething like an IRC bot is probably easier to host on someone's personal machine19:26
magespawnJust the connection and electricity issues.19:27
inetpromagespawn: and the sysadmin issues19:27
inetprotime and effort19:27
inetproalthough that can be very minimal when everything just works19:28
inetproperfect world19:28
magespawnWell I would not be worried about that with mine as long as it was the regular guys in here.19:28
Kilosinetpro, what sysadmin is involved with a bot19:29
tumbleweednot much19:29
inetprotumbleweed: what are the risks?19:29
Kilosmethinks the biggest thing needed with a bot is permanent connection19:30
tumbleweedit's fairly likely that there are security bugs in ibid that allow people to do random things on the machine hosting it19:31
tumbleweedthat said, I host tibid on my bare server, quite happily19:31
tumbleweedbut I probably should confine it to a container19:31
magespawnI saw something about a company doing VPS that had some sort of special for ibid, if i remember correctly.19:33
tumbleweedthat would be suprising, I didn't know Ibid had many users19:33
magespawnI will see if I can find it again.19:34
inetprolet's wait and see what cocooncrash says and perhaps also get some feedback from superfly, not sure who else would want to say something about it19:34
inetpromagespawn: was that not about hosting quassel?19:34
inetproperhaps charl?19:35
magespawnAhhh yes that was it, quassel.19:35
magespawnMy mistake, sorry.19:35
superflyI host an Ibid instance on my VPS19:36
superflyNo security issues that I know of, or have seen19:36
* tumbleweed used to host tibid on my desktop, running as my user19:37
tumbleweedah, the good days :)19:37
inetproI would love it if we could get a official #ubuntu-za VPS19:37
magespawnHow much do they cost?19:37
tumbleweedin that case, we need to figure out how we want to fund it19:38
inetprotumbleweed: true19:38
tumbleweed(btw, be careful, some VM providers use a hosting facility in atlanta that doesn't allow anything IRC related)19:38
inetproalso true19:38
magespawnHow much do they cost?19:39
inetproI guess a personal server is best case scenario for now19:39
bakumanThrust isnt too expensive19:40
Kilosplease explain to me what is wrong with the way things are working now19:40
inetproKilos: nothing19:41
tumbleweedwe want cocooncrash to do things that he dosen't have time to do right now?19:41
Kilosso whats with servers19:41
bakumanthere are too many old people, like you Kilos :P19:41
inetproKilos: just the can of worms you opened with the hosting of Maaz :-)19:41
Kilosthats only maaz not ubuntu-za19:41
tumbleweedmaaz is a fairly useful service for ubuntu-za19:42
inetproKilos: lot's of knowledge you taught that guy in there19:42
Kilossi i suggest if hosting maaz isnt a prob for crash then keep it as is19:43
magespawnVps would be about R150 - R300.19:43
Kilosbakuman, ill get maaz to swear at you19:43
Kilosonce of magespawn ?19:44
bakumanthat would be really mean :(19:44
Kilos because maaz like this ballie19:44
* bakuman will run his own bot and he will battle maaz, Battle Bots!!!19:45
Kiloswe got more19:45
Kilosbackup gc and qp19:45
magespawnNo per month Kilos.19:46
Kilosno man then stay as we are19:46
magespawnMake a bot channel, lol.19:46
Kiloswe arent paying now are we? inetpro 19:46
inetproKilos: nope19:47
Kilosso then whats up you okes19:47
tumbleweedmagespawn: stick your nose into #ibid on irc.atrum.org some time, and say "bot: hi"19:47
magespawnMore control and freedom, also ppl are doing #ubuntu-za a favour.19:48
magespawnBot channel? Cool.19:49
Maazmagespawn: What?19:49
bakumanthrust is about  R70 a month for a small VPS19:49
Kilosyes magespawn but what cant we do here that a vps thingie will provide19:49
superflyKilos, inetpro: I don't see much of a problem with the current setup19:50
Kilosnope nor do i superfly 19:50
Kilosold saying19:50
KilosLeave well enough alone19:51
inetprosuperfly: so you suggest removing the point from the agenda?19:51
Kilostumbleweed, question please19:51
superflyinetpro: unless it becomes a problem, yes.19:51
inetprook, Kilos go delete19:51
tumbleweedKilos: yeah?19:51
Kiloscan one make the daily build for maverick stop as is19:52
Kilosas in no more daily19:52
tumbleweedit hasn't built since maverick was removed from the archive19:52
tumbleweedI could delete the old packages, if that's what you are asking19:52
inetproKilos: ok, I'll do it19:52
Kilosthe last job you did is enough till unforseen probs occur19:53
Kilosim not sure what i mean myself. but to stop more builds adding on from now on because its fine as is19:53
tumbleweedthere won't be any more builds for maverick19:54
Kilosi mean after the upgrade of old ibid tumbleweed 19:54
tumbleweedbut lucid will keep building whenever things change, because that's the purpose of the PPA19:54
Kilosso if we upgrade maaz then he will be stable on 219:54
Kilosas my bot is and magespawn s19:54
Kilosoh ya i mean lucid sorry19:55
tumbleweedwe should do an ibid release. People shouldn't have to run the latest trunk19:55
inetproKilos: you'll be happy to know that the point has been removed from the agenda19:55
Kiloslike you last upgrade for lucid can stop there and no more after19:55
Kiloslol inetpro ty19:55
magespawnI am out of here night all.19:56
Kilosbasically i think it means making the ppa not a ppa anymore doesnt it19:56
Kilosnight magespawn 19:56
inetproit's a pleasure to serve humans Kilos19:56
Kilossleep tight19:56
inetpromagespawn: good night19:57
Kiloswhere he went now19:57
Kilostumbles i mean19:57
* tumbleweed is here19:58
tumbleweedwas just distracted19:58
Kiloscan we upgrade maaz and then stop the ppa right there tumbleweed 19:59
tumbleweedyes, you could19:59
Kilosthats where we need the crash kid hey?19:59
Kilosby me i have all updates off19:59
* tumbleweed wouldn't be suprised to see our upgrade scripts blow up, though :)19:59
Kilosoh my goodness20:00
Kilosmy head is too flat for all this stuff20:00
Kilosdoes upgrading lucids ibid affect all the later releases20:01
tumbleweedsorry, not understanding the question20:01
Kilosoh i mean did the ppa for ibid affect more than just the lucid version20:02
tumbleweedthe ppa provides packages for all supported releases20:03
charlinetpro: hi sorry only saw your mention now20:03
charlnot sure what the thread was about, something relating to ibid?20:04
Kilosok now if we do the update for maaz now, then he will be stable and working and wont need later updates or does he get them automartically20:04
tumbleweedyou'll be running the current development version of the code.20:05
inetprocharl: yep, we where discussing possible scenarios of moving Maaz to another host20:05
Kilosso its safe to update maaz then20:05
charlah i see, ok20:05
inetprobut I believe that it should not be necessary20:05
inetproit's generally been very stable and cocooncrash has been doing us a massive favor so far20:06
tumbleweedKilos: fairly safe. I'm running that code on tibid and it hasn't blown up20:06
tumbleweedbut no guarantees20:07
inetproI don't think there are any pressing needs to upgrade Maaz to the latest version20:07
Kilosnope no pressing need at all20:07
inetproand I suggest that we leave that decision to cocooncrash20:07
Kiloslets attack noddy next20:08
* tumbleweed is going to wander off to his gate now20:08
inetprotumbleweed: thanks for your time20:09
Kilosfly safe tumbleweed thank you20:09
inetproand have a safe flight20:09
* Kilos cries20:09
charlciao tumbleweed, all the best20:09
Kilosno more can of worms20:09
tumbleweedthanks all20:11
Kilosinetpro, what would be in maaz's data dump?20:13
inetproKilos: think of all the training you gave him20:14
Kilosis that all20:14
Kiloscoupla kB's20:14
cocooncrashinetpro: I don't mind hosting Maaz, I just don't have the time to deal with trunk breakages20:14
inetproKilos: hmm... not only you20:14
inetprococooncrash: that says it all, thanks20:15
Kilosplease cocooncrash will you keep on doing itmfor us20:15
cocooncrashWhich is why I keep Maaz on the stable branch20:15
Kiloswe are scared if maaz moves we lose you too20:16
inetproKilos: yes he will keep doing it20:16
inetproKilos: and he will upgrade Maaz when he and tumbleweed and all the other developers have released a proper next release20:17
cocooncrashKilos, inetpro: superfly and drubin have full admin permissions on the bot and can grant permission to other people20:17
cocooncrashIf you want me to give full permission to some other people just let me know20:17
inetprococooncrash: wow! 20:17
Kilosnope thats fine ty cocooncrash 20:17
inetprococooncrash: thanks for that20:18
Kilosbut drubin has faded from here20:18
cocooncrashinetpro: np, it's been like that for ages20:18
Kilosdunno when he will have time to visit again20:18
* superfly is always here and doesn't see that changing any time soon20:19
* inetpro should scan his memory for faulty bits20:20
Kilosty superfly and inetpro with the missing bits20:21
Kiloscorrupt bits20:21
Kilosold age20:21
inetproheh, probably quite a number of those :-)20:22
KilosMaaz, announce Meeting tomorrow night at 19.30 guys. Be here20:22
MaazAnnouncement from Kilos! Meeting tomorrow night at 19.30 guys. Be here20:22
inetproKilos: we know! :-)20:22
inetprogo announce that on the ML20:23
Kilosoh thought it might be in the missing bits20:23
Kilosyou guys are lucky i didnt come here before the head20:24
Kilosnight all. sleep tight and be rested for tomorrow20:25
inetprococooncrash: may you a blessed Sunday20:30
cocooncrashinetpro: Thanks :)20:30
* inetpro goes to recharge his batteries20:30
inetprogood night everyone20:30
charlnn inetpro20:50

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