
len-dtailo, can you try something for me? I can save profiles with envy24control but not with mudita24.00:49
len-dtif you are running US12.04 envy24control has to be run from the command line.00:50
ailolen-dt: I'm on Wheezy, but should be the same version?00:52
len-dtI think so. That was the one we tried before getting it put in ubuntu00:53
len-dtthis says 1.0.4 000:53
ailolen-dt: Cannot open profiles file '~/.envy24control/profiles.conf' ...00:54
ailoUse current settings.00:54
ailoYou can store this settings to profile no. 1 in file '~/.envy24control/profiles.conf' by pressing save button.00:54
ailoInhalt : test00:54
ailoGoing to install envy24control to have a look. I'd think after creating the file, it should be usable00:55
ailoSo, worked fine in envy24control00:56
ailolen-dt: Mudita tries to open .envy24control/profiles.conf, while envy24control saves in the non-hidden envy24control/profiles.conf00:59
ailoAnd, of course Mudita should be able to create the file itself00:59
len-dtOk, two different files... but mudita24 doesn't save...(not religious?)01:00
ailoChanging the source should not be too hard, at least for changing the path where to look for the config01:00
ailoAnd then maybe adding the code that creates the dir01:00
len-dtSo if I create the directory it should work... probably it creates the old directory but saves to the new.01:01
len-dtIt may just be a typo. forgot the .01:01
ailoLet me try again, removed the dir now01:02
ailolen-dt: hmm, there is a hidden dir there01:03
ailoBut no config in it01:03
ailoGoing to delete that dir too01:03
ailolen-dt: Saving with mudita24 creates the dir, but not the file01:04
ailolen-dt: even after manually creating profiles.conf, mudita24 does not touch the file01:05
ailoAlso, it won't read from the other, non-hidden dir either01:05
len-dtYa, that is what I thought..01:05
len-dtwhen mudita24 is run from the terminal it says Cannot open profiles file '~/.envy24control/profiles.conf'01:05
ailolen-dt: Er, just to be clear. mudita24 creates the hidden dir,  but no file01:06
len-dtif I try to save a profile, it says: Cannot find file '/home/len/.envy24control/profiles.conf'.01:06
len-dtThis operation will create a new profiles file '/home/len/.envy24control/profiles.conf'.01:06
len-dtCannot find program '0'.01:06
len-dtYou must specify path for '0'.01:06
len-dtCannot store profile '1' for card '0'.01:06
len-dtObviously it does not create the file or save anything there.01:07
ailolen-dt: It can read a config file, if I copy the one made by envy24control01:08
ailoIt will still not add anything to it, if I try saving new profiles01:08
ailoSo, the problem is clearly only when writing, not reading01:08
ailolen-dt: Actually, no. The profile name is read, but the settings don't change when I select it01:09
len-dtOh :(01:09
len-dtBut envy24control does work ... at least for me.01:10
ailoFor me also01:10
len-dtI don't think this is a ubuntu version problem but upstream.01:12
len-dtIt is mentioned on The LAU list. and the name given is envy24control not mudita. So it may be another distro has packaged it as envy24control.01:13
ailoIt's the Debian version, I would assume01:14
ailoI'll make a Debian bug for it, and see about fixing it01:15
ailoI'm trying to get into the Multimedia team eventually, and fixing bugs is a good place to start01:15
len-dtailo,  what did you think about the link above? (http://www.ovenwerks.net/UStudiodocs/menu.html)01:16
ailolen-dt: I like the idea of being able to install multimedia specific software01:16
len-dtI need a list of what software to have installable from which menu.01:17
ailoI wonder what things do, and do not appear in Software Center01:17
len-dtIt is configurable if I could only figure out how :P01:18
ailoMost applications should, but not things like plugins or proprietary codecs, etc01:18
len-dtI should be able to point out the PPA even... but I couldn't get it to work.01:19
len-dtAnyway, I am willing to make up the *.desktop files if I have a list of what things should be installable in each category01:20
len-dtailo, I have been trying it out from a terminal to try out command lines. It sure puts out a lot of errors. I think the software center is a work in progress01:21
micahglen-dt: ok, I'm piloting monday, will take a look then03:06
len-dtgreat! Thanks.03:08
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