
ilianI  am trying to create a new upstart job but I have problems how to add it, I copied the file in /etc/init and run initctl reload-configuration but the job still does not appear in the list, any ideas what is wrong?13:15
JanCilian: reload-configuration is not needed14:04
auntieI have a script I need to run that effects the entire system... how do I get it to run as the very first task before any others in upstart?14:04
JanCilian: and if it doesn't show up, there must be an error14:04
auntieeffectively I want it to run right after init-bottom in the initrd, just after it runs init :P14:05
JanCmaybe a bit of a hack, but you could add "--startup-event pre-startup" to the kernel commandline and add a job that starts on the 'pre-startup' event which does whatever you want to be done and when ready emits the 'startup' event (which is the default event emitted on boot, so it should start whatever would normally be started)14:07
auntiemm, looks like that might do it14:09
JanCBTW: de "pre-startup" is just something I made up, use whatever you want to call it14:10
JanCwell, not whatever, make sure it's not the same as something used for other things  ;)14:10
auntieif I do it like this, is there some other default startup script that I would be circumventing?14:10
auntiedon't want to break anything...14:11
JanCby default the startup event is "startup"14:11
auntieoh, oh I see14:11
auntiethat makes sense now, I thought "startup" refered to a script, but it's just an event14:12
auntieI just gotta emit startup from my own script14:12
JanChm, I wonder if this trick is in the cookbook already14:13
auntieit's a nice hack14:13
auntieI feel like I'm trying to use upstart as System V init...14:14
auntiemight be an indicator that something is wrong ;)14:15
ilianJanC, yes I found the error and fixed it, thanks )14:27
auntieoh, aparantly upstart doesn't even use /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d14:29
auntieI figured it would, and that's why I was trying to delete the file pre-startup14:29
auntieguess I don't really have to? mmm14:29
ilianhow can I split exec command arguments in several lines without getting "unknown stanza"15:11

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