
=== jbicha is now known as Guest91535
mgariepystgraber, good morning13:53
stgrabermgariepy: morning13:54
mgariepyhave you made some progress with the tablet this weekend ?13:54
stgrabernot really. Well, I know how the bootloader and the firmware works but that still doesn't help booting my own kernel (or at least booting it in a way where I can see what's happening)13:55
stgraberthe Kubuntu guy was supposed to help me yesterday but that didn't happen, I guess he got busy with something else13:55
stgraberhighvoltage: first Edubuntu deployment in India (well, first one on the map)14:21
highvoltageI guess he didn't really make progress either then14:22
stgraberwell, he's supposed to have something that boots at least, which I don't14:23
stgraberso it's getting kind of frustrating...14:23
highvoltagewell, we all want something that works, but there's limits to how far you can push some things. it's not worth while getting frustrated about.14:24
stgraberthe frustration is mostly cause by me trying to guess how to make that stuff work when rbelem already managed to do that... it's just that he's too busy to tell me apparently...14:24
highvoltageI don't know him, is he usually on IRC?14:25
highvoltageyeah I guess it's also frustrating that you couldn't use time that you had available for it14:26
highvoltagec'est la vie14:26
highvoltageI put in holidays for today and forgot about it14:28
jbichahi, I just added a deployment of 1 and I think it worked but these errors showed up on the page: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094994/14:53
stgraberdoh, yeah, these errors should have showed up on my side, not yours... they are linked to someone logging in without SSO in the admin UI14:56
stgraberfixed to hide all errors from now on :)14:57
stgraberand accepted your deployment14:57
bencerhighvoltage: stgraber are you around guys?16:19
highvoltagebencer: yep, we were just talking about you a bit earlier :)17:02
highvoltagebencer: well, I'm going to take a nap in a bit because I'm severely sleep deprived atm17:03
bencerok np17:05
bencerhighvoltage: let me know when u r back from your nap :)19:18
highvoltagebencer: I'm back(ish)20:52
benceri'm going to be around until late, so take your glass of milk first :)20:52
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ajmitchhighvoltage: fun trip? :)21:03
highvoltageajmitch: yes, totally, except for the last bit where I got stuck at the last leg of the trip, but it was worth it :)21:18
ajmitchmissed connection?21:18
highvoltageflights being cancelled due to bad weather... then my flight got through somehow, then angry mob of passengers around the airport caused more delays, then storm delayed us more, then angry people on the plane delayed take-off more21:19
ajmitchwhy were they angry? just because of delays?21:20
ajmitchI see that despite you being off in a foreign land, you've still got far more ARB stuff done lately than I have :)21:21
bencerstgraber: highvoltage21:45
bencerwe were discussing today the stoppers we have to upload zentyal almost 3.0 to 12.1021:45
bencerfirst of all21:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 82853 in openldap (Ubuntu) "Add support for the smbk5pwd overlay" [Wishlist,Confirmed]21:45
bencerthis blocks our zentyal-users module21:45
bencerwe need that, to sync samba4 internal ldap and slapd21:46
bencerits just enabling the plugin in the rules and adding the control stuff21:46
bencerits super safe21:46
benceri was going to comment later on that launchpad issue21:46
bencerbut not sure if you can do something else21:46
* highvoltage looks at that bug report21:48
highvoltagebencer: stgraber is looking at the packaging in ubuntu and why it's in debian but not in ubuntu22:01
bencerafter that22:03
highvoltagebencer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/+bug/82853/comments/12 seems like the problem for that22:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 82853 in openldap (Ubuntu) "Add support for the smbk5pwd overlay" [Wishlist,Confirmed]22:03
highvoltagebencer: oh, one moment...22:04
stgraberright, so apparently it's actually building with heimdal-dev nowadays so I guess the binary package could be reintroduced, though it'd be best to talk to Chuck Short about it (zul on IRC)22:05
bencerlook heimdal-devel is already there22:05
bencerhighvoltage: stgraber next blocking item, is samba422:11
bencerwe have 2 packaging issues22:11
bencerwe will need beta322:11
bencerand if possible push a patch upstream22:11
benceri'm going to try to submit the packaging debdiffs today22:13
bencerbut this is something still we have to do22:13
stgraberbencer: ok, are you talking with jelmer?22:18
bencernop, that was going to be my action for that22:18
bencersince i know him already22:18
stgraberbencer: he's involved upstream and dealing with some of the packaging in Debian and Ubuntu (he works for Canonical but samba4 isn't part of his work time)22:18
stgraberok, good, so we have the same samba4 contact ;)22:19
benceranyway, if we dont get this patch22:19
bencerthe problem would be the sync of existing users in slapd22:19
bencerwhen samba4 is installed afterwards22:19
bencerif upstream doesnt accept this patch in time to 12.1022:20
bencerwould be a known issue22:20
bencerbut not a big deal22:20
bencerstgraber: and last thing22:21
bencerprinters is going to be broken22:21
bencercups is compiled with krb mit22:21
bencerand currently samba4 is compiled without cups support22:21
bencerbecause of that22:21
stgraberhmm, ok... I thought heimdal and mit got close enough nowadays that most of the time it doesn't really matter which time you build/link against, but I don't know how the cups/samba integration is done22:22
stgraberbencer: btw, I suppose you know that zentyal in quantal simply won't start at the moment right?22:23
bencerstgraber: ?22:23
bencercurrent packages are prepared for precise22:24
bencerwere not tested yet on quantal22:24
benceri plan to upload new packages in 2 days22:25
stgraberbencer: over the weekend I tried installing zentyal-core zentyal-dhcp zentyal-dns and zentyal-users in a quantal container and the install failed as the init scripts failed to start the daemons22:25
stgraberok, good, I can wait 2 days :)22:25
bencerabout dhcp i was told someone was going to upload a fix22:25
bencerbut we will upload new versions22:25
benceri think all that has been fixed in master, not sure22:26
bencerstgraber: i plan to upload the same modules but printers22:26
bencerand plus nut22:26
bencerand maybe jabber+mail22:27
bencerdo you have interest in any module in special that is not currently in the archive but in the ppa?22:27
stgraberI haven't looked at the list in the PPA, but intially I'm planning on just using dhcpd/dns/samba4+user22:28
stgraberthat's the minimal set that we need to build a working edubuntu-server. We can then extend that set to get new features later on22:29
bencerstgraber: what about webserver?22:30
bencerbut its a supper simple module22:30
stgrabernot too sure how we are going to work on the webapps part of edubuntu server yet. The various services will be sitting in different containers, but we might end up using something like zentyal-webserver to configure the reverse proxy22:32
bencerdoesnt support reverse proxy :)22:33
* highvoltage catches up22:42
highvoltagebencer: doesn't support a reverse proxy or just doesn't implement it?23:07
bencerdoesnt implement it23:07
bencerwe use apache23:07
bencercould be implemented23:08
bencerwe just do vhosts and listen ports23:08
bencerno more23:08
highvoltageok cool. you could do reverse proxy with vhosts so that's cool23:12
bencerbut i'm super busy now :)23:12
highvoltageoh for sure I'm not asking you to implement it :)23:12
benceri have to some stuff for a customer23:12
bencerand review my zarafa branch23:13
bencerto can be merged asap23:13
bencerbecause we are freezing yesterday :D23:13
bencerwould be cool if zarafa could make it into the archive23:15
bencerthere are some efforts to package jiraffe23:15
bencerwhich is a rebrand of zarafa23:15
bencerthen i will upload the modules23:16
bencerhighvoltage: stgraber as upload can i apply to appear in planet ubuntu?23:23
stgraberyeah, you're a member of ubuntumembers so you can add your blog to planet ubuntu23:29
stgraberbencer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu23:29

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