
SpamapShazmat: right, any juju after "reboot" support cannot spawn nodes for a juju before reboot support.01:39
SpamapShazmat: so distro support is incompatible in oneiric01:40
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
vladashello, can someone help me?11:52
vladasI'm trying to deploy openstack on vm's and got weird error.11:53
vladasI have deployed all charms successfuly, except nova-volume and openstack-dashboard11:56
vladasI'm getting these errors:11:56
vladasError processing 'cs:precise/nova-volume': entry not found11:56
vladasError processing 'cs:precise/openstack-dashboard': entry not found11:57
vladasAny ideas?11:57
hazmatvladas, those charms are not in the store12:01
hazmatvladas, they need to be deployed from bzr12:01
vladasOh, i see. Thanks, will try that.12:04
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SpamapSgooooooooooood morning juju town!15:34
mrammgooood morning to you!  (sorry for the reduction in O's)15:35
SpamapSIts like an echo.. it can't sustain.. ;)15:36
marcoceppigd morning16:09
SpamapSmarcoceppi: done with wordpress? Are you done yet? How about now? done..?16:11
marcoceppino yes! nope not yet16:11
marcoceppiit's in bzr now though16:11
SpamapSUgh that reminds me I need to finish nagging the last of the un-maintained charms16:12
koolheadd17SpamapS, met someone at cls12 who is working on newest owncloud charm16:13
SpamapSkoolheadd17: oh?16:13
SpamapSkoolheadd17: did you hand it off to them or they just wanted to make it better?16:14
koolheadd17SpamapS, he wanted to make it better16:14
SpamapSjimbaker: jitsu --help looks *amazing* now btw. THANK YOU16:14
SpamapSkoolheadd17: *awesome*16:14
koolheadd17he is working on integrating nfs based support too i guess bkerensa knows him16:15
koolheadd17i have few charms in baking state though :)16:22
negronjl'morning all16:22
SpamapSI'm working on making nagios more awesome16:23
koolheadd17SpamapS, waoo :)16:23
SpamapSand then hopefully collectd too16:23
koolheadd17SpamapS, is someone working on Monit?16:23
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
SpamapSkoolheadd17: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/  ... look there16:23
koolheadd17SpamapS, so jcastro google doc list and all is primitive now16:24
SpamapSkoolheadd17: it has been dead for months now16:26
SpamapSit should have been deleted if it hasn't been already16:26
koolheadd17ejat, around16:30
ejatkoolheadd17 : yups ..16:30
koolheadd17ejat, are you coming to china for openstack asia pacific event16:30
ejathmmm not sure yet …16:31
ejathow about u ? confirm ?16:31
koolheadd17not yet, need to talk to my manager on the same and visa might be difficult16:31
koolheadd17ejat, you should definately go there16:31
* ejat in the mist of changing employment … so could not give a say yet .. but hopefully … 16:32
koolheadd17ejat, ol16:33
ejatSpamapS : is there any tutor to deploy OS using juju after installing via MAAS ?16:33
* ejat means for production environment .. 16:34
ejator how to wiki .. .16:34
SpamapSejat: yes there's something on wiki.ubuntu.com16:39
ejathttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure <-- ok thanks16:43
jimbakerSpamapS, thanks. over at oscon with m_3 working on demo stuff16:55
SpamapSjimbaker: woot16:55
bkerensam_3: so the dependency should not be tight according to the upstream author so I removed the ppa portion17:04
hazmatjimbaker, m_3 rackspace is a fail btw17:05
hazmatjimbaker, m_3 they implement their own version of credential passing17:05
hazmatinstead of keystone v2, even fixing that there are some other issues17:05
hazmatjimbaker, m_3 i'd go with ec2 or hpcloud17:05
m_3hazmat: I love you man... `jitsu export | jitsu import -enewenv -` worked17:06
m_3bkerensa: thanks17:07
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
negronjlSpamapS: got a chance to look further re: haproxy-overhauled ?17:22
SpamapSnegronjl: I want to wrap up this nagios thing I did, and then I'll dive back into it17:28
negronjlSpamapS: you hate me :)17:29
SpamapShazmat: wtf?! no keystone?17:29
SpamapSnegronjl: because you're beautiful17:37
_mup_Bug #1025382 was filed: Add a generic constraint "persistent-root" <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1025382 >17:44
hazmatSpamapS, its a bastardized keystone18:06
hazmatSpamapS, mostly its just different credential passing18:07
SpamapShazmat: ahh the fun of apache licensing18:07
hazmatSpamapS, openstack is a kit for building your own snowflakes ;-)18:07
SpamapS"Lets create a single place to dump code that nobody runs"18:07
SpamapSbtw.. 'juju status | ccze -A' is purty18:07
SpamapSwe should like, build in --color to juju cli18:08
hazmatSpamapS, don't even get me started on how broken rspace is about their client tools.. nova client has had broken packages for months, and their swift client doesn't work with their custom keystone either.18:08
SpamapS'started' is green, 'error' is red..18:08
* hazmat should file a bug on status improvements18:09
SpamapShostnames are blue18:09
SpamapSand known things are purple.. which is weird.. nrpe and mysql are purple.. but nagios is not18:10
SpamapSjitsu export is.. like, everything I've been looking for18:11
SpamapS^5's hazmat18:11
hazmatSpamapS, :-)18:11
SpamapSThat should be like, feature #1 to go into goju18:11
hazmatSpamapS, i haven't pimped it out to folks yet, cause people hates features..18:11
hazmatbut perhaps you guys can18:11
SpamapSIts enough to prove the concept is valid18:11
SpamapSwe can move forward from there once we have a permanent home for the feature :)18:12
hazmatSpamapS, this is pretty much the  exact syntax from the austin/lxc sprint ml discussion18:12
hazmatbcsaller, is the repairs branch ready for review?18:41
bcsallerhazmat: since we are not supporting restarts I was just testing changes that use start-ephemeral to see if its faster for people18:42
hazmatbcsaller, pls stop adding additional features to the bug fix, its much, much more important to release the fix for the original bug that add extraneous things.18:42
hazmatmoreover most of things are inappropriate for an SRU18:43
hazmatand at the very least need to have separate bugs/documentation18:44
bcsallerhey, before that bug you were the one that had me working on this ;)18:44
hazmatbcsaller, i wanted a fix for the bug, not for any of the other things that are in that branch18:44
hazmatsome of those things can definitely go into an SRU, but their still more appropriate and better documented with separate branches and bugs.18:45
hazmatand specifically for the download feedback, that was in the context of informing of downloads when doing cloud-images, not tying the existing ma into desktop-notifications.18:46
hazmatfeels much more like pending stuff that's been discussed and you decided to put into this branch, but it was never part of the expectation for the bug in question18:47
SpamapSa good SRU btw, would be to *just* remove the 'start on' from the upstart jobs18:48
* hazmat nods18:48
SpamapSso you can land whatever fix you want18:49
SpamapSOnce its fixed in quantal, I can do a much simpler patch for SRU :)18:49
hazmatactually for the upstart jobs, its better to just not have them if it doesn't survive restart and just fork the relevant processes.18:52
hazmatrather than dropping files into sys dirs that are irrelevant18:52
SpamapSyes that would be great18:53
SpamapStho its nice to be able to easily restart them18:54
SpamapShazmat: upstart has a notion of user jobs18:54
SpamapSbut I think they're off by default IIRC18:54
SpamapShrm, getting lots of tracebacks when running relation-get -r$relid in an upgrade-charm hook19:33
SpamapSOk, I *think* have working nagios+nrpe in a generic fashion...19:38
SpamapSto the point where this is all thats needed to add monitoring to wordpress:19:39
SpamapSjames_w: I haven't forgotten custom nagios plugin support either :)19:41
SpamapSjames_w: lp:~clint-fewbar/charms/precise/nrpe/trunk ... but.. I'd wait for my README updates and blog post.. there's a *LOT* there :)19:42
SpamapStime for lunch19:43
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
dpb___is there a limit to the number of lxc clients that juju could effectively start?21:37
SpamapSdpb___: ZooKeeper keeps everything in RAM.. and each one needs at least 400MB of disk space...21:40
SpamapSdpb___: so, yes, your box will crumble well before any logical limits are reached21:40
dpb___oh, nice.21:41
SpamapSdpb___: I've done 7 at a time before.. it made my SSD feel slow. :)21:42
SpamapSAll that dpkg :-P21:42
dpb___ya, I just tried to spin up 10 and it's zookeeper is throwing errors in debug-log21:42
dpb___new one for me: 2012-07-16 22:08:28,265 ERROR Invalid Remote Path provider-state22:09
imbrandonSpamapS: even the local ZK keeps a full FS and not just pointers to it ? so ... in LXC a single NRPE deploy would be 1.2GB of disk just to store the charm22:17
imbrandon... that seems wrong.22:18
dpb___ok, for future reference, data-dir cannot do ~ substitution.  :)22:18
imbrandon( also seems wrong there is 400MB of data in the charm ... )22:18
SpamapSimbrandon: no it doesn't keep *EVERYTHING* in it22:22
imbrandonactually a more than 2.4GB ... 400 in the local:repo ~/.juju/charmname 400 more and then ZK bootstrap lxc has 400mb on the zk fs and then it deploys to another lxc that add 400 in /var/lib/juju/service/* and finaly another in /mnt or where ever its running from the final 400mb...22:22
SpamapSimbrandon: it keeps everything that is in the ZK tree in RAM22:22
imbrandonright i'm just saying a 400mb charm is 2.4gb deployed in LXC22:22
imbrandonseems ... off22:22
imbrandonSpamapS: btw got me a shiney new fileserver powered on and in the spare bedroom ( my in-home DC , lol )22:25
imbrandonnow i have enough disks spun up and in the right manner that i can migrate things from 4 other machines I have around doing various things all to that one + any minor crons etc they ran, and I've already purchased a rsync.net account just to offsite backup that one box GREATLY simplifying by @home setup that has become a frankenstein over the years ... one server, running minimal services with 12tb of raided storage and a offsite backup ready to g22:28
imbrandonBUT the major win out of the whole thing , and what caused me to finaly do it this weekend ? heheh in-house MAAS with OpenStack on  5 nodes ( got a lil laptop to use as the controller ) with Gigabit speeds22:29
imbrandonwoot woot22:30
imbrandonhoping by Wed or so I'll have everyting copied into place and verified etc  etc + the boxes reprovisioned fo sum fun hehh22:31
imbrandon( i keep off site backups of family members data too so i cant afford to goof it up , lol )22:31
SpamapSimbrandon: where do you get 2.4gb from 400MB?23:06
SpamapSimbrandon: you want CoW for the charm on local? Thats a bit far reaching. ;)23:06
SpamapSimbrandon: some day.. not today23:06
imbrandonSpamapS: yea , i konw its not fixable ( well not in the current context other things need to fall into place first )23:08
imbrandonjust had no real strong feeling about more data in the charm than config templates untill just now tho23:09
imbrandonand i realized that23:09
SpamapS400Mb would be a bit weird23:09
imbrandoni mean i dident like it but was like meh, now it seems like a very very bad idea23:09
imbrandonand yea 2.423:09
imbrandoncount it with me , maybe i'm wrong ...23:10
SpamapS400 in the charm.. 400 into the file storage.. 400 on the disk layed down.. thats 1.2G not 2.423:10
imbrandonok so you have /var/lib/charm/400.mb   then you juju bootstrap and it copies it to ~/.juju/400.mb and then again to the lxc zk/400.mb then you "juju deploy charm" and zk copies it to new node at /var/lib/charm/400.mb and then the hooks fire and unpack it to /mnt/400.mb23:11
imbrandonwhats that add up ... all on your laptop ... but even on ec2 thats a bit extreeme23:12
imbrandonoh, and there is also a cached copy in s3 as well ...23:12
SpamapSimbrandon: I don't believe it copies it to ~/.juju if its a local:23:15
SpamapSimbrandon: and it never copies the charm into zk23:15
SpamapSzk is structure only23:15
SpamapSimbrandon: /var/lib/charm also doesn't exist :)23:15
imbrandonahh ok so i was mixing up my zk/400.mb with s3/400.mb23:15
imbrandonand thats where i deploy local: form23:16
imbrandonfrom* so just used it in my head23:16
* imbrandon echo "JUJU_REPOSITORY=/var/lib/charms/precise/" >> /etc/profile.d/juju-charms 23:17
SpamapSHrm, bug in subordinates23:18
imbrandonnice clean place outside of my ~/Projects/juju/charms/ to let "charm getall" live and not mix uninstentionally with the ones in Projects i'm actively developing :)23:19
SpamapSif I destroy the primary service.. I never see a depart for the unit of the subordinate23:19
imbrandonrace ?23:21
SpamapSsomething like that23:22
SpamapS2012-07-16 16:17:03,362 unit:nrpe/5: statemachine DEBUG: relationworkflowstate: transition complete depart (state departed) {}23:22
imbrandoni never took the time to dig into pyjuju enough to be effective even trying to look since i'm just concentrating on other things waiting for go23:22
SpamapSThats the depart from the sub<->primary relationship23:22
imbrandonok ...23:23
SpamapSso its possible it just commits hari-kari and never cleans anything else up23:23
imbrandonso thats right ...23:23
imbrandonoh well sure , well kinda23:23
SpamapSit should be departing all of its non-primary relations first23:23
imbrandonisnt that the point of its async call backs is it can do it anytime, so it is right? its just sloppy23:23
imbrandonlike i said not dug enough into this bit to be really informed23:24
imbrandonjust thought thats how it was tho23:24
SpamapSYeah unless one of your callbacks does its own little self-suicide instead of telling the reactor to exit when its all done23:24
imbrandonright, so its a bug but not quite the same kind23:24
SpamapSthis is all speculation23:24
imbrandonjust a bad implmentation not accounting for any order23:25
SpamapSI have a reproducible problem23:25
imbrandonright rihgt23:25
SpamapSwhich causes my nagios stuff to never clean up after itself :-/23:25
imbrandonjust just trying to help ya play strawman :)23:25
SpamapSwhich sucks23:25
imbrandonbut you destroyed it23:25
imbrandonwhy care ?23:25
SpamapSbecause I've been able to do it without regenerating the whole nagios config every time23:25
SpamapSI destroyed it23:25
SpamapSso now I need to remove it from the nagios configs23:25
imbrandonoh THAT hook isnt going ?23:25
SpamapSthats the hook that isn't going23:26
imbrandonbut i thought that they all fire just late ...23:26
imbrandonor ... ok one sec let me re-read that above23:26
imbrandonconfused mtself i think lol23:26
SpamapSthere's a relationship between nrpe<->nagios .. and one between  wordpress<->nagios .. and when I destroy wordpress, it nrpe/X is gone.. but never departs from the nagios<->nrpe relationship23:26
imbrandonit shouldent23:27
imbrandonoh wait ...23:27
imbrandonit /should/23:27
imbrandonbut dident you tell me that before that might happen23:28
imbrandonwith something i did in the 1st newrelic ones23:28
_mup_Bug #1025478 was filed: destroying a primary service does not cause subordinate to depart <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1025478 >23:28
SpamapSyes but in this case the relation hasn't been broken.. nrpe and nagios are still related.. just a *unit* departed23:28
imbrandonright, i dident care cuz i dont work without it23:29
imbrandonyou could still try to be working ... if they both reported to the same nrpe ... but honestly thats the incorrect way to deploy nagios i was taught23:29
imbrandonhere let me run through a line of how i was shown to deploy nagios when first learning about it at GSI logn long ago and this si from memory but i think will not be effected by the bug even if the bug needs fixwed23:31
imbrandonok soooo23:31
imbrandonservice we say simle html app on apache23:31
SpamapS        is_principal = not (yield self._service.is_subordinate())23:31
SpamapSI just love inlineCallbacks :-P23:31
imbrandoneasy one check on port 80 nrpe checking it23:31
imbrandoni actually do ... specicaly recursive ones :(23:32
imbrandonanyhow so yoy got one nrpe on 8023:32
SpamapSimbrandon: sorry wtf are you getting on about nagios?23:32
imbrandonyou run 3 nagios in your senerio23:32
imbrandonin the right way23:32
imbrandonlike how jenkins is run23:32
imbrandonjenkins.qa.ubuntu.com dont run any jobs, other jenkins report their results into it23:33
SpamapSso, in my world, NRPE is for checking things local to the box, and everything else the nagios server does direct against the host address.23:33
SpamapSand then nsca goes the other way.. pushes things back from server -> nagios23:34
SpamapSimbrandon: if you're talking about scaling out nagios.. we're not there yet. Lets just *configure* nagios first.23:34
imbrandonnrpe local -> to one nagios per service --> one more nagios for whole environment23:35
SpamapSslow your roll23:35
SpamapSthats later23:35
imbrandonyea but if you do that then bug dont matter23:35
imbrandonis what i was pointing out23:35
SpamapSyes it does23:35
SpamapSbecause I'd still be monitoring a now deceased box23:35
imbrandonno because both services die thgen23:35
lifelesswhat do I need to do to push the charm review foeward ?23:35
SpamapSYou're going to run *ALL OF NAGIOS* on the box?!23:35
imbrandonno , well thats how i said it but not in rewality23:36
lifelessI'm reminded of the perl joke here.23:36
imbrandonit was for wasy explaining23:36
SpamapSlifeless: m_3 is supposed to pilot tomorrow, but I suspect he'll be busy prepping for OSCON demo's .. so I might take his spot23:36
SpamapSimbrandon: ok, so you're going to run a nagios for every service?23:37
imbrandonbut you end up with nrpe plugins all over , maybe even many on one box , then one nagios where ever per service name its related to if it gets another relation name then it fires up another daemon of nagios , and then both report to a 3rd23:37
bkerensaimbrandon: hi23:38
imbrandonmaybe even on that same box as well but that 3rd will be the  one the customer "reads"23:38
bkerensaSpamapS: he is very busy preparing ^23:38
imbrandonSpamapS: not just every service but every service relation, but they can all still just be on one "nagios" machines physicly23:39
imbrandonheya bkerensa , hows it goin23:39
SpamapSimbrandon: so if I have 40 services, I have 40 /usr/sbin/nagios running? All due respect, but that sounds bat@!$% crazy23:39
SpamapSimbrandon: nagios is perfectly capable of scaling one nagios daemon up to thousands of service checks23:40
imbrandonlifeless: i'll have some time tonight and tomarrow as well, i'll review it and minimum give ya feed back if I think its too complex for me to +1 alone23:40
bkerensaimbrandon: nothing much just hanging with all the juju folks except for SpamapS  :D23:40
imbrandonSpamapS: yea and no , and in yes 40 and no its the norm, or at least how i've actually seen nagios deployed realworld23:41
SpamapSimbrandon: also for this bug.. I have a workaround.. which is to just trash anything that belongs to the primary service even if the sub relationship still thinks it should be there.23:41
imbrandonbut seriously 40 services in one env ?23:41
SpamapSimbrandon: even 5.. I see no reason to do that.23:41
imbrandonsure, nagios is designed just exactly for that and its light23:41
elmoimbrandon: I've never seen nagios deployed that way or even heard anyone doing it that way, FWIW23:41
SpamapSimbrandon: and it would still suffer the same problem, because the nrpe relationship would still be left dangling23:41
elmo(until now)23:41
imbrandonits like built into the setup that one is normaly a "collector" and gathers the others23:42
imbrandonSpamapS: but would only break one instnce of the daemon23:42
imbrandonthat dont matter at that point anyhow23:42
SpamapSimbrandon: yes thats one thing nagios can do, but thats for aggregating several monitoring boxes into one.. not for "the norm"23:42
imbrandonsoory i dont follow what you mean there23:43
imbrandonheya elmo :)23:43
SpamapSI could see an issue where nagios would be heavily single threaded and need more processes to scale up onto one box with lots of cores..23:43
SpamapSbut nagios is pretty well written and is almost always just waiting on slow network stuff and disk23:43
elmonagios already spawns processes to distribute check load23:44
SpamapSYeah, I've seen pretty moderate boxes keep up just fine with thousands of checks defined and running at pretty regular intervals23:44
imbrandonelmo: yea thats what i'm trying to unsuccessfully explain that its very common to break nagios up like that23:44
imbrandonor other arbitrary ways23:44
imbrandonSpamapS: yea i know for fact there is a dell 2650 in the basement reporting about 10k checks :) [ its my brother in laws machine heh ]23:45
imbrandonand those are only like c2d 1.6ghz or something silly23:45
imbrandon( that dumb dude went nuts and has like one website cheked like for real 8 ways or something , like tcp, then telnet then http 80 then text exists etc etc etc ]23:47
imbrandoni think he was just bored or was trying to make it break )23:47
* imbrandon setups up 2 checks for php/python/rails apps ( on each node direct ) one to pull a txt file from /health-check/plain.txt and make sure its 200 with body "OK" and one to pull /health-check/dynamic.php{or .py or .erb/.rb} to get a 200 and a "OK" body thats printed by the code23:50
imbrandonthat should cover about any thing as far as if the server is working ( not taking something slips past lint and other checks at build and/or deploy and is a app error )23:51
SpamapSimbrandon: IMO the really important monitor is the one that verifies traffic is flowing23:52
SpamapSimbrandon: artificial checks are great, but I want to know that requests are happening at normal levels23:53
imbrandonright, thats a whole nother class of check , as well as the disk space one, dunno how many times i've seen a log fill the box and totaly hose everyting23:53
imbrandoneven if most all logs are on other partiions or something , someone fraks up and writes their own or logrotate dies or some crap23:54
imbrandonnever fails23:54
* imbrandon thinks damn near every log should be sent to /dev/null on prod machines anyhow with the exception of the authlog and dmesg for hardware failures etc23:55
imbrandonbut all service/daemons supporting services/and apps should not need or really imho be forcefully sent to /dev/null in prod23:56
SpamapSimbrandon: I think I'll stick with the "should be sent to a central logging host asynchronously" not /dev/null23:59
imbrandonbetter ways to clicktrack or anything else they might provide, and you should have a identical setup in staging to debug issues, not similar, identical, that way if something is up its in a hardware log/syslog still cuz its hardware ( or more likely delll openmanage has already told nagios that a hdd has been spun and you just get the report from in the NoC HUD's and call dell to add another when they show up in their 4 hrs and it gets hotswapped 23:59
SpamapSimbrandon: if that host decides to devnull them thats fine, but I want to be able to see them23:59
imbrandonoh i know , just ranting at this point23:59

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