
mark06how to update a po file for fixing some translation?00:28
mark06I seem to not have upload rights to this queue: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/pidgin/+imports00:30
wgrantmark06: You don't upload from the queue page, but the translation page.00:33
wgranteg. https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/pidgin/+pots/pidgin/en_AU/+upload00:33
wgrantReplacing the language code, obviously.00:33
mark06wgrant: "Not allowed" :(00:35
wgrantmark06: Are you in the appropriate translation team?00:35
mark06wgrant: it seems I'm not and it should take an arbitrary amount of time for achieving it00:36
wgrantmark06: Oh?00:36
mark06but I wanted to upload it now00:36
wgrantUbuntu doesn't just let random people overwrite their translations00:37
wgrantYou need to be a member of the relevant team.00:37
mark06the queue above has items "needing review" so I thought it wouldn't simply overwrite it00:38
mark06let me explain the actual problem00:38
mark06pidgin's pt_BR translation sucks in upstream, and sucks less in Launchpad. I have done a work on this as follows:00:39
mark061) took original and LP po 2) fixed *wrong*  LP translations 4) improved LP translations 5) IIRC, likely fixed and improved stuff in original po which had not been done in LP00:42
mark06I used source code and the UI itself as context so I'm quite confident of my work00:43
mark06but I'm not confident of whether the original upstream ticket with the best translation will be implemented or not, because it's been a long time00:44
mark06so I though of pushing it to LP instead, so we have at least one OS with decent translation00:44
wgrantmark06: Indeed, that is a good idea00:45
mark06current translation contain *severe* errors in both upstream and LP00:45
wgrantmark06: https://launchpad.net/~lp-l10n-pt-br is the relevant Ubuntu translation team00:45
wgrantThey can upload it for you, or you can ask to join (I'm not sure what their membership policy is)00:45
wgrantWrong team00:46
wgrantThat's the one00:46
mark06it could take weeks or months depending on their activity and such00:47
mark06I was inclined to open a bug00:48
mark06pidgin devs are too narrow minded00:58
* mark06 shrugs it off01:33
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nailoradoes someone know how to configure launchpad translations to pick up two *.po files? we are trying with simple-scan and failing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/simple-scan/+bug/54328205:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 543282 in Simple Scan "Documentation cannot be translated" [High,Confirmed]05:55
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerI get a Database offline error10:01
shadeslayerTrying to visit https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/digikam10:02
czajkowskishadeslayer: yes we do a daily downtime at this hour10:02
czajkowskifor a few seconds10:02
czajkowskiit's over now10:02
shadeslayeryeah, working now10:02
wgrantIt was in fact back about 15 seconds before you mentioned it here :)10:02
shadeslayerczajkowski: is this a part of the faster update cycle ?10:02
shadeslayerwgrant: nah, I was still getting 503 errors10:02
wgrantshadeslayer: Right, we can now apply a DB patch every day in ~70s of downtime if we need, rather than batching them up and doing them all in one huge 90 minute monthly downtime.10:03
wgrantUnblocks development, and hopefully infuriates users a little less.10:03
czajkowskiI would add it to the topic as it hits someone most days10:03
* shadeslayer notes time10:03
czajkowskibut our topic is rather long10:03
czajkowskishadeslayer: 10am UTC10:03
shadeslayerthanks :)10:04
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mgzhow should searching for multiple tags with searchTask in launchpadlib work exactly?12:11
mgzincluding a space complains:12:12
mgztags: [ConstraintNotSatisfied(u'qa-ok hardening')]12:12
mgzbut passing a tuple doesn't seem to do the right thing either12:13
mgzit might be ORing rather than ANDing12:13
jmlmgz: comma13:06
jmlmgz: or, wait, I think a list works, and that there's an any/all switch13:06
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genjixhow can i make my mailing list so anyone can join?13:23
genjixi just want a normal mailing list for my software project...13:27
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czajkowskigenjix: thats how the ml works on lp you need to join14:16
genjixok thanks czajkowski14:18
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=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact:-| Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
sqrt7744Hey, can someone have a gander at my build-log, this is failing and it don't really understand why...  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/110267413/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.zams_1.1-1ubuntu0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:57
maxbsqrt7744: Is that build actually compiling anything? Or is it doing something peculiar like shipping compiled binaries in the source package?20:08
sqrt7744no it should compile20:09
sqrt7744it actually works for the 64bit build, but the 32bit build fails20:09
sqrt7744which is really odd if you ask me...20:10
maxbThe error messages imply it has build/got 64bit binaries in the 32bit build!20:10
sqrt7744hmm...  i didn't notice that.20:11
sqrt7744ah ok, the ELF format thing...20:11
sqrt7744i'll purge the source of any bits of binary hanging around and try again, thanks, at least that is a place to look20:12
maxbsqrt7744: There appear to be precompiled binaries in the source tarball20:13
maxbYou should repack it without that mess :-/20:13
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mark06I have a problem23:12
mark06I need to join a translation team to submit a po patch but someone from there pushed me to upstream, which refuses to answer whether they'll get the patch or not, so I'm suck, what to do?23:14
komputesSPAM FOUND - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gparted/+bug/405022/comments/2423:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 405022 in GNU Parted "gparted doesn't support sector sizes > 512" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:24
komputesSPAMMER ACCOUNT FOUND - https://bugs.launchpad.net/~bob-robisonranch23:33
tsimpsonkomputes: it's best to report spam on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad23:36
komputestsimpson: ok I'll do that23:36
StevenKkomputes: Comment 24 has been hidden.23:49
komputesThanks StevenK - I think all the comments from this user have been spam (a few bugs affected)23:51
StevenKkomputes: All done.23:55
komputesStevenK: thanks23:56
StevenKAccount suspended too23:57
StevenKkomputes: If you did file a question, point me at it and I'll comment23:57
komputesCan there be an auto flag for eorfd like rolex, viagra, gucci23:57
StevenKkomputes: We don't parse bug comments23:57
komputesStevenK: No, I was in the process, but I didn't submit23:58
StevenKkomputes: Okay, cool23:58

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