
DaekdroomQuantal is 2000:00
DaekdroomPrecise is 1800:00
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BluesKajHi all12:51
MrChrisDruifBye BluesKaj, bbiab12:55
eagles0513875BluesKaj: are you on 12.10 already?13:08
BluesKajyes eagles0513875 , I have 12.04 on my otherdrive and the laptop13:08
eagles0513875nice hows 10 looking?13:09
BluesKajactually yes, it's the most stable alpha I've tried so far13:10
BluesKajlooking good , but that depends on the hardware13:10
BluesKajeagles0513875, if possible when you decide to install , use a live cd , usb is problematic for some setups13:13
BluesKajor use do a 'net upgrade13:14
ikoniayou've probably given the most positive review I've seen in a long time13:15
eagles0513875BluesKaj: normally i do a net upgrade but i dont know why i havent had very good luck with net upgrades13:15
eagles0513875should give it a shot on a vm :)13:16
BluesKajikonia, well, that's been my experience with 12.10 so far , quite stable , only one little segfault ..of course I haven't been using kmail or nepomuk so akonadi is disabled , apps that are troublesome for a lot of users13:18
ikoniaBluesKaj: it's still better than a lot of others are finding it, I suspect your approach and attitude towards it is a factor though, along with your expectations13:19
BluesKajikonia, I recommend it with the usual warnings and qualifiers13:22
ikoniaof course,13:22
BluesKajalways have a backup! :)13:22
BluesKajof course I'm on kde so it's probly not a typical 12.10 setup13:25
jayanwhen i try to shutdown it is not shutsdown  how to slove this?14:00
BluesKajjayan, have you tried , sudo halt, in the terminal?14:01
jayanBluesKaj: no  i need to do it with shutdown buttone the system is using by the person who don't know much about this14:03
jayanis any way to a button for this on desktop?14:03
BluesKajunity desktop?14:04
jayanor in luncher14:05
BluesKajon the right habd side of the panel , there should be a drop down with shutdown options14:05
BluesKajright hand side14:05
jayanthat one is not working14:05
jayanit just logouts  not power off14:06
jayanit is the issue14:06
BluesKajok , id you logout then , once at the logout/login page there should be an option to shutdown14:07
jayani try that too . same result14:08
BluesKajjayan, does ctl+alt+delete , bring up the shutdown dialog ?14:09
jayansame come in all options and when i try to shutdown it is not working14:09
BluesKajjayan, have you updated/upgraded today ?14:10
jayanBluesKaj: yday ya but after that i shutdown properly14:11
BluesKajjayan, ??14:12
jayanyesterday i updated and upgraded by update manger14:13
jayanBluesKaj: not today14:13
philinuxjayan: there's an update to gnome-session today. Try it and see14:17
jayanphilinux: ok thank you i just need to update?14:18
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jayansudo apt-get update?14:18
philinuxjayan: hey no guarantees in testing14:19
philinuxsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:19
Pici*and dist-upgrade14:19
philinuxQQ could get unstable you know. I hope you realise14:19
philinuxPici: not today just normal updates today14:20
Piciphilinux: How do you know when they've last upgraded though?14:21
jayanphilinux: BluesKaj : ok thank you  all14:21
philinuxPici: he said yesterday14:21
philinuxI use dist-upgrade when needed. Always reading what it wants to do of course14:22
PiciI always use dist-upgrade, and always read. But thats just me.14:23
BluesKajdist-upgrade with caution :)14:25
philinuxMy routine is normal upgrade to see whats held up then dist-upgrade after. Easier to see the wood for the trees14:26
philinuxQQ is a bit boring as it's too stable here14:27
eagles0513875hi again :15:52
MrChrisDruifHi y'all16:05
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eee444hi, could someone hwlp me get my dwl650 to work with aircrack?16:58
ikoniaeee444: if you are using 12.04 whyy are you asking in this channel17:00
ikoniaeee444: you need to find out for certain what version you are running17:02
eee444hold on17:02
ikoniayou must know if you are running 12.04 or 12.10 as you've joined the channel for 12.10 to ask17:02
ikoniayou don't do that for no reason17:02
ikoniaok, so you need to ask your question in #ubuntu - not here, however I doubt you will get any response any way17:03
ikonia#/join #ubuntu-uk17:08
IdleOneWhat logs can i look at to try and determine why my computer just shut off?18:36
micahgIdleOne: /var/log/kern.log18:43
penguin42IdleOne: Did it just go without any warning?18:46
IdleOnepenguin42: i stepped away for a minute came back and the pc was off18:46
IdleOneso yeah, no warning18:47
penguin42hmm, that was inconsiderate of it18:48
IdleOnemicahg: What should I be looking for?18:49
penguin42it's a shame the pm-* logs don't tend tend to have timestamps in18:49
penguin42IdleOne: Anything that happened at the time it went off18:49
IdleOneJul 16 14:33:51 enterprize kernel: [   32.911367] init: lightdm main process (1124) killed by TERM signal18:52
IdleOnenot sure that applies to me though I am running Kubuntu18:52
penguin42that sounds to me that it was during shutdown18:54
paulo_gomeshi all, is there some kind of equalizer for pulse audio?19:10
paulo_gomesi have an asus with srs sound, and the sound in linux is pretty bad compared to windows :(19:12
FernandoMiguelpaulo_gomes: not in my card19:20
FernandoMiguelbut each card is very specific19:20
paulo_gomesFernandoMiguel: i understand, but what i wanted is a system wide equalizer so i can make it sound the way i like it for all programs.19:21
paulo_gomesFernandoMiguel: do you know some kind of system wide equalizer for ubuntu?19:21
FernandoMiguelpaulo_gomes: don't know of anything that will do that19:21
FernandoMiguelsome apps do it per playlist19:22
FernandoMiguelmostly music apps19:22
paulo_gomesFernandoMiguel: ok, thanks anyway, i've searched software center, but couldn't find any.19:22
FernandoMiguelPA is able to have diff volumes per app per session19:22
FernandoMiguelbut won't auto-volume them19:22
paulo_gomesFernandoMiguel: i'm using rhythmbox, is there an equalizer for it?19:23
FernandoMiguelnot sure19:23
paulo_gomesok, i'll search a bit more19:23
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FernandoMiguelanyone using 12.10 in recent macbook Airs? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir4-221:42
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Guest72333i downloaded ubuntu 12.10 aplha-2 and made a boot usb....but when booting from it on my laptop HP G6 series it is getting stuck n boot only...??? but it is booting fine on my other dell inspiron 525 laptop...!!! also i m currently running ubuntu 12.04 on the hp series g6 laptop and its working fine..!!!22:33
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myheroany1 here for help ??22:34
M1howdy internets!22:47
M1anybody feel like fixing my dependency problems on precise alpha?22:47
M1The problem is.... some of my packages have unmet dependencies22:48
M1for example "python3 : Depends: python3-minimal (= 3.2.3-2ubuntu1) but 3.2.3-4 is installed"22:48
M1tried typing stuff like "apt-get dist-upgrade" and "apt-get -f install" to no avail. No new packages can currently be installed ... any wild ideas how to fix?22:50
M1oops, obviously meant "quantal" alpha, not precise22:50
trismM1: comment #31 of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3-defaults/+bug/1024016 works around the issue (though you will have to select the newer deb version)22:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024016 in python3-defaults (Ubuntu) "package python3 3.2.3-2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 4" [Critical,Fix released]22:56
M1trism: alrighty, thanks for the tip!22:58
M1trism: now the problem is that I don't have the older .deb ...23:03
M1trism: I believe I got it fixed after all, thanks23:08
MrChrisDruifI was almost getting worried there M1, that you found some kind of old A1 of Precise...=)23:11
M1Can't always keep up with the version names, but I blame the rapid release cycle :p23:15
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