
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest17881
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r0csteadyTheLordOfTime: I spent quite a bit of time screwing around with launchpad before I could even get to the site (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs), but am reading it now.05:55
r0csteadyI had to generate a gpg key, push it to the ubuntu server, import it to launchpad, and then sign the ubuntu code of conduct. Learned tons!05:56
TheLordOfTimeBugSquad: this was sent via the mailing list for triaging.  Additonal confirms from bugsquad are necessary, as the bug is *not* reproducable in three other systems here.  Please confirm whether you can reproduce this bug.12:19
TheLordOfTimebug control members: i was not able to personally reproduce this bug, but given there's a large number of reports of this thus far, it might be ready for triaging.  i do not believe it is because it appears to be a randomly appearing bug in specific hardware configurations.12:20
TheLordOfTimeBug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/102151712:20
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1021517 in xorg-server "Xorg-server crashes reproducible with GIMP usage" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:20
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hjdBug 870006 is still present in Oneiric, but fixed in Precise. Looking at the changelog (http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/g/globs/current/changelog) this was resolved by 0.2.0~svn50-3 which added the dependency. When picking the right Fix Released comment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Fixed_in_Development_release_while_still_existing_in_a_previous_release), would this technically qualify for an SRU (under "Bugs whic14:32
hjddo not fit under above categories, but (1) have an obviously safe patch and (2) affect an application rather than critical infrastructure packages")?14:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 870006 in globs "missing dependency to python-glade2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87000614:33
hjdI am not sure whether anyone would need an update for Oneiric at this point, but if they do... I will of course also mention this is easy to workaround by simply installing the dependency manually.14:33
seb128hjd, not likely to be worth a SRU at this point14:36
seb128hjd, users who are still using oneiric and need python-glade2 probably installed it after this time14:37
seb128hjd, it's not likely that oneiric is getting lot of new users with the LTS out14:37
hjdYes, I'm aware that most people will have installed it manually or upgraded to 12.04 at this point, so likely no one would apply for a SRU. Though, theoretically it would qualify, right?14:42
hjdOr do you have a better suggestion for leaving a comment when marking it fix released?14:42
seb128hjd, it would apply for a SRU yes14:46
seb128hjd, you can use the first reply, if the user care enough to do the SRU paperwork etc we can revisit14:47
laserbledHi, i need help. I am an 12.04 with all new updates and when ever I play flash in mozilla/chrome the cpu usage shoots really high. I am on a quad core, and have nvidia integrated graphics...can someone tell me whats wrong ?. There is no issues in my 10.1014:48
seb128hjd, or just use the third one and change the "doesn't fit the requirements for backporting" by "only important fixes are applied at this point for oneiric and this one is a bug easy to work around if needed"14:49
LoTlaserbled: you may need to ask in #ubuntu about that, to see whether there's a bug or not.14:50
LoTand for the record, 10.10 isnt supported anymore :p14:50
laserbledyes I know but there is no issues there. Thats the funny part14:50
laserbledI have to end the plugin container process to stop the issue14:52
LoTlaserbled: again, start in #ubuntu14:56
laserbledYes yes, I have put the question there as well. :)14:56
LoTthis is the channel for the Bug Squad.  The Bug Squad handles bugs, generally, in terms of getting them triaged.  We don't typically help diagnose whether there's a bug or not14:56
laserbledokie, got it. thanks anyway14:57
LoTyep, feel free to lurk if you want though14:57
LoTseb128: do you track the mailing list?14:57
* LoT could use another opinion14:57
seb128LoT, "the" mailing list?14:58
seb128LoT, define the, Ubuntu has > 1 mailing list14:58
LoTseb128: the bugsquad list14:59
seb128LoT, I'm subscribed to this one, I don't read it regularly or in details though, why?14:59
LoTwell, trying to get input on whether a bug is triagable15:00
LoTin one sense it is15:00
LoTin another, the bug's not able to be reproduced15:00
LoTthis is the bug r,15:00
LoTdamn one sec15:01
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1021517 in xorg-server "Xorg-server crashes reproducible with GIMP usage" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:01
LoTputty is evil15:01
hjdseb128: ok thanks. :) I ended up using an edited version of the first response.15:02
seb128LoT, thanks for pointing it15:03
LoTseb128: yep, my issue is that its not reproducable here, and i've tested on three desktops, and six different laptops15:04
LoTincluding my heavily-modded-kernel-running laptop15:04
seb128LoT, it might be video card dependant?15:04
LoTseb128: it *appears* that way, or hardware dependent15:04
LoTbut afaict, there's a few different cards in the mix15:04
LoTand different hardware configurations15:04
LoTwhich makes me think its not reproducable15:04
LoTthat, and the stacktraces of Xorg show memory-level segfaults, i didnt see anything really descriptive there15:05
LoTalso, it appears to be "GIMP dependent" too15:05
LoTthat, and its against, what, three upstream packages?/15:05
LoTif it were my call, i'd not be discussing this15:06
LoTbut... it *could* be triagable15:06
LoTdepending on the point of view15:06
seb128LoT, I'm going to point it to one of our xorg guys15:06
seb128LoT, I fear that has to do with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/2:1.11.4-0ubuntu10.315:06
LoTseb128: lemme know what they say, if its triageable, if so i'll have at it and set that.15:07
* LoT only responded to the email that went out about the bug because he at the time didnt think it triageable15:07
seb128LoT, well, you can set it to confirmed for sure, but we really need to have an hacker looking at it15:07
LoTit is indeed confirmed15:07
LoTlast i checked there's a high confirmed rate15:07
LoT26 people marked it as confirmed so...15:08
LoTseb128: i also believe that it shouldnt be targetted to gimp project on LP, because it was pointed from the gimp package to the xorg-server package, but i'm not going to make that call yet15:08
seb128LoT, right, I think it has to do with inputs btw15:09
seb128"For me this bug is reproducible/ not reproducible on my Thinkpad 410s depending on wheter I disable/enable the touchpad with Fn-F8 before or not."15:09
seb128on the bug15:09
LoTthen its xorg inputdependent15:09
LoTthat, and also partially hardware dependent15:09
LoTbecause Fn-F8 i think is a weird thinkpad feature15:10
LoT(Dell has the decency to not have a function key to disable trackpad.  this is also a downside)15:10
LoTdamn my faster-than-my-thoughts fingers.15:10
LoTseb128: who did you forward that bug to, the guy that just took it for Precise?16:35
seb128LoT, #ubuntu-x basically but yeah, I assigned it to somebody from the Canonical Desktop Team16:36
seb128LoT, feel free to join #ubuntu-x if you are interested into the details16:36
LoTseb128: heh, only marginally, it just showed up on Ask Ubuntu about this exact bug16:37
LoTkind of now willing to send those who keep posting "This is an issue how do i fix it" on AU to /dev/chaos, because they're technically reporting a bug16:38
LoT(offtopic for there)16:38
LoTseb128: thanks for forwarding that though, i would have had *no clue* where to send it :P16:38
LoT(that's one of those "Uh...?" bugs :P)16:38
seb128LoT, yw, thanks for pointing it16:40
LoTwhy is it conversations on the email system though dont get past only a few messages back and ofrth...16:41
* LoT thinks the bugsquad and bugcontrol should host a Bugs 101 session on the classroom16:41
LoTso far there's support for ti, but nobody has stepped up to the challenge of proposing what we would talk about, nor has anyone stepped up to lead it :/16:42
dpwrussellHi, I'm filing bug on booting liveCDs with UEFI, but I'm unsure what package it's supposed to be, the FindRightPackage indicates it should be filed against the kernel, but if I search for "kernel" in the Select a Package dialog, there are too many results. So I'm unsure how to procede.16:47
seb128LoT, what do you mean "conversations on the email system though dont get past only a few messages back and ofrth" ?16:48
seb128dpwrussell, ther kernel is "linux"16:48
eee444hi, could someone hwlp me get my dwl650 to work with aircrack?16:59
LoTseb128: theres never long-term discussions about what to do, email responsiveness just drops to zero after about 48 hours (so therefore nothing gets done with proposed ideas unless I dredge them back up)17:15
LoT(sorry if my responsiveness is slow, irssi is lagging and i've got work stuff to do xE)17:15
LoTxD *17:15
seb128LoT, yeah, sometimes it's hard to get buy off17:18
LoThey seb128, where do wiki bugs get filed on LP, if at all?17:28
seb128LoT, dunno17:29
seb128LoT, try https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/ maybe17:29
LoTseb128: LP Bug 1025375 if you care17:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 1025375 in ubuntu-docs "Doom3 Source links appear to be broken on the wiki" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102537517:31
hggdhmicahg: yous subscirption to bugsquad was disabled, excessive bounces (just a warning, just got a mailserv about it)17:31
seb128LoT, thanks17:31
LoTIMO its not a bug, but i'm too lazy (also lagging too much) to change it xD17:31
LoTseb128: its just invalid links :p17:31
micahghggdh: fixed, thanks17:32
littlegirlHey there, I just fixed a bug. How do I close it out in Launchpad? I've never done this before. (:18:40
LoTlittlegirl: which bug18:42
LoTand define "fixed"18:42
LoTdid yuo fix it and upload a patch, or...?18:42
ubot2Ubuntu bug 852519 in kubuntu-docs "Typos and missing entity in Kubuntu 11.10 documentation" [Undecided,New]18:42
littlegirlLoT: Yeah, I commited the changes to Launchpad already.18:42
LoTcommitted how18:42
* LoT checks the bug18:42
littlegirlWith Bazaar. I'm on the Kubuntu doc team. (:18:43
LoTwell you put into the debian changelog for the next version of the package Closes LP: #bugnum18:43
LoTor similar18:43
LoTwhat you would do is put "Fix Committed"18:43
LoTuntil the package is released, or whatever, at which point "Fix Released"18:44
LoTnot sure if the docs package refers to the actual package with documentation or not18:44
* LoT doesnt normally watch docs packages, outside of nginx or stackapplet)18:44
littlegirlThis is an old release. It's for Oneiric. Do I still do that? I'm just trying to close this bug out. (:18:44
littlegirlIt was typos and errors in the Kubuntu system documentation. It didn't affect Debian.18:44
LoTcan you link me to the branch you pushed the changes to?18:45
LoTif it exists18:45
LoTotherwise i'll ping Riddel or someone to take a look and advise18:45
littlegirlI just want to know how to work the https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-docs/+bug/852519 page and close out the bug since it's now solved. I have no idea how to change the status of a bug.18:45
ubot2Ubuntu bug 852519 in kubuntu-docs "Typos and missing entity in Kubuntu 11.10 documentation" [Undecided,New]18:45
LoTi just said, you'd put "fix committed"18:46
LoTyou'd need to have the package nominated against oneiric18:46
LoThey micahg around?18:46
LoTor mdeslaur18:46
littlegirlI'm totally new to all this and have no idea how it's done. (:18:46
LoTsome other bugcontrol person :P18:46
LoTlittlegirl: :P  sometimes its a bit confusing, even for those of us who triage daily :P18:47
LoTsomeone else on bug control:  LP Bug 852519 needs assigning to Oneiric, and probably "Invalid" against Quantal.18:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 852519 in kubuntu-docs "Typos and missing entity in Kubuntu 11.10 documentation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85251918:47
mdeslaurLoT: one sec, looking18:47
LoTmdeslaur: thanks much18:48
LoTapparently LP doesnt want me to assign to individual releases *ever*, so...18:48
LoTeven with bugcontrol it won't let me *shrugs*18:48
littlegirlmdeslaur: The changes have been committed and the bug is satisfied. I just don't know the next step(s).18:48
* LoT was uploading to a personal junk branch, and apparently bzr does not like that.18:49
mdeslaurlittlegirl: commited where?18:49
littlegirlLoT: I see the FixCommitted status if I click the triangle next to the kubuntu-docs entry near the top of that page.18:49
LoTmdeslaur: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/kubuntu-docs/oneiric/files apparently18:49
LoT(read up)18:49
* littlegirl nods18:49
littlegirlThe translation team asked me to fix that bug, so I committed the changes.18:49
LoTSERIOUSLY?!?!?  *beats his EC2 instance*18:50
LoTsorry about the rant, was working on a bug that required me to push a commit, and its failing18:50
* LoT blames LP18:50
littlegirlI had gone in there and asked if there was anything we could do better and that was his wish. (:18:50
penguin42LoT: It does like the naming of the branches to be just right as I remember18:50
mdeslaurlittlegirl: the bug is about the package in ubuntu, so someone needs to prepare an SRU for the bug to be marked as "fix commited"18:50
littlegirlWhat command are you using for the push?18:50
LoTmdeslaur: sorry to pull you out of lurkmode :P18:50
* penguin42 good thing about virtual machines in a cloud - you can't get to them to throw them out of the window18:51
littlegirlmdslaur: Who would do that?18:51
LoTlittlegirl: anyone with SRU knowledge18:51
LoTi can write one up, but you'll have to wait until after i get home18:51
* mdeslaur goes back into lurk mode18:51
* littlegirl is brand new to all this18:51
LoTapaprently the net here at work is headed to implosion-mode, so...18:51
littlegirlLoT: Okay, that sounds good. Should I do anything at all on the https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-docs/+bug/852519 page or will you do that after you do the SRU stuff?18:51
ubot2Ubuntu bug 852519 in kubuntu-docs "Typos and missing entity in Kubuntu 11.10 documentation" [Undecided,New]18:52
littlegirlLoT: Then you must work from home instead. (:18:52
LoTmdeslaur: the SRU can be done within that same bug, right?18:54
LoTi wont have to create an additional?18:54
LoT(typically i've created additional SRU requests)18:54
mdeslaurLoT: same bug18:54
LoTyou can go back to lurkmode now :)18:54
LoTeither that or you can beat LP's BZR system for me18:55
mdeslaurLoT: I've just nominated it for oneiric-quantal18:55
mdeslaurLoT: is it fixed in precise and quantal?18:55
LoTmdeslaur: ask littlegirl, i havent thoroughly checked18:55
littlegirlThis may take a while...18:56
littlegirlIt was a lot of little changes. (:18:56
LoT***WARNING: Networking will go down in 15 minutes for emergency maintenance*18:56
LoTwell that's my queue to email me the data and show up later18:56
LoTlittlegirl: if you wouldnt mind privmsging TheLordOfTime, that's my ZNC that I access from home, i dont normally read scrollbacks if i can avoid it (unless i'm pinged, in which case its logged anyways)18:57
LoTto send me a reminder XD18:57
littlegirlLoT: Are you the one who will be doing whatever needs to be done to it when I'm done?18:57
littlegirlOh, good, you're back! How do I private message TheLordOfTime? I can't find that as an option anywhere in this program. (:19:03
LoTlittlegirl: use this as a base, but change the information accordingly and add that to the end of your bug:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1095371/19:04
penguin42 /msg TheLordOfTime secret evil stuff19:04
LoTmake sure to edit the information accordingly though19:04
LoTso it actually matches what is being asked19:04
penguin42littlegirl: Like that ^19:04
LoTthen lemme know, i'll help out19:04
littlegirlHeh, I take it the msg command does it?19:06
LoTalthough do not do this: /msg TheLordofTime HAI!19:07
LoTi'll actually ignore that19:07
littlegirlLoT: Do I paste the results of editing that template into a comment at the bottom of that bug, or do I click the triangle next to Oneiric, Precise, and Quantal and paste the stuff in the correct one(s) and change the status of each?19:08
LoTput it as a comment19:08
LoTAT ALL19:08
LoTthe SRU team will have to do that19:08
* LoT will subscribe them after you add the SRU templace (which I showed you, which i got from here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure )19:09
littlegirlLoT: Ah, okay, gotcha. Good to know. This is why I'm here. If I hadn't come in here, I would probably have just changed the status after figuring out where that was, and imploded the bug. (:19:09
littlegirlLoT: Thank you so much for the help! I like to know how things are done properly before attempting them. (:19:10
littlegirlI guess I've got my work cut out for me. First I have to find out which releases this affects and whether it needed to be done elsewhere as well. Then I can play with the template and the bug comment. (:19:11
LoTmake a note for each though, you'll need a separate SRU for each.19:11
LoTand i would take a diff from the BZR and upload that as "This is the diff for [blah]"19:12
LoTwhere [blah] is the release19:12
LoTbut that's just me19:12
littlegirlLoT: Good idea, but only needed for ones where the bug is valid, though, right?19:12
LoTlet me know though if the other releases do not get affected19:12
LoTbecause i'll mark them as... what...19:12
littlegirlLoT: Will do. I'm about to grep them all after making a list of what to grep for. (:19:12
LoTmdeslaur: what would those get marked as if it doesnt affect, "Invalid"?19:13
LoTor "Won't Fix"19:13
LoT(i keep pulling you out of lurkmode dont I :P)19:13
mdeslaurLoT: I'd put "Fix released"19:15
* mdeslaur shrugs19:15
LoTcool, i'll do that then19:15
littlegirlOooh, messy. Cleanup in aisle nine. (:19:35
* littlegirl is finding the bug in Precise and Quantal19:36
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epikvisionHey guys, I wish to fix my first bug.21:19
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1022935 in pidgin "libpurple0 package description typo" [Undecided,New]21:19
epikvisionit looks pretty manageable.  how can I tackle this bug?21:20
littlegirlepikvision: I don't have the answer, but maybe you can find it here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/FAQ21:25
epikvisionlittlegirl: how do you know if a package has a packaging system?21:28
littlegirlepikvision: I don't know - sorry! I'm not a developer. I do documentation. But I would assume if it's a package it must have a packaging system, or at least it must be handled by one. (:21:29
epikvisionalrighty, ty21:29
littlegirlAny time, and good luck. (:21:30
TheLordOfTimeohai epikvision22:09
epikvisionnice to see you again, LordOfTime22:10
TheLordOfTimeepikvision:  i'm not certain we submit fixes for minor typos22:10
TheLordOfTimeusually if we can compound that into another bug's fix, we can kill two birds with one stone22:10
TheLordOfTimebut typically minor typos don't get an upload.22:10
epikvisionI see.  Perhaps I need to find a more suitable challenge.22:10
TheLordOfTimemight check bitesize bugs22:11
epikvisionbut I'm not adept with any program languages yet.22:11
TheLordOfTimewhere the hell is that list...22:11
epikvisionit's hard to judge what define an easy and a hard bug.22:11
TheLordOfTimenow you know why i prefer triaging to fixing :P22:12
TheLordOfTimeless work for me22:12
epikvisionOh yes.22:12
TheLordOfTimewell... not true when you're the security bug changes guy for ubuntu for a specific package22:13
* TheLordOfTime glares at nginx for a few seconds, then returns focus to IRC22:13
TheLordOfTimespeaking of which22:13
* TheLordOfTime hops over to -hardened22:14
TheLordOfTimedamn it how do i miss these things22:14
epikvisionTheLordOfTime: what is the recommended way to install quantal?22:19
epikvisionwhile still keeping precise?  QEMU totally fails, Virtualbox not so convenient,22:19
epikvisionsay I want to fix a typo.  How do I access the command's output to fix it up?23:23
epikvisionI'm stumped on working on a fix right now.23:24
TheLordOfTimeepikvision:  which bug23:27
epikvisionremember the typo one I showed you earlier? I want to at least try fixing something.23:27
TheLordOfTimei'll walk you through via privmsg in a bit, currently having a discussion with the security team on an nginx bug23:27
TheLordOfTimeepikvision:  bug number.  my logs routinely clear :P23:27
TheLordOfTimeLP Bug 102293523:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 1022935 in pidgin "libpurple0 package description typo" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102293523:28
epikvisionas mentioned earlier, I have to no experience in bug fixing, so even trying it out seems like a good way to get a feel for bug fixing.23:28
TheLordOfTimeepikvision:  if you want, i'll guide you through where you need to edit, but it'll take a while23:29
* TheLordOfTime is addressing an nginx security bug with the security team23:29
epikvisionok, thanks.23:29
epikvisionthat'll help Lord.23:29
epikvisionofTime. lol23:29
* epikvision waits patiently.23:31
TheLordOfTimeepikvision:  do me a favor (first task).  confirm if this was fixed in Quantal.23:39
TheLordOfTime(if its fixed in quantal, well... the bug gets marked "Fix Released" or "Invalid" against quantal)23:40
TheLordOfTimeor something.23:40
epikvisionit hasn't been fixed.23:43
TheLordOfTimeokay, you'll need to fix it for Quantal then23:44
epikvisionhow can I get quantal set up in my computer?23:44
TheLordOfTimeyou wont need quantal to fix it :P23:45
TheLordOfTimei'll explain shortly give me a few minutes23:45
* TheLordOfTime is downloading the quantal package right now23:45
* epikvision grips his chair.23:45

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